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Belgrade Media Report 18 January 2024



Vucic: Kurti attempting to destroy dialogue, expel Serbs (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday in Davos he had requested EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak to stop Pristina PM Albin Kurti's attempt to destroy dialogue by halting payments of salaries and pensions to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Speaking to reporters, Vucic said Pristina's announcement that it would stop payment transactions with central Serbia was an attempt to abolish the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and expel Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, and added that he hoped the international community would not allow that to happen. Asked whether his meetings with Lajcak and US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia James O'Brien had given him an impression they were aware of the danger that would result from Pristina's threat materialising, Vucic said it was not his job to speak on behalf of European or US officials. "But I will speak with the Germans, the French and everyone else about this issue because I believe everyone must understand what this is about. This is about an attempt to abolish dialogue and expel Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, and that is the essence of things. I think they are aware of the consequences and hopefully they will help to ensure such things do not happen," he said.


Kosovo Serbs face threats on daily basis, Vucic tells Lajcak

Vucic said on Wednesday he had had an open discussion in Davos with Miroslav Lajcak, whom he told that Pristina's moves put all past achievements of the normalisation process in question. In a post on Instagram, Vucic added that the meeting with Lajcak had addressed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and daily threats to the Serb population there, which he noted were a jeopardy to peace and stability in the region. "I reiterated that Serbia continues to pursue a responsible policy based on dialogue and international law but also warned that, with its moves, Pristina is putting in question all that has been achieved to date in the process of normalisation of relations," Vucic wrote in the post.


Lajcak: Pristina’s announced suspension of transactions shouldn’t lead to dangerous situation (Beta/TV Pink/Politika)


EU special representative for the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak said Wednesday in Davos he believes that Pristina’s announced decision to stop payment transactions between Kosovo and Serbia proper will not lead to a dangerous situation and that a solution will be found without any negative consequences. Asked if the situation following Pristina’s announcement could be described as dangerous, Lajcak said at the sidelines of the World Economic Forum that he does not wish to give any assessments at this time. The special representative told TV Pink that he raised this issue in talks with Kosovo’s chief negotiator Besnik Bislimi, that he asked him to answer several important questions and that he forwarded this information to Brussels. Our services are now analyzing the situation, I am expecting them to soon present an official position on this matter, he said.


Strengthening cooperation with Sao Tome and Principe in all areas (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic underlined yesterday, during the talks with Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe Patrice Emery Trovoada, that the relations between the two countries are traditionally very good. Dacic recalled that these relations date back to the period of the struggle for decolonisation of Sao Tome and Principe, which was strongly supported by Yugoslavia. Trovoada expressed gratitude on the aid which Serbia has been continuously providing to his country, pointing out that they especially appreciate a donation of 20 tonnes of seed corn, which was delivered last month.

The two officials agreed that regular political dialogue and exchange of visits should continue and that the trust that exists between the two states should be used as a basis for strengthening cooperation in all areas of common interest, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Trovoada: You can count on us to support and defend your integrity (Tanjug)


Sao Tome and Principe PM Patrice Emery Trovoada said on Wednesday in Belgrade there was great potential for cooperation with Serbia in several areas and that the two countries had shared goals. After a meeting with Serbian PM Ana Brnabic, Trovoada said he hoped his meetings in the Serbian capital would "translate into projects". He said Africa needed partners like Serbia and that the consistency of Serbia's foreign policy now needed to be reflected in strong economic cooperation with his country. "You can count on us to support and defend your (Serbia's) integrity. Our external policy and the way we stand in the world is by international law, always trying to be a part of the solution, and not a part of the problem. Therefore, count on us, let's continue to work together, let's continue to work closely for the benefit of both peoples," he told Brnabic at a joint press conference. He thanked Serbia for inviting Sao Tome and Principe to take part in EXPO 2027 in Belgrade. He noted that "solid ground" for development of cooperation had been established during the era of the former Yugoslavia. "We identified four areas of cooperation: governance, food security, defence and security and education," he added. Trovoada also said cooperation in tourism could be improved and that there were opportunities for cooperation regarding global climate change.


Serbia will not abandon fundamental principles of UN Charter (


First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said today in Kampala that our country unreservedly advocates respect for the universal principles of international law and the United Nations Charter. Dacic's speech at the Ministerial Meeting of the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Uganda follows in its entirety:

“Dear Chairman,

Dear Excellencies,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to thank the Honorable President of the Republic of Uganda, Mr. Yoweri Museveni, for the invitation to participate in the Non-Aligned Movement Summit. For me, it is a special honor, but also a kind of tradition, to address you again this year on behalf of the Republic of Serbia. We are particularly pleased that, in the coming period, the Non-Aligned Movement will be chaired by an African country - our friend the Republic of Uganda, which, on this occasion, we also congratulate for assuming this responsible role. We are convinced that, despite the complex situation in the world, the Republic of Uganda, together with the other countries of the Movement, will work successfully to overcome all challenges and achieve our common goals. At the same time, I would also like to congratulate the Republic of Azerbaijan, which successfully presided over the Movement during the previous years, under no easy conditions. I am convinced that the Summit in Kampala will also confirm that a world in which understanding, cooperation and solidarity reign - is still possible and achievable.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Serbia has always strived to create a fairer and better world. This is evidenced, among other things, by the fact that the former Yugoslavia, whose successors were the Republic of Serbia, was among the founders of the Non-Aligned Movement – a movement that significantly influenced the creation of international relations based on respect for the universal principles of international law and the United Nations Charter. Even today, the Republic of Serbia consistently and firmly advocates for the observance of these principles. We are proud of belonging to the European family of nations, but also of the fact that we are part of both the history and the present of the Non-Aligned Movement. We will continue to conduct an independent and independent foreign policy, based above all on the preservation of national and state interests, but always respecting the basic principles of international law. Regardless of whether anyone likes it or not, as well as all the pressures we are often exposed to because of it, Serbia has not and will never turn its back on its friends. We know very well that sincere friendships are rare. That's why we try to preserve and nurture such friendships, based on an indomitable libertarian spirit. Events like this are a good opportunity to remind ourselves again of all the bonds that make our countries always a safe support for each other.

