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Belgrade Media Report 26 January



Dacic urges Turkey to use its leverage on Pristina (Tanjug/RTV/RTS)


Serbia would like to see Turkey as a major stability factor in our region, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday in Ankara after a meeting with Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, appealing to Turkey to use its leverage on Pristina in terms of implementation of the Brussels agreement. At a press conference with Cavusoglu, Dacic said they had also discussed the current situation in the Balkans. "We would like Turkey to be an important factor of regional stability in our region, which means that our plea is that Turkey use its leverage when it comes to Pristina so that we can have a constructive attitude by Pristina in terms of implementation of the Brussels agreement and other previously signed agreements so that we can discuss any permanent political solutions at all," Dacic said. Despite our differing opinions on some issues, we need to act together and develop an atmosphere of mutual trust, he said. "That is why I am happy to confirm that President Vucic and I will take part in all forums organised here. We expect visits to our region by Turkish ministers and the president of Turkey. We will have a successful continuation of cooperation in the period to come as well. Our relations are on a very high level and I thank all those who have contributed to that," Dacic said, highlighting the contributions of Vucic and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


Serbian delegation appeals with PACE not to admit Pristina into that body (RTV/RTS/Tanjug)


Representatives of the Serbian delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) appealed yesterday to the parliamentarians of PACE not to admit Pristina into that body, stating that this would mean prejudging the negotiation process and outcome as well as breaking international law. PACE, which is in session in Strasbourg, discussed at the session the topic of increasing tensions in the negotiations between Pristina and Belgrade. The head of the Serbian delegation Biljana Pantic Pilja told Tanjug that members of the Albanian, Pristina and Serbian delegations mostly participated in the discussion. She adds that the Ukrainian MP, who advocates independent so-called Kosovo Oleksiy Goncharenko, took part in the debate. “In today’s debate in PACE on the topic of increasing tensions between Pristina and Belgrade, as the head of the Serbian delegation, I pointed out that PACE, which deals with human rights, should be aware of the increase in violence in Kosovo and Metohija by Albanians towards Serbs,” said Pantic Pilja. She points out that she listed recent incidents in front of PACE. “I asked the members of the Assembly if they were thinking about those tensions, and I said that I did not hear them as great fighters for human rights condemning the attacks on Serbs,” said Pantic Pilja. As she announced, in front of PACE, she said that Belgrade is committed to dialogue, but that Pristina must respect all signed agreements. “The most important thing is to establish the ZSO as well as to prevent ethnic attacks on Serbs. Or maybe their goal is the final extermination of Serbs from Kosovo? Respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty is key to peace,” Pantic Pilja concluded. Permanent member of the Serbian delegation to the Council of Europe, SVM MP Elvira Kovac, reminded that the EU facilitated the dialogue process between Belgrade and Pristina in 2011 and added that the Brussels agreement was signed on 19 April 2013. “Understanding that the EU accession process and the normalization of relations should run parallel and support each other, Serbia will remain fully committed to the continuation of the normalization process and the dialogue with Pristina,” Kovac said. She added that in the latest report of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the importance of the historical reconciliation of the Serbian and Albanian peoples is emphasized, stressing that in the long term, without “deep normalization” there will be no institutional-political consolidation. “But the agreement requires constructivism and compromise, on both sides, willingness to compromise is necessary,” Kovac said. Kovac assessed that the basis for comprehensive normalization of relations and reconciliation can be found in two key words: dialogue and compromise. “The refusal of dialogue and compromise further complicates international political relations and the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. It is impossible to reach a solution if weakness is seen in the dialogue, if the attitude that - to choose compromise means to choose life” is rejected. She emphasized that life implies deviations and concessions, and that the opposite of compromise is not honesty, idealism, determination, but fanaticism and ruin. “Belgrade nurtured a constructive approach in the dialogue with Pristina, trying to reach a compromise solution, while the other side does not want to reach an agreement. The dialogue has reached its turning point: either the Community of Serb Municipalities will be formed or it will sink into irrelevance,” assesses Kovac. As she pointed out, in recent days we have witnessed the culmination of a long-term dialogue crisis, noting that the dialogue has essentially not progressed, due to Pristina’s non-reaction. “The fact is that the authorities in Pristina have not yet faced sanctions or punishments from the international community for such behavior,” she added. Kovac emphasized that Belgrade expects the international community to put pressure on Pristina, in order to implement the agreement, and above all the obligation to form the ZSO. “Therefore, Serbia’s position is unchanged and clear: any attempt to resolve the Kosovo issue is possible only through the established dialogue mechanism. Everything that has been signed so far must be implemented, including UN Security Council Resolution 1244, the Brussels agreement, the Washington agreement... The most important thing is to ensure the rights and complete security of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija,” Kovac concludes.


