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Belgrade Media Report 13 December 2023



Vucic receives outgoing Spanish Ambassador (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday received a farewell visit from Spanish Ambassador Raul Bartolome Molina, whom he thanked for his personal contribution to advancement of the good and friendly relations between the two countries, and also expressed gratitude to Spain for its principled respect of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and for supporting Serbia on the EU path. "I thanked Ambassador Molina for the good cooperation and for his personal contribution to additional advancement of the good and friendly relations between Serbia and Spain. We concluded that we can do much in various fields of cooperation," Vucic wrote on Instagram. Vucic noted that he was especially grateful to Spain for its principled respect of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia as well as for its support to Serbia on the EU path.


Vucic receives farewell visit from Belarusian Ambassador (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday received a farewell visit from Belarusian Ambassador Valery Brilev, thanking him for advancement of bilateral relations and, especially, for Belarus's strong support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia.

"Serbia and Belarus are friendly countries, and I thanked Ambassador Brilev for his personal engagement on advancement of bilateral relations. Belarus is demonstrating its friendship also through its strong support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, for which we are especially grateful," Vucic on Instagram. He noted that the two countries would continue to work on development of cooperation. "I hope we will have bilateral visits at the highest level next year," Vucic concluded, wishing Brilev good luck and success in the future.


Brnabic says record number of observers at 17 December elections (B92)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said yesterday that there would be 5,586 observers at the 17 December elections in Serbia -- which was a record number, not including observers from political parties. Brnabic told B92 that the elections would be observed by the European Parliament, ODIHR, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the central electoral commissions of Georgia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Canadian, Norwegian, Swiss, German and US Embassies, domestic non-governmental organizations and many others. "Everyone who asked to observe our elections, to be at voting stations, has practically received permission," the prime minister said. She said that despite said number of observers, the opposition "is creating an atmosphere" suggesting that there was going to be massive electoral fraud. Brnabic called a march on 12 December to the Serbian Electoral Commission's headquarters, announced after an electoral rally of the Serbia Against Violence ticket in Belgrade, a "form of pressure" on the commission.


General Affairs Council adopts conclusions on enlargement (Beta)


The EU General Affairs Council adopted yesterday conclusions on Serbia, European enlargement commissioner Oliver Varhelyi told a news conference. Asked by a reporter whether he expected the European Council to adopt the conclusions on Serbia on 14-15 December, Varhelyi replied that they had already been adopted. "The conclusions on Serbia have already been adopted. There are no decision points for the European Council," Varhelyi said. In the final version of the conclusions, which Beta has reviewed, the EU calls on Serbia and Kosovo to meet all of their obligations stemming from the Agreement on the path to normalization and its Annex without delay or attaching any preconditions, including the Association/Community of Serb Municipalities, and urges the European Commission and high representative to propose amendments to the measures outlined in Chapter 35 of accession talks with Serbia. The Council of Ministers adopted the conclusions on enlargement, but the decision on opening accession talks with Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina and granting Georgia the status of a candidate will be passed at a summit of EU heads of state and government.


Council of EU requests Serbia’s Ohrid obligations be added to Chapter 35 benchmarks (Beta)


