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Belgrade Media Report 28 April



Petkovic: Kurti is provoking by ordering that the Assembly of North Mitrovica decide on the opening of the bridge on the Ibar (RTS)


Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Petar Petkovic stated that the Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Aljbin Kurti, today ordered his councillor Aida Ferata to include in the session of the Municipal Assembly in northern Kosovska Mitrovica the agenda item on the opening of the bridge on the Ibar, which divides the northern and southern parts of the city, and which represents an important security rampart for Serbs in KiM. "The aim of this unilateral and illegal move by Kurti is to lead to new tensions and provocations at the expense of the peaceful Serbian people in the north of KiM. For this he is using his illegitimate and false representatives and councillors in the north of KiM. 11 councillors from Pristina voted for this decision, while one abstained and one councillor was against," states Petkovic. The opening of the bridge on the Ibar, explains Petkovic, is part of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, not "local Kurit's illegal Gauleiters". "I immediately informed all international representatives, as well as the mediator in the dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, about this latest war-mongering move by Kurti, and we expect them to calm down and rein in Kurti, who is doing everything to escape from the obligation to form the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) and destroy the dialogue in Brussels on May 2." points out Petkovic. The director of the Office for KiM says that there will be no progress or normalization of relations as long as Kurti makes such unilateral moves to bring the entire north of KiM into a state of war, and it is up to the West to prevent such moves by Pristina.


Srpska Lista also strongly condemned the illegal and illegitimate decision made by the illegal and illegitimate parliamentary majority in North Mitrovica to open the main city bridge for motor traffic, which violates the Brussels agreements and most directly threatens peace. "We want to warn that the eventual opening of the bridge will undoubtedly result in incidents in this area, which seems to be Pristina's intention," the statement said.


Vucic: Kurti wants to open a bridge over the Ibar in Kosovska Mitrovica to expel the Serbs (RTS)


President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia is not in an easy situation and that today Albin Kurti made the decision to open a bridge over the Ibar River between southern and northern Kosovska Mitrovica with only one goal - to expel the Serbs. Aleksandar Vucic, addressing the citizens during his visit to Sokobanja, commented on the decision of the councillors of North Mitrovica to open the bridge on the Ibar. "Just so you know, even today, the occupying Gauleiter in the north of the Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Aljbin Kurti, made a decision, only a few days after the shameful fake elections they held, to open the bridge that was a dam and guardian of the interests of our people in the north of KiM, so that the the Albanians from southern Mitrovica, don’t also took over northern Mitrovica. This is their long-standing idea, and for many years our people opposed it. He pointed out that Kurti justifies it by saying that they don't want to have the ghetto in Mitrovica, but open cities in, which will go smoothly with Western representatives, even though he only wants to expel the Serbs from KiM. And they want conflicts at any cost, added Vucic. "We will do everything in our power to preserve the peace, so that never again any mother thinks about who she is going to send to war. But we are also telling them before May 2nd and Brussels, and this will continue even after that - don't even dream that you will succeed in your intentions to expel or destroy the Serbs in any part of KiM, in that case we will know what we will do", said Vucic.


Borrell called a meeting for May 2, Vucic and Kurti confirmed their arrival (B92)


The EU High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, called a high-level meeting within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue for Tuesday, May 2, in Brussels. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions Albin Kurti confirmed their presence. The topic of the discussion, as stated in the press release of the EU media cooperation service, will be the draft statute of the Community of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) and the Declaration on Missing Persons. The focus, as stated, will be on the implementation of the Agreement on the Normalization of Relations between Belgrade and Pristina, and the parties are expected to support the Declaration on Missing Persons as the first item on the agenda, after which the first draft of the statute of the ZSO in the North of Kosovo and Metohija will be presented. Also, according to the announcement, they will have the opportunity to discuss other issues of political importance. The presence of the EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, was also announced.


Vucic: I want good relations with NATO, but we will not cross certain lines (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday he wanted Serbia to have a partnership and the closest relations with NATO but that there were lines the country must not cross.

Addressing residents of Sokobanja, eastern Serbia, Vucic reiterated Serbia was one of the few countries that were pursuing an independent and militarily neutral policy and that this would remain the case as long as he was president. "As long as I am president, we will not join NATO or any other military bloc... I cannot ignore the wish of the people. I want us to have the closest relations with those who attacked us in 1999, but we must have certain lines we will not cross. Serbia will defend its people on its own," Vucic said.


Report on the situation in KiM before the United Nations Security Council (RTS, Beta)


Head of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Caroline Ziadeh told a UN Security Council session in New York that Belgrade and Pristina leaders should take responsible steps to rebuild confidence in the process of normalizing relations. At a debate on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s six-monthly report on the work of UNMIK for the period 16 September 2022 – 18 March 2023, Ziadeh said that without increased commitment by political leaders there can be direct consequences for regional stability. Ziadeh said, “a sustained focus of attention” on the February 27 Agreement on the path to normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia and its March 18 implementation annex “should be matched by courageous leadership action.” “Achieving actual progress demands that confidence be rebuilt among those who have grown suspicious of the intentions of each side,” said Ziadeh.


She encouraged the leaders to clearly and continuously communicate with the public concerning issues that affect their livelihoods, including the ability to count upon impartial judicial institutions and protection of human rights. “Reassurance is necessary in order to replace the feelings of mistrust and uncertainty felt by ordinary inhabitants, on both sides of the Ibar river. Accusatory rhetoric should be avoided, and fears replaced with concrete reasons for confidence and optimism,” said Ziadeh.


She said that the April 23 extraordinary elections in four municipalities in North Kosovo were peaceful, but that “questions of representation” must be addressed. She expressed hope that the endorsement of the joint Declaration on Missing Persons, which is expected on May 2 in Brussels, has the potential to resume the full cooperation between Pristina and Belgrade on Missing Persons within the existing Working Group. She called for a “good faith consideration” of a draft Statute for the Community of Serb-majority municipalities.


Serbia and Kosovo are represented at the UN Security Council session on the work of UNMIK by their foreign affairs ministers, Ivica Dacic and Donika Gervalla.


FM Dacic: Kosovo’s independence led to divisions between countries


Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic told a UN Security Council session in New York that Serbia cannot and will never recognize Kosovo’s independence and that it will not agree to Kosovo becoming a member of a world organization. Dacic said that today “everyone is aware of the consequences of supporting the 2008 unilateral declaration of Kosovo’s independence,” and that this “opened a Pandora’s box.” “Kosovo’s independence has led to serious turbulence in international relations and divisions between countries. In previous years, 28 countries withdrew their recognition and Kosovo is now recognized by 84 of the 193 UN members. There is no way for Kosovo to become a member of the UN because you simply do not have a majority,” Dacic said.


The Serbian Minister told the session debating UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ report for the period 16 September 2022 – 18 March 2023 that “a full implementation” of all agreements reached in the Brussels dialogue is necessary, primarily of those from 2013 and 2015 on the formation of the ZSO. He noted that the agreements reached by the leaders of the two sides in Brussels on February 27 and in Ohrid on March 18 are not about mutual recognition but about normalization of relation. “We will invest maximum effort and we are ready to implement all the principles of these agreements, but the obligation to form the ZSO must be fulfilled immediately, otherwise there is no agreement,” said Dacic. He stressed that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s “obvious goal” is the expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo and that he wants to erase the Serb identity, which is why “he will not fulfil what has been agreed.” Dacic said that Guterres’ report on the work of UNMIK “is not a basis” on which UN Security Council members can get the feel of the real situation in KiM, stressing that in KiM there is “an atmosphere of fear and pressure towards Serbs and other non-Albanians.”