The friendship and mutual respect I'm talking about have been proven by many of you, present here, by showing your trust and supporting the Republic of Serbia when it was chosen as the host of the Specialized World Exhibition EXPO 2027. It will be a great honor and pleasure for us to host you all in Belgrade in 2027. when you will have the opportunity to feel the hospitality, characteristic of the Serbian people, and the true spirit of our country.

Dear friends,

The Republic of Serbia is a militarily neutral country, committed to its strategic commitment - full membership in the European Union. At the same time, we are strengthening our traditional and strong friendships with African, Latin American and Asia-Pacific countries, and within the Non-Aligned Movement. That is why I am extremely proud that my country, a little more than two years ago, hosted a commemorative gathering on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the First Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Belgrade back in 1961. From Belgrade, once again, messages of peace and solidarity were heard, as well as determination and a call to build a common future - based on cooperation, tolerance and mutual respect.

Your Excellencies,

Unfortunately, we are witnessing tragic conflicts and destruction, with enormous human suffering and victims. The Republic of Serbia and the Serbian people deeply sympathize and share the pain of all the lives lost in the conflicts happening around the world, including the tragic events in the Middle East and Ukraine. We are convinced that only constructive dialogue and diplomatic solutions can lead to peace. All conflicts are resolved at the negotiating table and there is no alternative to that. Current geopolitical events point to the lack of effective multilateralism and confirm the harmfulness of unilateral action and double standards.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In the case of the Republic of Serbia, international law and the order in which the sovereignty of states is inviolable and the borders are immutable have been violated the most. Such precedents lead to the meaningless of these principles, which we all agreed on a long time ago - not only agreed, but also obliged to respect them. That is why the Republic of Serbia will not give up advocating for the universal validity of the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter, regardless of the fact that we ourselves are still suffering the consequences of their selective application. It is encouraging that we are not alone in our endeavours. On the contrary, for most member states of the United Nations, as well as the Non-Aligned Movement - double standards do not exist. I also use this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you who support the efforts of the Republic of Serbia to preserve sovereignty and territorial integrity, without recognizing the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. We are aware that it is not easy for those who stand by our country today in its just fight to preserve territorial integrity, just as it was not easy for us to stand by many of you when it was necessary - in your fight for national liberation. We trust in you - our friends and comrades in the joint fight against the unilateral and forced redrawing of the borders of internationally recognized states. And this time I will repeat that we will not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, nor will we allow the so-called Kosovo to become a member of the United Nations.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I will also repeat that the Republic of Serbia is committed to peace. Our commitment and willingness to resolve the issue of Kosovo and Metohija peacefully is a reflection of our strength and not weakness, as some try to present it. We approach the Dialogue responsibly and constructively, while Pristina, with its continuous and destabilizing unilateral moves, persistently refuses to fulfill its obligations assumed long ago for more than a decade. One year is too much, and 11 years is unacceptable. In this difficult struggle, our key priority remains - unconditionally ensuring the survival and safety of Serbs in our southern province. The Serbian people have lived and will live in Kosovo and Metohija for centuries.


All the challenges that the world still faces - from basic existential problems, such as poverty, hunger and inequality, to energy security and financial instability, unequivocally point to the necessity of greater cooperation and solidarity of our peoples. I am proud that the Republic of Serbia showed its solidarity when it was most needed, and when the world, under the impact of the pandemic, faced a great test of the values on which it was founded. We were among the first to buy vaccines from all manufacturers, from East and West, without politicizing public health issues. Having secured a sufficient number of vaccines for its population, the Republic of Serbia sent vaccines against the Covid-19 virus to its neighbors in the Balkans, but also to our friends, especially in Africa. And during 2022, when we all faced the challenge of food supply disruptions, the Republic of Serbia, in the spirit of solidarity, sent more than 300,000 tons of food to the countries of Africa and Asia. Also, I would like to emphasize that through the "World in Serbia" program, which provides annual scholarships to around two hundred students from developing countries around the world, we record exceptional results and demonstrate our permanent determination to nurture and develop cooperation with countries from all regions. The test of international solidarity is still ongoing, and in order to pass it, we will have to show greater unity and care for each other in the coming period as well. I believe that, precisely on these foundations, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries can contribute to the joint solution of existing world challenges.

Dear friends,

Today's world is not the same as the one in which the Non-Aligned Movement was born. The Movement itself is no longer the same, but the relevance of the principles of sovereign equality of states and solidarity, on which the foundations of the Movement were built, must not be questioned with the changes on the international level brought by the 21st century. In protecting these principles, you can always count on the unreserved support and partnership of the Republic of Serbia. Thank you for your attention,” Dacic concluded.


Drecun: Cessation of payment transactions - the most serious threat to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Pristina’s cessation of payment transactions with central Serbia represents perhaps the most serious threat to the survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and their lives, said today the Chair of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun regarding the decision of the Board of the Central Bank of Kosovo according to which the euro is the only currency that can be used in Kosovo for cash and e-transactions and payments. In his speech to Tanjug, he pointed out that without the financial support that comes from Belgrade, which amounts to over 100 million euros annually through the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, the Serbian people cannot be counted on to survive in Kosovo and Metohija. "If someone wants to stop that money flow, to make it impossible for Serbia to help the Serbian people in all areas of life, and when the payments of pensions, salaries, and social benefits and the strengthening of the economy, education, health, so the complete social life of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija is covered with financing from Belgrade. If Pristina wants to stop it, then it shows clear intentions that it wants to make it impossible for Serbs to have a normal life in Kosovo and Metohija and to survive there," he explained. Drecun believes that through certain international activities, Serbia will be able to mitigate this measure or find a solution that would allow Belgrade to continue to finance the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. "In all those concepts of the Community of Serbian Municipalities, whether the concept that was developed by the management team based on the Brussels agreement in 2013 or this French-German proposal for an agreement, the possibility and necessity for the ZSO to finance Belgrade is foreseen everywhere," said Drecun. According to him, the West understands what it means to cancel Pristina's payment transactions with central Serbia, they have sufficient information, and they know that Pristina makes it impossible for Serbs to live and survive in Kosovo and Metohija. "Now everything depends on the assessment of the leading Western countries, whether they will allow Kurti to implement that measure and thereby, through pressure on the Serbian people, actually put pressure on Belgrade to be more lenient in accepting the Franco-German proposal of the agreement, or whether the West will understand that it is a border that, if crossed, can completely collapse the dialogue and further destabilize the situation," said Drecun.