The Council of the EU requests the European Commission and High Representative Josep Borrell to urgently propose to the Council, before the end of January 2024, the amendments to the benchmarks of Chapter 35 of Serbia’s accession negotiations to reflect Serbia’s obligations stemming from the Agreement on the Path to Normalization between Kosovo and Serbia and its Implementation Annex, read the conclusions of the Council of the EU adopted Tuesday. The Council of the EU further said that it welcomes the Agreement on the Path to Normalization between Kosovo and Serbia, reached on 27 February in Brussels, and its Implementation Annex agreed on 18 March in Ohrid, and regrets the lack of implementation by both parties, as well as other pending commitments reached in the EU-facilitated Dialogue. The conclusions read that the Council “calls on Serbia and Kosovo to fully respect and implement them, without further delay and preconditions. This includes the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities. The Council welcomes Serbia’s and Kosovo’s readiness to accept the draft statute presented to the parties by the EU Facilitator, on the understanding that further work needs to be done on this basis”. The Council said that normalization of relations and implementing their Dialogue commitments are essential conditions on the European path of both Serbia and Kosovo and both risk losing important opportunities in absence of progress. “The Council recalls that Serbia’s progress on the rule of law and the normalization of relations with Kosovo will continue to determine the overall pace of accession negotiations,” read the conclusions, in which the Council reiterated its concern over the situation in the media and the handling of war crimes in Serbia. The Council said that it expects both Serbia and Kosovo to find a sustainable solution to the situation in the north of Kosovo that guarantees safety, security and participatory democracy for all citizens. Serbia is expected to engage in the EU-facilitated Dialogue in good faith and in the spirit of compromise to achieve a comprehensive legally binding agreement with Kosovo on normalization of relations in accordance with international law and EU acquis with no further delay. This agreement should address all key outstanding issues and thus contribute to regional stability, the Council added. The Council reiterated that there is no justification for violence and said it strongly condemns the “violent acts by Kosovo Serbs protesters against citizens, KFOR troops, law enforcement, and media on 29 May 2023 and the violent attack against Kosovo Police on 24 September 2023 in the north of Kosovo”. The Council expects Serbia to fully cooperate and take all the necessary measures to apprehend and swiftly bring to justice the perpetrators of the attacks, regrets that Serbia has taken insufficient actions in this respect and expresses concern about the repeated military build-ups by Serbia in the vicinity of Kosovo, and says that it has taken note of the subsequent reduction of troops and equipment. Serbia and Kosovo must pursue sustained de-escalation efforts, refrain from unilateral and provocative actions that could lead to tensions and violence and stop divisive rhetoric, said the Council, adding that it welcomes that Serbia has taken some steps in the right direction, including by publicly encouraging Kosovo Serbs to participate in the local elections in the north of Kosovo. Serbia is asked to encourage the Kosovo Serbs to return to institutions that they left. The Council reiterated that failure by the parties to de-escalate tensions will have consequences. The Council reiterated its strong expectation of Serbia to step up its efforts towards full alignment with EU Common Foreign and Security Policy positions and restrictive measures, including on Russia and Belarus, as a matter of utmost priority. The Council also called on Serbian authorities to refrain from actions and statements against the EU positions on foreign policy and other strategic matters. It said it takes good note of Serbia´s humanitarian and other assistance to Ukraine, welcomes Serbia’s improved cooperation with the EU on preventing the circumvention of EU restrictive measures and welcomes Serbia’s continued active participation in and important contribution to EU missions and operations under the EU Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP). It particularly stressed the need for Serbia to fully meet its commitment to align with EU visa policy. The Council welcomed that Serbia has maintained its commitment in a number of regional cooperation initiatives and said it encourages Serbia to further strengthen good neighborly relations and contribute to stability and reconciliation with all partners in the region. In its conclusions, the Council asks Serbia to continue to focus on the fulfillment of the interim benchmarks of the rule of law Chapters 23 and 24. It welcomes the timely adoption of five laws implementing the 2022 constitutional amendments, but says that further work and political commitment are needed to implement reforms in fundamental areas, including on judiciary. The Council underlined the need for Serbia to step up its efforts in the fight against corruption and organized crime and to achieve tangible results and a convincing track record with effective investigations, prosecutions, final convictions, freezing and confiscation of criminal assets. It also reiterated its concern about the situation in the media and handling of war crimes in Serbia. Belgrade is asked to step up efforts on the effective implementation of its media strategy action plan. Underscored in the conclusions is the importance of meaningful regional cooperation in the domestic handling of war crimes, resolving the remaining cases of missing persons and full cooperation with the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals. The Council reiterated the call on Serbian authorities to communicate objectively and unambiguously on the EU, and to actively engage in preventing and tackling all forms of disinformation and foreign information manipulation in all media channels. In order to improve the conditions for the proper functioning of democratic institutions, the Council strongly encourages Serbia to address the long-standing OSCE/ODIHR and Council of Europe bodies’ recommendations, including those pertaining to key aspects of the electoral process. In its conclusions, the Council acknowledges the Commission’s assessment that Serbia maintains its level of preparedness on the opening benchmarks in Cluster 3 (Competitiveness and inclusive growth) and welcomes Serbia’s good level of preparation on the economic criteria.


Relations with Saint Lucia based on mutual understanding and support (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with the Minister for External Affairs, International Trade, Civil Aviation and Diaspora Affairs of Saint Lucia Alva Romanus Baptiste. During the meeting, opinions were exchanged on bilateral and current global topics, and mutual satisfaction was expressed with the dynamics of the development of bilateral relations, based on mutual understanding and support on priority issues. Mutual readiness was expressed for further strengthening of political dialogue and economic ties, as well as cooperation in all areas of mutual interest, primarily police, cultural, educational and sports cooperation. Dacic expressed special gratitude for Saint Lucia’s support for Serbia’s bid to host the International World Exhibition EXPO 2027. He also informed the interlocutor about the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, while expressing his gratitude to Saint Lucia for supporting the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. On that occasion, the officials emphasised mutual commitment to respecting the basic principles of international law and the UN Charter was confirmed and the importance of Serbia’s participation, as an observer, in the work of organizations in the Caribbean region, of which Saint Lucia is a full member.


Continuation of trampling on political will of majority Serb people in north of Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said yesterday that Albin Kurti continues to trample on democracy and the rights of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. Petkovic assessed that the refusal of the fake Kurti mayors and their “municipal assembly presidents” to accept requests for dismissal and approaches to the formation of initiative committees for their removal in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija shows that Kurti has no intention of replacing his illegitimate and illegal mayors, as well as that he continues to trample on democracy and the rights of the Serbian people. That is why, as he emphasised, from the moment when the Serbs from the north launched such an initiative, Kurti is using all possible obstacles and tricks, so that such a process would be thwarted and prevented, because he wants to continue with his policy of terror and institutional violence against the Serb people. According to him, almost six months have passed since the EU member states unequivocally asked Kurti to de-escalate the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and take concrete steps in order to normalise relations, and one of the main demands is that his “mayors” must leave their position and that the political will of the majority Serbian people be respected.


