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Belgrade Media Report 19 July 2023



Vucic to meet with Stoltenberg, Lajcak in Brussels (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will meet with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak in Brussels on Wednesday, the presidential press office announced in a statement. Announcing Stoltenberg's meeting with Vucic, NATO said on Tuesday a joint press conference was scheduled for 7 pm on Wednesday. Lajcak held a bilateral meeting with the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic in Brussels on Wednesday morning.


Vucevic: Vucic-Stoltenberg meeting opportunity to make Serbia's views heard (TV Pink)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Wednesday a Brussels meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, scheduled for this afternoon, would be an opportunity to make Serbia's views on developments in Kosovo and Metohija heard. Speaking to TV Pink, Vucevic said the meeting was important because NATO was a key factor for security of all citizens in Kosovo and Metohija. "The President of the Republic has had a series of meetings and a good relationship with Stoltenberg, and this meeting is an opportunity to make the views of the Serbian side - and the facts in terms of how Serbia understands and sees developments in Kosovo and Metohija and the continuing terror and intimidation of Serbs there - heard, too," Vucevic noted. Even though Serbia is a militarily neutral country that wishes to join no military alliances, its state and national interest is to have the best possible relationship with NATO and to request that KFOR guarantee security and freedom to all citizens in Kosovo and Metohija, especially to minority groups and Serbs, Vucevic said. He said the Brussels meeting would be a good opportunity for Serbia to present its arguments and concerns over the arming of Kosovo Albanians, violations of UNSCR 1244 and KFOR's inaction and failure to fulfil its mission, task and obligations. "KFOR must not allow the escalation we have been seeing for weeks and weeks now, fearing that it could continue," Vucevic said, noting that Pristina's PM Albin Kurti was prepared for anything to "accomplish his political mission", he said.


Dacic: We know that Turkey favors Kosovo, but we call for neutrality (TV B92/Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday that Serbia did not look positively upon Turkey arming Pristina's forces with unmanned Bayraktar aerial vehicles and called on Turkey to play a positive role, i.e. contribute to peace and stability and not "foment violence against Serbs." Dacic told TV B92 that there was no hiding Turkey's sympathies with regard to Pristina, but that in the past several years there had been positive signs from Turkey of its desire for good bilateral relations with Serbia. "It is in this sense that we hope that Turkey will adhere to a status neutral position, regardless of the existence of sympathies for Pristina, and also in KFOR," Dacic said in a comment on the planned appointment of a Turk as KFOR's new commander this fall. Speaking of the case of two students who glorified war crimes in Sarajevo, who will continue their studies in Belgrade, and Bosnian Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic's request that Dacic state whether this was Serbia's official stance, Dacic said that this "is a case of double standards". As for US sanctions against Serbian Security Information Agency Director Aleksandar Vulin, Dacic said that he did not expect that Serbia would be handed any evidence of Vulin's involvement in weapons and narcotics trafficking. "We are talking about a political decision to sanction someone for their ties to Russia," Dacic said, adding that Vulin was a state official who was strictly leading state policy, regardless of his "private preferences".


Economic cooperation to accompany significantly improved political relations with San Marino (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic pointed out yesterday that bilateral relations with San Marino have been significantly improved, but also that there is a lot of room for their further strengthening. Dacic, after a meeting with the State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, International Economic Cooperation and Telecommunications of the Republic of San Marino Luca Beccari in Belgrade, pointed out that the two countries do not have a high level of trade, which last year was around €1 million, but that there are investments from San Marino in Serbia. We support the participation of San Marino in the Adriatic-Ionian initiative and wherever we can work together, we will look for the possibility of cooperation and common interests, said Dacic. Dacic expressed his gratitude to San Marino for its support to Serbia during its election as the organizer of the Expo 2027 event, adding that our country will reciprocate by providing the best possible conditions for the presentation of San Marino at that world exhibition. Beccari said that this visit allows him to see how much potential there is for cooperation between the two countries, which, although different, share common challenges, such as better integration and strengthening of relations with the EU. We can develop relations in an economic, economic and cultural sense. I believe that our economies can easily find different forms of development and increase economic exchange and investments, Beccari said. The meeting between the two officials in Belgrade was also an opportunity to solemnly mark 20 years since the establishment of mutual diplomatic relations in a formal way.


