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Belgrade Media Report 26 December



Brnabic: SPN demands release of "thugs" they previously claimed were "inserted elements" (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said last night that representatives of the opposition gathered around the Serbia Against Violence (SPN) coalition are demanding the release of the same "thugs" they previously claimed were "inserted elements".  "This is how their stories go: When they started attacking the Old Palace (Belgrade City Assembly), they said that people had the right to be angry. When they saw that it was not working in their favor, they said those were thugs in their midst, 'the inserted elements'. Tonight, they are going to the police to ask for the release of those 'inserted elements'. And so, in a repetition," Brnabic posted on X. The Serbia Against Violence coalition organized a protest in the center of Belgrade again last night in order to support their fellow opposition activists who have been on hunger strike for eight days and reiterated the demands related to repeated voting. Sunday's protests were marked by riots that began after the demonstrators, headed by SPN leaders, formed a ring around the Belgrade Assembly and tried to force their way into the building. They broke the doors and several windows of the Assembly, threw glass bottles, rocks, and smashed doors with sticks. Earlier in the day, the Interior Ministry, MUP, announced that 38 people were investigated because of the riots.


Serbian government passed decision on free movement of all vehicles from Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/Tanjug)


The Serbian government has made a decision to enable freedom of movement for all vehicles from Kosovo and Metohija, said the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. He emphasized that a disclaimer will be posted at all border and administrative crossings. “Allowing all vehicles registered by the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina to participate in traffic on the roads is done exclusively for practical reasons, in order to facilitate the position of individuals and enable their freedom of movement and cannot be interpreted as recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of so-called Kosovo, it does not prejudice determination of the final status and cannot be interpreted as Belgrade’s consent to deviate from the rights guaranteed by UNSCR 1244,” the text of the disclaimer states. The decision will apply from 1 January. Petkovic added that in this way they protected the rights of our people on Kosovo and Metohija and enabled freedom of movement. “We have not crossed the red lines in preserving national integrity and sovereignty,” said Petkovic. At the same session of the government, a binding decision was made for everyone - that no red lines should be crossed. “Today, at the government session, we adopted a special decision on the principle, approach and attitude that obligates the Serbian President, as well as the entire government, to clearly and unequivocally stick to our red lines in negotiations and dialogue, to absolutely respect sovereignty and territorial integrity, as has been done until now,” said Petkovic. He said that it is an important and significant decision that clearly and unequivocally says that there is no recognition of the Kosovo and Metohija and no membership of the so-called of Kosovo to the UN, as well as to the organizations and agencies of the UN system.


Aleksic: By accepting Kosovo license plates, Vucic proved willingness to cling to power at any cost (Beta/FoNet/NSPM)


Miroslav Aleksic, the president of the Peoples’ Movement of Serbia and one of the two main candidates of the Serbia Against Violence coalition, said today that the Serbian government’s decision to allow freedom of movement to all vehicles from Kosovo and Metohija is proof that President Aleksandar Vucic is prepared to do whatever it takes to retain power. “While beating university students in the streets of Belgrade, who are peacefully protesting the election fraud and demanding the annulment of the rigged elections, he is leaving the Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija to the mercy of his coalition partner Albin Kurti,” Aleksic said. “We should recall that the Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija blocked roads, exited the institutions of Kosovo and Metohija, boycotted the elections and surrendered all institutions to the Albanians over those very license plates. All this, of course, was done at the recommendation of the great patriot Aleksandar Vucic, for whom it was obviously just theatrics, while the lives of the Serbs in our southernmost province are clearly his last priority,” Aleksic said in a statement. The day will come, Aleksic insisted, when the public will find out everything Vucic promised outside powers. “Based on what we’ve seen, the debt he’s incurred is most likely immense. How else is it possible for Serbia to be the only country where the American and Russian Ambassador share the same stance?” Aleksic concluded.


Dacic: Security situation stable, we will continue to protect constitutional order (Tanjug/Politika)


The security situation in Serbia is stable and authorities will continue coordinated activities to protect the country's constitutional and legal order, the Head of Serbia's Bureau for Coordination of Security Services Ivica Dacic said on Monday. Earlier, the bureau met to analyse the security situation following Sunday's attempt by protesters to enter the Old Palace - the City Hall - in central Belgrade by force. We condemned in the strongest terms the act of violent entry into institutions - those were not political protests but an attempt to take power through violence, Dacic said after the bureau's session. "The security situation was analysed. Of course, it was concluded that the security situation in Serbia is stable in spite of the numerous challenges that have been present in recent days and in spite of the fact an announcement of these violent activities, primarily aimed at seizing institutions through violence and destroying the constitutional order, had been talked about for weeks beforehand," Dacic noted, adding that "all elements of the security system will continue coordinated activities to protect the constitutional order". Besides the members of the bureau - comprised of Dacic and the chiefs of the Security Information Agency, the Military Intelligence Agency and the Military Security Agency - the session was also attended by the ministers of interior, defence and justice and representatives of the public prosecutor's office.


Unified Voters’ Record one of most up-to-date records in Serbia (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Serbian Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government reiterated today that the Unified Voters’ Record is one of the most up-to-date records in the Republic of Serbia and that it has never been more organised, as well as that claims about the existence of "phantom voters" are absolutely untrue. In the announcement, it is reminded that since the establishment of the Unified Voters’ Record in 2012, the record of temporary and permanent residence of citizens, has been linked to the voters’ record. This means that, when a citizen changes their place of residence, that information is updated within 24 hours by the municipal or city administration of the local self-government unit in charge of the part of the voter list in the area of which the change was made. Since 2019, the registers have been linked to the voters record, so that when a person dies, they are deleted from the voters’ register as soon as possible by the person authorised to update the voters’ record, and the same procedure applies in the case of a change of surname, because that the information is immediately recorded in the register. Since 2021, the number of voters classified by local self-government units is published on the website of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, every three months until the voter record is closed, and after the voter record is closed, it is possible to view data on the names and surnames of all voters in Serbia by polling stations. In order to further improve the Unified Voters' Record, the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, in cooperation with the Office for Information Technologies and Electronic Government, has established an electronic service on the eGovernment Portal – Request for registration, i.e., change of data in the Unified Voters' Record.


