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Belgrade Media Report 1 February



No statement from Vucic's meeting with Quint, EU representatives (Tanjug)


The press office of the President of the Republic of Serbia announced on Wednesday evening no statement would be released from President Aleksandar Vucic's meeting with representatives of Quint states and the EU in Belgrade. "The Office of the President of the Republic of Serbia informs the public that there will be no statement from the meeting he held with representatives of the Quint and the EU. Any formal word would be superfluous," it said. Earlier in the evening, Vucic met with the ambassadors of four Quint states - the UK, France, Italy and Germany - the Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia and a representative of the US Embassy in Belgrade.


Petkovic: Vucic's meeting with Quint representatives most difficult ever (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said a meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and representatives of the Quint states on Wednesday evening had been the most difficult one he had ever attended and that it had been clear to everyone in the room Pristina's PM Albin Kurti was the main culprit for the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija. Speaking to Tanjug after the meeting at the Presidency of Serbia, Petkovic said Pristina's regulation on payment transactions, which will take effect on Thursday, was another act of violence directly aimed against the survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. "President Vucic conducted substantial, responsible discussions with Quint ambassadors and will also have numerous discussions about this tomorrow. We are doing everything to stop such behaviour by Kurti. We will be making our decisions patiently and wisely, with the long-term objective in mind," Petkovic said. He said Vucic would make a public address in the coming days about Pristina's decision to stop payment transactions with Serbia proper and ban the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija. "The Serbs need to know Serbia and President Vucic stand behind them, and we will never give up on our people. We will fight for protection of their rights because the Serbs have a right to live and survive in Kosovo-Metohija and have a future, payment transactions and functionality of our institutions. We will never give up on that," Petkovic noted.


Vucevic: Serbia will never recognize Kosovo’s independence (TV Happy/Beta)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic pledged yesterday that Serbia would never recognize the independence of Kosovo and Metohija, even if it meant there were no Serbs in that territory. In an interview with the TV Happy, he underlined that allowing someone to pass through Serbia with a personal document issued in Pristina in no way signified the recognition of Kosovo and Metohija as an independent state. "If a ban on the use of Serbian dinar in Kosovo goes into effect today, it is a message to the Serbs that they cannot survive... We will never recognize the independence of Kosovo, and will fight for our territory and our people, but it is terribly difficult," said Vucevic, adding that the impression was created that only bad news came from Kosovo and Metohija, because the regime in Pristina enjoyed the support of major powers. "Vucic is protecting the interests of Serbia in the best possible way, and Kurti has been encouraged to involve us in conflicts. Kurti is making a historical mistake, exercising violence against the Serbian minority, which is unsustainable in the long run, and will backfire on him. And the license plates Serbia allowed will do us no harm. It's not a success, but it's not that much damaging either," Vucevic noted.


Dacic: Kurti's decision to ban Dinar undermines dialogue (TV Pink)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Thursday a decision by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti to ban the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija undermined dialogue. "In that regard, we are certainly not surprised by such moves because he keeps coming up with new moves that could obstruct the process of negotiations over the long term. In fact, he is undermining further dialogue because, if you keep making such moves, that raises the question of what kind of plan and sense of purpose someone has and what their credibility is as a dialogue participant," Dacic told TV Pink. He said the ban on the Dinar would make everyday life more difficult for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. "Under the Brussels agreement, Serbia can help various Serb institutions in Kosovo and Metohija and provide money to them. What is worrying here is that, after every such idea he (Kurti) gets, you have a reaction by the international community in which it appeals that the issue be delayed," Dacic noted.