Escobar: Violence in the north of Kosovo unacceptable (Beta)


The US envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, while reporting to the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives in the United States, stated that there has been unacceptable violence in the north of Kosovo. Gabriel Escobar emphasized that both Kosovo and Serbia must fulfill the obligations arising from the agreements. According to Escobar, he stated that Kosovo's obligation was the formation of the Community of municipalities with a Serb majority. "Kosovo and Serbia have also agreed to recognize each other's national documents and symbols. But most importantly, Serbia will not lobby against the integration of Kosovo. Since then, there have been unacceptable tensions and violence against KFOR and journalists in the north of Kosovo. We and the EU have called for an immediate extension and refocusing on the implementation of the tasks received from the agreement and for new municipal elections to be held with the participation of Serbs in the north", Escobar emphasized. The US envoy also explained that he received assurances that Serbia will not oppose the upcoming elections in northern Kosovo and that Serbia will face consequences if it does otherwise. "We have been harsh towards Serbia in terms of the conditions they require for participating in the elections. We have taken the commitment that they will participate in the elections and there are consequences if this is not implemented", he said.


Twenty-five years marked in Velika Hoca in Kosovo since killings of Serbs and Romani in the municipality of Orahovac (Politika)


In Velika Hoca, 25 years have been marked since the perishing of Serbs and Romani people in the municipality of Orahovac. Next to a monument to the abducted and murdered Serbs, the local priest Milan Stojkovic served the memorial service, and flowers and wreaths were laid by the surviving family members, relatives and neighbors of the victims. The anniversary was also attended by the deputy Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Borislav Tajic. On July 18, in 1998, members of the so-called "Kosovo Liberation Army" carried out a mass abduction and execution of Serbs and Romani in the area of the municipality. In the period from 17 to 22 July 1998, more than 100 Serbs and Romani, mostly civilians, were abducted and taken to so-called KLA prisons and camps. During the first attack, seven people were killed, and in July 1998 alone, 47 Serbs and Romani were killed in this municipality. The abductions, murders and burning of Serb and Romani houses continued later, so that the entire Serb population was expelled from the villages of Retimlje, Opterusa and Zociste during 1998 and 1999. From the village of Retimlje alone, 14 male members of the Kostic family were abducted in one day, and on the same day, from the Serbian Orthodox Christian monastery of Saints Kozma and Damjan in Zociste, which dates back to the 11th century, six monks were abducted, who on 22 July, after the intervention of the OSCE and the International Red Cross, got released. Two more women and two sick men from the villages of Retimlje and Opterusa, as well as elderly people from the village of Zociste, were also freed that time. Many inhabitants of this region, of Serb and Romani nationality, are still listed as missing. Through DNA analysis, 36 persons whoe remains were found in the Malisevo and Volujak mass graves have been identified. They were abducted in July. 1998 in the area of Orahovac. A number of remains of abducted persons from the period 1999 to 2000 were found in individual graves and buried in places chosen by the families. The Association of Families of Kidnapped and Missing Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija presented the details of the kidnapping and murder of Serbs from Orahovac and its surroundings to all competent institutions that collected data on abducted, missing and murdered persons, but no one has been held accountable for the crimes committed in the municipality of Orahovac. A memorial service was also held on Tuesday at the Orlovaca cemetery near Belgrade, where 25 murdered Serbs from this part of Metohija are buried.


Parliament’s inquiry committee on two mass shootings holds inaugural session (Beta)


The Serbian parliament’s Committee of Inquiry, tasked with establishing facts and circumstances which led to two mass shootings in Serbia, one in Belgrade elementary school Vladislav Ribnikar and the other in the villages of Dubona and Malo Orasje, in the vicinity of Mladenovac, held its first session on 18 July. The mass shootings took place on 3 and 4 May, killing 20 people. Marinika Tepic, an MP from the Freedom and Justice Party was appointed the committee chairwoman, while Biljana Pantic Pilja from the Serbian Progressive Party was appointed her deputy. The pre-appointment part of the meeting was marked by an hour-long heated debate, with some MPs opposing Tepic’s nomination, although it was previously agreed that the chairperson would come from the largest opposition party. It was the Serbian opposition which had requested setting up a Committee of Inquiry with the aim of establishing oversight of the relevant bodies and accountability of relevant persons and proposing adequate measures. The request also received backing of the ruling majority MPs at a special parliament session focusing on the accountability for the two mass shootings.




B&H Presidency adopts conclusions proposed by Becirovic regarding attack on constitutional order of B&H; Cvijanovic votes against conclusions: B&H Presidency adopts two agreements in regards to Berlin Process (BHT1)