Brnabic dismisses opposition claims of election fraud (TV Prva/Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic yesterday dismissed the opposition's allegations of irregular voter registries, election fraud, abuses, and election manipulation displayed in Serbia’s last parliamentary and local polls on 17 December. "If they (the opposition) had any problems, uncertainties, or thought that any ambiguities or manipulation with the voter registries existed, they wouldn't be demanding urgent and quick elections," Brnabic said in an interview with TV Prva. According to her, opposition protests would occur after any election. "After literally every election, we had to listen to their lamentations that something was stolen, that elections were manipulated, but it would just go away in the end. You can't say an election was stolen if there’s a difference of a million votes between the Aleksandar Vucic - Serbia Must Not Stop ticket and the Serbia Against Violence coalition’s list of candidates," Brnabic was explicit. The Serbian Prime Minister said that the opposition "cried to Brussels, Berlin, and Washington," demanding an international investigation into the election process in Serbia. "They are actually diminishing or nullifying the sovereignty of their own state. This is yet another thing that has never been seen before," Brnabic said.


Schieder to Brnabic: Calm down and concentrate on task at hand (N1)


International election observer Andreas Schieder MEP denied accusations against him by Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, calling her claims questionable. “I suggest the PM to calm down and concentrate on the task at hand. It has been 1 month since the elections and the Serb authorities haven’t investigated any claims of irregularities, as many Serbs and MEPs have repeatedly asked and will ask again today in the EP debate,” he wrote in an X post. “Since Ana Brnabic continues her crusade against the international observers, let me, in response, again, point out very concrete examples of her questionable claims: In the more than 10 polling stations (and not 4), that I visited, I never signed anything nor was I supposed to report objections for the official records of the polling stations, as claimed. The PM should know, that this is not how it works. We report only directly to ODIHR,” Schieder wrote in an X post. He also denied her claims that he violated the ODIHR Code of Conduct. “Indeed, we had to abide by it until the I-EOM press conference was held the day after the elections. After that, all observers are free to make statements, which also others have done,” he added.


Hill: US clear about need for ZSO in Kosovo (Kurir/FoNet)


US Ambassador Christopher Hill said on Thursday that Washington was clear about the need to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) in Kosovo. I believe the US said clearly months ago that the ZSO is a key element that has to be implemented, Kurir quoted him as saying. The Ambassador said that Pristina is not happy about being blocked from some international organizations. We have to deal with that, he said. According to Hill, Serbia faces a big job in terms of many common goals and the need to improve economic relations. He said that the US interests in relations with Serbia are motivated by the prospects of the entire Western Balkan region being peaceful and linked. Hill said that official Belgrade’s Open Balkans initiative is part of the solution, adding that the EU needs countries that can co-exist in peace and cooperate with each other.


Tepic: We will invite citizens to more protests (TV N1)


The vice-president of the Freedom and Justice Party Marinika Tepic stated yesterday that the opposition would invite the citizens to more protests and that there were several symbolic dates when they should rally in greater numbers. In an interview to TV N1, Tepic said one of those dates was the day when the decision of the Constitutional Court was expected which concerned the complaint of the opposition, and the attempts to constitute the Belgrade, provincial and state assemblies. Speaking about how the representatives of the Serbia Against Violence ticket would proceed regarding the verification of their assembly seats, she stated that the parties would reach an agreement on that at the level of the coalition, as well as on how they will act during the constitutive session of the parliament and whether it would be at all possible. “These are the issues that we will respond to with a joint stance and I am certain that we will not disappoint the voters who granted us their confidence,” Tepic said, adding that she expected the elections to be repeated “in Belgrade, at least.” Commenting on the debate in the European Parliament (EP) about election irregularities in Serbia, Tepic assessed that it was not true that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic did not care, as he claimed, about what the EP says. “He is playing a hero only in Serbia, but when he speaks with foreigners, with members of the European Parliament, he is so very humble, and that is what they tell us. Perhaps that is a tactic of his that has brought him some success, but it is completely untrue that he does not care how the EP would respond,” she stated.


CRTA: Voters registered in multiple locations simultaneously (Beta)


The election observer mission of the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) announced yesterday that citizens continued to contact them and share information about election malpractice. The mission stated that, on performing a search of the voter roster, it found several hundred voters registered in more than one polling location in Serbia, and others who were also registered in various polling locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A team of researchers compared the information obtained from the citizens against the database published by the Istinomer portal and publicly available data from voter registries, it was stated. “Suggestions from the voters who have searched Istinomer’s database, which shows how many voters are registered at each address for the December elections in Belgrade, have led us to the address Danijelova 9 in Belgrade. That is the construction site of an unfinished apartment building where as many as 129 voters were registered. On the other hand, for the parliamentary elections, they were registered in various polling locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina – in Visegrad, Bijeljina, Zvornik, Lopare, Pale, Novo Gorazde, Banjaluka, Sarajevo,” CRTA stated. It was added in the statement that, for the 2023 parliamentary elections, all of them were cloned in Bosnia and Herzegovina in two polling locations – in Zvornik and Lopare, and some of them also had the right to vote in the Belgrade elections.