Dacic thanks Romania for principled stance on Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with Romanian Ambassador to Serbia Silvia Davidoiu on Wednesday, thanking her for Romania's principled stance on the preservation of the territorial integrity of Serbia and for its support regarding Belgrade's positions on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and Serbia's European integration. According to a statement from the Serbian Foreign Ministry, Dacic and Davidoiu said they were pleased with Serbia-Romania bilateral ties and agreed the ties were characterised by traditional friendship, closeness and cooperation. They especially noted there was significant space for advancement of economic cooperation, chiefly as part of projects of significance for infrastructure, transport and energy ties between the two countries, in green and circular economy, as well as in terms of further expansion of bilateral trade, which has seen a major upward trend in recent years.


Orlic receives Palestinian Ambassador in farewell visit (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic received the Ambassador of the State of Palestine Mohammed Nabhan in farewell visit. Orlic declared the two countries’ bilateral relations traditionally good and friendly and thanked the Ambassador for his personal contribution to making them even firmer and stronger. “Palestine will stand by Serbia and strive to support it always and everywhere”, said Ambassador Nabhan, confirming the principled stance of non-recognition of so-called “Kosovo” and the continued support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, which Orlic thanked him for. The officials agreed that joint efforts for a consistent application of the principles of international law are a matter of great importance.


Miscevic: Rule of law, reforms crucial for EU integration (Tanjug/RTV)


Rule of law and changes resulting from rule of law reforms are the crucial element for improving the everyday life of every Serbian citizen, but also crucial for those dealing with European integration, Serbia's European Integration Minister Tanja Miscevic said on Wednesday. The fight against corruption is equally significant, Miscevic told a conference titled Tackling State Capture in Southeast Europe: Delivering on the European Rule of Law Promise. Serbia is close to launching a parliamentary procedure with the aim of implementing key amendments on the judiciary - on judges and prosecutors. "Currently, we have a working group that has been set up not only multisectorally in terms of government institutions and the Serbian government but also includes civil society as well as professional associations." she said. "The fight against corruption is not only about having the option of preventive measures, but also about having penalising measures and being as efficient as possible," Miscevic noted.


Hill: Serbia pays too high a price for refusing to introduce sanctions against Russia (Beta)


The US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said in Belgrade yesterday that Serbia was already paying “too high a price” for having failed to join international sanctions against Russia. “We can understand Serbia’s historic relationship and experience with sanctions, but it’s beginning to pay too high a price for the restraint it has demonstrating in introducing sanctions against Russia, which were introduced to stop a brutal attack against its neighbour,” Hill said ahead of the debate “Struggle against state capture in South East Europe: fulfilling the European promise of the rule of law”. When it comes to a Belgrade-Pristina agreement currently at the table, the Ambassador said that both the EU and the US believed it was “the right path to take in resolving the problem” burdening the region for more than 20 years. “This proposal should be discussed seriously, thinking of the ways to adopt it and work on it,” the US diplomat said. The Europeans have invested very serious efforts to bring the two sides closer, he said. “Everyone is trying to find a solution to the problem, so that a peaceful situation can be established in the region. The US supports the EU proposal 100 percent, it is fair to say it’s a process, and it’s not done until it’s done, but I believe that progress has been made,” the Ambassador underlined.


Djilas calls for publication of EU proposal for Kosovo (TV Nova/N1)


Serbian opposition leader Dragan Djilas told TV Nova on Wednesday that his party would demand the publication of the Franco-German proposal to resolve the Kosovo issue. A press release from his Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) quoted him as saying that the talks underway on the document are “the only public negotiations with secret documents”. He called the authors of the document to publish it so that the public can understand what could happen if the plan is accepted or rejected. According to him, parliament has to adopt a platform on the Kosovo talk which would state that Serbia would not recognize Kosovo nor would it agree to Kosovo’s membership in the UN. “That would strengthen Serbia’s position because Kosovo is not Vucic’s issue but a state issue which is of concern to all of us,” he said. Earlier, SSP MP and Serbian delegation member in the Council of Europe (CoE) told the CoE Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) that allowing Kosovo to join that organization would be a reward for Pristina’s non-European behavior and violation of international law.


Opposition preparing unpleasant questions for President at Kosovo session (Tanjug/Beta)


The parliament session where President Aleksandar Vucic is scheduled to speak about the proposed Kosovo plan will probably be held on Thursday, 2 February, with opposition MPs already preparing a load of unpleasant questions to try to find out how the country got into such an uneasy situation regarding this issue. MP of the Together We Must coalition Aleksandar Jovanovic- Cuta believes that Vucic should not attend that session, and that representatives of Olaf Scholz and of Emmanuel Macron, who drafted the proposal, should come instead. "We heard two different versions. Vucic said that they threatened him three times loud and clear that, if we reject the plan, sanctions and the withdrawal of investments and cancellation of the visa-free regime will follow, whereas the German and French ambassadors say that there was no ultimatum and that no mention was made of sanctions and punishment " he said. MP of the Democratic Party (DS) Srdjan Milivojevic announced that he will ask Vucic about when he intends to resign, given that the politics he has been leading for 30 years has only resulted in catastrophic consequences for Serbia, while the president of the Movement of Free Citizens Pavle Grbovic announced that he will continue to insist on harmonizing the country's foreign policy with the EU regarding sanctions against Russia. MP of the Green-Left Club Biljana Djordjevic said the key question is whether MPs will have the opportunity to see the offered plan, as the manner in which demands have been formulated in that document means a lot, whereas MP of the People’s Party Borislav Novakovic will ask Vucic about what exactly the negotiations have brought so far. President of Oath Keepers party Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski will ask Vucic to say what exactly are the red lines of the Serbian side and described as completely unacceptable any recognition of Kosovo or allowing it to join international organizations.




