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Belgrade Media Report 19 January 2024



Vucic: We will use all available means against banning of Dinar in Kosovo (Beta/Tanjug)


We will fight with all available means against the banning of the Dinar in Kosovo, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in a message from Davos, where he is attending the World Economic Forum. Vucic stressed that Serbia does not have an atomic bomb, and that it cannot fight against the entire world. “I will not behave irresponsibly and say something that could harm our country. I am far too serious and responsible to act that way,” said Vucic. Commenting EU’s request to allow Kosovo Internal Affairs Minister Xhelal Svecla to visit Serbia, Vucic explained that Pristina does everything it can, and that Svecla is asking to be allowed into Serbia in line with agreements. The Serbian President said Svecla wants into Serbia proper so he could provoke. “But I, too, asked to go to Kosovo and Metohija to address our people, we will fight for the right to keep paying in Dinars and protecting our people, but one has to be responsible and make wise decisions,” said Vucic in Davos.


Vucic meets with Von der Leyen, other officials in Davos (Beta/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated yesterday that he had met in Davos with the President of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, and discussed geopolitical challenges and the issues of strategic importance for Serbia. Vucic posted on Instagram that the focus of the talks, held on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, was placed on plans for the realization of the EU’s Growth Plan for the Western Balkans that, in his words, should “strengthen and bring economies and societies closer.” “Serbia is ready to use in the best way this assistance on our path to normalization and development, and I particularly thanked the EC President for her personal engagement and understanding of the situation in the region and support on our country’s European path,” Vucic stated. Vucic took part in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, saying that connecting with Asia was crucial, not just for Serbia, but for all of Europe as well. “Connection is the most important thing. That is why the construction of every possible canal, route or line of connection with Asia is of crucial importance, not just for Serbia, but also for the whole of Europe,” Vucic stated at the session titled “New Eurasian Dawn”.


Petkovic: Pristina using Euro wildly and wants to abolish the Dinar as the only legal currency (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told RTS that the attempt to abolish payment transactions is one of Kurti’s most difficult unilateral moves, the goal of which is the exodus of the Serb people. When you want to cancel someone’s salaries, pensions, student scholarships, it is clear that you want to deal with the Serb people, Petkovic pointed out. From 1 February, according to the decision of the Central Bank in Pristina, the Euro will be the only currency in the payment system of the southern province.


Numerous diplomatic contacts

“As soon as we found out about this information, we started with numerous diplomatic contacts, meetings with competent state bodies, the banking sector, the Post Office, Postanska stedionica, we made important analyses,” Petkovic stated and added that they clearly presented everyone in the EU with catastrophic proportions if such a unilateral decision of Pristina enters into force. “I certainly expect that what Mr. Lajcak said will be fulfilled, which is to hope for a solution that will not end with negative consequences. This is extremely important, because if Bislimi says that the Dinar cannot be used in the Kosovo and Metohija, that those who use the Dinar are violators of the law, then let’s open the question of the status of the Euro in Kosovo and Metohija, when they are already opening the issue of the currency in Kosovo and Metohija,” points out Petkovic. When you go to the website of the European Central Bank, Petkovic states that you can see that it clearly states that the Euro currency is not legal means of payment in Kosovo and Metohija.


Pristina did not sign an agreement with the European Central Bank

“Both Bislimi and Kurti and everyone in Pristina use the Euro wildly and now they dare to say that the Dinar is illegal and that it has no right to be in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. In fact, the only issuing bank that allows currency in Kosovo and Metohija is the National Bank, and that currency is the Dinar, not the Euro. Because no agreement, no contract, so-called Kosovo has ever signed either with the European Central Bank or with the EU,” underlined Petkovic. “Well, we will open up that issue in particular, so that we can see how those who are violators of European norms, standards and regulations can now cancel the Dinar in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. After all, when you look at the Brussels dialogues and all the agreements related to the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, it is all based on the functioning of the institutions involved in the payment circulation of the state of Serbia, which refer to payment transactions in Dinars,” explained Petkovic.


