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Belgrade Media Report 26 January



Vucic: Kosovo’s Svecla can only dream of a Serbian embassy in Pristina (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Kosovo Internal Affairs Minister Xhelal Svecla “can only dream of” Serbia opening an embassy in Pristina. After billboards with images of Vucic, former Office for Kosovo chief turned Ambassador Marko Djuric and Russian President Vladimir Putin were taken down in Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Svecla said “the only symbol of Serbia within Kosovo will be its embassy in Pristina”. “Those are bad dreams, nightmares. In accordance with the UN Charter, Resolution 1244 and our Constitution, Kosovo and Metohija are part of the territory of Serbia. That’s how it was and that’s how it will be,” said Vucic.


Stano: No progress on dialogue means no progress on EU accession (Tanjug/Beta/RTS)


EU spokesperson Peter Stano said on Thursday that no progress on the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina also meant no progress on the EU accession process. "The EU was very clear on a number of occasions, and also in its legal documents, that the EU path of Kosovo and Serbia goes through the EU-facilitated dialogue. In other words, no progress on the dialogue means no progress on the EU accession process. I think that is very clear. This is captured in a number of documents, a number of Council conclusions – Council conclusions from 2013, 2014, after 2022, the negotiating framework of Serbia, this year’s communication on enlargement and the reports on Kosovo and Serbia," Stano said at a Brussels press briefing. He said it was "very clearly set out what the EU and its member states expect when it comes to the accession process and the dialogue". "This is actually a part of the same process. The dialogue and accession for Kosovo and Serbia are inevitably linked, inseparably linked," he added. "If there is progress on one side, then it will be reflected in the accession process of that respective partner," Stano noted. Speaking about last year's clashes in the Banjska village in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, Stano said there was "nothing new" he could say and that the EU still expected the final report on an investigation by the Pristina authorities. "Once we see the final result, then we will, of course, analyse it, review it and draw the necessary consequences without commenting on individual remarks by anyone in this specific context," he said. Stano said it was very clear the EU expected "unconditional cooperation" from everyone who was able to contribute to shedding light on what had happened.


O’Brien: Finding evidence of what happened in Belgrade election takes time (Beta/Politika)


Finding the evidence of what happened in the Belgrade election is something that’s building over time, US State Department senior official James O’Brien said in Washington, adding that what the US sees as important in Serbia is stability and the implementation of democratic reforms. Asked if the US has to choose between reform and stability in the Western Balkans, especially in Serbia, speaking at the German Marshall Fund, O’Brien said “this is the question I ask myself every day”. “Look at the Serbian election, I think we still don’t know whether there’ll be a government in Belgrade from this election. International observers actually did not look at that election. So finding the evidence of what happened in Belgrade is something that’s building over time. But we’ll see whether there’s a government that’s formed,” said O’Brien when speaking about America’s priorities regarding Europe. The US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs pointed out the fact that, at the 17 December elections, the opposition parties in Serbia won 200,000 more votes than in the April 2022 election. “At the parliamentary level, the opposition parties emerged with 200,000 more votes and many more parliamentarians than they had had before. In many areas, that’s a mark of a place that is allowing some kind of a different way forward,” said O’Brien. He explained that, in the current alignment of the Western Balkans, Serbia “does pretty well by investment and economic standards”. “The incomes in Serbia keep going up, the growth in Serbia keeps going up, more high value investment goes into Serbia. If we want the other states and the people in those other states to have the same opportunity, we have to encourage reform, even at the risk of some instability,” said the US diplomat. O’Brien also commented on this week’s Western Balkans – EU meeting in North Macedonia’s capital Skopje on the EU Growth Plan for the Western Balkans that was adopted by the European Commission in November. “The Western Balkans is waiting for final approval of the European Growth Plan for the region. The key thing about this is that, in exchange for certain reforms, the states of each state, on its own, with no veto from another, will be able to benefit from participating in parts of the European single market,” he said. O’Brien said the Growth Plan is a “really innovative project” that will begin to show effect already over the course of this year. He added that, though there are certain differences from one state to another, the Western Balkans region has a good opportunity for progress.