Drecun: Kurti will not stop (RTS)


The Chair of the parliamentary committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun assesses that Pristina’s decision to abolish the Dinar is one of the hardest blows for Serbs, but also that Albin Kurti will not stop there. Drecun emphasizes for RTS that this is one of a series of very harmful moves made by the administration in Pristina, which are directed against the survival of the normal life of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. He also states that such a move has a double purpose. “On the one hand, Pristina wants to expel the state of Serbia and its presence in Kosovo and Metohija as much as possible, to eliminate all institutions that can be connected to our state, and on the other hand to completely make normal life impossible for the Serb people and to simply make the future without perspective. If you take such steps, then you directly attack normal life, people’s safety, everything that a person should do, so that Kurti could live in one territory, in one space,” Drecun points out. “He wants at all costs to force Belgrade to treat Kosovo as a state. You know, they are looking for some kind of licensing of some of our banks, according to the laws of so-called Kosovo, in order to simply force Belgrade to treat our territory as some kind of state. On the other hand it is obvious that the western part of the international community, which can influence Pristina’s behavior, seems to be turning a deaf ear to all our demands, our pleas, all our facts and arguments that we present, that this can cause perhaps the most serious destabilization and crisis right now in Kosovo and Metohija,” Drecun assesses. He thinks that if the Quint really wanted to stop Kurti from that intention, that it could have done it already and not wait for the last moment. This, he says, can be assessed as a simple acceptance of Kurti’s policy of putting pressure on Belgrade to make political concessions and to be guided by what Pristina is asking for in the talks in Brussels, in the dialogue.  He also indicates that Kurti will not form the Community of Serb Municipalities and that he said so clearly and loudly. But, says Drecun, he is interested in causing as much damage as possible to the Serb people, because he believes that this is the greatest pressure on Belgrade.


Raid on Serbian infirmary in Pristina unprecedented act of violence (Office for KiM)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that the police raided the premises of the clinic used by Serbs in Pristina and took the health workers to the police station, where they were held for several hours and released only last night around midnight, exposes the brutal and criminal nature of Albin Kurti's regime and once again reveals his true intentions. Health workers, who are protected from abuse by international conventions and rules of civilised treatment, even in times of war, are for Kurti and his thugs only the personification of Serbia and a legitimate target for harassment. The infirmary, which operates as a department of the Pristina Health Centre, has been providing health services to a small number of remaining Serbs, residents of Pristina, since 2005, who have been told that they are not desirable and that they do not even have the right to health care. Although this infirmary has been operating for almost 20 years, Pristina is now targeting it and the health workers in the form of new intimidation and persecution of Serbs.


Vucic informs Russian Ambassador about Pristina’s latest decision (N1)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he informed the Russian Ambassador to Serbia about what he said is Pristina’s latest unilateral move. “I informed Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko about the latest unilateral move by Pristina, clearly directed against the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija and the possible consequences of this irresponsible act by the Kurti regime,” he wrote in an Instagram post. The post added that they also discussed bilateral relations and other regional and international questions of mutual interest. “I reiterated gratitude to Russia for its support for the respect of Serbia’s territorial integrity,” Vucic wrote.


US Ambassador says no one asking Serbia to recognize Kosovo (FoNet)


US Ambassador Christopher Hill told FoNet on Thursday that no one is asking Serbia to recognize Kosovo. According to him, recognition of Kosovo is something Serbia should decide on its own. He added that Belgrade and Pristina are expected to deal with the issues that EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak tabled and ease their mutual relations. He said that Washington feels the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) should be formed to secure the requirements for the Serbs to live there without fear. The Ambassador said the ZSO is not a social experiment but includes tried and proven elements. Hill said the ZSO is the first step needed to build trust and would spread to other parts of Kosovo. Commenting the announced sale of US anti-armor missiles to Kosovo and talk of arming the Serbian military, Hill said that care should be taken to prevent an arms race. He said that aid to Kosovo is long-term and should lead to a situation which does not require foreign forces.


DS in favor of the opposition accepting seats in the parliament to boycott its work (Nova/Beta)


Miodrag Gavrilovic, a vice-president of the Democratic Party, said yesterday that the opposition should accept the seats in the parliament of Serbia won in the elections on 17 December, but that the opposition MPs should not attend parliamentary sessions or participate in the work of parliamentary committees. Gavrilovic said in an interview with the Nova newspaper that the opposition could fight against the government in the streets as well as through institutions, by "obstructing and pointing out that this government is illegitimate". "We should keep insisting every day that at least 20 to 25 seats held by the Serbian Progressive Party in the parliament are the result of election manipulation," said Gavrilovic. The Democrat also said that for the time being it was not the position of the Serbia Against Violence coalition, rather a majority opinion among the Democrats. "The majority of the Democrats are in favor of keeping the seats, while engaging in a non-institutional fight and obstructing the institutions as well," Gavrilovic concluded.