The Cabinet of the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic stated that the B&H Presidency adopted several conclusions regarding the attack by the authorities of the RS on the constitutional order of B&H, during an extraordinary session held on Tuesday. Among other things, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) was invited to act due to, as stated, the evident threat to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), with the aim of protecting the peace and stability of B&H. It was said that the EU should as soon as possible, following the example of the US and UK sanctions, implement the adopted decision of the European Parliament, which calls for the introduction of sanctions against destructive politicians who openly destroy the DPA. They called on the competent judicial authorities of B&H to legally prevent and sanction any unconstitutional and illegal actions directed against B&H and its constitutional order, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Serbia and Croatia, as signatories of the General Framework Agreement for Peace, were invited not to interfere in the internal or external affairs of other countries. The Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic voted against the conclusions proposed by Becirovic, which will make it necessary to organize a second round of voting in the B&H Presidency. Becirovic warned representatives and ambassadors of 17 NATO countries and the Commander of NATO HQ in Sarajevo, Brigadier General Pamela McGaha, about the severity of the political situation in B&H. Becirovic explained that the main cause of the political crisis is the anti-constitutional and anti-Dayton decisions of RS institutions. Becirovic stated that B&H and the West are at a turning point, and that they need to do whatever they can to stop the secessionist policy and brutal attacks on the foundation of the DPA. The content of the conclusions focused on stopping the secessionist policies and attacks on B&H and its institutions, which are constantly made by RS authorises, both systematically and institutionally attacking the foundations of the DPA and the B&H Constitution, further destabilizing the region and threatening peace and stability. Becirovic added that this is allowed by the lack of action of a part of international representatives.


Amendments to RS Criminal Code cause heated debate in RS parliament between MPs of ruling and opposition parties (BNTV)


The RS parliament held a session discussing the amendments to the Criminal Code of the RS, which defines the criminalization of slander. The discussion started with RS Minister of Justice Milos Bukejlovic explaining the changes made to the amendments since its original form, stating that insult was removed as a criminal offence and that the fines were drastically lowered. RS SNSD representative Srdjan Mazalica commended the changes and welcomed the law, stating that the law does not favour the ruling party or the opposition, and places everyone on the same term, as the one who will pass the judgements was not elected by SNSD. RS SDS representative Mirjana Orasanin stated that this is just another step of SNSD media censorship, similar to the situation in 1998, where they overtook Radio Television of RS (RTRS) in cooperation with the OHR, and soon after that banned the work of 19 radio stations in RS. She added that RS President Milorad Dodik and OHR selected the directors of RTRS for several years, and manipulated the content, and this is what they want to do now, by implementing the changes to the RS Criminal Code and limiting the voices of the few media outlets that do not follow them blindly. RS SDS representative Tomica Stojanovic explained that the main reasoning that SNSD uses, which is that 20 other European countries have the same law, is wrong in this case, as all those countries have a regulated and independent judiciary, which is not the case in RS. Stojanovic claims that it is impossible to become a judge in RS without the political backing of leaders of political parties, stressing that the RS judiciary is everything except independent. RS PDP Vice President and representative Igor Crnadak stated that the statements of the ruling party that the RS Prosecutor’s Office will not take the enforcement of the law as a priority is ridiculous and compared it to getting a club to hit people on the head with and then saying that they will not use it. Crnadak did not want to discuss the changes made to the law since its original form, but wanted to focus on the fact that slanders is still a criminal offence, and that that will lead to situations where a murderer will be playing chess in prison with a person who told a joke about the RS President or Prime Minister in a bar, adding that the ruling party decided to keep the aforementioned club in its back pocket just in case they need it. Tesevic explains that members of the ruling coalition based around SNSD immediately came to the defence of the law and Dodik. Speaker of RS parliament Nenad Stevandic stated that there is a need for a law like this, since there are people, not just journalists or politicians, who have a goal of destroying careers and inflicting evil on others, and that there cannot be a law that protects them. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic further explained that if any of those statements that are considered slander, are proven to be correct and evidence is presented, will never face prosecution or time in prison. List for Justice and Order representative in RS parliament Nebojsa Vukanovic criticized the implementation of the changes stating that individuals will face prison time for saying the most common things and criticising officials. He added that the ruling party has made journalists in RS into clay pigeons, but that they still walked out and protested the law, unlike professors from the Universities of Banja Luka and Sarajevo, who he all called traitors and cowards, stating that they alongside the ruling party will be held responsible for the destruction of RS. Tesevic concludes by stating that SDS, PDP and the List for Justice and Order will not vote for the changes to the RS Criminal Code on Thursday, 20 July.


Dodik: People wanted public slander to be regulated, EU member states have even stricter regulations (Nezavisne novine)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated that people asked for the issue of public slander to be regulated, because all lines have been crossed. He noted that EU member states have much stricter regulation of slander and defamation in public states than the proposed amendments to the RS Criminal Code. “It is the right of journalists to state their opinion, but when you see who attended the protest in Banja Luka today, it is clear who does not want the amendments to the RS Criminal Code to be adopted and who defends the journalist freedom in the RS”, said Dodik. He also stated that the EU plans to regulate the issue of public space in an even stricter way by the end of the year.


