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Belgrade Media Report 8 February



Vucic: I spoke with Dacic, I don't think that elections are the best solution at this moment (TV Pink)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was on TV Pink last night when he spoke about current events in Serbia. On the subject of Kosovo and Metohija, the relationship with the SPS and what the citizens can expect in the coming period, Vucic said that Kosovo and Metohija has been discussed and that he thinks many important topics have been raised. Aleksandar Vucic said that at the special session of the Assembly where the report of the government of Serbia on Kosovo and Metohija was adopted, there was no unity and that it was not about political differences, but about the opposition only aiming to overthrow the SNS and him as the leader. Vucic also said that he put a lot of effort into preparing for that session and that people could see and understand how difficult our position is, especially now because of the war in Ukraine, while the opposition representatives tried to make accusations and cause incidents. "We were not united in the parliament regarding Kosovo and Metohija, it's not a question of political differences, but that they only have the goal of overthrowing the SNS and me as the leader," said Vucic and added that he tried to be rational and that "we have an objective approach and peacefully discuss the necessity of maintaining stability in the region, to reach a solution", while others, according to him, made accusations without proof. "I personally invested a lot of energy, a lot of effort, I think people could see how difficult our position is, not because someone is to blame today, not even yesterday. I tried to be realistic, to be rational. I was surprised to see that it was prepared, and it may look spontaneous to a layman. I made the conclusion on the same day, I saw how the whole performance was planned. They scheduled a protest in front of the parliament for 3 pm. They were supposed to break into the Assembly, to accuse me of treason. They wanted to accuse me of treason without giving me the opportunity to respond to them. They didn't expect anyone to be calm enough to endure all that. It's not a problem when you suffer blows all the time, that's what I'm used to," says Vucic. "Insults are not enough, it's fine to say them sometimes, that's politics. There is something you cannot defend yourself from, when someone tells you Ana Brnabic has a Croatian passport. The plan was that I would not be allowed to say anything, to make it look like the people would gather on their own initiative, and since that did not happen, they calmed down. What is it that we have to do, we have to look to preserve peace and we must not behave like sloganeers and irresponsibly. I think people recognize that kind of dedication, diligence. Everyone on the political scene likes to play the victim. How many times was the Brussels agreement mentioned in a negative context? One hundred and something times," he said. Asked about the SPS and its silence, he replied, "I think that there should be no pretending in politics. You want to see someone fighting for you, not hiding. Tell me how many negative articles there are about that party. Maybe three. This is the third time I was participating in the debate and I had to listen to the worst insults. It's not about whining, it's my job to put up with it. Everyone wants to be in power when it's pleasant. I also saw when the attack started on us in the Assembly, I am proud of the people from the SNS who were more united than ever. I'm sorry I couldn't see that in everyone else. I don't think it's particularly important who invited whom, I don't think we should create a Mexican telenovela, there are things I won't talk about. I will see Dacic tomorrow and talk to him. I don't think elections are a good solution," said Vucic. "I personally have no confidence in them. We respect that political party, we have no problem with that, but now we know that in difficult times we can only rely on ourselves. We spoke about all the problems the state is facing, we are talking about the state and what we have to do at the state level," Vucic said about his meeting with government ministers from his SNS. "I'm sorry that I was seen as a disruptive factor. My job as president is to take care of the country, I have never said that I want to be the prime minister, neither is it my desire nor have I said it. People think that power is something that someone cannot live without. Our job is to preserve the country and see how it can progress as much as possible. It is up to us to behave fairly, we will not talk bad about anyone. Whether there will be elections by the end of the year is another matter. I'm anything but drugged or drunk and not as stupid as they think. I have 14 meetings scheduled for tomorrow. Again, I need two days in the Assembly to defeat them convincingly." Speaking about the SPS deputy who resigned yesterday Vucic said that he will not participate in that "manhunt" because he is a deputy who is 90% better than the others. "On May 27, the SNS Assembly will be held. Before that, I will go to the people, visit every district in Serbia. Then we will make decisions on all the big issues. By the end of 2025, we will try to bring the pensions up to 450 euros. We have a sizeable gold deposit in Zagubica, significantly bigger. Mines raise the country, they contribute the most to GDP growth," he said. "I expect additional escalation, I expect the decision to send the F16 aircraft and that will lead to a complete escalation of the conflict, I expect a lot of bad news," Vucic said about the war in Ukraine.


Dacic: Continuation of cooperation between SNS and SPS agreed in talks with Vucic (Tanjug/RTV)


The leader of the SPS Ivica Dacic said that today he spoke with the Serbian President and the leader of the SNS Aleksandar Vucic and that the continuation of cooperation between the two parties was agreed upon. Dacic told Tanjug that the conversation lasted an hour and a half and that it was agreed to continue cooperation and strengthen the SNS and SPS coalition.