Two more houses belonging to Serb returnees robbed in Ljubozda village in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


The houses of Serb returnees Marinko Blagojevic and Tomislav Radivojevic were looted yesterday in the village of Ljubozda, in the municipality of Istok, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said, adding that this is proof that the wave of violence against Serb returnee families in Kosovo is continuing. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija reports that just a few days ago, during the Orthodox Christmas holiday, two more houses - belonging to Zarko Zaric and Radomir Ristic were burgled in that village, and that the home of Miodrag Kostic in Plemetina has also been the target of attacks since the beginning of this year. "Such frequent attacks on the peaceful Serb people who just want to live in their homes, especially on our returnees who are the most vulnerable category of the population, is a more than clear message from the Albanian extremists that they do not want to build peaceful coexistence and that they are doing everything to scare the Serbs and expel them," said the statement. It added that the politicians in Pristina are not showing good will for the incidents to be sanctioned, on the contrary, they target Serbs in their statements and thus generate violence on the ground, and every move they make serves to make the life and survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija impossible. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija persistently points out to representatives of international organizations operating in the area of Kosovo and Metohija the threat the Serb community is under in the province, especially the difficult position of returnees, and will continue to advocate more and more intensively for a lasting peace and safe living conditions for our people in Kosovo and Metohija, the statement stressed.




‘The Troika’ leaders discuss changes to B&H Election Law (BHT1)


The presidents of the SDP, NiP and NS, that is, the parties of ‘The Troika’, held a meeting in Konjic where they discussed technical changes to the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law, given that High Representative Christian Schmidt announced "D-Day" by the end of the week. Representatives of ‘The Troika’ point out that it is necessary to harmonize and adopt technical changes to the Election Law as soon as possible. SDP President Nermin Niksic said: "D-day became famous. Of course, we also monitor it, we have communication with the Office of the High Representative (OHR). For us, D-day is the session of the B&H House of Peoples. We are not very optimistic that this will happen. I doubt that we can make such a spectacular breakthrough in such a short period of time. Of course, we cannot influence how the High Representative will behave. The fact is that we are discussing the Electoral Law with our partners, and we will try to reach a solution that is acceptable to all". NS President Edin Forto said: "Regarding D-day, this is not the first time we experience moments in which we await a decision from the OHR. In an ideal world, they would negotiate and make laws themselves. Sometimes we are happy with the decisions of the OHR, sometimes we are not, sometimes we are very unhappy. Ideally, we should take responsibility and make our own laws. I think that this European process, to which ‘The Troika’ in particular gives the greatest emphasis, is our future through negotiations and rapprochement with the EU. Then we can talk about returning sovereignty completely to the institutions of B&H. There are attacks on the institutions of B&H, and these attacks alone justify his stay. I would not comment on a specific decision, what will happen, I cannot even predict, it will be what it will be.” NiP President Elmedin Konakovic said: "We all agree that the election legislation must be changed. We insist on changes to the Constitution because there are no quality changes to the election legislation without opening the possibility that Serbs in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), Croats and Bosniaks in Republika Srpska (RS) and citizens who do not express themselves ethnically throughout B&H can finally run for a member of the Presidency of their country. For us, it is really a priority, without which any change in the election legislation makes no sense. I am the one who repeats that the issue of representatives of the people must be resolved.”


Filipovic: There should be comprehensive approach to changes to Election Law of B&H, HDZ B&H is against OHR’s imposition (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list carried representative in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Darijana Filipovic (HDZ B&H), who said that HDZ B&H has been saying right from the start that changes to the Election Law of B&H should be comprehensively approached, although HDZ B&H is aware there are different interests regarding what needs to be changed in the Election Law, depending on which political partners, parties and stakeholders one is talking about. According to Filipovic, one can understand if somebody wants to only talk about technical changes to the Election Law, that somebody wants to talk about political aspects of the changes, arguing that HDZ B&H has always been in favour of a solution that would relax relations, which should or would have to be comprehensive. She further stated HDZ B&H is against imposition of changes by the OHR because HDZ B&H thinks it is a matter for a local agreement. Answering a question about the last week’s meeting in Mostar (meeting of HDZ and ‘The Troika’) and proposed model of changes to the Election Law that should resolve the issue of legitimacy of the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H, Filipovic said the model is, in essence, rather simple. According to her, there are only two or three articles dealing with the way of election of the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H, and the model would not touch the way Serb and Bosniak members get elected. “However, one additional condition would be introduced for the election of the Croat member of the Presidency in order to make sure that he/she represents Croats in B&H, and it is related to the cantons”, said Filipovic.


Dodik: Constitutional Court of B&H is now officially foreign political organization in which there are no Serbs, and soon it will be without Bosniaks and Croats (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated on Wednesday that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H cannot make decisions without Serb judges. Dodik announced a meeting of representatives of SNSD, HDZ B&H and the ‘Troika’ parties where the law on the B&H CC should be discussed. Dodik reminded that the proposal is for the three substitute judges to be appointed by the B&H parliament, two by the RS and four by the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Dodik emphasized that the B&H CC does not have the authority to determine what should be enacted or not enacted at any level, but only to assess whether a decision is in accordance with the Constitution or not. Dodik noted that the B&H CC is now officially a foreign political organization in which there are no Serbs, and soon it will be without Bosniaks and Croats. “If this Constitutional Court with three foreigners, two Bosniaks and one Croat thinks that it is legitimate and legal and that it will make some decisions - it will not. If it thinks that tomorrow (Thursday) at the session it will say that this law on defamation is not accordance with the Constitution, I say that it will be applied, and their decision will not be applied in the RS,” Dodik emphasized.