Kosovo Foreign Affairs Minister: UNMIK now a destabilizing factor


Kosovo’s Foreign Affairs Minister Donika Gervalla-Schwarz told the Security Council session that UNMIK has become a destabilizing factor and accused Serbia of being on Russia’s side in the war in Ukraine and of failing to fulfil its European obligations. “As Russia’s closest ally, Serbia is the biggest threat to peace in the Balkans,” said Gervalla-Schwarz adding that, if it were not for NATO and the US, there could have been a war.

She said it is common knowledge that Kosovo keeps its promises, and that it has not gone against any on the signed agreements. “This is not the case with Dacic, (Serbian President Aleksandar) Vucic and the lot. Their political genetics prevent them from keeping their word,” said Gervalla-Schwarz. Kosovo’s Minister stressed that Serbia’s strategy is to prevent integration processes in the Balkans and that Russia’s influence is behind this, but that the region’s EU integration processes will continue even without Serbia. “There is a growing number of voices in Europe, from Kosovo, the Netherlands and Germany, calling for sanctions against Serbia, because there should be no negotiating with cheaters but they should be faced with consequences,” said Gervalla-Schwarz. She added that Serbia has ignored the agreements of 2011, 2013 and 2015, and that it wants to obstruct all agreements because it does not wish to be a part of Europe, that it wants European millions but not European values. “Serbia supports the war and genocide against Ukraine. Its vote in the UN means nothing,” said Gervalla-Schwarz, stressing that Kosovo will never again allow Serbia to commit genocide against its citizens. She said the UNMIK report has small, medium and big errors and that there are important things missing from the report.


Kosovo FM: Serbian FM Dacic responsible for mass murder


Gervalla-Schwarz told the UN Security Council session that her Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic, “is responsible for mass murder and violence during the last war in Kosovo,” and that he should be brought before the war crimes court. The Kosovo Minister said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was former president Slobodan Milosevic’s “propaganda minister,” adding that the is “still performing this function.” “The right hand of the butcher of the Balkans responsible for the Balkan wars is the person who just spoke before us. He has a lot of mistakes on his hands. There were no words of regret, but contempt for the victims instead…Dacic, now the Foreign Affairs Minister, is responsible for mass murders and violence and should be brought before the war crimes court,” said Gervalla-Schwarz in New York in English, Albanian and Serbian. The Kosovo Minister said that she had asked to speak in Albanian at the UNSC session, but that her request was denied.


Responding to the accusations, Dacic asked Gervalla-Schwarz why former Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is currently standing trial for war crimes and he isn’t. “Why haven’t I or the President (of Serbia, Aleksandar) Vucic been charged? Because we did not take part in that. And where are Thaci and (former Kosovo Parliament speaker Kadri) Veseli now?” Dacic asked. He said representatives of UNSC members had an opportunity “to hear first-hand what a dialogue sounds like,” and “just how much extremism there is.”


“You could hear that they do not want a dialogue, but further conflicts. You could also notice the racism when Serb DNA is mentioned. It is clear that they are not interested in dialogue,” said Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Dacic. He also commented the claims of Gervalla-Schwarz and other Kosovo officials that Serbs committed genocide against Kosovo Albanians in the 1990s. “When you talk about Serbian genocide against the Albanians, 40,000 Serbs lived in Pristina in the 1990s, and today there are about 100 of them. If the Serbs had committed genocide, it would have been the other way round. Every meter of the Kosovo land is covered in Serbian blood,” said Dacic. He added that Serbia wants a dialogue but that it does not want those who fail to fulfil their obligations to be rewarded for it, “as is the case with Pristina” regarding the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities.


Dacic noted that Vucic did not sign the agreement in Ohrid and that any formal or de facto recognition of Kosovo and its UN membership are unacceptable to Serbia. “Oral acceptance of the agreement also means having verbal reservations about certain positions. Plus, the first condition for the implementation of everything else (from the agreement) is the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (CSM). We will see what will happen on May 2 in Brussels (the next round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue). You do not want peace, you are full of hatred, you want war, but we are not afraid of you. The international community should be afraid of you,” said Dacic.


Russian ambassador to the UN: Pristina deals with the relationship between Serbia and Russia, which is not its job


Russian Ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, at the beginning of his speech before the Security Council, referred to the address of the representative of Kosovo, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervala Schwartz, saying that Pristina deals with the relations between Serbia and Russia, which is not her job. He also stated that Russia's position regarding Kosovo and Serbia remains unchanged, and that Russia supports reaching an agreement that is in accordance with Resolution 1244. Nebenzya also stated that the situation in Kosovo is alarming, and that Pristina, with the help of the West, is trying to take control of the areas inhabited by Serbs. He also said that Aljbin Kurti does not want to apply the Brussels Agreement regarding the ZSO and that he wants the ZSO to be reduced to the level of an NGO without executive powers. Russia believes that UNMIK's optimism regarding the agreement reached in Ohrid is excessive, because Pristina, not long after, by holding local elections in the north of KiM, raised tensions again. In this way, the voice of the Serbs from the north of KiM was silenced and the process of usurpation of the territory continued, said Nebenzya. After the arrival of Kurti, more than 300 ethnically motivated incidents without a proper judicial epilogue, said the Russian ambassador, accusing the West of "bringing the countries of the Balkans under the auspices of its economic and military bloc."


USA: The establishment of Community of Serbian Municipalities of critical importance


US representative at the UN said that USA, together with its European partners, continues to protect democracy, multi-ethnic societies and the rule of law. 'It is a critical question. We support the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina under the mediation of the EU, we appreciate the mediation efforts of Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajcak,'' he said and added that the so-called Kosovo and Serbia took a crucial step by signing the Brussels Agreement.

"We encourage both sides to implement their obligations and bypass the crisis through dialogue. We hope to see more of this spirit at the next meeting on May 2,'' he said. The US representative pointed out that the establishment of the ZSO by the Pristina authorities, in a manner that coincides with the constitution of the so-called Kosovo, a "critically" important part of the implemented agreement. The deputy pointed out that it is time for the UN to take on a more important role when it comes to KiM. "We appreciate UNMIK, which has been doing its job since 1999, but we have to say that this mission fulfilled its mandate to the end," said the US representative.


Japan and Britain for a review the UN mission


Japan has requested a review of the mandate of UNMIK, stating that the responsibilities of the missions overlap in Kosovo, said Japanese Ambassador to the UN Ishikane Kimihiro.

The political coordinator of the British mission to the UN, Fergus Eckersley, said that London fully supports Resolution 1244, but it should be said that it is time for the Security Council to take a new look at the way in which the UN mission in Kosovo can continue its work.


Albania for the gradual abolition of UNMIK


Albanian Ambassador to the UN Ferit Hoxha said that two members of the UN Security Council requested that the representative of Kosovo address this body in the Albanian language, stating that such things happened on several occasions during the past ten years.

"I will no longer insist on this so as not to bring the Presidency into a problematic situation," said the Albanian ambassador. He cited visa liberalization and inclusion in the membership of the Council of Europe as significant advances of the authorities in Pristina, stating that the agreements from Ohrid and Brussels are "historic". Agreements only make sense if they are enforced. We expect the parties to fulfil them immediately and completely, said Hoxha, expressing regret that the representatives of the Serbs did not participate in the recently held local elections. And requested the gradual abolition of UNMIK, by reducing the budget and the number of officials.


United Arab Emirates and Brazil supported the stay of UNMIK


The United Arab Emirates welcomed the role of UNMIK in building mutual dialogue, understanding and trust, stating that the world organization has proven this countless times in the Middle East. Brazil also supported the stay of the UN Mission in Kosovo. "The road to reconciliation is difficult... We cannot change the past, but we can shape the future. The hard-won peace must last. Both sides deserve it," said UAE Ambassador to the UN Lana Nusseibeh. The local elections in Kosovo, which were held without the presence of Serbs, are an indication of how complex things are on the ground, not only in those municipalities but throughout Kosovo, said the representative of the UAE.