Ugljanin calls on Vucic for Serbia to give equal rights to Bosniaks according to model for Serbs in Kosovo (Beta)


Party of Democratic Action of Sandzak President Sulejman Ugljanin sent on Tuesday a letter to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and EU and US officials, in which he called for Bosniaks in Serbia to be guaranteed "equal rights according to the model being sought for Serbs in Kosovo" as part of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Ugljanin wrote that, as a representative of the Bosniaks, he was not pleased with their position and treatment in Serbia, the Party of Democratic Action of Sandzak said. He said that the repercussions that Serbia could face for refusing the so-called Franco-German plan for Kosovo would be "enormous for Bosniaks" and would lead to "uncertainty and instability". In addition to Vucic, he also sent the letter to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, EU special representative for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak and US special envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar.


Klacar: SNS want to share political responsibility for Kosovo with SPS (Beta)


Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID) Director Bojan Klacar said on Tuesday that the "Serbian Progressive Party's criticism of the Socialist Party of Serbia is nothing new nor is it likely the last", as well as that Socialist party president Ivica Dacic would not allow the coalition to implode. "These messages from the Progressives have the objective of instilling unity and discipline where Kosovo is concerned, but these messages also mean that the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) is insisting on the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) having a greater role in the Kosovo dialogue, a more visible one and to share political responsibility so that the Progressives are not seen as the only ones to 'blame' in the eyes of the public," Klacar told Beta, adding that many had quickly forgotten that the SNS was extremely angry at the SPS's behavior during the April 2022 election campaign. "As before, the key is in the hands of Ivica Dacic and I expect him to calm things down and not allow the coalition to collapse inward. Vucic and Dacic are keeping relations between the SNS and SPS strong and while their relations are good, the coalition will function," Klacar said. Asked about announcements of a snap election, Klacar said that certainly was connected to dynamics regarding Kosovo and that all of the SNS's officials had stressed this. According to him, "The SNS and Vucic need broad consent for the question of Kosovo, so that the country does not find itself in a situation in which the Serbian Cabinet enters a crisis that could cost it dearly." There could be an estimate that citizens understand the situation Serbia is in and that the results of a new election would show that, he added.


Hill: US insist on formation of ZSO (TV K1/RTV)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said today that the US is absolutely committed to the full implementation of what was agreed upon in the Brussels agreement, including the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). “We really insist that what was agreed must be implemented, so we are talking about the original Brussels agreement. I am not saying that the Franco-German agreement is not at variance with the Brussels agreement. They are certainly connected. The concept that the previous agreement must be implemented, that it is part of the Franco-German agreement,” Hill TV K1. When asked about the Washington agreement, Hill replied that he did not want to bypass it and that it was important, because it was committed to the economy to ensure that Belgrade and Pristina could solve some issues that directly affect the lives of people on the ground. The point is, Hill stressed, to implement the solutions that have already been agreed upon in the Brussels agreement. “I think we should return to the fundamental question, which is the future of the Serb community in Kosovo. They have lived there for centuries and must know what their future is. So, the fundamental question is to deal with what originates from the original Brussels agreement, which is the ZSO. It absolutely must be implemented, if we expect anyone to have confidence in future agreements,” said the US Ambassador. Regarding the deadlines for the formation of the ZSO and the implementation of the Franco-German agreement, Hill believes that the deadlines mentioned in the media are reasonable and realistic, and that the ZSO could be formed by the summer, and the French-German proposal could be implemented by the end of the year. “I think people must work every day to find a solution. I think it is realistic to propose that it happens this year, that’s why I think this year is significant, I think the proposal is positive and can be implemented,” said Hill.


Lajcak discusses developments with Von Cramon (N1)


EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak said on Tuesday that he met with European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo Viola von Cramon MEP to discuss the latest developments.

“Had a good conversation with Viola von Cramon. We exchanged notes on the latest developments in the EU-facilitated Dialogue and in the European Parliament,” Lajcak wrote in a Twitter post after the meeting.


Stano: EU ready to organise high-level meeting, no date for now (Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


EU spokesperson Peter Stano said on Tuesday in Brussels the EU was as yet unable to announce a date of a high-level meeting in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. Responding to a Tanjug query whether a high-level meeting in Brussels was due soon, Stano said EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak had travelled to the region for the sake of progress in the dialogue and to make it clear to partners in Pristina and Belgrade that he expected progress. Stano said an European proposal about the way forward and progress towards normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo was on the table. He also said he had nothing to add to what Lajcak had said on the ground. Commenting on the possibility of a high-level meeting in the dialogue, Stano said the EU was always ready to welcome the parties and host a meeting. He added than an announcement would be made in due course but that no announcement of a high-level meeting could be made at this time.


