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Belgrade Media Report 2 February



Serbia to submit Monday written request for UN SC session (RTS)


Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic said that on Monday Serbia will submit a written request to hold a session of the UN Security Council on Kosovo and Metohija. He says he hopes that the session will be held. “Kosovo and Metohija is in accordance with the UN Charter and in accordance with our Constitution as part of Serbia,” said Vucic. He referred to the reaction of the West regarding the announcement of the abolition of the Dinar. He says the United States had a stronger statement on this issue. He presented precise data on how much the state of Serbia allocates for benefits in Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic told all the citizens of Kosovo and Metohija that the state of Serbia will do everything to ensure that they receive their benefits. “The only way for them to win is for them not to be Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and we will do everything for them to survive,” says Vucic. He explained that when Pristina requests that their central bank talk to the NBS, it means that they are using tricks for recognition of independence. He pointed out that he will find solutions for the people of Kosovo and Metohija to receive their income. Vucic said that Albin Kurti on his own initiative made the decision to cancel the Dinar with the aim of ethnically cleansing the Serb population from Kosovo and Metohija. “Regarding the abolition of the Dinar, from the first Brussels agreement to the principles signed in 2015, to the later agreements, in each of those acts, the most significant norm is the right of the Republic of Serbia to finance certain activities, health care, education of the population in Kosovo and Metohija. Kurti made that decision self-initiatively,” said Vucic. We have dialogue, stressed Vucic, because Kosovo is not a recognized state. “If it was a recognized state, we wouldn’t have a dialogue that should lead to normalization and not ethnic cleansing,” he said. The decision to cancel the Dinar, he points out, is essentially Kurti’s decision to threaten the persecution of the Serbs with the strongest blow so far, the expulsion of the Serbs from their centuries-old hearths. Vucic said that all Serbian enclaves in Metohija were attacked today. “Today, members of the Kurti police raided the provisional authorities in Pec, Gorazdevac, Istok, Osojane... At the same time, they raided the health center in Osojane, ransacked things and mistreated people,” he said. According to him, these attacks come a day after the decision to abolish the Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija, which was done with the intention of expelling the Serbs.


“Kosovo police” raid into Serbian institutions in Metohija, continuation of ethnic cleansing (Office for KiM)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that today's raid by armed members of the so-called Kosovo Police into the temporary authorities of the municipalities of Pec (in Gorazdevac), Istok (in the town of Osojane) and Klina (in the village of Vidanje) represents the continuation of the ethnic cleansing and extermination of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, under the direct direction of Albin Kurti, and in front of the eyes of the entire international community. Kurti's "special forces" closed down the Serb municipalities in Metohija, which was completely violently ethnically cleansed of Serbs during the conflict in 1999, and then during the pogrom in 2004. With great difficulty, the Serbs returned in small numbers to their hearths and to the returnee settlements where their lives were guaranteed by the international community, and today Kurti is expelling them again using "police", firearms and armored vehicles. During today's illegal and violent action, the presidents of the temporary authorities were also taken into custody for informational interviews, and in the violent invasion of peaceful Serbian communities, health centers, clinics, and pharmacies were also closed. This kind of action followed last week's raid in the municipality of Gora, which was not condemned by anyone from the international community, which by its loud silence becomes an accomplice to Kurti's misdeeds, the statement added.


Vucic meets with EU official, says safety of Serbs in Kosovo a priority (Beta/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said at a meeting with the chairman of the EU Military Committee, Gen. Robert Brieger, that for the authorities in Belgrade the safety of the Serb people in Kosovo and maintaining peace and stability in the region were a priority. Vucic wrote on Instagram that Brieger and he had discussed "the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and strengthening military economic and military technical cooperation between Serbia and the EU". "I stressed that for our country the safety of the Serb population of Kosovo and Metohija and stability in the region were priorities and voiced my gratitude for the engagement that European military forces have in that direction," he said.