B&H HoR endorses appointment of B&H CoM led by Chairwoman Kristo (Hayat)


At its session held on Wednesday the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives (HoR) appointed a new convocation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). Out of 42 MPs, 23 voted in favour of appointment of the new convocation, while 19 voted against. No MP abstained from voting. Hayat reports that the only change concerning announcements on candidates for ministers and deputy ministers is that Chairwoman of the B&H CoM Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) nominated Zukan Helez (SDP) instead of Elmedin Konakovic (NiP) as a Deputy Chair of the B&H CoM. Kristo was appointed the Chair of the B&H CoM, while Helez was appointed the Minister of Defense of B&H and Zoran Tegeltija (SNSD) was appointed the Minister of Finance and Treasury. Konakovic is a new Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H and Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) is a Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations. Our Party’s Edin Forto will be performing a duty of the Minister of Communications and Transport of B&H and Davor Bunoza (HDZ B&H) will be a new Minister of Justice. Dubravka Bosnjak (HDZ B&H) was appointed a new Minister of Civil Affairs of B&H, while Nenad Nesic (DNS) was appointed a Minister of Security. Sevlid Hurtic (Pokret za Drzavu) is a new Minister of Human Rights and Refugees, while Duska Jurisic (Our Party) is his deputy. Deputy Ministers of Defense are Slaven Galic and Aleksandar Goganovic, while Deputy Minister of Finance and Treasury is Muhamed Hasanovic. Josip Brkic is new Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H, while Ljiljana Lovric is a Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations. Ognjen Janjic will be a new Deputy Minister of Communications and Transport and duty of the Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs will be performed by Mirjana Mojic. Ivica Bosnjak will be a new Deputy Minister of Security while Elvir Mahmuzic is a new Deputy Minister of Justice. Decision on appointment of the new convocation of the B&H CoM enters into force on Wednesday. Dnevni avaz comments that with confirmation of new composition of CoM, SDA and DF definitely became opposition parties.


Ministers in B&H CoM take oath, Kristo announces reforms; Statements of B&H Ministers (BN TV)


After they got support in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR), new ministers in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) took oath. Chairwoman of the B&H CoM Borjana Kristo and several new ministers addressed media. Kristo stated that her commitment “and hopefully commitment of this convocation of the B&H CoM – because it was appointed on the ground of principles we signed”, is to work on implementation of reforms. She added that although it can be discussed whether granting the status of the EU candidate country to B&H is deserved or not, B&H got this status thanks to the EU institutions and the EU countries and it needs to justify it. Kristo said after the session that with the formation of the B&H CoM, the implementation of what was agreed by the state-level coalition partners will begin, noting that B&H will accelerate its work on reforms. Addressing the press conference after the session, Kristo stressed the importance of working together on dialogue, building of trust and “working on creating better conditions for all who live in B&H. We need to urgently initiate reforms to make a progress on the path that is important for B&H so that B&H truly becomes safe, politically stable and economically strong, i.e. to build political, social and economic relations within B&H”. New B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic (DNS) said that his priority will be combat against crime and corruption. He emphasized that this is not just a phrase, but there will be zero tolerance to crime and corruption. Nesic also presented paper for which he claims is official evidence there is no indictment against him and he was not sentenced for criminal offense. “Nenad Nesic never had Sky or Anom applications”, explained Nesic. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic said that one of his first activities will be meeting with members of the B&H Presidency to coordinate a joint stance on foreign policy of B&H. Konakovic stressed that he expects he will easily agree with members of the Presidency Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic. He underlined that even if he disagrees with Zeljka Cvijanovic, he hopes they will manage to put priorities they agree about in focus. Addressing the press conference after the session, Konakovic said the plan is to immediately initiate activities in several directions. “I cannot say what is of higher importance, either the organization of the Ministry or urgent activities related to foreign policy of B&H”, said Konakovic. The reporter notes the current coalition is not a typical coalition, but the support to projects that have been on hold due to blockades by political parties “from political Sarajevo’’ that were in power, and goes on to say that B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac said the new B&H CoM convocation is an end to that. In a statement for ATV, Kosarac said: “It should be noted that significant capacities of ministers in the (B&H) CoM will focus on the implementation of significant projects that are of great importance for RS”. The reporter notes that the new ministers will immediately start their work on Thursday, and they say there is no time to wait, because a lot was on-hold because of those who are now in the opposition. Minister of Communications and Transport of B&H Edin Forto stated that the B&H Ministry of Communications and Transport has a huge number of tasks ahead, including harmonization of the B&H legal system with the EU acquis. Forto expects that the new convocation of the B&H CoM will be better than the previous one and believes that this will not be difficult to achieve. “I expect that we will finally unblock the work of the B&H Council of Ministers and move towards Europe, which should really be our main task”, Forto told a press conference. Forto added that he learned on Wednesday morning that there are 650 accumulated points in the B&H CoM due to the inactivity of the previous convocation.