Collected signatures for the removal of the mayor in Kosovska Mitrovica and Leposavic

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija stated that the signatures for the removal of the mayor in the north of Kosovo and Metohija were collected in the municipalities of Kosovska Mitrovica and Leposavic, and that the collection of signatures will also begin in Zvecan and Zubin Potok from today. “It is necessary not only to replace those fake illegitimate mayors, but also to replace the Albanian illegitimate councillors who were also elected in those elections” in April last year, said Petkovic. He said that today at 9 am the collection of signatures will begin in Zvecan and Zubin Potok and that he expects that very soon the citizens of those two municipalities will collect signatures and thus make it clear that the so-called mayors have nothing to look for in municipalities and institutions that belong to Serbs.


Opposition party: Ban of Dinar in Kosovo consequence of Serbian government’s unending concessions to secessionists (Beta)


The Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia said yesterday that the announced abolishing of the Dinar and of payment traffic between Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija was the consequence of the Serbian government’s erroneous policies, which has been “giving concessions to the West and the Albanian secessionists for years and which has no red lines”. “The decision of the so-called central bank of Kosovo to prohibit the Serbian Dinar as a means of payment was taken at the end of December, to be implemented as of 1 February, and the Serbian government knew this, but hid it from the public, presenting the recognition of RKS (Republic of Kosovo) vehicle license plates as the only concession to the Albanian secessionists,” the President of the party Vojislav Mihailovic declared in the statement. “The ban on Serbian goods in Kosovo and Metohija is still in effect and one should not expect the EU to respond in any way when the payment of pensions and salaries of employees in the education and health sectors in Kosovo and Metohija is jeopardized in February, just like it did nothing to stop the blockade of Serbian goods. It is obvious that this regime has no red lines in humiliating Serbia,” Mihailovic stated.


SPN files request to annul Belgrade city elections (N1)


Officials of the Serbia Against Violence (SPN) coalition said they filed a request for the Constitutional Court to annul the 17 December elections for the Belgrade City Assembly hours before the deadline to file expired. Coalition official Sofija Mandic (who represented the SPN on the Belgrade City Election Commission or GIK) told reporters in front of the Constitutional Court that the irregularities at the elections were systemic and planned with the involvement of state bodies, including the Internal Affairs Ministry (MUP), election commissions and courts which is why the request was filed with the Constitutional Court. Speaking on the steps of the court, she said local elections were called in 64 municipalities (out of a total of 145 not including city-level administrations) which, they claimed, allowed for the systemic migration of voters. Opposition officials disclosed cases of falsified signatures in support of election tickets prior to the 17 December vote. Election tickets had to have a certain number of signatures of support to register for parliamentary or local elections. There have also been reports of so-called phantom voters who were registered in Belgrade specifically for the elections. The opposition had 15 days to file objections and complaints over the results of the elections once they were published in the Official Gazette. That publication was released on Thursday, January 18 but dated January 3 and was published after the Constitutional Court closed for the day and the deadline to file expired at midnight on Thursday. The issue published on Thursday was number 1/2024 but an issue numbered 2/2024 was published on 5 January.


Lavrov: EU rewriting Kosovo-Serbia agreements to deprive Serbs of rights (Beta/TASS)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the EU keeps rewriting agreements between Serbia and Kosovo in a way that there are no rights for the Serbs in the north of Kosovo. Lavrov told a media conference in Moscow that 10 years have gone by since the signing of these agreements with the mediation of the EU, yet the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZS)) has still not been formed, reported the Russian news agency TASS. “There is nothing the EU can do about this. The only thing they have managed to deliver, as I understand it, is that they have come up with an idea to please Mr. Albin Kurti, to please Pristina, to rewrite this agreement on the ZSO, to rewrite it in such a way that there are no rights for Serbs in the north of Kosovo, that these rights are absolutely artificial, while real power should remain in the Albanians’ hands,” said Lavrov. He added that “the Albanian factor in the Balkans is very serious”, that “the problem may explode”, and that “the EU, of course, should feel ashamed, because in 2013 they were trumpeting success: we have made it, the problem of Kosovo has been solved”. “Now, just like on any other issue, when it is necessary to implement agreements, they (the EU) backtrack in favor of the side that is closer to them in this particular case. And they are closer, of course, to Kosovo’s Albanians, because they have sworn allegiance, they want to join NATO, they want to join in everywhere, and they will faithfully follow the instructions from the EU,” said the Russian Minister.


