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Belgrade Media Report 25 January 2023



Vucic: I will go to parliament, answer all questions (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday he had offered discussions and consultations to all political actors to inform them of everything Serbia was facing, and announced that he would appear in the parliament to answer all questions. In a video message posted on his Instagram profile, Vucic noted that, in a public address two days ago, he had told the truth about all problems facing Serbia regarding the Kosovo issue. "I hid nothing from you. I said how and how much we have been fighting and how we intend to fight for our country in the future," he said. He added that some political actors had declined the offer for consultations. "They said they do not want discussions, or at least a large part of them do not want to make a public event or a performance out of their political activities. I regret that they did not understand that the state is more important than the political interests of any party or anyone of us," Vucic said. "My obligation is to meet all their demands out of respect for the parliament. I will appear in the parliament, answer all questions and fight for Kosovo and Metohija and our Serbia," Vucic said. He added that "the state of Serbia and its interests must always be above party interests and individual interests". "Only together and united can we secure a better future for our country," he said.


Dacic: Belgrade remains constructive partner in dialogue with Pristina (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said yesterday in Brussels that our commitment is to do everything we can, taking into account national and state interests, in order to continue the European path and harmonised foreign policy with the EU. Dacic had separate meetings with EU High Representative Policy Josep Borrell, EU Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other regional issues in the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak, EU Commissioner for Internal Affairs Ylva Johansson and Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament David McAllister. In his address to the journalists, he said that Borrell and Lajcak pointed to the very constructive and responsible role of President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic, when it comes to the last talks in Belgrade about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Borrell and Lajcak underlined Serbia's responsible approach, as well as their desire not to deal with the resolution of the weekly conflicts that take place in Kosovo and Metohija in the coming period, but to try to reach an agreement that would provide stronger guarantees and enable peace and stability in the region, Dacic said. According to him, high-ranking Brussels officials understood what President Vucic said, which is that Belgrade is ready to work on the foundations and implementation of the proposed plan on the normalisation of relations with Pristina, as well as that there are red lines that will not be crossed, i.e., Kosovo's membership in the UN, as well as the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, which should not be disputed. Dacic reiterated that our role will continue to be constructive, because we need peace and stability and to protect national and state interests in such a way. Speaking about harmonising our foreign policy with the EU policy, he explained that this is not about Serbia's values regarding the relationship between Russia and Ukraine, but about the reflections that the issue of our territorial integrity and sovereignty has when it comes to our position in other international organisations. Dacic, when it comes to mutual relations between Serbia and the EU, specified that the general conclusion is that operational cooperation should be improved and citizens should be shown positive examples of relations with the Union. He also said that European Commissioner Johansson positively assessed the harmonisation of Serbia's visa policy with the EU's visa policy, as well as that she announced her imminent arrival in Belgrade and cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior.


Serbia remains fully committed to reform process (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday, during an official visit to Brussels, with the Greens MP, shadow rapporteur for Serbia and permanent rapporteur for "Kosovo" of the European Parliament by Viola von Cramon. Dacic also met with MEPs Demetris Papadakis and Matjaz Nemec, co-facilitator in the inter-party dialogue with the National Assembly, as well as with Alessandra Moretti, co-chairman of the European Parliament delegation in the Parliamentary Committee on Stabilisation and Association. In separate talks, Dacic reiterated the position that membership in the EU remains Serbia's strategic goal, as well as one of the main foreign policy priorities. He also said that Serbia remains fully committed to the reform process and the improvement of all spheres of our society, as well as the further development of regional cooperation, which directly contributes to the building of mutual trust, the process of reconciliation and encourages overall development on our way to full membership in the EU. When it comes to progress on the European path, the MEPs positively assessed the reform process, as well as the steps taken by the government of Serbia to harmonize its visa policy with the EU, but also called for further harmonisation of foreign and security policy. Dacic pointed out that our country has no problem with harmonizing EU policies in the part that does not harm its national interests. When it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, the officials welcomed the continuation of the activities and agreed that only an open dialogue is the right way to achieve a compromise and sustainable solution.


Petkovic: Gervalla statement shows essence of Kurti's militant policy (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Tuesday the most recent statement by the FM of the so-called Kosovo that the Community of Serb Municipalities was dead fully demonstrated the essence of Albin Kurti's "militant policy" towards Serbs. "How come the Brussels agreement is dead for Kurti, and the fascist concept of a Greater Albania is not? Such an approach by Pristina is a question exclusively for the EU and the US because it is crystal clear that Kurti is the source of all problems in Kosovo as he is the one saying that dialogue is dead," Petkovic said in a statement released by the Office. The politicians in Pristina are doggedly refusing to realise that the Community of Serb Municipalities is not a topic for rhetorical exercises or discussions, but a clear and unequivocal commitment undertaken by Pristina in the dialogue with Belgrade, Petkovic added. Pristina has deliberately created purported obstacles to meeting its own commitments from the Brussels Agreement and therefore must remove them on its own because the process of dialogue and normalisation of relations cannot progress in case the Pristina politicians doggedly continue to refuse to implement what has been signed while even boasting of their own lack of credibility, Petkovic added. He said Donika Gervalla Schwarz was "trying to explain that the Community of Serb Municipality is some kind of a caprice rather than a substantial need of endangered people, even though the violence Kurti's regime is carrying out on a daily basis is the very proof of the fact that creating an efficient political and institutional protective mechanism is a condition for the survival of Serbs and protection of their collective rights", Petkovic said. The Community of Serb Municipalities is not a 19-century concept, as suggested by Gervalla-Schwarz, Petkovic said. "But, on the other hand, Kurti's policy of subjugating the Serbs and imposing an absolute ethnic Albanian domination in Kosovo-Metohija is something that belongs in the darkest historical epochs," Petkovic noted. The Community of Serb Municipalities, including all powers that belong to it under documents agreed through EU facilitation, must be formed, Petkovic said. "The sooner the hotheads in Pristina accept that fact, the sooner we will be able to continue productive dialogue - and dialogue and compromise are the only way to solve the decades- and centuries-long problems between Serbs and ethnic Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija," Petkovic concluded.