NDSS: Putting voter rolls in order, freedom of media minimum conditions for elections (Euronews Srbija/Beta)


New Democratic Party presidency member Milos Stankovic said yesterday that in the event of a rerun of elections for the Belgrade Assembly, the minimum conditions for the opposition's participation would be purging voter rolls and the freedom of the media. Stankovic told Euronews Srbija that the New Democratic Party of Serbia was discussing further steps with representatives of the Serbia Against Violence coalition and that a possible alternative would be clearly defined in the event that elections in the capital Belgrade were repeated or in the event that they were not. "If the minimum conditions of updating voter rolls and an acceptable amount of media freedom are not met, a boycott might ensue. This definitely won't be a passive boycott but rather a proactive situation, and we definitely won't sit at home and wait for the elections to end," Stankovic added. He said that there were fundamental program differences with the Serbia Against Violence coalition but that it was important to stress that these program differences were not as stark as they were at the level of the republic.


CRTA: Other rights will be jeopardized and undermined if election rigging is allowed (N1)


The program director of the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) Rasa Nedeljkov said in Brussels yesterday that examples of violation of law were becoming increasingly frequent, and that election irregularities had reached the red line, after which “Serbia will no longer be a relevant factor”. He said that other rights would be “undermined and jeopardized” if election theft was allowed. He told N1 that CRTA was doing all it could for the multitude of established facts regarding the December election irregularities to be presented to the Council of Europe, adding that they sought the Serbian citizens’ support in that. “Every conversation with actors in Brussels can lead to progress. The main topic and message is what are the further steps, what next, and what are the measures of support to all those who wish to live in an organized, democratic state. We in Serbia do not have enough capacity on our own for the problem in the country to be recognized,” Nedeljkov said. He added that if they were to act jointly with various EU factors, the fight would be possible and that he saw hope for change in Serbia.


CRTA: A narrow majority in Belgrade doesn’t fit the ruling party’s needs (Politika/Beta)


A narrow majority in a future Belgrade City Assembly was not good enough for the ruling Serbian Progressive Party as it would not provide for full stability which would be required for the Expo project realization, Bojan Klacar, the executive director of the Centre for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID), said today. In a statement to Politika, Klacar said that in making potential deals with certain aldermen, the Progressives would take into account the number of protesters at opposition rallies and international pressure, the latter, he said, were low-intensity at the moment.  Klacar added that the unity within We - The Voice of the People movement was no longer as solid as it had been shortly after the vote, noting that not all movement members shared the same view regarding a potential coalition with the Progressives.  “Some fissures have appeared on the key issue for them - whether to rule out potential cooperation with the ruling coalition in Belgrade,” Klacar noted.


Giaufret: Progress in Serbia-Kosovo normalization expected this year (Nedeljnik/Beta)


The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret has stated that progress in the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo is expected at the start of this year. “The talks continue and we all expect to make progress in implementing the Agreement on the path to normalization at the start of 2024, providing that the two sides demonstrate the necessary political will, courage and leadership to do that,” he told the 25 January issue of the Nedeljnik weekly. Giaufret pointed out that EU enlargement showed to be “a crucial response to Russia’s war of aggression”. “This provides a new opportunity for the Western Balkans, which Serbia must not miss,” he said. He recalled that 59 percent of foreign direct investments in Serbia, in the period from 2010 to 2022, arrived from EU-based companies, and that they had added up to EUR20.3 billion. He pointed out that the reform process in Serbia had yielded some important reforms, but that much more remained to be done. “It is necessary to invest more effort in fighting corruption and organized crime, improving cooperation between the government and the civil sector and provide better guarantees for freedom of expression and media,” Giaufret said.


Petition to dismiss Mitrovica mayor submitted (KoSSev/N1)


The petition to dismiss the Mayor of Mitrovica North was submitted to the Kosovo Central Election Commission (CIK) in Pristina on Thursday. The KoSSev news portal said that the petition was handed in to the CIK by Mitrovica North municipal assembly president Nedzad Ugljanin. The petition to dismiss Mayor Erden Atic was launched last week. Petitions were submitted to dismiss the mayors of the four majority-Serb north Kosovo municipalities (Mitrovica North, Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zvecan) who were elected in a vote boycotted by the local Serbs. The Kosovo government issued instructions saying that the mayors could be dismissed by petition. he only petition that has not been filed yet is for the dismissal of the mayor of Zvecan.


Billboard with photos featuring images of deserving persons removed in Zvecan (RTS)


Members of so-called Kosovo's police removed a billboard yesterday that features photos of deserving persons, recognized as such in the Kosovska Mitrovica district. Minister of Internal Affairs of so-called Kosovo Dzelal Sveclja wrote on his Facebook page that in the entire territory of Kosovo and Metohija, the only symbol of Serbia will be its "embassy in Pristina". Under the photo of the removed billboard, he wrote "dictators are not acceptable in Kosovo", "fascists and aggressors like Vladimir Putin have no place in our state". The billboard featured photos of the Ppresident of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, as well as Vladimir Putin, Novak Djokovic, Marko Djuric, Milorad Arlov, Jugoslav Kostic and Dr. Zoran Krivokapic.