Djukic: End of EU’s soft approach to Vucic (Beta)


Srecko Djukic, a former diplomat, stated yeterday that, after the discovery of numerous irregularities in the December elections, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had lost the representation of the Republic of Serbia on the international plane. Djukic told Beta that the EU’s “soft approach” to Vucic had come to an end. “For more than 10 years, Vucic has enjoyed the unwavering support of the West and he was able to do whatever he wanted to in Serbia. Over the past few years, the West had been giving him well-meaning advice and warnings, which he has not heeded, and now, after the December election rigging, he has hit a wall,” Djukic said. In his words, unless Vucic organizes elections under fair and democratic conditions, Serbia will fall off the European path and sanctions are also possible. If he wants to stay in power, he added, Vucic will have to accept a repeated vote. “The changing of election conditions is a higher priority than the repeating of elections. There will be no elections without fair conditions, and Vucic will find himself in an even bigger problem,” Djukic said. He pointed out that the opposition should not participate in the next elections without firm guarantees that they would be fair and that the people’s voice would not be manipulated.


Official Gazette issue no.1 with report on elections published, dated 3 January (Insider)


After this year’s second issue of the Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade was published on 5 January, issue no.1, containing the overall report on the results of the Belgrade local elections, has also come out, reported Insider. The issue that came out on Thursday, 18 January, is dated 3 January, and was posted on the Official Gazette website only after the closing of the clerk’s office at 2 pm, said Insider. At the same time, Thursday is the last day for the filing of a petition with the Constitutional Court as the only one that can pass a decision on annulling the elections, which some opposition parties are demanding. The opposition Serbia Against Violence coalition said on 16 January that the first 2024 issue of the Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade is planned for mid this week and that it will be dated 3 January 2024. The deadline to file a petition with the Constitutional Court is 15 days from the day of the publishing of the report, which means Thursday, 18 January.




State-level coalition meets in Laktasi (BNTV)


A meeting of representatives of the coalition parties at the state level - SNSD, HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and ‘The Troika’ – was held in Laktasi near Banja Luka on Thursday at SNSD leader Milorad Dodik's private estate. BNTV added that the meeting was held behind closed doors and the media were not invited or informed about it. SNSD issued a press release, which reads: “At today's meeting, an important step forward was achieved on key issues on B&H's European path. Significant progress has been made regarding the Electoral Law of B&H, which will be finalized during February. The political leaders took upon themselves to continue constructive partnership talks with the aim of reaching an agreement within the stated deadline.” Dodik announced on his X account that “when there is a will, there is a way for leaders elected by the people to talk and decide”. Covic wrote on social media X: “I welcome today's constructive meeting of leaders. We jointly expressed our determination to finalize the changes to the B&H Election Law by the end of February and to continue working on all priorities for the opening of negotiations with the EU. The dialogue of domestic political representatives remains crucial”. Reporter reminds that the High Representative Christian Schmidt warned the state-level coalition that unless they agree on the changes to the B&H Election Law, he will impose them, adding that he called it D-Day for the state-level coalition. Reporter adds that the SNSD statement did not mention any discussion on the Law on the Constitutional Court of B&H, despite the claims of Dodik that he would start the meeting with that topic.


Dodik: ‘The Troika’ advocates the US’ and the UK’s interests (RTRS)


RTRS reports that Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik wrote on X that it is a question if SNSD has anything to talk about with representatives of the Sarajevo-based parties, which work in line with instructions of their mentors and not in interests of people who live in B&H. According to Dodik, the information that the US Secretary of State is addressing the B&H Foreign Minister (FM), in order to directly request from him (FM) to secure realization of the Southern Interconnection project, shows how agile they are when their interest is in question and “that the meaning of the whole circus with Schmidt is that he becomes his personal representative and to enable control of resources in B&H through him”. “The British do it, as well as the Americans, and the question is what else we will hear these days, in what kind of criminal activities senior officials of B&H are involved, all at the West’s order. And now somebody should believe it is all because they want to protect B&H from the Russian influence”, Dodik wrote on X. He added by saying ‘The Troika’, with its statements, shows it advocates the US’ and the UK’s interests.