Northern Mitrovica municipality rejects motion for procedure to oust mayor (Beta)


The Northern Mitrovica municipal assembly in northern Kosovo has denied a motion to launch a procedure to dismiss the city's mayor via petition-signing, municipal assembly speaker Nexhat Ugljanin told the press. He said that the initiators' motion was not in accordance with the Kosovo government's administrative instructions for dismissing a mayor and was riddled with flaws.


Over 60 court summons served to Kosovo Serbs over barricades in north – lawyer (Tanjug)


On orders from Pristina's special prosecution office, a directorate of the so-called Kosovo Police has served more than 60 court summons to Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija over barricades put up near Zvecan in December last year, lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic said on Tuesday. Kosovo Serbs put up the barricades at the village of Rudare in protest against the arrest of fellow Serb Dejan Pantic - a former officer of the so-called Kosovo Police - at the Jarinje administrative crossing on charges of organising a "terrorist attack" on the offices of Pristina's central electoral commission in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. The barricades were removed in the final days of 2022 after international guarantees were given that Serbs who were arrested would be released and that none of the protesters would be tried. "As I have managed to find out, this is about criminal offences against constitutional order and, mainly, those people have been summoned to appear in court as suspects," said Pantovic. Speaking about the cases of Serbs charged by Pristina with alleged war crimes and ethnically-motivated crimes, Pantovic said they had all been convicted beforehand and that all they could do was "pray to God to receive lesser sentences".


Dacic says in Serbia’s interest to have him as prime minister (Beta)


Socialist Party of Serbia leader Ivica Dacic said yesterday that his candidacy for premiership could only be discussed after final election results were announced, but added that it would be in Serbia's best interest to have him at the helm of a future cabinet. In an interview with Beta, Dacic, who heads the election ticked titled Ivica Dacic – Serbia’s Prime Minister, said that the future premier would come from the party or coalition that collects the largest number of votes in the upcoming elections. "It's natural for the coalition of the Socialists and the United Serbia party to put me forward for premiership, just like Aleksandar Vucic was once the Serbian Progressive Party's candidate for the same office and not someone else. We believe that it would be in Serbia’s best interest if I take that office, but of course the party or coalition that wins the largest number of votes will make the nomination for future premier," Dacic said. Dacic also said that his party's goal was to join forces with the Progressives and Vucic for a majority of MPs in the Serbian parliament and a majority of city councillors. "I have no doubt that the next cabinet will again be created by the Progressives and the Socialists, together with the other parties in our coalition," he noted. Commenting on Vucic's statement that he was not picturing Dacic as Serbia's future prime minister, Dacic said the matter could not be seriously discussed before the final elections results were known, adding that "it would definitely not be used as an instrument for blackmailing anyone".


Hill: I have found EU good will for Serbia, but not for Serbia's problems (Tanjug)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill told Tanjug in an interview that he had "found a lot of good will for Serbia" in the EU, "but not a lot of good will for Serbia’s problems". Hill said this in response to a question whether he believed agreements from the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue should become a part of Chapter 35 in Serbia's EU accession talks. "When Serbia advances – and I do have a sense, having been in Brussels, that enlargement is really something that is becoming much more real than it was, say, a few months ago - so I think that, as they (the EU) look seriously at enlargement and the various stages of enlargement, starting with the idea of a single market, they want to look to make sure countries that are interested in proceeding through this are countries that are able to put to rest, or leave behind, some of these tough problems," Hill explained. "So, I think the issue of Article 35 – again, I do not want to get into all this stuff. This is really European talk, not American talk, but I think the argument is: ‘Let’s see if there can be an understanding among everybody that when you come in, you have resolved the problems.’ So that is the question: How can Serbia demonstrate that it has resolved, through a process of normalization, these problems and therefore can move ahead with the EU membership," he said. Hill also said he believed there was "sympathy for the Serbs living in the north of Kosovo" and that, for that reason, the issue of the Community of Serb Municipalities was "so essential to an agreement". "That is on the table, and I think people understand that has to be addressed and that has to be agreed, so I think Kosovo has some expectations that they can apply to different international organisations – again, that is on the table. Most of all, if you are in Europe and you are looking out at problems like this, problems elsewhere, you want to see some momentum to a solution," he said. "You want to see people understanding that, no, they should not be reluctant to talk to each other all the time, but they should understand. ‘Look, we cannot expect the Europeans to take us in as members until we deal with these problems,’" he added. “So, I am hoping that 2024 will be a year in which we will see some real progress,” Hill noted.