Contribution of Defence Ministry, Serbian Army to EU common security and defence policy (Tanjug)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic met yesterday with Chairman of the EU Military Committee General Robert Brieger. Vucevic underlined that, along preserving territorial integrity and sovereignty and regional cooperation, Serbia's foreign policy goal is membership in the EU. He also pointed to the importance of contribution of the Serbian Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Army to the EU common security and defence policy. Vucevic said that since 2012, Serbia has been actively contributing to EU missions and operations, and currently we take part in two EU military missions and one operation. He added that in 2024 Serbia plans to quantitatively increase this participation through engagement of its own army in the EU training mission in Mozambique - EUTM Mozambique. General Brieger pointed out that he believes that common values are shared by the engagement in the common security and defence policy, and that Serbia has proved to be a reliable partner of the EU.


Mojsilovic to Brieger: Serbia sees KFOR as only legitimate armed formation in its southern province (Tanjug/RTV/ Politika)


Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic met with the chairman of the EU Military Committee (EUCM) Gen Robert Brieger on Thursday to discuss topics including the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, which the Serbian general said was unstable and unpredictable. Serbia sees KFOR as the only legitimate armed formation in its southern province and expects the mission to fulfil its mandate in a strict and unbiased manner to ensure a secure environment for all, ethnic Serbs in particular, Mojsilovic told Brieger, who is on a three-day visit to Serbia at his invitation. During a visit to the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Brieger also discussed with Mojsilovic the current security situation in the region and worldwide, as well as overall mutual relations, with focus on Serbian Armed Forces engagement in activities that are a part of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy. At the meeting, an extremely positive assessment was given of the engagement of Serbian Armed Forces troops in EU military operations, and a commitment to expand that engagement by dispatching a staff officer to the Mozambique mission as well as by participating in the EU's Helbroc battle group and the Single European Sky project was welcomed as well, the Serbian Ministry of Defence said in a statement.


NBS: No agreements with Kosovo Central Bank on Dinar (Danas)


Following the coming into effect of the Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK) Regulation on the Euro as the sole legal currency in Kosovo, and the recent statements of Pristina officials, the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) told Danas that there can be no talk of an agreement between it and the CBK, and that this issue must be resolved within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. “Regarding the latest unilateral measures of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo and Metohija, which directly threaten the existence of the Serbian population by preventing the entry and use of Serbian Dinars in Kosovo and Metohija for cash payment transactions, which practically means that it is impossible to pay salaries, pensions, social benefits and other income to the Serbian population in Dinars, the NBS, in cooperation with other state institutions, will undertake all necessary measures, taking into account the interests of the citizens of Serbia and the consequences that the implementation of the Regulation may have on their survival,” said the Serbian central bank. It said that the “Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Kosovo and Metohija” are not authorized to make the Euro, or any other foreign currency, the only official currency. “In addition, the Euro cannot be a legal means of payment in Kosovo and Metohija since the NBS is the only central issuing authority which is authorized to decide on the use of the dinar throughout the Serbian territory,” said the NBS. It noted that, at this time, “besides the Dinar, there is no other official currency in Kosovo and Metohija”, which the EU and the European Central Bank have both confirmed in their publicly available documents. “The Euro cannot be issued or introduced as a currency by countries that are not EU members and do not fulfill the ‘Maastricht criteria’ for entering the Euro zone,” the NBS explained. It stressed that the “discriminatory, illegal and outrageous measures introduced by the Provisional Institutions in Pristina” must immediately be abolished.


Six MEPs seek international investigation of Serbia’s elections (Beta/Politika)


Six members of the European Parliament (EP) from three political groups have sent a letter to the highest officials of the EU, seeking the launch of an international investigation of the parliamentary, provincial and local elections in Serbia, by the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the European Commission. In the letter to the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the commissioners for foreign affairs and enlargement, Josep Borrell and Oliver Varhelyi respectively, MEPs from the Greens, the Socialists and Democrats, and the European People’s Party requested that the results of the December elections in Serbia are not recognized until the completion of an independent investigation of irregularities. The MEPs also called for the investigation to particularly focus on the Belgrade City Assembly elections and for its results to be presented to the European Parliament, the portal European Western Balkans reported on 1 February. On 8 February, the EP is to vote on a resolution about the elections in Serbia, which was preceded by a debate at the plenary session and at the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET). The head of the European Parliament’s observation mission in the elections in Serbia, Klemen Groselj, an MEP from the Renew Europe liberal group, said he hoped the caucuses in the EP would agree for one of the counts in the resolution to be the call for an international investigation of the elections, sought by the opposition and the citizens of Serbia.