Borrell to Dacic: EU committed to Serbia’s integration path (N1)


EU High Representative Josep Borrell told Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on Tuesday that the Union is committed to Serbia’s European integration path. A European Commission press release quoted Borrell as saying that he is looking forward to continued progress in implementation of reforms and commitments taken in the framework of accession negotiations, including on rule of law and media freedom. “He also welcomed Serbia’s steps towards aligning its visa policy with the EU,” it added. “The HRVP stressed the EU’s strong expectation towards Serbia, as candidate country, to stand with the EU on foreign policy positions and decisions, in line with its strategic choice of EU integration,” it said. “Borrell reiterated the need to overcome the permanent crisis management (in Kosovo), and therefore expected constructive engagement on the EU’s recent proposal on normalization of (Belgrade-Pristina) relations. He took positive note of President Aleksandar Vucic’s public intervention on this issue yesterday. The High Representative further underlined the importance for both parties to fully implement all pending Dialogue obligations, including the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities,” the press release said. Dacic said that the officials he met in Brussels, including Borrell, understood that UN membership for Kosovo is the red line Belgrade won’t cross. “They said they don’t want to deal with the daily conflicts in Kosovo… but see an agreement which would firmly guarantee peace and stability,” he said.


Orlic: Parliamentary session on Kosovo and Metohija likely within about ten days (Tanjug/Politika/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic announced on Tuesday a parliamentary session on Kosovo and Metohija would be held soon, most likely within about ten days. "President Aleksandar Vucic will be invited, of course - it is known that he has always honoured all invitations from the parliament, speaking openly about everything and responding to all questions and objections," Orlic said. Meanwhile, a source in the Presidency of Serbia confirmed to Tanjug Vucic would attend the parliamentary session on Kosovo and Metohija.


Patriotic Bloc parties to demand parliament’s special session on Kosovo (Beta)


The Patriotic Bloc comprising the NADA (HOPE) coalition, Oath Keepers and the Movement Dveri, will submit a request seeking an urgent parliament session to discuss the Franco-German proposal for Kosovo. In a joint statement, the parties said that “the proposed plan represents an open ultimatum and continued brutal political pressure on Serbia with the aim to force Serbia to give up on Kosovo and Metohija and legalize secession of (Serbia’s) southern province.” The statement further said that “it is necessary to launch the broadest possible debate with institutions, the Serbian parliament must take a clear position that it is inadmissible to sign any agreement whose final outcome is recognition of the so-called Republic of Kosovo and its membership in international organizations,” adding that the West had no mandate to unilaterally change the negotiating format for Кosovo. The New Face of Serbia movement MP, Milos Parandilovic, has said that “the regime must not recognize Kosovo. The government must insist on returning the dialogue to the UN Security Council, strategically work on the return of Serbs and ensure a decent life for them, protect (Serbian Orthodox) monasteries and our heritage, and that is the maximum at the moment,” Parandilovic stressed. An MP of the United coalition, Vladeta Jankovic, said that he did not believe that the repercussions for Serbia, if it rejected the Franco-German plan for Kosovo, were as terrible as they were being depicted by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and stressed that Serbia must not agree to Kosovo becoming a member of the UN "(Former U.N. special envoy Martti) Ahtisaari talked to (former Serbian president Vojislav) Kostunica directly and brutally, but no was the answer then," Jankovic said.


Lutovac says he won’t attend possible meeting with Vucic on Franco-German proposal (Beta)


Democratic Party leader Zoran Lutovac on Tuesday said that his party had not received any invitation for a meeting on the Franco-German proposal for resolving the Kosovo issue, adding that he would not attend such a meeting even if invited. Lutovac told Beta that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had announced that he would hold consultations with opposition parties on the French-German proposal “with the aim to test the public opinion and political stakeholders, and if he sees that the response will be low, then he will not send out official invitations.” “Even if we receive an invitation, I will not be attending, because the sole goal of that meeting is to create the impression in the public that Vucic consults with other political stakeholders on important state matters, which is simply not true. He does not consult with anyone, he only needs to create that impression in facing unpopular decisions,” Lutovac said, adding that Vucic “has been doing all this exclusively to cling to power”. “Another reason is that we should be discussing the proposal, the creation of which did not involve Vucic, as he himself has said, but the document was served to him as a final product. If it is so, then he is not an adequate interlocutor, but rather those who designed the proposal,” Lutovac noted.