Serbia Against Violence rallies thousands in Belgrade (N1)


The Serbia Against Violence coalition rallied thousands in Belgrade’s central Republic Square, calling the public to turn out to vote on 17 December7. Republic Square has been a traditional rallying point for opposition gatherings since 9 March 1991 when the first major protests against the Milosevic regime. Officials of the parties in the Serbia Against Violence coalition told the crowd that changes for the better had begun and called them to turn out to vote without fear. All 11 speakers encouraged voters to turn out and vote against the ruling parties. Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) official Marinika Tepic (who heads the Serbia Against Violence election ticket for the parliamentary elections) said that the choice on Sunday is between injustice everywhere or quick justice. “No fear and without agreeing to the propaganda claims that they can’t be replaced. They can and that is why they are angy and increasingly aggressive. It’s possible and it has to be because there is no other solution. Five days from now we are choosing between this evil ruling another four years or just a few more days,” she said. The Serbia Against Violence coalition are the SSP, Democratic Party (DS), Ecological Uprising, Zajedno, Popular Movement Serbia, Movement of Free Citizens (PSG), Green-Left Front, Serbia Center, Movement for Turnaround, United Unions Sloga and New Face of Serbia. The crowd marched to the headquarters of the Republic Election Commission (RIK).


CRTA NGO to have 3,000 observers on election day (Beta)


The Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) will send 3,000 trained observers to polling stations to monitor the voting process at the parliamentary elections and Belgrade local vote on 17 December, the non-governmental organization has said in a press release. CRTA will report on election day based on two random samples -- 500 representative polling stations for Serbia and another 500 for Belgrade. “Random and representative samples of polling stations reflect the structure of all polling stations, their size, distribution, and regional and political specificities and thereby ensure that data obtained from such polling stations are representative for Belgrade, that is, for all of Serbia (excluding polling stations designated for voters from Kosovo and Metohija),” the press release reads. On election day, CRTA will brief the public about the ongoing voting process, any irregularities and the turnout, the statement noted. No result projections will be communicated before sample data is collected and processed for at least 95 percent of polling stations, according to the press release.


Poll: Vucic has support of 39.8 percent of voters, Serbia Against Violence ticket 25.6 percent (NSPM/Beta)


According to a recent poll conducted by Belgrade-based publisher and quarterly magazine Nova Srpska Politicka Misao (New Serbian Political Thought), the Serbian Progressive Party has the support of 39.8 percent of the respondents, while the coalition of the Socialist Party of Serbia and the United Serbia party is supported by 8.9 percent, putting their combined support below 50 percent. The Serbia Against Violence election ticket has the support of 25.6 percent of the respondents. According to the poll, other parties that would cross the vote threshold include the coalition of Serbian Dveri (Doors) Movement and the Oath Keepers (6.5 percent), and the NADA coalition (5.9 percent). The poll gives Vuk Jeremic’s People’s Party 2.9 percent of votes, followed by the ticket led by Branimir Nestorovic with 2.3 percent, the coalition dubbed Good Morning, Serbia and led by Boris Tadic and Sasa Radulovic with 2.2 percent, and the Serbian Radical Party of Vojislav Seselj with 1.5 percent. According to the survey, carried out between 25 November and 4 December, 34.6 percent of the respondents say they now live better than before Vucic’s regime came to power, against 33.7 percent who believe their life is now worse. Lithium mining is opposed by 55.1 percent of the polled, while 52.7 percent say that Belgrade’s position regarding Kosovo and Metohija is now weaker than ten years ago.




Aggeler: It would be better if High Representative did not have to intervene, but B&H politicians must do their job (Nezavisne)


Head of OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Brian Aggeler stated that everybody can agree that it would be better for B&H if the High Representative did not have to impose solutions. However, he underlined, the alternative is B&H politicians doing their job. “If politicians want to reduce interventionism of the international community, they must act responsibly and secure sustainable solutions based on consensus with the goal of improving lives of everybody in B&H”, said Agegler. Asked of the OHR should be closed, and if High Representative Christian Schmidt should leave B&H, Aggeler stated that the current reality in which certain processes and issues require intervention of the OHR clearly demonstrates that B&H politicians have not fulfilled their obligation to work for the best interest of citizens and implement the reforms necessary to move the country forward. According to Aggeler, it is urgently necessary to focus on strengthening of the rule of law and independent judiciary. “This includes adoption of preventive measures, such as anti-corruption strategy at B&H level and law on prevention of conflict of interest, as well as improvement of judicial response to corruption”, said Aggeler. He also warned that the political system in B&H is still characterized by deep ethnic and political divisions which interfere with efficient administration and undermine social cohesion. Aggeler concluded that politicians must implement significant essential reforms at all levels in order to restore trust in the judicial system.


The Netherlands announces they will veto any decision on start of negotiations with B&H on joining EU during European Council’s session (BNTV)


The Netherlands announced that, at the session of the European Council, on 14 and 15 December, it will veto any decision on the start of negotiations with B&H on joining the EU. In addition to the Netherlands, Germany and France are also against the decision on even a conditional start of negotiations with B&H, when the necessary degree of compliance with the European enlargement criteria is reached.


