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Belgrade Media Report 30 January



Brnabic expects nothing positive from European Parliament (Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Tuesday that she expects nothing positive in the European Parliament (EP) resolution on the 17 December elections. “I don’t believe we can read or hear anything that we haven’t heard or read. They are not objective and are biased and support the people who recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo,” she told reporters at the Guards barracks in Belgrade. She said that the current EP has adopted resolutions on Serbia which have been “more than catastrophic” and which “reflected what the EP advocates”. According to her, those resolutions failed to respect the basic principles of international law and the UN Charter nor the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue because they referred to “our province Kosovo and Metohija as the Republic of Kosovo”. She said the elections in Serbia were “democratic, transparent and fair” and claimed that none of the foreign observers said they saw any irregularities.


Vucevic: Serbia to adequately respond to Turkey's military deal with Pristina (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Tuesday Serbia would adequately respond to a military agreement between Turkey and the so-called Kosovo. Responding to questions from reporters at the Topcider army barracks in Belgrade, Vucevic said the deal was a continuation of Turkey's cooperation with the so-called Kosovo. "The NATO alliance does not cooperate institutionally with the so-called Kosovo Security Force and is not participating as an alliance in a transformation of what they call the Kosovo Security Force into a Kosovo armed force - which, by the way, is contrary even to the constitution of the so-called Kosovo - but certain member states are strong contributors in that process and I would say that Turkey is perhaps the leader there," Vucevic said. "We are concerned and we are watching closely what is going on, we see that some new areas of what they call bilateral cooperation are opening up, and the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence - and Serbia as a state - will have and adequate response, not only politically. We will, of course adapt our capacities to all challenges, risks and even dangers to our fatherland. Because this raises the question of for whom and for what the so-called Kosovo army is arming itself. When you look at the ethnic composition, it is another de facto Albanian army," Vucevic said. He said acquisitions of arms by Pristina were contrary to the 1999 Military Technical Agreement and UNSCR 1244 and represented a "direct violation of all norms of international law".


Lucic: Pristina trying to throw out MTS from the market in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


General Director of Telekom Srbija Vladimir Lucic said that through a series of meetings with representatives of international missions and embassies in Pristina, he is trying to remove the pressure of the administration on the company MTS d.o.o. in Kosovo and Metohija, which was fined one and a half million Euros in December for the alleged illegal takeover of local cable operators. Lucic expects the representatives of the international community to influence the administration and the Agency for the Protection of Competition in Pristina, in order to suspend the proceedings against MTS and allow it to obtain a third license. Pointing out that the Agency for the Protection of Competition does not even respect local laws, Lucic adds that behind the punishment is not only a fine, but an attempt to audit four cable operators, which MTS joined in 2019, according to the new law, which are in Pristina, as he pointed out, deliberately changed precisely because of MTS. “What they are doing to Telekom Srbija completely disarms the real intentions to simply kick Serbian companies out of this market. That is why I think it is important that the international community completely stands by us at this moment and that we simply solve all the problems, that is, that the Agency for the Protection of Competition suspend this procedure, because we have initiated a court case and we are asking the Agency for the Protection of Competition to suspend the procedure until further until the court case is resolved and we are finally granted a third license,” said Lucic, adding that these are the only two demands of the company Telekom Srbija. He reported that MTS asked for the dismissal of the director of the Agency for the Protection of Competition, pointing out the intimidation of MTS workers in Kosovo. “In December, we had a case when an ordinary committee of the Telecommunications Agency broke into our center in Zvecan with police with long pipes and stayed for several hours. This is classic intimidation of workers and has not been seen in European practice,” Lucic said. He believes that if the international community allows the Pristina administration to interpret the laws they passed in this way, preventing the largest Serbian company from operating in Kosovo and Metohija, with 250 employees and providing internet for 30,000 households and television, then what else can some other Serbian companies expect? Lucic hopes that the international community will understand and that this problem will finally be solved, as well as that MTS is trying to solve the problem of the third license. ‘You know that we have that temporary license, that the tender for the third license should have been announced a long time ago, but it is not because it is known that we will win. We already have a problem with mobile telephony, we have a limited number of base stations. Even in the Serbian parts, the citizens feel it,” underlined Lucic.