Higher Court in Belgrade upholds decision by city electoral commission (Tanjug)


The Higher Court in Belgrade has rejected another complaint filed by the opposition Serbia Against Violence coalition, upholding a decision by the City of Belgrade electoral commission whereby it declared itself not competent to decide on annulment and a repeat of parliamentary elections, the city electoral commission said. Its President Zoran Lukic said that, in response to a complaint in which the coalition had requested an annulment of parliamentary elections at all polling stations, the commission had declared itself materially not competent, referring the complaint to the national electoral commission. A complaint was then filed against this decision but was rejected by the Higher Court in Belgrade as groundless.


Tepic on protests: The intent was to address citizens from the City Hall balcony (N1)


The lead candidate on the Serbian Against Violence coalition’s ticket Marinika Tepic said that the coalition’s intent was to “address citizens from the victorious balcony” of Belgrade’s City Hall, as, according to her, the opposition had won the 17 December vote in the capital. Tepic said in an interview to the TV N1 that “it’s not normal” not to allow the coalition’s candidate for Belgrade mayor to enter the Belgrade City Hall and address the citizens from the building as a member of the Provisional Authority of the City of Belgrade, just Aleksandar Sapic could have. Sapic, according to Tepic, entered the building later on. “There is a crisis ahead. Vucic won’t admit to being a thief, or to having rigged the elections, and I have no intention to back off,” said Tepic, on a hunger strike at the Republic Electoral Commission offices for a weak, protesting against alleged election fraud. Tepic accused the police of “deliberately” injuring the chief of the Serbia Against Violence municipal chapter in the Belgrade suburb of Grocka Zeljko Vagic “leaving him with a broken leg”.


Milivojevic: Riots caused by hooligans from Serbian government’s recruitment center (Beta)


The Serbia Against Violence coalition’s nominee for a seat in the parliament of Serbia, Srdjan Milivojevic said yesterday that Aleksandar Vucic’s “regime” resorted to action amounting to police brutality in a bid to defend fraudulent official results of the 17 December elections. In a comment on the police intervention outside the Old Palace, now hosting the Belgrade city assembly, Milivojevic told Beta that there’s no mechanism Vucic had not used to stay in power, and that the riots outside the Belgrade City Hall had been caused by hooligans from the Serbian government’s recruitment center. “When it comes to the will of the citizens expressed in elections, we are dealing with a ruthless thief. He’s been caught red-handed, and domestic and international election observers have confirmed it, together with international officials, controllers at polling stations and even members of the Serbian Progressive Party,” Milivojevic stated. According to the opposition coalition’s candidate, instead of admitting to election fraud and reducing tensions, Vucic used police repression against the citizens fighting for their vote. “Last night, too, we held a peaceful, violence-free rally, the purpose of which was for Vladimir Obradovic and other candidates to address the citizens gathered outside the City Hall. The police stopped us, however, and at around 9 p.m., hooligans from the government of Serbia’s recruitment center run by Novak Nedic, joined the rally in order to spark violence. The hooligans were also attacking the protesters trying to stop them from destroying police vehicles and throwing stone blocks at the City Hall building,” Milivojevic said.


US State Department: Authorities in Serbia should investigate OSCE allegations about elections (VoA/Beta)


The US Department of State has called on authorities in Serbia to cooperate with the OSCE mission in investigating claims about election irregularities, stressing that violence against journalists, observers and election officials was "unacceptable." The State Department said in a written response to a question from the Voice of America about recent protests in Belgrade that became violent on 24 December that the US was focused on cooperating with Serbia on strengthening democratic government and rule of law, improving regional cooperation, continuing economic growth and speeding up Serbia's progress on the path to membership in the EU, adding that the future of Serbia was in the West. The legitimacy of democratic processes, the State Department's written response states further, depends on transparency and the readiness of all participants to accept the electoral will. The statement also said that the US noted with concern ODIHR's findings that the elections had been disrupted by many procedural flaws, pressure on public officials and abuse of public resources, and that those factors, together with the systemic advantages of the ruling party, had created unfair conditions, adding that the US urged Serbia to work closely with the OSCE to address these concerns. The statement also said that parties should report incidents of election irregularities through the appropriate legal channels.


Botsan-Kharchenko: Vucic possesses evidence that the West is behind protests in Belgrade (Beta/RIA Novosti)


The Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko said yesterday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had informed him that the West was behind the ongoing protests in Belgrade, which the opposition had been promoting based on election fraud claims. “The opposition launched protests, and they have been encouraged and supported from abroad. Vucic was talking about that, but I can’t disclose any details, as that is classified information. Yet he possesses uncontestable evidence that the encouragement and support had come from the West,” the Russian diplomat said after a meeting with the Serbian President in Belgrade. Botsan-Kharchenko also said that the protests in Serbia were conducted based on the principles and techniques of the Maidan uprising, and that the West “intends to bring the opposition to power,” but that “the Maidan-type goals and schemes will not succeed”, as such actions would be opposed, the Russian state-owned agency RIA Novosti reported. A spokeswoman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, also said yesterday that it was “obvious” the West was trying to “shake up the situation” in Serbia using the same techniques that were used during the Maidan coup in Kyiv, adding that strict adherence to the letter and spirit of the Constitution of Serbia and respect for the choice of the people who had voted in favor of their national interests should be “the only possible reaction”.


Nestorovic: We will not join any coalitions, protest was not Maidan attempt (Sputnik Serbia/Beta)


Branimir Nestorovic, who heads the We - The Voice of the People ticket, said yesterday that the movement's position on coalitions at the level of Belgrade remained unchanged, that is, that it would not enter any coalitions, and went on to say that the protest in Belgrade late on 24 December had not been an attempt at something like the Maidan Uprising, but a taking of the pulse of the public. "Our followers would have to be engaged for a repeat of the elections and we should agree on how to carry out a new election organizationally. That is why a decision on organizational matters related to repeating elections in the Serbian capital will be at today's meeting of the movement's leadership," Nestorovic told Sputnik Serbia. According to him, the 24 December protests in Belgrade were an attempt "to do something", but that was not the Maidan Uprising. "I think they will not give up and I am afraid that Maidan is coming. I have said so many times. I have said that this is just a taking of the public pulse -- how the police and state will respond and I do not believe they will give up, because that would be political suicide for them. If they gave up after everything, they might as well just go home," he said.