Sources from Brussels confirm no discussion on sanctions against RS, individuals (RTRS)


High-ranked sources from Brussels confirmed for RTRS that there will be no discussion on sanctions against the RS or against individuals in Brussels. According to the sources, consent of all EU member states is necessary for the sanctions and this is missing because some countries already oppose that. The sources also argued that introduction of sanctions to individuals would make the European path of BiH more difficult. When it comes to the international community, Brussels believes that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) stays in B&H until meeting of the well-known ‘5+2’ conditions. RTRS noted that they admitted that they are not happy because of that as the EU wants B&H to function in an independent way and this is impossible in case of often use of the Bonn Powers which is precisely the case now.


Lukic confirms he was interviewed in SIPA in capacity of suspect (Nova BH)


Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic has confirmed for Nova BH he was informed about the investigation against him and that he was interviewed by the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA). In a telephone statement, Lukic said: “What I can tell you is that the SIPA informed me of it, that I was there (in SIPA) to give a statement, i.e. be interviewed in capacity of a suspect according to their procedures. I denied everything I was accused of because as the RS Official Gazette Director I worked in line with the law, and the law obligates the Director and the (RS) Official Gazette to publish all documents referred to by the RS President, the RS parliament, the RS government, and all other RS institution. I informed them our acts that define the issue and that is it.”


Anti-Dayton activities (Avaz)


High Representative Christian Schmidt informed European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET) about political developments and challenges in B&H. “High Representative Schmidt today briefed the EP Foreign Affairs Committee on political developments and challenges in B&H and the recent anti-Dayton activities in RS regarding passage of legislation aimed at curtailing the mandates of B&H Constitutional Court and the HR,” reads OHR’s statement posted on Twitter.


Helez meets Varhelyi; Helez: Varhelyi and I also exchanged opinions about the biggest problem in B&H – the attack on constitutional order of B&H (FTV)


Ahead of the meeting of the EU-B&H Stabilization and Association Council, B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez held a meeting with European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi in Brussels on Tuesday. On this occasion, guest of FTV central news was Minister Helez. Helez said that his meeting with Varhelyi was very important, and that an overview was made of what the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM)  has done in the period since its formation. “We adopted the budget on time, and they know all of that, we increased it by BAM 241 million. We adopted some of the laws from the 14 priorities in the B&H CoM and sent them to parliamentary procedure, primarily the Law on the HJPC. The Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in the B&H Institutions has been prepared, several very important strategies as well, strategy on climate change, strategy to suppress crime and corruption and many other bylaws which we agreed or adapted to the EU acquis,” Helez said. Helez added that he and Varhelyi also exchanged opinions about the biggest problem in B&H, which, as he said, is the attack on the constitutional order of B&H “and it is completely clear to them that this is the biggest political problem in B&H.” Asked what he expects from Wednesday’s meeting of the EU-B&H Stabilization and Association Council, Helez said that the current convocation of the B&H CoM made a big step forward compared to the previous convocation and that the EU officials are completely aware of that. “We should have a joint document tomorrow (Wednesday) agreed between the European Commission and the B&H CoM, an overview of the situation in B&H. I had the opportunity to briefly look at that document offered by the European Commission. It is, in fact, a document of the EU. There are several things that were mentioned, from the blockades of (RS President) Mr. Milorad Dodik to Srebrenica, where it is urged that we must all admit that there was genocide there, that we respect those victims, to these 14 priorities, that we must adopt them as a matter of urgency. Sometime in October, they will make an analysis of what we have done," Helez underlined. Helez pointed out that everyone in Brussels is willing to help B&H join the EU as quickly as possible. When it comes to Dodik's announcement that he will send his proposal for de-escalation of the crisis in B&H to Brussels, Helez pointed out that no one in Brussels will pay much attention to it. “Milorad Dodik is an entity president, he is not a politician at the state level,” Helez said. Helez emphasized that Dodik just wants to divert attention from what he is blocking in relation to the 14 priorities and from the fact that he is causing a constitutional crisis and undermining the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H.


Dodik: RS’ proposal for resolving situation in B&H sent to Brussels ahead of B&H-EU Stabilization and Association Council meeting (N1/Glas Srpske)


Ahead of the EU-B&H Stabilization and Association Council in Brussels on Wednesday, RS President Milorad Dodik said on Tuesday that solving the issue of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H is a top priority. Dodik requested to adopt a law on the B&H CC by September and he confirmed that he sent a proposal to Brussels, according to which they should confirm what the Constitution of B&H says; i.e. that B&H is composed of the two entities and the three peoples, territorially divided in the ration 49:51 and that this should be respected as well as the constituent status of the three peoples in B&H. Dodik underlined: “This is the basis for B&H to move on. In operational sense of the word, I proposed to put all disputable issues on the agenda. Allegedly, Europe expects from B&H to accept the 14 recommendations and adopt the three of them as evidence of progress, virtue and importance, while we believe that the selection was deliberate, while one of the recommendations that speaks about solving of the issue of foreign judges in the CC of B&H was deliberately left out.” In this regard, he asked why this issue was left out and explained that they request to solve this all together.