Vucevic: We are not preparing for wars but we will be ready to defend Serbia (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbia is not preparing for wars, but it will be ready to defend itself, Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said in Apatin on Monday. At a ceremonial awarding of commemorative medals to war veterans, disabled veterans and families of fallen soldiers, Vucevic thanked the recipients for their love of their people and country and apologised to them for having had to wait to get a word of gratitude and for the fact the country had been weak for a long time and ashamed of its most courageous people. "Let me say that we are not preparing for any wars or conflicts. Serbia wants and needs peace, but we will be ready to defend Serbia. That needs to be clear to everyone. The days when Serbia was cutting up cannons, tanks and howitzers, and when we were shutting down army barracks and had generations that did not know the basic things, are gone," he said.


Lajcak: State of play in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue discussed with Vucic (Tanjug/Politika)


EU Special Envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said on Monday his meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade earlier in the day had addressed the state of play in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. "Arriving in Belgrade this morning, I met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. In our discussion, we focused on the strategic outlook for 2024, took stock on the state of play in the Dialogue and spoke about the next steps in the normalisation of relations with Kosovo," Lajcak wrote in a post on the social media network X.


O’Brien welcomes Lajcak’s efforts, says what is expected of Vucic, Kurti (FoNet)


US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien welcomed EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak’s meetings with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and reiterated what is expected of them. I welcome Miroslav Lajcak’s visits with Kurti and Vucic. The US strongly supports the EU-facilitated dialogue. Needed is the full implementation of agreements, including the establishment of the Association of Serb Municipalities, O’Brien said in a post on X. New local elections in Kosovo’s north should go forward, there should be coordination before implementing new currency regulations, while Serbia must hold accountable those involved in Banjska attack, O’Brien wrote.


Stefanovic: Prime Minister’s statement that investigation into election was not requested at EP and CoE is false (Beta)


A vice-president of the Freedom and Justice Party Borko Stefanovic dismissed yesterday, as "ridiculous and false", Prime Minister Ana Brnabic’s claim that no request for an international investigation into the allegations of election manipulation in Serbia had been made during debates before the European Parliament (EP) and the Council of Europe (CoE), or rather that it was not, in her words, the prevailing opinion. Stefanovic declared in a written statement that, during the debate on elections in Serbia before the EP, "it was noted that the election results were the product of numerous irregularities that need to be investigated, and that the recommendations issued by the OSCE/ODIHR were not respected." "A similar debate took place in the CoE, in the Bundestag, and 24 chairs of foreign affairs committees in European countries’ parliaments have requested that the European Commission and the CoE react and conduct an investigation. In just a few days, we will have a written report that will, I am sure, confirm what the chair of the CoE observation mission said, that he had never seen such irregularities anywhere," Stefanovic was quoted as saying by his party.


Support of international financial institutions of extreme importance (Tanjug)


Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali and Regional Director of the World Bank for Europe and Central Asia Asad Alam stated yesterday that Serbia has good economic performance and that there are no problems in the 14 currently active projects in our country in which this international financial institution participates. Mali pointed out that the support of the World Bank, as well as the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other international institutions, is extremely important for Serbia. He pointed out that last year Serbia achieved a GDP growth of 2.5 percent, reaching €69 billion of GDP with a record inflow of foreign direct investment of €4.5 billion, an all-time low unemployment rate of nine percent, an all-time high employment rate of 50.7 percent and 2.367 million employed citizens. Alam, who is on his first visit to Belgrade, pointed out that the World Bank will continue to support Serbia, which is a model for how other countries that need assistance can be supported.