Hearing in case against RS President Dodik postponed again; Defense requests recusal of eight judges, including acting judge Mirsad Strika (RTRS)


RTRS reports that the beginning of the main trial in the “rigged political process” against RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette Milos Lukic before the Court of B&H was postponed again on Wednesday after the defense requested the recusal of judge in charge of the case Mirsad Strika. Previously, judge Strika separated the proceedings against Dodik and Lukic, openly doubting the medical reasons for Lukic’s absence from Wednesday’s hearing. “Maybe it really is a serious health condition, but regardless of whether it is difficult or just an attempt to postpone the hearing, we will separate the proceedings,” judge Strika said. RTRS stressed that the speed with which Strika separated the proceedings, with the consent of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H, confirmed the defense's earlier suspicions that the real goal of the process is first isolation and then the judicial and political elimination of the RS President. The defense warned judge Strika that he is not competent to interpret medical documentation. “Based on the fact that you have separated the proceedings, the defense makes a request for your recusal. We believe that this is a biased decision and that it is absolutely not based on the law,” Dodik’s lawyer Goran Bubic told the court. In addition, the defense requested the recusal of seven more judges who previously decided on the defense's requests. Judge Strika had no choice but to comply with their request and schedule a new hearing for 30 January. But before the end of Wednesday’s proceedings, Dodik addressed the court for the first time. Dodik, among other things, told the court that “if you want to save face, stop this process.” After leaving the courtroom, Dodik said he expects an acquittal. “The judge postponed (the hearing) because he separated the proceedings without any reason and thereby proved that I am the target… I will get away, do not worry, you will not see me in prison on this basis,” Dodik said. Bubic pointed out that the defense is not delaying the proceedings, claiming that judge Strika decided to separate the proceedings in violation of the Criminal Procedure Law. “The indictment was camouflaged with two defendants in order to avoid the real goal, which is the elimination of the President of the RS from the political life of B&H,” Bubic said. RTRS reminded that the indictment of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H charges Dodik and Lukic with disobeying the decisions of Christian Schmidt. Dodik stressed that he acted according to the laws and the Constitution of the RS, which is compatible with the Constitution of B&H and the Dayton Agreement. Dodik criticized the prosecutors who “agreed to play by Schmidt’s rules”, while ignoring the important fact that no caucus in the Council of Peoples of the RS invoked the mechanism of protection of the vital national interest because of the laws he signed as the President of the RS. “The conditions for signing the law were created. Legislation of the RS obliges the President to sign laws passed by the parliament through decrees… All this together shows that the Prosecutor's Office (of B&H) is completely unprofessional, that it is an inquisition,” Dodik concluded.


Dodik: Denial of RS is denial of B&H, RS is a state and can function independently (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik wrote on X that each year, at the same time, ‘we’ can read the same threats coming from the same people and that ‘we’ can watch officials from the West denying the Dayton agreement, condemning the RS for marking its day in line with its laws and regulations. According to Dodik, with such actions and denial of the RS, they deny B&H because B&H does not exist without the RS. “The Constitutional Court of B&H is a political body, and now it is officially a foreign political organization, and soon it will be left without Bosniaks and Croats as well”, stressed Dodik. The RS President went on to say, among other issues, that the Serbs have a say. “People who are trying to implement their plans should bear this in their minds. The British and the Americans will no longer have a say here, but the Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks, or there will be no space for anyone to have a say”, wrote Dodik.

RTRS carried one more statement Dodik posted on ‘X’, in which he stressed the RS is a state and that the RS can exist and function independently, whilst B&H that the Americans want to impose cannot exist because it is not in line with the Constitution and the Dayton agreement. According to Dodik, the US Embassy made a series of lies in its latest statement. The RS President noted the RS is fully committed to preserving the Dayton B&H, which is the RS’ consistent policy from its start. “Threats and violence by the Americans have never been as strong, and they manifest their force via political process against me through the unconstitutional Court and Prosecutor’s Office”, Dodik wrote. Dodik stated on Wednesday that January 9 is the Day of the RS and will remain so. Dodik stressed that he wishes it was January 9 every month.


Blinken sends letter to Konakovic asking him to exert pressure on Covic in order to promptly adopt law on Southern Interconnection (


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent a letter to B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic, dated 11 January, calling on Konakovic to exert pressure on HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic in order to promptly adopt the law on Southern Gas Interconnection. In his letter, Blinken underlined that the US are deeply dedicated to providing of support to stability, security and regional economic integration in the Western Balkans. “The Southern Interconnection natural gas pipeline project between Croatia and B&H is essential for your energy security and accelerating the phase-out of coal,” Blinken noted. However, the Secretary noted that continued delays in this critical project threaten its realization. “We urge the FB&H House of Peoples to pass the law on the Southern Interconnection, which was drafted in consultation with international experts and represents a critical step toward permitting, financing and constructing the pipeline. BH-Gas, the FB&H transmission system operator, must implement this project to ensure it delivers the energy security the FB&H and B&H badly needs. We encourage the company to undertake necessary management reforms to empower it to serve all residents of the Federation. Given that this project is in the clear interest of your country and the region, I encourage you and others in your government to press HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic to end his obstruction on this matter. Covic’s demands to form a new transmission system operator in the Federation are duplicative, economically unviable, and put the entire project at risk. Such obvious corruption and self-dealing could jeopardize B&H’s EU path,” Blinken wrote. The Secretary further noted that Konakovic’s clear message to Covic that he should without delay pass the said Law, as passed by the FB&H House of Representatives in December 2021, is vital. “The US does not support any effort that undermines the Southern Gas Interconnection’s potential to deliver energy security. The US appreciates your partnership in this critical issue, and I commend your cooperation and commitment to Western Balkans’ European future,” concluded Secretary Blinken, noting that he sent the same request to the Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic- Radman. Konakovic confirmed that Blinken sent him a letter on 11 January. Konakovic noted that this letter once again confirms what “we already know”, the US Administration has huge interest to start the process of implementation of Southern Interconnection project. “They also agree with us that this infrastructure should be solved at entity and state levels, certainly not making some new cantonal stories. He addressed me, probably (Croatian Foreign) Minister (Gordan) Grlic- Radman too… to have the Croatian government and me, as a Foreign Minister to exert certain pressure for this project to happen,” said Konakovic. In a statement to, Konakovic said “Naturally, we agree with the content because the Southern Interconnection is one of priorities, gas diversification and reducing of dependence on Russian gas,” said Konakovic. He noted that this matter was discussed on several occasions, and naturally they will talk again with Covic for this realization to start. “It is easier when we have the US Administration on our side, the Croatian government is of a similar opinion,” said Konakovic. He underlined that the US Administration is dedicated to processes in B&H, down to details.