China supported the stay of UNMIK


Deputy Chinese Ambassador to the UN Geng Shuang warned of recent ethnically motivated incidents, stating that it is necessary to prevent such incidents from happening in the future. He welcomed the role of UNMIK, stating that the importance of this mission in building multi-ethnic cooperation and other areas of society cannot be replaced.


France: Agreement is the only way for Belgrade and Pristina

France considers that, at this moment, the formation of the ZSO is extremely important, stating that in the previous period it informed the highest representatives of the authorities in Belgrade and Pristina about it, said the deputy French ambassador to the UN, Nathalie Estival Broadhurst. She stated that Belgrade and Pristina must avoid any escalation of the situation, and that the priority is the "implementation of the ZSO and the return of Serbs to the institutions". "There is no other way for either Belgrade or Pristina to reach a mutual agreement," said the French ambassador.


Dacic: We will continue to insist on the ZSO as the first point of implementation of the agreement (RTS)


In a statement to RTS after the UN Security Council session in New York, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, said that the majority of the members were correct and pointed out that Pristina has an obligation to form the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) and supported the dialogue, but that he is not sure that that part of the agreement will be implemented because the government of Albin Kurti does not want it. In a statement to RTS, Minister Dacic divided the events at the UN Security Council session into two segments.


"I would divide the session into two parts. One thing that is important is the attitude of the members of the Security Council. I think that the vast majority of the members were correct in terms of what they said about the obligations and the current situation, and almost all of them pointed out: USA, Great Britain, France and even China and Russia that Kosovo has an obligation and that it must finally form the ZSO, which is of course the most important issue for us, and they supported the dialogue," said Dacic.


The second part of the session, according to Minister Dacic, represented, as he said, "our trouble we have with Pristina”. "And that is that we live in an atmosphere of great hatred on their part. They have clearly shown that they do not want any kind of correct relations, correct dialogue, that they want conflicts, that they want the continuation of the war," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia. He emphasized that we will continue to insist that the formation of the ZSO be the first point in the implementation of everything. "We will see on May 2nd how Kurti will behave, I am not sure that it will work. As I said, we are almost certain that nothing will come of it, because his goal is not to form the ZSO, his goal is to expel the Serbs from Kosovo, and that is the essence," Ivica Dacic told RTS.


Dacic: UN SC members noted Pristina's obligation to form ZSO (Tanjug)


In a statement after Thursday's UN Security Council session on the work of UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said the fact the body's members had noted Pristina's obligation to form a Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) was the most important thing for Serbia. "As you know, under pressure from Western countries, the number of sessions has been reduced and they are now held twice a year. I think everyone has a desire that there be as few such sessions as possible and that, eventually, there be no UNMIK either. The most important thing here for us is that the opinions of UN SC member states are heard. The members noted Pristina's obligation to form a Community of Serb Municipalities because representatives of Pristina institutions are acting as if they have fulfilled all obligations, and they are now lecturing others," Dacic told Tanjug.


The fact that "representatives of the US, the UK and, especially, France, kept noting the significance of forming a Community of Serb Municipalities" is important, Dacic said, adding that, needless to say, Russia and China were Serbia's traditional allies. Everyone kept referring to UN SC Resolution 1244, Dacic said, adding that it could be said the atmosphere at the session had been fair when it comes to the approach of leading powers. "However, if, on the other hand, you have a leadership that does not care about dialogue or peace...," he said in a reference to Pristina, adding: "They demonstrate that everywhere, in all spheres. They also demonstrated that in New York today. It went so far that several statements by (Pristina representative) Donika Gervalla, including that 'Kosovo is the most democratic country in the region', will go down in the history of hypocrisy," Dacic said.


Commenting on Pristina's allegations of "genocide," he said: "What kind of genocide is that when a large number of Serbs have been expelled and 14th century churches are being burned down?" "We are witnessing great pressure on our people, and we have also witnessed the fact 13 Serbs turned out to vote in (Pristina's) recent local elections," Dacic noted. He said he had made it clear at the session that Serbia would never vote for the so-called Kosovo's admission to international institutions. Pristina is a "lie machine," he added. "Whatever the topic is, they are always saying the same things - genocide, Vucic, Dacic, Milosevic, that we are 'little Russia' and that I am 'little Slobo' and personally responsible for genocide..." Dacic said.


Chollet after the conversation with Vucic: Urgent formation of ZSO is needed (RTS)


The special adviser of the US State Department, Derek Chollet, indicated in a telephone conversation with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, that the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) is urgently needed. In a post on Twitter, Derek Chollet expressed the expectation that the meeting at the highest level within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on May 2 will be constructive. "A substantial and positive conversation with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. We agreed to continue strengthening the American-Serbian partnership and a common focus on progress in the dialogue, especially bearing in mind the urgently needed formation of the ZSO. We expect a constructive meeting on May 2 in Brussels." the US official stated.


Serbia again only country in the region not to align with EU Council's measures for Ukraine (Beta)


Serbia is once again the only candidate country for membership in the EU in the Western Balkans that has not aligned with the latest decisions of the Council of the European Union on restrictive measures as a result of actions that undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said on April 27 that the Council adopted Decision (CFSP) 2023/7561 on April 13 which expands the list of individuals, entities and bodies subjected to restrictive measures adopted in 2014. All of the countries in the region – North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina have aligned with the Council's latest decision. They will ensure that their national policies are in accordance with this decision, and the EU has taken notice of this and welcomes it, according to a

statement. Serbia is the only candidate for membership in the EU in the Western Balkans that has not aligned with the Council's previous 16 decisions on restrictive measures over Ukraine that were passed in January, February and March this year and in July, September and November 2022.


SNS Official says Serbia must urgently introduce sanctions against Russia and apply for NATO Membership (Danas)


Member of the main board of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Dragan Sormaz said that a change of foreign policy, the way it was recently announced by president Aleksandar Vucic, “would lead Serbia to self-isolation and a disaster”. Sormaz also said that the hitherto foreign policy of Serbia was wrong which led to a standstill in European integrations for the past two years. “If President Vucic's announcement that Serbia will

reciprocally respect the territorial integrity of countries that respect the integrity of Serbia materializes, it will lead us into self-isolation, as was the case in the 1990s," Sormaz said. In order to avoid that, Serbia would have to immediately impose sanctions on Russia and apply for admission to NATO. Sormaz described as unacceptable that the representatives of Serbia at the United Nations did not vote for the resolution on UN cooperation with the Council of Europe (CoE). “Our representatives were not in the hall when the vote took place on the adoption of the resolution on cooperation between the UN and the Council of Europe. Even China voted for that resolution, but we aligned ourselves with Russia, North Korea, Syria, Belarus, Burkina Faso and Turkmenistan. Such decisions by Serbian diplomacy are childish and totally incomprehensible,” said the SNS official, known for being a dissonant voice from the majority in that party members, but also for his low influence at the top of the SNS. “I cannot believe that a policy will be implemented that separates Serbia from Europe and the US”. This is not in the interestof citizens. Politicians must look into the present and the future and only a fool makes mistakes that have already been committed in the past”, Sormaz assessed. “Adopting the announced foreign policy strategy based on what is being done today would lead Serbia to a catastrophe”, Sormaz concluded.