Serbia Against Violence invited to EP session for adoption of resolution on Serbia’s elections (Danas)


Representatives of the Serbia Against Violence coalition have been invited to the Feb. 8 session of the European Parliament (EP), when the adoption of the resolution on the recent elections in Serbia is on the agenda, Danas reported. The invitation, which Danas was able to see, was signed by Viola von Cramon, an MEP from the Greens political caucus and the EP’s rapporteur for Kosovo. At the session titled “Serbia – Democracy at a Crossroads”, the MEPs are to adopt a resolution on irregularities in the December elections in Serbia. “The debate at the panel will be an opportunity to open the dialogue about the current state of democracy in Serbia and consider the challenges after 17 December. I would like to point out the importance of the efforts the EP is undertaking to preserve democracy in Serbia,” Viola von Cramon stated in the invitation. The invitation also reads that the EP played a key role in boosting democratic values, human rights and rule of law in Serbia and the entire Western Balkans. At its 2 February meeting, the Serbia Against Violence coalition will determine who will represent it at the EP’s 8 February session, says the report in Danas.


State Department says US deeply disappointed by Kosovo's decision to ban Dinar (Beta)


The US is deeply disappointed by and opposed to Kosovo's plans to carry on with the implementation of its decision to ban the use of foreign currencies, including the Serbian Dinar.

"We call again for the enforcement of this decision to be immediately postponed until satisfactory procedures in line with European standards are in place, and the population has been sufficiently educated on how the transition will proceed," a Department of State spokesperson said in a statement delivered to Beta late on 1 February. The statement reads that the decision was announced "without adequate preparation or consultation" and that the US has asked the Kosovo authorities "to explain what immediate problem this regulation is intended to solve and whether urgency is needed". "We have heard no adequate response. Many Kosovan citizens now do not know how they will pay their bills or receive their pensions," adds the US Foreign Ministry spokesperson. They further said, "This action is also inconsistent with Kosovo’s commitment to work through the EU-facilitated Dialogue to address issues that affect the welfare of the Serb minority community". "Good governance and good international partnership demand taking the time to assess consequences, hear perspectives, and consult with others on a workable solution," underlines the statement.


Pristina court sentences Serb Dusko Arsic to 13 years (KosovoOnline/Tanjug)


The Basic Court in Pristina today sentenced Dusko Arsic from Maticani, near Pristina to 13 years in prison on charges of war crimes, reports The court said that Arsic is guilty of the acts charged against him according to the indictment. The time he spent in custody will be counted towards the sentence. Dusko Arsic was arrested on 8 December 2021 at the Jarinje administrative crossing, in the presence of his two minor children, after he came to Kosovo and Metohija to solve the problem regarding his family's usurped property in the village of Maticane. The prosecution accuses him of having committed a war crime in 1999 in the village of Butovac. Arsic filed his own lawsuit to get back his usurped property in Kosovo and Metohija on 20 September 2021.




Komsic and Becirovic meet senior NATO delegation (BHT1)