Vucevic visits wounded Delevic: No doubt, it was attempted murder (RTS)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic and Minister of Health, Professor Danica Grujicic, yesterday visited Miljan Delevic, a Serb who was shot at and wounded the day before on the Bistrica bridge on the Kosovska Mitrovica-Leposavic main road. Vucevic stressed that the most important thing is that Miljan Delevic is currently feeling well, the Ministry of Defense said in a statement. "Many thanks to the people from the hospital in Kraljevo who were the first to provide medical assistance and to the VMA. I believe that he will recover well, that he will be with his (family) as soon as possible. I hope that he will be able to continue living peacefully in Kosovo and Metohija. For me there is no doubt, it was an attempted murder. The terror against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija continues. Of course, they later fabricate numerous criminal charges, they criminalize anyone who is a Serb, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. A tried-and-tested matrix, a script that was written a long time ago, something you can actually see," stressed Minister Vucevic. Vucevic added that hearing the testimony of those who came under attack, everyone's impression was that they (Albanians) wanted to physically liquidate them. "There was no attempt to stop them, I am talking about the two Serbs, nor did they resist (arrest), this was an attempt to kill them. Look at the number of bullets that were fired, look at their (Albanian) actions, where they wanted to corner them, to squeeze them between concrete blocks and ROSU police vehicles. And the question is what ROSU is doing in the north of Kosovo and Metohija considering the Brussels agreement and all the guarantees we received from the international community. But nobody is shedding tears for the Serbs and that is something that, unfortunately, we have to get used to. It is not emotionally easy to accept, but unfortunately it is our political reality. No one is sorry for what happened to either Stefan or Milos. No one is sorry for the guys who barely stayed alive yesterday. This is the harsh political reality that surrounds us. Not only today, not since yesterday, but for many years," Minister Vucevic concluded.


Hill: Creation of Community of Serb Municipalities is obligation from the Brussel agreement which needs elaboration (Beta)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said in Belgrade yesterday that formation of a Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo was an obligation deriving from the Brussels Agreement, which should be elaborated. “All negotiators and all mediators, be it from the EU or the US, have confirmed that it is an obligation deriving from the Brussels agreement. The first six Principles of the agreement address the Community… It is an essential element for moving forward, and then also comes what is stated in the German-French proposal, which is supported by the EU, which goes for broader ideas that will require more time,” Hill told reporters. Asked what sort of sanctions Serbia could expect if it rejected the Franco-German proposal, Hill replied that he had carefully watched the address of Vucic, who had presented a plan and concept on how to bring this very complicated problem to solution. That task includes what we are doing today and what concerns the future of Serbia. The president explained how he saw the future of Serbia and the US supports that future of Serbia. The US has good relations with the EU and it is very important for the U.S. to see the development which Serbia has with the EU, Ambassador Hill noted.


Commander says KFOR committed to implementing mandate (N1)


KFOR Commander Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia said on Tuesday that the NATO-led peacekeeping force is focused on ensuring a safe environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo. A KFOR press release said that the General added that KFOR troops are closely monitoring the situation on the ground and are fully prepared to intervene if stability, security and freedom of movement are jeopardized, in line with their mandate under UN Security Council resolution 1244. Speaking at a transfer of command ceremony at Regional Command West, Ristuccia said that KFOR is fully focused on the daily implementation of its mandate. The press release said that the ceremony was attended by Italian Deputy Defense Minister Isabella Rauti.




Dodik, Serb Democratic Party back Vucic on Kosovo (Nezavisne)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik has said that Serbs need to unite in regard to a solution to the question of Kosovo and that it is important to say that "if we refuse, we refuse together, if we accept, we must accept together," but also that the repercussions of rejecting a Franco-German plan need to be thought through. "This will stop the European road, stop investment, cause visas to be reintroduced. These are serious consequences that could change the economic, social and geopolitical position of Serbs," Dodik said. He concluded that Serbia should never recognize Kosovo's independence. The Serb Democratic Party also voiced its support for Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Its leader, Milan Milicevic, said that he was sure that the Serbian leadership would find the best solution and do everything to stop new wars, suffering, economic and infrastructural devastation as well as the demonization of Serbs and Serbia. He said that it was time for "a rational policy," without suffering, as well as a time for diplomacy and victories "at the table".


Dodik meets delegation of SNSD Main Board from Istocno Sarajevo: All SNSD MPs will support appointment of new convocation of B&H CoM at Wednesday’s session of B&H HoR (BHT1)


SNSD leader Milorad Dodik met with the delegation of the SNSD City Board from Istocno Sarajevo on Tuesday. After the meeting, Dodik stated that all SNSD MPs will support the appointment of the new convocation of the Bosnias and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) at Wednesday’s session of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR). BHT1 reminded that members of the SNSD City Board from Istocno Sarajevo Monday opposed the appointment of DNS leader Nenad Nesic to the position of a B&H Minister of Security. “I believe that we explained certain things. This is not the happiest situation for us, for anyone in SNSD, but it is just that the situation works out that way sometimes. With all the objections that can be justified regarding some elements of personnel policy, SNSD will vote for the Council of Ministers tomorrow (Wednesday),” Dodik underlined. President of the SNSD City Board from Istocno Sarajevo Ljubisa Cosic said that “policies represented by Nesic, which were defeated in Istocno Sarajevo by our SNSD will never have our support within the municipal structures and the city structure.” “We will never form a coalition with such policies,” Cosic emphasized. Dodik also said that SNSD will vote for the appointment of the new B&H CoM because it is crucial that the RS is properly represented at the B&H level. Dodik said that two-thirds majority in the RS parliament is important and DNS already gave support for adoption of the RS budget and the appointment of delegates to the B&H House of Peoples (HoP). Dodik said that they are still looking for those who can make two-thirds majority in the RS parliament and that all parties that have their own representatives are important to them when it comes to that. This is why even some parties that did not have representatives at B&H level were included in certain structures, said Dodik. Cosic said that they will vote on Wednesday for those who are their friends but they have their own opinion on who Nesic is. Dodik also stated: “Certain compromises, and certain combinations we made, were motivated to ensure the best possible position for the RS. The RS needs, we are still looking for 56, a two-thirds majority in the RS parliament, and all political parties that have their representatives are very important to us in this regard. That is why some, who did not have representatives at the BiH level, were included in a certain structure”.