The meeting of the head of state with the representatives of the Working Group of the EU Council for Enlargement (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Minister of Justice Maja Popovic met with representatives of the Working Group of the Council of the European Union for Enlargement and States Negotiating EU Accession (COELA), with whom they discussed the continuation of European integration. During the meeting, Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia is fully committed to the European integration process, and that EU membership remains the strategic commitment of our country, which continues to implement the reform agenda in accordance with its European orientation and national interests. He expressed the hope that the member countries will also recognize Serbia's efforts and results and by the end of the year give the "green light" for the opening of cluster 3, for which our country is fully prepared.


Speaking about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which is conducted with the mediation of the EU, the president pointed out that Serbia is fully committed to the normalization of relations and the implementation of the agreement, calling on the representatives of the EU to intensify their engagement in order to implement the assumed obligations of the other party.


Susanna Leesik, on behalf of Sweden's presidency of the Working Body of the EU Council, reiterated the EU's commitment to Serbia's perspective for EU membership, recalling that the EU is Serbia's largest investor, donor and trade partner. The EU member states reminded how important it is for Serbia to further accelerate and implement reforms in basic areas, such as the rule of law and basic human rights, the independence and functioning of the judiciary, freedom of expression, including freedom of the media and the fight against corruption and organized crime. The EU member states reiterated EU expectations that, as a partner country and accession candidate, Serbia will align with the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy - including with EU restrictive measures - as the key aspect of the EU integration process and a strong expression of a strategic choice of partners and a place in a community of values. The EU member states welcomed the agreement on a road map to normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations, which sets the EU-facilitated dialogue on a firm path to the future and paves the way for comprehensive normalisation, and expressed the expectation all provisions of the agreement and its annex will be implemented, the statement said.


Serbian PM Ana Brnabic noted that EU membership was a strategic commitment and the priority of Serbia's foreign policy, and added that the EU was Serbia's most significant external trade partner, accounting for two thirds of its total external trade, the Serbian government said in a statement. Brnabic reminded the representatives that Serbia was ready to open Cluster 3 in its EU accession talks, which deals with competitiveness and inclusive growth, and that the European Commission had on two occasions called on member states to support that step in the talks process, but that that had not taken place as yet. She noted that Belgrade remained fully committed to dialogue with Pristina but that it insisted on all commitments from agreements reached to date being met. She reiterated that implementation of the Brussels Agreement had been guaranteed by the EU and that the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities was now over ten years overdue. She especially noted that Pristina had met none of its commitments from the Brussels Agreement and that rewarding this with support for launching the procedure of its admission to the Council of Europe was contradictory and unprincipled. Belgrade opposes such developments in the strongest possible way, Brnabic said. She noted that Serbia was committed to cooperation with the EU on foreign and security policy. She reminded the representatives that, under the negotiating framework, Serbia needed to gradually align it policies with the EU by the time of its entry to the bloc. Brnabic also pointed out Serbia's commitment to good-neighbourly cooperation, which she said was necessary in further development of the region, as well as that the Open Balkan initiative was inclusive in character and open to all in the region. In that context, she noted the significance of regional cooperation and stability. Brnabic said rule of law reforms were a priority and would be continued strongly and added that progress had been achieved in nearly all fields of rule of law, the reform process, the fight against corruption and organised crime, the visa policy and media.


Minister of Justice Maja Popovic presented the results of the Action Plan for Chapter 23 "Judiciary and Fundamental Rights" to the representatives of the Working Ground of the EU Enlargement Council and the countries conducting accession negotiations. She pointed out that Serbia, with the adoption of constitutional amendments and a new set of judicial laws, has begun the process of comprehensive reform of the judicial system. The reform, she said, will ensure the rule of law and strengthen the foundations of legal security, the Ministry of Justice announced. She emphasized that in the coming period, citizens will feel all the positive effects of the reform, which aims to create a more independent, efficient and responsible judiciary. "Serbia is determined to, through upcoming activities, carry out the reform process to the end," Popovic said. Members of the Working Group congratulated the Ministry of Justice on the results achieved and expressed their support for the efforts made in building a system that will achieve a higher level of protection of basic rights and freedoms.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


HR Schmidt imposes decision on formation of FB&H Government (N1)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt imposed on Thursday a decision to unblock the government formation in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H).


Article 1 of the Decision reads that the FB&H Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers of the FB&H Government put forward by the FB&H President in the proposed decision signed by her on March 30, 2023, agreed by one of the FB&H Vice-Presidents on April 3, 2023 and amended on April 27, 2023, are hereby deemed appointed.


Article 2 of the Decision reads that the FB&H Government will be elected after its appointment is confirmed by a majority vote of the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR). The FB&H HoR shall convene an urgent session to be held no later than April 28, 2023. The confirmation of the appointed FB&H Government will be the only item on the agenda for this session. Schmidt set a deadline of one year to adopt the amendments to the FB&H Constitution in order to avoid similar blockade in the government formation process in the future, otherwise the Decision will become a permanent solution on May 1, 2024.


“The FB&H Parliament will make its best efforts to initiate the process of amending to Article IV.B.5 of the FB&H Constitution that could, if adopted, ensure that the relevant institutions in the FB&H abide by their obligation to ensure that the FB&H Government is elected. The amendment attached hereto, which forms an integral part of this Decision, shall enter into force on May 1, 2024 provided that the FB&H Parliament does not decide otherwise before that date by amending the FB&H Constitution as provided in this Article”, the Article 3 reads.


The HR also imposed the amendment to the FB&H Constitution that stipulates several measures in case that solution to unblock the FB&H Government formation fails to be reached. According to the amendment, if the FB&H President fails to appoint the FB&H Government in agreement with both FB&H Vice-Presidents, the FB&H President will have an additional 30 days to repeat the procedure. If this procedure fails again, the FB&H Government proposed by the FB&H President in agreement with one Vice-President will be forwarded to the FB&H Parliament. The proposed FB&H Government shall be considered elected if confirmed by majority vote in the FB&H HoR, and then by majority vote in the FB&H House of Peoples provided that the dissenting votes do not include three-fifth or more of the delegates in one or more caucus(es) of the constituent peoples. If the FB&H Government is not elected, the FB&H President, in agreement with the Vice-Presidents of the FB&H, will repeat the procedure again, and if the FB&H Government is not appointed again or if the appointed FB&H Government is not confirmed by the FB&H HoR, the FB&H Parliament and the cantonal assemblies will be considered dissolved. Early elections will be announced pursuant to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) for the FB&H HoR and the cantonal assemblies, and the mandate of the FB&H President and the two Vice-Presidents will cease upon their replacement following these early elections.


Schmidt also passed a decision enacting the law on amendments to the Criminal Code of the FB&H that refers to the integrity of the election process. The decision stipulates sanctions for bribery and various manipulations during the election process and afterwards. Addressing the press conference earlier on Thursday, Schmidt stated that his actions are not aimed either for or against any people or political party but that he was led by the principle of what is the best for this country and all its citizens. He reminded that three weeks ago he called for swift government formation backed by parliamentary majorities and that he had no other option than to impose a solution now nearly seven months after the elections. Schmidt said that he wants to end the current stalemate and ensure for the FB&H HoR to meet its constitutional obligation – to vote on the appointment of the new FB&H Government. He stressed that he took this step because the FB&H Constitutional does not offer any concrete and complete answer to the current situation. Schmidt concluded that his decision also calls on the FB&H Parliament to continue the process of amending the FB&H Constitution, in order to prevent such blockades from happening in the future.


