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Belgrade Media Report 6 February



MPs adopt Report on negotiations with Pristina (Beta/B92)


Members of the parliament of Serbia adopted on Friday a report on negotiations with Pristina’s provisional self-government institutions, supporting the report with 154 votes in favour, while 23 MPs voted “no” and nine abstained from voting. The report was submitted to the parliament by the government of Serbia. It covers negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina from 1 September 2022 to 15 January 2023. The two-day debate in the parliament was attended by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who said that Serbia would continue to discuss any and all proposals for Kosovo, even the worst, to avoid repeating bad experiences from the past. The President said that extensive talks were ahead of Serbia, as well as a struggle for the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities. "The people brought us to power. We won the elections and the people wanted changes. Serbia is a free country and that is why it is respected, and that is a big change compared to before," added Vucic. "We will have difficult talks. We have a big fight for the ZSO ahead of us. That is the most important thing. I am sure there will be pressure from the Albanian side, and after that there will be talks about other topics. We have to understand what the West is looking for. It is clear to them that the defeat of Russia will be much more difficult, because they started to fight better. I am afraid that the war will only be more difficult, with an even larger scale," he concluded. "I am to blame because we did not introduce sanctions. It was my initiative. The price is high and I am to blame for that". President of Serbia was asked about whether the so-called Kosovo was recognized by him in 1999. Vucic recalled the fact that, as a member of the SRS, he was against the Kumanovo Agreement, while the DS voted for that agreement. "You are accusing me of what you did," said Vucic. Vucic said at the session that he is afraid that the Albanians will be satisfied only with a seat in the United Nations and added that Serbia has to participate in the dialogue and oppose Kosovo's membership in the UN. "I am afraid that they will not be satisfied with what I was called a traitor for, they will be satisfied with only one thing, and that is the UN," said Vucic, adding that this is what worries him. He stressed that he will not return Serbia to the 19th or 20th century, that he will not think about wars, but to avoid them, and lead the country into the future. "We have to negotiate without trampling our national interests. Kurti wants to deceive us. He wanted to form the ZSO after Kosovo is admitted to the UN. That's why Shaip Kamberi said that an agreement must be reached immediately. We'll see when the moment comes who will behave and in what ways," he pointed out.


Vucic: I want to avoid wars

"I don't want to think about wars, I want to avoid them. I've already said, if the moment comes, we'll see who wants to behave. I wasn't worried by chance, I know what I'm talking about," says Vucic.


Vucic on broken unity

Vucic reminded that he always voted unanimously on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija even when he was in the opposition. He accused the opposition of breaking unity by deciding not to vote for the Report.


Vucic: I personally prevented Kosovo from joining UNESCO with the Japanese and Hungarians

Vucic, at a session in the parliament of Serbia, when asked by Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski from the Serbian party Oath Keepers (Zavetnici) whether the parliament intends to adopt a clear strategy in the negotiations, said that parliament must not behave irresponsibly and not raise red lines whenever it wants. "Although you have told me countless times that I must not publicly say that I am not in favor of recognizing an independent Kosovo and that I do not support its membership in the UN, when I did that, you have now spread the story to other institutions," he said at the request of Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski to state whether he is in favor of the entry of the so-called of Kosovo to Interpol or UNESCO. In this regard, Vucic emphasized that he prevented the so-called Kosovo join UNESCO. He added that he had had enough of those from the "anti-state movement", especially after yesterday's incident. "It wasn't me who came to the podium yesterday to settle accounts, but you brought rags and wrote the biggest insults, I guess to help Kurti, which is why you became big stars in Pristina and probably raised that international reputation you're talking about there, and only there where they hate Serbs and nowhere else," said Vucic. Responding to Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski that she believes that Italy does not belong to the Big Five, the President pointed out that that country is very important to Serbia. "Italy is important to us for several reasons, among other things, because it is a member of the G7 Group and, for example, has a higher GDP than Russia," Vucic emphasized.


Vucic: Whoever believes in Kurti, does not believe in the truth

The President, responding to Shaip Kamberi's statements, said that whoever believes Albin Kurti does not believe in the truth. "From whom should you save your people? From "genocide", as you say?", Vucic asked Kamberi. He says that Kamberi calls Serbs "genocidal" when he is away from foreign embassies, and he does not say that in parliament because he speaks for foreign embassies there. "You called this country, from which you get your bread, which built you a maternity hospital, roads and a railway, a "fascist country". Why don't you say that in the People's House, so that people can hear? You are asking that "fascist country of genocidal people" to behave differently?", Vucic asked Kamberi.


Vucic: I believe we can stop Kosovo from joining UN

Vucic said on Friday Serbia must maintain balance, protect the vital interests of its people in Kosovo and Metohija and stop the so-called Kosovo from joining the UN. Vucic said he would consider that a victory for Serbia. "I believe we can stop Kosovo from joining the UN, and we will definitely not be the ones to allow that to happen. I am not sure about those who will come after us. But maybe God will help us and some better and more responsible people will come. But as things stand, I am afraid it could be many times worse," Vucic said, noting that he knew all previous leaders and what they had done.