The billboard was located at the entrance to Zvecan from the direction of the Ibarska highway.


Albanian capital pays for gym in southern Serbia (Beta)


The Tirana city government gave the southern Serbian town of Bujanovac more than half a million Euro to build a gym in an elementary school. The payment from the capital of Albania was confirmed by Bujanovac Mayor Nagip Arifi, local media reported. Bujanovac has a large ethnic Albanian population. “The city of Tirana, that is Mayor Erion Veliaj has transferred 550,000 Euro to the municipality of Bujanovac to build a gym. Thank you Tirana,” Arifi said adding that a tender will be called for the project. Tirana Mayor Veliaj promised the money to Bujanovac town assembly President Enver Ramadani last October.




‘The Troika’ schedules meeting on changes to B&H Constitution for Monday; Konakovic: I will talk with Murphy because their opinion is important for us (FTV)


The leaders of ’The Troika scheduled a meeting for Monday and sent an invitation to all parliamentary parties at the state level on the topic of changes to the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) with the aim of implementing the judgments from Strasbourg. The invitation was sent, in addition to the parties of the ruling coalition, to SDA, DF, SDS, PDP, BHI-KF, List for Justice and Order, DEMOS, United Serbia and NES. ATV commented that there are those who were elected by people in B&H and who are still asking for opinion of foreign ambassadors, primarily US Ambassador Michael Murphy. According to ATV, leader of NiP and B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic is one of them. Reporter noted that Konakovic admitted on Thursday that he will talk with Murphy “because their opinion is important for us.” Konakovic called on all parliamentary parties at B&H level to attend meeting next week to discuss amending of the Constitution of B&H. Konakovic invited parliamentary parties for a meeting after series of statements of the US Embassy to B&H which imply that amending of the Constitution of B&H is necessary so that this country can resume with its EU path. “I will see Murphy and will talk with him about it. Their opinions are important for us. This cooperation with our partners needs to be at high level. However, I agree with those who say that decisions are still passed by domestic leaders”, stressed Konakovic.


Dodik comments on Konakovic’s call for another meeting to discuss changes to B&H Constitution: We are not ready to erase ethnic prefixes (N1)


The leader of People and Justice (NiP), Elmedin Konakovic, is already receiving rejections for the meeting to which he invited all parliamentary parties in the country, and at which they would discuss changes to the Constitution of B&H and the implementation of judgments of international courts. The SNSD leader Milorad Dodik commented: “Of course, I will be in touch by phone to see how things are, why this is being done, what the proposal is. We all know that the constitution is very difficult. I think it is very naive to expect that, in this way, it will be convened and to try to do something. We are not ready to erase ethnic prefixes. We are a constitutional people, Serbs, we want to be present as it was until now and strengthen our presence in the Constitution, not to abolish it. Bosniaks want to abolish it. Croats will not abolish it. We can sit down again, to talk. I think we should have gone in the direction of the deal we had.” While talking to the press, Dodik stated that ‘The Troika’ already agreed with their state-level coalition partners on changes to the B&H Election Law but are now changing their minds. “The representatives of ‘The Troika’ confirmed all the elements of the agreement, but now they determined that it (agreement) has not been signed. But it was agreed. I invite them to finish what was agreed”, stated Dodik. Dodik considers the invitation to the meeting to be a direct order from the US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy. Dodik stated: “The internal agreement we have is trying to be broken. We said that we can tolerate certain changes, and they agreed that it should be, that the RS elects a Serb or a representative of the constituent and other peoples, which allows everyone to run for office. Which is the key issue of this reform, as well as in the Federation of B&H (FB&H)”. According to Dodik, Konakovic knows “perfectly good” that the Bosniaks do not want the changes of the Constitution in the part referring to the election of the Presidency. We could also not accept the Constitution's change which would change the nature of relations in B&H and jeopardise the constituent status of peoples as well as the existence of B&H. He knows it won't happen, but he wants to indirectly destroy the initiative proposed by HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic regarding the changes of the Election Law the way we agreed on,” said Dodik.