Movement Dveri urges all opposition parties to form caretaker government in Belgrade (Beta)


The Serbian Movement Dveri yesterday called on the Serbia Against Violence coalition, the NADA (Hope) coalition and group of citizens We - The Voice of the People to form a caretaker government in Belgrade, with a mandate of three to six months, that is, until the next local elections. “If they see that they cannot function together, then we suggest that elections in Belgrade be repeated parallel with other local elections in Serbia, due this spring. That is why it is most important to replace the incumbent Belgrade authorities and update electoral registers ahead of the next elections, to avoid any future election fraud involving phantom voters like in the 17 December elections,” Dveri said. The party further said it was aware of ideological and political differences between these opposition parties which were hindering the formation of a fully functioning government, noting that such antagonism mainly referred to state-level matters and should not prevent cooperation at the local level. Dveri further said that regardless of their opinion of one another, fellow opposition politicians were obliged to prevent new election fraud in the next local elections in Belgrade, as the regime, as it had announced, was planning to apply the same mechanism as in the 17 December vote, when ballots were cast by a number of people without a permanent address in Belgrade.


Unity is crucial for the opposition (Demostat/Beta)


The primary task for the largest opposition coalition Serbia Against Violence is to stay united; it is not only a prerequisite for further growth, but it has already given results as the coalition has won 65 seats in the parliament o Serbia, Demostat suggested in its latest analysis yesterday. Apparently, the opposition will continue to demand that the December elections be annulled, addressing relevant institutions such as the Serbian Electoral Commission, the City Electoral Commission in Belgrade, and the Supreme Court, which are highly politicized rather than independent. Demostat also expects the opposition to accept its seats in the parliament of Serbia to ensure that critical voices are heard, and this opposition strategy may be reinforced by occasional street protests. The organization also believes that the ruling party can form a majority in Belgrade’s legislature, with the support of councillors from the We, the Voice of the People, as well as representatives from the NADA coalition. However, Vucic is aware of the pressure from the international community, and the fact that such a local government would lack legitimacy.


Jerkovic: I will request an internal monitoring body for Belgrade (TV Pink/Beta)


Aleksandar Jerkovic, the main candidate of the We – The Voice of the People ticket in the 17 December local Belgrade election, said yesterday that no one from the citizens’ association consulted him regarding a coalition at the state or local Belgrade levels but that he is willing to speaking with anyone who accepts the policies of his movement, “No Retreat, Serbia is on the Line”. Speaking for TV Pink, Jerkovic stated that any negotiations on forming the capital’s local government with other parties will include his stipulation of an internal control body for the city, “which would have insight into every document and every office” of the capital’s administration. He went on to say that he has not been in contact with the other members of the We – The Voice of the People association since the17  December elections. Jerkovic also criticized the fact that none of the association’s other members have said that opposition leader Dragan Djilas’ policy is “pro-West [and] anti-Serb” nor concluded that they “should help Vucic”. The right-wing politician further stated that We – The Voice of the People is a coalition, which, he recalled, currently holds the swing vote for forming Belgrade’s local government. “When you have a party, you have to think about ensuring your party soldiers can make a living,” Jerkovic concluded.