Szijjarto expresses support to EU integration of B&H, Georgia and Moldova at European General Affairs Council session (Dnevni avaz)


According to Hungarian Prime Minister’s Spokesperson Zoltan Kovacs, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto attended the meeting of the European General Affairs Council, where he managed to prevent the decision on opening of accession negotiations with Ukraine. Despite initial intentions and pressure from most member states, the Council only acknowledged the European Commission's evaluation, leaving the final decision to the upcoming EU summit. He also mentioned Hungary's role in removing propositions against Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS), and in preventing measures that would have impeded North Macedonia's negotiation process. “Szijjarto highlighted Hungary’s minority status of pro-expansion countries in the EU and reiterated the importance of advancing negotiations with the Western Balkans, while supporting the integration of B&H, Georgia, and Moldova”, Kovacs posted on platform ‘X’. Hungary is bargaining with the EU over Ukraine’s negotiations. The presenter reminded that the European Commission introduced sanctions against Hungary due to disagreement over the rule of law, which blocked about EUR 30 billion in aid. Those in Brussels hope that the negotiations at the European Council could lead to a compromise. Ukraine and Moldova would be allowed to start negotiations on joining the EU, and Orban would receive not only funds in return, but also the suspension of further sanctions against Russia.


B&H parliament delegation visits NATO PA, meets NATO PA Sec-Gen Popa (Dnevni avaz)


A delegation of the Parliament of B&H, which consists of members of the Joint Commission (of Parliament of B&H) for Defense and Security, members of the Delegation of parliament of B&H to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) and the Parliamentary Military Commissioner of B&H are paying a two-day working visit to Brussels where they visited the NATO PA International Secretariat. During a meeting with Secretary General of the NATO PA Ruxandra Popa there were talks about cooperation between the NATO PA and parliaments in the Western Balkans countries and possibilities of how to improve cooperation. Special focus was on the 105th Rose Roth seminar, which was hosted by the Parliament of B&H. Delegation of Parliament of B&H is led by Deputy Chair Joint Commission (of Parliament of B&H) for Defense and Security Marina Pendes. NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy Marie-Doha Besancenot expressed satisfaction with the visit, also commenting the recent visit of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to B&H. Besancenot stressed the Secretary General’s visit shows that B&H is very important partner to NATO, and that preservation of peace and stability in the Western Balkans is one of NATO’s strategic dedications. She also stated that NATO will continue to support building of defense capacities of B&H. According to the daily, Commander of NATO HQ Sarajevo Brigadier General Pamela McGaha also attended the meetings.


US Embassy says Covic and HDZ B&H endanger Southern Interconnection because of personal interests (Dnevni list)


Daily reads that the US Embassy does not take kindly the Proposal of Law on ‘Southern Gas Interconnection Between B&H and Croatia’, which HDZ B&H officials submitted to the Federation of B&H (FB&H) government. The Proposal stipulates, among other issues, formation of a new company that would be in charge of construction and running of the natural gas pipeline. Daily contacted the US Embassy and asked for a comment on HDZ B&H proposal, and according to the daily the Embassy’s answer reveals a serious warning. Namely, the US Embassy stated that the US believes that the Southern Interconnection natural gas pipeline with Croatia is of crucial importance for energy security and economic development of B&H, however the project cannot continue without adoption of necessary laws. In this context, the US Embassy stated it is time the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) adopted the version of the Law on Southern Interconnection, which was prepared with the help from the USAID, and which was adopted by the FB&H House of Representatives in December of 2021. The Embassy stressed that ‘BH Gas’, as the only gas transport operator, is the only organization with the capacity to carry out the project. “B&H is at the energy crossroads. The Southern Interconnection is the road towards the European integration and energy security, but Dragan Covic and HDZ B&H are blocking the road, trying to replace BH Gas with a company they can control. They put personal interests above the public good, the US Embassy’s Public Relations Office told the daily. It added by saying that the failure to go ahead with the Southern Interconnection would extend dependence on Russia.


Dodik’s defense submits new request for transferring the case to Banja Luka, thus additionally postponing the trial (Dnevni avaz)


Defense team of RS President and SNSD leader, Milorad Dodik, submitted an appeal to the Court of B&H regarding the Court’s decision to reject their request for transferring the trial to the Basic Court in Banja Luka. The appeal arrived to the Court of B&H on Tuesday via mail. However, the daily learns that a new thing is that Dodik’s defense submitted a new request for transferring the jurisdiction over the case, because, as they stated, new facts. Dodik’s attorney Goran Bubic confirmed this information for Avaz. The new transfer request elaborated why Dodik should be tried in Banja Luka and not before the Court of B&H, stating that “potential vengeful atmosphere has been created, over the years long advocating of abolishing of the Court of B&H”. The daily explains that this means that besides the fact that the Appellate Council has to discuss the appeal, the Extrajudicial Panel of the Court of B&H also has to discuss the new request for transferring of the jurisdiction, which means that the start of the trial will be additionally postponed. According to daily’s information, hearing in the trial of Dodik will be scheduled only for mid-January next year, as it is unlikely that the hearing on 20 December will take place.