Eighth protest over alleged election fraud in front of RIK seat in Belgrade (Beta)


The eighth protest against alleged election fraud took place in front of the seat of the Republic Election Commission (RIK) in the center of Belgrade, organized by the opposition coalition Serbia Against Violence, which is demanding a new election in Belgrade and across Serbia. University students joined the protest, blocking central streets in Belgrade from 11 am to 6 pm, demanding that the voting roster be made public and that students arrested the previous evening be released. Mila Popovic, who heads the Serbia Against Violence ticket for the Belgrade elections, told Beta that they expected and called for peaceful protests, and that "only the regime is to blame for everything that happened last night", adding that there were a lot of agitators at the protest trying to cause incidents and provoke violence. The candidate for mayor from Serbia Against Violence Vladimir Obradovic asked for the formation of an expert team to straighten out the voting roster and prevent further changes to it. Some of the assembled citizens headed toward the detention unit of the city police in Despota Stefana Street to demand that protesters arrested during the demonstrations on 24 December be released.




Nesic: Serbian opposition promotes violence (Dnevni avaz)


Commenting the protests in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Security Nenad Nesic, stated that undermining of state institutions represents a high treason and that “patriotic opposition is competing with authority in loyalty and respect and is not undermining them and promotes vandalism”. “If this is ‘Serbia against violence’, what would they be like if they were not self-proclaimed fighters against violence? Gentlemen from the opposition, you are losing every election because the people senses that you do not respect your country, that you are not loyal to it and that you willingly work on destabilization for who knows whose interests. I am convinced that citizens of Serbia would no longer allow you to even cross the threshold. Peaceful and safe Serbia will always defeat the violent minority,” Nesic wrote on X platform. He expressed full support to President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian institutions.


Kovacevic: Events in Belgrade are worrisome (ATV)


The delegate it the B&H House of Peoples Radovan Kovacevic assessed that the events in Belgrade are worrisome, as well as the fact that those who are not the majority choice of the people are trying to forcibly enter, kidnap and take over the institutions. He states that it is evident that the matrix of actions of the opposition in Republika Srpska (RS) and in Serbia is identical and that both after each election, despite obvious and convincing electoral defeats, declare victory and start protests. He added that he is sure that both Serbia and Belgrade will succeed in defending what the people unequivocally said in free and democratic elections, that they will implement the election results as soon as possible and thus form strong state institutions ready to respond to any challenge, but also to continue with the development and strengthening of Serbia.


Stevandic: Connection between events in B&H and events in Belgrade on Sunday can be found (ATV)


RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic, assessed that it is indisputable that a connection can be found between the events in B&H and events in Belgrade on Sunday, stating that (High Representative) Christian Schmidt is on the line of the opposition in Serbia, which threatened the Serbs from the RS that they should surrender in Sava or Drina. Stevandic said that it can also be seen that Schmidt is in the background of dismantling the ties between the Serbian people, whether it is North Macedonia, Croatia or the RS and B&H. He pointed out that Schmidt is a man who advocates measures against freedom of movement, freedom of speech and freedom of choice, assessing that the fact that he is asking for the help of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, is a complete disaster and proof that he does not ask anything in the RS - as soon as he has to beg someone to intervene so that his policy would pass. Stevandic also said that the RS has experience with protests and violent attempt to take over control of institutions. “This is a last chance for all those who have a problem with Serb stability, strong state, equipping of army, stable economy and formation of a geopolitical leader of the region. This is the last chance for them to stop it and to get a vassal Serbia”, stressed Stevandic.


Marking 9 January as RS Day again becomes top political topic in B&H; HR says celebration is crime, calls on prosecutor’s office and police to react (O Kanal)


The marking of 9 January as RS Day has again become the top political topic in B&H, as High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt warned authorities of the RS that the next marking of the unconstitutional RS Day will not going to happen. HR Schmidt stated that celebration of 9 January as the RS Day is a crime as respect for decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H is missing. The HR Schmidt stated that it is up to law enforcement bodies, the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and the police, to undertake proper measures stipulated in the law, especially in cases that refer to public officials and civil servants and their participation in preparation or organization of celebration of 9 January. Nova BH reminded that the B&H CC has already twice declared marking of 9 January as the RS Day unconstitutional, but this has never stopped the RS authorities to celebrate it. Authorities of the RS almost ended preparations for 9 January and this year they allocated a record amount for organization of the central celebration in Banja Luka, i.e. BAM 650,000. The reporter noted that according to media, the HR allegedly called on High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell to pressure Belgrade and Podgorica so that officials from the neighboring countries do not come to Banja Luka to celebrate the RS Day. This has caused strong reactions of officials in the RS. Spokesperson for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic said that the struggle of Schmidt against marking of 9 January as the RS Day shows that he has only one task and that is to fight against existence of the RS and the freedom of living of the Serb people in B&H. Leader of ‘DEMOS’ Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that every statement coming from Schmidt causes additional quarrels in B&H and not solutions and compromises. Leader of the list ‘For Justice and Order’ Nebojsa Vukanovic stated that he does not see why celebration of the RS Day would insult anyone and why would the HR ask to arrest and prosecute anyone because of that. Vukanovic argued that there was no drama about celebration of 25 November, reminding that there is no law on holidays in B&H and no one made drama or arrested anyone. In his opinion, such announcements are dangerous and harmful as they only go in favor of RS President Milorad Dodik because this gives him a chance to continue heightening of tensions and again present him as a victim. Journalist Goran Dakic stated that the move of Schmidt only several days ahead of marking of 9 January only gives more reasons for new conflicts. Dakic said that he does not believe that anything will happen adding that he believes the celebration of January 9 will be held. In his opinion, Schmidt cannot and should not interfere in that. According to Dakic, in case that top Serbian officials do not come to celebrate the RS Day, this will primarily be the message of Serbia to leadership of the RS and not Schmidt’s message to Dodik. Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Issues of Serbia Nikola Selakovic said that 9 January, the RS Day, is a historical date and added that he is convinced he will attend marking of this date. Selakovic added that he will attend it “as a Serb from the other side of Drina River who will come to his brothers who are celebrating”. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said that everyone who is trying to prohibit a people’s identity, perception and recognition of their own culture is actually striving toward destruction of that people. “That has always been treated as a crime and this has always been a dishonourable activity. However, if one has not been officially appointed, then one can do whatever he wants, but he cannot do it successfully nor for as long as he wants and Schmidt will find this out very soon”, Stevandic added. DNS leader Nenad Nesic stated that Schmidt has a democratic and personal right to deal with holidays in Bavaria, but he will not order the RS what to celebrate, how to celebrate it nor who will be invited as guests. “The RS and Serbia will never turn their backs to each other. Drina is not a border, but a spine of Serb people”, Nesic concluded.