‘The Troika’ fails to offer their proposal for de-escalation of political situation in B&H (RTRS/BHT1)


RTRS noted that although it was expected, parties of ‘The Troika’ failed to offer their proposal for calming down of the political situation and there was no session of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) to take joint stances ahead of Wednesday’s meeting in Brussels. The reporter reminded that the Constitutional Court of B&H created the biggest political crisis in B&H after the Dayton, by creation of a basis to work without Serb judges while the RS parliament adopted decisions that annul activities of the CC of B&H and the High Representative Christian Schmidt. Parties of ‘The Troika’ assessed this as an attack on the state which is why they refuse to support the appointment of Srdjan Amidzic as B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury. Leader of the NIP Elmedin Konakovic said that at this moment, the trust is missing and now, they are trying to return to the initial positions, which is not easy at the time when the attack on the constitutional order of B&H is obvious.  Konakovic said: “I must repeat that we are really doing this for the sake of these short deadlines, by which the EU expects us to be efficient, we are expected to deliver part of our obligations, so that the people who advocate for B&H to be side by side with Ukraine and other countries in the accession process have something to show, that we had already done something formal.”


Escobar addresses House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Europe: Dodik remains focused on undermining of DPA and Constitution of B&H; Wagner: B&H is facing attacks on its Constitution (FTV/BNTV)


US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar addressed the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Europe, on Tuesday. Escobar said that RS President Milorad Dodik remains focused on undermining the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of B&H. Escobar announced the continuation of sanctioning of such actions. "Dodik’s persistent, secessionist, and anti-democratic actions threaten the stability, security, and prosperity of the country and the wider region. We will continue to call out these actions and hold to account anyone who undermines the Dayton Peace Agreement or threatens the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and multi-ethnic character of the country. We will also continue intensive efforts to bolster the international community’s commitment to uphold Dayton, including rallying support for the EU’s EUFOR ALTHEA mission. Further, we remain firm in supporting the Office of the High Representative’s use of Bonn powers to counter threats to the Dayton Agreement," Escobar underlined. Missouri Congresswoman Ann Wagner stated that B&H is facing attacks on its Constitution, by careless secessionist like Dodik and those who support him, and show support for Russia. As the guarantee of the Dayton Peace Agreement, which ended the war in B&H, so the USA must have the priority of preventing destabilizing, undemocratic and destructive actions. Escobar stated that sanctions have proven to be a good tool, with the examples of RS officials sending private messages to Escobar, pleading for no more sanctions. Wagner stated that those who threaten B&H security and stability need to be sent a clear message that they will face sanctions, adding that it is clear that there are individuals in B&H that need to be sanctioned. Escobar also touched on the situation in Kosovo, adding that Serbia has shown the will to return to stabilization dialogue and that Pristina has not shown that same will. He stressed that Kosovo needs to form the separate Serb Municipalities as soon as possible, as Serbia has agreed to participate in the new elections in the Northern Municipalities of Kosovo. Escobar added that Russian influence in the region of Western Balkans can be felt, and that Russian authorities continue to spread misinformation.


Dodik’s reaction to Escobar’s statement (ATV)


US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar addressed the US Congress’ Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs on Tuesday and said that RS President Milorad Dodik undermines the Dayton Agreement and peace. According to ATV, Escobar threatened with sanctions again. Escobar was quoted saying: “Dodik's secessionist and anti-democratic activities threaten the stability, security and prosperity of the country and the region. We will continue to sanction these actions. We support the use of the High Representative's Bonn powers to counter threats to the Dayton Agreement.” Reacting to Escobar’s statements before the US Congress’ Subcommittee, Dodik noted that there are no secessionist activities in the RS and said that Escobar is a manipulator, who takes statements out of context. Dodik commented that the US has failed if such a man can enter Congress and lie. In Dodik’s opinion, Escobar has no political capacity and no right to comment on the Dayton Agreement. Dodik said: “They are arrogant, they are cynical. I clearly said in Mrakovica that we want to talk, that we want to make an agreement within B&H, and he cannot imply that we will be left without property. But if we are successful in this matter, it is possible that we enter into a referendum that will determine the status. From that, completely logical sequence of possible events, they deduced that we are pushing secession here.” The RS President stated that Escobar expressed support for Christian Schmidt as “a fake high representative” and the international community is the only one that disturbs the peace. The RS President noted that the RS will do everything to preserve its constitutional position. “If you dispossess the RS to such an extent, the RS has its own way. Do you want me to say destroy us, take our property, dispossess the RS and that we will remain silent and say you are good people with good intentions? No, you have bad intentions and we will not keep it quiet”, added Dodik. He concluded that Dayton Agreement is being talked about by those who have not even read it and that by supporting Schmidt, Escobar is precisely one of those who violate the peace agreement.


