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Belgrade Media Report 2 August 2023



Vucic with Chen Bo: When we see off sincere friends of Serbia, we do it with sadness (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the farewell reception in honor of outgoing Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Chen Bo. "When we see off sincere friends in Serbia, we do so with sadness, but also with pride because of the honor and opportunity to have such a friend," wrote Vucic on Instagram and continued: "For us, Ambassador Chen Bo is much more than a diplomatic representative of the People's Republic of China, a country that in Serbia has the highest possible respect from its citizens. She is, first of all, our precious friend. We planned many projects together, looked forward to every kilometer of road and railway, shared concerns in difficult times, listened to each other with attention and respect and always relied on the support and partnership attitude of the great People's Republic of China for everything that Serbia and its citizens needed." As he says, when it was most difficult, Ambassador Chen Bo's strong commitment to strengthening comprehensive relations between China and Serbia always bore her personal seal of sincere love and respect for our country and people. "That's why Serbia is her second home where she is no longer a guest, but someone who will always be welcomed here with joy, respect and great affection," concluded Vucic.


Vucic: Very good relations with N. Macedonia confirmed (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Speaking to reporters after meeting with North Macedonian counterpart Stevo Pendarovski at the monastery of Prohor Pcinjski near Vranje, southern Serbia, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said the extremely good relations between the two countries had been confirmed at the meeting. "We are not only friends but, as peoples, we have brotherly relations - or sisterly relations, because it even nicer to put it that way - but I believe the relations will develop further," Vucic said. He said the volume of bilateral trade between the two countries was worth 1.5 billion Euros a year and added that he hoped it would grow further. "We are doing many things together to improve the living standards of citizens of both countries," Vucic said. He noted that Serbia had built a motorway to North Macedonia.


Vucic talks with Peach over phone (Beta/Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic talked on Tuesday over the telephone with British Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach, according to a post on Vucic's Instagram account. "President Vucic and Lord Peach exchanged thoughts on current regional issues, especially Kosovo and Metohija," the post said. The two officials also reportedly agreed to continue talks during an upcoming visit by the British Special Envoy to Serbia, which is slated for the near future.


Vucic receives Syrian Ambassador, thanks for support to Serbia's sovereignty (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received Syrian Ambassador to Serbia Basem Jaman Agha on Tuesday and wished lasting peace to the people of Syria, thanking the country for supporting the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. "I thanked Ambassador Basem Jaman for his committed service in Belgrade and for his friendly attitude towards our country. We discussed the strengthening of bilateral ties and other forms of cooperation to the benefit of the citizens of both states," Vucic wrote in a post on his Instagram profile. He noted that he had thanked Syria for its principled and consistent support to the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia and for its respect of international law. "I wished lasting and sustainable peace to the people of Syria, which would open up wider perspectives for development of cooperation, above all, economically," Vucic said.


Potential for strengthening partnership with UK in energy, innovation, infrastructure (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke yesterday with the newly appointed Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Serbia Edward Ferguson.

Brnabic welcomed the ambassador and expressed her hope that during his mandate there will be a strengthening of comprehensive cooperation between Belgrade and London, as well as further intensification of the dialogue between the two sides. The officials assessed that the economic cooperation between the two countries has developed dynamically in the past few years. She emphasised that there is potential for strengthening the partnership in numerous areas, especially in energy, innovation and infrastructure. She pointed out that Serbia has made a significant step forward in the development of biotechnology and digitalisation, while the IT sector is the driver of economic growth, pointing out that she sees opportunities for future cooperation in these activities. Ferguson said that the UK is particularly interested in cooperation in the areas of digitization and high technologies, assessing that Serbia has excellent projects on which the two countries can cooperate in the future. He highlighted the potential for the United Kingdom to support infrastructure projects through the UKEF (UK Export Finance) credit mechanism. From this mechanism, as he stated, £470 million have already been used to support the implementation of the Morava Corridor. Ferguson congratulated Serbia on receiving the organisation of the International World Exhibition EXPO 2027 in Belgrade.