SDA and DF say they will not take part in Monday’s meeting of parliamentary parties (FTV)


SDA issued a statement, which reads that SDA indirectly got ‘unserious’ letter from leaders of ‘The Troika’ parties on Thursday, which invites parliamentary parties to meet on Monday about changes to the Constitution of B&H with the aim to implement judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). According to SDA, the invitation is both essentially and formally written in a dilettante manner, not even signed by Presidents of SDP, NiP and Our Party. The statement further reads that with their attitude towards essential issues for the state, ‘The Troika’ wants to build a cheap PR, trying to soften the damage done after the agreement they reached with SNSD and HDZ B&H at Milorad Dodik’s estate near Laktasi. SDA stressed it will not take part in saving of ‘The Troika’ and in unserious meetings about most important issues for future of the state. Due to the clearly formulated and publicly expressed views of the President of the NiP on amendments to the Constitution and the Election Law, which are completely contrary to the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, DF will not accept ‘The Troika's’ invitation to negotiate amendments to the Constitution of B&H with the aim of implementing the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, DF stated. They say that it is pointless when the initiator of the negotiations, even before the negotiations themselves, points out positions that are an obstacle and not a path to the goal, that is, the path to the implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. The DF does not accept talks because, as they said, the statements of NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic and his representatives say that they are advocating an asymmetric and indirect election of members of the Presidency, which is completely undemocratic and unacceptable.


Covic: Next month or two represent the turning point for the future of B&H (RTV HB)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated during his appearance on RTV HB on Thursday night that the next month or two represent the turning point for the future of B&H. Answering a question as to how he sees messages of senior European officials who visited B&H the other day, Covic said there were expectations that B&H would get the accession negotiations in December, however there are always a couple of EU Member States that view the issue of enlargement differently. According to Covic, Dutch Prime Minister (PM) Mark Rutte clearly said: “I have serious problems in my parliament, and I want to help, so you help me”. Covic added it would be realistic that B&H gets the accession negotiations, but the EU will make no gifts to B&H. HDZ B&H leader went on to say that the time is running out and that we are entering uncertainty if we fail to solve this. Asked to comment on a remark that NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic says he is against other peoples electing Croat member of the B&H Presidency and then he (Konakovic) avoids reaching agreement like SDA President Bakir Izetbegovic, Covic said it was Konakovic who first said it three years ago and he has been most constructive about this approach to this day. “We do not have the capacity to change the Constitution. So, let’s change what we can through the Election Law. Let’s make a step forward”, said Covic. Asked if somebody has objections to his proposal of the Election Law, Covic said ‘the five us of’ (The Troika, SNSD, HDZ B&H) have no objections. “If we change the Constitution, we will again have that solution. The truth is he will not be called the Croat member of the Presidency. He will be called representative of the Croat people and Others. Regarding Bosniaks, he will be representative of the Bosniak people and Others”, said Covic. Covic told RTV HB it was Konakovic who first stated that the Bosniaks should not elect member of the B&H Presidency for the Croats. Covic said that members of the ruling five parties are ’brave’ enough to implement reforms the European Commission insists on. Namely, changes to the Election Law, Law on Courts of B&H, Law on Conflict of Interest and Law on Prevention of Money Laundering. Asked to comment on letter of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who accused him (Covic) of obstructing the construction of the Southern Interconnection between Croatia and B&H, Covic stressed it is about strategic interest of Croats and state of B&H. He added that the ‘BH Gas’ company, on which the US insist to be in charge of the project, has no Croat employees, and that he persists on a company seated in Mostar carrying out the project.


Konakovic: I found out that Komsic asked the EU not to open negotiations with B&H; Komsic denies allegations (


Addressing the party panel discussion, NiP leader, Elmedin Konakovic, among other issues commented the meeting with the EU delegation, which took place in the B&H Presidency, claiming that during the meeting Zeljko Komsic asked the EU not to open the accession talks with B&H. Konakovic noted that the best proof of differences in the policies is SDA and DF’s refusal to attend the talks on constitutional changes on Monday. He reminded that NiP delegation was prepared to attend the talks in Neum, aware of the risks and with that NiP showed that the state of B&H is mor important than the party of any kind of personal benefit. “I verified and received confirmation from several sides that Zeljko Komsic personally, during the meeting with Prime Minister of the Netherlands (Mark) Rutte, asked for the EU not to open the talks with B&H. This is the difference between them and us, imagine a leader who says, ‘do not open the talks with us’,” said Konakovic. He concluded that both SDA and DF would certainly be ready for different concessions and political trade in order to secure benefits for themselves or secure the release of members of these parties, who are in prison. Komsic, denied the allegations of Konakovic, who claimed that during the meeting with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, Komsic asked for the EU not to open accession talks with B&H. “This is a lie and seemingly the only tool he has left. Still, there are too many witnesses from this meeting for such a transparent lie. However, this is child’s lie or even worse sick lie,” Komsic briefly answered.