B&H HoP rejects to discuss amendments to B&H Election Law in urgent procedure (RTRS)


At its session held on Wednesday, the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) refused to discuss amendments to the Election Law of B&H – proposed by SDA and adopted by the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) earlier – in an urgent procedure but decided to discuss them in a regular procedure. Delegates from SNSD, HDZ B&H and HDZ 1990 opposed the discussion in the urgent procedure. They deem that changes of the Election Law are too important to be discussed in the urgent procedure. Reporter noted the amendments to the Election Law of B&H did not get green light in the B&H HoP. Only ‘The Troika’ delegate in the B&H HoP Ademovic abstained from voting on this item. Ademovic failed to explain his move, although the leader of NiP stated earlier, they will not support SDA’s proposal. Delegate from the Serb Caucus Radovan Kovacevic (SNSD) said that such behaviour is unfair. SNSD’s delegate Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac stated that proposed amendments do not improve integrity of the election process but enable violation of rights of voters. She underlined that technical changes of the electoral process in SDA’s proposal, including introduction of an optical scanner in the election process, have been applied only in few European countries. “Introduction of biometry in the election process has not been discussed in any country of the EU. However, it has been used in some African and some South American countries”, explained Novakovic-Bursac. Reporter noted that Croat delegates rejected abovementioned amendments, because they deem that it does not include an adequate method of election of a Croat member of the B&H Presidency. Leader of HDZ 1990 Ilija Cvitanovic stressed that he supports every proposal that will enable Croat people to elect their member of the B&H Presidency. Reporter commented that some criticized Serb delegates for failing to accept discussion on the Proposal of Law on Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism in the urgent procedure. According to RTRS, Serb delegates did not do it, because additional analyses are necessary. Reporter commented that on the other hand, Bosniak delegates failed to provide a proper response why they oppose the law on the HJPC, which is one of obligations of B&H related to the EU path. Kovacevic (SNSD) said that according to the Constitution of B&H, the only ones who have the authority to enact laws are the B&H HoP and the B&H House of Representatives (HoR), while Schmidt has no mandate or authority. “What we have to say is that we as representatives of the majority at the level of joint bodies of B&H agreed at the meeting in Laktasi that the urgent procedure for this law will be rejected, that is that this law, SDA’s proposal, will be rejected because it is completely clear and everyone who has seriously analysed the proposal of that law is aware that it is a disastrous solution for which it will be difficult to find any salvation even in the regular parliamentary procedure. We believe that a much more adequate solution would be to go with a completely new law that would be part of the consensus and agreement of the representatives of the peoples and citizens in B&H, and I believe that this is the way to go,” Kovacevic underlined.


SDA: Decisions passed by B&H HoP are result of agreement reached by SNSD and HDZ B&H at meeting in private property in Laktasi (N1)


N1 noted that at its session held on Wednesday, the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) refused to discuss in an urgent procedure Proposal of Amendments to the Election Law of B&H proposed by SDA. SDA issued a statement on Wednesday reading that decisions passed by B&H HoP on Wednesday are result of agreement reached by SNSD and HDZ B&H at meeting in private property in Laktasi. They added that in this way the ruling coalition confirmed they do not want fair elections. The statement also reads that by rejecting the possibility to adopt the amendments to the Election Law in the urgent procedure, the ruling coalition has been attempting to buy time and prevent stopping of electoral frauds and manipulations. SDA emphasized that failure to adopt this law before a session of the European Council, that will in March discuss the possibility of opening of EU accession talks with B&H is a clear message that current authorities in B&H do not care about the EU path of B&H and that claims on commitment to the EU path are aimed to cover all cessions ‘The Troika’ has been giving to SNSD and HDZ B&H.


B&H HoP adopts amendments to Law on HJPC; Proposal of Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing Terrorist Activities was sent for harmonization (N1)


N1 carries that at its session held on Wednesday, the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) returned for harmonization Proposal of Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorist Activities. Delegate Dzemal Smajic (SBiH) stated that this law was rejected thanks to “famous entity voting” that has been blocking the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H. On the other hand, amendments to the Law on Defense of B&H proposed by HDZ B&H’s Marina Pendes and aimed to make the process of appointment of B&H Armed Forces (AF) Generals more precise were adopted. Also, the B&H HoP adopted Proposal of Amendments to the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H that was adopted by the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) on Tuesday. Reporter commented that unlike the B&H HoR, the B&H HoP adopted in an urgent procedure the amendments to the Law on B&H Air Navigation Services Agency (BHANSA). B&H Minister of Transport and Communications Edin Forto (Our Party) said that the adopted amendments enable compliance of Law on BHANSA with the EU legislation. Also, SDS’ delegate Zelimir Neskovic left the session of B&H HoP after his Proposal of Amendments to the Law on B&H HJPC was not included in the agenda of the session.