Brnabic receives new B&H Ambassador (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic received Bosnia and Herzegovina's (B&H) newly-appointed Ambassador Aleksandar Vranjes on Wednesday. Welcoming the Ambassador and wishing him success in his tenure in Belgrade, Brnabic said there was ample space for further advancement of cooperation between the two countries, especially in the economy, and noted the importance of implementing joint infrastructure projects, including a project to build a Belgrade-Sarajevo motorway. Speaking about Open Balkans, Brnabic said B&H's membership in the initiative would help to make it more inclusive and to achieve economic betterment for all citizens of the region, the Serbian government said in a statement. The parties agreed to work together on strengthening and advancement of bilateral cooperation in all areas of significance to both sides.


Dacic receives farewell visit from Chinese Ambassador (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on Tuesday received a farewell visit from China's outgoing Ambassador to Serbia Chen Bo. In a very cordial atmosphere, Dacic thanked Chen - a great friend of Serbia an expert on the situation in the region and, in particular, Serbia - for her excellent cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and all other Serbian institutions over the four and a half years of her tenure in the country, the ministry said in a statement. He said that Chen, through her exceptional diplomatic skills and personal commitment, had significantly contributed to taking the comprehensive strategic partnership and steely friendship between the two countries and the two peoples to an even higher level, the statement said. Dacic was pleased to note that the cooperation in all areas, in particular in the economy, infrastructure and investments, had been advanced significantly during Chen's tenure. He reiterated Serbia's gratitude to China for its continued support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, noting that Serbia consistently supported the One China policy. Wishing Chen much success in her personal and professional life, Dacic noted that she would always be able to count on the friendship of Serbia and Serbs. Chen said she had beautiful memories of Serbia, and thanked the Serbian state leadership and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Serbian state institutions for the exceptional cooperation, understanding and friendship.


Petkovic to Hovenier: We know where the borders in Kosovo and Metohija are, they are in accordance with UN Charter (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told the US Ambassador in Pristina Jeffrey Hovenier last night that Serbia knows very well where the borders are in Kosovo and Metohija and that these are the borders of Serbia in accordance with the UN Charter and Resolution 1244. Petkovic, after Hovenier said that for the US, Kosovo is a “sovereign, independent and democratic state” and that its border is north of Kosovska Mitrovica, and that Serb List is “the opposition party in Kosovo”, emphasized that Serb List is the choice and voice of the Serb people “that defends the national interests of its people in Kosovo and Metohija not foreign embassies”. “We know very well, US Ambassador, where the borders of Kosovo and Metohija are, those are the borders of Serbia in accordance with the UN Charter and Resolution 1244. And the Serb List is the choice and voice of the Serbian people who defend the national interests of their people in Kosovo and Metohija, not foreign embassies!,” Petkovic stated on the social network X, formerly known as Twitter.


Pasalic speaks to ICRC about position of arrested Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (Beta)


Serbian Ombudsman Zoran Pasalic talked in Belgrade on Tuesday with the Head of the International Committee of the Red Cross' (ICRC) regional delegation Jelena Stijacic and ICRC Regional Coordinator Aurelie Gautier about the issue of protecting the rights of incarcerated Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. The two officials agreed to maintain "constant communication" on that, the Ombudsman's office said in a statement, adding that Pasalic and the representatives of the ICRC's regional delegation voiced "concern for the position and status of jailed Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija". On 26 June, Pasalic called on the ICRC to protect the Serbs jailed in Kosovo "from further torture and abuse and investigate the actions of the Kosovo police toward them while taking them to detention centers", the statement said. The office said that the ombudsman had informed numerous international institutions that deal in human rights and the prevention of torture, of the torturing of arrested Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and that he had contacted 106 national institutions that deal in human rights protection and that so far he had only received a response from three, the statement said.


Pro-European opposition: Ruling majority trying to turn parliament into a reality show, but has brought opposition together (Beta)