Schmidt was quoted as saying: “This systemic mechanism to overcome the deadlock will only come into force if the Parliament does not reach an agreement on constitutional amendments within a year. It includes a transparent process of nominating the Prime Minister and the development of proposals for the Government, resolves the deadlock with full respect for the rights of all constituent peoples, with a balance of civic democratic principles, as well as the abolition of discrimination against the Others group. It includes a short-term announcement that the House of Representatives of the FB&H Parliament will start voting on the Government. This is not my job; this is a job for elected officials”. The decision on amending the FB&H Constitution states: “Early elections are called in accordance with the B&H Election Law for the House of Representatives of the FB&H and the cantonal assemblies. The mandate of the president and two vice-presidents of the FBiH ends with their dismissal after these early elections”. “The will of voters in elections must not be ignored. This is the essence of democracy, respecting the will of the citizens. For this reason, I made a decision unblocking the appointment of the FB&H Government. With this decision, I want to end the existing deadlock and enable the House of Representatives to fulfil its constitutional duty and vote on the appointment and election of the new FB&H Government. I made the decision because the Constitution does not give us a complete answer when we find ourselves in this kind of situation. In order to prevent similar delays in the future, I invite all parties to join in the best of intentions in finding a permanent solution. Respecting and encouraging this initiative, the Parliament is also invited to continue its initiative to amend the Constitution in order to prevent future setbacks,” Schmidt said.


US Embassy comment HR Schmidt’s decision: It is regrettable that the High Representative had to intervene to ensure success of such a basic democratic process (Dnevni avaz)


The US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) reacted following the imposing of decisions by High Representative Christian Schmidt. “The unfortunate failure of political parties to respond to the High Representative’s April 7 call to reach a consensus and form the government in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) left the High Representative no other option but to act. It is regrettable that the High Representative had to intervene to ensure success of such a basic democratic process, however it is clear that another period of the government in technical mandate would be harmful and destabilizing not just to the Federation, but to all of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). We welcome the High Representative’s call for Federation parties to discuss constitutional reform in the coming period, but the Federation must not lack governance in the interim. We hope all parties will seize this opportunity to deliver the governance that B&H citizens have been denied over the past four years. B&H needs functional, efficient, and accountable government in the Federation to move towards Euro-Atlantic integration. True patriotism is about creating a better future for your fellow citizens”, reads the statement.


SDP President Niksic welcomes decision of HR Schmidt (FTV)


SDP President Nermin Niksic welcomed the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt, stating: “I welcome the systemic, permanent solution imposed by Schmidt. Unfortunately, as long as there are more domestic politicians who are dedicated to politicking instead of working of finding quality solutions, there will be a need for the interventions of the High Representative.” SDP together with NS and NiP called on all political parties to accept the HR’s decision.


Reacting to the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt, NiP published a statement on their official website, stating: “We see the imposed solutions as a long-term and sustainable tool not only for the current blockade. These are permanent solution that degrade the importance of the House of Peoples of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) in favour of the House of Representatives, that is, the civic principle is significantly strengthened in comparison to the ethnic one. The decision respects the principles of parliamentary democracy in which the final decision is made by the majority in HoR. We especially highlight the introduction of the democratic principle of early elections and the automatic dissolution of the FB&H Parliament and cantonal assemblies within the prescribed deadlines, which permanently prevents multiyear blockades.”


Our Party on HR’s decision: It is good that decision envisages possibility of early elections, which will prevent anyone’s usurpation of power and blockades (FTV)


Reacting to the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt, Our Party published a statement on their official website stating: “It is good that the decision envisages the possibility of early elections, which will prevent anyone’s usurpation of power and blockades. We will respect the OHR’s decision, which we call on all other political parties to do as well. We are obliged to do so according to constitutional and legal regulations, but also according to the orders of political ethics because, the fact is, impositions come when we show our inability to decide for ourselves, in accordance with the best political standards and principles of compromise. Accordingly, we respect the decisions made by others when we show such political immaturity.”


SDA criticizes Schmidt’s decision to unblock appointment of FB&H Government (AJB, FTV)


SDA criticized the High Representative to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt’s decision to unblock formation of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Government. SDA said that the decision is a scandalous suspension of the FB&H Constitution and all democratic principles, which no one, not even the High Representative, has the right to do. SDA issued a statement which reads: “With the newly imposed decision, HDZ B&H is once again being accommodated, which wants to be enabled in this way to form an imposed government with a minority group of political collaborators from the ‘Troika’, which has 28 representatives and a few bought seats. We demand from Christian Schmidt to explain to B&H and the world public whether his decision was again agreed with the Prime Minister of Croatia (Andrej Plenkovic), and whether it was based on Christian values and foundations, as the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Peter Szijjarto) spoke about it, that is, whether the majority will of the Bosniaks will be nullified because they are mostly Muslims”.


FB&H Vice-President Refik Lendo (SDA) stated: “Today’s decision is a hypocritical, rude and utterly humiliating decision for the citizens of the FB&H, especially Bosniaks. Bosniak representative and Bosniak people, are completely left out from the processes that will be led. A one-time decision, and everything else is in the interest of Croats, or more specifically HDZ B&H and Dragan Covic, what he dictated Schmidt was written in his decision.” Lendo said that Schmidt’s decision does not concern SDA, but the pride of Bosniaks. “He (Schmidt) struck at the pride of Bosniaks. He struck at the perspective, and everything called democracy, elections, post-elections and so on. I am certain that our parliamentarians, who need to declare in the upcoming period when it comes to this rude unconstitutional decision, will think carefully about whether they will accept it,” Lendo said. “The will of the Bosniak people was ignored, which is an unacceptable precedent”. Lendo told N1 that it is improper that his signature to the decision on appointment of the new FB&H Government was avoided in the HR’s decision, warning that the decision is not good and that citizens will not accept it.


DF criticizes Schmidt’s decision to unblock appointment of FB&H Government (FTV)


DF published their statement on their official Facebook, which reads: “DF completely rejects and strongly condemns the new imposition of changes to the Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) by the last High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Christian Schmidt. It is completely clear that this is a brutal attack on the constitutional order by a foreigner in our country in the position of the High Representative, with the aim of imposing electoral rules in the interest of the HDZ B&H, and with the aim of forming an occupation-like government that, in addition to the HDZ B&H, would be composed of parties gathered around (HDZ B&H leader) Dragan Covic, primarily SDP, People and Justice and Our Party. DF believes that anyone who accepts to form a government based on these imposed, anti-constitutional and undemocratic rules is committing a direct ‘crime’ against the state and its citizens.”


NES leader Ogresevic condemns changes imposed by HR Schmidt (FTV)


NES leader Nermin Ogresevic condemned the changes imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt stating: “Unfortunately, the High Representative practically suspended the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Constitution in order to comply with the wishes of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), who chose their own partners, and introduced ‘The Troika’ into the authorized government. Also, the base, and it seems to be the only purpose of the changes to the FB&H Constitution, which were imposed, and which should come into force next year, is obviously that HDZ B&H be guaranteed to be in power after all subsequent elections.”


Session of FB&H HoR scheduled for Friday with appointment of new FB&H Government on agenda (BHT1)


A session of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) House of Representative is scheduled to take place on Friday at 14,00hrs. The information was confirmed for BHT1 and appointment of a new FB&H Government will be on agenda in the light of the decision of the High Representative Christian Schmidt. O Kanal reports that the Collegium of the FB&H HoR held a session on Thursday, but did not schedule a session of the FB&H HoR as they wanted to wait for the announced decision of the High Representative, before scheduling the session of the FB&H HoR. Speaker of the FB&H HoR Mirjana Marinkovic-Lepic commented: “We ensured ourselves, by this session of this Collegium, that the conditions are met to schedule a session of the HoR. After 11:00 tomorrow or later, we can schedule the session, and this was approved by all members of the Collegium. We still do not know anything. You can see that things are changing every minute. No one can confirm at this moment the time of the next session.” It was further stated that the main reason why the session was not scheduled was the reason that the main agenda of the session would be the appointment of the new FB&H Government, which could have been altered by the decisions announced to be implemented by the HR.