HR Schmidt’s underscores the critical need for B&H leadership to prioritize reforms and move towards Euro-Atlantic integration ( carries the OHR press release, issued on Thursday, which reads: “During his visit to London yesterday, High Representative Christian Schmidt briefed the UK House of Lords International Relations and Defense Committee on the situation in B&H. The High Representative underscored the critical need for the leadership of B&H to prioritize reforms and move towards Euro-Atlantic integration. He also highlighted that an electoral framework must be established in which every vote is counted and respected. High Representative Schmidt called it imperative to fortify the rule of law and bolster state institutions. In London, the High Representative met with Leo Docherty MP, the Minister for Europe in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO); the Rt Hon. James Heappey MP, the Minister for the Armed Forces; Victoria Billing, FCDO Director Europe; and Osman Topcagic, B&H Ambassador to the United Kingdom. Throughout these discussions, the High Representative highlighted the need to fully implement the Dayton Peace Agreement and catalyse collective efforts to combat crime and corruption.” “It is in the best interests of all in B&H to propel the country forward and reinforce its Euro-Atlantic integration efforts. The strengthening of the rule of law, particularly through the augmentation of institutional capacities, is crucial for long-term stability and security of B&H and the broader region," said the High Representative. The press release concluded: “The High Representative expressed his appreciation for the UK’s continuous and invaluable support to B&H and its citizens, as well as to the Office of the High Representative and the execution of the High Representative’s mandate in accordance with the Dayton Agreement.”


Dodik: What Schmidt and UK have to do with B&H’s European path (RTRS/O Kanal)


RTRS reports that RS President Milorad Dodik wrote on X that it is incredible that illegal Christian Schmidt has meetings in London and discusses about B&H and its European path with the British authorities. “Is there anyone sane here to ask what Britain and Christian Schmidt have to do with the European path of B&H. Schmidt is pure negation of the European democratic principles and everything he represents is not any, let alone European path”, Dodik wrote on X.


Chairwoman Kristo in Davos: B&H expects opening of negotiations for EU membership soon (Dnevni avaz)


Addressing the 54th World Economic Forum in Davos and during a special session on the topic ‘Diplomatic Dialogue on Western Balkans’, Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo stresses that B&H expects opening of negotiations for EU membership soon. She stated that during one year of its work, the B&H CoM has made a huge step ahead on the EU path of B&H, many sessions were held, different materials adopted, including 13 proposals od laws and all this was done in order to meet 14 crucial priorities from the EC’s Opinion. She stressed that for the first time in its history, last year B&H had 100% harmonization with the EU foreign and security policy. Kristo expressed her personal disappointment since such exceptional work and progress of B&H institutions was not recognized and awarded in December last year with opening of the negotiations on the EU membership, by which B&H would be additionally connected to the EU. Kristo added that this missed opportunity has left a visible trace on the work of the coalition of the parties in B&H at all authority levels, which has made the work of the B&H CoM also difficult. She expressed belief that the work will continue with the same, tireless pace since “we” are aware that all in B&H need necessary reforms. Kristo argues that the upcoming visit of Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, EC President Ursula Von der Leyen and Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte is a positive step for strengthening of the European cooperation and support to B&H aspirations towards the EU. In regard to this, Kristo expressed expectation that opening of the negotiations with B&H will happen as soon as possible. At the end of her address, Kristo expressed her personal belief that the future of B&H and the region exclusively depends on holding of a dialogue, encouraging of cooperation and finding of sustainable solutions. She stressed that building of bridges between different political entities will continue, strongly supporting democratic processes and promoting transparency in the political acting. She stressed that the key of B&H’s success is in continuous cooperation of all constituent peoples, their legitimate representatives and relevant political actors.


B&H CC holds plenary session without judges from rank of Serb People (Nova BH)


The Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H held its plenary session, in Sarajevo on Thursday. This is the first time that none of the judges from the rank of the Serb people attended the session, given that judge Zlatko Knezevic took an early retirement at the beginning of January and RS authorities refuse to appoint a new judge to the B&H CC as long as foreign judges work there. There are currently six judges at the B&H CC and according to its rules of procedure, the B&H CC can pass decisions legally as long as there are five judges in its composition. The B&H CC discussed motions for assessment of constitutionality of provisions of the Criminal Code of the RS regarding criminal offenses against honor and reputation, i.e. criminalization of defamation, and provisions that stipulate criminal liability for calling the RS a genocidal formation. The B&H CC ruled that articles of the Criminal Code of the RS that define criminalization of defamation or violation of honor and reputation as the criminal offense are in line with the Constitution of B&H, but that competent authorities in the RS need to pay great attention when it comes  to criminal persecution for criminal offenses the aforementioned articles stipulate, as well as that they need to have in mind that the disputed provisions should be applied in line with standards defined through long-year practice of the European Court of Human Rights and B&H CC. The B&H CC also ruled that the Article 280 of the Criminal Code of the RS that stipulates penalties for those who call the RS a genocidal or aggressor formation is not in line with the Constitution of B&H. The B&H CC concluded that the Article 280 is disproportionate to the goals for which it was enacted, and that such kind of interfering in the freedom of expression is unnecessary in democratic society. The B&H CC called on the RS parliament and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Representatives (HoR) to meet their obligation and appoint judges to the B&H CC, because “the B&H CC is protector of the Constitution of B&H”.


Meeting of B&H CC without judges from RS represents attack on constitutional order (RTRS)


The Constitutional Court in B&H held a session without judges from RS, which represents an attack on the constitutional order, stated RTRS. They showed that they can and will work without the Serbs, but not respecting the Constitution of B&H, RTRS noted. The Article 6 of the Constitution of B&H clearly states that the Constitutional Court of B&H has nine members, lawyer Ognjen Tadic believes that by holding a session with a truncated composition, an open attack was definitely made on the constitutional order of B&H. “Some rules, rules of procedure can decide how sessions are to be held if one of them is not present, but no rules or rules of procedure can establish that the court can work if it has less than nine members, nor that it can exercise the competences established for it by the Constitution” Tadic explained. They devalued the importance of the Constitution as early as 19 June last year when, at an extraordinary session, they gave primacy to the rulebook according to which they could work without Serb judges, which they had overruled until then. “We delegitimized the Constitutional Court, there are no rules where it will be able to make decisions that will have legitimacy. The fact that they changed those rules in order to ensure legitimacy still delegitimizes them, because they show a conscious intention to decide without the Serbs” said the RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic. The international credibility of B&H, with the presence of foreigners in the highest judicial institution, is characteristic of former colonies, Professor Nina Sajic points out. “The fact that as of today we do not have the representation of the Serb people as a constitutive, de facto, and partial representation of the Croat people speaks about the fact that B&H, that is, those who advocate such a policy, strive towards the unitization of B&H. The very fact that, some 30 years after the signing of Dayton, there are foreigners sitting in the Constitutional Court of B&H, who have nothing to do with the law and legal customs of B&H, says that B&H does not have sovereignty” emphasized Sajic.


Minister Helez files criminal report against Dodik because of marking of unconstitutional 9 January (N1)


B&H Defense Minister Zukan Helez submitted criminal reports against RS President Milorad Dodik, Deputy B&H Minister of Defense Aleksandar Goganovic and B&H Armed Forces’ Colonel Milan Damjanovic, for attacking the constitutional order, i.e. holding the Day of RS. "It is an application related to the celebration of the unconstitutional and illegal date of 9 January. There are several criminal acts, among which is an attack on the constitutional and legal order of B&H. The criminal complaint against the RS President Milorad Dodik was made very seriously, four lawyers worked on it. They have thoroughly prepared it on 16 pages, it has 34 attachments and two CDs. Ninth January passed, and most politicians and the media made a fuss, but nothing happened after that. I wanted to remain consistent, and I filed criminal charges," said Helez. He stated that it is his duty to protect the Constitution and law of B&H as well as every citizen. "There are no national tensions. I would do the same if anyone attacked the constitutional and legal order of B&H. Whether I was a Bosniak or a Croat, I would have done exactly the same as I did with Milorad Dodik. I call on them to stop their futile work and to ensure the best possible life for the citizens of B&H, to move towards the EU and the NATO alliance", said Helez. He said that most of his colleagues could have filed a criminal complaint, but that they were probably afraid. He did not want to give details about which lawyers worked on these criminal charges.