Draft Law on Immunity of RS sparks opposing reactions, Stevandic argues those who implement RS parliament document must have equal immunity as those who adopted them (Nezavisne)


The daily noted that the Draft Law on Immunity of RS, which could exempt the RS President of the criminal liability for activities related to his presidential duties, sparked different opinions of the public but it seems as if it will be adopted in spite of this. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said: “Those who carry out documents of the RSNA, whether it is the RS President, Director of the Official Gazette, ministers or Prime Minister, will have the same immunity as those who adopted those documents”. The daily reminded that such law existed in the RS until (former High Representative) Paddy Ashdown abolished it and left the immunity only for representatives in the RS parliament. The daily also noted that it is very interesting to know that the Draft Law in a part labelled as ‘an alternative version’ stipulated a retroactive application starting as of August 2021 only for activities related to failure to respect decisions of the High Representative: “This period of time coincides with the arrival of Christian Schmidt in B&H, who has been described in the text of the law on immunity of the RS as a person who was not appointed in line with ‘Dayton’”. The daily noted that opposition parties in the RS have different opinions on this matter. SDS leader Milan Milicevic agreed that “all officials with the public authority to implement laws of the RS parliament, which reject imposed stances of Schmidt who was not appointed in line with the Dayton Agreement or laws of the OHR in general, should have the immunity from criminal prosecution”. Opposition parties in the RS also argued that the circle of people protected by the immunity must not be expanded nor it should be used to “legalize crimes” and the ruling parties claimed that this was not an intention of the proposer of this law. PDP assessed that this is “rock and roll” politics made with an intention to better protect RS officials from laws. On the other hand, Stevandic argued that “if Schmidt was accepted by politically powerful countries, then this does not mean that he was granted the legitimacy, but he only got the office. Laws which he imposed are as legitimate as his appointment in the (UN) Security Council was”.


Grlic Radman in Brussels: B&H should be rewarded because of its pro-European politicians (Hina)


EU Foreign Ministers held talks in Brussels on Monday with the focus on the aggression against Ukraine and the situation in Gaza. Croatian FM Gordan Grlic Radman stated for Hina after the meeting: “Leaving B&H aside in the EU integration process would discourage pro-European leaders in that country and it would encourage those from third countries, who want that B&H comes under influence of those who do not have the same program as Europe.” He added that during the discussion on Ukraine, he said that Croatia strongly stands for the beginning of negotiations with Ukraine, Moldova but also with B&H since B&H should be rewarded because of the pro-European politicians. Grlic Radman concluded: “If these countries were left outside the accession process, some third countries could interpret this as weakness.”


Montenegro voted for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza (CdM)


Montenegro was among three quarters of the United Nations (UN) countries that on Tuesday, at the UN General Assembly, requested a humanitarian ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas. The text of the resolution was adopted with 153 votes in favor, including Montenegrin, while 23 countries abstained. The United States, which vetoed the proposal in the UN Security Council last week, voted against the draft resolution, along with Israel and eight other countries. Among the European countries, Austria and the Czech Republic were against it. Resolutions of the UN General Assembly are not binding, but they have political weight.


Croatia, B&H and Montenegro are shaping the future together through cross-border cooperation (CdM)


Cross-border cooperation between Croatia, B&H and Montenegro, with the support of the EU, represents the basis of sustainable development and European integration of this area, it was announced at the conference of the Interreg IPA program of cross-border cooperation Croatia – B&H - Montenegro 2014-2020 entitled " Together we shape the future". At the conference, with the participation of representatives of three countries, the results achieved during the IPA II program framework, which covered the financial period from 2014 to 2020, were presented. Opening the conference, State Secretary in the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia, Domagoj Mikulic, congratulated all beneficiaries on the results achieved and emphasized that the implemented projects helped improve infrastructure, increase economic activity and create new jobs in the cross-border area. "Joint efforts in the implementation of the Program significantly contributed to raising the quality of life in this cross-border area by responding to local needs and challenges." Interreg programs unite one of the fundamental values of the EU, which is cooperation between people, regions and countries. Our participation in Interreg programs is extremely important for regional development, but also for the establishment of good neighborly relations," stressed Mikulic. In front of the national body of B&H, the Directorate for European Integration, director Elvira Habota spoke, who pointed out that the purpose of territorial cooperation programs is, among other things, to help overcome challenges that states cannot solve alone. "Without the support of this trilateral program, we would not, for example, have more accessible health services in rural areas, telemedicine equipment in cities, strengthened capacities to fight natural disasters, renewed tourist routes and digitized cultural heritage." The EU's cohesion policy and its instruments like this program show us how important everything that is often not at the top of the priorities, and which immediately improves the lives of those we often call 'ordinary' people," emphasized Habota. State Secretary in the Ministry of European Affairs of Montenegro, Bojan Bozovic, said that the conference is a kind of crown of the very successful cooperation between the three countries, recalling that the total support provided by the EU for the 59 implemented projects amounts to over 57.2 million Euros. "Cross-border cooperation is one of the foundations of European integration, because through the partnership of institutions and the exchange of experiences with neighbors, citizens can feel the concrete benefits of membership in the EU." I am convinced that in the next seven-year period we will justify the trust of the EU, which has doubled the funds for the new program, and we will receive excellent projects that will contribute to a better quality of life and even stronger cooperation between the three countries," said Bozovic. In front of the EU Delegation in Montenegro, the deputy head of the Department for Cooperation, Liselotte Isaksson, greeted those present, who pointed out that the EU is proud to have supported these projects, because they improved the lives of people living in the areas covered by the program. "Cross-border cooperation is the backbone of a united Europe and a powerful tool for building prosperity across the continent." Looking to the future, the EU and these three countries recently signed a new agreement, which makes available as much as 107 million euros for further, even stronger support in the next few years," Isaksson said. At the conference, the results of cooperation between institutions and organizations from Croatia, B&H and Montenegro were presented, and short films about some of the implemented projects were premiered. Project beneficiaries shared their experiences in project implementation through four panel discussions divided by program priorities (Public Health and Social Protection, Disaster Risk Prevention and Energy Efficiency, Tourism and Culture, and Strengthening Competitiveness). The Interreg IPA cross-border cooperation program Croatia – B&H - Montenegro 2014-2020 is a trilateral program co-financed by the EU through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Support (IPA II). The aim of the Program is to strengthen the social, economic and territorial development of the cross-border area of Croatia, B&H and Montenegro. Cooperation between the three countries continues through the new Interreg VI-A IPA program Croatia – B&H - Montenegro 2021-2027, which is implemented as part of the IPA III program framework.