EUD welcomes adoption of amendments to Law on HJPC and Civil Service Law, regrets failure to adopt Law on Prevention of Money Laundering (BHRT)


The EU Delegation to B&H commented the Wednesday’s session of the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) in a post on the X platform. According to the Delegation, the session showed a mixed picture. The EU Delegation welcomed the adoption of amendments to the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council and the Civil Service Law, noting that it expects the second reading of the amendments to the Civil Service Law on February. However, the EU Delegation also expressed its regrets over B&H HoP’s failure to adopt the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism. According to the EU Delegation, the European Commission will report soon on the progress in fulfilment of the 14 key priorities, emphasizing that it is crucial that B&H delivers results.


Kristo, Kosarac and Helez discuss EU path of B&H with Sattler (BHT1)


Chair of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) Borjana Kristo and her deputies Stasa Kosarac and Zukan Helez spoke with Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler about implementation of key priorities on B&H's path to EU membership. Kristo pointed out that she expects concrete recognition of the results of the work and getting the exact date for the opening of negotiations and stated that she expects continued EU support for the processes of strengthening B&H on the EU path. Kristo expressed expectation that Europe will continue to support internal political dialogue among political leaders and to support authentic local solutions. Collocutors of the meeting also talked about the EU’s Growth Plan for the Western Balkans. Chairwoman Kristo informed Ambassador Sattler about the recently held inaugural session of the Working Team of B&H for making of plan of reforms for implementation of the Growth Plan, expressing expectation that a final reform agenda will be urgently harmonized in dialogue with the European Commission. It was concluded that the Growth Plan is a historic opportunity for development of the local economy.


Brkic meets Varhelyi, Makovec in Brussels, discuss EU path of B&H (Dnevni list)


Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Josip Brkic held separate meetings with European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi and Deputy Managing Director Europe at the European External Action Service (EEAS) Marko Makovec in Brussels. During the meeting with Varhelyi, Brkic conveyed B&H’s strong commitment to reform processes on the EU path, stressing that the authorities are intensifying efforts in order to achieve progress in terms of the 14 key priorities by March. Brkic also said that, after getting the status of EU candidate, it is extremely important that accession negotiations get approved for B&H, expressing hope that the European Commission (EC) will recognize the progress in its next report on B&H and recommend to the European Council to open the negotiations. Brkic also commended adoption of the new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans. Commissioner Varhelyi commended B&H’s certain progress, stressing the importance of quick implementation of key priorities. During the meeting with Makovec, Brkic stated that regional cooperation and maintaining good neighborly relations, within the stabilization and accession process, is one of B&H’s foreign policy goals.


Dodik: US Embassy is not authorized to agree solutions on behalf of B&H and its peoples (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik posted on X a comment to the US Embassy to B&H's earlier statement, stating that the US Embassy and Ambassador (Michael Murphy) are not authorized to negotiate and agree solutions on behalf of B&H and its peoples. “Their interference into the work of judiciary system, as well as their role in political processes are obvious. Without any hesitation they are giving instructions to judiciary institutions how to do their job,” Dodik wrote. He stated that in the last couple of months, various contradictory statements could have been heard from Brussels: “One day they expressed support to a solution, just to criticize it the other day. We are not ready to allow Murphy, who is allegedly the US Ambassador, to lead processes on our behalf and enact decisions, via certain Christian Schmidt, which can be enacted only by elected representatives of the peoples. Brussels Administration needs to prove that it is true that they want a sovereign B&H and to stop following Murphy’s ridiculous story. We are not ready to allow someone to toy with us and experiment with the law, legislation and Constitution.” He stated that the Dayton Agreement is a fact that nobody can dispute or form as they would like. “Other countries should in their own homes unpack and form the legislation, law and justice. B&H said everything it had to say. Some new times are coming, and it is a matter of a day when we will see some new international policy. Murphy and fraudsters like him, who emerged into criminal activities with Schmidt, cannot implement here what they are doing in the Federation. RS authorities are leading responsible policy and have ability for adopting of decisions and solutions that would protect rights of their citizens and protect the RS,” Dodik wrote. He stressed that “they can send whomever they like”, but this will not solve a single issue in B&H. “Policy of interfering into internal matters of the country, which should be a sovereign (country), is hostile and their support to solutions that take side of one people leads to destabilization of not only B&H, but the entire region,” Dodik concluded.