Dodik comments on activities of UK company ‘Adriatic Metals’ in Vares and says that this is how RS property would also be stolen if it were on B&H level (ATV)


In mid-November, the FB&H government passed a decision which is contrary to the Law on the Prohibition of the Disposal of State Property, noted the presenter. The British company ‘Adriatic Metals’ was enabled to change the use of forest land in the area of Vares. RS assessed that this is only one of the indicators of an orchestrated attack on property. The RS President Milorad Dodik said that this is how the property of the RS would also be stolen, if their intentions are carried out. The reporter commented that the British smelled gold, and Bosniak politicians smelled support in the fight against the RS. This is how the bringing of the British company ‘Adriatic Metals’, which exploits land in the area of the municipality of Vares, could be interpreted, said the reporter. They are already doing a lot of research there and the permission to dig was given to them by the FB&H government with the blessing of Christian Schmidt, as the reporter said, because they do not need another blessing, considering there is no permission from the Attorney General's Office for such a thing, and everything goes against the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H, added the reporter. During a press conference Dodik asked: “How could the FB&H give that space in Vares to, imagine that, a British company? How could it? If the property is at the level of B&H, how could it? What kind of country is this?”. A journalist responded to Dodik: “They say they asked the OHR (Office of the High Representative)”. Dodik said: “Let them ask who they want, what OHR? That just says (something) about them. Well, they did not ask the attorneys, they did not conduct the tender, they did not do (...), but that is your business. I do not get into that. There you go, if that works for you, then OK. They say there is gold there, we will see if there is gold”. Dodik pointed out that all that such companies allegedly offer to local communities is misery for the population, and such a thing will not happen in the RS. Dodik stated: “The RS will not give any property. And that does not suit foreign companies, it does not suit the British. They would take it all for EUR 1, as they took this, for the bizarre thing of getting some compensation, which will be 10 million on an annual level, and they will exploit 500 million on an annual level”. Lawyers believe that this is one of the main reasons why Schmidt, as well as the US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy, insist so much that the entities’ property be transferred to the B&H level, added the reporter. Lawyer Ognjen Tadic warned that this is a subordinate level, at which it would then be decided who can manage it and how. Tadic was quoted as saying: “They want to create the conditions for easier access to natural resources, with which B&H is abundant. Unfortunately, most Bosniak politicians have that one subordinate mentality. And these subordinate structures are now again racing to please foreigners as much as possible, so that they can gain something politically”. That the foreign ambassadors in B&H are actually defending the interests of foreign companies is also proven by Murphy's initiative to supposedly get rid of B&H's dependence on Russian gas by buying gas from Croatia, which, as it happens, comes from the US companies, at a significantly higher price, commented the reporter. In Sarajevo, they are ready to give natural resources at any cost, if foreigners would do something to the detriment of the RS and its elected officials as a return favor, concluded the reporter.


Issue of Southern Interconnection (


Chair of the Main Board of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Bozo Ljubic, speaking about the construction of the Southern Interconnection, said that this is necessary for the sake of diversification of B&H’s energy supply. However, Ljubic disagreed that this should be managed by ‘BH Gas’ as the US Administration requested. “On the other hand, it is absolutely necessary to solve the issue of management with this process. This can be solved in such way to establish a special company in charge of management with construction of this natural gas pipeline. However, it can also be solved in a way similar to the solution for transfer of electricity, i.e. to establish a new company in line with principles of parity and, in this way, to manage the natural gas business from the state level”, Ljubic concluded. Faktor carried a statement issued by SDA, which reads that letter of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Foreign Ministers of B&H and Croatia, regarding the blockade of the ‘Southern Interconnection’ project, has completely exposed all the deceptions that leaders of ‘The Troika’ placed in public, as well as the HDZ B&H’s policy of blockades. According to SDA, by carrying out servile policy towards HDZ B&H and SNSD and by meeting their demands, ‘The Troika’ has brought into question the realization of the ‘Southern Interconnection’ project. SDA further said ‘The Troika’ first deceived the public when it said the Council of Ministers of B&H has launched an initiative for construction of the Eastern and the Southern Interconnection, when it turned out that ‘The Troika’ lied because no decision on the ‘Southern Interconnection’ has been adopted. The statement added that ‘The Troika’ withdrew from the procedure in the FB&H parliament, under pressure of HDZ B&H, the Law on Southern Interconnection, which was submitted by FB&H government led by (former FB&H PM Fadil) Novalic. RS President Milorad Dodik claims that this is about the US’ economic interest. Dodik was quoted as saying: “And now someone is supposed to believe that this is all because they want to protect B&H from the influence of Russia. That is why they will push their gas at such a favourable price that their heads will spin in the FB&H, just like in Europe. And that is their help and policy of peace, respect for Dayton and sovereignty?”


