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Belgrade Media Report 5 July 2023



Vucic met with Lajcak; I repeated once again, for the last 15 years... (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met today with the EU special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak. The main topic of the conversation was the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and they also discussed ways to calm tensions on the ground and implement the agreements reached so far. "Once again, I warned that the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija are exposed to the most severe torture and persecution in the last 15 years and reiterated the demands for respect for their rights and security. I called on the international community to be more concretely involved in all these issues," said the President of Serbia on the Instagram account.


Brnabic: Ball in Pristina's court, arrests of Kosovo Serbs must stop (Tanjug/Politika/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Tuesday in Brussels that "the ball is in Pristina's court" when it comes to a return to dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija and that harassment and completely groundless arrests of Kosovo Serbs must stop. She also noted that the so-called Kosovo Police must be withdrawn from the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Asked by reporters whether EU officials had demanded urgent de-escalation and a return to dialogue and whether there had been any mention of timeframes for new elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, she responded that such demands had indeed been heard but were still being discussed. "That is why Lajcak is coming to Belgrade and it is what President Vucic has discussed with PMs Rutte and Bettel. We discussed that and we still do not have anything that is final, timeframes or what needs to be done, but the ball is certainly in Pristina's court," Brnabic said. She said that, as a matter of priority, harassment and persecution of Kosovo Serbs, arbitrary arrests and apprehensions without any evidence whatsoever and harassment and torture of completely innocent people must stop. Everyone - including EULEX and Pristina - has evidence that the Serbs who are apprehended and arrested are completely innocent, she said.


Brnabic: EU membership only option for Serbia’s sustainable future (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated yesterday in Brussels that the only option for a sustainable and prosperous future for Serbia is to become a member of the EU, stressing that this is the main strategic priority of our country when it comes to foreign policy. At a panel discussion organised by the media platform “Euractiv Srbija”, themed “YES, BUT...: Vision of the future of Serbia in the EU”, Brnabic pointed out that our country is already part of the EU economically. Culturally, geographically and historically, we are a part of the European continent and the European family of nations, Brnabic said, pointing out that 65 percent of direct foreign investments in Serbia are from the EU, and that 65 to 70 percent of Serbia’s exports go to EU countries. She pointed out that this is the path that Serbia has decided to follow, and that it is the best possible path for the country. The changes we are implementing, in order to become part of the EU, we are introducing in the first place because they are good for our citizens, economy and society, Brnabic pointed out, noting that the European Union is the most successful peace project in the history of mankind. According to her, Serbia has made the most progress when it comes to the economy, with public debt currently at 51.4 percent, unemployment below nine percent, the budget deficit will most likely be 2.8 percent, while the average salary in Serbia is slowly catching up EU standard. Brnabic said that Serbia is also doing well when it comes to the transparency and efficiency of public administration. She noted that there are still a lot of reforms that need to be implemented, including the full implementation of the media strategy, the fight against corruption, as well as in the human rights and minority rights sector. I must emphasise that we have fully implemented the reform of the judiciary. We changed our Constitution, with the support of the EU, the Council of Europe and the Venice Commission, in order to make sure that our judiciary is completely independent of any political influence, said the Prime Minister. Brnabic mentioned that there are two more issues that stand between Serbia and its membership in the EU, namely the normalization of relations with Pristina and the non-introduction of sanctions against Russia. Speaking about the problem of Kosovo and Metohija, she pointed out that it is one of the biggest challenges, which does not depend only on Serbia. Unfortunately, in the last 24 months and especially last year, we have had constant tension, provocations and instability. The government of Serbia, with the great support of the President of the Republic, is trying to make the situation as peaceful and stable as possible, Brnabic said.