Serbia takes examples of best practice from developed media companies (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Information and Telecommunications Mihailo Jovanovic spoke yesterday with Head of the unit for Serbia and Montenegro at the European Commission's Directorate General for Neighborhood and Negotiations Michael Miller about the plans and activities of the relevant ministry for the adoption of media of the law. Jovanovic said that in the previous three months, the Working Group for Amendments to the Draft Law on Public Information and Media, the Working Group for Amendments to the Draft Law on Electronic Media and the Working Group for Adopting an Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Public Information System were formed. The Minister also informed Miller that the Ministry has completed the Draft Law on Electronic Communications, which will soon be presented to the ministers of the government of Serbia, after which it will enter the parliamentary procedure. Jovanovic thanked the representative of the General Directorate of the European Commission for Neighbourhood and Negotiations for the whole-hearted assistance of consultants from the EU, whereby Serbia adopts examples of best practice from developed media companies. Miller expressed satisfaction with the general ambition to accelerate the drafting of important legislative documents and provided support for continued cooperation, especially in the process of further consultation and alignment with EU principles.


Ten years in prison for murder of 20 non-Serb civilians in Strpci (Beta)


On Tuesday the Higher Court in Belgrade found former Republika Srpska army members Gojko Lukic, Dusko Vasiljevic, Jovan Lipovac and Dragan Djekic guilty of war crimes against civilians. According to the indictment, they killed 20 non-Serb passengers whom they took off a train on the Belgrade-Bar railroad in Strpci on 27 February 1993. Lukic, Vasiljevic and Lipovac were sentenced to 10 years in prison, while Djekic was sentenced to five years in prison. The time they spent in custody from 5 December 2014 to 19 March 2015 has been calculated into their sentences. The Court advised the plaintiffs to seek material damages in a lawsuit, and freed the convicts of having to pay for the cost of the proceedings. The convicts may lodge an appeal against the sentence.


Serbia deploying another rescue squad to Turkey (Beta)


Serbia will deploy another 18 members of the Interior Ministry’s Emergency Situation Department to Turkey, who are set to depart around 6 p.m. on 7 February to assist Turkey after the devastating earthquakes, according to a release from the Serbian Interior Ministry. Firefighters from Bor, Valjevo, Uzice, and Nis and nine fire trucks, four vans, and four off-road vehicles will depart from Nis and are expected to join their colleagues on 8 February. In the evening on 6 February, 27 Serbian rescuers departed to Turkey on a Turkish plane. According to media reports, two rescue squads, a search and rescue dog and 4.5 tons of equipment left for Turkey.




Members of civil protection administrations from both entities depart to Turkey without decision of B&H CoM (N1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is ready to help the endangered areas in Turkey after the devastating earthquake. Members of the civil protection administrations from both entities have already started their journeys to Turkey and they will join Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) in search and rescue of survivors trapped in the rubbles. However, there were many complications regarding their travels as decision of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) was awaited, which did not come. N1 learned that the B&H CoM will hold a session on Thursday and discuss this matter, but the rescue teams from both Republika Srpska (RS) and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) decided to travel to Turkey immediately, without waiting for the Council’s decision. They say time is of the essence and they simply must help now. Rescue team from the RS travelled by plane, and the one from the FB&H travelled by land. Their journey started on Tuesday afternoon, and they were greeted by FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic and Turkish Ambassador to B&H Sadik Babur Girgin. Babur Girgin stated: “On my own behalf, on behalf of Turkey and Turkish citizens, I would like to use this opportunity to express gratitude to all individuals and institutions, starting from the FB&H Prime Minister and all who, in these difficult moment, expressed their solidarity by calling or expressing their condolences in writing, and expressed their willingness to help our people Thank you.” The rescue team was greeted by RS President Milorad Dodik on Tuesday at the Banja Luka Airport, and he wished them luck before their trip to Turkey. Dodik agreed on this type of aid with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Dodik emphasized that the RS showed solidarity with Turkey and its people at this difficult time, and it is willing to provide any type of help after the earthquake. The specialized team from the RS consists of 22 members and they have arrived to Turkey.


B&H CEC verifies list of candidates for election of FB&H President and Vice-Presidents (BHT1)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H verified on Tuesday the list of candidates for election of a President and Vice-Presidents of the FB&H. The list includes three candidates, each representing one of the three constituent peoples in B&H. The list includes candidate of the Croat Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) Lidija Bradara from HDZ B&H for the post of FB&H President, as well as Bosniak Caucus’ candidate Refik Lendo (SDA) and Serb Caucus’ candidate Igor Stojanovic (SDP B&H) for the Vice-Presidents of the FB&H.