HR Schmidt addresses AFET; MEP Strik says Schmidt does not seem to understand reasons why he was criticized (FTV)


High Representative Christian Schmidt addressed the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) in Brussels on Tuesday, which was closed to the public. He discussed the situation in B&H and the country’s EU path with the members of the AFET. “During his stay in Brussels, HR Christian Schmidt shared information about the current political situation in B&H with the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs. He stressed that B&H must seize its historic opportunity after gaining the EU candidate status”, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) said in a tweet. FTV reminded that the meeting has been postponed several times, although a group of MEPs has requested the hearing before the AFET regarding Schmidt’s decision to impose amendments to the Constitution of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and the Election Law of B&H on the night of the general elections in B&H on 2 October 2022. German MEP Tineke Strik has initiated the hearing by sending Schmidt an open letter together with Bundestag member Boris Mijatovic after the general elections, in which they requested the withdrawal of Schmidt’s decision on amendments to the Election Law of B&H. Strik has also sent an explanation to the AFET stressing that Schmidt no longer has credibility to perform his function in B&H and that he should be accountable to B&H citizens. “With a broad coalition of over 25 representatives from the European, German, Dutch and French Parliaments, we urge the OHR to revoke the recent election law changes. Such impactful reforms should be reached through a democratic process, not by imposition by the OHR”, part of the letter reads. Strik said after the hearing on Tuesday that Schmidt’s decisions cement divisions and create distrust. “The exchange of views with HR Schmidt was rather disappointing as there seemed to be a lack of understanding for the reasons why he was criticized. I find that holding of this meeting behind the closed doors is rather problematic given that Schmidt has been hiding from a public debate for the last months. I told him that I do not understand his strategy, why he unilaterally gave in to HDZ B&H’s demands. Schmidt's refusal to engage in the public debate further undermines the legitimacy of his decisions”, Strik assessed. FTV concluded that it remains unknown what was discussed at Schmidt’s meeting with the MEPs, so B&H citizens and politicians are now very interested in whether Schmidt will make new steps regarding the functioning of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) and the appointment of the FB&H leadership. Member of the European Parliament Tonino Picula said that Schmidt explained why he imposed changes to the FB&H Constitution and the B&H Election Law. Picula commented on possible blockades during the formation of authorities in the FB&H. Picula stated: “Christian Schmidt did not go into details. For now, of course, he remains a man who follows the process, and at this moment he thinks that it is good that the authorities were formed immediately after the elections, and of course it was to be expected that many would be in the opposition, especially those who were in power in B&H until yesterday, who are now of course organizing to destroy that same authorities. Of course, it will not be easy for the partners who share responsibility, whether it is at the FB&H level or at the state level”. During the discussion of the AFET, Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Tobias Billstrom said that security challenges in the Western Balkans are important for the EU. “The development of the security situation in the Western Balkans is important for both, that region and Europe. The EU has a strategic interest in stable and safe conditions in the eastern Mediterranean, including cooperation in the interest of both sides with Turkey. We are monitoring the development of the situation in the Balkans, focusing especially on the growing tensions in Kosovo and Serbia, but also on the continuation of the changing situation in B&H,” Billstrom underlined.


Escobar: Things did not move from the dead end in B&H after changes to B&H Election Law and general elections (Dnevni list)


US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar stated on Monday that things did not move from the dead end in B&H after changes to the Election Law of B&H and the general elections. “Problems in B&H have not changed. Reasons because of which people and companies leave is not the multi-ethnic character of the country – people do not leave because they do not want to live with Croats, Bosniaks or Serbs, they leave because they cannot find a job without political connections. It is killing the country”, said Escobar adding that it is less important who gets elected if the corruption is still present. “That is why the US wants that corruption practices in B&H are tackled, and Washington will help with its engagement and sanctions”, said Escobar. Talking about the EU’s ‘Althea’ peace mission in B&H, in which Bosniak politicians do not want to see Croatian soldiers, Escobar said the final decision rests with the ‘European structures’ because it is an internal issue for Europe. He reiterated that the US supports presence of peace forces in B&H and the High Representative (HR), who must have strong possibility of using the Bonn powers. “I think the international community still has an important role in B&H. Croatia as well”, added Escobar.


Ambassador Stromquist: Most of 14 priorities can be met very quickly (Dnevni list)


Speaking on the occasion of Swedish six-month presidency over the Council of the European Union and what Sweden’s policy will be like towards the Western Balkans and B&H after the country got the status of EU candidate, Swedish Ambassador to B&H Johanna Stromquist reminded that the EU’s message was clear during the EU-Western Balkans Summit held in Tirana, namely that the EU is fully committed to Western Balkans becoming part of the European family. According to Ambassador Stromquist, the Swedish presidency will work on the unity of the EU and will contribute to active process of the Western Balkans counties integration. The Ambassador underlines there are no shortcuts on that path and that the integration will depend on individual progress of each country. In case of B&H, it means that considerable progress must be made on achieving progress in 14 key priorities before the negotiations can even start, arguing that most of 14 key priorities can be met quickly if they are the new authority’s priority. “Second important issue is to secure that entire region is harmonized with joint security and foreign policy of the EU, which is is a very important part of the EU accession process”, said Stromquist. Other four priorities of the Swedish presidency, according to the Ambassador, are also important because of ties among the countries in the region and the EU, the four priorities being the green transition, economic development, rule of law and security. Ambassador Stromquist believes that by granting the candidate status to B&H, the EU has given a clear signal that ball is now in B&H’s court and that this year has the potential to be a year of positive changes.