One year into a new Serbian parliament makeup, pro-European opposition MPs on Tuesday said that the ruling majority had been treating their opponents as “a foreign body”, while in parallel trying to elevate Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic as the only institution, and had thereby been attempting to turn the supreme legislative body into “a reality show”. But, to their surprise, they had brought all opposition parties together, they added. “They have been trying to humiliate the parliament, but we will not allow it. We have sustained and have resisted all such attempts, owing to good coordination within the opposition ranks. I am appealing to all in the opposition to pursue this path, and I am also asking reporters to join us in our effort to prevent humiliation of the parliament and to thwart attempts of presenting it as a circus stage,” Democratic Party leader Zoran Lutovac told reporters in the parliament building. Borko Stefanovic, a member of the Onward to Europe caucus, said the ruling party in the parliament “has been suppressing freedom of speech”, and refusing to accept any proposal coming from the opposition. He added that “today, the opposition in Serbia, particularly in the parliament, has been more united than ever before”. People’s Party whip Miroslav Aleksic said that the ruling majority had been acting as if they were a service of Vucic and the government, and not of citizens, recalling that parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic had issued 67 warnings to the opposition MPs and zero to those of the ruling majority. Ecological Uprising leader Aleksandar “Cuta” Jovanovic said that the opposition’s goal should be “removal of the criminal government,” while an MP of the Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own movement Djordje Pavicevic warned that institutions had been undermined, which was leading to “an open dictatorship”.




US Embassy: OFAC sanctions have serious consequences (Dnevni avaz)


The US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) commented the sanctions imposed against several Republika Srpska (RS) officials by the US Department of Treasury’s Office for Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). The Embassy explained that the OFAC sanctioned four persons who undermine stability, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, and who represent a threat to the future Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H. “The US Embassy acts in line with the OFAC decisions, which monitors and implements economic and trade sanctions in line with goals of foreign policy and national security of the USA against foreign states and regimes, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, persons involved in proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and other threats to national security or economy of the USA”, the Embassy explained. The Embassy underlined that the sanctions are serious and carry serious consequences for the persons targeted by them. Furthermore, the Embassy explained, decisions on sanctions are made based on intense and detailed analysis of facts by numerous US agencies. The Embassy reminded that several high-ranking US officials, including the Ambassador, repeatedly clearly stated that the USA will hold accountable the individuals engaged in anti-Dayton behaviour threatening the sovereignty, territorial integrity and multi-ethnic character of B&H. “The US will continue using its competencies in the field of sanctions as long as RS official continue to attack the Dayton Peace Agreement”, the Embassy concluded.


OHR commends US’ sanctions against RS officials (BHT1)


The Office of High Representative (OHR) commented on sanctions the US imposed against the RS officials on Monday. The statement of the OHR published on Twitter reads that this institution welcomes actions by the US Treasury in its aim to strengthen the rule of law and protect the constitutional and legal order in B&H from brazen attempts to undermine the work of institutions as well as the country’s stability and reforms achieved so far. It further reads that it should not come as a surprise to officials at the state and entity level, who facilitated adoption of the law in the RS parliament attempting to undermine the authority of B&H Constitutional Court, to face sanctions as their actions went directly against B&H Constitution and the DPA, while also eroding the rule of law at a time when B&H is given a generational opportunity to make concrete steps towards full membership in the EU.


EU Delegation: US and EU share the same strategic goal of fight against corruption and organized crime (Dnevni avaz)


The daily asked the EU Delegation to B&H to comment the sanctions against four RS officials imposed by the US Department of Treasury’s Office for Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). The EU Delegation stated that it abstains from commenting the decisions of the USA related to the US sanctions framework for the Western Balkans. “This is a question for the US authorities. In line with their expressed commitment to the EU integration, it is crucial for governments and authorities in the Western Balkans, including B&H, to continue with the reform processes and stay on the EU integration path, which includes the field of the rule of law, fight against corruption and organized crime. The EU and US share this strategic goal”, the EU Delegation stated.


Russian Embassy criticizes US’ sanctions (RTRS)


Reacting to the US imposing sanctions on B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS Prime minister Radovan Viskovic, RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic, and RS Minister of Justice Milos Bukejlovic, the Russian Embassy to B&H stated that the US Department of the Treasury’s new set of sanctions against representatives of the RS leadership are an example of double standards and hypocrisy, and they deserve nothing but contempt. “Sanctions are being introduced for alleged undermining of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), although the text of the American decision contains gross violation of the letter of the Peace Agreement, and not even to mention its spirit. The tactic of punishing and literally suffocating those who do not succumb to the will of the western mentors has been adopted. Of course, in the world, created by the collective West and based on the power of money, financial sanctions can cause some discomfort,” stated the Russian Embassy and added that sanctions cannot break the will of those who strive for sovereignty and liberation from neo-colonial shackles.