Brnabic speaks with EU leaders about European integration and preserving peace in Balkans (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke yesterday in Brussels with President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, about current topics, including mechanisms for de-escalating violence in Kosovo and Metohija. Brnabic stated on Twitter that she also discussed with Von der Leyen the development plan for the Western Balkans and the importance of deepening Serbia’s integration into the EU. Besides, the Prime Minister started her visit to Brussels with a meeting with President of the European Council Charles Michel, with whom she discussed the importance of European integration, preserving peace and stability in the Western Balkans and overcoming all challenges on Serbia’s European path. She also noted that she had a constructive conversation with the EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi about economic projects. We talked about projects that affect the progress and economic development of our region, the importance of mutual cooperation, as well as about the great perspective program Digital Europe, Brnabic stated. In Brussels, Brnabic also met with European Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni, with whom, as she stated, she exchanged opinions on the macroeconomic situation in Europe and the impact on Serbia. We also talked about our economic progress and the capital projects we are implementing, she said.


Michel calls for de-escalation in north Kosovo, continued dialogue (Tanjug)


After meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in Brussels on Tuesday, European Council President Charles Michel called for immediate de-escalation in the north of Kosovo-Metohija and a continuation of the EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. In a Twitter post, Michel said a "clear European Council message on the need for immediate de-escalation of the situation in north of Kosovo and continuation of EU-facilitated dialogue" had been conveyed at the meeting. He noted that it was "crucial for Serbia to continue reforms to advance on the EU path". "The future of Western Balkans is in the EU," he added.


Vucevic: I am convinced accusations against SPC are completely untrue (TV Pink)


In a reaction to accusations by a British MP that the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) is smuggling weapons to Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Wednesday the SPC had requested that the allegations be checked and that he was convinced they were completely untrue. "The SPC is a part of the Christian tradition and, of course, a target of attacks. It has always been a pillar bringing people together. Very often, it has been a target of attacks by all those who wish no good to Serbia," Vucevic said in an appearance on TV Pink. However, he noted that there were "even worse things" following announcements that a list of 45 Serbs Pristina wanted to arrest would be extended by 24 names. "They are doing everything the Nazi regime was doing during the occupation," Vucevic said, adding that the list included the names of two Srpska lista leaders and former mayors from the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Commenting on his recent conversation with Italian counterpart Guido Crosetto in Rome, Vucevic said he had informed the minister of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. He said Crosetto's approach had been very fair and that the Italian side had underscored Pristina was to blame for the escalation in Kosovo-Metohija. "Last night I also spoke with Italian Deputy PM Matteo Salvini, who is very open towards Serbia. He said he is also ready to speak to media in the period to come to say the Serbs are not to blame and that everything that is going on is unacceptable. They had a fair attitude and they understood the situation that has befallen our people in Kosovo and Metohija. I do not think they will change their strategic position in terms of recognition, but I think they understood that everything that is going on is a provocation by ethnic Albanians," Vucevic said. He reiterated that a difficult period was ahead when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija, but that there were also concerns over an increasingly complex situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and added that Bosnia and Herzegovina "can be even more complicated than Kosovo and Metohija".


KFOR: No evidence of alleged smuggling of weapons to churches in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