US Embassy congratulates on formation of new B&H CoM (FTV)


The US Embassy to B&H reacted to formation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) on Wednesday. The US Embassy to B&H said that the US is ready to support the CoM, while the CoM is returning institutions to work and during adoption of reforms necessary for the Euro-Atlantic integration. The US Embassy to B&H congratulated on formation of the new CoM on Twitter and added that B&H needs stable and functional governments focused on addressing the challenges confronting the people of the country and the country has had neither for the last four years. According to the US Embassy to B&H, this CoM has an opportunity to change B&H’s trajectory by making the compromises and forging the consensus necessary to build a better future for all the citizens of B&H.


EUD welcomes formation of B&H CoM (FTV)


The EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H reacted to formation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) on Wednesday. The EUD said that quick formation of the CoM is the key step towards realization of the necessary reforms. The EUD wrote on Twitter that they welcome approval by the B&H House of Representatives of the new CoM adding that quick formation of the CoM is a crucial step towards delivering on much needed reforms and progress on the EU path that B&H citizens expect. The EUD underlined: “Important work starts now”.


Ambassador Reilly welcomes appointment of B&H CoM (Dnevni avaz)


UK Ambassador to B&H Julian Reilly welcomed formation of Council of Ministers of B&H. Ambassador Reilly wrote on his Twitter: “Congratulations on forming of Council of Ministers of B&H. Important step in process of authority formation and an opportunity to proceed with fulfilling of election promises with a goal to improve lives of all citizens.”


Kristo meets Murphy, Sattler, Schmidt, discuss formation of CoM, EU integration of B&H (FTV)


Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo met US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy in Sarajevo on Wednesday. The two of them discussed the current political situation and work priorities of the new CoM. Kristo expressed commitment of the CoM to reform processes and the Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H, and she expressed gratitude to Murphy for continuous support that the US offers to B&H. Kristo also met Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler and they discussed priorities of the CoM. She pointed out that the EU road of B&H has no alternative, and that B&H needs strong support of the EU. Kristo met High Representative Christian Schmidt and the officials discussed the political situation and the necessary reforms that will lead towards stability, progress and finally to the Euro-Atlantic future of B&H.


Strik criticizes HR Schmidt’s addressing AFET behind closed doors (N1)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt addressed the European Parliament (EP)’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) in Brussels on Tuesday behind closed doors. N1 carried that, according to statements of some of AFET members, Schmidt failed to provide the necessary information to this committee, and he has thus been sent a letter to justify amendments to the Election Law of B&H that he imposed on 2 October 2022. The OHR published on the official Twitter account: “During his stay in Brussels, HR Christian Schmidt shared information with the AFET about the current political situation in B&H. He stressed that B&H must seize its historic opportunity after gaining the EU candidate status.” Dutch MEP Tineke Strik stated that "the exchange of views with Schmidt was quite disappointing” and she criticized the fact that the meeting was closed for public. Strik did not present a lot of information regarding how Schmidt justified the decision on imposing the Election Law amendments, but she said that the HR owes this justification to the public. “Mr. Schmidt passed a very important decision on the day of the elections in October of last year that affected the election system”, Strik noted, adding that this is why Schmidt should provide an explanation to the citizens of B&H and respond to questions “which he refused to do”. According to N1, some MEPs consider that Schmidt is preparing something related to the state property that will go in favour of RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. Strik stated that Schmidt met with European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi in Brussels and that Varhelyi both has good relations with Schmidt and Dodik. Strik also claims she heard rumours that Varhelyi intends to unblock European funds and investment in the RS and she finds this to be rewarding for Dodik despite the adoption of disputable laws in the RS National Assembly (RSNA) as well as his secessionist rhetoric. “I am concerned if the state property comes into the hands of Dodik”, she remarked.