Representatives of parties that make up parliamentary majority at B&H level hold first meeting regarding amendments to Constitution of B&H (O Kanal)


O Kanal reports that representatives of the parties that make up the parliamentary majority at the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) level held the first meeting regarding amendments to the Constitution of B&H in Sarajevo on Monday. All parties represented in the B&H parliament were invited to the meeting, but only those from the ruling coalition responded to the invitation. Namely, the meeting in Sarajevo was attended by the leaders of People and Justice (NiP) and Our Party (NS), as well as representatives of SDP B&H, SNSD and HDZ B&H. B&H Initiative’s Fuad Kasumovic and representatives of ‘United Srpska’ and DEMOS were also present at the meeting. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic said that the meeting had or should have defined the existence of a possible political will to solve the issue of constitutional changes. “We have all already proposed different solutions several times and we discussed them today (Monday), but that political will would have to be articulated in a two-thirds majority that could bring about such changes to the Constitution,” Konakovic pointed out. Konakovic emphasized that "we live in a country where discrimination is unprecedented or the greatest in Europe, and probably in the world." Konakovic also said that the document that appeared in public was the subject of discussion, but that agreement is only what is signed. SNSD’s Stasa Kosarac, on the other hand, stressed that he believes that amending the Constitution is not the most important topic. “I believe that the most important topic today is to implement the agreement from Laktasi. I note that the agreement was reached on 18 January 2024, and I think that this is a serious, credible chance for B&H to move towards the EU, of course if the agreement is fully implemented, that is, the conclusions of the meeting in Laktasi,” Kosarac said. “We understand technical changes are imperative. We know that (High Representative Christian) Schmidt should and might impose them in upcoming period. I advocate option where we would – without foreign interventions, unless necessary – offer some solutions. We are still focused to this part of changes of the Election Law. We are also interested in B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) as it is now, that consists of advisors of former and current leaders of political parties that make opposition”, explained Konakovic. Kosarac underlined that implementation of agreement from Laktasi is priority and not amending of the Constitution. “I think this is credible chance for B&H to make progress on the EU path, if agreement, namely adopted conclusions are fully implemented”, stressed Kosarac. He added that it seems that there are attempts to derogate agreement from Laktasi, adding that it is happening under influence of those who want to change some of agreed solutions. He mentioned the US Ambassador to B&H in this regard. Kosarac concluded that agreement from Laktasi needs to be implemented integrally.


SDA officials criticize meeting of representative of ruling B&H coalition (BHT1)


The Troika – People and Justice (NiP), SDP BiH, and Our Party (NS) – hosted a meeting of parliamentary parties at the B&H level, in Sarajevo on Monday. SDA’s delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Safet Softic told media that it would be frivolous to accept an invitation to a meeting after everything has already been agreed in Laktasi. Softic also said that the meeting in Laktasi and the subject of negotiations that were conducted under the supervision of the US Embassy and the EU are really frivolous. SDA MP Serif Spago criticized ‘The Troika’ for organizing the Monday meeting after the Laktasi meeting, adding if 'The Troika' wanted to discuss the possible changes to the B&H Constitution they should have called this meeting first. Spago deems that this is attempt of exit strategy from the agreement reached in Laktasi. “We believe that in a current phase of political relations within B&H, priority should be adoption of amendments to the Election Law aimed to provide fair elections. Implementation of the ECHR rulings and election of members of the B&H Presidency are issues that require significantly better preparations”, said Spago.


DF’s Djonlagic, HDZ 1990’s Cvitanovic, PDP leader Borenovic comment on the meting ‘The Troika’ organized (Hayat)


Hayat noted that opposition parties from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) and Republika Srpska (RS) refused invitation of the ‘The Troika’ to attend a meeting held in Sarajevo on Monday and organized to discuss amending of the Constitution of B&H. Some of them underlined that in political atmosphere where ruling structures reach agreements at meetings held in private property of Milorad Dodik, they do not want to discuss serious issues such as amending of the Constitution, issue of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) and implementation of rulings of the ECHR. Representatives of DF underlined that invitation for abovementioned meeting is not honest and it comes in moment when the Troika is in political scissors of SNSD and HDZ B&H. DF’s Dzenan Djonlagic stated that agreement reached in Laktasi is aimed to fulfil wishes of HDZ B&H related to election of members of B&H Presidency and wishes of SNSD to get control of the B&H CC and the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC).  Djonlagic underlined that by organizing the meeting to discuss amending the Constitution of B&H, The Troika’ wants to cover up the situation it brought itself to. Djonlagic explained that he refers to the situation where Dodik and leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic exert pressure on ‘The Troika’ to implement what was agreed earlier. “Evidence for this is a statement of (HDZ B&H leader Dragan) Covic that without HDZ BiH and HNS, ‘The Troika’ would not be part of authorities”, stated Djonlagic. Leader of this party Ilija Cvitanovic said that he does not think it is necessary to insist on amending of the Constitution in context of changing the Election Law. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic stressed that goal of ‘The Troika’ is to buy some time. He added that this meeting occurs in a period after the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) adopted amendments to the Election Law of B&H aimed to improve integrity of the election process. Borenovic deems that SNSD, HDZ B&H and ‘The Troika’ want status quo. Representative of NES Jasmin Emric underlined that through political manipulations ‘The Troika’ wants to cover up the agreement reached with SNSD and HDZ B&H. Emric claims that they reached the agreement with HDZ B&H to deliver election of a member of the B&H Presidency as advocated by Covic. “This is why we do not want to participate in this political fraud”, explained Emric.