Government clarifies investigations bill; Journalists remain opposed (HRT)


Prime Minister Plenkovic elaborated on Wednesday on the government's decision to amend the draft of a controversial bill that would make it a crime to publish without authorization information from ongoing criminal investigations.  In the bill's second reading, the government is adding language that would clarify that the law would not apply in cases where the information released was in the public interest. "This is not the result of any kind of political pressure or pressure coming from the media, the opposition, or international institutions. The government needs to remove any kind of misunderstandings or malicious interpretations that claim this article violates the public's right to information that is in its interest. The goal of this article is to protect the presumption of innocence, the privacy of all parties involved in a case, and the investigation process itself,” said Plenkovic. The Croatian Journalists' Association has voiced strong opposition to the bill, holding protests in Zagreb and Split on Wednesday. They described it as legislation with “dangerous intent”. Journalists, and some politicians, say the tweak the government is proposing is not enough and claim the law will lead to the harassment of reporters. "The Croatian Journalists' Association demands that the so-called LEX AP, a law with dangerous intentions, is scrapped entirely. We will not back down!" shouted Hrvoje Zovko, the president of the Croatian Journalists' Association at a protest in Zagreb.


Nikolic in Washington: Russian aggression against Ukraine threatens the stability of the Western Balkans, Montenegro knows where the greatest danger is coming from (CdM)


Russian aggression against Ukraine produces a strong influence in the region of the Western Balkans, and Montenegro knows very well where its greatest danger comes from, said the head of the DPS parliamentary group Andrija Nikolic at the security forum "Malignant influence of Russia and China in the Western Balkans". Nikolic, who was one of the speakers at the meeting hosted by the US Congress, recalled that during the parliamentary elections in 2016, Russia tried to remove the government in Montenegro in a coup d'état and to stop Montenegro's accession to NATO, but that Montenegro managed to resist that. "Today, Russia is trying to change the history of the countries of the former Soviet Union, in order to achieve the dominance and influence that the Soviet Union had. It's no secret that Serbia is trying to do the same in the Western Balkan region," said Nikolic. According to Nikolic, it is striking that Serbia, as one of the most important allies of Russia, wants to manage the political processes in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and North Macedonia, and that, as he said, it still does not meet with the appropriate the reaction of international partners from the West. The security forum "Malignant influence of Russia and China in the Western Balkans" is held on the sidelines of the Prayer Breakfast, which this year is attended by the newly elected president of the DPS, Danijel Zivkovic, and the head of the DPS parliamentary group, Andrija Nikolic.


Sehovic in Washington: Montenegro must resist the malignant Russian influence, preserving the alliance with the USA is a priority (CdM)


Despite the considerable challenges it faces, Montenegro must find a way to fully resist the very pronounced malignant Russian influence to which it has been heavily exposed in recent years, and the preservation of the strategic partnership with the USA is of crucial importance, which is why it must be one of our the most important foreign policy priorities", said the president of the Social Democrats of Montenegro, Damir Sehovic, during an exchange of views with numerous guests and members of the US Congress and Senate, and in response to the holding of the security forum entitled "Malignant influence of Russia and China in the Western Balkans", organized at on the sidelines of the Prayer Breakfast in Washington. In the talks, Sehovic also emphasized the importance of insisting on the approach that there is never and must be no compromise with those for whom Russia's attack on Ukraine is not brutal aggression, but a liberation action, and especially not in Montenegro, which is traditionally one of the most exposed countries in the Western Balkans to the aforementioned harmful influences of third parties. This year, the SD leader is also attending the Prayer Breakfast, which is traditionally organized in Washington, where US President Joe Biden will address political leaders from over 140 countries around the world. The prayer breakfast has been held since 1953, attended by all American presidents, starting with Dwight Eisenhower.