Milatovic with the Deputy MFA of China: Montenegro is a candidate for a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (CdM)


The meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Deng Li, was an excellent opportunity to discuss the improvement of bilateral relations, with a special emphasis on the development of tourism and infrastructure, announced the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic on the X social network. "I emphasize the importance of the traditionally excellent ties between Montenegro and the People's Republic of China, and I look forward to the continuation of building stable interstate relations based on mutual respect," said Milatovic. As he stated, he introduced the interlocutor to Montenegro's achievements on the way to EU membership and a clear Euro-Atlantic commitment. "Also, I pointed out that Montenegro is a candidate for a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2026 and emphasized the importance of China's support in this process," said Milatovic.


416,513 persons have been registered so far, Monstat will request an extension of the registration (RTNK)


During the first nine days, 416,513 persons were enumerated in Montenegro, Assistant Director of Monstat Snezana Remikovic said at the session of the Committee for Monitoring the Implementation of the Agreement for the Maintenance of the Enumeration. "The highest number of people registered was on the third, fourth and fifth day, when there were more than 50,000 per day. In recent days, that dynamic has been declining," added Remikovic. As expected, she points out, the dynamics has slowed down where there is a shortage of enumerators. "These are Budva, Kotor, Tivat, Cetinje - there is a lack of enumerators there, and it was also agreed that instructors in those places will be engaged as enumerators in order to increase the dynamics," said Remikovic. She added, Monstat will initiate an extension of the deadline for the census.


Marichikj expects validation for screening, supports Xhaferi as caretaker PM (Sitel/MIA)


We would be pleased to see the announcements of a clear call to all political parties in the parliament to give their support to the constitutional amendments and don't block their own country. We completed the screening, and we are working to have 80 lawmakers on board. However, we will not put pressure on MPs but continue to explain since this is a task for the incumbent but also for the next parliamentary composition, says Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj. Deputy PM Marichikj was quizzed by Sitel over the conclusions adopted earlier today by the General Affairs Council, which note that North Macedonia will continue the EU negotiations after adopting the constitutional amendments, as stated in the Negotiating Framework and the Council conclusions of July 2022. "I expect a validation of the screening, confirmation of the stage of the accession negotiations we are in, as well as reaffirmation of the commitment to schedule the second intergovernmental conference and open the first cluster immediately and without any further political decisions once the constitutional amendments are adopted," says Marichikj. According to him, it is very important that the policy of blocking one's own country is defeated at the elections, unless it is defeated in the Parliament prior to the polls. "I expect this policy of blocking your own country to be defeated at the elections by the European front and this coalition, leaving those who have been blocking their own country for year-and-a-half without any arguments," adds Marichikj. The Deputy PM notes that Albania might not get the consent from all member-states for scheduling the second intergovernmental conference, but it is a matter of time "if not now, then in a few months". "Our blockade is called VMRO-DPMNE, and they cannot shun from this responsibility. Let me ask again, is it worth blocking your own country on the EU path only because of the incorporation of several communities in the Constitution Preamble. The claims that we would lose our language, we would lose our identity, that something bad would happen have burst like a bubble," says Marichikj. He asks if there is a country that has given up on the Euro-integration process due to "potential future imaginary blockades by some countries". "That is why I believe this to be a fear of taking a political decision or a strategy of not bringing the country into the EU. Whichever it is, it's detrimental for the state," says Marichikj. The Deputy PM endorses Talat Xhaferi for the post caretaker PM, because of his knowledge and experience, both in politics and life, adding "he will undoubtedly get our support".