Dodik: US are most sensitive to election process, yet they want to interfere in our election process (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that the USA are most sensitive to the election process, adding that open undermining of the agreement reached by legitimate and democratically elected representatives of three peoples in B&H represents the harshest attack on B&H. The RS President underlined that the US consider every attempt of meddling as harshest way of interfering in internal issues. He added that the US rightfully see elections as a sovereign and inalienable right of their citizens. “They say that their last two election cycles had many deficiencies that led to conflicts, and despite to this, they believe they have moral position to judge about integrity across the world”, stated Dodik. He added that this is not approach from moral position, but from position of power, underlining that thus, the US Embassy to B&H deems that elections in B&H are a sovereign right of (US Ambassador to B&H) Michael Murphy and not of citizens of B&H. “Open undermining of agreement between legitimate and democratically elected representatives of three peoples is the worst attack on B&H. A message 'you don't know what's good for B&H, but I do' is the strongest insult for the Serbs, the Bosniaks and the Croats who elected us to represent them,” Dodik stressed.


Murphy: Southern Interconnection project is of crucial importance for B&H for many reasons; I will not speculate about sanctions (Oslobodjenje)


US Ambassador Michael Murphy, speaking about the Southern Interconnection project, said that this project is of crucial importance for B&H for many reasons. As one of them, Murphy said that B&H completely relies on Russian gas, explaining that this is not good either for economy or for people in B&H. He added: “We are aware that Russia uses energy as a weapon. We have seen this in Europe. Secondly, this project is good for economy.” As for HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic’s opposing of this project, the Ambassador said that Covic wants to create his own transmission operator, and not work over ‘B&H GS’, in order to make his personal political benefit. Murphy added: “This is unsustainable. Economically unprofitable. It does not pay off financially. ‘B&H Gas’ is an operator of the transmission system in B&H…. We believe that this should be an urgent project for the FB&H government and B&H authorities. We want that this project continues… Dragan Covic has a chance to join this project just as everybody else.” Asked if there are prepared sanctions for Covic if he continues with his current rhetoric when this project is in question, Murphy said: “First of all, I will not speculate about sanctions. The US has this instrument at disposal for facing with anti-Dayton, anti-democratic activities and corruption. We have made it clear, especially during the last few years, that we are ready to use this instrument. It remains to be the case….” Murphy agreed with the journalist who argues that Southern Interconnection is actually the national interest of B&H and some other countries. Asked as to why US Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent a letter to B&H Foreign Minister Elemedin Konakovic regarding Covic, Murphy said that an answer to this question is rather clear. He added: “We strongly believe that B&H needs energy security at the most fundamental level. We are aware that Russia manipulates with their control over energy... B&H is a part of the Euro-Atlantic community of people. It is our partner in an effort to build security and stability not only in the Western Balkans, but in whole Europe. You cans see this, for instance, in a relation NATO has with B&H Armed Forces but also of the EU. We want you to be fully integrated in that community and be safe in that community. These are our geo-political interests...” Asked to comment on Covic’s statement from press conference on Friday when Covic said one person told him he will be charged with corruption and whether the statement was aimed against him (Murphy), Ambassador Murphy said, “of course it was aimed against me”. “It was not subtle, and I am certain he was not trying to be subtle. Look, I met Dragan Covic to discuss several issues. I think he said it was in June, I will assume it is correct, but I cannot remember. We talked about way how several legitimate concerns regarding B&H Gas and managing can be resolved. I was very clear about the American interests, and I was very clear that this attracted attention of senior officials in Washington. I told him, look, we have been having this discussion since December 2021. That is a lot of time and if you continue with the rejection and blockade of this project, we will be critical of you in public, you have to understand that. And that is what happened”, said Ambassador Murphy. The Ambassador further said, among other issues, that the US has very clear policy about BiH, supporting the country’s territorial integrity, its sovereignty, its multiethnic character. “We support its integration into the Euro-Atlantic institutions. We want responsible, efficient administration at all levels so we could help the country move in that direction”, said the US Ambassador to B&H, adding that “we will act if we see the United States of America’s interests are jeopardized, and that includes issues such as anti-Dayton activities or corruption”. “And some actions could include sanctions, for example. But it is not a hidden message. That is what we tell publicly to the people in this country and privately to political leaders here in this country”, added Ambassador Murphy. He added that the US’ policy has been like that for 30 years and has been supported by both the Democrats and the Republicans in the US Congress, adding that “we have to personal policies in the United States of America government.