Dodik threatens to arrest Schmidt, claims activities of Prosecutor’s Office will be banned in the RS if they attempt to intervene in 9 January celebrations (Nova BH)


Nova BH carries the comments of RS President Milorad Dodik regarding possible interventions of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H on preventing the announced celebration of the Day of the RS on 9 January. Dodik said that if the Prosecutor’s Office attempts to prevent 9 January celebrations, the RS will ban all activities of the Prosecutor’s Office in territory of the RS. Regarding Schmidt, Dodik said that the RS Police has not yet arrested Schmidt but that they are closely monitoring him and will arrest him as soon as the opportunity arises. Dodik added that whoever does not want to come to the 9 January celebration: “we will not celebrate their holidays with them either”. Dodik added that the creators of, as he said, the overthrow of the constitutional B&H are a group of people from the US, but he noted that the RS proved that it is possible to say no to the US. Dodik said that everything is being done peacefully regarding the day when the RS was born. In a recent interview with BHT1, Dodik said: “They constantly make some threats. 9 January is the Day of the RS. The ruling parties, the opposition and the people here adopted it. The people do not give up on 9 January. No one can define when the Republic (of the RS) was born. I guess the Republic knows when it was created.”


Medvedev congratulates holidays to Dodik (RTRS)


Deputy President of the Security Council of Russia Dmitry Medvedev congratulated New Year and Christmas to RS President Milorad Dodik. Medvedev underlined that they appreciate relations between Russian Federation and the RS that are grounded on trust, mutual understanding, growing friendship and cooperation between brotherly peoples. Chairwoman of the Federation Council of Russian Federation Valentina Matvienyko congratulated New Year and Christmas to Dodik.


Dodik: RS will not appoint new judges in B&H CC until foreign judges are removed (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the RS will not appoint two judges to an incomplete B&H Constitutional Court (CC) until Law on B&H CC is passed and until mandate of foreign judges in the B&H CC is eliminated. Reporter noted that the only Serb judge in the B&H CC, namely Zlatko Knezevic will retire on 2 January 2024. Also, appointment of a second Croat judge in the B&H CC has been prevented in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) parliament. Consequently, besides three foreign judges, there are currently two Bosniaks and one Croat judge in the B&H CC. Dodik stated that it is pointless to appoint two new judges from the RS because they are always “marginal minority” that has been outvoted in the B&H CC. “They made it inquisition court for Serbs and the RS. We do not want to give legitimacy to it anymore. They will not get two judges legally appointed by the RS parliament until the Law on B&H CC is passed and foreign judges are eliminated from the B&H CC”, said Dodik. Reporter noted that ‘political Sarajevo’ has been speculating that the Office of High Representative (OHR) might intervene and impose loyal Serbs to the B&H CC. According to RTRS, Christian Schmidt did something similar by appointing Mladjen Mandic to an expert group for state property, although he does not represent any institution of the RS. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) wondered whether anyone would accept such a decision. He underlined that the RS would be working in opposition to its interests if it appoints two judges to the B&H CC. “There is no need to appoint the new judges to fulfil form that is suitable for Bosniaks and foreigners. Our motive is to relax relations within the B&H CC in a way that B&H citizens who meet special conditions are judges of this court”, said Kosarac. Reporter noted that due to the fact it is incomplete, a grand chamber of the B&H CC cannot make decisions, adding that a small chamber cannot work after retirement of Knezevic.  RTRS reports that all the B&H CC can do is hold plenary sessions. President of the B&H CC Valerija Galic underlined that it is not good thing there will not be any judges from the RS in the B&H CC, adding that “we cannot allow for the B&H CC to be blocked and it needs to resume with work.” Reporter commented that from an institution that was supposed to protect the B&H Constitution, the incomplete B&H CC turned into substation of the OHR. According to RTRS, foreign and Bosniak judges passed decisions that problematized an emblem, flag and anthem of the RS. Reporter commented decisions passed by this court over last several years are aimed to steal forests, waters and land from the RS by creating narrative on so-called state property. The RSNA provided response to these measures through adoption of the law on non-applying decisions of the B&H CC on the territory of the RS.


Dodik: We preserved the RS, its institutions and is economy; I would prefer the RS to leave B&H as soon as the opportunity arises (