RS politicians comment on US sanctions against RS officials (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik gave a statement, commenting on the latest US sanctions towards Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic, speaker of RS parliament Nenad Stevandic and RS Minister of Justice Milos Bukejlovic. Dodik stated: “We plan to keep going. This is not a message for them, but a message to us. Perhaps it is the best if we respond cynically or sarcastically, we will see. They feel that they gave us worries, but I assure you that they have not. I have been living with sanctions for a few years and cannot say that they affected me or what the sanctions accomplished. Despite everything, they want to sanction the Serb people. I am not just Milorad Dodik or Zeljka Cvijanovic, we are representatives of the Serb people. Like all other politicians in the world, we generate and present our stances, according to the stances of the people. If we are to be sanctioned for that, by an arrogant USA, we will continue working and see what happens. The sanctions will change the lives of the people but will not change RS significantly. They want to replace us and install others, who will obey their instructions, wave flags and eventually be shocked when RS disappears. The RS was made to last, not to disappear, and we are those who will not allow it to disappear, by doing what the people elected us to do. We were not elected by US, and they will not remove us.” Cvijanovic said that the Americans are imposing sanctions like “on a production line” and it looks more like a trick to appease Bosniaks, and not punishment for those the sanctions are intended to, noting that the US’ sanctions do not contribute to resolving of issues. “It is ridiculous that you have to accept that it is normal that some non-elected foreigner passes laws instead of local institutions, or that they constantly threaten you with the Prosecutor’s Office for your political stance, or that it has to become normal for you that someone from the outside imposes sanctions on you because you do not like when foreigners in the (B&H) CC pass unconstitutional decision. It has nothing to do with the Dayton (Peace) Agreement, nor it means anything in terms who respects it or who does not. I know with certainty that my relation toward these sanctions will in any case be very institutional,” Cvijanovic was quoted as saying. Viskovic stated: “American sanctions only confirm that I am doing a good job for the RS and that my priority is the fulfilment of RS’s constitutional powers, the protection of institutions, as well as the balanced economic development from Trebinje to Novi Grad. Sanctions will not affect my further work, on the contrary, they oblige me even more to protect the right of RS guaranteed by the Constitution, more carefully and more devotedly in the future. If I and the other officials of RS have to bear American sanctions, just because we respect the Dayton Agreement and protect the constitutional position of RS, it only means that we do our jobs for the RS and the Serb people in the best possible way.” “I consider it a medal for consistency, rectitude and resoluteness in protecting the RS’ interests. And as a response to all those who tried to blackmail us or change our policy based on the will of the people - the RS will outlive all sanctions, and it is up to us to fight for it to be stronger,” said Stevandic for the media on Tuesday. “We are holding our heads high. Following the sanctions our head can only go higher. I see the sanctions as an award for consistency, steadfastness in safeguarding the interests of RS and an answer to all those who attempted to replace us, despite our policies being based on the will of the people. RS will outlive all sanctions, and it is up to us to continue fighting and make sure that RS suffers no damage, while we take the brunt of the damage and protect it.” Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac stated that ‘tendentious’ US sanctions cannot change the election will of the Serb people, which stands firmly with the policy of the RS leadership. According to Kosarac, introduction of sanctions against top RS officials is reflection of the US’ arrogance, impudence and powerlessness of the so-called global power, which only understands the argument of force and ignores the power of arguments. Kosarac stated that it is time for the US Ambassador to leave B&H.


FB&H politicians comment on US sanctions against RS officials ( list)