World Economic Forum participants discuss situation in Middle East (Nova BH/BHT1)


Nova BH reports that some of important issues participants of the World Economic Forum in Davos discussed on Wednesday was the situation in the Middle East. US State Secretary Antony Blinken described the tragedy in Gaza Strip as something devastating distressing. He underlined that Israelis need to have safety and something similar to 7 October attack should never be repeated again. Blinken underlined that it is necessary to do more in regards to providing humanitarian aid to Gaza and to minimize civil victims. N1 reports that Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo attended a panel discussion with Blinken within the framework of the World Economic Forum in Davos. The topics were pressing global issues with a focus on achieving long-term peace and security, as well as the permanent commitment of the democratic world to preserving world peace and security and a legally based international order. Kristo spoke with the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic about the improvement of bilateral and regional relations in the context of integration into the EU in Davos on Wednesday. Kristo stated that numerous priorities were discussed, assessing that the conversation was very pleasant and constructive. She emphasized that good bilateral relations between B&H and Serbia are very important for both countries, but also for the entire region. Kristo said that B&H wants to have good cooperation with Serbia and resolve open issues in good faith and through dialogue, because this is the only way to create a stable and safe environment, which are the basic prerequisites for economic progress that is in the common interest and of special importance for both countries. Kristo emphasized that she is looking forward to the official visit to Belgrade. During the meeting, it was confirmed that the Serbian delegation will land at the airport in Mostar to participate in the Mostar Fair in April, which will officially mark the opening of the Belgrade-Mostar line. Kristo also met with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, on the sidelines of World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday. They discussed the continuation of the EU path of B&H. Kristo expressed gratitude to Plenkovic for his personal engagement and support to the EU path of B&H and she underlined that Croatia is one of the biggest foreign-trade partners of B&H and one of the biggest friends of B&H. During the meeting, the officials underlined that continuation of intensive cooperation in sectors of economy, infrastructure, technology, and other sectors, present a common interest for both countries. Plenkovic expressed strong support to European integration of B&H and underlined importance of EU enlargement process. Kristo informed Plenkovic about strengthened efforts toward meeting of 14 priorities from the EC Opinion.


EC preparing reform of EU to enable its smooth functioning upon new enlargement (Hina)


European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen told the European Parliament on Wednesday that next month she would present ideas for reforming the Union to make it ready to function with 30 plus member states. We will start working on our own reforms to prepare for additional member states, the EC president said, adding that the ideas would be unveiled next month ahead of a discussion of EU leaders, to be organised by the current Belgian Presidency of the EU. According to Von der Leyen, the EU has been drawing up its own reforms to make itself ready for functioning upon the next round of enlargement following its decisions on opening accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova and its decision to open accession talks with B&H, once it meets the necessary conditions. The EU has confirmed that Western Balkan countries as well as Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia should become its members. The 27-strong union now adopts decisions in a difficult manner, and it will be even more difficult for the enlarged union with 30-odd members to make decisions. Therefore, it has been underscored that the EU must prepare for the enlargement in parallel with preparations by membership aspirants. “At the last European Council, we also agreed to launch accession negotiations with Ukraine, Moldova ad B&H when the necessary criteria are met. We have granted the candidate status to Georgia, and we have confirmed our collective commitment to the future where all six Western Balkan partners are part of our Union. How will a Union of 30-plus countries work in practice? Only we inside the EU can answer this question,” Von der Leyen said in Strasbourg.


Plenkovic attends a number of panels at the World Economic Forum in Davos (HRT)


The 54th World Economic Forum is underway in Davos, Switzerland. The slogan of this year's event is “Rebuilding trust in the future, while the focus of the forum is on the global geopolitical situation and how it is affecting the global economy”. Representing Croatia in Switzerland is Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, who participated in a number of panel discussions today, including one on the war in Ukraine. Plenkovic outlined his view of what it would require to ensure that Ukraine wins the war against Russia, breaking it down into three key elements: “We need three elements that Ukraine wins. One, the motivation, heroism, sacrifice of Ukrainian soldiers, people, and motivating leadership fighting for their existence and freedom.” According to the Croatian Prime Minister the second element deals with financial and military support: “Second, is continued assistance by the west, both in terms of military assistance and in terms of financial assistance. Otherwise, it's very difficult for Ukraine to be left alone.” His third key to Ukrainian victory requires the collective west to resist pressure from its own citizens with regard to funding the war in Ukraine: “Third, we need to make sure that we in the west resist the internal pressures happening within our own societies due to the consequences on our economy, on our energy situation, our social situation, on inflation, as one of the ramifications of Russia's aggression against Ukraine.”


Defense Ministry to present proposal on some form of mandatory military training (HRT)


The Ministry of Defense has confirmed that it will soon come out with a proposal that would introduce mandatory military training after high school but in the form of a shorter course rather than mandatory military service, which Croatia suspended in 2007.   Plans for the return of some kind of basic military training were recently announced by Prime Minister Plenkovic and the issue was discussed in the corridors of parliament on Wednesday. "Military training has always been a topic of discussion at the Ministry and in the military. If you have trained people, you are more prepared. That's an issue we are looking at and we'll see which proposal will go forward,” said State Secretary Zdravko Jakop said after a meeting of the Defense Committee. "We have to have somewhere from where we can fill our army and reserves," said committee chairman Franko Vidovic. SDP MP Arsen Bauk said there were too many proposals floating around. "First they were talking about mandatory service, then just a course, then a specific kind of course, and then recruiting more people into voluntary training. If this is to confuse our enemies, it could be useful, but it is confusing our citizens,” said Bauk. Croatian Sovereigntist MP Zeljko Sacic said it was important for young Croatian men and young women, if they choose to do so, to have the basic skills to defend their country if needed.