Niksic says he does not know much about appointment of new PM and new government of FB&H (N1/Nova BH)


SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic confirmed on Tuesday that they will not give up on collecting the signatures for proving that they hold majority in the FB&H House of Representatives (FB&H HoR). Niksic expects the FB&H parliament leadership to schedule a session very soon. Signatures will be collected by Thursday, Niksic confirmed. He explained that this must be done to show they hold the majority because they can then appoint the FB&H leadership, and then begin the formation of the new FB&H government. In case of a blockade, Niksic said they will inform the international community of this as its members have the mechanisms for unblocking such situations. However, he said that the signatures are not being collected for the purpose of sending them to the international officials, but to forward them to the FB&H leadership. Nova BH reminded that SDP B&H announced that the name of a new FB&H Prime Minister (PM)-Designate will be known by the end of this week and that a new FB&H PM-Designate will appoint a new government within 15 days. According to Nova BH, Niksic – who should assume this position – said on Tuesday that he does not know much about this topic including collection of signatures of a new parliamentary majority. The outcome of the process of collection of signatures should have been known by Monday.


Dzaferovic says FB&H authorities cannot be formed without SDA, warns Dodik to be careful about what he says and does (BHRT/Dnevni list)


SDA Vice President Sefik Dzaferovic told BHRT that the FB&H constitutional organization is such that it will be impossible to form the authorities in the FB&H without SDA. Dzaferovic reminded that the FB&H Government can be formed by those who meet several preconditions, including the majority in caucuses of constituent people and ability to nominate the FB&H President and Vice Presidents as well as majority in the House of Representatives (HoR): “The combination of those two preconditions tells us who will form the authorities in the FB&H. SDA and DF are the only ones in the Bosniak Caucus who can nominate the FB&H President/Vice Presidents and we already did that”. Dzaferovic also claimed that ‘The Eight’ cannot nominate a candidate for the FB&H President and Vice President from ranks of Bosniak people because it does not have 11 representatives. Dzaferovic argued that foreigners supported a campaign against SDA so that ‘The Eight’ can come to power and so that the goals of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic can be achieved. “This is wrong. We cooperated with the international community, and we did not allow anything to be done against interests of B&H. We were constructive political stakeholders and suddenly, in line with wishes of the international community and ‘The Eight’, we ended up in the out. Those who caused disorder stayed. Dodik and his SNSD carried out an attack on the state order, Covic blocked the FB&H Government and judges of the Constitutional Court”, Dzaferovic said and warned that one cannot establish order in a society and state by doing favours to those who cause disorder. Commenting on possible blockades by SDA at the level of the FB&H, Dzaferovic said that SDA will only respect the Constitution and Election Law of B&H. As for the announcement of Dodik that RS authorities will focus on restoring of competencies as well as his messages that the RS must strive to independence, Dzaferovic said that Dodik must be careful about what he says and does. “B&H will be integral. They will never secede a single inch of it. Let him build the RS as an entity, a multi-ethnic one. Let him respect institutions of B&H and respect human rights of all people who live in the RS and not have Bosniaks and Croats discriminated. Only in this way he will preserve the RS and only in this way it can exist. If he continues, this will be the path to abolition of the RS”, Dzaferovic concluded.


Konakovic and Varhelyi discuss EU path of B&H; Varhelyi: We stand ready to help B&H on its EU path (N1)


B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic met with EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi in Brussels on Tuesday. With his first official visit to Brussels, Konakovic said he wanted to show strong commitment to the EU path of B&H and the reform processes. “The EU path is open but it requires B&H to deliver on outstanding EU reforms. We stand ready to help B&H on its EU path”, Varhelyi wrote on Twitter. Konakovic confirmed that he spoke with Varhelyi about the 14 key priorities, which are conditions set before B&H, as well as the eight other priorities that need to be met. We also spoke of some other challenges, Konakovic added, and special emphasis is placed on laws from the field of judiciary, the rule of law, fight against crime and corruption. Konakovic says these matters should not be politicized, and the B&H Justice Ministry already stated that documents regarding these laws have already been prepared. Changes cannot happen overnight, Konakovic stressed, but said it is a very positive thing that the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) was formed already after the elections and it can now begin serious work that must be completed on the EU path. Varhelyi said that they discussed the EU candidate country status of B&H “and next steps on the EU path.” He reiterated that B&H is expected to implement reforms and the EU is prepared to provide assistance in this regard. Meanwhile, The European Commission (EC) signed and delivered to B&H the Financing Agreement for the Energy Support Package worth EUR 70 million that will provide assistance to B&H's most vulnerable households to cope with rising prices and support energy transition. Thus, EUR 50 million will be allocated for mitigating effects of high prices, while the most vulnerable families are expected to get financial payment via social protection institutions in the FB&H, RS and the Brcko District.  Besides, EUR 10 million will be allocated for energy efficiency improvements of 4,000 housing units while EUR 10 million will be allocated for around 400 micro companies, small companies and medium-size companies.