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic has commented on Tuesday on the US sanctions against his colleague Zeljka Cvijanovic and other RS officials. Becirovic said that RS bodies committed a brutal attack on the DPA’s foundations. He added that the anti-Dayton policy must not be underestimated and relativized and for this reason new US’ sanctions are an important message to all in the region that developed Western democracies support preservation of peace and stability in B&H. Becirovic noted that he consistently refers to necessity of sanctioning politicians who endanger independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. He added that tolerating of unconstitutional acting, by which RS leaders endangered hardly won peace, can have far-reaching consequences, especially in the context of the latest geopolitical upheavals. For this reason, Becirovic argues, it is very important that the EU countries also follow the principled policy of the US and the UK. Becirovic also noted that these and previous sanctions clearly mark who are crucial individuals which undermine the DPA. Becirovic believes that now is the crucial moment that the EU takes into consideration stances of the EP, which has called for introduction of sanctions against Dodik’s regime in its many resolutions. He added that Dodik and his followers view every prolonging of EU sanctions as a signal and encouragement for continuation of separatist policy. Becirovic argues that the region is at a crossroad, and it must choose between Dodik’s warmongering policy and preservation of peace. Becirovic believes that the biggest forces from the West have noticed this, and they correctly concluded that Dodik’s policy endangers stability, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H as well as hardly won peace. Becirovic stressed: “The international community, DPA witnesses and OHR must show strength and unity now…” Becirovic also noted that we must not deceive ourselves for a single moment and think that Dodik’s regime will stop after the last US’ sanctions. He expects new dangerous attacks on the DPA at direct instructions of Dodik’s mentors outside B&H borders. Becirovic sent the message that peace, security and constitutional order of B&H must be defended with all instruments at disposal in accordance with B&H and international law, adding that first of all institutions envisaged by the DPA should do this with much more concrete assistance of the West than it has been the case so far. Federation of B&H (FB&H) Minister of Development, Entrepreneurship and Craft Vojin Mijatovic commented on the new US sanctions introduced against RS officials saying that under the slogan of the fight for the RS, SNSD and its satellites have put this entity under sanctions. Mijatovic noted that very tough months will now follow during which everything will be blocked, and that a complete RS leadership is under sanctions for undermining the Dayton agreement and high-level corruption. According to him, ‘these people’ have isolated the Serb people in B&H, arguing that it is clear that more normal and different policies are looked for among the Serb political parties. Minister Mijatovic also believes it will not stop here, and that the international community is ready to continue with penalizing people who run such policies. He also believes that the official Belgrade will not help these people since interests of Serbia are interests of Serbia and many of those do not understand this. Mijatovic concludes: “A supreme Serb patriotic move now is to make distance and get rid of such policies. I hope that many will understand this now and that a new majority and a different approach on the political market in the RS can be found. You ‘big’ Serbs have put the RS under sanctions”, said Mijatovic. The NS stated that the sanctions represent a confirmation of the US commitment to the integrity of B&H. The NS emphasized that the sanctions are a serious matter and that all those who undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement deserve to be sanctioned. According to the NS, the USA is any ally of the multi-ethnic B&H, and the RS politicians should view the sanctions as a serious warning that they need to stop with the anti-constitutional actions which provoke the determination of B&H’s allies and B&H patriots to defend B&H. FB&H Vice-President Refik Lendo welcomed the sanctions, stating that the US are B&H’s friend. Lendo underlined that the DPA must not be undermined and added that the sanctions show “the US stands by sovereignty of B&H”.


Sattler meets with Zvizdic: EU path of B&H does not have alternative (Dnevni avaz)


Deputy speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Denis Zvizdic met with Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Ambassador Johann Sattler on Tuesday. They talked about the current political situation in B&H, the European path of B&H and reform processes within the European integration of B&H. The collocutors agreed that continuation of democratization and strengthening of the rule of law are among the top priorities. Zvizdic informed Ambassador Sattler that he has submitted an initiative for establishment of the Supreme Court of B&H as a body that should secure a harmonized court practice in the territory of the entire state. Zvizdic especially pointed out the importance of abolition of veto in making of decisions in all administrative bodies in line with the acquis as well as the necessity to adopt anti-corruption laws and law on prevention of money laundering. Ambassador Sattler stated that political dialogue and compromise are necessary in order to achieve progress and ensure the country’s security, and that the EU path has no alternative. Zvizdic underlined that the adoption of a set of laws related to the EU agenda is expected at the next session of B&H HoR that will be held on 22 August.


Sattler and Spiric discuss EU path of B&H (BHT1)


Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler met with speaker of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Nikola Spiric. Collocutors discussed activities B&H needs to conduct in order to fulfil obligations related to the EU integration. They agreed that recent meetings of leaders of parties that are partners in authorities at B&H level opened path to de-escalate political situation in B&H.


Goganovic meets delegation of US European Command; Lasica promises that US support to B&H’s Euro-Atlantic integration process will continue (Oslobodjenje)


B&H Deputy Minister of Defense Aleksandar Goganovic met with the delegation of the US European Command (USEUCOM) led by major General Daniel Lasica, USEUCOM director for strategy, plans and policy. Lasica emphasized that the US appreciates the friendly and strategic partnership with B&H. He promised that the US support to B&H’s Euro-Atlantic integration process will continue. Lasica and Goganovic agreed that the future cooperation should be focused on strengthening the defense ties of B&H and US.