HDZ B&H, ‘Troika’ agree on new distribution of ministerial positions in FB&H Government, instead of NES, SBIH, HDZ 1990, Isak will join them (BHT1)


According to BHT1, the coalition formed of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and ‘The Troika’ reached a decision on new distribution of ministerial positions in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Government. Thus, NES and SBIH will not take part in work of the new FB&H Government and instead, HDZ 1990 and former member of NES Ramo Isak will join the coalition. HDZ 1990 will assume the post of the FBIH Ministry of Health, and the new minister will be Nedjeljko Rimac. Isak is supposed to assume the post of the FBIH Minister of Interior. Member of SDP B&H Vedran Lakic will assume the post of a new FB&H Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry, Jasna Durakovic will become a new FB&H Minister of Education and Science, SDP B&H’s Nedzad Lokmic will become a new FB&H Minister of Veterans’ Issues and Disabled People’s Protection. NS is expected to assume the position of FB&H Minister of Trade and Tourism and Amir Hasicevic is supposed to become a new minister. Candidate for a new FB&H Minister of Agriculture, Water-Management and Forestry is NIP’s Kemal Hrnjic.


N1 reports that HDZ 1990 and HNP have joined ‘The Troika’ and HDZ B&H in the new narrow parliamentary majority of 50 seats after hours-long negotiations, and the two parties also got ministerial posts in the new FB&H Government. HNP’s Ivan Vukadin told reporters that the parties of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) have reached an agreement on the proposals for the ministerial posts that belong to the Croat people and sent them to FB&H President Lidija Bradara (HDZ B&H).


B&H CC harshly condemns decisions adopted by RSNA on Wednesday (FTV)


The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court issued a statement regarding the conclusions of the emergency session of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA), held on Wednesday, April 26, regarding the RSNA’s conclusion for the RS judge in the B&H Constitutional Court Zlatko Knezevic to withdraw from the institution. The statement published on the official website of the B&H Constitutional Court reads: “The Constitutional Court of B&H is not part of the legislative, executive, or regular judicial power, but it positioned by the Constitution of B&H as a special separate and independent authority, which based on the Constitution, acts as a corrective factor for the other three segments of government and as such is not obliged to account to them. Following the above, we point out that the RSNA does not have any basis for such an action in the Constitution of B&H. Therefore, these is no basis in any provision of the Constitution of B&H, neither of the entities, nor any law in B&H, which allows the legislative bodies of the entities to interfere in the work and jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court of B&H, including the withdrawal of judges from the Constitutional Court. This is undeniably a kind of political influence and pressure on a member of the Constitutional Court, which is completely unacceptable and contrary to the Constitution of B&H and its principles. The aforementioned action in every sense affects legal security and undermines the rule of law, which is the basic foundation of every democratic society, which B&H also strives to on its way to the EU.”


The statement also reads: “The Constitutional Court of B&H supports all previous work and professionalism in the work of respected fellow judge and Vice President Knezevic and fully supports him in these difficult challenges and pressures to which he is unjustifiably exposed. This is undeniably a kind of political influence and pressure on a member of the Constitutional Court, which is completely unacceptable and contrary to the Constitution of B&H and its principles. Finally, we would like to inform the public that VP Knezevic is currently on an excused absence/sickness. Due to the aforementioned reasons, the Constitutional Court of B&H is unable to schedule and hold the planned plenary session at the end of May. The Constitutional Court of B&H continues its work in accordance with the Rules of the Constitutional Court of B&H.”


Dodik: B&H CC demonstrated it is inquisition court against Serbs (Nova BH)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that he does not know whether Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court judge Zlatko Knezevic will resign, adding that it is question for Knezevic. “The Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) appointed judges at the B&H CC and the RSNA is one that can pass decisions it passed. We are very aware of it”, stated Dodik. The RS President reiterated accusations against the B&H CC. Namely, he emphasized that the B&H CC demonstrated that it is not a constitutional court, but an inquisition court against Serbs. He added that such court, that undermines the Constitution of B&H, does not deserve to have representatives of the RS in its convocation. Dodik underlined that when the B&H CC returns to “frameworks” of its acting, it will have representatives of Serbs. Dodik stated: “When the RS passes laws, the Constitutional Court annuls them. And when we say you cannot, you will not annul our laws anymore, and when we say our people will not participate in it, they say it is an abstraction. What abstraction? It is a fight for property that belongs here according to the Constitution”. Dodik reminded that three foreign judges from Germany, Albania and Switzerland together with wartime functionaries from SDA make majority in the B&H CC and vote against the RS, concluding that this scenario is over. According to Dodik, once the B&H CC returns within the framework of the CC, representatives of Serbs will join the institution.


Becirovic: B&H CC judge acts within B&H CC in his personal capacity, and not in capacity of representative of entity or of some other subject (O kanal)


Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic condemned the conclusions from the emergency session of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) held on Wednesday. Becirovic referred to the decision of RSNA to officially invite RS judge in the B&H Constitutional Court Zlatko Knezevic to withdraw from the institution. Becirovic said that: “The composition of the Constitutional Court of B&H is regulated by Article VI/1. of the Constitution of B&H and that ultimately, the judge acts in the Constitutional Court of B&H in a personal capacity, and not in the capacity of a representative of an entity or some other subject. Before assuming office, each elected judge signed a solemn statement in which he committed himself to comply with the Constitution and laws of B&H in performing his duties as a judge of the Constitutional Court of BiH and to perform his duties conscientiously and impartially. Considering all of the above, it is the duty of the judges of the Constitutional Court in B&H to remain consistent in their beliefs and to honourably protect the profession they belong to. The adopted conclusion of RSNA, in which the judges of the Constitutional Court of B&H from the Serb people are called upon to resign from the position of judges of the Constitutional Court of B&H, represents an unfathomably dangerous attempt to copy the unconstitutional methods used in 1992 by the legally convicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic.” Becirovic underlined that entities are not authorized to unilaterally maintain areas that are competences of the state. He added that consequently, any attempt to affect organization of work of the B&H CC represents an unconstitutional acting.


Becirovic meets Sattler and calls on EU to impose sanctions against Dodik over RSNA’s conclusions on protection of property and resignation of RS judge from B&H CC (BHT1)


Member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic met Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) Johann Sattler in Sarajevo on Thursday. Following the meeting, it was stated that the EUFOR has an important role as a guarantor of stability and safety in B&H. The two officials discussed the current situation in B&H. Becirovic pointed out that following sanctions of the US, the UK and the Northern Ireland to Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, it is necessary that the EU also joins the sanctions. He reminded that adoption of Wednesday’s conclusions of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) represents a dangerous attempt to copy unconstitutional methods applied in 1992. Becirovic pointed out that the EU should not underestimate the destructive policy of Dodik.


The RS President Milorad Dodik commented on the Becirovic’s statements: “Denis Becirovic’s foreign policy goes all the way to the RS. He is seeking sanctions for me as the president of the RS. Obviously, he is not in favour of fostering good neighborly relations”. Dodik also said that Becirovic can only speak on behalf of Muslims but that he needs to have approval of other two members of B&H Presidency for any request.


Becirovic compared the RSNA’s moves with the moves of the former RS President and convicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic from 1992. Dodik responded by saying that Karadzic is a better man than Becirovic. Dodik stated: “As for Radovan Karadzic, I can say that he is a far better man than Becirovic. What does he think that he can give a lecture to everyone alive? The RS National Assembly is the legislative body of this Republic and has the right to make decisions. The Constitution says that the RS National Assembly appoints judges, and the RS National Assembly believes that they should not be there”.