Brnabic: Pressure on Belgrade getting stronger (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told Monday Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) morning news that is obvious that diplomatic activities regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija are accelerating, that pressure is getting stronger. “Which is not strange when you look at the situation in which the world is, the war in Ukraine, war in Eastern Europe – the largest part of Europe is indirectly in war, the US is taking part in this. Now great tensions are between the US and China. It suits nobody any other, next new potential conflict and instability, and they want any potential hotspot to go out,” said Brnabic. The goal, she says, is to put an end to these conflicts, but also to remove examples of precedents such as Kosovo and Metohija from the agenda. “Kosovo and Metohija is certainly a precedent, because it was taken from Serbia contrary to international law,” said Brnabic. She points out that, without the consent of the Security Council, aggression was perpetrated against us without us having attacked anyone.” They took part of our territory, at least those countries that recognized the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and Metohija, and we have been fighting ever since,” says Brnabic and points out that Kosovo and Metohija is a big precedent. She emphasized both her position and that of President Aleksandar Vucic, that a frozen conflict does not suit Belgrade. “It is a state in which anyone can unfreeze it. Someone like Albin Kurti, he is not interested in stability, he has no plans for prosperity, jobs and wants to compensate for his economic failure, lack of political and economic vision by having a permanent political instability,” says Brnabic. Commenting on the arrival of the EU Envoy for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak, Brnabic says that she sees it as an additional form of pressure. “He goes to Pristina first. I think the first topic there is the ZSO,” says Brnabic. On that issue, she says, the basic message from Belgrade is that the ZSO was already negotiated 10 years ago. “Then we continued working on the development of the plan and in 2015 another agreement was signed that clearly states what the responsibilities and powers are, who should form the management team. There are no unknowns. What is on the agenda, is to implement the Brussels agreement. The Serbs have implemented it, now it is up to Albin Kurti and Pristina to fulfill their obligations, without any further conditions,” Brnabic points out. She is not interested, she says, in who will implement the ZSO on behalf of Pristina, whether it will be Kurti or someone else. “I believe in the guarantees of the international community, because I don’t know how else they would guarantee any other agreement tomorrow, if they failed to guarantee the first one,” she said. She points out that it will not be easy, that there will be attempts at manipulation, but that all the principles regarding the establishment of the ZSO are on paper, and that Belgrade will insist on this.


I apologize for the mistake on the government site 

She confirmed that there was an error on the website of the government of Serbia, where in the English translation of the 10-point Plan on the next political moves of the state, the word “Republic of Kosovo” was written. “I want to apologize to all our citizens that such a gross error appeared on the website of the government of Serbia. We immediately took down that page, it was an error, the responsibility lies with the government internet team and the press service. We checked what it was about, it was a gross unforgivable mistake of the translator,” Brnabic stated.


Drecun: French-German plan not take-it-or-leave-it deal, but platform (Tanjug)


The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said on Friday a French-German plan was not a final agreement on the Kosovo-Metohija issue but a platform for further discussions. Serbia must take part in discussions about the plan, Drecun said at a special parliament session on Kosovo and Metohija. He explained the plan was not a "take-it-or-leave it deal" and added that it envisioned three steps and further discussions following a fundamental agreement. He dismissed as malicious allegations by some MPs that the plan was an ultimatum and that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had signed or accepted something. He noted that international officials such as Derek Chollet and Miroslav Lajcak had said the plan was not final, and added that even Pristina's PM Albin Kurti saw the plan as a platform for discussions. "We should treat the plan as a platform - discussions are necessary, but after the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities in line with the Brussels agreement," Drecun said. He said that was also included in a ten-point plan presented by Vucic and meant that there was no request for Serbia to recognise the so-called Kosovo and agree to its membership in the UN.


Dacic: US has changed attitude toward Serbia (TV Pink/Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Saturday that his impression after visiting Washington was that "the atmosphere and attitude toward Serbia" in the US had changed very much from previous years, and stressed that a solution for Kosovo could not be reached without good relations with the US. "Today you can see much more understanding for Serbia's position, for Serbia's problems and viewpoint. You could say that we can build the foundations of a strategic partnership," Dacic told TV Pink. He added that this was important because it "is impossible to consider the way and possibilities for finding a political solution without relations of this kind with the US". He went on to say that he received hints in Brussels and Washington that this was the outcome of the responsible approach of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to the most important issues. Dacic reiterated that the US position was that there was no debating undertaken obligations. "I heard from international negotiators that they are unhappy with Kurti - first of all because he is refusing to form the [Community of Serb Municipalities], and secondly because he is totally arrogant and asking that, before anything is signed, the five EU countries that have not recognized Kosovo do so and that he be told when they would accept Kosovo's application for EU and NATO membership," Dacic said.


Representatives of Bosniaks, Albanians from Serbia seek reciprocity with rights of Serbs in Kosovo (Beta)


Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti on Saturday received the representatives of the ethnic Bosnian and Albanian communities in Serbia, who asked for reciprocity in the rights enjoyed by Serbs in Kosovo. According to a press release from the premier's office, a delegation of the Party of Democratic Action of Sandzak included its president Sulejman Ugljanin, deputies Enis Imamovic and Selma Kucevic, and Saip Kamberi, Serbian parliament member and president of the Party of Democratic Action, who briefed Kurti on their concerns and issues. Kurti informed them on the elements of the European proposal for normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia. "The rights of non-majority communities in our countries reflect our democracy and development as a society. Unlike Serbia, since Freedom House has rated it as a state with a hybrid regime, the Republic of Kosovo is a democratic state with rights and freedom for all," Kurti said. He added that different communities should be treated the same according to universal principles and in full accordance with the European Union's standards.