Dodik: US Embassy in B&H spoke about ‘Markale’ because in this way it defends the cause of NATO airstrikes on the RS during the defensive-patriotic war (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that “the US Embassy in B&H spoke about ‘Markale’ because in this way it defends the cause of NATO airstrikes on the RS during the defensive-patriotic war”. “It has never been unequivocally proven who committed the crime against civilians at the ‘Markale’ market in 1994 and 1995. The verdicts were passed without facts, if the impressions of the judges are not treated as facts, and some members of the judicial council separated their opinion, considering that the shells at ‘Markale’ were not fired from the position of the RS Army”, Dodik stated. He added that one of the witnesses, the former special envoy of the UN Secretary General for the former Yugoslavia, Yasushi Akashi, said at the trial that the commission of five ballistic experts found that the projectile could have come from both sides. “It is clear why the US Embassy made a statement on this occasion. In this way, they defend the reason for their airstrikes on the RS”, Dodik wrote on Twitter.


Kalabukhov: Neither Russia, nor the EU, nor America have the right to determine which path B&H should take (RTRS)


Ambassador of the Russian Federation to B&H Igor Kalabukhov said on Tuesday that it is a myth that Russia “forbids B&H from entering NATO and the EU”, stressing that B&H is independent in its decisions, and that neither Russia, nor the EU, nor the US have the right to interfere in its internal affairs and determine which path B&H should take. Kalabukhov emphasized that B&H is free to take any step on the world stage, to join any political, economic or cultural organization if the majority of citizens want it and if it brings some benefit to the country, gives impetus to development, strengthens ties with other nations, and that Russia will receive this with sincere joy. Kalabukhov stated that B&H leadership needs to understand that in case B&H decides to join a bloc whose main goal is destruction of Russia, Russia will have the right to defend itself. He added that as long as measures against Russia are not intensified, Russia has no reason to intensify its defense measures.


RS parliament continues special session; Viskovic: RS government’s policy towards HR has not changed and will not change (RTRS)


In continuation of the fifth special session of the RS parliament, the lawmakers discussed the proposal of a family law that aims to improve the children’s rights, arrange the property relations of spouses and introduce the term of ‘family home’. Besides this, the MPs also discussed proposals of laws on standardization and the business companies. RS Minister of Justice Milos Bukejlovic said that the Proposal of the Family Law significantly improves the protection of the rights and interests of the child, more precisely regulates the property relations of spouses, introduces the institution of the family home, and redefines the institution of adoption. Explaining this, Bukejlovic said that the said law is particularly improved in terms of maintaining personal relationships with the child, exercising parental rights and the child's right to free expression of opinion. The key benefits of the proposed standardization law in the RS are easier access to standards and procedures for their adoption, as well as the possibility of determining standardization projects of special interest to small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurs and business associations, said RS Minister of Economy and Entrepreneurship Vojin Mitrovic. Speaking about the Draft Law on Standardization in the RS, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that the RS responded to the impositions of the former High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch and adopted its Law on Standardization, but it is outdated and that is why the new Draft Law is before the MPs now. Viskovic said that the RS government’s policy towards the High Representative in B&H has not changed and will not change, even when it comes to earlier impositions in connection with the new Standardization Act. Viskovic said that in the past period, the High Representatives used certain rights to impose laws. Several new MPs were sworn in at the beginning of Tuesday’s special session. This refers to Borivoje Obradovic (SNSD), who was given the parliamentary mandate instead of Alen Seranic - who was appointed as RS Minister of Health and Social Welfare, and Ognjen Vukojevic (SNSD), who got the parliamentary mandate instead of Dragoslav Kabic. Milica Lovric (SNSD), who was given a parliamentary mandate after Vojin Mitrovic became RS Minister of Economy and Entrepreneurship, was also sworn in, as was Amir Hurtic from ‘Pokret za drzavu’, who became an MP after Sevlid Hurtic took over the ministerial post in the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM). Zoran Kokanovic (SP RS) will be sworn in later, and parliamentary mandate was given to him after Petar Djokic was appointed RS Minister of Energy and Mining.


Red Cross Croatia launches fundraiser for Turkey and Syria (HRT)


The Croatian Red Cross has launched a fund-raising campaign to help those affected by the earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria in the early hours of Monday morning. The funds collected in Croatia will then be transferred to the account of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent associations or the national Red Crescent associations in Turkey and Syria. "We can see a tremendous interest in people willing to help. There's a strong sense of empathy. There's also a strong connection between the people of Croatia and those in Turkey and Syria," said Robert Markt, head of Red Cross Croatia. So far, Croatia has sent forty search and rescue personnel from within the domestic civil protection apparatus as well as ten specially-trained search dogs. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Davor Bozinovic said Croatia had sent teams of experienced professionals with specialized knowledge in search and rescue scenarios. "We expect them to arrive on the scene later this evening or in the early morning hours," added Bozinovic. Construction Minister Branko Bacic, the man in charge of the post-earthquake reconstruction efforts underway in Central Croatia, said Croatia would be in contact with the Turkish authorities in order to provide more timely assistance following the natural disaster.