RTRS carried excerpts of an interview of RS President Milorad Dodik for on Sunday. In the interview, Dodik commented several topics, including a short recap of 2023, the possible secession of the RS from B&H, the role of foreign representatives in B&H. “We consider it a success, we preserved out budget, were efficient, preserved institutions and did not lose any jurisdictions. According to all that, we can count that it (2023) was successful”, is how Dodik recapped 2023 in the RS. Regarding the future of B&H and the possible secession of the RS, Dodik stated: “I would prefer that the RS leaves B&H as soon as the opportunity arises. I am convinced that B&H has no chance, that it is a planetary failure, and in this respect, there is no chance for it to survive. On this day, former Yugoslavia has more chance (to survive) than this B&H.” Dodik stated that B&H, as it is currently constructed, is only good in the eyes of the illegitimate Christian Schmidt and US Ambassador in B&H Michael Murphy, adding that Murphy’s mandate ends in 2024 and that he will not be remembered in B&H and: “He too will go to the graveyard of political history.” Dodik accused US Ambassador Murphy and High Representative Schmidt of abuse of office for the purpose of obtaining personal gain and according to Dodik, this will later on, come out to the public. Dodik also stated that the future of the RS will be independence while B&H is an impossible state. Dodik stated: “I would prefer the most for the RS to secede from B&H. We do not want war, we do not want conflicts. No one should lose his life for the political ideas but rationally, you cannot live in B&H.” Dodik said that “he will have to somehow wake up Muslims from the dream that they are owners of entire B&H”, adding that RS citizens do not love B&H, and this is “a must” for them. “I would prefer, as soon as the opportunity arises, for the RS to leave B&H. We do not want war, we do not want conflicts, no human life should fall for political ideas, but rationally, realistically, lively, you cannot live in B&H,” said Dodik. Asked if the time has come for independent RS, he said “I think it has”. “If I were not optimistic, I would not be doing this. you have politicians which in the RS, asses the politics by their personal comfort, so they start with Milorad Dodik this or that, a criminal, they accused me of everything and anything, me, my family. They carried out five financial investigations against me and my family and they found nothing. Naturally, they do not want to publish that. Geopolitical circumstances significantly changed that is true. RS never has a higher number of friends and here I speak about those who are ready to say they are friends of the RS, as Viktor Orban says. Then they say: “That is only Orban”. It is not only Orban, there is (Russian President Vladimir) Putin as well. What more you want, this small republic of million citizens has Russia, has Hungary, has understanding of Slovakia, has Serbia, we have understanding I believe from China, we have significant understanding of political structures in Europe. When did we have more?” Speaking about friends of the RS, he also commented that “some” want to “push on us some Dutch, various fago** (uses derogatory term for homosexuals)”. “Like they should decide some their values here and tell us that there is no mother- woman and father- man. But that there is one parent and other parent and that child at its age of 15 is to decide if it is a man or a woman, regardless of what is natural. This creeps me up. I am against that. We do not need support of such, we need support of traditional countries. It is a known fact who are traditional countries, China, Russia, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia and many other countries. I think we managed to establish a good relation with (Turkish president Recep) Erdogan, and that we have understanding in this regard. We also have good understanding with Croatia leadership, as well as with President (Zoran) Milanovic. Even with (Croatian Prime Minister Andrej) Plenkovic we did not have some level of misunderstanding. We have built the RS so it would not be disputable to anyone. When have you heard Croats to speak badly about the RS at some level up in the EU?” Asked if independent RS would be disputable for Croats, Dodik said “well, it will be disputable, but they will not be deciding about that”, adding that “they will get used to it with time”. Dodik further commented why he is still not deciding to move toward independence. “If it were not for foreigners, we would do it long time ago. They have arsenal of various threats. I do not want to expose anyone to this. I do not want to expose RS people to any kind of destabilization, and this is why I am constantly saying that the only solution for Serb people here is independent RS. Perhaps I will be saying this for couple of more years, but this will happen. We do not manage to do everything we want, but we are doing everything what is necessary at B&H level. We will be enacting some measures, which last for year or two, we are not entering any systematic solution until agreement is reached. Give us the constitutional B&H, we will say, in this B&H we certainly will not. We are waiting for the moment to leave.” Commenting the process against him, before the Court of B&H, Dodik said it I not likely he will be sentenced. “They say Dodik has not recognized the Court, but he is going there, I am going to show that everything made monstrously, and we are succeeding. We will use our rights which they cannot ignore, as you saw the last time. They say Cosic is impeccable prosecutor, he is unquestionable, and then you learn that he did not pass the bar exam and that he entered here through some lobbyist structure and was a prosecutor, judge and that as a judge he tried the judge of Court of B&H for accepting money and Court of B&H did not accept to try their own judge. They are full of crime, they arrested President of the Court, Kajmakovic, those are all thieves. You can no longer watch this and thy are now trying to satisfy the public and this passion in Sarajevo and bring Dodik there. Hell no, you will sentence Dodik.” He however, showed that he I not certain things will end well for him: “If there is justice, law, fairness… this process would not exist, because there is no legal or constitutional ground and since they decided that only Muslims will push this, and being that Muslim is a judge in pretrial process, Muslim a prosecutor, Muslim a judge now, since all court secretaries and assisting staff are Muslims, God knows what will they make of that, but we will see.” He noted that B&H could not start functioning on its own: “Muslims cannot create a state, they do not know how. Only dignified people, like Serbs can create a state and we will show how this is done”. He said that B&H is planetary mistake. “I am convinced that B&H has no chance, it is a planetary mistake and, in this regard, has no chance to survive. On this day, former Yugoslavia has better chances than this B&H. There is still pressure of foreigners. Learning from the crisis of dissolution of former Yugoslavia, they like it to have an ambassador come here, who is nobody in his own country and to manage someone else’s country, this is not little, it is exotic, but it passes.” comments that Dodik once against insulted Sarajevo, saying that there is no “p of people” there. “Let them think that I insulted them, they insulted me with the fact that everything is destroyed”. Speaking about the EU, Dodik said: “So, this Europe we knew 10 years ago, does not even exist. It is completely lost and changed. This Europe is full of values which have nothing, they call that human rights. We do not share these values with LGBT, we do not share these values. Why are you pushing us there? We are traditional society. What EU path we are talking about, what Europe? How will the path when running away from the EU be called, path toward…I think this will happen soon.” Dodik touched on the Serbia December elections, stating: “A destabilized Serbia with weak political leaders can cause serious damage to the RS, to the point where they can lead to the destruction of the RS. We saw in these elections, and also after the elections, the way in which we are viewed by a part of the political scene in Serbia, humiliatingly, in a way that we are guilty of something, that we are not worthy to them and many other things.” Dodik added: “We love Serbia and we do not work against Serbia. It is a fantastic feeling to be part of majority Serbia, and that majority is gathered around Aleksandar Vucic. A strong Serbia, led by Vucic, means a strong RS. And that is the reason why I supported the SNS list.” "Serbs from the RS love Serbia and we want it to be powerful and strong because such Serbia can also protect our RS. Slandering of Serbs from the RS by irresponsible anti-Serb structures from Belgrade is unexpected and malicious for us and undoubtedly speaks of the connection with the anti-Serb factor", Dodik. He reminded that last week he used the right granted by the law of Serbia and voted in the Serbian consulate in Banja Luka in the parliamentary elections in Serbia. "We did not for a single moment want to impose anything or cause any harm to Serbia. Their anger towards the voters from the RS is completely unjustified, in their election campaign they said all kinds of vomit and nastiness about the RS, about how we committed genocide, how we should go to Sarajevo and solve our problems there, about how dirty we are and evil and that they cannot look at us and so on. All of that is incorrect, and I can agree that it is part of the perception of a part of the people, but that part of the people is marginal in Serbia, and that part of the people is not the Serbia that is the majority, that is Serbian", said Dodik.