HR Schmidt welcomes domestic efforts to advance election reform and insists on respect for high international standards (Dnevni avaz)


OHR issued a statement on Monday reading that the High Representative Christian Schmidt welcomes the increased efforts by domestic political actors, including in the B&H parliament, following his call in December to collaboratively adopt necessary changes to the election law to ensure the integrity of elections. “It is the duty of the politicians responsible in B&H to deliver after almost 15 years of debate. Citizens undoubtedly expect that and so do European partners. The right of citizens to see that their vote counts has to be strictly observed. This should come into effect for municipal elections in October this year. High Representative Schmidt confirms that his expectations remain unchanged. Regardless of the outcome of a parliamentary procedure, it is imperative that any adopted solutions incorporate recommendations from international bodies, including GRECO, OSCE ODIHR, and the Venice Commission. These recommendations serve as crucial guidelines for standards that ensure a transparent, fair, and credible electoral process. In emphasizing the urgency and importance of these reforms, HR Schmidt underscores that the primary goal is to restore trust in the election process among voters. Adopted reforms should not be geared towards expanding the influence of political parties but should instead foremost empower voters and give them the ability to choose candidates with trust in the election process. The sovereign in a democratic country are the voters, not the political parties. The focus must be on creating an electoral framework that fosters confidence and ensures that the voice of the people is accurately reflected. The integrity and impartiality of the CEC and its members as well as their ability to meet its legal obligation should be guaranteed,” reads the statement. OHR stated that HR Schmidt will continue consultation on the subject and emphasizes that he is closely monitoring the activities of all political parties involved: “This is integral to ensuring that the ongoing efforts align with the principles laid down in Annex 3 to the GFAP, especially to the principles of transparency, accountability, and the best interests of the citizens of B&H. Increasing the threshold should not affect the ability of smaller constituent peoples to gain representation. Political actors should avoid linking technical election integrity with the implementation of crucial Court judgments, which must be solved but require broad consultation and support. If comprehensive and sustainable solutions for these crucial constitutional questions cannot be achieved in the short time available before a decision is taken on European integration, other matters such as introduction of technologies including electronic counting of ballots and transfer of results, or qualifications and integrity of the members of polling station committees and rules guaranteeing fair competition should be amended to the Election law”.


Sattler meets members of B&H HoR Commission for Fight against Corruption, calls for adoption of reform laws (Glas Srpske)


Head of EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler met on Monday with members of B&H House of Representatives Commission for Fight against Corruption. Sattler expressed hope that the Commission members will be the most vocal advocates for adoption of reform laws and fulfil the key priorities set by the EU and strengthen the instruments for fight against corruption. According to Sattler, this primarily refers to the adoption of the Law on the Conflict of Interest and the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, as well as the Law on Courts in B&H.