Lajcak to Spajic in Davos: Montenegro has a chance to be a European success story (CdM)


Prime Minister Milojko Spajic is in Davos, where on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum he met with the EU's special representative for dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo and the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, the government announced. Lajcak welcomed the formation of the 44th government and assessed that good results had been achieved in a short time and emphasized that it is important to preserve the momentum as a guarantor of further reforms and overall social progress. He particularly highlighted the results in the area of rule of law and progress in Chapters 23 and 24. "Montenegro has a chance to be a successful European story," he said. Spajic emphasized the importance of political stability and said that impressive results were achieved in a short time, thanks to which the process of European integration was unblocked, as well as the process of internal reforms that lead to the strengthening of citizens' standards. "The government is successfully leading the integration process based on political stability and a broad social dialogue in which we make all important decisions, such as the population census, the adoption of a fiscally responsible budget, avoiding the inclusion of Montenegro on the MONEYVAL Gray list and numerous others," he said.  The interlocutors agree that relations in the Western Balkans should be viewed through the prism of the European future, and that solutions to potential open issues should be sought through dialogue in the spirit of good neighborly relations. In this line, it was assessed that Montenegro has an important cohesive role and as such is a credible and reliable partner to the international community.


Lajcak: Support for the government to take advantage of the new moment in EU enlargement, there has not been much progress in the last few years (RTCG)


The special representative of the EU for dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo and the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak pointed out that Montenegro, that is, the new government that has made progress in three months, should be given support and a new loan in order to continue working on reforms. As he said, the situation in Montenegro is being closely monitored in Brussels and it is important that the government is determined to take advantage of the new moment in the EU enlargement process, which will not last forever. As Lajcak said, the issue of EU enlargement is back on the agenda, although it has been less relevant in the last ten years. "For the last ten years, we haven't had that, and the paradox is that it is because of the war in Ukraine, that the EU once again realized that we should be serious towards the Balkans, as well as towards Ukraine and Moldova. I know how important it is for the countries in the region to have a realistic, credible perspective in order to enter into all the necessary reforms that are difficult and painful. So, that perspective now exists. We have a new opportunity, to make serious progress on the European path, and the question is who is ready to take advantage of that moment, because that moment will not last forever", stressed Lajcak. He added that Montenegro enters this new situation as the leader of the negotiation process, but on the other hand, we should be aware that there has not been much progress in the last few years, because there was not enough reform. "That's why we should give credit to the new current government of Montenegro, which in less than three months has done a lot of concrete things, first of all appointments in the judiciary, but also some other decisions. Of course, this is being followed in great detail in Brussels and it is important that the government continues on that path, and I think that it is determined to continue and take advantage of this moment and I think that very soon Montenegro can make substantial progress on the European path towards EU membership", concluded Lajcak.


Spajic - Kristo: Regional cooperation is important for further European integration (CdM)


Montenegro and B&H have good bilateral relations, and in the coming period it is necessary to work on connecting and improving the transport infrastructure in order to create conditions for a more dynamic economic exchange, is the message of the meeting between Prime Minister Milojko Spajic and the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers of B&H, Borjana Kristo. Spajic introduced the interlocutor to the government's activities in terms of internal reforms and said that in addition to integration into the EU, strengthening regional cooperation is one of the priorities of foreign policy. "Montenegro has good relations with its neighbors and we want to cooperate more strongly in the near future as members of the European family of nations," said the Prime Minister. The Chairperson of the Council of Ministers of B&H Borjana Kristo congratulated Prime Minister Spajic on the formation of the government and expressed her belief that her recent visit to Montenegro will give additional impetus to bilateral relations as well as cooperation within regional initiatives. The interlocutors agree that regional stability and cooperation are important for the continuation of European integration and that mutual support is crucial on that path.


Osmani: Kurti's attempts to interfere in local politics nothing new, but won't have any impact (MIA)


Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti's attempts to interfere in North Macedonia's politics are nothing new but he will not influence the Macedonian Albanian political bloc, which is consolidated, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said in response to a reporter's question during a press conference held with his Albanian counterpart Igli Hasani on an official visit to Skopje on Wednesday. "First of all, this is nothing new. Such attempts for direct support and participation have been made before," FM Osmani said, adding that prominent Kosovo politicians had attended local political campaign rallies before. "This has demonstrated that the political scene of the Albanians in the Republic of North Macedonia is consolidated so I don't expect him to have any influence on it," Osmani added. Speaking about the fragmentation of North Macedonia's Albanian political spectrum "into several smaller parties," Osmani said this weakened their power of representation. He said there was "a tendency, driven by external factors, but also somewhat by internal ones, for Albanians in North Macedonia to organize in political parties in each city led by their city's own political leader so they deal with local issues and each other and there isn't a single political platform representing Albanians and their political will in the institutions". According to Osmani, relations between ethnic communities in the country were "so precisely defined" that "legitimizing any other countries' — be it Serbia's, Bulgaria's, Albania's, or Kosovo's —influence through their political parties could disrupt the local dynamics that are so precisely calibrated," he said. "The most important thing to note is that this has already been attempted and will not affect the consolidated political scene in any way," Osmani stressed. Albania's FM Hasani, in response to the same question, said he was in the country as a representative of Albania, to support the progressive European forces of the Albanians and of North Macedonia in their clear positions on the country's European future. He expressed confidence that the results of the upcoming elections would not change the country's commitment to remaining on its EU path. "Albania is focused on encouraging good neighborly relations," Hasani said. "The unwavering protection of the rights of Albanians in the entire region is one part of this. But we should not forget the Euro-Atlantic perspective of all Albanians, in Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro or anywhere else." "We will do our best to help our neighbors progress on the European and Euro-Atlantic path. It is important that we stand together, not only as Albanians, but also as part of all progressive forces in the region, for the Western Balkans' common future in the European family," Hasani said.