RS CoP rejects motion for protection of vital national interest on RS law on immovable property launched by Bosniak Caucus (FTV)


The RS Council of Peoples (CoP) rejected on Tuesday a motion for the protection of vital national interest (VNI) on the RS law on immovable property launched by the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP. The motion is now expected to be discussed by the joint commission of the RS CoP and the RS parliament. SDA delegate in the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP Alija Tabakovic told reporters after the RS CoP’s session that four delegates in the Bosniak Caucus voted against the RS law on immovable property. SNSD delegate in the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP Srebrenka Golic confirmed that she voted against launching a mechanism of protection of the vital national interest on the RS law on immovable property, explaining that no one’s property is endangered by this law. She said that the issue will most likely will be considered by the Constitutional Court of the RS and that she expects talks at the level of B&H regarding the state property once the authority structures at the level of B&H are formed. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic (SNSD) announced on Tuesday the RS law on immovable property that was adopted in the RSNA at the end of December 2022 will be in effect as of Wednesday, stressing that the RS Government has completed its part of job and drafted the law that was adopted in the RSNA. He stated that the law will come in effect and it will be implemented by institutions stipulated by law. Viskovic said that he expects the RS law on immovable property will be implemented in the same way as other laws in the RS.


Former FBI agent Charles McGonigal arrested; Indictment mentions two B&H nationals (Nova BH)


A big scandal shakes the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) in the US. Namely, their former top agent Charles McGonigal was arrested on charges of violating sanctions on Russia by providing services to the oligarch Oleg Deripaska. The former FBI agent, accused of violating the US sanctions on Russia, was also charged with taking more than USD 225,000 bribe in cash from a former intelligence agent, a naturalized US citizen born in Albania, who worked as Albanian intelligence officer several decades earlier, according to the indictment. But the document mentions two persons of B&H nationality - ‘Person C’ who was “an advisor to a member of the B&H Presidency” and a “former B&H Defense Minister,” as well as ‘Person D’ who is the founder and general manager of a B&H-based pharmaceutical company. According to the indictment, the former FBI agent met with ‘Person C’ and ‘Person D’ in Germany back in 2018, where the two asked for a meeting with the US Ambassador to the UN or another high-level US government official to ask for political support that would impact the region of B&H. Couple of months after the initial meeting, McGonigal asked for a sum of USD 500,000 to be paid for scheduling a meeting with a representative from the US delegation to the UN. Names of the two B&H nationals were not mentioned but, according to information leaked from other documents, the meeting took place in 2018 so it is clear that the person labelled as ‘the person C’ was current Minister of Security of B&H Selmo Cikotic, who is former Minister of Defense of B&H and former advisor to then Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Bakir Izetbegovic. The person labelled as ‘the person D’ is late Davud Zahirovic, former owner and manager of pharmaceutical company ‘Zada pharmaceuticals’, who was expected to pay the sum of BAM 500,000 to ‘Spectrum Solution’ owned by naturalized American Argon Neza in exchange for scheduling a meeting of Cikotic and Zahirovic with a US representative in the UN.


Zagreb hosts "Croatia - the 20th member of the Eurozone" conference (HRT1)


A conference titled "Croatia - the 20th member of the Eurozone" was held in Zagreb on Tuesday. Along with top state officials, the conference was also attended by a slew of former finance ministers, two commissioners from Brussels and was addressed via video-link by the head of the European Central Bank. In his address to the conference Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic emphasized the benefits of Croatia becoming a member of the Eurozone. But he also took the time to admonish businesses for unjustly raising their prices during the transition away from the Kuna: "Government was engaged in this entire process in good faith. Good faith is a very important principle. If you are in the public service you don't do something with the intent of harming someone, instead you do what is good for all citizens and the economy. In this context, it is important that all participants behave responsibly. That they do not adopt the practice of using the broader context of inflationary pressures to round up their prices to reap unjustified and massive profits to the detriment of our citizens." European Commission Vice President and Commissioner for Trade, Valdis Dombrovskis, and Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, also commented on the so-called unjust raising of prices by businesses in Croatia. Dombrovskis argued that the Croatian Government had done a good job in reacting to the situation: "We believe the Croatian authorities have put effective measures in place to minimize the risk of unjustified price increases. One important way of insuring transparency is parallel displayed prices in Kuna and Euro. The voluntary code of business ethics is another. And the Croatian authorities can also carry out inspections and may impose fines on businesses that raise prices without reason." For his part Commissioner Gentiloni maintained that the Euro would be de-inflationary: "I think that the message that the Croatia Authorities are giving is easy to understand. Inflation is a common problem. We have to commit to avoid abusive increases of prices, and overall, the introduction of the single currency of the Euro, will also help to reduce inflation and to reduce prices." Meanwhile, the Governor of the Croatian National Bank, Boris Vujcic, noted the benefits that Eurozone membership has for Croatia, especially in terms of monetary policy and financing: "As of January 1st we became a part of the Euro-system. Which means that we are now an active participant in the defining of our joint monetary policy of the second most important currency area in the world. What's more, our voice on the Governing Council of the European Central Bank, is disproportionately larger than the size of our country. For the first time in history, we are in a position to influence the conditions for financing in the Eurozone and consequently in Croatia." Speaking via video-link, the president of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde, said that the Euro is a source of stability and security for Croatia: "The single currency also binds us together internally. It bolsters trade and prevents exchange rate swings from becoming a source of tensions between countries. Supporting the single market from which we will prosper. In a world where we are likely to face a higher frequency of global shocks, from geo-politics, to energy, to climate change, the role of the Euro as an anchor of stability on our continent has never been more important."