Dodik: Lagumdzija should be held criminally liable because B&H joins EU statement on Russian operation in Ukraine (RTRS/ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated on Tuesday that B&H Ambassador to the UN Zlatko Lagumdzija should be held criminally liable because B&H joined the statement of the EU - without a decision of the B&H Presidency – that condemns Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Dodik underlined that B&H did not introduce any sanctions against Russia. He stated: “In a press release that they are trying to impose us from tomorrow’s meeting – and we have today’s press release – that says that B&H is requested to apply rigorous measures in line with previously-accepted general stance. There you go, B&H will not apply rigorous measures. So much about that. Old practice.” Dodik also said that "Lagumdzija is not the ambassador of B&H but of Muslims in B&H". He added that "the RS knows perfectly well that Lagumdzija will be against the RS in the UN".


Milatovic: After 2020 democracy in Montenegro maybe practiced for the first time; new parliament most likely next week (CdM)


At the session of the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Parliament, the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic has said that Montenegro has been committed to the EU membership, believing that a palpable progress can be achieved by the end of the year. In addition, he’s said that following the 2020 parliamentary elections, Montenegro started practicing democracy. Milatovic presented the events in the country after the political changes in 2020, which, according to him, have been shaped with this year’s presidential and parliamentary elections. “I conveyed an impression of Montenegro, which is becoming a truly democratic country, a country that finally has the political will to become part of the EU, where the standard of living is increasing thus approaching the EU average in the economic sense, and where the institutions are shaped in a way that there are no more people who are part of organized crime and corruption, but individuals who work in the public interest,” the President said, among other things. After establishing the new convocation of the assembly next week, they’re going to start consultations with the political actors in the country, he added. Milatovic believes that representatives of all peoples should be part of the government, but that it shouldn’t be formed only based on that principle. According to him, they should see who can make the greatest contribution to the improvement of reforms so that Montenegro can become the next EU member state. He added that representatives of minority nations should be part of this and every other Montenegrin government, particularly pointing out to the importance of the next EC Progress Report on Montenegro. As for his request to postpone the above-mentioned report, he explained to MEPs that it wasn’t a formal initiative. “There’s no any kind of formal way to do it, only a sincere and open talk, an explained intention why I said it publicly, so that both the new convocation of the assembly and government can have time to make some progress, particularly when it comes to the appointments which are key for further progress and positive outcome of the report”.


Spajic’s 10 principles for new government formation (CdM)


The Presidency of Europe Now Movement (PES) has adopted 10 principles for the formation of the 44th government of Montenegro, which will be sent to potential partners. “After the announcement of the final results, the conditions were met for negotiations to officially begin. The proposed principles will be the basis for the formation of the government, and we expect a constructive contribution from the future partners in the negotiation process. PES is advocating for the constitution of a new government that will be dedicated to improving the quality of life of citizens of Montenegro and speeding up European integration”, Milojko Spajic’s party states. Some parties have already accepted the proposed principles, such as Democratic Montenegro and some of the minority parties. Unofficially, the Albanian Forum led by Nik Gjeloshaj has allegedly accepted in principle Milojko Spajic’s still informal offer for the distribution of ministries in the new government. However, for now, the offer is unacceptable to Croatian Civic Initiative (HGI), Democratic Party, Albanian Alliance and Bosniak Party.

In short, the principles say that:

1.Montenegro is an independent and sovereign state, based on democracy and equal political rights of all its citizens;

2.Montenegro needs a stable political government, which will ensure the effective implementation of all necessary activities aimed at continuing the strong fight against organized crime and corruption;

3.full commitment to establishing a sustainable economic model and implementing the necessary reforms in order to significantly improve the living standards of citizens;

4.government constituents agree that it is necessary to solve the existing institutional crisis as soon as possible;

5.electoral reform will be one of the most important political priorities of the parliament;

6.the foreign policy orientation of the 44th government will be based on active and credible membership of Montenegro in NATO, full commitment to EU integration and accelerated process of accession of Montenegro to the EU;

7.the government structure will be defined in proportion to the election result achieved by its constituents;

8.through their political activities, the government constituents will affirm the social cohesion and multinational character of Montenegro, as well as contribute to the eradication of national, religious and political divisions;

9.government constituents undertake to conduct personnel policy decisively guided by the principles of openness, meritocracy and equal opportunities, taking into account primarily the professional qualities and personal integrity of candidates;

10.the government will continuously encourage and strengthen a broader social dialogue with all relevant actors (citizens, international partners, academic community, civil society organizations, etc.) on issues that fundamentally determine the further development of Montenegro.