Osmani Sadriu: Serbia doesn’t strive for good neighbourly relations; Djukanovic: We support Kosovo in an endeavour to become member of the Council of Europe and get a candidate status (CdM)


I’m convinced that a good frequency and honest dialogue will contribute to the improvement of quality good-neighbourliness and improvement of interstate cooperation. We understand the ambitions of Kosovo to become a member of the Council of Europe, the Partnership for Peace and obtain the status of a candidate for the EU, and we strongly support it, stated the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, after the meeting with his Kosovo counterpart, Vjosa Osmani Sadria. The President of Kosovo, who’s paying an official visit to Montenegro, clearly stated that Serbia is the only country in the region which doesn’t strive for good neighbourly relations. It’s interesting that Osmani Sadriu came to Montenegro 23 years ago as a refugee, and now as the president of Kosovo. “The relations between the two countries are meaningful and friendly. We’re still to work on the constitutional visibility and legitimization of the Montenegrin minority nations in Kosovo. We’ve discussed the options for the improvement of economic cooperation. We reiterated our commitment to the improvement of traffic infrastructure,” Djukanovic told reporters in Villa Gorica. The President also pointed out that Montenegro carefully monitored negotiations between Kosovo and Serbia. “We’re convinced that a sustainable agreement can be reached. The stability of this region would be solved with solving this issue”. Kosovo’s President Osmani stressed that the friendship of our peoples had been unique. “It’s an immense pleasure to discuss the extraordinary possibilities of our cooperation. Both countries are going through some challenges,” she said, among other things. According to her, one country of the region doesn’t strive for good neighbourly relations, and that’s Serbia. “It’s the only risk for instability. The EU’s strategic goal is to have all these countries as its members, because that’s the only way to establish peace in the region”. Montenegro, she says, has demonstrated clear support to Kosovo in all areas.


Osmani meets Abazovic, cooperation on focus (RTCG)


President of the Republic of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani, during her stay in Montenegro, also met the acting Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic. During the meeting they agreed to improve cooperation, with a focus on economic development. After the meeting, Osmani shared some photos on her Facebook account, where she said that the Albanian community in Montenegro and the Montenegrin community in Kosovo bring two countries closer together. "As two countries oriented towards the Euro-Atlantic future, we discussed with Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic today the importance of continuous cooperation in the direction of realizing this common goal. Our two countries bring the Albanian community in Montenegro and the Montenegrin community in Kosovo closer together. Therefore, we emphasized the great importance of opening new chapters of cooperation in trade, education, tourism and other fields for the benefit of citizens in both countries”, Osmani wrote on Facebook.


Djukanovic: We’ll propose candidate who can win, I’d like Abazovic to test his strength in the election (CdM)


We’ll run in the presidential race with a candidate whom we believe could win, the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic noted. “We’ll propose our candidate soon. There’s still time. The fact that we still haven’t revealed the name doesn’t mean that we’re not committed to it. We’ll come out with a candidate whom we believe might win. Whether he/she will be from a party or not, we’re still discussing it,” Djukanovic told the press. “I’m convinced that we’ll have one or more candidates for the presidential election,” he stressed. Commenting on the statement of the outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, who said it was important that Montenegro got a new president, Djukanovic said that the prime minister was not the first one having such wishes.


Djukanovic the greatest rival of SPC, it’ll try to use several ways to overthrow him (Pobjeda)


Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, SPC, are prohibited from meddling in the elections. Bishops’ Council of the Serbian Church sent them a letter in January, warning that they’re not allowed to take part in politics, give statements in favour of or at the expense of certain parties or candidates. However, Metropolitan Joanikije was the first to break the rule by stating that it’s time for Milo Djukanovic to leave thus choosing the side in the forthcoming presidential election, writes Pobjeda. Almost everybody is well aware of the goal of the SPC’s meddling in politics and presidential elections, as they have their own candidate from the party of the former prime minister, Zdravko Krivokapic. The Church of Serbia will most likely support all those who confront the sovereignists. “As for Montenegro, the SPC wants to have power in the government and take part in it and is going to be backed by Belgrade. Some Serbia’s outlets already have headlines – when the pro-Serbian government comes in power in Montenegro, we’ll withdraw the recognition of Kosovo, and Montenegro, being the NATO member state, will put a veto on Kosovo’s entry to NATO,” a journalist Jaksa Scekic told Pobjeda. He also stresses that it’s not a mystery as the SPC is the easiest way for bringing the pro-Serbian option to power in Montenegro. By assessing that the SPC has ceased to be a religious organization and has become a political one, Aleksandar Olenik, a lawyer and people’s MP, points out that the Church of Serbia is an actor in the Montenegrin elections. “The SPC not only interferes in the elections but takes part in them as any other political subject. They propose their own candidates and people vote on them.”