MPs: Don't waste time, extraordinary elections are needed (RTCG)


Although the majority of parliamentary parties believe that extraordinary elections are inevitable, there is no agreement on the timing and the way to get to the elections. In the Democratic Front, partners for the initiative to convene an extraordinary session where the mandate of the Assembly would be shortened continue to be seen in Democratic Montenegro and are surprised by their refusal. "I don't know if it has anything to do with the presidential elections and now again sending some kind of signal to Jokovic and Dritan Abazovic that the Democrats are now ready to support them," Slaven Radunovic, head of the Democratic Front parliamentary club, told TVCG. The Democrats, on the other hand, say that they only follow the signals of citizens from the local elections and that it is not clear to them why the DF re-voting on the Law on Local Self-Government requires the dissolution of the Assembly. They explain that the initiative is not acceptable to them because it was requested by the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) a few months ago. "The Democratic Front is not the author for such a request, but the DPS itself, which announced this request a few months ago, and you will also accept our position that we really have no inclination to respond to the political demands of the DPS", said the Democrat MP Danilo Saranovic. The Democrats remind us of the amendments to the Law on the President, according to which the term for the election of the mandate expires on March 14, which creates the conditions for the dissolution of the Assembly and the calling of elections. Radunovic states that he sees no reason why another month, month and a half should be wasted. "I see no reason why another month, month and a half should be lost. Why don't we immediately dissolve the Assembly, so that the elections would be a month or a month and a half earlier. That is our request to the Democrats", pointed out Radunovic. In the DPS, political fights are left to the parliamentary majority parties. "At this moment, they are calculating how not to get to the parliamentary elections, and not how to get to the parliamentary elections," says DPS MP Andrija Nikolic. Nikolic says that for the DPS, the priority is the election of judges of the Constitutional Court, after which conditions would be created to discuss extraordinary elections. The Citizens' Movement, URA also agrees that at this moment the priority is the election of judges of the Constitutional Court. "Everything else is really just a story about the distribution of power, and what is most important is the institutional backbone of Montenegro," stated MP URA Bozena Jelusic. There will obviously be parliamentary elections, and judging by the messages we receive from international partners, we shouldn't have to wait long for them.


German Ambassador: Montenegro has turned from a leader into a problem, fill four seats in the Constitutional Court as soon as possible (CdM)


Yesterday's discussion on the constitutional and political crisis of Montenegro in the Council for Foreign Affairs of the EU is not a good sign for Montenegrin European ambitions. Montenegro has turned from a leader in the accession process into a problem, said German Ambassador to Montenegro Peter Felten. "The first step out of the crisis - fill the four vacant seats in the Constitutional Court as soon as possible!" Felten wrote on Twitter.


Joanikije: Since I became Metropolitan, I have not met with Djukanovic, nor was he interested, nor was I, it's time for him to leave (TV Adria)


Metropolitan Joanikije of the Montenegrin littoral said that he has not had meetings with the President of the country Milo Djukanovic to this day. He pointed out that the clergy and believers of the Serbian Orthodox Church are not privileged, and that the church's wish is for the state to treat everyone equally. He believes that there is a separation of church and state in Montenegro, but that mutual cooperation and communication is necessary. "I didn't have a meeting with Milo Djukanovic, nor was he interested, and neither was I. I wish no harm to anyone. The man is the president of the country and of a strong party, we must respect that. However, I think it's time for him to leave that position," he said. Djukanovic, as he pointed out, came into contact with him through Belvedere. "There he appeared as the leader of the movement that was supposed to bring down the Metropolis", emphasized Ioanikije. According to him, he was surprised and hurt by the actions of the former president of the country, Filip Vujanovic. "Filip Vujanovic is an educated lawyer, an intellectual, and a good man. That's why I was surprised, somewhat hurt, by the fact that he supported that freaky Law. As a man in power and a follower of Djukanovic, he made a political statement that carried weight, since he is known as a good lawyer. He surprised me when he undermined the story of the Fundamental Agreement so much, that it was indecent," said Joanikije. He believes that the speech is hatred when certain media and part of the public call the SPC the Church of Serbia. He explains that the Serbian Orthodox Church is one institution, a single unit that operates throughout the area of its jurisdiction, and its name should not be falsified. "It is essentially hate speech, when someone is called by another name. In this way, they want to interpret that we are a political organization. No one has to love us, but a normal person should appreciate our centuries-old existence", said the Metropolitan. The state and the church in Montenegro, as he said, are and are not separate. “It's a bit ambiguous, what does separation mean. This should mean that everyone deals with their own work within their jurisdiction. Whichever way we turn, we are dealing with the same people. Citizens who declare themselves believers are also citizens. In this sense, cooperation is needed. It is good that we have the Law on Freedom of Religion, where the church and the state, respecting each other, establish official communication and cooperation, respecting separation. After all, we are dealing with the same people, and we should have cooperation," he said. Metropolitan Joanikije believes that the appeal submitted to the Constitutional Court regarding the signing of the Fundamental Agreement will be rejected. He also said that many accused the church, trying to wipe it off the face of the earth, but they failed. "We absolutely did not interfere in personnel politics. There was something about Prime Minister Krivokapic, namely that there was communication before the establishment of that government. We were interested in establishing a government. Whoever was in charge was elected. Prime Minister Krivokapic, as a Christian, emphasized that he wanted Christians in the government, people of profession and authority...But we did not interfere," he said, adding that "the government worked as it did, so did it". The clergy and believers of the SPC are not, he states, the privileged, but the desire of the church is for the state to treat everyone equally. "We cannot say that the SPC is discriminated against, but the position is not satisfactory. The government recently denied the abbot of the Dajbaba monastery entry into the country. He is a Russian, who has been there for 20 years, an exceptional pastor, theologian... We did not get an official explanation why he was expelled, unofficially we were told that "all kinds" of people gather in that church. That man is not interested in politics, he is an intellectual, with spiritual values," he said, adding that the Metropolis filed a complaint.