Plenkovic attends summit of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (HRT)


The Croatian Prime Minister was in Montenegro on Tuesday where he attended a summit of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP). The focus of discussion was on the need for political dialogue, regional cooperation, energy and transport infrastructure, and accelerating Euro-Atlantic integration for those countries of the Western Balkans that are interested in EU and NATO membership. Speaking after the summit, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that he was satisfied with the SEECP meeting in Podgorica Montenegro, noting that the meeting was an opportunity to address issues of importance to the region as a whole: "This summit sent several messages. A message about the necessity of political dialogue, solving open issues, regional cooperation, but also investment in transport and energy infrastructure." The Prime Minister also met with Montenegro's newly elected President Jakov Milatovic with whom he discussed a series of issues, including Montenegro's involvement in war crimes against Croatian's during the Homeland War: "The conversation with the newly elected Montenegrin president had several topics. First, of course, are the difficult issues that remained from the time of Milosevic's aggression against Croatia. They concern the resolution of the issue of the camp inmates and the fourteen missing persons. We expect the prosecutors' offices to initiate processes that have not been initiated. With regard to the border issue, Croatia's position is clear. Bilateral talks should continue." Plenkovic said that economic cooperation was also discussed, he also mentioned the role of Croatian entrepreneurs in Montenegro: "The second block of topics was economic cooperation. Today I met not only with representatives of the Croatian minority here in Montenegro, but we also talked with Croatian businessmen who are the leaders of our companies operating in Montenegro. Trade has increased, and currently stands at about 315 million Euros. Meaning that it has almost doubled. There are opportunities for further business cooperation." The Prime Minister also touched on the possibility of additional development of the energy infrastructure: "Today at this conference I also spoke about the role of Croatia as an energy hub for its neighbours. This primarily refers to gas. On the other hand, the Adriatic-Ionian pipeline is one of the strategic topics and strategic projects. Additional consultations with all countries should be carried out which are on that path." The Prime Minister said that Montenegro has Croatia’s support on its European path: "The third topic is Montenegro's negotiations on EU membership. They have so far completed 35 chapters that they opened. Of course, they want Croatia's support on that European path. This short stay in Podgorica was very useful and constructive."


Becic: Democrats agree that Milatovic should nominate Spajic as prime minister designate (CdM)


Democrats agree that Mr Milatovic should nominate Milojko Spajic as prime minister-designate, stated their leader Aleksa Becic, following the consultations with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. “We expressed our desire to form a new government as soon as possible. The most important thing is that Montenegro gets out of the transitional period and has a new government. We informed the President that the Democrats had a session yesterday and adopted the conclusion, agreeing that he should give a mandate to Spajic,” Becic told the press. According to him, Montenegro needs neither an expert-based nor minority-based government, rather a political one which would be backed by the majority of MPs in parliament.


Knezevic: We’re ready to make concessions, but parliament speaker should be from For the Future of Montenegro bloc (CdM)


Leader of the Democratic People’s Party, DNP, Milan Knezevic, says that he and Predrag Bulatovic (their official) had long and constructive consultations with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. According to him, the For the Future of Montenegro bloc should run the Parliament of Montenegro, adding that they’re ready to make concessions. “We had a constructive dialogue. We clearly stated that we wanted to see the government made up of the 2020 majority. We fully contributed to the negotiations and talks, particularly when it comes to the principle no. 7, but it looks like it applies to everyone. The principle no. 7 says that the number of votes won will be taken into account in the division of government ministries. We’re ready to make certain concession but won’t allow to be humiliated. We consider that Europe Now should propose prime minister-designate,” Knezevic told reporters following the consultations. He continued: “If we apply the principle, the position of prime minister belongs to Europe Now, while parliament’s speaker should be from the For the Future of Montenegro bloc”. According to him, PES leader, Milojko Spajic has great responsibility. “He needs to re-activate talks in order to find the acceptable solution”. The consultations over the composition of government will continue in the coming days.