Hasani: North Macedonia and Albania share common values and vision (MIA)


Albania and North Macedonia have accomplished impressive results in the Euro-integration process, the countries successfully completed the screening, and we are expecting the next steps. We have faced many challenges on this path and supported each other along the way. Our cooperation should further enhance in order to take the region where we want it to be, said Albania's Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani, who is paying an official visit to North Macedonia on Wednesday. "Today more than ever before, our countries and societies share common values and vision for the future. Albania will continue to follow activities in North Macedonia, especially during this year of presidential and parliamentary elections. We expect this process to be successful, and most importantly, not bring any change in your commitment to the European future," FM Hasani told a joint press conference with host Bujar Osmani. In this context, he welcomed the institutional role of the Albanian community for the country's stability, especially in maintaining the Euro-Atlantic perspective, considering that the journey was full of challenges and difficulties. Hasani said Albania would continue to support the constructive efforts of ethnic Albanians in North Macedonia in the political processes, and the commitment for consolidation of the rule of law, democracy, social cohesion and equality among all citizens. "I believe the fact that North Macedonia will have an ethnic Albanian as PM for the first time on record represents part of the progress your country and society has made, which I admire and respect. We support the building of a functional multiethnic society based on observance of the Ohrid Framework Agreement and all other vital treaties," said Hasani. He also highlighted the significance of Corridor VIII, which has become part of the pan-European corridors and is set to transform the strategic position, economies and development perspectives of both countries. "Therefore, we have to invest in finding ways how to cooperate in reaping the benefits of this corridor and the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans for North Macedonia, Albania and the region as a whole," underlined Hasani. FM Osmani said they agreed with counterpart Hasani that both countries should continue on their European path and do more in order to see the region in the EU. "North Macedonia and Albania are much more than good neighbors, they are friendly countries that provide exceptional mutual support, and partners on the European path. Both countries successfully completed the screening process after a year of active talks and are ready to open the first clusters and chapters, thus speeding up the European integration process," said Osmani. According to him, Euro-integration is not the only, but is the best way for comprehensive reform of the entire system when it comes to the rule of law and fight against organized crime and corruption, through enhanced investment cycles, higher wages, up to better quality of life, education, healthcare and welfare. "It is a security issue as well. Faced by the contemporary challenges of hybrid threats, outside influence but also an active war on European soil, integration of the Western Balkans in Europe represents a political-security issue. Europe, strongly supported by the United States, should strengthen its presence in the region through its policies, but also its defense role, thus sending a message of deterrence as one of the key defense policies," noted Osmani. On economic cooperation, the FM said it lagged behind political relations, considering that bilateral trade exchange amounts to about EUR 200 million.


Osmani - Hasani: North Macedonia and Albania ready to open clusters and chapters, no need for delay (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met Wednesday with Albania's Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani, who is paying an official visit to North Macedonia, focusing on bilateral relations, political developments in the region, cooperation as NATO allies, and the countries' European prospects. "Both countries actively negotiated for a year and successfully completed the screening process. North Macedonia and Albania are ready to open the clusters and the chapters and there is no need for delay. On the contrary, the two countries should resume the negotiations and speed up their integration before their full-fledged membership," said FM Osmani. He noted the 100-percent alignment with the European common foreign and security policy, the high degree of EU law transposition, and the fact that both countries are already NATO allies with the majority of the Union member-states. Interlocutors also tackled regional cooperation and mutual support in multilateral organizations, highlighting the countries' significant role in 2023: North Macedonia's OSCE Chairpersonship and Albania as non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.


Osmani: The integration of the Western Balkans into the EU is a matter of regional security (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, held a meeting with his Albanian counterpart, Igli Hasani, who is on a multi-day tour of the countries in the region.

During a joint press conference, Minister Osmani assessed the series of meetings conducted by Minister Hasani, emphasizing the significance of the visit. He noted its importance, especially in the current challenging security situation in the region and with regard to the ongoing efforts for the integration of both countries into the European Union. "North Macedonia and Albania are not just good neighbors; we are friendly countries with deep mutual relations. We are partners working together towards our shared European ambitions, aspiring to see both of our nations become full members of the European Union. Both countries have actively engaged in negotiations, successfully completing the Screening process," emphasized Osmani. Among other points, Minister Osmani of North Macedonia highlighted that 'both countries have been assessed to the maximum and are fully prepared to open the first chapters of negotiations without any hesitation." As NATO member countries and having achieved 100% compliance with the foreign and security policies of the European Union, we stand as guardians of Western civilization in the Balkans. The citizens rightfully anticipate more from Europe. Therefore, he said, "citizens expect the opening of EU chapters to happen as soon as possible, signifying not only a greater presence of Europe in the country but also increased integration before achieving full membership." "This stands as the best and most effective approach for essential reforms across the rule of law, encompassing the fight against organized crime and corruption, fostering increased investment and income, and strengthening economic activity, thereby improving life in general," he stated. Addressing the situation of Russian aggression against Ukraine, Minister Osmani emphasized the necessity to bolster the presence of both the EU and the US in the region, ensuring the security of the Western Balkans. "In the face of modern challenges, including hybrid threats, external influences, and an active war on European soil, the integration of the Western Balkans into the EU becomes a crucial aspect of security policy. The Russian aggression against Ukraine deserves severe consequences, and we stand united and steadfast in this position. Europe and the US must reinforce their presence in the Western Balkans, actively engage in the region's internal policies, strengthen our protective role, and send a resounding message of prevention for the security of Europe," concluded Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani.


Hasani: Corridor VIII will transform the strategic position of Albania and North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, declared from Skopje, during his first official visit, that the Corridor 8 will transform the strategic position of the two countries. In a press statement with his counterpart, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, Hasani stated that "one of the biggest and most transformative projects we are working on, together with Italy and Bulgaria, and with the support of other partners, is undoubtedly the 8th Corridor. After decades of persistence from our countries, it is no longer just a project on paper but a part of the Pan-European Corridors." "This corridor will not only transform the strategic position of our countries but also reshape our economies and development perspectives. Therefore, we must invest in exploring ways to cooperate in order to extract the maximum benefits from Corridor VIII and the Growth Plan for the Balkans, both for our countries and the entire region," explained Hasani. "Today, more than ever, our countries and societies share common interests and a shared vision for the future," he underlined.