Peach: London condemns threats of secession of RS, RS cannot be an 'independent state' (O Kanal)


UK Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach said that London condemns the latest statements of RS President Milorad Dodik. "London condemns the threats of secession of the RS and continues to support the Dayton Agreement," said Peach. Even two years ago, Peach expressed great concern about the situation in B&H. Today, after the arrival of the new government and certain changes in the processes within the country, the British envoy is "still concerned", especially about the security situation threatened by the secession of the RS entity. "London condemns these threats and says that the RS is a legitimate entity within B&H, but it cannot be an 'independent state' as its President Milorad Dodik wants to make it," Peach said. Peach called on Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia and emphasized that today, due to changed geopolitical circumstances and new conflicts, it is "more important than before" not to add new risks to the Western Balkans and not to allow those who want to destabilize that area, such as Russia, to they succeed.


Cvijanovic: EU and UN legal framework does not recognize protectorate that exists in B&H (Srna)


In an interview for Srna, Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the European path of B&H depends on implementation of the agreement achieved in Laktasi, during the meeting of representatives of parties of the parliamentary majority at B&H level, and whether this agreement will be ruined by the OHR or foreign factor which do that on a regular basis. “The question is whether this agreement will survive and whether the will is going to be recognized, to move forward toward opening of the accession talks, whether the parliamentary majority, composed at B&H level, will have political power, will and desire to implement what has been agreed and whether the EU will recognize this as important efforts that will result in opening of the talks,” said Cvijanovic. She noted that foreign factor exists in B&H, which wants to undermine every agreement of domestic, elected representatives, which they have been doing for years, acting like they are friends, but in fact they are not doing anything good for B&H. Cvijanovic noted that this factor acts as if they are domestic institutions and that destiny of this country is in their hands not hands of the people living here and those who won the elections. She argues that they are now dealing with the issue of property in B&H, as if it is some crucial and difficult political issue, reminding of the agreement reached over ten years ago, about the military property, when foreigners pressured Bosniak politician to give up on this. Cvijanovic noted that it would be logical for foreigners to support every domestic agreement and help its implementation: “However, some foreign people here have a constant need to push the finger in the eyes of local people, elected officials and ruin what they have made. They are not doing good to B&H.” She added that luckily there are those who are true friends, and who encourage internal agreement: “…Not everyone are the enemies.” Commenting the meeting with EU officials, Cvijanovic said that she underlined the fact that it is important to respect constitutional structure of B&H and its competencies and underlined importance of implementation of Laktasi agreement. She argues that she asked EU officials to do what is necessary on their end, most notably to make it clear to “those, such as OHR and certain foreign factors” that it is important to have internal agreement. Noting that in this year, the EU will be dealing with some internal issues, focusing on campaign and elections, and not on opening of the talks with some of the countries which aspire to become members, Cvijanovic noted that the meeting in Sarajevo aimed to encourage B&H to open the issue of the EU accession, adding that the EU should put itself as the only credible partner on this matter. “I underlined that the enlargement process of the European integration is ownership of everyone in B&H and there is no exclusivity. RS never has a problem that when we reach an agreement, to have one person representing harmonized stances. I called upon practice in Belgium, where different reported to the EU about important issues, following the rotation system,” said Cvijanovic. She argues that B&H can function in this way, because competencies of all authority levels are clearly prescribed, and system of coordination is clear. She noted that it is hypocritical and double-standards policy to tell us that we are not Belgium or Germany, when “we call upon certain examples”. She added that certain people in EU expect giving up on the concept of constituent status of peoples, which she dismissed. Speaking about the EU enlargement, Cvijanovic noted that geopolitical circumstances forced the EU to change its stance and there are couple of countries which are reserved toward the enlargement: “They gave ‘green light’ to a country which does not effectively exercise authority on all its territory. How will they implement decisions and laws? I told them so. I do not want to sound bad, but I simply conclude certain issues.” She argues that the EU has especially rigid stance toward countries of the Western Balkans and noted that it is necessary to respect guidelines and directives of the EU, “but do not force us to change lifestyle and stances”. Cvijanovic continued and said that during the meeting in Sarajevo, she underlined the position of the High Representatives who were enacting and imposing the laws, even though the Constitution never gave this opportunity, and she stressed that Christian Schmidt does not have legitimacy of the UN SC, which is the only competent body for appointing HRs. “He is dealing with issues for which he does not have mandate in line with the international law, and on the other side you have a situation that he has not passed the appointment procedure.” She noted that she spoke about this with a goal to solve things and not make them even more complicated. Cvijanovic stressed that a country cannot be member of the UN if it is a protectorate, if it is not sovereign and does not manage the processes: “Either expel us from the UN or remove this man or keep it within the framework of international law. This is not written in the Dayton for nothing because it is contrary to UN work to have a protector who imposes the laws, suspends the Constitution and removed people from their posts.” She underscored that the HRs are not representatives of the EU and added that the legitimately appointed HR is the one appointed by the will of domestic sides, with confirmation of UN Security Council, which Schmidt is not.