Committee proposes judges of the Constitutional Court today: Beganovic and Resulbegovic in a race for the fourth judge (CdM)


The Constitutional Committee of the parliament of Montenegro will determine today the proposal for the election of four judges of the Constitutional Court, based on the public call published on 25 December. Last week, the parliament’s speaker Danijela Djurovic said that members of the Collegium of the parliament of Montenegro and the Constitutional Committee agreed on the election of three candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court. She then said that they’d put maximum effort to reach the agreement and necessary majority for the election of fourth candidate until the session of the Constitutional Court. Representatives of the government and opposition agreed that Snezana Armenko, Momirka Tesic and Dragana Djuranovic would be elected judges of the Constitutional Court. After that, the Bosniak Party and Albanian parties are to agree on support to either the prosecutor from Ulcinj, Faruk Resulbegovic, or the President of the Bijelo Polje Misdemeanour Court, Alija Beganovic. Allegedly, most MPs are going to vote for Resulbegovic, as he’s being backed by MPs of the Albanian parties and the Civic Movement URA, that us, the outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic. Beganovic is being supported by the Bosniak Party and the DPS.


North Macedonia to send emergency aid to Turkey after disastrous quake (MIA)


North Macedonia is sending search-and-rescue teams, disaster relief, and six million denars from the budget to help the victims of the devastating earthquake that hit Turkey on Monday, the government said in a press release. According to the release, to help clear away the rubble and search for survivors, the Protection and Rescue Directorate is sending 40 people along with six transport vehicles and two firefighting vehicles, and the Ministry of Defense is sending 24 army troops. They include 22 special forces members and two service dog handlers with two search-and-rescue dogs. The Ministry of Health is sending medical personnel, equipment and medications. The local Red Cross will also be providing disaster relief. Various emergency supplies including tents, mattresses, blankets, and heaters will also be sent. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be coordinating the evacuation of North Macedonia nationals who were in the quake-hit area. None of them were injured and they are safe, the release says.


Osmani – OSCE Quint ambassadors: North Macedonia ready to provide political leadership of OSCE (MIA)


North Macedonia is ready to provide a political leadership of OSCE, said OSCE Chairman-in Office Bujar Osmani at a meeting with the ambassadors of the OSCE Quint countries. FM Osmani met with the ambassadors of the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany, and reiterated the commitments of the 2023 OSCE Chairpersonship, while expressing his gratitude for their continued support for the implementation of the program, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. Osmani touched upon the priorities of North Macedonia’s Chairpersonship aimed at finding ways to promote positive changes for the people, with a primary focus on OSCE’s field presence and support for the field operations throughout the region, so they can continue to deliver results, especially in the current complex context. “Our motto ‘It’s About People’ reflects our orientations and goals as an OSCE chair-country, and North Macedonia is ready to provide the Organization with political leadership, aiming to contribute to the processes for greater stability that are key for the overall European security,” said Osmani. The support for Ukraine was also discussed at the meeting with the “big five”, with the Chairmanin-Office stating that he will continue to work on providing program support in order to alleviate the suffering and the destruction caused by the Russian aggression, while reminding that within the framework of the Chairpersonship, North Macedonia will remain alert and continuously engaged with the other crisis regions that require constant attention as well. “We are witnessing increased tension in Eastern Europe, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia and in our own region of Southeast Europe, as a result of the current aggression. We will attempt to address these regions as well, in line with the priorities, as much as we can in the current circumstances,” said Osmani. In that context, Osmani added that despite the current challenges in the region, as the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, he will focus on an agenda which can additionally strengthen the efforts for reconciliation and building trust. “The fight against corruption and the promotion of good governance will be at the top of our list of priorities, because this is a common weakness that threatens the democratic and socioeconomic growth. We will also focus on joint action in dealing with our shared environmental challenges,” said Osmani. At the meeting with the ambassadors, Osmani expressed his gratitude for their political support, noting the importance of finding common synergies in the context of fulfilling the values of the Organization and advancing the processes forward, without deviating from the principles and commitments of OSCE. “OSCE has a lot to offer to all regions in the OSCE area in the context of easing tensions and restoring dialogue. All sides must recognize and fully utilize the potential of this platform. We will remain focused on the essential mandate of our Organization, which is the support for a functional and flexible organization, promoting human security through the support of sustainable economic growth and environmental cooperation, as well as support for basic human rights, tolerance and non-discrimination as prerequisites for comprehensive security,” said Osmani.