Europe not whole unless Western Balkans integrated, North Macedonia an EU candidate for 18 years: Hungarian FM (MIA)


Hungary's Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said that the European Union needs the energy and freshness of the Western Balkans amid the difficult situation, MIA reports from Belgrade. fter the meeting of the General Affairs Council (GAC) in Brussels, FM Szijjarto said Europe will not be whole unless the Western Balkans is integrated. "This is important for economic development, security and people's communication," he added. According to him, trust in the EU is dropping in the countries of the Western Balkans. "Instead of seeing fellow ministers crying over the fact that other global political players want to integrate the Western Balkans, we should have already admitted four countries in the EU. Serbia is of crucial importance, Montenegro has opened all chapters, North Macedonia was a candidate for 18 years, and we did not open negotiations with Albania for nine years," noted Szijjarto. He added, "We can only thank the countries that are against enlargement for the drop in the EU support of citizens in the Western Balkans".


GAC recommends continuation of North Macedonia's European path after adoption of constitutional amendments (MIA)


North Macedonia will continue the negotiating process with the European Union once the constitutional amendments are adopted, as stipulated in the Negotiating Framework and in line with the EU Council conclusions of July 2022, read the conclusions adopted at the General Affairs Council (GAC) on Tuesday, learns MIA's correspondent from Brussels.

European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi told a press conference after the GAC session that the conclusions are fundamental to the progress of the enlargement policy, and they reaffirm the progress of 10 membership candidates and send a clear message over the commitment to EU enlargement with countries of the Western Balkans, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. "This is a year of momentum in the EU enlargement policy, and I am pleased that we have not only managed to provide proposals to the Council but also made decisions," said Commissioner Varhelyi while adding that the final decision on the enlargement process would be taken at the EU Summit on Thursday and Friday. "We will see what strategic decision Council leaders take and hope they will reaffirm the clear membership perspective of the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, based on the Commission's recommendations," added Varhelyi. He said the conclusions will represent the basis for discussion at tomorrow's EU-Western Balkans Summit in Brussels, since they do not relate only to Union enlargement but reflect the new proposal for acceleration of the accession process - the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans. "I hope the Summit will not only confirm the benefit of this proposal but also lead to instant decisions by member-states and partners from the Western Balkans", noted Varhelyi. Pascual Ignacio Navarro Ríos, Spanish State Secretary for the EU, said the GAC adopted the conclusions on enlargement after a long discussion, and they reflect the support to the process "that is important for the future of Europe".


Beleri Case/Stano: Avoid unnecessary cracks in bilateral relations (Radio Tirana)


According to the Greek news agency (ANA), journalist Joulia Velissaratou cited that the Greek government indicated intentions to hinder Albania's EU accession due to the imprisonment of the newly elected mayor of Himara, Fredi Beleri. Peter Stano, the spokesperson of the European Commission, stated in response to journalist Velissaratou's comment on the Beleri case, “the EU refrains from intervening in bilateral disputes, expressing confidence in the ability of involved parties, particularly EU member states and aspiring member states in order to resolve issues. This approach aims for mutual benefit through the implementation of principles and rules.” "In this case, the law prevails. It's crucial to adhere to the law, and if uncertainties arise, both EU member states and countries like Albania possess the tools and mechanisms to address such issues or disputes. This aims to prevent unwarranted friction in bilateral relations and to prevent bilateral matters from being escalated to the union level, particularly within the accession process," emphasized Stano. The agenda for the EU General Affairs Council meeting on Tuesday, which is in preparation for the EU Summit scheduled on December 14 and 15, encompasses discussions on EU enlargement and the advancement of membership for Western Balkan countries, as reported the Greek news agency. Considering the draft conclusions of the summit, European leaders will reaffirm their unwavering commitment to the EU perspective for the Western Balkan members and speed up their accession process.


Hasani meets Ambassador Gonzato, focusing on European integration (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, held a meeting with the ambassador of the European Union delegation in Tirana, Silvio Gonzato. The news was announced by Ambassador Gonzato, who informed that the topic of the meeting was the speeding up of Albania's integration into the EU. Ambassador Gonzato also appreciated Albania's constructive role at the regional level, as well as its decisive contribution to the United Nations Security Council. "The first cordial meeting with the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani. We talked about our common goal to speed up the integration of Albania in the EU. I expressed my appreciation for Albania's continuous and full support for our foreign and security policy, for its constructive role at the regional level, as well as for its decisive contribution to the United Nations Security Council," EU ambassador Silvio Gonzato said.


Wisner-Gonzato: Partnership in support of Albania's EU membership (Radio Tirana)


The Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy in Tirana, David Wisner, met with the recently appointed Ambassador of the EU to Albania, Silvio Gonzato. The meeting occurred at the US Embassy in Tirana. During the gathering, Wisner and Gonzato reaffirmed the significance of the strong partnership between the United States and the European Union. They emphasized their collective support for Albania's progression toward full EU membership. Furthermore, they concentrated on the ongoing advancements in judicial reform, collaboration in law enforcement, and the development of ties in business and defense sector.