Weimar Triangle in parliament: Constitutional changes only prerequisite for opening of negotiating chapters (MIA)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi, alongside parliament’s vice-presidents, party whips of SDSM’s coalition, VMRO-DPMNE’s coalition, DUI, Alliance for Albanians, and representatives of the political parties Alternativa and BESA, met Tuesday with France's Minister of State for Europe Laurence Boone, Minister of State for Europe and Climate in Germany's Federal Foreign Office Anna Luhrmann, and Poland’s Minister for the European Union Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek. According to a press release from parliament, speaker Xhaferi welcomed the visit of the three ministers and reiterated the country’s commitment to the fulfillment of its strategic goal of EU membership. “The ministers were informed over the ongoing activities in parliament in the context of this goal, especially concerning the full alignment with the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy, and the ongoing screening process. In terms of the constitutional amendments process, which is the only prerequisite for the opening of the negotiating chapters, it was stated that currently parliament does not have the necessary majority for their implementation,” said the press release. Minister Boone, according to the press release, voiced the support of the EU over the enlargement process and the interest in promoting the Euro-integration path of the countries of the entire region, which will contribute to greater stability and security on the European continent. “The changed reality and the window of opportunity that have been created, should be fully utilized, since European elections will be held next year, and they will result in a certain holdup if some processes aren’t completed by the end of 2023,” said Minister Boone. Minister Szynkowski spoke about the history of the three countries, the disagreements and challenges they have faced in the past, but also about their support for the enlargement process. He underscored the four priorities of the future Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which includes the enlargement process with concrete activities. Minister Luhrmann stressed that partisan interests should not be placed higher than the country’s strategic interests at this moment, reiterating that the negotiating framework, which has been adopted by all EU member states, will not be changed, and it represents a basis for North Macedonia’s negotiations process. She also noted that there are no new demands and prerequisites for the opening of the negotiating chapters, apart from the adoption of the constitutional amendments. At the end, the German Minister stressed the Resolution adopted by the German Bundestag in support of North Macedonia’s national interests. “The participants at the meeting expressed different opinions regarding the adoption of the constitutional amendments, with predominant agreement over their adoption, except for the parliamentary group of VMRO-DPMNE’s coalition. Furthermore, greater support and guarantees over the negotiations process were requested from the European partners, with the aim of preventing further demands from the Republic of Bulgaria,” said parliament in a press release.


Ademi: Two MPs no longer part of DUI’s parliamentary group (MIA)


Two MPs have left DUI’s parliamentary group, confirmed the party’s whip Arber Ademi on Tuesday. The two MPs in question are Izet Mexhiti, who announced the establishment of a new political movement on Monday, and Merita Kolci-Koxhaxhiku, the two were also previously joined by Kastriot Rexhepi. Asked if DUI’s parliamentary group is falling apart at a press conference Tuesday, Ademi clarified that only two MPs are from DUI’s list, while the third one, Kastriot Rexhepi acted as an independent MP and was a part of SDSM’s list. Ademi also voiced regret that they were informed about this through the media. “We regret that we were informed through the media that two of our MPs have chosen this path. They were treated well by DUI, held high positions and institutional responsibility, while also being trusted by DUI to hold that institutional responsibility, so you will have to ask them about the reasons for their self-removal from DUI. However, nothing is changing in the majority, because this Government and its manifesto were elected in Parliament without these MPs. So we have the same number as before and during the forming of this government. We only express regret over all this, and for the reasons why it is happening you’ll have to ask our colleagues,” said Ademi. Asked if the parliamentary majority has enough MPs, Ademi said there are political parties in the opposition that would vote for a European perspective without any dilemmas or second thoughts. “Whether an MP is or isn’t a part of the parliamentary majority is a minor issue in comparison to the most significant strategic issue,” said Ademi. Regarding the visit of the representatives of the Weimar Triangle, Ademi said they held a constructive meeting with the German, French and Polish Ministers for Europe, and received clear messages. “All messages were clear. If we want to stand against Russia, then we will vote for the constitutional changes. That was the main message. If we are not on Russia’s side, then we will vote for the amendments. Thereby opening the country’s path to membership within the European family and continuing the improvement of our country and society in several fields, which are also related to the negotiations process. So, we had direct messages like never before,” stressed Ademi.