Milanovic: No one should be afraid to reveal information about crime in the government (HRT)


President Zoran Milanovic warned on Thursday that amendments to the Criminal Code aim to prevent the public exposure of favouritism, crime and corruption in the government of Andrej Plenkovic, and that if the proposed amendments come into effect, citizens punished for exposing corruption will be pardoned. “The proposed amendments to the Criminal Code - correctly named Lex AP - which introduce the disclosure of the content of an investigative or evidentiary action as a new criminal offense, undoubtedly mean the introduction of state repression against anyone who enables the Croatian public to learn the facts about the illegal activities of individuals in the government,” asserted the president referring to proposed changes that were debated in parliament. With these changes, Zoran Milanovic assessed, they want to prevent the public exposure of favouritism, crime and corruption, that is, criminal acts committed by individuals from the government of Andrej Plenkovic. The publication of such data, he believes, cannot endanger an investigation, as the proponent interprets, but the public availability of data from the investigation can only endanger individuals from the government. “And that is exactly the reason why the Government proposed the introduction of a new criminal offense in the Criminal Code,” said the President. He asserted that the manoeuvre by which journalists are formally exempted from responsibility for disclosing content does not change either the aim or the purpose of the proposed changes, which directly threaten all others - judicial officials, defendants, lawyers, witnesses, experts - who may reveal to the public information about the illegal activities of individuals from the government. “And the journalists who will not be criminally responsible for the published information but will be under the attack of the prosecuting authorities who will have to reveal the source of the published information in various ways,” said the president, warning that journalists will not be accused, but they will be "intimidated and harassed.” Milanovic reiterated that, if the proposed changes are accepted and come into force, exceptionally, in accordance with his constitutional powers, he will use the institute of pardon for Croatian citizens who come under the influence of that law and are punished for revealing favouritism, crime and corruption in the government. “No one in Croatia should be in fear and be afraid to reveal to the public information about favouritism, crime and corruption in the government,” said the President.


Continuation of Montenegro's support to Ukraine (RTCG)


Montenegro has opened the door for the Ukrainian people, as evidenced by the fact that it is the first country outside the EU to make a decision allowing temporary protection for persons from Ukraine, as well as facilitated entry into the country for humanitarian reasons, said Minister of the Interior Danilo Saranovic. Minister of Internal Affairs Danilo Saranovic received the Ambassador of Ukraine to Montenegro Oleh Herasymenko. Two officials assessed that Montenegro and Ukraine have excellent relations, and that Ukraine supports our country on the road to European integration, through ever more concrete results and the government's efforts to speed up that process. Excellent and constructive cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs was established. "Montenegro has opened the door for the Ukrainian people, as evidenced by the fact that it is the first country outside the EU to make a decision allowing temporary protection for persons from Ukraine, as well as facilitated entry into the country for humanitarian reasons," said Saranovic. He pointed out that the decision on temporary protection of citizens of Ukraine in Montenegro has been continuously applied since 2022 and is valid until March of this year. "The government of Montenegro and the ministry I lead are determined to continue with all mechanisms to help the citizens of Ukraine who have found salvation from the war in our country, and I am convinced that our excellent cooperation in that context will continue," said Saranovic. The Ambassador of Ukraine pointed out that the country is grateful to Montenegro for everything it has done so far to help its citizens. "Our citizens found refuge in your country after Russia's aggression against Ukraine." We are grateful for your hospitality and everything you have done for us. Many have returned to their homes in the past, bringing the best impressions from Montenegro. We continue our good cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs", said Ambassador Herasymenko. "We remind you that the government of Montenegro has formed an interdepartmental Coordination Body managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the aim of monitoring the implementation of the Decision on Temporary Protection of Citizens of Ukraine, in accordance with the Law on International and Temporary Protection of Foreigners. From 24 February 2022 to 25 December 2023, 186,128 persons entered Montenegro from Ukraine, and 185,054 persons left. From the beginning of the application of the Decision on temporary protection until 25 December 2023, 10,254 requests for temporary protection were submitted, 9,820 requests were approved, of which 4,298 requests for extension of temporary protection," the Ministry of the Interior announced.