KFOR announced today that there is no evidence of the alleged smuggling of weapons into (Serbian) Orthodox churches in Kosovo and Metohija in ambulances, through administrative crossings in the province. The event mentioned by a member of the British parliament, Alicia Kearns, refers to 2022, when a UK battalion was deployed in the north of the Kosovo and Metohija as support to KFOR, according to this NATO mission in the province. "The alleged presence of illegal weapons was reported to the KFOR Headquarters, but after further investigation to find confirmation of this, no evidence was found. There is also no evidence of the alleged smuggling (of weapons) across the administrative line between Kosovo and  Serbia proper to Orthodox churches (in Kosovo and Metohija) in ambulances," KFOR stated. For additional information, KFOR referred to the so-called Kosovo security organizations. British member of parliament and chair of the foreign affairs select committee Alicia Kearns accused the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) of participating in the smuggling of weapons from central Serbia to Kosovo and Metohija. Previously, the SPC Eparchy of Raska-Prizren SPC warned against these very dangerous accusations that criminalize the Serbian Orthodox Church, which some Pristina-based media are already using with the aim of spreading religious and ethnic hatred, which directly threatens the Serb clergy, monastic community and religious buildings. "The Eparchy of Raska-Prizren of the Serbian Orthodox Church, through its actions and statements in the last 30 years, before and after the armed conflict in Kosovo and Metohija, was and remains very clearly against any violence, because it is contrary to the basic evangelical principles and the mission of the Church. That's why it wants to act with full seriousness and responsibility on this occasion," a statement said. It added that the Eparchy insists that Kearns' allegations be urgently investigated. "That is why we are publicly asking the KFOR mission with which the British unit (Royal Fusiliers) that was mentioned was deployed, to inform the public whether they can confirm the allegations of the British MP, because it is impossible for the British soldiers in KFOR to have this information and not communicate it to their superior structures in the KFOR command. If these claims are proven to be true, church persons who are proven to be involved in the abuse of the SPC facilities and church services for allegedly transferring or storing weapons, will bear the strictest church punishments and will not be able to continue their public service," said the statement. In the event that KFOR cannot confirm these claims, the Eparchy of Raska-Prizren will request, through the British embassy in Pristina, an apology from the said MP, for making inflammatory and untrue statement that have serious consequences. "The Eparchy of Raska-Prizren does not want in any way to see these claims made by Ms. Alicia Kearns about the SPC in Kosovo and Metohija remain at the level of defamation and become a means of imposing collective guilt on our Church, and therefore those responsible for the possible criminal acts or spreading false information must be investigated as soon as possible and publicly named, and the public must be informed about everything, because these accusations primarily represent an act of spreading religious intolerance, and a direct call to commit violence against our Church, which has been exposed to physical attacks, various types of slander and other forms of discrimination in Kosovo and Metohija for years," the statement said. Pristina media wrote on Wednesday that Kearns recently met in London with the prime minister of Pristina's provisional institutions, Albin Kurti.


Von Cramon denies Vucic’s statement that German organization are funding protests in Serbia (Beta)


Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, a member of the European Parliament from the Greens, denied on 4 July a statement by Serbian President Vucic that German organizations, including the Green Party, were financing protests in Serbia. In a tweet, Von Cramon called such claims "absolute nonsense" and said that instead of in the opposition, Germany had invested in Serbia and created over 80,000 jobs in the country, which in her words helped Vucic stay in power. Hence one of the main demands - freedom of the media, she wrote, adding that there was no need for anyone from abroad to finance that, but that the authorities had to listen to the citizens. Vucic recently said that organizations from Germany, such as the Heinrich Boell Foundation and political parties were financing protests in Serbia and that the authorities in Belgrade had proof.


Detention of two arrested Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija extended for another month (Tanjug)


The Basic Court in Pristina made a decision to extend the custody of Sinisa Jevtic and Ivan Sekulic for another month. "The special department of the Basic Court in Pristina accepted the request of the Special Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo, for the extension of the measure of custody of the defendants S.J. and I.S, so that the measure of detention was extended for each of them by one month", said the spokeswoman of the court Mirlinda Gashi, according to Reporters. Jevtic and Sekulic were arrested on 31 May in Jarinje, and on June 1 they were ordered to be detained for 30 days. They are accused of having allegedly committed the crime of "preparing terrorist acts against the constitutional order of Kosovo".




Session of RS Council of Peoples held on Tuesday; Bosniak Caucus in RS Council of Peoples withdraws its veto on decision of RS parliament (BHT1)


Ahead the session of the Republika Srpska (RS) Council of Peoples (CoP) scheduled for Wednesday, Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP decided to withdraw their veto on the Law on Non-Implementation of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Constitutional Court (CC) Decisions in the RS and the amendments to the Law on Publication of the RS Laws and Other Regulations, adopted by the RS parliament. However, Bosniak Caucus decided to continue with the procedure to invoke mechanism for protection of vital national interest regarding the appointment of a member of the commission for appeals. Member of the Bosniak Caucus in the RS CoP Alija Tabakovic explained that it does not matter what other relevant authorities will do and if the abovementioned laws will be enacted, the Bosniak Caucus is finished with them. RS Vice President Camil Durakovic reminded that the issue of high importance for the state or entities cannot be resolved without consensus of all peoples. Speaker of the RS CoP Srebrenka Golic revealed that the joint commission of the RS CoP and the RSNA will probably discuss the issue of the appointment of a member of the commission for appeals at upcoming session. Member of the Serb Caucus in the RS CoP Vojislav Gligic clarified that the two laws will be forwarded to RS President Milorad Dodik and after he signs them, they will be published in the RS Official Gazette. Gligic added that he hopes the laws will be signed by Dodik and published sooner or later. Head of the Croat Caucus in the RS CoP Mijo Perkunic claims that rather than imposing sanctions, it would be better to engage in talks and find the best solution. To remind, Dodik previously announced that he will sign the laws despite HR Schmidt’s decisions.