PM Spajic: I want all parliamentary majority representatives in executive power, I am not interested in showing symbols (CdM)


Montenegrin PM Milojko Spajic said that the government reshuffle would be carried out through coalition agreements. He said this to journalists after the ceremonial opening of the Matesevo-Kolasin regional road. Spajic pointed out he wanted all representatives of the parliamentary majority in the executive branch. He emphasized that the behaviour of all coalition partners was also defined by the coalition agreement and whoever behaved in the manner defined would be part of the majority. When it comes to the congratulatory message that Minister of Justice Andrej Milovic sent to the new leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists, Danijel Zivkovic, on the occasion of his assumption of that position, he stated that it was only a formal congratulatory message. Commenting on the tricolour flag shown in the office of parliament speaker Andrija Mandic, Spajic stated that we were witnesses of numerous symbols being shown these days and that he was not interested in that.


Seshadri to Spajic: We’re happy about re-directing focus on economy, it’s the only way to move forward (CdM)


“Intensive economic development requires political stability and the rule of law. I am sure that during the past three months, the government has shown with its results that better days are coming for Montenegro. The decisions we have made are aimed at full membership in the EU as soon as possible, and along that line, full economic integration and a better standard of our citizens”, said Prime Minister Milojko Spajic at a meeting with members of the IMF Mission to Montenegro led by Srikant Seshadri. Spajic informed the interlocutors about the government’s results and recalled that during the previous period the government prepared a revised budget for 2023, a fiscally responsible budget for 2024 and carried out numerous activities to avoid the MONEYVAL grey list. In this context, he pointed out that the fulfilment of the recommendations of the Council of Europe was proceeding according to the planned pace and added that Montenegro was “progressing rapidly towards its goals”. “We are pleased with the change in focus on the economy. That is the only way to move forward”, said Seshadri. He stated that it was important for Montenegro to clearly articulate its fiscal strategy in the context of achieving concrete and measurable goals. “Keeping the fiscal deficit rate up to 3% is an important message to future investors”, said Seshadri. The interlocutors exchanged opinions on the implementation of capital infrastructure projects and jointly concluded that, with good planning, their implementation would have a positive impact on further economic development.


Grkovska: US partnership key in dealing with malign influences in the Balkans (MIA)


In the framework of her visit to the United States and on the eve of the Annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, Caretaker Deputy PM for Good Governance Policies, Slavica Grkovska, took part in the security forum discussing malign Chinese and Russian influence in the Balkans on Wednesday. Grkovska pointed out that North Macedonia has always been at the crossroads of different influences, including harmful ones that undermined the country's every step in becoming part of the Alliance and EU. Unfortunately, she added, these influences have not reduced with the NATO membership, but intensified as the country faces new obstacles in joining the EU, the Government said in a press release. According to her, such harmful narratives, fake news and disinformation spread wider and deeper in society. "All this is in the interest of countries which, historically speaking, have always opposed Macedonia. The systematic increase of Euroscepticism and anti-West attitudes can have far-reaching consequences on the stability of our society and the entire region," Grkovska said. She expressed hope that the United States will remain our ally and friend, and continue to support North Macedonia's efforts in promoting democracy, rule of law, and creating sustainable institutional capacities for growth and development. "Without the United States partnership, we would not be able to deal with the malign influences by the enemies of freedom and democracy, nor prevent the metastases that penetrate the fragile fabric of our society," Grkovska stressed.


Xhaferi – Qehaja: North Macedonia and Kosovo working to enhance economic and good-neighborly policies (MIA)


The Prime Minister of North Macedonia Talat Xhaferi met Wednesday with Kosovo’s Ambassador to North Macedonia Florian Qehaja. At the meeting, according to a government press release, it was noted that the two countries enjoy positive and constructive bilateral relations, open dialogue, inter-parliamentary cooperation, both on a bilateral and a multilateral level. Xhaferi and Qehaja highlighted that the commitment of the two countries to the enhancement of relations between Kosovo and North Macedonia would continue, above all in the promotion of trade exchange, cooperation in the field of energy and economy.