Group of Albanians attack young Serb in Mogila (Tanjug)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija stated that a group of local Albanians attacked young Serb Boban Djuzic (20) while he was walking his dog on Friday in Mogila near Vitina in Kosovo and Metohija and inflicted two stab wounds on him. He was immediately given first aid in the clinic in Vrbovac, and then he was transported by ambulance to the hospital in Pasjan, where he was thoroughly examined and where he will spend the next few days for his health to be monitored and to receive the best possible care. According to the statement from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, this attack is a direct consequence of Albin Kurti's anti-Serb hysteria and politics. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija provided support to the Djuzic family, and our representatives from the field are in constant contact with them. Since the beginning of the year, we have witnessed an increased number of ethnically motivated incidents targeting Serbs, and the special target of Kurti's extremists are Serb children, from Stefan (11) and Milos Stojanovic (21) from Gotovusa, Stefan Tomic (18) from Klokot, Lazar Milutinovic (15) from Suvi Dol, to Boban Djuzic from Vitina. It is clear that the severity of ethnic incidents and attacks has increased on par with Kurti's anti-Serb policy and the tensions he causes on the ground almost every day, according to the statement.


Romano: We respect Serbia’s military neutrality (Kurir/Beta)


The new chief of the NATO Military Liaison Office (MLO) in Belgrade, Italian Brigadier General Giampiero Romano, said the Alliance fully respects the proclaimed policy of military neutrality of Serbia and its sovereign right to choose its own path. Romano told Kurir that NATO and Serbia are not only partners but also neighbors since, as he noted, all countries in the Balkans are members of the Alliance and some of them are also members of the EU. For the past 16 years NATO and Serbia have been developing a mutually beneficial partnership, with full respect for Serbia’s policy of military neutrality, he said, adding that everything that is being done is based on Serbia’s requests and “tailored to its needs”. Romano said that the KFOR mission in Kosovo is fully capable of continuing to carry out its mandate, in accordance with the 1999 UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and that is to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all the communities in Kosovo. He added that KFOR contributes to security in Kosovo and stability throughout the region “in an impartial and reliable manner”.


Criteria for opening Chapter 1 met, European Commission confirms (Tanjug/RTS)


The Serbian Ministry of Economy announced that after more than eight years of talks with representatives of the European Commission and the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, the European Commission informed the Ministry of Economy that the criteria for opening Chapter 1 – Free Movement of Goods have been met. Minister of Economy Rade Basta thanked all associates from the Ministry of Economy who participated in the negotiations for the opening of this chapter, Serbian Minister for European Integration Tanja Miscevic as well as Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and all members of the government. Chapter 1 – Free Movement of Goods represents the most significant and legislatively demanding chapter. Serbia achieves the largest exchange of goods with the EU countries, and therefore the "green light" for the opening of this chapter is a historic moment for our people and our country, Basta said and added that he will be part of the negotiating group. The Ministry of Economy manages the work of the Negotiating Group for the Free Movement of Goods and will start the procedure for the adoption of strategic documents by the government of Serbia, which are the criteria for opening the chapters: Strategies and Action Plan for the Harmonised Area, Action Plan for the Area of Motor Vehicles and Action Plan for the Non-Harmonised Area. After the adoption of the strategic documents, the European Commission will prepare a draft report on the fulfillment of the criteria for opening the chapter, which it will present to the EU Council. That will be a formal confirmation by the EU that the criteria for opening negotiations in this chapter have been met. The essence of the chapter on the free movement of goods consists of technical regulations that regulate the quality infrastructure (which includes standardisation, accreditation, metrology, conformity assessment and market surveillance). On the other hand, within this chapter there is also a non-harmonised area that represents the national regulations of the member states. With the completion of negotiations in this area, full compliance of domestic regulations with European legislation related to products will be ensured. Achieving complete compliance of domestic regulations with EU regulations will ensure respect for one of the basic freedoms of the single market – the free movement of goods. This principle means that trade in products from one part of the EU in any other must be carried out without restrictions. Accordingly, Serbian products will move on the European market without obstacles. On the day of accession to the EU, Serbia will become part of the EU internal market, where the same rules apply to all products of the member states. The free movement of goods will enable quality Serbian products to be placed on the European market, and at the same time, quality European products to be placed on the Serbian market, the announcement states.




Dodik on Kosovo issue: It is important that Serbia preserves its strength and remains most powerful and most important country in region (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik considers the fact that the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said without hesitation that there will be no recognition of Kosovo as a responsible policy. Dodik stated on Friday: “Despite the unpleasant scenes that took place in the parliament of Serbia on Thursday, I think that Serbia showed a democratic face in which the President of Serbia made his policy available to the public and the entire Parliament and the opportunity to discuss it. Some have used it, some have abused it, but that is less important. It is important that there is a broader dialogue in Serbia about the important issue called Kosovo and Metohija”. Dodik also stated that it is important that Serbia preserves its strength and remains the most powerful and the most important country in the region. He added that it is very important that Vucic said without any hesitation that there is no recognition of Kosovo and that there is no permission that Serbia accepts that Kosovo is a member of the UN.