Novalic claims to be a victim of politics and foreigners; US Embassy: Mr. Novalic’s accusations are ridiculous (N1)


N1 carries reactions of former FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic and the owner of the company 'Srebrena Malina' Fikret Hodzic following the verdict in case ‘Respirators’, which sentenced Novalic to four years in prison and Hodzic to five years in prison. Imamovic remarks that both Novalic and Hodzic are blaming everyone else, including both domestic and foreign officials, but themselves for the verdict of the court. Novalic commented on the verdict, while appearing on Hayat, stating: “Various motives coincided, private interests of profit sharing, American goals to try to remove national parties here coincided. The need for domestic forces to come to power coincided, and they could not do so through elections. Even now, they did not come through elections, but through imposition. A lot of factors coincided where I was on that path towards their solution. I, who come from Gradacac and have nothing to do with these Sarajevo ‘underground waters’ found myself on their way and died.” Novalic also accused Aljosa Campara of threatening him, after Novalic’s associates discovered a corrupt video that Campara was a part of. Novalic also accused at-the-time Director of Verlab of testifying against the defendants, because he was not appointed the Director of Ginex. Imamovic notes that Hodzic also spent a lot of time on various media, claiming that the verdict was issued from a criminal act that he was not on trial for. Hodzic’s attorney Mirna Avdibegovic claims that the defense has been warning for some time that there was no requalification of the criminal offence for which her client was ultimately convicted and added that a combining of entity laws was also carried out, which is inadmissible. Avdibegovic told the press that they will appeal the verdict and even turn to the European Court of Human Rights if necessary. US Embassy to B&H issued a statement reacting to accusations of Fadil Novalic who told media that the US Embassy, among others, stands behind his arrest. “USA strongly support independent law enforcement institutions, prosecution and judiciary which work on behalf of the citizens of this country on investigating, prosecuting and sanctioning of the corruption. We have always called on the judicial institutions in B&H to make corrupt individuals responsible for their actions. US Embassy does not influence judicial processes. Claims of Mr. Novalic are ridiculous and aimed to divert attention from his wrong moves,” reads the statement.


Spajic: In Brussels, they see progress, a new chance for Montenegro (CdM)


The intergovernmental conference clearly showed us that they see our progress in Brussels, Prime Minister Milojko Spajic said. "There is a huge will to join the EU, and the current dynamic of reforms is our highway to the European family! It is clear that the exceptional results of the 44th Government and Parliament have awakened the integration process, and the current geopolitical situation has opened a new opportunity for Montenegro, which we must not miss!", he stated in a post on the X social network.


The intergovernmental conference between Montenegro and the EU has been completed: the current dynamic of reforms leads to the European family (CdM)


The intergovernmental conference is a clear message of the political will for Montenegro to become a member of the EU, it was announced from the meeting between Montenegro and the EU delegation in Brussels. The exceptional results of the 44th government and parliament have awakened the integration process, and the current geopolitical situation has opened a new chance to speed up the accession process. That is why it was emphasized during the meeting that now is the time to continue the reforms, in order to take advantage of the right moment for the EU path. During the conference, the appointments in the judiciary were particularly highlighted, which after several years enabled the continuation of meeting the benchmarks in Chapters 23 and 24. Thus, after a long pause, great progress was made towards meeting the temporary benchmarks in those chapters. It was emphasized that work on strengthening the rule of law must remain a priority, but also to maintain political stability, which made it possible to make numerous decisions that had been awaited for a long time. It was also established that 100% compliance with the EU's foreign and security policy is a strong signal of commitment to European values and principles. It was concluded that great steps have been taken, but that Montenegro still has a lot of work ahead of it, for which it will have great support from the EU, and the announced Growth Plan should additionally reward all good reform measures. After a break of more than two years, the 15th conference between the EU and Montenegro was held, chaired by the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Hadja Lahbib. The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Policy and Security Josep Borrell, the European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi and representatives of the EU countries were present, which showed that the positive signs of Montenegro's acceleration on the road to reform and integration are being closely followed.


Varhelyi: We cannot work for you, but we offer help (RTCG)