Anusic: The security situation in Southeast Europe is not satisfactory (Hina)


“The security situation in Southeast Europe is not satisfactory,” said Croatian Defense Minister Ivan Anusic on Thursday after a meeting with his Albanian counterpart Niko Peleshi in Zagreb. “We talked about all the problems and situations that are current at the moment. This is certainly the security situation in the south-east of Europe. A situation that is not at all satisfactory when we talk about security, a situation that requires certain activities, so today we signed the Memorandum of Agreement,” said Ivan Anusic. He emphasized that Croatia and Albania are traditionally friendly and allied countries that have agreed positions on foreign policy issues - from Ukraine to Southeast Europe. The two countries became members of NATO in the same year, 2009. “We agreed on future cooperation, which will be based on stronger and more specific cooperation between the ministries of defense,” said Anusic. Niko Peleshi emphasized that Croatia has always supported Albania and that the two countries have common goals and interests, namely that "the space of our countries should be a safe space and that is why we support each other". Peleshi also said that today both countries face geopolitical challenges, which is why NATO membership and cooperation between Zagreb and Tirana in the field of defense are important. “We must be ready to ensure peace and security in this area (Southeastern Europe). That is why we emphasize further bilateral defense cooperation and I think we will develop it in various points such as joint exercises, training and exchanges,” said Peleshi.


Kovachevski, Xhaferi highlight importance of commitment to European future (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski submitted Thursday his resignation to the parliament and met with speaker Talat Xhaferi, saying he performed his job as PM with responsibility and commitment, due respect to citizens, guided by the principle of one society for all. Kovachevski said he would continue to promote North Macedonia's European vision, since the country has no other option, the government said in a press release. Kovachevski and Xhaferi agreed on the importance of the commitment and ensuring all prerequisites for a European future. Interlocutors also referred to the details around the formation of the caretaker government, with Kovachevski wishing Xhaferi success in the PM post. Kovachevski's resignation initiates the processes of forming the caretaker government, which is tasked with creating the conditions for fair and democratic presidential and parliamentary elections, reads the press release.


Kovachevski: SDSM will form gov’t with clear European vision, elections are the best poll (TV Kanal 5/MIA)