RS politicians express support to Serbian authority led by Vucic  in finding solution for Kosovo issue (Nezavisne)


Commenting on the Kosovo issue, SNSD spokesman Radovan Kovacevic stated for the daily that SNSD believes that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic takes the most credit for returning this issue to the agenda. He added that for SNSD, Kosovo and Metohija are a part of Serbia, and this party expressed this stance by not allowing that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) recognizes Kosovo. Acting SDS President Milan Milicevic stated for the daily that it is a task of Serbia to resolve this issue, adding that he has full confidence in what the Serbian authority led by Vucic does to resolve it. United Srpska President Nenad Stevandic stated for the daily that people in the RS are interested that Kosovo and Metohija remains “ours”, but that their primary task is to preserve the RS, its people, peace and territory and Serbia is the biggest guarantee and assistance, which exists in this struggle. He also noted that for this reason they have to be careful that the things they say or suggest do not disturb the strength of Serbia to defend Kosovo and Metohija and the RS. Demos President Nedeljko Cubrilovic believes that the support from the RS must not be reduced to the support to any individual but to Serbia as the state. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated for the daily that they believe that the leadership of Serbia will pass the best possible decisions and “it is up to us to always stand with our mother country, especially our brothers in Kosovo and Metohija”. DNS leader Nenad Nesic stated that in his opinion they should help the leadership of Serbia as much as it is possible to find the best solution for Serbia and for Serb people. He added: “It would be good to reach a general consensus on this issue and that we all stand behind it. Unity is the most necessary at the moment.” SPS President Goran Selak said that this party supports efforts of Serbia in the fight for Kosov and Metohija.


Izetbegovic: HR Schmidt is openly siding with certain political structures (Dnevni list)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic spoke about the current political situation and the process of authority formation, also commenting moves of the international community, saying that the international community is looking for people it can ‘break’. Izetbegovic stated it is not right to appoint people to ministerial posts if they are convicted of false testimony, who are known for domestic violence or who have suspicions diplomas, assessing the current convocation of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) is the worst ever CoM. The SDA leader also commented on the IC’s active participation in the authority formation process and different attitude towards SDA and SNSD. “A matter for paradigm: award to Karadzic, Plavsic, When the PIC keeps quiet, the OHR keeps quiet, the whole international community keeps quiet. Awarding medals to Karadzic and others for achievements in B&H that are genocidal. And then SDA becomes a problem”, said Izetbegovic adding that some international representatives even blamed former High Representative Valentin Inzko. Namely, the SDA leader said he attended a meeting ‘at one of embassies’, in presence of (US’ Matthew) Palmer and (EU’s Angelina) Eighhorst, Ambassadors of the US and EU Member States, when a senior EU representatives stated in front of (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik and (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic “this is all Inzko’s doing”. The SDA leader further stated that some IC representatives, such as the current High Representative, do not want to have conflict with hard players, do not want to go against Dodik who insults them, whilst Covic has strong back, arguing that “Schmidt is acting like Demo-Christian, like some cousin, reaching agreement with Plenkovic and then HDZ B&H gets richly awarded here”. Izetbegovic told BHRT that he is always prepared for serious talks with SDP about formation of authority and that he had three meetings with (SDP leader) Nermin Niksic.


Kovacevic: Izetbegovic denies DPA concept of B&H (ATV/MTV Igman)


Radovan Kovacevic, advisor to RS President Milorad Dodik, commented the statement of leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic for MTV Igman. Namely, Izetbegovic said in an interview that some 60 percent of voters in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) get only one third of seats in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) and that Serb and Croat political representative should be put to their place, i.e. that they should have 40 percent of seats in the Parliament of B&H. Kovacevic said that abovementioned Izetbegovic’s statement represents denial of the Dayton concept of B&H, namely equality of three constituent peoples in B&H. He emphasized that Izetbegovic’s claims are grounded on strength in the B&H HoR, i.e. the number of votes won in the race for the B&H HoR where pro-Bosniak parties have 60 percent of seats. “He forgets that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) decided that the number of the RS’ representatives in the B&H HoR will be double lower than the number of those from the Federation of B&H (FB&H)”, said Kovacevic. He reminded that although SNSD won some 15,000 votes more than SDA in the race for the B&H HoR, they got three seats less than SDA. Kovacevic stated that Izetbegovic was overly relaxed during the interview, so he got carried away and once again directly denied the essential Dayton concept of B&H, i.e. the equality of the three constituent peoples of B&H. “We will not react much to these things, because Bakir Izetbegovic is expressing his frustrations with the fact that he lost the elections in vain”, noted Kovacevic, who reminded that Izetbegovic referred to the RS as genocidal.


Radanovic: Izetbegovic himself contributed to disappearance of Serbs from FB&H (Nezavisne)


President of the Board for Protection of Rights of Serbs in FB&H Dordje Radanovic reacted to the recent statements of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic who said that the smallest and easiest to control Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples is the Serb Caucus because there are 30 times less Serbs in the FB&H than Bosniaks. Radanovic said that Izetbegovic’s statement reflects his attitude towards Serbs. He reminded that during the war, Izetbegovic was Head of Office of his father, late RB&H President Alija Izetbegovic, and that he was able to dictate all processes in this capacity, which is why he significantly contributed to the disappearance of Serbs from the FB&H. Radanovic also said that SDA’s policy is based on the Alija Izetbegovic’s ‘Islamic Declaration’ which repeatedly claims that Muslims should impose their values on others wherever they are in majority. Radanovic noted that there were more Serbs in the FB&H in 1996 than today. “This is the policy of Islamization of B&H, and there is really no milder expression for this. To anyone who claims that I am speaking harsh words against Bosniaks, I say that I simply wish to state the truth”, said Radanovic.