Dodik: Schmidt not only falsely presents himself as HR but also blatantly lies (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated on Wednesday night that Christian Schmidt not only falsely presents himself as a High Representative (HR), but also blatantly lies. Responding to Schmidt's statement for N1 that 9 January should not be marked – as Schmidt said – because of the burden of Srebrenica victims, Dodik emphasized that the RS Day is celebrated in honour of the day when the RS was proclaimed without a single shot fired and without a single victim on 9 January 1992. Dodik noted that the war in B&H started a few months later. “Only a deceiver and liar like Christian Schmidt can say that 9 January was created at the expense of victims. But 1 March, which is celebrated with Muslims by almost the entire diplomatic corps, is the day when an innocent wedding party guest, a Serb, was killed in the heart of Sarajevo in the name of the Islamic State. That, Mr. Schmidt, is the holiday of crimes and of the beginning of bloodshed”, added Dodik.


Dodik says there will be no talks on status of RS’ property (Nezavisne)


Following the announcement of RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic on Tuesday that the Law on Immovable Property of the RS will come in force, RS President Milorad Dodik said: “Property is in undisputable ownership of the RS, talks on its status are not possible and it will not be in the agenda”. The daily reminded that Sarajevo has been disputing this law for months and it has been claiming that the RS is unilaterally solving issues that need to be regulated at the level of B&H. The daily also noted that foreign embassies said that an agreement on the state property must be made at the state level. “A law with similar contents was disputed by the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H last year. Parties from Sarajevo announce the same scenario when it comes to this law as well, which is somewhat milder in comparison to the previous one in terms of how it treats the military property which, allegedly, has not been included in the current legislation”, the daily added. Dodik told RTRS that the property issue was solved by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and no Constitutional Court, House of Representatives or House of Peoples at the level of B&H will be solving the issue of the RS’ property. Chair of the RS Council of Peoples Srebrenka Golic reminded that, for example, the Brcko District has a law on forests according to which forests were registered to the Brcko District.


Dodik: Remaining neutral regarding Russian-Ukrainian war is the right policy at this moment (Glas Srpske)


Speaking for RTRS on Tuesday evening, RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the correct policy is to remain neutral regarding the Russian-Ukrainian war. He argued that the RS sees this war as a conflict of two nations which are both close to Serbs, and that the West is spreading the misconception that whoever rules Euro-Asia will also rule the world. Dodik emphasized that the RS never had a single problem with Russia, and noted that Russia remains a great power, a member of the UN Security Council, and imposing sanctions against Russia would lead to a permanent loss of a great friend. Dodik also said that Europe will be the greatest loser of the conflict and argued that the EU is in a poor state because it lacks leadership, power or concept. He also said that Russia made a mistake by providing Europe with cheap energy for 40 years. Asked if the initiative for sanctions against him launched by some members of European Parliament will weaken his negotiating position, Dodik said that no law will be passed at B&H level if it violates B&H Constitution and interests of the RS.


Ambassador Kalabukhov: Russia is guarantor of Dayton agreement, Russia will open consulate in Banja Luka (Glas Srpske)


Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov stressed that his country appreciates cooperation with RS and that the cooperation will be improved by opening of Russian consulate in Banja Luka. Ambassador Kalabukhov, who attended regular session of the Assembly of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society – the RS Chapter at the Osovica monastery in Srbac, said it is very important to carry out strategic, economic and projects in area of culture and education. Kalabukhov reminded that Russia is a guarantor of the Dayton agreement and that everything in B&H has to be a result of agreement of political forces and individuals. Speaking about events in Ukraine, Kalabukhov said it is clear the war has no local character. Namely, the Ambassador said: “We are witnessing very interesting historic events and what is happening in Ukraine is not some local conflict, instead it is an existential battle because the West’s aim is to eliminate Russia”.


Abazovic: Montenegro wholeheartedly supports B&H's European path (CdM)


Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic congratulated the appointment of the new Council of Ministers of B&H, headed by Borjana Kristo. "Montenegro wholeheartedly supports the European path of B&H, respecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity, wishing to contribute to reconciliation and progress in the Western Balkans with joint efforts," the outgoing Prime Minister wrote in a post on Twitter.


Novakovic Djurovic - Varhelyi: Blocking negotiations with Montenegro is not an option, strengthening institutions is a condition for entering the final phase (CdM)


Although a slowdown in the negotiation process has been noticed, its blockade is not currently on the agenda of the European Commission, but the importance of the urgent appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court has been emphasized in order to fulfil the basic prerequisites for the further development of institutions that should support the rule of law and the overall political system, as a basic prerequisite for entering the final phase of the negotiation process, is a summary of the meeting between the coordinator of the work of the Ministry of European Affairs, Ana Novakovic Djurovic, and the Commissioner for Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi. Novakovic Djurovic, as announced by the General Secretariat of the Government, expressed her belief that the judges of the Constitutional Court will be elected in the Parliament of Montenegro, in what she considered to be the "most transparent election process", and thus open a new perspective in the direction of closure negotiation chapters. Commissioner Varhelyi confirmed that the European Commission remains a "reliable partner on the reform path of Montenegro", and that with its full capacity, both expert and financial support, it will "continue to support the process of joining Montenegro to the European Union". Finally, as added by the government, Varhelyi called on all political actors in Montenegro to recognize the current geopolitical moment and to strengthen the dynamics of this process by strengthening the rule of law system.