Blagojevic: Bosniak Caucus wants to create situation where RS President would sign laws, in order to file criminal report in line with ‘Schmidt’s Criminal Code’ (Nezavisne)


Advisor to the Serb member of B&H Presidency Milan Blagojevic said, commenting on the decision of the Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples to take back the veto on the laws passed by the RS parliament, that they obviously want to create a situation where the RS President would sign the laws and what would follow is a criminal report against the President under the new Criminal Code of B&H, which Blagojevic named “Schmidt's Criminal Code.” He also claims that the withdrawal of veto and what (High Representative) Christian Schmidt imposed on July 1 is a “project of the West, Schmidt and political Sarajevo to create a ground for criminal prosecution of President Dodik, who is the biggest opponent for their plans of devastation of RS i.e. the plan of seizure of its property and constitutional competencies that belong to Srpska based on the B&H Constitution and Annex 2 on territorial demarcation between RS and the Federation of B&H.”


RS officials reiterate that Schmidt is not High Representative and his decisions will not be respected in RS (ATV)


The RS officials resume to convey message to Christian Schmidt that he is not welcome in the RS and no one there is afraid of him. They underlined that Schmidt is not High Representative and his decisions will not be accepted by the RS. The RS officials claim that Schmidt’s decisions will not be applied and implemented in the RS, because he was not legally appointed as High Representative. Reporter commented that as far as it concerns the RS, Schmidt is only German tourist. B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic said that citizen Schmidt has been passing decisions which do not have and should not have any legal power, adding that Schmidt is just foreigner. Nesic underlined that recent developments concerning Schmidt are result of plot of part of the international community with assistance of political Sarajevo. Reporter noted that the RS Government also ignores decisions of fake High Representative. RS Minister of Industry, Mining and Energy and leader of SP RS Petar Djokic stated that although Schmidt illegally came to “our country”, he acts as if he had legitimacy of institution that should have confirm his appointment. “He seriously violates the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA)”, explained Djokic. SNSD’s MP in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sanja Vulic emphasized that Schmidt is biggest cause of problems in B&H. Vulic underlined that Schmidt was not appointed by the UN SC resolution, adding that consequently he cannot be High Representative. She went on to saying that those in the RS have clear stance, namely they want peaceful, stable and developing the RS. Reporter noted that opposition politicians are against imposing of decisions. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic stressed that they are against any imposing of decisions in B&H, adding that imposed decisions and laws are not good for future of B&H.


Becirovic meets top UK officials, including PM Sunak; Sunak expresses strong support to integrity and sovereignty of B&H (BHT1/Hayat)


Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Denis Becirovic visited the UK on Tuesday and met with top UK officials, including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Minister of Foreign Affairs James Cleverly and UK Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach. Sunak told Becirovic that the UK stands firmly with B&H as they discussed current situation in B&H. Becirovic warned Cleverly and Peach about possible destabilization of B&H and the region due to dangerous anti-Dayton activities of the RS authorities. Becirovic pointed out that it is better to remove RS President Milorad Dodik than to let his policy to become an existential threat to the peoples in B&H. Cleverly and Peach agreed that preservation of peace and respect for the Dayton Peace Accords are in the best interest of the UK. Hayat reports that, on the occasion, Becirovic said it is better to remove Dodik than to allow for his policy to become an existential threat to the citizens and peoples of B&H. He also stressed the importance of the UK’s strong support to B&H and its citizens. Sunak conveyed that measures will be undertaken against all who threaten the sovereignty and integrity of B&H. Sunak addressed the issue at a session of the UK Parliament Liaison Committee: “We, the Government, fully support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H, and we will continue to take measures against those who threaten it… With regard to EUFOR, we do feel that EUFOR is vital for peace and security in B&H. Our non-participation in it does not reflect the importance of its mission for peace and stability in the region, and we will continue to explore possibilities to widen collaboration with the EUFOR mission.” Sunak also touched on the situation in Northern Kosovo, stating that it is important that both Belgrade and Pristina return to stabilization of relations to secure the peace in Northern Kosovo.