B&H Central Election Commission confirms results for allocation of mandates in B&H House of Peoples from FB&H (N1)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H confirmed the results of the indirect elections and distribution of mandates in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) from the FB&H. Mandates were given to Dzemal Smajic, Dzenan Djonlagic, Kemal Ademovic, Safet Softic and Sefik Dzaferovic from the rank of the Bosniak people. From the rank of the Croat people, mandates were given to Dragan Covic, Ilija Cvitanovic, Marina Pendes, Zdenko Cosic and Zlatko Miletic. Previously, from Republika Srpska (RS), Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac, Zelimir Neskovic, Nikola Spiric, Sredoje Novic and Radovan Kovacevic received mandates. By confirming the results, the conditions for scheduling the inaugural session of the B&H HoP were met, noted the presenter.


Pod lupom observers submitted 11 complaints regarding early elections in six cities and municipalities (BHT1)


The Coalition for Free and Fair Elections ‘Pod lupom’ has published the findings of the observation of early elections in six cities and municipalities in B&H, which refer to the voting process until 2:30 p.m. and the Coalition recorded some election irregularities. At two polling stations, open persuasion to vote for a certain political subject was recorded, one case each in Bratunac and Srebrenik. Photographing of ballots was recorded at two polling stations in Bihac. Up to ten cases of returning voters from the polling station because they were not on the extract from the Central Voter List were recorded at 31 percent of polling stations, while more than 10 cases were recorded at one polling station in Bihac. Observers of the ‘Pod lupom’ Coalition recorded up to ten cases of family voting at 21.5 percent of polling stations. At 23 polling stations, there were up to ten cases where the new procedure for assisting other persons in voting was not followed. At 45 polling stations, up to 10 cases of the voter's name and surname being read aloud during identification were recorded, while more than 10 cases of this irregularity were recorded at five polling stations, three in Srebrenik and one each in Bihac and Vogosca. Also, at six polling stations, up to ten cases were recorded of the same person, two or more times, providing voting assistance to physically disabled, blind or illiterate voters. Three cases were recorded in Bihac, two in Srebrenik and one in Bratunac. At one polling station in Bratunac, up to 10 cases of voting without valid identification documents were observed. Observers of the ‘Pod lupom’ Coalition were able to monitor the election process at 99 percent of the polling stations, and at 11 polling stations, complaints were submitted by the observers. The most severe case reported was an altercation between two people at a polling station in Bihac. Namely, an observer and a polling station committee member got into a fight, but the situation was solved quickly. The so-called ‘Bulgarian train’ scenario was prevented at a polling station in Bratunac.


HNS holds 11th session Saturday, re-elects Covic as HNS President and adopts eight-point declaration that focuses on amendments to B&H Election Law in part related to legitimate representation (N1)


At its 11th session held in Mostar on Saturday, the Croat People’s Assembly of B&H adopted a new declaration that includes eight items the content of which is continuation of the previously adopted declarations. HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic was re-elected to the post of the HNS President, although he was the only candidate for this post. The declaration focuses on the demographic policy, the EU-Atlantic integration, the issue of demobilized veterans, culture, economy, media, education and amending the Election Law of B&H as an inevitable topic for the HNS. The HNS stated that it expects the amendments to the Election Law of B&H and partial amendments to the Constitution of the FB&H, stipulating the implementation of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H’s ruling in the Bozo Ljubic case and the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg, to be adopted in the next six months. The declaration stresses that the composition of the constituent peoples’ caucuses in the House of Peoples of the FB&H contradicts the ruling in the Ljubic case, assessing that the biggest danger for B&H – along with unitarianism and separatism – is the fourth election of illegitimate Croat representative in the B&H Presidency in a row. The declaration also adds that the HNS is against reduction of competences of the Houses of Peoples and limitation of the vital national interest. “The HNS of B&H respects the constitutional structure of B&H and remains committed to the process of limited constitutional reform and amendments to the Election Law of B&H, in line with principles of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), the Constitution of B&H and B&H CC’s decision on legitimate political representation in the Houses of Peoples and B&H Presidency, as well as with the rulings of the ECHR in order to ensure rights for other citizens of B&H”, B&H Council of Ministers Chair Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) stated. The declaration condemns the hate speech and Russian aggression in Ukraine, and it welcomes the coalition agreement on the government formation HDZ B&H signed with the parties gathered around ‘The Eight’. It also stresses the need to transform the Office of the High Representative (OHR) as a condition for full membership of B&H in the EU and the commitment to the NATO path of B&H. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic was the guest at the session of the HNS of B&H on Saturday. He welcomed the EU candidate status granted to B&H, the rapid formation of authorities in B&H and a decision imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt. Plenkovic assessed that imposing the amendments to the Election Law of B&H and the Constitution of the FB&H on the night of the general elections on 2 October 2022 secured a more comfortable position when it comes to the FB&H House of Peoples. He called on all political parties in the FB&H to take a second step in terms of maturity, i.e. to form the government structure at the level of the FB&H as soon as possible.