Fajon: Extraordinary parliamentary elections are the best option two to three months after the completion of the Constitutional Court (TVCG)


If Montenegro wants to respect the rule of law and get out of the political and institutional crisis, the first step is to complete the Constitutional Court, Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon told TVCG. Otherwise, the legitimacy of the presidential elections is called into question. The EU, says Fajon, does not want to turn its back on Montenegro, the Western Balkans is part of Europe, but ahead of the election of judges, politicians must show that they are responsible. "If one or two judges are elected, it will not be the best message, but the court will be functional. The responsibility of politicians is to get out of this 'who will be who' format, but to create a functional and independent court. There are 27 candidates, which is great, the number is higher than in the previous rounds, and I'm sure there are enough experts to choose four judges," said Fajon. She pointed out that politicians in Montenegro have a great responsibility, first of all towards the citizens. "I'm not sure that the EU would stop the negotiations now, that's just one of the possibilities," said the Slovenian Minister. When asked what a possible termination of negotiations with the EU would mean for Montenegro, Fajon answered: "I'm not at all someone who wants the EU to turn its back on Montenegro, that's why I'm visiting. Perhaps turning their backs would suit some parties, but not 70 percent of citizens. We are not in a situation where the EU stops negotiations, that is only one possibility. "Montenegro receives various funds, we want to help Montenegro, but in the last seven or eight years there has been no progress and that is something that worries us," she stated. He points out that almost everyone in the EU is unanimous when it comes to the political and institutional crisis in Montenegro. "If we are going to get into a situation to discuss how to move forward, we need agreement. I am coming to Montenegro in order to make some progress, so that the European Union does not turn its back, that is, that Montenegro does not deviate from the path", said Fajon. It is true, she added, that Montenegro was the most successful story in the region for only seven years, and that now the situation is to go backwards. "I am sorry that there are young people who have a European vision, but nothing happens. If you have 70 percent of citizens who want to join the EU, I would expect that the politicians are also aware of what to do." Extraordinary parliamentary elections, two or three months after the completion of the Constitutional Court, were rated as the best option. "If you have elections without the Constitutional Court, how will the elections be declared? All political party leaders have said that extraordinary parliamentary elections are the best way. If everyone says that honestly, then I agree that it is so," said Fajon.


Jokovic calls for agreement: Joint presidential candidate, God’s justice would be if it were Lekic (CdM)


A joint candidate of the parliamentary majority would win in the first round of the presidential elections, the outgoing DPM and SNP leader Vladimir Jokovic has stated at the press conference. “SNP invites all political parliamentary parties and those that are not in that position, those that won on 30 August 2020, to meet and agree on their performance in the upcoming presidential elections. “Everyone wants us to have a candidate who will defeat the DPS candidate in the first round”, says Jokovic. He is convinced that the DPS candidate will be Milo Djukanovic. SNP will support “the candidate who will win”. “The most important thing is that DPS is defeated”, says Jokovic. He believes that it would be “God’s justice” for Miodrag Lekic to be a candidate for the president, because “he was manipulated by the stolen elections in 2013 and lost the position of president”. Jokovic adds that if the government is not elected by 28 March, the mandate of the Parliament will be shortened. He has again called on the parties of the parliamentary majority to agree on the government. Commenting on PzP MP Branka Bosnjak’s comment about the selection of judges by drawing lots, Jokovic has said that he saw comments about patriarchs being chosen that way. He has explained that a patriarch can only be chosen among bishops, and that “it cannot be compared to a court”. “The lottery is not needed for serious matters. As far as SNP is concerned, we don’t think they could reduce it to that level – if someone draws a number, they become a judge”, he has explained.


Kordic: DF’s candidate will be Mandic if DPS’s is Djukanovic (RTCG)


DF MP Simonida Kordic has told TVCG that the leader of the New Serbian Democracy (NSD) Andrija Mandic will be DF’s candidate for the presidential elections, if the candidate of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) is Milo Djukanovic. He emphasizes that it is certain that these presidential elections will have the backbone of three candidates. “One will certainly be a candidate of the previous regime, most likely Djukanovic. The second will be a candidate who will probably have the support of centers of political power outside of Montenegro. And the third candidate of DF, who will be the people’s candidate, as the original presidential candidate of the citizens of Montenegro”, says Kordic. The leader of the Socialist People’s Party (SNP), Vladimir Jokovic, has called on the current majority parties to agree on a common presidential candidate. The deadline for submitting a candidacy for the President of Montenegro is 26 February. The presidential elections, the fourth since the restoration of independence and the seventh since the introduction of the multiparty system, are scheduled for 19 March.