Osmani – Geer: Constitutional amendments require sincere political will and pro-EU course from all political factors (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met Tuesday with EU Ambassador to North Macedonia, David Geer, at which they discussed the cooperation between OSCE, currently chaired by North Macedonia, and the EU, and the need for closer coordination in the current sensitive geopolitical context. FM Osmani briefed Ambassador Geer on his recent visit to Kyiv and meetings with Ukrainian officials. In this context, he announced a visit to Brussels towards the end of January, where in the capacity of OSCE Chairman-in-Office, he will meet with heads of EU institutions to discuss the situation in Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. At the meeting, Osmani and Geer exchanged views on the country’s reform agenda in the context of EU accession negotiations. Ambassador Geer noted the positive signals from the European Commission regarding the administration’s level of readiness and the excellent start of the screening process. At the same time, he pointed to the importance of the adoption of the constitutional amendments, which requires sincere political will and a pro-European course from all political factors in the country, reads the press release. Minister Osmani touched upon the current momentum of the accession process that must not be missed, as a guarantee for long-term stability, economic progress and consolidation of the rule of law.


Xhaferi: Elections not a solution for problem of majority for constitutional amendments (TV21


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi told a press briefing on Tuesday that the procedure of constitutional amendments would have to begin by June-July at the latest so that it can end in November, coinciding with the end of the EU screening. Speaker Xhaferi does not believe that elections will solve the problem of not having 80 votes for constitutional amendments, on the contrary, “they’d make things more complicated”. The government and the opposition should talk about overcoming the problem related to the parliamentary majority. “I can only schedule elections when political parties agree to dissolve the parliament or when the mandate ends in the last 90 days. Otherwise, the parties should come out with an appropriate proposal,” Xhaferi said. The parliament hardly has the quorum to work, and Xhaferi is “doing all he can” to create working conditions, which is his only responsibility. “The parties’ decisions are not my responsibility,” he said. Xhaferi added it is every MP’s obligation to be at work, be it from the majority or the opposition. “The Rules of Procedures does not state that the majority and opposition have separate rights and obligations, only that the MPs have to be at work and that they have the right to make decisions. Their behavior is their own responsibility,” he said. The Speaker is expected to schedule a new meeting within the Jean Monnet process, and he says it will be known by April or May whether or not there will be a new Rules of Procedures or amendments to the existing one, and that the process will end with the presence of MEPs. Xhaferi said there is no information concerning the state of the discussion over the entry of Alliance for Albanians in government, and that it is a matter for the political parties. As long as opposition MPs don’t notify him that they are a part of the majority, he will assume that are no changes. Xhaferi welcomes a new parliamentary majority and any support for the parliament’s work. “I believe everything will result in the proper positioning of the subject in question,” the parliament speaker said and added that a session to potentially reshuffle the government would depend on how the conversations would end. The parliament speaker judged that the country’s state of security is stable but there are other forms of influence, so the competent institutions should monitor things closely and react in a timely fashion.


Taravari: If AfA has guarantee of 80 votes, it can start talks on joining government (Sitel)