Becirovic meets Turner, other US officials; Becirovic: Sanctions against individual B&H politicians are not the happiest solution, but they are necessary at a time when politicians like Dodik are violating DPA (Nova BH)


The press release issued by the office of B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic, it is stated that during the meeting with US Congressman Michael Turner, Becirovic emphasized the importance of greater engagement of the US in B&H. He stated that sanctions against individual B&H politicians are not the happiest solution, but they are necessary at a time when politicians like RS President Milorad Dodik are violating the Dayton Peace Agreement. Reporter also noted that sanctions for Dodik were requested from the US congressman Turner, known for lobbying for Montenegro's entry into NATO. That is why Becirovic would like a stronger involvement of the US administration in B&H, because that would, supposedly, help the faster path of B&H towards NATO, for which there is no support in the RS. So, it would be best to introduce sanctions against those who oppose it, commented the reporter. Becirovic was apparently given the idea by (the High Representative to B&H) Christian Schmidt, who mourns the time of the former High Representative to B&H Paddy Ashdown, added the reporter. However, Schmidt believes that financial sanctions would be more effective, against the people. Such moves cannot break the RS, according to the B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury Zoran Tegeltija. For Schmidt, who, as the reporter said, does not have the legitimacy of the UN Security Council, it is not surprising that he is asking for support from door to door, commented the reporter. Politicians in the RS are more surprised that Sarajevo politicians did not see that this is not the path to reconciliation, but the opposite.


Dodik on Becirovic’s statement about sanctions: Such things must end in interest of B&H (RTRS)


The Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic used his visit to Washington to request sanctions against the RS President Milorad Dodik for allegedly destroying the foundations of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). If someone is destroying the foundations of the DPA, it is Becirovic and the US, Dodik replied. Dodik commented that the US and Becirovic are champions in destroying the DPA, the letter of which he will continue to stick to. It is a false story to say that someone is demolishing DPA, when he defends it, said Dodik. Dodik stated: “Introduce sanctions on whoever you want, what should I do, but the RS will not lose anything and will not fall for their spin. Listen, we are now taking the jurisdiction of B&H, and they took 83 jurisdictions from us? And now we are suddenly the ones doing something to them? Stop, if you want dialogue in B&H. Let us focus on what is constitutional Bosnia, let us focus on solving the problems. Do not prank us around the world. This is not fair or fair. I know what (the Serb member and Chairperson of B&H Presidency) Zeljka (Cvijanovic) says in America. She has never slandered the other side, and they absolutely do not miss an opportunity to do so”. Dodik also said on Friday: “I hear that Becirovic talked nonsense. You should finally stop…”  Dodik went on to say that Cvijanovic has never “slandered the other party, and they do not miss any opportunity to do that. Then they come to us here and say: You need to be in B&H. Well, I say, I have never lost the desire to take another path in B&H”. Dodik noted that such things must end in the interest of B&H, that it is bad that the other side slanders him among foreigners. Dodik also pointed out that the US can impose sanctions as much as it wants, and that he is not afraid of sanctions.


RS officials criticize Becirovic for calling on for introduction of sanctions against RS during visit to US (ATV)


ATV commented that Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic used visit of B&H Presidency to the US to speak bad about RS and its President Milorad Dodik. Reporter noted that according to some information, Becirovic talked bad about the RS and Dodik to everyone he met with in the US and called on for introduction of sanctions. Commenting this behaviour, Dodik wondered why Becirovic has been claiming the RS undermines the Dayton Peace Accords, (DPA), because the RS constantly insists on the DPA and if anyone undermines it, it has been done by the US and Becirovic. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic stressed that all those calling for introduction of sanctions are most destructive and those who destroy elements of joint life, understanding and respect in B&H. “All those advocating sanctions are forcing the RS to make steps towards independence”, explained Stevandic. Member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic deems that most of Bosniak politicians are incapable for a dialogue. She emphasized that although some individuals have been working to make a better ambient, Becirovic does opposite in order to curry favour with SDA and diaspora in the US. SNSD’s MP in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sanja Vulic said that Becirovic’s statements are ridiculous, and he is political amateur.


PM: Croatia trying to facilitate cooperation with Bosnia after Schengen entry (Hina)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Saturday that Croatia, after joining the EU's borderless Schengen area on 1 January, would try to facilitate border cooperation with B&H. Plenkovic made the statement in an address to the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) of B&H, the B&H Croat political association, in the southern city of Mostar. “Croatia will not build fences or walls or erect wire fences along the border with B&H. We do not want the new Schengen borders of Croatia and the EU to be a barrier or a fortress slowing the movement of people or goods between Croatia and B&H,” the Croatian prime minister said. He said that the ministers of the interior of the two countries have the task of facilitating and simplifying the cross-border movement of people and goods. Plenkovic said that Croatia would continue to strongly support the Croats in B&H and their projects, including those concerning health care, education and veterans’ rights. “You should know that Croatia is always behind you and with you,” he stressed. After the meeting of the HNS, the umbrella organisation of Croat political parties in B&H, Plenkovic took part in an informal lunch with the Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers of B&H, Borjana Kristo. He announced her visit to Zagreb in mid-February as her first visit abroad.  At the 11th meeting of the HNS Dragan Covic was unanimously re-elected its President. Addressing the media, he said that the process of government formation in the country’s Federation entity would be completed soon, after which negotiations would follow on electoral and constitutional reforms to eliminate the possibility of Croats being outvoted by more numerous Bosniaks and prevent discrimination against minorities and other citizens. The HNS adopted a declaration calling B&H “the homeland of Croats in B&H”. It called for B&H to be organised as a federation and described Bosniak unitarism and Serb separatism as the biggest threat to the Croats and the state of B&H. The HNS condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine and strongly supported the Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H. It adopted a demographic strategy to reduce the outflow of Croats from the country and give them prospects for staying in B&H.