The high-level delegation of NATO, namely the North-Atlantic Council (NAC), led by Deputy Secretary General of NATO Mircea Geoana, started their official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Thursday. On the first day of the visit, Geoana and the NAC sent a message that NATO strongly supports sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. The visit started in the B&H Presidency building in Sarajevo, where the NATO delegation met with Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic. In a statement issued after the meeting, Komsic underlined that B&H continues its cooperation with NATO. Becirovic told media that strategic goals of B&H are the full-fledged memberships in NATO and the EU. “I am very encouraged after this meeting, the Deputy Secretary General and the ambassadors of the countries in NATO have undoubtedly said that they firmly stand behind B&H, its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. And they all very clearly said that they strongly condemn any call for secession and endangering sovereignty and independence of B&H”, noted Becirovic. In addition, Becirovic announced he will meet with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien in Sarajevo on Friday. Becirovic noted that the arrival of O'Brien in B&H is not accidental and that this visit represents an important message to B&H and the region. “Today, I openly called on the North Atlantic Council to help B&H move rapidly towards full membership in NATO. This is the strategic interest of all citizens and peoples of B&H…This is a message to all people in our country, that the time of wars and unrest is behind us irretrievably,” Becirovic said. Becirovic pointed out that there are pro-Russian politicians who threaten peace in B&H and the region, stating the support of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik to the President of Russia. “He (Dodik) said that Vladimir Putin is, I quote, a great humanist and that, I quote again, Russia had every right to attack Ukraine. These statements were not made by any politician from Moscow, Minsk or Pyongyang. This was said by a politician in a city which is about 400 kilometers away from Rome or Vienna by air,” Becirovic said. Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stressed that Becirovic talked on his behalf, and not on behalf of the B&H Presidency. She reminded that the stance of the RS is clear, namely it is committed to cooperation. Cvijanovic expressed content with the fact the Program of Reforms clearly points out that it does not prejudge membership in NATO. She explained that NATO has not been exerting pressure in regards to membership, because they are aware there is no a single stance in this regard within framework of B&H. Cvijanovic stated that Becirovic cannot create a state policy on his own, adding that this issue has been clearly defined by the Constitution of B&H. Delegate in the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Radovan Kovacevic (SNSD) said that Becirovic should ask other member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, who voted in favor of Program of Reforms along with then member of the Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and upon initiative of then member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. Kovacevic explained that this document clearly reads that membership in NATO is not prejudged anymore. He underlined that it means a NATO path of B&H does not exist anymore. “In this context, it is necessary to remind that in a previous mandate, a former Commission for NATO Integration was renamed to a Commission for Cooperation with NATO. This is only format everyone in B&H accepted. This is the last decision B&H bodies adopted in this regard”, stated Kovacevic. Head of the SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sanja Vulic reacted to Becirovic’s statement that he informed NATO officials that there are pro-Russian politicians in B&H who jeopardize peace, Becirovic mentioned Dodik as an example of such a politician.  Vulic underlined that the fact the US wrote poor scenario for Ukraine and lost control of situation, cannot be consequence of a political stance of anyone, including Dodik. She emphasized that cooperation with NATO is maximum the RS gave consent to.


Russian Embassy: Becirovic does not like Russian players in B&H, but would like to be American player (ATV)


The Embassy of the Russian Federation to B&H stated on Thursday that despite to the fact Denis Becirovic is one of two members of B&H Presidency from the Federation of B&H (FB&H), there are a lot of confirmations that he does not express opinion of entire Bosniak people in B&H. The Embassy stated that Becirovic obviously does not like “Russian players in B&H”, but it is his passionate wish to become an American player. “As people say: Bujrum”, stated the Russian Embassy to B&H. The Embassy also stated that it does not rule out the possibility that Becirovic's praised, proven friends will suddenly disappoint him.


NATO delegation meets Kristo, B&H Ministers; Kristo stresses importance of this visit (FTV)


The high-level delegation of NATO, namely the North-Atlantic Council (NAC), led by Deputy Secretary General of NATO Mircea Geoana, started their official visit to B&H on Thursday. Geoana also met with the members of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM). Members of the B&H CoM introduced the NATO delegation to the security plans. “The security and stability of this country is important for the security of the wider region of the Western Balkans, for the security of the whole of Europe and the whole of NATO. That is why NATO is concerned about the rhetoric of division and secessionism, as well as the malign influence of Russia. This challenge to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H threatens to undermine stability,” Geoana underlined. B&H CoM Chairwoman Borjana Kristo said “your arrival in B&H after 13 years is an important signal and an opportunity to intensify the dialogue, to exchange ideas, and of course to build even stronger ties that should in any case contribute to the strengthening of peace and security, which is what we all strive for both in B&H and in the region and the world.” During the meetings, officials said that NATO is committed to cooperation with B&H in order to preserve its peace and stability. According to announcements, the NATO will continue to help the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H and they find it a guarantor of stability and progress. NATO officials condemned every attempt of secession, and it is firm and committed to defend territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of B&H. Addressing a press conference, Geoana underlined: “What happens in B&H is important for stability of the Western Balkans and what happens in the Western Balkans is important for all of us in Europe. Secession policies and rhetoric of divisions undermine stability and inhibit reforms. All political leaders must work together to preserve unity and protect state institutions.”