Cvijanovic criticizes Becirovic’s visit to UK (Srna/RTRS)


Following the visit of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic to the UK to discuss the dangers of anti-Dayton rhetoric of RS President Milorad Dodik, with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the Chair and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic criticized the purpose of Becirovic’s visit. In a statement for Srna, Cvijanovic criticized Becirovic traveling to the UK to ask for help for Dodik’s removal, and also stated that Becirovic is not the first Bosniak politician traveling the globe asking for Dodik’s removal, but that he is the first who does not know how to do anything else. She added that the visits of Sarajevo politicians, as she referred to them, show exactly how fragmented B&H truly is. Further stating: “Lord forgive that wasted time and money. You travel 2,000 kilometers to ask officials of another country to support the replacement of a leader elected by the people of RS. The reality is that B&H is seen as a frivolous country. It is useless to blame others when they and their mentors did everything in their power to make B&H fail.”


Dodik says UK PM Sunak must have been referring to UK officials when he said that UK will undertake measures against those who jeopardize sovereignty of B&H (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik published a post on Twitter and said that he believes UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak must have been referring to officials of his government when he said that the United Kingdom will undertake measures against everyone who jeopardizes sovereignty and integrity of B&H. “In his response to a question of MP (Alicia) Kearns, a Muslim lobbyist who receives letters of gratitude from Reis Husein Kavazovic personally, the Prime Minister said that the United Kingdom will undertake measures against all those who will jeopardize sovereignty and integrity of B&H. I believe he was referring to officials of his own government when he said that, knowing that they have been undermining sovereignty of B&H for nearly 30 years”, Dodik noted.


Dacic: Serbia is not behind undermining of B&H, we do not support that (Dnevni list)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated that Serbia is not behind undermining of B&H, nor it supports it, but at the same time Serbia is against attacks and attempts to bring down the RS. Dacic further stated a thesis is being imposed that Serbs are a disturbing factor, whilst nobody is saying there are attempts to centralize B&H and abolish the entities. The Serbian FM went on to say he is of opinion that the High Representative should try to be a unifier, and not impose his will, and that the RS is an international creation, internationally recognized entity invented by the US. “Now you rush into supporting Kosovo, and you do not see you have a problem in your own backyard”, added PM Dacic.


FB&H HoR Collegium does not include appointments in FB&H HoR or appointment of B&H CC Judges in agenda of upcoming FB&H HoR Session (N1)


Following Tuesday’s session of the Collegium of the House of Representatives (HoR) of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) it was announced that there are no appointments on the agenda of the session, scheduled for Thursday, July 6th. Prior to the regular session on Thursday, an emergency session should be called during which Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H should appoint the missing MPs, which was the reason for canceling the last session. Deputy speaker of HoR FB&H Edina Gabela (SBiH) confirmed that the two members of the Commission for Election and Appointment from rank of HDZ B&H should be appointed. N1 comments that there is speculation that following the proposal of PDA to remove Gabela from the post of FB&H HoR Deputy Speaker, being that she is member of SBiH which gave up the coalition at the FB&H level, and to replace her with Arnel Isak, son of the FB&H Minister of the Interior Ramo Isak, the two appointments will be a package deal. Gabela confirmed that her colleagues from the FB&H majority are not yet ready to appoint Isak. Speaker of HoR FB&H Mirjana Lepic Marinkovic (NS) confirmed that if the Commission for Election and Appointment manage to place appointments on the agenda, they will be discussed but added that there is nothing on the agenda regarding the election of a new judge of the B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC) or the replacement of Gabela or the appointment of Isak.