Salkic: Dodik’s continuity of approach throughout history to impose a lie as truth on the rest of the world by persistently repeating lies is doomed to failure (


Reacting to the statement of RS President Milorad Dodik about the independence of the RS entity, representative in the RS parliament Ramiz Salkic said that Dodik should know that “if there was justice and a fair approach in Dayton, he would not have anything to be president of today”. “For us, we have to put up with the RS entity, even though its almost complete military and political leadership has been convicted of the joint criminal enterprise (JCE), serious crimes and genocide against Bosniaks. All because of Dodik’s hateful foreigners who rewarded the Bosnian Serbs with an entity in Dayton, despite the committed genocide”, Salkic said. He adds that someone should explain to Dodik “that his idols and heroes were judged by two international courts to have committed genocide, and that his motherland, Serbia, as he likes to call it, was judged to have failed to prevent genocide and punish the perpetrators of genocide”. “The continuity of your approach throughout history to impose a lie as truth on the rest of the world by persistently repeating lies is doomed to failure this time because there are judgments that will not erase or overshadow your falsehoods. Your separatist policy has been spreading insecurity for years, threatening peace and stability, which is best felt through the departure of people from this entity”, Salkic underlined. Catharsis and facing the court-proven and decided facts, adds Salkic, is the only normal path to the future and building a society in which all citizens will feel safe and equal. “Of course, this is not your goal, because you are on the trail of the unrealized war goals of your heroes, and court-proven criminals about the ethnically pure Serb Orthodox area. This is why you carry out systemic discrimination against Bosniaks, denying our identity, language and culture, wanting to create an environment in which Bosniaks will not be able to survive in the future. You should be convinced that B&H and the Bosniaks in it will survive regardless of your wishes and ambitions”, Salkic concluded.


Koprivica - Herasymenko: Montenegro firmly stands by Ukraine (CdM)


Deputy Prime Minister for Political System, Judiciary and Anti-corruption, Mr. Momo Koprivica, M.Sc., met with the Ambassador of Ukraine to Montenegro, H.E. E. Oleh Herasymenko. Vice President Koprivica emphasized that Montenegro and Ukraine continuously nurture excellent friendly relations at all levels, and pointed out that our doors remain open to the Ukrainian people, with unequivocal support when it comes to preserving the territorial integrity of that country and expressing sincere sympathy for the Ukrainian people, who are going through great suffering. He reminded that Montenegro is the first country outside the European Union that passed the Decision enabling temporary protection for persons from Ukraine, as well as that it is a member and founder of the Council of Europe's Partial Treaty on the Register of Damage Caused by Russia's Aggression in Ukraine. The ambassador thanked Montenegro for its selfless support and singled out our country as an example of solidarity with the Ukrainian people, from the very beginning of one of the most difficult moments in the history of that country. He pointed out that the support of Montenegro would be extremely important when it comes to the obligations expected of Ukraine in the negotiation process with the EU, stressing that full membership would be a strong message to all candidates that the negotiation process is alive. Koprivica also referred to the successes that Ukraine has recorded when it comes to the EU agenda and underlined that Montenegro is available in order to transfer experience, as well as provide expertise in the negotiation process. The interlocutors agreed to work on the further improvement of bilateral relations and the development of various models of cooperation, with the aim of deepening the traditionally friendly ties of Ukraine and Montenegro.


The relations between Montenegro and B&H are friendly (CdM)


The Deputy Prime Minister for Political System, Judiciary and Anti-corruption, Momo Koprivica, hosted the Ambassador of B&H to Montenegro, Branimir Jukic, who at the very beginning of the conversation congratulated him on his new position and stated that the relations between Montenegro and B&H are friendly, strengthened by common foreign policy priorities regarding regional cooperation and EU integration. Koprivica agreed with the statement of the existence of traditionally good relations between Montenegro and B&H, and good regional cooperation as well as the existence of an open dialogue and pointed out that the main priority of the 44th government is institutional reform, which includes the finalization of the remaining appointments to the judiciary and legislative reform. As was stated in the further discussion, the government managed to create excellent results in this direction in less than two months. "The seventh judge of the Constitutional Court, three members of the Judicial Council have been elected, and it remains to choose the Supreme State Prosecutor, and with decisive institutional action and the adoption of the law, our country was prevented from being placed on the gray list of MANIVAL", the Ministry announced. At the meeting, the great importance of the implementation of projects in the field of road and railway infrastructure was jointly pointed out: the road route Podgorica-Sarajevo, via Scepan Polje, the common railway Niksic-Capljina, and continuous work on the implementation of two capital projects of the Adriatic-Ionian Road and the Adriatic-Ionian gas pipeline. and the need to solve the Bilec Lake issue, through mutual respect and achieving common interest. It was jointly stated that an excellent example of cooperation is the Treaty on the Border, which was signed and ratified between our two countries, as well as a number of other bilateral agreements, and that there are great interests in improving and expanding cooperation, especially when it comes to transport infrastructure, improving tourism potential which would have significant economic effects. Ambassador Jukic further pointed out in the conversation that this is a great performance of the government of Montenegro in just two months and pointed out the importance of further improving cooperation in all the mentioned fields and added that Montenegro has achieved great progress by achieving full consensus in the population census procedure which is in flow. "Vice President Koprivica informed the ambassador of the fact that Montenegro has a strong will in terms of joint control by the two countries when it comes to border crossings and finding common legal and technological solutions that would lead to the suppression of corruption and other illegal activities," it is stated. in the statement. At the end of the conversation, Ambassador Jukic pointed out that Montenegro is a leader in the process of European integration and expressed B&H's sincere and full support for Montenegro's membership in the EU, and that it would be a strong incentive for the acceleration of democratic and economic reforms in the region. The Vice President thanked for the words of support and added that B&H and Montenegro are a good example of good cooperation between the two countries, for the surrounding region.