At the press conference after the Intergovernmental Conference, EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi said that this meeting reflects common ambitions to achieve progress in Montenegro and to close the chapter in the near future. Varhelyi said that the enlargement of the EU is not only a philosophical project. "If there is progress on the part of the candidate countries, there is also progress on the part of the EU. To provide an opportunity for the new government to explain to member states how it plans to accelerate its trajectory. This is one construct that takes Montenegro further into the process. What we heard today is more than a joint "to the letter" in order to accelerate it," said the Commissioner for EU Enlargement. He added that acceleration is needed in fundamental areas, and priority must be given to Chapters 23 and 24. "In this context, I think that a lot of positive evaluations came from many member countries. We have only seen three months of this government, but we have seen the issues that they have dealt with, which have been there for a long time, and which made the CG quite worth the wait. We have seen the appointment of the last member of the US, the appointment of the Judicial Council and the appointment of the high state prosecutor. I think the political construction can deliver, and if they can continue in this way, we are ready. The Belgian minister said that they are ready to include you under their residence, and I hope that we will see many things from Podgorica that we have not seen in the previous period. And Montenegro can become a leader in the approach," said Varhelyi. But, as he says, "we cannot do your homework for you, but we offer help and cooperation". Prime Minister Milojko Spajic said that Montenegro has done a lot in this period. "We got a hot potato in our hands. We failed to implement reforms many years ago. However, we are focused and have made certain reforms. We see that 70 percent of the Assembly voted for VDT, and we see that Montenegro is ready to wait for reforms to be carried out in the country", said Spajic. He said that the fiscal deficit was below three percent, but that there was a de-escalation of the deficit and a reduction of the debt. "We have achieved many things in two and a half months, and we see this as a great boost for us. And we hope that we will have quick and positive results on many pending laws, and that we will have excellent cooperation with the Assembly of Montenegro. We hope for a quick conference because of the results we are ready to deliver", said Spajic. He says there is a lot to be achieved and we are well aware of that. "We will go through the to-do list every week. "Montenegro should have results and activities that will push us to the table where it is decided whether Montenegro is ready for membership," emphasized Spajic. The intergovernmental conference clearly showed us that they see our progress in Brussels, Spajic said earlier. "There is a huge will to join the EU, and the current dynamic of reforms is our highway to the European family! It is clear that the exceptional results of the 44th government and parliament have awakened the integration process, and the current geopolitical situation has opened a new opportunity for Montenegro, which we must not miss!", he stated in a post on the X social network. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, Hadja Labib, said that Belgium is ready to share its ambition with Montenegro. "But enlargement is not a priority, there is a geopolitical context that we have to take into account. What remains for us is largely a process of augmentation based on merit-based criteria. I see that there is a will and readiness on the part of Montenegro", said Labib.


Ivanovic in Washington on security issues, the perspective of the Western Balkans, Ukraine... (CdM)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanovic, who is on a working visit to the United States of America, participated in Washington, at a round table organized by the Atlantic Council. "The central topic of the conversation was current security issues, as well as the European and Euro-Atlantic perspective of the Western Balkans, and in addition to the host, representatives of the diplomatic corps, former American ambassadors in the region and experts from the think tank community in Washington participated in the round table," it was announced with MVP. They discussed numerous issues related to the foreign policy priorities of Montenegro, the current political situation, the process of integration into the European Union, as well as the role of the EU and the USA in the Western Balkans region, with reference to the stability and security of the region and geopolitical developments in the context of Russian aggression on Ukraine. In Washington, Ivanovic also met with the Director of the Program for Europe, Russia and the Eurasian Region at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).


Kovachevski – Xhaferi: Caretaker gov't to focus on fair, democratic elections, remaining functional, serving citizens (MIA)