OHR: State property experts discussed issues in under Annex 9 (FTV)


OHR issued a statement which reads that the seventh expert consultation session on state property was held yesterday at the Embassy of Italy in Sarajevo. “The Working Group discussed various modalities of ownership, management and use of resources covered under Annex 9 of Dayton Peace Agreement such as roads, railways and ports and compared it to different legal frameworks in other countries. The Working Group, formed by the OHR with support from the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board, aims to produce expert opinions and information to facilitate the B&H Parliamentary Assembly’s work in resolving the state property issue. An acceptable and sustainable resolution of the apportionment of property between the State and other levels of government is the first objective of the 5+2 agenda. It has been a longstanding obligation of the B&H authorities”, reads OHR statement.


ECHR calls OHR to deliver written statement with regard to ‘DF vs. B&H’ case (RTRS)


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) addressed the Office of the High Representative (OHR) at the end of last month and asked for it to present its stance on the case labeled as ‘DF vs. B&H’ before this institution. Namely, this case was launched by DF in Strasbourg after High Representative Christian Schmidt imposed amendments to the FB&H Constitution. The ECHR sent a letter to the OHR on 29 June, asking from it to intervene as the third party in the process and also asking from the OHR to deliver a written statement to the ECHR. The ECHR set 20 July as the deadline for delivery of the written statement, which should not be longer than ten pages.


Covic and Murphy discuss current political developments (Dnevni avaz)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic met on Tuesday with US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. As Covic announced on Twitter, they had a constructive talk on the current political developments and efforts to achieve wide and sustainable progress. “Our closest partnership with USA remains crucial for our fast path to EU and NATO”, Covic stated. The daily reminds that this meeting took place at a very significant moment, after Murphy criticized Covic for HDZ B&H's stance on 'Southern Interconnection' gas pipeline and accused him of trying to set up a new ethnicity-based gas company in Mostar.


Milanovic: They blackmail me like a cartel (HRT)


The President of the Republic, Zoran Milanovic, held a press conference where he spoke about the situation in the Military Security Intelligence Agency (VSOA), which he said was serious and could not be reduced to a question of ego. He pointed out that the director of VSOA is chosen exclusively by agreement between the president and the prime minister, whom he again invited for a conversation. The President of the Republic asserted that the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic are blackmailing him like a cartel regarding the appointment of the director of the VSOA and said that he will not communicate with the Minister of Defense because he is just a liar. He said that in recent days he avoided addressing the media because there were no topics, but that after yesterday's coordinated action by the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense, “I have to say something because the situation is serious.” “And whoever reduces it to a question of ego is not serious about this country. This is a serious attempt to destroy constitutional and legal rules. I say this as someone who participated in the creation of personnel solutions such as the appointment of the director of VSOA, which is one of the three agencies whose head is chosen and appointed exclusively by agreement between the president and the prime minister,” Zoran Milanovic pointed out. He recalled June 2015 when Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic was elected president, and shortly after the election she demanded his resignation. “Then I could have stopped communication with her, but I didn't. In the middle of 2015, the head of the VSOA was chosen. There were misunderstandings and the initiative of the then Minister of Defense, my friend, associate, was the proposal that the current director Ivica Kinder should be it. However, this was only the idea of the Minister of Defense. He went to Grabar Kitarovic with this idea, she listened to it and agreed with it. The role of the Minister of Defense is the role of a courier. The initiative can come from the Prime Minister or, more normally, from the President of the Republic, who is also the Supreme Commander. We made an agreement then,” emphasized Milanovic. “When I became president, I had the experience of extending Mr. Markic's mandate with the current prime minister. How does it work? So, he called me, we talked, and I said okay. No minister appears as a mediator, there is no fictitious proposer. Well, two years ago, while Prime Minister Plenkovic and I still had communication, we had an appointment in the Council for National Security Office, Mr. Valentino Franic was my proposal, but not through the media, like a peasant. Then, at the last minute, Mr. Plenković called Franic, where he was met by 10 people from the HDZ. I guess he wanted to present it as his own initiative, I have no problem with that. The man has been appointed and is doing his job,” the president said. Milanovic again invited Prime Minister Plenkovic to talk and reconcile – “so let's see who is guilty and who is hunchbacked,” he said.