Knezevic: We strive to reconcile Serbs and Montenegrins and equate the Serbian with Montenegrin language after the census (RTCG)


The Democratic Peoples’ Party will remain committed to the idea of making a home for all, and reconciling Orthodox Serbs and Montenegrins, the party’s leader, Milan Knezevic, said at their 3rd Congress. Following the census results, as he noted, his party would insist on equating the Serbian with the Montenegrin language. The party’s Congress under the slogan ‘Not a Step Backward’, is being held at the premises of the old government’s building. Mr Knezevic is the only candidate for the leader of the party. It’s attended by the leader of the NSD and parliament speaker, Andrija Mandic, the Democrats MP and deputy parliament speaker, Zdenka Popovic, the President of the Capital City Assembly, Jelena Borovinic Bojovic, Minister Maida Gorcevic, the Leader of DEMOS, Miodrag Lekic, as well as Ambassadors of Russia and Palestine. The DNP believes that the idea of reconciliation might be implemented through several institutional projects that would please the spiritual dimension of Montenegro. “After we get the census results, we’ll insist on equating the Serbian with Montenegrin language. We’re sending a clear message that we don’t want to change the Constitution, just amend it”.


Uljarevic: Mandic the actual leader of parliamentary majority, For the Future of Montenegro wants to enter govt asap (CdM)


President of the New Serbian Democracy and parliament speaker, Andrija Mandic, has been announcing the government reshuffle and the For the Future of Montenegro bloc’s accession to it, also saying that there would be amendments to the Constitution concerning dual citizenship with Serbia. Having in mind this and many other recent statements, the question is whether Mr Mandic is the leader of the parliamentary majority and the one running the political processes in the country? In a statement for the CdM portal, the Executive Director of the Centre for Civic Education, Daliborka Uljarevic, says that Mandic is the actual leader of the ruling majority because he’s running all key areas of control – both those that the agreement provided for him and the ones that stem from the fact that he’s easily managing other actors from that majority, because now many afraid of being in conflict with him. “The way Mandic and his political group have been operating is very similar to what we already saw during the rule of Zdravko Krivokapic’s government – he’s now making pressure primarily on PES, using the obvious disagreements in its managerial structure. Whenever there’s a chance to damage PES’ reputation in the eyes of their pro-Serbian voters, he’ll do it – directly or indirectly – like, for example, when he announced the amendments to the Constitution concerning dual citizenship with Serbia or when he criticized the visit of the Foreign Affairs Minister, Filip Ivanovic, to Croatia,” Uljarevic notes. She also adds that those who are afraid of his moves should remember that they themselves gave him power and should reconsider their own decisions if something happens. Asked whether she believes that there might come to some dramatic changes within the parliamentary majority in the beginning of next year, Uljarevic states that whoever has been monitoring the events closely can conclude that it’s just a matter of time when the internal conflicts and disagreements would become visible to the broader public.


North Macedonia to become EU member by 2030 with pro-European coalition and gov’t, says PM (Civil Media/MIA)


I remain the leader of the European front that we called for, and I won’t deviate from that position, I am sure that we will secure a solid basis in order to swiftly open and close clusters and chapters as part of the negotiations during our next mandate, and become a member of the EU by 2030, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski in an interview for Civil Media. According to Kovachevski, by voting for the “European front” the citizens will send a “clear message that they don’t want to return to uncertainty, but instead want to see the country move forward, down the real European path”. The Prime Minister is convinced the country will become an EU member with a pro-European coalition and government led by him. “The future president of the country will be the candidate of SDSM and its coalition. While at the parliamentary elections, the SDSM-led pro-European coalition will win, and I will be prime minister once again, and form the next, pro-European government. That will be the government which will secure North Macedonia’s EU membership. This is my promise,” stressed Kovachevski. Kovachevski stressed that the next couple of months are an exceptionally important period for the country. He said he believes there is still room for the political parties in parliament to adopt “the necessary decisions enabling the continuation of the country’s European path”. The alternative to the European path, he said, “is the isolation offered by DPMNE”. According to Kovachevski, after the successful screening process, the implementation of the EU’s Growth Plan for the countries of the region, is something that will give a renewed impetus to the Euro-integrations and demonstrate the willingness of the EU to see North Macedonia as a member state as soon as possible. “The Growth Plan,” stressed the Prime Minister, “is the most concrete political message from the EU that it expects North Macedonia in the EU, within the ambitious and achievable deadline by 2030”.


Kovachevski: Discussions on election coalitions ongoing (MIA)


Discussions are ongoing with both traditional coalition partners and other partners in the Government, but we should leave room for a joint decision based on empirical analyses, harmonization of programmes and human resources, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski on Monday. PM Kovachevski was quizzed by reporters over the option of SDSM and DUI going separately or together in a pre-election coalition, to which he said that coalitions are made on the basis of values, noting that the elections will see two blocs, the SDSM-led being the one promoting the country's European integration. "It's normal to have discussions with coalition partners. These discussions are conducted at two levels: one with traditional coalition partners, some of which already saying they would join SDSM at the elections. The same goes for the discussions with other coalition partners from the government, with whom we share the mutual value of European integration. Nevertheless, we should leave room for a joint decision based on empirical analyses, harmonization of programmes and human resources. One thing is certain: there will be two blocs at the elections, with the SDSM-led bloc promoting European integration, alongside its presidential candidate. Both will be the winning option on April 24 and May 8, with myself being the PM-designate. Coalitions are founded on values. We have shown our ability over the years to take decisions that lead to prosperity, primarily the ones related to Euro-Atlantic integration and economic progress," said PM Kovachevski.


Alliance for Albanians yet to decide on coalition ahead of elections, says Aliu (MIA)


The Alliance of Albanians is yet to decide whether it will be a part of the opposition, remain in the ruling coalition or run independently at the upcoming parliamentary elections, said Minister of Information Society and Administration, Azir Aliu, who comes from the party’s ranks, when quizzed by journalists on Monday. “Whether it will be the cluster that we are currently in, in the government, or the opposition clusters, we, as a party, will have internal meetings and we have our lines related to the policies and the policymaking in the country, and ultimately we will decide whether we will participate independently or as part of a coalition, on the basis of the activities and plans of that group of parties. But I assure you, we will not decide to be a part of any cluster if our fundamental commitments as a party aren’t accepted by some of the coalitions or parties,” said Aliu.