Mexhiti on Kurti meeting: AA has never hid its meetings, party and Taravari’s sole goal is European Macedonia (MIA)


The Alliance for Albanians (AA) has never hidden its meetings with other political entities, and the sole goal of the party and its leader, Arben Taravari, is European Macedonia, said Wednesday Health Minister Fatmir Mexhiti, who comes from the Alliance, in answer to a journalist’s question over Taravari’s visit to Pristina and his meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti on Tuesday. “The party has never hidden its meetings. So, even when he [Taravari] meets with Ali Ahmeti, with the DUI leader and the opposition, with everyone, the meetings are public. We have nothing to hide. The sole goal of the Alliance and Taravari is a European Macedonia,” underlined Mexhiti in answer to a question at a press conference Wednesday. The leaders of the opposition bloc of ethnic Albanian parties in North Macedonia – the European Alliance for Change – Izet Mexhiti, Bilall Kasami, and Afrim Gashi, as well as the leader of AA, Taravari, met with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, on Tuesday evening. A photo was published from the meeting showing the leaders of the European Alliance for Change, alongside Taravari and Kurti. The speaker of the Kosovo Assembly Glauk Konjufca can also be seen. “In very friendly surroundings, we spoke about the political developments in our countries, about the cooperation that will lead to the promotion of the position of Albanians in North Macedonia, the economic development of both countries and the factorization of Albanians in the region. We all have a lot of work and responsibilities ahead of us,” wrote Bilall Kasami in a Facebook post after the meeting.


Gjiknuri visit to Washington, meetings with American congressmen (Radio Tirana)


The Co-chairman of the Special Parliamentary Commission for Electoral Reform, Damian Gjiknuri, is conducting a working visit to the United States of America as part of a delegation from the assembly of Albania. Accompanied by Albania's Ambassador to Washington, Ervin Bushati, Gjiknuri held a meeting with Congressman Jim Himes. "Based on his interest in the diaspora vote, I informed the congressman about the progress of the electoral reform in Albania and the legal guarantee of this right for Albanian citizens living outside our territory. I also updated him on the joint efforts to address any legislative gaps regarding this right, as sanctioned in the Electoral Code," Gjiknuri emphasized. Gjiknuri also stated that "of fundamental importance is the adoption of a voting method from abroad that ensures integrity and administrative accountability for this process, as important as it is challenging. "I undertook to continuously inform the Congress about the progress of this process, also considering the interest of many Albanian organizations and citizens who live and work in the United States of America," highlighted Gjiknuri. Earlier, along with several other members of the parliament of Albania, he met Congressman Peter Sessions. "We discussed issues related to security in the region, as well as the latest developments in world security. Also of interest are the key messages that are expected to be delivered tomorrow at the conference on security and challenges of our region, which will take place in the premises of the United States Congress," underlined Gjiknuri. Furthermore, the Albanian delegation met with Congressmen Tracey Mann and Keith Self. "During the meetings with Congressmen Tracey Mann and Keith Self, we discussed cooperation and the strengthening of the network of friends between the Congress of the United States of America and the assembly of Albania, as part of the initiative of the Morning of Prayers," added Gjiknuri.


US Embassy to Tirana on the assembly’s delegation visit to US: Pleasure to see the elected Albanian representatives together (Radio Titana)


The US Embassy to Tirana has reacted regarding the visit of the delegation of MPs of the assembly of Albania who are in the US. In a post on social networks, the Embassy writes that it is a pleasure to see elected Albanian representatives in Washington together to work on important issues for the people of Albania. The United States values ​​the strong partnership with Albania and its elected representatives on important regional and international issues. "The Albanian people deserve a strong, healthy democracy, where all political actors work together for the common good of the country," it is said, among other things, in the reaction of the US Embassy to Tirana.