Damjanovic and Escobar on the Open Balkans Initiative: Economic cooperation among countries of region very important (CdM)


Finance Minister Aleksandar Damjanovic met with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar. At the meeting, they discussed the Open Balkans initiative and the significance of stronger economic connections among the countries of the Western Balkans, as it’s the requirement for European perspective of this region, the Ministry of Finance has stated. The two also tackled the current political and economic circumstances of Montenegro, as well as the significance of regional cooperation in the WB, including both the existing and new initiatives, that is, the OB initiative, among others. They underlined the importance of stronger economic interconnection among the WB countries, as a condition of the European perspective of this region. In addition, they agreed on all the advantages of the regional economic networking, primarily the creation of a common market and easier accessibility.


Open Balkans because Belgrade says so. Berlin Process because Brussels says so. And what do you say? (By Andrej Nikolaidis, CdM)


You know those kids whose parents buy them a 5,000cc car? You know, the first car they drive – Porsche? The children who will always be dissatisfied and nothing will be enough for them? That’s right, the cars made for the highway and runway, the ones with open windows, driven at a speed of 20 per hour, so that everyone can see them, through two streets all day, as many as every major city in Montenegro has. So, they use a tanker of oil a day. Which is not a problem: because they cannot consume as much oil as they can rob from the state. That’s what Montenegro looks like. This is what I want to say: what is the meaning of a sovereign and independent state if there are no sovereign and independent citizens in it? Because of the flag, anthem, football and handball? That, quite simply, makes as much sense as driving down St. Peter’s Boulevard in a Formula 1 car. That’s how it is, let’s not lie. If democracy is “the rule of the people”, then direct democracy is the only democracy. So-called “representative democracy” is something else entirely: the rule of the upper class over the people, in the name of the people. It is this system in which a citizen is supposedly the bearer of sovereignty, in which everything is supposedly there because of the citizens, in which politicians are, as they say, ” citizens’ servants”. A system, therefore, in which those who rule claim that the citizen is the king – except that the king is in charge of nothing. From the point of view of direct democracy, the citizens of this country last decided on anything in 2006. On the other hand, the idea that everyone decides is contrary to the idea of Greek democracy. What we call democracy has as much to do with original democracy as I do with Aristotle. Hoaxes like “The voice of the people is the voice of God” and the post-election “The people have had their say” are as insidious as the notorious nonsense. The people do not speak. The people scream. If you want the so-called “voice of the people” without distortion and democratic parasites, the so-called political elite, who channel that voice – then that is revolutionary terror for you. So here you go. If you want direct democracy, that’s a series of referendums and their anti-enlightenment, anti-modern results that will seriously limit the rights of many. So here you go. If not that, this system remains. About which Rossiter writes: “No sacrifice is too great for our democracy, least of all the temporary sacrifice of democracy itself”. Because democracy, as is generally accepted, is most effectively defended by non-democratic means. A stable democracy rests on two pillars: an enlightened citizen and a tank. Well, let’s go back to the famous “sovereignty” and “independence” of our “democratic state”… There are countless examples, but the freshest, yesterday’s so to speak, concerns former minister Jovana Marovic. “The Montenegrin parliament should follow the example of the Albanian one and as soon as possible ratify the three agreements on the Common Regional Market that were signed in November as part of the Berlin Process. There should be a consensus regarding this, at least that’s how it was in previous statements”, Marovic stated on Twitter. There is a consensus – whose? That of the parties, of course. Because no one asked the citizens anything, just like about anything else. It should be ratified – why? Because there is a party consensus? And that consensus exists – why? Based on what analysis? What does this mean for the Montenegrin economy? And what for its citizens? Based on which data and which expected benefits? Based on what other than platitudes about “regional connectivity” and “free markets”? Marovic prepared an analysis concerning Montenegro’s accession to the Open Balkans, and the result was – no. And where is the analysis of the Berlin Process? That’s good – why? Because it’s called “Berlin”? It is quite clear that we are entering the Open Balkans because Belgrade and Escobar say so, and that we are in the Berlin Process because Brussels says so. But what does this have to do with democracy, sovereignty and independence? What does all this mean for Montenegrin businessmen? And for the jobs of Montenegrin workers? For a small country with a small economy, which imports everything anyway, what does that mean? Based on what knowledge, what authority and what democratic legitimacy does anyone, including Marovic, demand such things? The process of turning Montenegrin independence, sovereignty and democracy into an empty shell is obvious and advanced. And it does not date back only to yesterday. The problem is that Belgrade, Brussels and Washington are equally involved in that process. And the biggest problem is that Podgorica participates in it with the greatest enthusiasm. Not since yesterday, I say. Not since Dritan Abazovic and Zdravko Krivokapic. But long before that. In the end… When DF rebels against the “interference of Western embassies”, it does not do so in the name of sovereignty, but because of their firm belief that Montenegro should not listen to Brussels and Washington, but only to Belgrade and Moscow. If – and it is – the answer to that is a policy that implies that instead of Belgrade and Moscow, only Brussels and Washington should be listened to… Then you get to what we have today. Some listen to one side, and others to the other side. This can’t end well. There is no variant in which this process, which in its essence is the process of making politics meaningless and reducing it to servitude, call it the Berlin, Belgrade or Podgorica process, can end well.