Abazovic: We can’t get judges from a Kinder Surprise egg (CdM)


Outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic has said that in his opinion the proposal of the deputy parliament speaker and MP of the Movement for Changes Branka Bosnjak that judges of the Constitutional Court be chosen by drawing lots is not a good idea. He emphasizes that the Constitutional Court must not be allowed to be politicized as before. “One of the reasons why DPS is against the judges of the Constitutional Court is that they think that it should, like the previous 30 years, be a politicized court where the judges will make decisions as ordered by a politician. That time is over. I have nothing against making a shortlist of the total number of registered candidates, either 10 or 12 candidates, but that those four who are to be chosen are chosen based on professional criteria so that the Constitutional Court would be independent, professional and whose decisions would then not be brought into question”, Abazovic points out. He does not think that Bosnjak presented this proposal out of bad intentions, but in the desire to finally reach a final solution. “If they were to leave it to luck, I think that way is inappropriate”, says Abazovic, stressing that he hopes for an agreement. We remind you that since September last year, the Constitutional Court of Montenegro has only three judges out of a total of seven. Due to the lack of quorum, it cannot make decisions on constitutional appeals, and without the final decision of the Constitutional Court on appeals to the electoral process, it is not possible to constitute a new government after the election. For the election of judges of the Constitutional Court, a qualified two-thirds majority is required, that is, the candidate must be supported by 54 MPs out of a total of 81 in the first round. This means that in addition to the parties of the parliamentary majority, which have 41 MPs, the candidate should be supported by 13 opposition MPs.


Milicevic conveyed Vucic's message in Berane: We would like to see Montenegro in the Open Balkans (CdM)


Serbian MP Djordje Milicevic delivered the greetings and message of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic last night at the Svetosava Academy in Berane. Milicevic says that Vucic's policy when it comes to Montenegro "is based on improving bilateral relations, improving economic cooperation, Vucic strives for the even development of the region, especially through the Open Balkans initiative, where we would like to see Montenegro as part of it. He especially emphasized that tonight I say that Serbia is a partner and as such, will always help Montenegro, especially in this northern part," Milicevic said. Serbia, said the Serbian MP, does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but "only cares about its people".


Spasovski to decide whether to ban Dzhambazki from entering the country on 4 February (Republika)


Asked whether the Bulgarian MEP Angel Dzhambazki will be sent back if he appears at the border to attend the commemoration of the anniversary of the birth of Goce Delcev on 4 February, Minister Oliver Spasovski said that they will decide on that then. We will decide on 4 February, emphasized Spasovski. The government did not make a decision to ban Angel Dzhambazki’s entry into Macedonia. When asked why the proposals for declaring a persona non grata were not accepted, Spasovski said that the top priority will be to preserve peace, stability and public order because this is not good for political relations within the state and between neighbors. We know that we have radical structures that, for the sake of some personal, political, and all kinds of other interests, want to disrupt that process of stabilization of relations on the one hand. On the other hand, due to the fact that we must not allow the security of our citizens to be violated, said the Minister of Internal Affairs.


I am coming to Skopje for sure, Dzhambazki tells Pendarovski (Republika)


The Bulgarian radical from VMRO-BND and MEP Angel Dzhambazki told President Stevo Pendarovski that in the past there were attempts to ban VMRO leaders from entering Macedonia and told him that the last such example was with the Yugoslav king Aleksandar Karadjordjevic! Dzhambazki announced that he will come to Skopje on 4 February. Asked if he recognized himself in the description of Pendarovski, who asked the government to make a decision to ban the entry of the Bulgarian MEP, Dzhambazki replied that he recognized in that description every Bulgarian who represents the rights and interests of Bulgarians in Macedonia. What does such a ban represent for us? Let me tell Stevo Pendarovski, called Stevo the Comintern, that in the past others tried to ban VMRO leaders from entering Macedonia, and the last such example was with the Yugoslav, Serbian king Aleksandar Karadjordjevic. If they try to ban me from entering Macedonia, let them look at history and learn from it, Dzhambazki said last night in an interview with Bulgarian Nova TV.  When asked if he planned to come to Skopje on 4 February together with a larger group of people to mark the 151st anniversary of the birth of Goce Delcev, Dzhambazki confirmed. I didn’t mean to go to Macedonia, I had other plans. But now, how can I refuse such a kind invitation, he said.


Milkov: We are withdrawing the ambassador from Skopje for an indefinite period, and we are freezing Macedonia’s EU negotiations (Republika)


The Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolay Milkov said that Bulgaria is freezing Macedonia’s EU assession negotiations. Milkov says that he is withdrawing the Bulgarian ambassador Angel Angelov from Skopje indefinitely due to, according to Milkov, “the disturbing situation regarding the rights of Bulgarians there and the escalation of hate crimes and events in recent months.” Bulgaria has suspended all interstate projects with Macedonia until it receives evidence that Skopje respects the rights of Bulgarians there. The decision comes after the beating of Macedonian Bulgarian Hristijan Pendikov in Ohrid, Bulgarian media reported. At the meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolaj Milkov and the Ambassador of Bulgaria to Macedonia Angel Angelov were heard. In this case, Macedonia, in order to continue on its European path, must respect the commitments undertaken within the framework of the European proposal. There is no need for Bulgaria to do anything, but to ensure compliance with the obligations that Macedonia has undertaken. There are no deadlines in the proposal itself, they may not fulfil their obligations for decades, which means that negotiations will not start, says Milkov.