SDSM is a progressive party and has shown itself to be a factor of stability and reason together with its coalition partners. The only party that causes problems in this country is VMRO-DPMNE. The best poll always happens on the day of the elections.  I expect us to have over 61 MPs at the next parliamentary elections, and we will form the new pro-European government, said outgoing Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski in an interview for TV Kanal 5 on Thursday evening. According to Kovachevski, there is no precedent where someone is participating in a government, while also not voting for that government. “There are cases where someone doesn’t participate in a government, but votes for it. While we have a case where they are participating, but they won’t vote for their ministers,” said Kovachevski in the interview. He stressed the party would vote for the proposed ministers and deputy ministers on Sunday. “SDSM is a progressive party and has shown itself to be a factor of stability and reason together with its coalition partners. The only party that causes problems in this country is VMRO-DPMNE. We have proposed ministers for the caretaker government, and we will vote [for it],” said Kovachevski, adding that requests to scrap the Przhino-style caretaker government are a “compliment”. According to Kovachevski, after the leaders’ meeting held in parliament, all political parties agreed that there is not enough time to scrap the Przhino-style caretaker government ahead of the upcoming elections. Kovachevski said he expects the SDSM-led coalition to receive over 61 MPs at the parliamentary elections.  “The best poll always happens on the day of the elections. That was the case in 2020 as well, when VMRO-DPMNE was showing polls in which they were leading by 7 percent, only to lose the elections in the end. And if you look at the polls, the citizens can recognize that the democracy in our country has drastically improved compared to 2016. In the polls, the citizens are clearly stating that the government has implemented the right methodologies for the growth of wages and pensions. I expect us to have over 61 MPs at the next parliamentary elections, and we will form the new pro-European government. SDSM with its coalition partners could have even more than 70 MPs. We share the vision for a European Macedonia with everyone in this ruling coalition,” said Kovachevski. Whether SDSM will participate in the elections as part of a coalition with its traditional coalition partners or a broader coalition, Kovachevski said would depend on analyses based on empirical data, as well as programme commitments. “Every political party has the right to decide how it will participate in the elections. But on 8 May, SDSM will form a government with a clear European vision that will lead the country to EU membership by 2030,” said the outgoing Prime Minister. In the interview, Kovachevski said he hasn’t spoken to the opposition of ethnic Albanian parties over a presidential candidate. He said there are other names in play besides Stevo Pendarovski, Radmila Shekjerinska and Oliver Spasovski, but, he said, the issue will be discussed and decided within the party and with SDSM’s coalition partners. “I haven’t had discussions with the Albanian opposition, but I believe that all who are in favor of a European Macedonia and support the continuation of the Euro-integration process should support a European candidate. SDSM will have such a candidate, with a clear European vision, who will respect the international agreements with the neighbors and other countries, who will promote our NATO membership, who will strive for our full-fledged EU membership and who will be the defender of democracy and freedom of the media. The procedure within SDSM is ongoing, there are several proposals for a presidential candidate. The party’s bodies make decisions in line with the party’s Statute, as well as with the coalition partners,” stressed Kovachevski. According to Kovachevski, Talat Xhaferi, who is set to become the country’s caretaker prime minister, has enough experience in order to lead the country, to maintain the strategic direction and look after the citizens “as well as the current government has done”.


Pendarovski visits Macedonian soldiers participating in KFOR mission in Kosovo (MIA)


As part of his working visit to the Republic of Kosovo, President Stevo Pendarovski visited Thursday the KFOR Regional Command - West stationed in Peja, where he met with the Macedonian troops within KFOR and the Commander of the Regional Command, Colonel Francesco Ferrara. According to a press release from the President’s Office, at the meeting with the Macedonian troops, discussions were held over their tasks and obligations, as well as their ongoing activities. “President Pendarovski voiced his recognition of the professionalism and commitment with which the Macedonian soldiers are executing their assigned tasks and noted that they represent the honor, professionalism, and moral of all members of the Macedonian army,” said the press release. The President stressed that their mission has an added value since they are serving in a country that is a neighbor and a friend to North Macedonia, noting that their presence in Kosovo deepens and boosts the ties between the two countries. “At the meeting with the Commander of the Regional Command – West, Colonel Francesco Ferrara, President Pendarovski was informed about the goals and overall activities of the Command in support of peace and security in the Republic of Kosovo,” said the press release. Pendarovski voiced his support for the KFOR mission, stressing its importance for the stability of Kosovo and the entire region. “Through the participation of 65 Macedonian soldiers, North Macedonia, as a NATO country, is providing an active contribution to peace and stability in the region and beyond,” he said.


Pendarovski meets Kosovo counterpart Osmani-Sadriu in Pristina (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met with Kosovo counterpart Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu within his visit to Pristina on Thursday, both expressing satisfaction from bilateral relations, which they perceive as friendly, dynamic, and based on mutual respect and understanding. Pendarovski and Osmani-Sadriu discussed topics of bilateral interest, the countries' European prospects, developments in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, regional and international challenges, and the security situation in the area and beyond, the President's Office said in a press release.

President Pendarovski reaffirmed the support to Kosovo's Euro-Atlantic aspirations and the country's active approach in regional initiatives and fora, noting that North Macedonia is ready to share its experiences in the reform processes, both on the EU path and NATO accession. Interlocutors agreed that both countries play an active role in the joint efforts for permanent stability, goodneighborliness and economic prosperity in the region, whereas the common future in Euro-Atlantic structures is an investment in further stabilization and prosperity in the Western Balkans. Pendarovski and Osmani-Sadriu expressed commitment for enhancement of cooperation in all fields of mutual interest, especially in the economic sector, reads the press release.