Slovenia and Croatia agreed on application of compromise upon Zagreb's EU accession: VMRO-DPMNE MP (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonijo Miloshoski said Tuesday that the party would not support the constitutional amendments and that the ruling majority does not have the required two-thirds majority to deliver on its promises. Miloshoski held a press conference after parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi and party whips met with Weimar Triangle ministers - France's Minister of State for Europe Laurence Boone, Minister of State for Europe and Climate in Germany's Federal Foreign Office Anna Luhrmann, and Poland’s Minister for the European Union Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek - in the parliament. "The ruling majority is aware of the fact it does not have a two-thirds majority to deliver on what they gullibly accepted as a task, without national consensus, over the imposed constitutional amendments at Bulgaria's request. The VMRO-DPMNE-led coalition said 'yes' for the EU but 'no' to blackmail on the part of Bulgaria, which offers no certainty that the Euro-integration process will not be blocked yet again due to irrational issues that Sofia still holds against Macedonia," said Miloshoski. According to him, some of the ministers said they could serve as a model of countries that had big historic, political and other misunderstandings and conflicts in the past but are now allies and cooperate within the EU. "Germany was one of the biggest lobbyists for Poland to join the EU, but Germany did not seek excuses to block Poland twice, three times or five times, but sought ways to make Poland an EU member sooner," added Miloshoski. Asked on how to overcome the situation and vote for the constitutional amendments, the VMRO-DPMNE lawmaker said early elections are needed. "When assuming tasks that require broad consensus, especially when it comes to constitutional amendments, then those assuming them should be aware this is a necessity at the very beginning of the process not at the end," said Miloshoski. "Macedonia has seen many visits by foreign delegations. No minister of an EU member-state has ever said anything bad, they have all been encouraging and full of support. This was the case in 2018, when German Chancellor Merkel and Austrian Chancellor Kurz said that EU doors would open if we changed the constitutional name. The majority did this but the doors remained closed. France put a veto due to the methodology, while Bulgaria vetoed us because of an issue they had never put forward over the past 30 years. That is why I believe that the authorities are additionally polarizing the situation, which is why it would be best to have parliamentary elections so that political parties offer solutions for this problem and then talk about a broader consensus on how to move the country forward, but with a certain perspective regarding the goal and not blocks after a year or two because of a history textbook," noted Miloshoski. He said that political will is required, as was the case with Slovenia and Croatia, which also faced a bilateral problem. "As I see it, this problem with Bulgaria is irrational and abstract. Supported by Germany and France, Slovenia and Croatia agreed back then to apply the compromise at the moment of Zagreb's EU's accession, thus motivating Slovenia to support membership rather than block it, but also motivating Croatia to implement its part in order to reach the EU objective," said Miloshoski. VMRO-DPMNE deputy whip Dafina Stojanoska said their position was also reiterated at yesterday's meeting with the party leader and the coalition. "We said the same thing as last week, to a new team of European commissioners. The position is the same at closed and open meetings and we will not change it. Тhey say now is the moment, catch the wave. We reiterate that even after 15-16 years, Republic of Macedonia is still not an EU member, it has still not started negotiations. I don't know how many waves and moments they will promise. Unfortunately, we are now facing an ultimatum that the authorities have accepted, while excluding the opposition from those talks. We only repeated our position and we have not budged for a millimeter," said Stojanoska.


Tabaku meets Commissioner Varhelyi, focusing on economic reforms (Radio Tirana)


The Deputy of the Democratic Party Jorida Tabaku met the Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi this Tuesday in Brussels. During the meeting, the development plan of the Western Balkans was discussed. Through a reaction on social networks, Tabaku writes that the key word is the acceleration of economic reforms. "Productive meeting with the Enlargement Commissioner, Oliver Varhelyi regarding the development plan of the Western Balkans. Purpose: acceleration of economic reforms, strengthening of regional integration, competitive projects. In focus: the increase of funds, anti-corruption measures to increase the confidence of investors and integration in the EU", Tabaku writes.


Balla meets Ambassador Bucci: Close and strategic cooperation with the Italian law-enforcement structures (Radio Tirana)


Interior Minister Taulant Balla held a meeting with the Ambassador of Italy to Albania Fabrizio Bucci with whom he discussed issues of bilateral cooperation in the field of security and law enforcement. According to the announcement of the Ministry of the Interior, "in the meeting Italy's support for Albania was confirmed regarding the numerous projects and programs related to the fight against organized crime and the rule of law". "Ambassador Bucci on this occasion wished Minister Balla success in his new task and assured that the cooperation between the two countries will be continuous and extended in many fields. Minister Balla, after the meeting through a post on social networks, confirmed the excellent level of cooperation between the two countries, especially in terms of law-enforcement structures", the Ministry of the Interior announces. "Balla also expressed his thanks as minister for Italy's support to our country", the announcement reads.