Pendarovski: Accelerated EU integration of Western Balkans to positively impact security, political processes and reform agenda (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski addressed Wednesday session "Diplomatic Dialogue on Western Balkans" within the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, reaffirming the need for accelerated EU integration of the Western Balkans that would have a positive impact on security, political processes, reform agenda, and Euro-scepticism in the region. The session discussion focused on the EU enlargement perspectives with the Western Balkans amid the broader geopolitical and security context, their preparedness for realization of reforms, expectations from the European elections, improvement of the region's economic integration and its growth, the President's Office said in a press release. President Pendarovski said the EU membership perspective is not needed only to strengthen economy, promote trade exchange and improve standard of life, but also for political integration in Union institutions, thus contributing to democratic development, institutional strengthening, rule of law and free media. Pendarovski noted that in a time of many crises, it is important to have a larger European presence in the Western Balkans for the sake of its stability. The WEF session also included, among others, European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, Montenegro Prime Minister Milojko Spajic, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean, and EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues, Miroslav Lajcak, reads the press release.


Hasani in Podgorica: Visible progress in cooperation with Montenegro (Tirana Times)


During his current visit to Montenegro, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani met with his counterpart Filip Ivanovic. In a joint press conference, Hasani expressed that Albania views Montenegro as an irreplaceable ally. He noted significant progress in the cooperation between the two countries and expressed confidence that this collaboration will persist with the new government. Hasani also emphasized the implementation of agreements signed during the second joint meeting of the two governments, highlighting that "the construction of the Buna Bridge contributes to regional integration and facilitates the circulation of goods. He cited, "the construction of the Adriatic-Ionian Highway is one of our strategic priorities." Hasani also stated that "Albania has given the Montenegrin minority the place and value it deserves," while assessing the role of the Albanian factor in Montenegro and the region. The Albanian chief diplomat described the role of actors like Russia, who seek the destabilization of the region, as disturbing. He underlined, "The future of the region must be guided by a clear Euro-Atlantic orientation." Hasani remarked that both countries share a common obligation to work harder to advance regional cooperation. Furthermore, he declared that "Albania is already prepared for the second Intergovernmental Conference, and the progress of our countries in the integration process is a valuable contribution to the entire region."


CSU strategic forum in Bavaria, Rama: Albania an example of success in the region (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama attended the meeting of the Christian Social Union (CSU) in Bavaria, where Albania held a place of honour as a guest in this strategic forum of German politics. During the meeting, Prime Minister Rama emphasized that Albania was being recognized as a success story in the region for both political and economic cooperation. "During the traditional New Year meeting of the CSU, invited by the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Soder, I addressed the leadership of the Union on European challenges. I highlighted Albania as a success story in our region and emphasized the need for strengthened bilateral relations with Germany, particularly with Bavaria. This strengthening involves political, economic, commercial, and cultural cooperation," emphasizes Rama. In assessing the country's new image, Rama notes that just a few years ago, it was unimaginable for Albania to hold such a prominent position in the international arena. "Until just a few years ago, it was unimaginable that, due to a completely new image in Europe, Albania would hold a place of honour as a guest in this strategic forum of German politics. Moreover, the Albanian government anticipated that there would no longer be any barriers to interaction with political forces in Germany, regardless of political colour," writes Rama.


Peleshi: Albania, a reliable NATO member (Radio Tirana)


Albania's path as a reliable NATO member evidence the unwavering commitment to common values, security and global peace, stated Albanian Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi. Through a post on social networks, Peleshi pointed out that the achievements of the Armed Forces are the result of the hard work of every officer who, with dedication and professionalism, has made Albania a reliable member of the Alliance and in the international arena. Peleshi also shared a video from the exercises of Albanian Armed Forces. Whilst, the commander of the Special Operations Regiment, Lt. Col. Ajet Jata, said that the motto of the Special Forces battalion is "Better to die for something than to live for nothing". The exercise aims to achieve several objectives such as military cooperation between the countries, increasing the operational skills of the special operators who participate in the exercise, exchanging experiences, and building cooperation and friendship. Jata underlined that this is an important exercise from the NATO perspective too, as it brings countries together to develop a special force and by bringing these forces together they increase their interoperability to interact and operate in different missions.