The Alliance for Albanians (AfA) is ready to run in early elections in June or September this year, but only if it has a guarantee from the political entities, including VMRO-DPMNE, that the process for constitutional amendments will begin, in which case it will not join the government. If, on the other hand, it has a guarantee that 80 votes can be reached, then it will start talks on joining the government. “The Alliance for Albanians is still an opposition party and everything is still at stake. There are positions in favour and against in the party. On Friday, the central presidency will decide whether it will become part of the government,” said AfA leader Arben Taravari on Tuesday. According to Taravari, messages from international representatives are clear – constitutional amendments must be passed for the country to move forward. “Joining a government amid scandals is difficult and it can affect our ratings, but sometimes the citizens and society are more important than the party. If we have a guarantee that 80 votes can be reached, then we can start talks, if not, we will also think about it. We don’t want to risk our rating. But you see the messages of all relevant stakeholders – they all say it is good for the country to continue the negotiations together with Albania. It is very irresponsible to say “we are going for elections”. Messages from the international factor are to “start negotiations”. “If the government confirms that it can secure 80 votes, that is a condition. Let’s make a consensus that we open the Constitution and then yes, let’s hold early elections in June or September, in that case we won’t join the government. We wouldn’t enter into a risky move if constitutional amendments are not made. If we have a guarantee from VMRO-DPMNE that we will start the constitutional changes, let’s go through the two phases and hold the elections in June or September. Let’s find a solution together, find 80 votes and start talks,” Taravari told Sitel TV. If the situation is looked at only from a party perspective, Taravari pointed out, AA is the biggest critic of the government. “But we are faced with crises – the invasion of Ukraine, the energy and economic crisis, as well as two state crises: corruption and organized crime in the institutions, as well as the constitutional changes that are necessary in order to start the negotiations. We know where we stand and what situation we are in. Sometimes you have to know where you want to go. I keep saying, regardless of whether we will be part of the government coalition or remain in opposition, we will vote on the constitutional amendments. That will be our condition for the fight against corruption and for the rule of law,” said the AA leader. Taravari confirmed that if his party joins the government, he will not leave his current post of mayor of Gostivar. He added that nothing concrete has yet been agreed with the government coalition in terms of ministerial positions and ministries. In addition, Taravari mentioned that he doesn’t expect VMRO-DPMNE to make an issue in terms of the functioning of the municipalities if AA becomes part of the government coalition.


Aggeler: Constitutional amendments should be adopted, MPs to vote for country’s progress (Sitel)


US Ambassador to North Macedonia Angela Price Aggeler said Tuesday that constitutional amendments should be adopted, so that the country can move forward. According to the Ambassador, the MPs should vote for the country’s progress. “I know it’s a difficult decision, but the constitutional amendments should be adopted. I know this is not the most popular step, but it is necessary in order to move forward. The MPs should vote for the amendments, so that the country can make progress in the EU accession process. I believe this is key, because that’s where the successful future of this country lies,” said Aggeler in response to a question at the panel discussion “Let’s Talk About the Challenges and the Future of North Macedonia” which was held in the Youth and Community Center (YCC) in Gostivar. The Ambassador stressed that she is familiar with the positions of the parties, that they have voters and are responsible to them, but she said she believes that “this is in the best interest of North Macedonia” and that this is what she means when she says “a difficult decision”. “Which is why this is a challenge for now, I believe that if the decision is made and if the MPs vote for it, there will be progress,” said Aggeler. The Ambassador underscored that the difficult decision now is to make the necessary choice for the country to move towards the EU.


Larsson Jain: Constitutional amendments decision rests on political leaders, judiciary reforms crucial (Lokalno)


The decision on constitutional amendments rests in the hands of the political leaders in North Macedonia. The agreement achieved through French mediation, which led to the opening of the accession negotiations with North Macedonia, included commitment to amending the Constitution. It’s important to fulfil the commitments so that you are viewed as a trusted partner and move forward with the accession process, said Swedish Ambassador Ami Larsson Jain. “North Macedonia had an impressive start to the screening process. Local reform efforts are key to continue this progress, with true commitment from everyone, as well as accountability, transparency and professionalism. Reforms in judiciary and the rule of law are crucial to the region as a whole and North Macedonia,” Larsson Jain said in an interview with Lokalno. Sweden supports North Macedonia’s EU accession, and local reforms are fundamental, which will begin and end with the cluster of Fundamentals. “This process will be transformative and beneficial for the citizens of North Macedonia,” the Ambassador said. The constitutional changes rest in the hands of the political leaders of North Macedonia, she added. “It’s important to fulfil the commitments so that you are viewed as a trusted partner and you may go ahead with the accession process,” Larsson Jain pointed out.


Bucci: Albania's idea is to become the Singapore of the Balkans, a small country, but with great potential (Radio Tirana/ANSA)


"About half of all foreign companies in Albania are Italian, our exchanges with this country constitute 20% of Albania's Gross Domestic Product, in other words 3.6 billion euros, while we are present in all sectors," that is the statement issued by Ambassador of Italy in Albania Fabrizio Bucci in the interview for ANSA, at the Conference on the Balkans, which is taking place in Trieste. "We are present in the energy, infrastructure or new technologies sectors, which are among the most promising sectors", he added. "The Albanian government wants to move from call centers, which provide many services for Italian companies, to digital centers, which is a sector in which there is a lot of interest from the Italian side," Bucci emphasized. "Albania's idea is to become the Singapore of the Balkans, a small country, but with great potential," he said. "Albania is the gateway to the entire Balkans and its membership in the EU has a fundamental value, since we are no longer talking about if something like this will happen, but when it will happen", concluded the ambassador of Italy in Albania, Fabrizio Bucci, in an interview for ANSA.


Meloni: Expansion towards the Western Balkans should be a priority of the EU! (Radio Tirana)


It is urgent that the EU develops a new vision towards the Western Balkans and places the expansion of the region among its priorities, stated the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni in her video speech at the opening of the conference "Italy and the Western Balkans: growth and integration”, under the auspices of the Italian Foreign Ministry and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, which is taking place in Trieste. "A greater presence of Italy in the Balkans is the goal of this government", she emphasized. "Even this conference on the Balkans that is taking place in Trieste is a part of this process", declared Meloni. "This is what all the friends of the region are asking us for, I noticed it personally on the occasion of the summit in Tirana. We are protagonists in the region, but we must renew this presence and invest in strategic sectors", added Meloni.