Intensive talks for Taravari’s party to join government (MIA/Telma/Sitel TV)


There are intensive negotiations for Alliance for Albanians to join the government. According to unofficial information, Arben Taravari hasn’t submitted concrete names to PM Dimitar Kovacevski about the departments that his party will get, according to the speculations, but it is certain that Alliance for Albanians is most interested in the Ministries of Health and Justice, as well as in the Environment or Education Ministry. The talks for the new government coalition partner have continued among the party bodies formed for this occasion from SDSM and AA. As media reported, the topic of discussion was the third echelon, meaning executive positions of agencies, public enterprises etc. As Telma reported, AA is interested in the director’s positions at the Customs Administration and the Tax Administration as part of their program to fight crime and corruption. Sitel TV, on the other hand, reported that Krenar Loga, the recently elected secretary general of the AA, is going to lead the Ministry of Justice. As Sitel reported, Loga has been accused of crimes in the past, but as he says, the charges were dropped because of no evidence against him. The calculations of who gets what post will also depend on the decision of Alternativa party and its leader Afrim Gashi, that latest said that they are cooperative, and have no red lines for the coalition partners, and are in favour of compromise also regarding the allocation of posts, statement different that what he has been saying in the last few weeks. The new government, if agreed, will have 10 to 11 months to implement the program, until the regular elections next year.


Taravari: Would support minority government, prepared to head certain institutions (Telma)


Alliance of Albanians (AA) leader Arben Taravari says the decision on whether they join the government or not will be known in the coming days. AA could also support a minority government and undertake certain responsibility by heading institutions. "I believe we should decide in a few days. I am planning to summon the party's presidency and get this thing done," Taravari told Telma. We are getting clear messages, he adds, that it is not good to have early elections in 2023, and we would even support a minority government without AA getting ministerial or institutional posts but ensure quorum in the parliament and support the government in getting to the 80 votes required for the constitutional changes. "We have offered this but we are also prepared to assume certain responsibility and head some institutions," says Taravari. He says AA's goal is the fight against corruption, which they would show through their management of certain institutions. Taravari notes they have relatively good communication with junior coalition partner Alternativa and they do not intend to push someone out, rather than AA to provide its contribution, either from the outside or inside. The Russian invasion in Ukraine, he adds, has changed a lot of things, whereas the start of the screening process has made us think not about the party's ratings but the well-being of the citizens and the society. "This approximation to the authorities is an attempt to reach the 80 votes needed in Parliament. We said this at the start of the talks and we are here to vote for this even if we remain in opposition," says Taravari. According to him, it is more difficult to reach number 80 when starting with 64 (the current number of MPs from the ruling majority). "If there is a solid number of 70-72 plus the two Besa MPs, who I think would vote the same as AA, it will be much easier to reach 80," underlines Taravari.


AfA to finalize talks for entry in the government coalition (Telma)


As TV Telma reported, during the final negotiations between SDSM and the Alliance for the Albanians party held on Sunday, it was proposed that Krenar Lloga will be the new Minister of Justice, while Fadil Cana will be appointed as new Minister of Health. The third key position that the Alliance for the Albanians will get is probably the post of Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy. Lloga is current member of the State Election Commission (SEC), and Cana is a doctor at the Infectious Diseases Clinic in Skopje. SDSM will probably give up the director’s position in the Public Revenue Office. The party, which also concedes the Ministry of Justice, considers they do not lose anything, because concessions will also be made by the smaller coalition partners, who will give posts to SDSM, and in return, they will get employments. As found out, Alternativa party, apart from the Ministry of Health, does not give up director positions. Taravari, in addition to the Public Revenue Office, is also looking for posts in Customs Administration, the Financial Police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and inspections. Sunday was a key day for the negotiations, where the commissions of SDSM and the Alliance for Albanians were working intensively. The epilogue is expected to be announced on Monday, after a meeting between Kovachevski and Taravari.


Legislation of commercial companies in the focus of talks Albania – EU (Radio Tirana)


Albania and the EU have examined during this week the legislation of commercial companies, in the framework of preparations for membership. At the end of the bilateral meeting, the EU assessed as a very productive week the examination of the legislation related to chapter 6 of the membership talks. According to these sources, Albania is shown to have presented progress on issues such as formation, capital and disclosure requirements, company operations and planned strategies to further align with European legislation. As previously announced, this week's discussions have started with the discussion of the first Chapter of the second group of chapters, Free Movement of Goods. Considered as a cornerstone for the complete integration of Albania in the single European market, 30 experts from different institutions are said to have presented their findings on the compatibility and standardization of products, before the European Commission. Albania's progress in aligning its legislation with the European legal corpus in the field of free movement of goods and the level of implementation, for the second chapter group together, which includes, in addition to the first, chapter 2, 3, 4, 6 7, 8, 9, 28 continues until mid-February. The joint legislative activity in relation to the EU has been strengthened in the entry into force for the first time of the countries of the region in Albania of the three movement agreements of the Berlin Process. At the same time, the EU has welcomed Albania's support in the European decisions on Ukraine. We are proud that Albania is at our side in this effort, with the important role it plays in the UN Security Council as well as fully aligning itself with the EU's response to Russia's brutal aggression.


Escobar: Albania, our reliable partner (Radio Tirana)


The US rank Albania among the most trusted allies within NATO. This is what the special envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar declares in an interview for the American journalist Ksenia Pavlovic and her blog, where he appreciates the rapid progress of the country. "To be honest, Albania as part of the region is doing very well, if you see where Albania started in the 90s and where it is now. They are one of our most trusted partners in NATO and in bilateral issues such as security, trade, politics and regional stability. They are doing the right thing. Their path to the EU is open. Indeed, the question now is how fast the reforms can go," Escobar declared.