Experience has shown us we can achieve any goal together based on shared values and principles; now is not a time for divisions, it is a time for togetherness, former Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski told a press conference Monday after handing over his office to caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi. Our past and future efforts should lead to North Macedonia joining the EU in 2023," former PM Kovachevski said, pointing out that his strategic goal would follow another – that of becoming a NATO member state, which the country had achieved, "ensuring peace and stability and a secure future for our children," he said. "We have been recognized as a factor of stability in the region," Kovachevski continued. "Our pro-European government coalition, which the new government is based on, has shown and proved that it has the political will and human capacity to respond to all challenges and responsibilities. "At the same time, we showed the political maturity and coalition capacities necessary for any government to be stable and functional." The former prime minister also noted that the ruling coalition had organized several elections that were evaluated as free, fair and democratic both by local and international observers. "I know this will be the case in the upcoming elections, as well," he said. Kovachevski stressed the importance of cooperation and mutual support on the country's path to the EU. "These are different times," he said. "Today is not a time for rifts. Today is a time for togetherness. "These are a better times, times in which rationales are heard, times in which our captured past is history. When no one has to whisper and hide to say their opinion. Today is a time when, as never before, everything is up to us, ourselves, because we have made many friends and allies in the region and the world. "Today is a time for optimism, courage and self-confidence. Today is a time for mutual support and working together." Urging the nation's progressive forces to stay the European course, Kovachevski said a future in the EU would be better for everyone, especially young people and future generations. He also thanked his cabinet for the support over his two-year term and wished caretaker PM Xhaferi good luck and success in his post. Xhaferi said that the caretaker government would continue following the same priorities as the pro-European coalition and make all decisions in line with the Constitution and state laws. "The primary task of this government is to organize free and fair democratic elections, in a direct, open and legal procedure," he said, adding that the caretaker government would implement guidelines by the OSCE, ODIHR, SEC, the EU and the USA to meet the highest European standards during the election campaigns and the elections. He added that the nation would remain committed to the NATO alliance and aligned with the EU's common foreign and security policy. Also high on the caretaker government's agenda, Xhaferi said, was meeting the country's obligations from the open negotiations and from the bilateral screening with the EU, including reforms in the public administration and strengthening the rule of law. He said the caretaker government would be open and transparent. "Regardless of how long this government lasts," the caretaker PM added, "let me assure you that the government at all times would be functional, ready to cooperate, and inclusive, making sure every segment and ministry is transparent, accountable and above all efficient in serving the citizens." Although coming from different party backgrounds, government members were elected by citizens, Xhaferi noted, and their duty was to protect citizens' best interests before all else.


Pendarovski signs bill on Macedonian language into law (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski signed into law the bill on the use of the Macedonian language, which Parliament had adopted on Friday. The Law on the Use of the Macedonian Language, according to the official press release, is aimed at raising the language culture and safeguarding the Macedonian language and its Cyrillic script. The law affirms the need of paying greater attention to the correct usage of Macedonian in public speaking and official communication, the release says, as well as the need of "respecting and improving the language standard." "President Pendarovski expects that enforcing this law will contribute to overcoming the alarming situation related to the incorrect use of the Macedonian language and its Cyrillic script, and to the country's greater, organized and systematic care for its correct usage," the release adds.


Mitreski - Geer: Strong support from EU to complete parliament's activities until elections (MIA)


Parliament speaker Jovan Mitreski met Monday with EU Ambassador David Geer, highlighting the continued excellent cooperation that is set to resume ahead of the parliamentary elections. Ambassador Geer expressed unconditional support for newly elected speaker Mitreski and the parliament itself, for completion of the activities and legislative proceedings related to the reform agenda arising from North Macedonia's Euro-integration path, the parliament said in a press release. In this context, Geer referred to the importance of completing certain procedures related to the parliamentary elections, in order to eliminate any challenges to the legitimacy of the electoral process. Speaker Mitreski said he was honored to be elected to the post, adding he would do everything in his jurisdiction to close the issues of importance for the functioning of institutions and the country's European file. Interlocutors agreed that the cooperation would continue, especially regarding the European Commission's Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and other issues of mutual interest, reads the press release.


Foreign Minister of Turkey visits Albania, holds meetings with Prime Minister Rama and representatives of businesses (Radio Tirana)


Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has commenced his Balkan tour in Tirana to discuss regional and global developments, as well as bilateral relations. It is reported that in his meetings with Albanian officials, Minister Hakan had discussions with his counterpart Igli Hasani and Prime Minister Edi Rama on the agenda. Mr. Hakan will also meet with businessmen engaged in commercial activities in Albania. Turkey was ranked as the third-largest investor in the country, after the Netherlands and Italy, during the first 9 months of 2023, creating an investment flow worth 126 million Dollars according to data published by the Bank of Albania. Turkish companies continue to lead in various sectors such as finance, energy, and extractive industries in Albania. After Tirana, in the evening, Minister Fidan will be transferred from Tirana to Sofia, Bulgaria, and on Wednesday to Romania.