Opposition coalition of ethnic Albanian parties threatens to boycott parliament if no SEC member by 31 December (MIA)


The opposition coalition of ethnic Albanian parties – European Alliance for Change issued an ultimatum to the government on Friday evening, reiterating their demand to have a representative in the State Election Commission (SEC). If that doesn’t happen by 31 December, they said they would leave and boycott parliament. “As a coalition we want to announce that we have a concrete demand for parliament to vote for our proposed member of SEC by 31 December. If they fail to do so we will leave parliament, we will boycott parliament,” said Alternativa leader Afrim Gashi, following a media briefing he held on Friday evening alongside the leaders of the Democratic Movement, Izet Mexhiti, and the leader of the Besa Movement, Bilall Kasami. Gashi said the party would take other measures too, in addition to their boycott of parliament. “But I am convinced that after this alarm, both the international community and the ruling parties will understand that we won’t give up on our legal right to have a member in the SEC,” said Gashi.


Ahmeti: Europe is country's future, Balkan countries to step forward together (MIA)


DUI leader Ali Ahmeti in his annual address on Friday said the country’s future is Europe and urged the Balkan countries to step forward together until the realization of this goal. “Our future is Europe, we are Europeans, and Europe should not have doubts over the membership of our country, of Albania, Kosovo, and Montenegro, until the fulfilment of the standards, and of Serbia, with the recognition of the newest country in the Balkans, Kosovo. We are Europeans, that’s why I urge, as I have ten years ago, Ukraine is not far, I say no to Russia – yes to Europe, let’s all step forward together, side by side, until the realization of this goal,” said Ahmeti. Ahmeti spoke about the importance of NATO membership as one of DUI’s “important goals for ensuring peace, stability and no disputes with the neighboring countries”. “Thanks to this engagement we took up the responsibility to find a solution for the dispute with Bulgaria, and the Agreement on Good-Neighborliness was made,” said Ahmeti. The DUI leader said the opposition does not have the country’s EU membership as a priority. “I’ve told them this before in our meetings, and I will say it once more publicly: if they are patriots, then they should support the amendments to the Constitution, and add the Bulgarians to the Constitution, because in this way the Macedonian peoples will receive legitimacy on an international level. We, the Albanians, aren’t against this, they have us as support, they won’t lose the support of their compatriots who have never disputed their identity nor their language but have always provided support. EU membership is our chance, and we cannot provide a greater service to our people than EU membership,” added the DUI leader.


Opening of the first chapters - EC confirms the process, but removes the deadline (Public TV/Radio Tirana)


The European Commission perseveres the request for the opening of the first chapters of talks with Albania. Asked by Public Television how it considers the European Council's lack of response to the proposal for Albania, Commission spokesperson Ana Pisonero writes that "the Commission is looking forward to opening the talks on the first Group Chapter as soon as possible". The Albanian odyssey in the European institutions has been prolonged this time with the Greek veto, which, although it was not publicly declared by Mitsotakis before the European Council, made it lose from its conclusions, which should have given answers not just for Albania, but for European Commission. It was precisely this that had considered December as the deadline of the political objective for the opening of the first group of chapters, with an expectation warned by the great European leaders who supported it without reservations. "The European Commission looks forward to the swift and decisive follow-up of the review report on the first Group Chapter including the country roadmap in accordance with the negotiating framework, with the aim of opening the first group by the end of this year". After the Leaders' Summit in December, which should have given an answer to this objective of the European Commission, when the latter itself has lost this objective, the question that arises is returned precisely to the European institutions. On what procedure should Albania build expectations to structure membership?


Albania-Italy agreement/ Minister Tajani in Tirana, meeting with Rama (Radio Tirana)


Italy's Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, arrived in Tirana on Friday (December 22). The minister himself announced his visit to Albania and confirmed that he will meet with Prime Minister Edi Rama. The primary focus of this visit was the Albania-Italy agreement concerning immigrants. Tajani had previously announced, during the Conference of Italian Ambassadors worldwide held in Farnesina a few days ago, his intention to visit the camps in Gjader and Shengjin, where the immigrants will be housed. Additionally, during his visit to Albania, Tajani visited the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza. He extended his visit to Montenegro to convey his congratulations to all soldiers actively engaged abroad, recognizing their integral role in foreign policy. On 6 November, the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, and his Italian counterpart, Giorgia Meloni, signed an agreement. As part of this agreement, Italy will accept migrants escaping in the Mediterranean Sea and will finance the establishment of reception centers in Albania. The implementation of the agreement is set to commence in the upcoming spring. As per the protocol released by the Albanian Government, Italy will deposit 16.5 million Euros into a designated account within the Albanian Treasury. This deposit serves as an advance payment intended for accommodating immigrants.


Gonzato meets Dumani: Full EU support for an independent and efficient SPAK (Radio Tirana)


The ambassador of the European Union in Tirana, Silvio Gonzato, held a meeting with the head of SPAK, Altin Dumani. Gonzato said in a post on social networks that, "the results in the fight against corruption and organized crime are essential for Albania's path towards EU membership". "Today I had my first meeting with the Chief Prosecutor of the Special Prosecution, Altin Dumani. I thanked him for his commitment and assured him of the EU's full support for an independent and efficient SPAK", said the EU Ambassador, Silvio Gonzato.


Manja hosts Gonzato: Support from the EU's best anti-corruption expertise (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Justice, Ulsi Manja, received in a meeting the new EU ambassador in Tirana, Silvio Gonzato. Both interlocutors discussed about the challenges and expectations of the public from the new justice system. They also focused on the steps taken and what we have on the agenda for the fight against corruption. "As always, in these challenges of ours, we will seek to be supported by the best expertise of the EU", emphasized Manja. While the EU ambassador, Silvio Gonzato, said in a post on social networks that, "the ambitious reform of the justice system in Albania is already yielding results and enjoying the public's trust". "Looking forward to working with the Minister of Justice Ulsi Manja to consolidate these important achievements", he emphasized. "I also had the opportunity to congratulate Deputy Minister Adea Pirdeni and the entire team of the Ministry of Justice involved in the process of analytical review of the legislation. Keep up the good work", emphasized Gonzato.