Head of the EU Delegation Johann Sattler commented on Thursday on the conclusion of the RSNA to invite RS judge in the B&H Constitutional Court Zlatko Knezevic to withdraw from the institution. He stated: “What we are witnessing in the last week, and the last year, are escalation steps. Withdrawing from B&H institutions and weakening judiciary institutions of the country, are not steps that follow the European path. Generally speaking, if an issue exists, it can only be prevented through discussion, mainly through the B&H Parliament. One-sided moves, such as this one, are not the path to take.”


US Embassy calls on political leaders to stop with boycotts, blockades, as well as legislative and other activities directed toward undermining of the state (Fena)


In statement to Fena, the US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) called on the political leaders to stop with boycotts, blockades, as well as legislative and other activities directed toward undermining and breaking up of the state, because they are destabilizing and dangerous. “USA remain dedicated to sovereignty, territorial integrity and multi-ethnic character of B&H, as well as its full integration to Euro-Atlantic union of states”, reads Embassy’s statement. The Embassy underlines that all leaders and political parties have an obligation to participate in good faith in state, entity and other institutions in order to resolve political disagreements through good faith negotiation and compromise. "All major political parties at the state, entity, cantonal and municipal levels have the responsibility to exercise power in an inclusive manner while respecting the views of the constituent peoples and citizens of B&H, and to work in cooperation with the opposition to support reforms and investments that will benefit all," reads the response given to Fena from the Public Relations Office of the US Embassy in B&H.




Milanovic: Anti-Muslim sentiment is slowing down Albania’s EU accession (HRT)


Albania should have been much closer to EU membership by now if it were not for the anti-Muslim sentiment held by Western Europe, said President Zoran Milanovic on Thursday after meeting with his Albanian counterpart Bajram Begaj in Zagreb. President Milanovic hosted President Begaj on his first official visit to Croatia. "The only reason is prejudice in a part of Western Europe. Prejudice against the Western Balkans, against Muslims, let's be honest. Albania is a country populated predominantly by people of the Islamic faith and that's become a problem. That's a fact," said Milanovic.


President Begaj, who came into office just last June, said this was only his second foreign visit, his first being to Kosovo. He said relations between Croatia and Albania were at an all-time high but should be strengthened in the area of trade. During their meeting, the two leaders touched on regional security and relations with Kosovo. In a message to Western Balkan leaders, President Begaj said that they should behave more like statesmen and set aside nationalist rhetoric. "Kosovo is an independent state and its territorial integrity must not be brought into question," said Begaj. Milanovic underscored that Croatia was among the first countries to recognize Kosovo and would continue to support it. The intention, he said, was not to provoke Serbia but to convince Serbia's leaders that this was simply "reality".


Milanovic stated that Kosovo was a reality, and that Serbia was in a politically schizophrenic situation, since the majority of its citizens had accepted the reality. “The reality is that Kosovo is a part of Europe, that it will be recognized by all European states in the not-too-distant future, and that Serbia finds itself in a politically schizophrenic, divided situation, in which it fantasizes about a relation with Russia, which views Serbia as a tiny appendage, if that even, and on the other hand they have to live in Europe,” Milanovic said at a news conference after his meeting with Albanian President Bajram Begaj.


Begaj declared support to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, facilitated by the EU and the U.S., stating that the consistent implementation of the Ohrid agreement would open the door for the further normalization of relations that will “eventually end with a legally binding agreement focused on mutual recognition.” Begaj reiterated Albania’s stance about Kosovo being a sovereign independent state and that its “territorial integrity must not be called into question.”




Trouble in paradise: Is Europe Now tearing apart? (CDM)


The Europe Now Movement is in political agony and facing a possible split only ten months after the Movement was introduced. Evil tongues claim that the political intolerance of the leader and his deputy Milojko Spajic and Jakov Milatovic, respectively, is experiencing a culmination.


Sources from Europe Now unofficially tell CDM that a split between the two leaders is imminent and that a possible scenario is the breakup of the Movement, from which two parties could be created, led by Spajic and Milatovic. Also, CDM learns from this political Movement that officials are divided into two camps, one favourable to Spajic, the other to Milatovic. Allegedly, Spajic has more support within the party. All this is confirmed by the situation after yesterday’s session of the General Assembly, which Milatovic did not attend, and at which it was decided that Europe Now would run independently in the elections on 11 June 2023, and that Spajic would be the list holder. Milatovic, the newly elected president of Montenegro and deputy leader of Europe Now, says that yesterday’s session of the General Assembly of that party was not convened either ethically or on the principle of unity.


Europe Now to run in elections by itself, Spajic its list holder (CDM)


The Executive Committee of the Europe Now Movement has decided that the party will run independently in the June parliamentary elections. The holder of the list is to be the Europe Now leader, Milojko Spajic. According to CDM’s findings, the Executive Committee adopted Spajic’s proposal that the Movement should run in the elections independently.


It is stated that it has been decided that the Europe Now will now hold a series of talks with civic lists, independent intellectuals, prominent activists, local movements and parties of less numerous peoples in connection with a joint performance in the coming period. It is added that Europe Now will now uniquely continue the political struggle for a strong standard of living, free institutions and a reconciled society.


Previously, at the Executive Committee session, it was stated that Janko Odovic was no longer a member of that party. Odovic said after the session that there was a misunderstanding, and that the issue of his status would be discussed at a future session.

He announced that the resignation was a personal act, but that some things did not take place, so he withdrew his resignation. Jakov Milatovic, the current deputy leader of Europe Now, did not attend the session. Early parliamentary elections are scheduled for 11 June 2023.


Govt hasn’t invited international organizations and Council of Europe to monitor elections (MINA, Pobjeda)


The Montenegrin government hasn’t invited the international organizations OSCE/ODIHR and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to monitor the parliamentary elections scheduled for 11 June. According to the unofficial information of Pobjeda daily, neither the Parliament nor the Ministry of Foreign Affairs invited the international observes even though it’s a practice to do it 60 days before the election day.


Some say the main reason for it is that the outgoing prime minister, Dritan Abazovic, and his team hope that elections are going to be postponed, i.e. that the new president of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, once he takes over, is going to issue the decree on shortening the mandate of the Parliament, previously issued by the current president Milo Djukanovic.


The PSSE has confirmed for Pobjeda that they weren’t invited for monitoring the elections. Asked whether there’s an official deadline for the invitation, the PSSE says there isn’t, but that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe needs time to prepare for such an activity.


North Macedonia


Session for election of new Judicial Council President postponed to May 2 (Alsat-M)


Thursday’s session of the Judicial Council during which the Council was supposed to elect a new President of the Council, after Vesna Dameva’s dismissal from the post upon the proposal of Vice President Selim Ademi on Wednesday, has been postponed to May 2. Ademi said that the members of the Council decided to postpone the session because it is a fairly important issue that requires the presence of all 13 members of the Council. Eight members voted in favor of the motion to postpone the session, four voted against. “The 439th session was scheduled for today, but we already discussed that all 13 members should be present when a President of the Judicial Council is being elected. However, one member is absent due to justified reasons, which is why I propose that the session is held on May 2,” said Vice-President Ademi at the session. He did not answer the journalists who asked him to comment sought a response to the remarks of NGOs and experts who said that Wednesday’s dismissal of Dameva was illegal and contrary to the rules of procedure. Ademi also failed to answer why the presence of all members was not required for the dismissal on Wednesday, while it is for the election of a new President on Thursday. Present at the session, dismissed Judicial Council president Vesna Dameva said that Ademi had to protect the members from intimidations, pressures and possible influences from outside. According to her, the postponement of the session on Thursday is due to other reasons. "To be honest, I expected you to have a majority to vote at this moment, but I'm giving you two more days to see if the illegal dismissal, without any preliminary procedure, will be legalized in some way, as you yourself mentioned the Constitutional Court, but you as a vice-president should have protected us from all pressures, influences and the like,” said Dameva, Judicial Council. After several hours of tensions and fights on Wednesday, Ademi took over the session in Dameva’s presence and proposed that the Council vote for her dismissal. Seven members voted in favor of her dismissal – Selim Ademi, Milazim Mustafa, Hanif Zendeli, Mirsad Suroji, Sashko Georgievski, Loreta Georgieva and Pavlina Crvenkovska, after which the Vice-President concluded Dameva’s dismissal and scheduled Thursday’s session for the election of a new President. Dameva’s dismissal caused a slew of reactions in the public and among experts from the judiciary, who said that the rules of procedure were not respected during her dismissal.