"VSOA needs a serious reset"

When asked why he and Prime Minister Plenkovic don't sit down and resolve the situation, President Milanovic said: “That's what you're asking me. I do not know!” “This is the result of my initiative to introduce order there, which collides with a concrete wall of rudeness, corruption and clientelism. This is my initiative that is a few days old, because it would not occur to these brothers to try to find a solution for the basic functioning of the service. This is the idea of Dragan Lozancic, who approached Tomo Medved, because he cannot do it alone, he must also agree, and he accepted. And why was it called? So that people wouldn't be left without a salary, that they could do something, but they wouldn't be able to do the basic function of the agency,” said the president. “Not only did I ask for a dismissal, which I cannot do alone, but the co-signature of the Prime Minister and myself is required, but I am also asking for a sit down, a conversation, I sent a letter in December 2022 to which I did not receive a response. So, you don't want to. Then Kinder himself asked to be fired,” Milanovic said, adding that VSOA needs a serious reset. “If you don't like the candidate, say I have another. I will not talk about names, anyone who allows himself to be used in such a travesty cannot be a candidate,” Milanovic pointed out. “They are throwing me a general who a few months before, I did not give my consent, as the illiterate Plenković says, but appointed as commander-in-chief to a position in the General Staff. Then those same brothers would try to move him to VSOA by blackmailing me through the media,” the president said. “This is blackmail, extortion, that's how the cartels behave,” he said. He asserted that these people should be held accountable for violating the Constitution. “Wherever they can, they steal something. When they open their eyes, that's the first thing on their mind,” he added.


"Compromised national security"

When asked who will lead the VSOA in a week, he said that it will be the one agreed upon at the meeting initiated by him. “At the meeting, the coordination will agree within the framework of authority that we do not endanger the system until the end when Plenkovic tries to destroy it,” he said. “I am not arguing with the minister, he is a man who is currently free. I'm arguing with people who are entities, he represents a skunk here,” said the President of the Republic. He also pointed out that national security has been compromised. “When the Prime Minister refuses to talk to the Supreme Commander and the President of the Republic for months, it has an impact on national security. It is not threatened when someone unhappy, shoots at the government building, where the Prime Minister is not present. That's less of a problem than this. And then the Prime Minister accuses me of being the instigator of that vehement madness that flared up at one point and luckily nothing after that, because six years earlier, as the head of the opposition, I told a handful of veterans something about his mother that was not defamation at all. You have to be a special type of person and character to think of something like that because it oppresses you and haunts you because you didn't want it to be known. I didn't either, but someone was eavesdropping, and that someone is not from my party,” Milanovic said. “Our constitutional practice knows very well that the director of VSOA is chosen at the proposal and initiative of the Prime Minister. And then we talk. If you suggest Banozic to me as director of VSOA, I will send you a package of medicines, but if you suggest someone good, then we will talk or I will accept immediately, just as I accepted the extension of Daniel Markic's mandate.”


He doesn't feel responsible

When asked if he felt responsible for the situation in the secret services, Milanovic said: “We are a democratic country, we stick to the table, I don't have executive powers. The fact is that I respect the procedures in a democracy, which exist to keep someone's arbitrariness in check. You know who speaks and works in this country, and I can do what I want. I don't like to say I don't feel responsible because I don't run away from responsibility,” said Milanovic. We recall that the mandate of the current director of the VSOA, General Ivica Kinder, who has been resigning since the end of last year due to financial malfeasance in the service, expires on July 10. According to the Law on the Security Intelligence System, secret services are managed by directors who are appointed by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister with their signatures, and the director is proposed by the Minister of Defense. Minister of Defense Banozic proposed General Mijo Validzic as the new director of the VSOA and expressed the expectation that President Milanovic will co-sign the decision on the appointment of the director of the VSOA in the next eight days. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that Minister Banozic proposed a competent person for the head of the VSOA and that Milanovic is responsible for the fact that the head of the Agency has not yet been appointed.