President Pendarovski meets OSCE ambassadors (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski welcomed the OSCE Head of Mission to North Macedonia, Kilian Wahl, the US Mission to OSCE Ambassador Michael Carpenter, Head of the United Kingdom's Delegation to the OSCE, Neil Bush, Head of the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OSCE, Gesa Braeutigam, the Permanent Representative of Italy to OSCE, Stefano Baldi, and the Permanent Representative of France to the OSCE, Christine Fages, with United States Ambassador Angela Aggeler also in attendance. Pendarovski and the ambassadors exchanged opinions on current developments in Europe and the region, as well as North Macedonia's OSCE Chairpersonship, the President's Office said in a press release. Interlocutors also discussed OSCE's role in the context of the Russian invasion on Ukraine and the urgent need to restore peace and stability and to prevent future conflict. President Pendarovski pointed out that North Macedonia is fully prepared to take responsibility and face all challenges head-on.


Albanian search and rescue team in the ruins of the tragedy in Malatya, Turkey (Radio Tirana)


Albanian search and rescue team in the ruins of the tragedy in Malatya, Turkey. Albanian SAR team that went to Turkey to provide assistance after Monday's tragic earthquake, has been deployed in the Malatya area. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has published photos from the Albanian team on the ground, where SAR personnel are seen helping to find people under the ruins of the collapsed buildings. The Albanian Search and Rescue team, with over 50 health specialists and assistants, arrived in Turkey this Tuesday. More than 5,200 people have been killed and tens of thousands injured after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and Syria on Monday. Thousands of buildings collapsed in both countries and aid agencies are particularly concerned about north-western Syria, where more than 4 million people are already relying on humanitarian aid. The earthquake, one of the strongest to hit the region in more than 100 years, struck 23 kilometres east of Nurdagi, in Turkey's Gaziantep province, at a depth of 24.1 kilometres. Turkey was one of the first countries to help Albania after the earthquake of November 26, 2019.


Iran's cyber-attack, Xhacka says had it been successful, the consequences for Albanians would have been extraordinary (Radio Tirana)


During the cyber security conference, Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka described the 15 July attack on infrastructure and digital services as one of the most serious events that the country has suffered in recent decades. According to Xhacka, the termination of diplomatic relations with Iran was unwanted, but forced by circumstances. "The 15 July attack by Iran was one of the most serious events that the country has suffered in recent decades. The severance of diplomatic relations was unwanted but forced by circumstances. The attack was unprovoked. AKSHI's colleagues have subsequently told me that our government systems, our digital infrastructure are subjected every day to an extraordinary number of cyber-attacks by individuals or criminal organizations. But these attacks have never succeeded in compromising our systems. What happened on 15 July was of a completely new scale. Even countries with much more experience, with greater capacities or greater financial resources would not have resisted this attack better," said Xhacka. Xhacka said that indeed Albania was not attacked with drones or missiles, but if Iran's attack had been successful, the consequences for the Albanians would have been extraordinary.


Hohmann: AKSHI should improve its role, protection from cyber-attacks, one of the conditions to become part of the EU (Radio Tirana)


The Ambassador of the EU in Albania Christine Hohmann has stated that the National Agency of the Information Society (AKSHI) should improve its role for the supervision of the computer field. Speaking at the Cyber ​​Security conference, Ambassador Hohmann emphasized that Albania must harmonize the cooperation between the private and state sectors to protect itself from cyber-attacks. According to the ambassador, this process is one of the conditions set by the EU for Albania's membership in the EU. "National Agency of the Information Society should improve its capacities as well, improve its role for the supervision of the computer field. Here, cooperation is required from all institutions that deal with these topics. IT systems are only as strong as their weakest link. The inclusion of the private sector in this initiative is also very important because it is not that the border goes to government services, but these problems, these attacks can happen at any possible level. The same applies to the State Police. The construction of technological capacities is very important for all these sectors in the EU and Albania, there are two decisions that have been taken before, that one is the Security Directive and the second is the Adaptability of key entities. They will serve as a guide for the work that will be done here in Albania because they serve to adapt the Albanian legislation to that of the EU related to security conditions because computer criminals are also developing their methods, related to how make the attacks", said Hohmann.


Kim: Cyber-attacks will continue to be a threat (Radio Tirana)


"USD 50 million will be given to Albania to strengthen cyber defense and this is only the beginning". That is the statement issued by the US Ambassador Yuri Kim at the conference on cyber security challenges.  adding that in 2017, assistance with the energy sector began. "The USA condemned Iran and expressed full support for Albania in the face of this attack. Starting from July, the USA has continuously sent our best experts to work with the Albanians, to analyse, identify potential vulnerabilities and take action. Two weeks ago, your Secretary of Defense discussed our joint cybersecurity response with our Secretary of Defense. You are not alone in responding to a cyber-attack. We must identify our collective defense. 50 million Dollars in support of Albania's cyber defense and this is just the beginning," said Kim. Underlining once again that the US will do everything to protect Albania from cyber-attacks, Kim reiterated that Albania and other Western countries should be prepared as attacks from Iran and others will continue. "Attacks from Iran and others will continue to be a threat in the future, they will not disappear. We must bear this in mind. There is no magic 'bullet' to make it disappear," said Kim.