Turkish Foreign Affairs Minister, Fidan: Trade flow between Turkey and Albania to reach the value of 2 billion dollars within 2024 (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Hakan Fidan, currently on an official visit to Tirana, announced that the first strategic council between the two countries will take place within 2024. He further added that the economic objective is for the trade flow between Turkey and Albania to reach the value of 2 billion dollars within this year. In a press release alongside the Foreign Minister of Albania, Igli Hasani, the Turkish chief diplomat announced, "We have excellent cooperation in different sectors, and we have very good relations. We had the opportunity to participate in joint projects. The meeting was fruitful, and we will continue discussions with Prime Minister Edi Rama. Our focus will be on fostering the good relations between the two countries and ensuring their further growth." "Turkey and Albania are historically and inseparably linked. The unparalleled solidarity between our President and Prime Minister Rama has played a significant role in this," he highlighted. "We have developed our relations in many areas, including trade, diplomacy, the region, education, technology, agriculture, tourism, and mutual investments, among others. There are numerous areas where we will continue cooperation, such as the recognition of patents, visas, and more," Fidan cited. "Within 2024, we aim to establish the First Strategic Council between the two countries, which is an important platform for us. We aspire for the volume of trade between the two countries to reach 2 billion Dollars this year. Yesterday, we held discussions with Turkish businessmen to identify areas for potential investments in Albania. The current level of cooperation does not fully utilize our capacity, and we believe there are more opportunities for collaboration. To achieve this, business circles must also demonstrate commitment," he stated. Fidan added that during the meeting with Minister Hasani, discussions were held on various topics, including the fight against terrorism, regional issues, and other matters.


The Constitutional Court gives the green light to Albania's agreement with Italy over immigrants (Radio Tirana)


The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania has ruled as constitutional this Monday the agreement between Albania and Italy regarding immigrants. 30 MPs of the political opposition addressed this court with the request to overturn the agreement, claiming that it is anti-Constitutional, while according to today’s ruling of the Constitutional Court, the agreement was in accordance with the Constitution. On 6 November 2023, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni signed in Rome the agreement for the construction in Albania of two centers for housing immigrants. The maximum number of refugees, who will stay at one time in the camp will not exceed 3 thousand. The term of the agreement is 5 years with the right to renew for another 5 years. According to this agreement, all the reception structures in Shengjin and the accommodation facilities in Gjader will be constructed with the funds of the Italian side. This includes all expenses and unforeseen expenses that may come to the Albanian authorities.


Hasani congratulates Xhaferi: Success to the first Albanian Prime Minister in the history of North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Igli Hasani congratulated Talat Xhaferi on the occasion of his election as the head of the government of North Macedonia. Hasani expressed full confidence that Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi and his government cabinet will fulfil the commitments and obligations of the government program, as well as the continuation of the work for the realization of the processes that emerge from the negotiations for membership with the EU and the acceleration of European integration. "Success to the first Albanian Prime Minister in the history of North Macedonia! I am confident that Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi and his government cabinet will fulfil the commitments and obligations of the government program, from the organization of free, fair and democratic elections to the continuation of the work for the realization of the processes that emerge from the negotiations for membership with the EU. and the acceleration of European integration, the growth and development of the economy and the fight against crime and corruption," reads Minister Hasani's message. Talat Xhaferi will lead the technical government that will deal with the organization of the elections that will take place on 8 May.


DP leader Basha congratulates Xhaferi on his election as the first Albanian Prime Minister in North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)


The chairman of the DP Lulzim Basha has congratulated Talat Xhaferi on his election as the first Albanian Prime Minister in North Macedonia. Basha emphasizes that North Macedonia today proved an exemplary standard for inter-ethnic coexistence and the role of Albanians as a factor of peace and stability in the Western Balkans. "Congratulations to Talat Xhafer, the first Albanian Prime Minister in North Macedonia. Without the vision, dedication and determination of Ali Ahmeti, this would have been impossible. The constructive role and dedication to the Euro-Atlantic values of the Albanians of North Macedonia was decisive for the membership in NATO and in the opening of negotiations for membership in the EU", reads Basha's message on social networks. The head of the DP emphasizes that North Macedonia proved today an exemplary standard for inter-ethnic coexistence and the role of Albanians as a factor of peace and stability in the Western Balkans. "Wishing success to Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi, I express the hope and confidence that the European path of North Macedonia will continue interminably", emphasized Basha.