Ban on coming to the press conference

Journalists also asked the president about the ban on the Jutarnji list newspaper journalist from coming to the press conference. “They are not a media company, but a cartel. They are financed by the government and Plenkovic, they have no shame, they organize a gypsy wedding in Split, not a Roma wedding. It is not a media outlet, whoever writes there is not a journalist for me.” The president's spokesman said that it was not a matter of a ban, but that they had not even received an invitation to the conference. “Such people have no access here,” concluded Milanovic.


Long road to the election of a new government: Confirmation by the DIK, consultations, nomination of a representative... (CdM/RSE)


The formation of the new government of Montenegro depends both on the legal and constitutional procedure, as well as on the dynamics of future negotiations of the parties that have secured parliamentary status. According to the Constitution, the discussions on the formation of the new government are preceded by the constitution of a new convocation of the parliament.


Procedures and deadlines

The constitutive session of the new parliament will be held fifteen days after the State Election Commission (DIK) announces the final election results. The final results will be announced after the election is repeated at one polling station and after the decisions of the Constitutional Court on potential appeals against the election process have been made. After the formation of the new convocation of the Assembly, the President of Montenegro, Jakov Milatovic, will hold consultations with the holders of electoral lists and party leaders for the next 30 days. Milatovic then proposes a candidate from the political group that convinces him that he has the support of the parliamentary majority. The mandate holder has 90 days to assemble the cabinet and work program of the future Government. At the session, the Assembly decides whether to support the mandate holder.


Transitional processes of forming governments

The formation of the previous two governments was marked by almost the deadlines defined by the Constitution. After the election on August 30, 2020, and the removal of the three-decade-old government of Milo Djukanovic, the three winning coalitions – DF, Democrats and URA, elected the Government of Zdravko Krivokapic only three months later, on December 4. That government was overthrown after 14 months, in February last year, and the new government of Dritan Abazovic was elected almost three months later, on April 28. After three months of work, she was voted no-confidence, since then she has been working in a technical mandate.


Veliaj: Tirana, the political epicenter of the Balkans (Radio Tirana)


The mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, said that Tirana has become a political epicenter of the Balkan region. While commenting on the visit of the former US President, Bill Clinton to Albania, Veliaj said that the hospitality towards his figure was a blessing from the heart of everyone in Tirana. "It was a marked ability of Prime Minister Edi Rama to turn Tirana into a center of many political activities. We do more cultural visits, sports, concerts, events, and the Prime Minister, starting from the Berlin Process Summit or an important change, has turned Tirana into a political epicenter of the Balkans. Today, we are undoubtedly the most stable country, we have no conflicts with our neighbors, we are seeing a tourist boom and of course, these visits enhance the reputation of our country", Veliaj said. Velia added that "in the most concrete case, in all these activities of the Prime Minister's Commission, I believe that Bill Clinton was above the icing on the cake, perhaps the most beloved American in the country that loves America most. It was an extremely encouraging visit, which carried out its mission to show Albanian gratitude, and the Prime Minister made sure to invite people from the entire political spectrum, from all religious beliefs, it was also open to the public, so that the gratitude was truly a gratitude beyond the protocol, which came from the heart, from all the citizens of Tirana and all the visitors who were here".


Kosovo's PM refuses to meet counterpart Rama in Balkans Tour (ADN)


Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has refused the meeting with his counterpart of Albania, Edi Rama during the two-day tour he will hold in the Balkans. In a press conference, asked by journalists if he will meet with Rama, Kurti said that he has asked to hold the joint meeting of governments that was canceled a few weeks ago. "I am in direct contact with Rama, and I know that he will come on a visit to Pristina as part of the Balkan tour. I know that it has to do with the preparation of the next summit of the Berlin Process, which will be held in the middle of October, and I have asked him that since he is coming to stay two days and one night in Pristina, we should also hold the meeting of the two governments that were was canceled without reason even though it was scheduled months ago on 14 June in Gjakovica”. 13 agreements have remained in the drawer. In order not to stay any longer, because the citizens benefit from this, I have proposed to Rama that since this week is coming, let's hold a joint meeting of our two governments and sign those agreed agreements that are in the drawer. The Berlin Process is important and there is no political and institutional leader in the Balkans like the Prime Minister of Kosovo who has supported the Berlin Process.