Bosniak Party will support Spajic for prime minister designate (CdM)


The Bosniak Party will back the PES leader Milojko Spajic for prime minister-designate, stated their leader Ervin Ibrahimovic after the consultations with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. “We have to respect the Constitution and go step by step. First, we should agree on the principles, then the departments. PES accepts our proposals for the principles. The Bosniak Party supports Spajic’s nomination for prime minister designate. Let’s get the support of 41 MPs and then discuss the principles,” Ibrahimovic told reporters in Cetinje. He also notes that they expect the prime minister-designate to propose the government’s composition first, and after that, they’re going to tell whether they find it acceptable.


Escobar: Montenegro has unique opportunity on its road to EU, we look forward to govt whose members back NATO’s support for Ukraine (MINA)


Montenegro has a unique opportunity to accelerate its EU accession, assessed the US special envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar. Asked by the MINA news agency to comment on the consultations over prime minister-designate, he said that the US was encouraged by the democratic progress of Montenegro, which included the recent smooth transition of presidential function and parliamentary elections. “Montenegro now has a unique opportunity to speed up its road to the EU”. As he stated, the recent presidential and parliamentary elections emphasized the strong desire of Montenegro citizens for European integration, Euro-Atlantic values, as well as their support for NATO.


Xhaferi: Debate on need for constitutional revision scheduled to finish on 31 August, vote can be postponed or not take place (MIA)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi says in an interview with MIA that the constitutional changes are important for the country's future, highlighting that the ruling authorities carry the weight of the process but also that the opposition should take a share of the responsibility for the sake of the future, and not as a solution for the next elections. "The session on the constitutional changes will open on 18 August and the agenda is adopted by one-third of 61 attending MPs. A discussion will open, and I cannot predict how it is going to develop. Nevertheless, it is my obligation to plan a maximum of ten working days for the discussion. On the tenth day, the discussion ends regardless of the number of remaining speakers," explains Xhaferi. According to calculations, 31 August is the final day, but Xhaferi says that if a two-thirds majority is not reached, the vote can be postponed or not even take place, thus ending the procedure. "There is such an option, and this practice has been witnessed throughout this term in parliament, when votes were postponed due to quorum calculations by lawmakers," says Xhaferi. He says there is no strict procedure regarding the deadline for the vote in the first stage, i.e. the need for constitutional changes, considering that the entire process includes several stages that must be completed by the end of November, in order to open the path for the second Intergovernmental Conference. Going back to the experience in 2008, when the country was set to join NATO, the Speaker says, "we don't have to repeat the same mistakes", adding that many decisions have been made that had been disputed at the time of their adoption. "We are heading for the Ilinden observance. Do you think that the decision for the Ilinden Uprising was unanimous? No. But here we are, 120 years later, having a state that came about from that risk but also the virtue of the revolutionaries, who thought about the future not their own status. Therefore, the sooner we come to our senses the better, thinking about the future and the generations to come, giving them an open path along which they will develop and move forward. What would have been our position if we had failed to join NATO?" says Xhaferi.


The fight against corruption, EU preliminary report: Albania should further improve the legal and institutional frame (Radio Tirana)


In the preliminary report drawn up by the EU, it is requested that Albania increases the coherence of the legal and institutional frame in order to prevent corruption relative to high officials. The report states that this legal frame should define the rules so that senior officials are not influenced by third parties or certain lobbyists who seek to lead government policies and the country's laws. "Albania must increase the coherence of the legal and institutional frame for the prevention of corruption and the integrity of public officials, which is all-inclusive, but too complex, especially in terms of high-level officials. The rules on how high-level officials engage in contact with lobbyists and other third parties seeking to influence government policy and other activities should be further updated to cover all interactions, beyond personal meetings, and the register of such contacts should be published," the report states. The report also refers to the operation of the Special Structure against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK), stating that even in this institution frame "should be reviewed in order to extend the court competence in matters related to the execution of their decisions". According to the report, the capacity of the Special Structure against Corruption and Organized Crime (SPAK) should be strengthened. "The number of prosecutors, investigators, including financial investigators, legal assistants and administrative staff should be increased to reflect the operational needs of the SPAK. The significantly increasing burden must be addressed with concrete means to enable the institution to function effectively in the medium and long term. "Albania must ensure that the SPAK has access to all relevant tools, including specialized expertise in financial investigations, special investigative measures and quality access to all relevant databases," reads the report.