Kyuchyuk: Reimposing veto would be major mistake (BNR)


Reimposing Sofia’s veto on Skopje would be a major mistake and it would worsen bilateral relations, Bulgarian Member of European Parliament and rapporteur for Macedonia in the European Parliament Ilhan Kyuchyuk told BNR. That would be a major mistake. The veto did not positively affect good neighborly relations in any way. Quite the opposite. Provocations started, more or less, right after the veto was put in place, Kyuchyuk told BNR. According to him, what happened to Hristijan Pendikov is to be condemned and European institutions have also said so. He assesses the tension between the two countries as high, spreading in many directions, and believes that bilaterally there will be a very stormy unproductive year. He also emphasizes the mechanism for monitoring and “measuring” hate speech, pointing out that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, is forming “a large team, which will also include representatives of the Bulgarian community”. When asked how Brussels will react if Skopje prevents Bulgarian MEPs, politicians and public figures from attending events related to Goce Delcev at the beginning of February, Ilhan Kyuchyuk says that “there is no way that the European institutions will support such behaviour by the Macedonian authorities”. adding that “neither Brussels nor Strasbourg can accept that as a normal approach”. We cannot look at things in isolation. We need to look for mechanisms that will be sustainable. There must be monitoring mechanisms within bilateral relations. There are many examples of countries with difficult historical relations – Slovenia and Croatia, Slovenia and Italy. From the point of view of historical memory, this is not something new, Kyuchyuk pointed out.


Assembly to cooperate with OSCE presence for the completion of the electoral reform (Radio Tirana)


Speaker of the Assembly of Albania Lindita Nikolla received the head of the OSCE Presence in Albania Ambassador Guido De Sanctis. After wishing him success in his mission in Albania, Nikolla expressed her high appreciation on the very good cooperation between the Assembly and the OSCE Presence in Albania. "After the successful completion of the administrative-territorial reform, the cooperation between the Assembly and the OSCE Presence is focused on the completion of the electoral reform. In cooperation with the parliamentary Special Commission for Reform, we will try to compensate for the delays and complete the electoral reform on time, an important part of which is the voting of the Diaspora from abroad. "The Assembly will fulfill the obligations deriving from the decision of the Constitutional Court on the creation of conditions to vote from abroad," stressed Nikolla. Nikolla also pointed out the very good cooperation for the implementation of the project on civic education and other projects, which are creating a new culture for the implementation of projects in the service of the modernization of the legislative process, e-legislation and the transparency of the Assembly’s activity. OSCE Ambassador, Guido De Sanctis underlined that the OSCE Presence in Albania will be maximally engaged to cooperate with the Assembly for the completion of the electoral reform and to provide technical assistance for the process of legislation alignment with the EU Acquis and other priorities of the Assembly works.


Hohmann meets Dumani: EU fully supports an independent and effective SPAK (Radio Tirana)


The EU Ambassador in Albania Christiane Hohmann held a meeting with the Head of the Special Prosecution Against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK) Altin Dumani. Hohmann pointed out that the fight against high officials is key to Albania's advancement in the EU. Hohmann guaranteed the European Union's support to SPAK for exercising its function independently. "Good conversation with the new Chief Special Prosecutor of SPAK Altin Dumani. The EU fully supports an independent and effective SPAK. The fight against high-level corruption and organized crime remains a key issue for Albania's advancement on its path to EU membership," said Hohmann in a post on social networks.


Greece supports Albania's European integration process (Radio Tirana)


The Speaker of the Assembly Lindita Nikolla received the new Ambassador of Greece Konstantina Kamitsi. Nikolla expressed to Ambassador Kamitsi the best wishes for her assignment in Albania, as well as the belief that, during this mission, she will contribute to the advancement of bilateral cooperation. "The excellent political and economic cooperation between Albania and Greece is inspired by the spirit of good neighborliness, common strategic interests, partnership in NATO and the common European perspective. Albanian immigrants in Greece and the Greek minority in Albania serve as a bridge of friendship and cooperation between the two countries. We are grateful to Greece for its determined support for the European integration of Albania and the success of the membership negotiations. The very good cooperation between the Parliament of Albania and the Parliament of Greece encourages cooperation in all areas and serves the friendship between our peoples", said Nikolla. Ambassador Konstantina Kamitsi expressed her gratitude for the evaluation of bilateral cooperation and underlined that she will work for the advancement of this cooperation. "Greece will continue to support Albania's European journey and will promote the growth of economic cooperation and Greek investments in Albania, after overcoming the crisis of the last decade", she emphasized.