Pendarovski: Events at Wednesday’s session don’t befit the Judicial Council (Telma)


President Stevo Pendarovski assessed that the events at Wednesday’s session of the Judicial Council don’t befit this body which has a very responsible role, considering its powers in the election and dismissal of judges and assessment of their work. These actions, said Pendarovski in his official reaction, additionally harm not only the credibility of the Judicial Council, but also the citizens’ trust in the judiciary. “In line with his constitutional powers, the President proposed Vesna Dameva to Parliament as a member of the Judicial Council of North Macedonia in 2019. Selim Ademi was elected as a 2 member of the Judicial Council upon the proposal of the Parliament of North Macedonia,” the President’s Office said.


Wave of reactions following Dameva's dismissal (Sitel)


President Stevo Pendarovski believes that the actions of Judicial Council members during the session on April 26 affect even more the decrease of trust in the judicial system. "Such scenes do not befit this body which carries an important role, referring to the competences for the election, dismissal and evaluation of judges, and upholding the image of judiciary as a key factor for citizens' trust in the judicial system,” reads the reaction of President Pendarovski.


Minister of Justice, Krenar Lloga, requested the minutes of April 26 session to be informed more about the developments. As a non-voting member, Lloga was not present at the April 26 session of the Judicial Council. “In order to get more information, the Ministry of Justice has sent a request to the Judicial Council to send for review the minutes of the 438th session, as well as the approved agenda,” said the Ministry of Justice.


The Anti-Corruption Commission expressed its concern about the events, stressing that the Council members should be reminded there are legal provisions for prevention of corruption and conflict of interest. "The Commission for the Prevention of Corruption expresses serious concern about the events at Judicial Council session. We remind the ones who are in those positions that the legal provisions must be respected, and integrity must be maintained in accordance with the Law on the Prevention of Corruption,” says the Commission. The coalition ‘All for fair trials’ believes that Wednesday decision is contrary to all the laws and bylaws that regulate the activity of the Judicial Council.


"Vesna Dameva cannot be dismissed from the position of Judicial Council president without first being dismissed from the position of Council member. The procedure in which the disciplinary responsibility of a member can be ascertained, including the president of the Judicial Council, has not been respected. The decision was brought without the proper majority, instead of 8 votes, 7 members voted for the decision, while one of these votes belonged to the member who initiated the dismissal initiative,” said the ‘All for fair trials’ coalition. The ‘Blueprint’ Group for reforms in the judiciary, also reacted saying that the decision to dismiss Vesna Dameva from the position of Judicial Council president was not voted by the required number of members, and that this situation is a consequence of the lack of clear legal provisions that must be fixed so that such scenes do not repeat in the future.




Croatian President: Let's help Albania integrate into the EU, otherwise someone else will do it (Radio Tirana)


During the joint media conference with the Albanian head of state Bajram Begaj, the president of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, stated that his country supports Albania's integration into the European Union, while emphasizing that the West prejudices it as a country with a Muslim majority. "I want to give my full support and I will not miss any opportunity to emphasize how important it is for Albania to become part of the European society as soon as possible since I assume that the only reason is the prejudices against the Balkans.


I don't want to make a mistake here, Albania, technically, in the majority is a country inhabited by citizens of the Muslim faith and not only. Apparently, this has become a problem in Western Europe", said Milanovic. The Croatian head of state has also emphasized that Albania should be helped to become part of the European Union, as otherwise, according to him, someone else will do it. "This is a fact, we cannot fight against this fact except with words. I said this 10 years ago in Tirana as prime minister, but nothing has changed. If we do not help Albania to become part of the West as soon as possible, someone else will come. I believe that this is quite clear", declared Milanovic. During the press conference, the relations between the two countries were discussed as well as the areas of cooperation. Milanovic emphasized the necessity of connecting the port of Durres with that of Plloca through the road infrastructure to facilitate the exchange of goods.


Begaj announced that the time has come to have a direct airline between the two countries


During his visit to Croatia, President Bajram Begaj announced that the time has come to have a direct airline between the two countries. In a joint media conference after the meeting with Milanovic, Begaj pointed out that between the two countries there should be a direct airline, sea, but also the cooperation in terms of road infrastructure and that in the field of energy should also increase. "This visit is an expression of the clear will that relations between Albania and Croatia continue to grow. These relations are also at a strategic level, for issues related to peace and prosperity in the region where we live in. On this occasion, I want to look at the areas of cooperation between Albania and Croatia, the direct air connection between the two countries, the sea connection between the two countries or even the road infrastructure as well as the infrastructure in terms of energy. I believe that this will be the right attention for the entire region of the Western Balkans to be part of the European Union", said Begaj during the conference with his Croatian counterpart, Milanovic.


Albania will participate in the exercise "Defender Europe 2023" (Radio Tirana)


The Albanian government decided on Thursday on the participation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania in the exercise "Defender Europe 2023" taking place abroad. The decision foresees that 235 military personnel will be divided according to levels and regions.

Thus, 127 infantry officers are deployed in North Macedonia, from May 21, 2023 to June 3, 2023. 30 infantry officers are deployed in Kosovo, from May 21 to June 3, 2023. 30 members of the Military Police will be deployed in Croatia from May 15 to June 4, 2023. 4 members of the Armed Forces will be deployed in Croatia from May 15 to June 4, 2023. 14 infantry troops are deployed in Slovenia from May 21, 2023 to June 3, 2023. 30 officers of the Military Police will be deployed in Romania, from May 27, 2023 to June 7, 2023. The financial effects, resulting from the implementation of this decision, are borne by the funds approved in the budget of the Ministry of Defense.


Prime Minister Rama travels to Greece today, to take part in the 8th Delphi Economic Forum (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama travels this Friday (April 28) to Greece, to participate in the 8th Delphi Economic Forum. According to the information, it is known that the head of the Albanian government will deliver his speech at the forum panel, during today's afternoon, while he is also expected to participate in the discussion on foreign policy issues.


More than 800 speakers from 70 countries are participating in the 8th Delphi Economic Forum, which started on April 26 and ends on April 29, including the President of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulidis, the Federal Chancellor of Austria Karl Nehammer, the President of Bulgaria Rumen Radev, the President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik, the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu, the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti , the Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic, the European Commissioners, the Vice-Presidents of the European Commission Frans Timmermans and Maros Sefcovic, the Commissioner of the Market Inside Thierry Breton, Foreign Ministers of Qatar Soltan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi, of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani, of Greece Nikos Dendias, Turkey's Deputy Foreign Minister Mehmet Kemal Bozay, etc., reports The 8th Delphi Economic Forum, with the theme "Paradigm Shifts", has climate and business, economy and sustainable financing, social integration and technological progress as the main axis and part of the discussions.