Geoana meets Konakovic, says secessionist policies and rhetoric of division undermine stability and hinder reforms (FTV)


NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana rounded off the first day of his visit to B&H with a meeting with B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic. Geoana and Konakovic discussed the security situation in B&H and implications for the region, and the basic message of the meeting was that NATO is an unwavering supporter of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Konakovic said that this is a message not only to those in B&H who live and dream of different scenarios, but also to those who, in great geopolitical upheavals around the world, may be planning to treat this part of Europe as their sphere of interest. “Being part of that collective security guaranteed by the strongest military-political alliance gives us the opportunity to better prepare for any security challenge,” Konakovic emphasized. Geoana said that what happens in B&H is important for the security of the Western Balkans, “and what happens in the Western Balkans is important for all of us in Europe.” “NATO strongly supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. Secessionist policies and rhetoric of division undermine stability and hinder reforms. All political leaders must work together to preserve unity and protect state institutions,” Geoana underlined. Geoana pointed out that B&H proved to be a credible partner to NATO, because it expressed readiness to participate in collective security. However, despite of that, as FTV noted, B&H is still far away from membership in NATO. Konakovic shifted the responsibility for the deadlock on the path to NATO to the previous authorities in B&H. “Cooperation with NATO is very important, perhaps crucial for B&H, but I consider the mistake of not having a clearly defined path, regardless of the fact that we have adopted laws that guarantee it, a weakness of the previous authorities,” Konakovic said. Geoana said that it is up to B&H to decide how fast it will go and in which direction it will go. “But I think it has been proven that these organizations offer a better life, a better perspective to citizens,” Geoana pointed out.


US Embassy: Like US, NATO will not allow hard-won peace in B&H to be jeopardized (


US Embassy to B&H issued the statement on Thursday, following the visit of North Atlantic Council members, led by NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana. “We welcome the visit of the North Atlantic Council, NATO’s principal political decision-making body, to Sarajevo. The visit underscores NATO’s commitment to supporting B&H Euro-Atlantic path and the reform necessary for B&H’s integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions. It also highlights the important work Allies do to strengthen the Armed Forces of B&H, including it crisis management, cybersecurity, and counterterrorism capabilities. This partnership will make B&H more secure, benefitting all citizens. Like the United States, NATO is committed to B&H’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and multiethnic character and will not allow hard-won peace in B&H to be jeopardized”.


Minister: Croatia has sent €181 million worth of military aid to Ukraine (Hina)


Croatia has so far provided military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of €181 million and it will continue sending aid in line with its capacity, Defence Minister Ivan Anusic said in Brussels on Wednesday. The minister, who was attending an informal meeting of EU defence ministers, said that Croatia was delivering on its promises to Ukraine and expressed hope all EU countries would do what they agreed to with regard to assistance to Ukraine. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, who chaired the meeting, said that the EU would deliver a half of the artillery shells promised to Ukraine by March. EU countries in March 2023 promised to send Ukraine one million artillery shells over a period of one year. So far only 330,000 have been delivered, and by the end of March an additional 200,000 could be sent. Borrell also said that the EU had so far trained 40,000 Ukrainian soldiers and that it planned to train another 20,000 by the end of this year. The ammunition sent so far has mostly come from the member-states current supplies, and they should now be replenished with increased production. The EU is therefore looking for ways to increase the production of weapons and ammunition considering the new security challenges. “The military industry must start functioning in line with the challenges that lie ahead. EU countries, including Croatia, must develop their production potential,” said Anusic. Croatia must start manufacturing ammunition and weapons not only for its own needs but for export as well, he said, adding that Croatian arms producers would connect with manufacturers across Europe. Anusic, who took office in November 2023, also announced a pay raise for Croatian servicepeople.


Djelosaj at the Prayer Breakfast: We prayed for peace, especially in Ukraine and Gaza (CdM)


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development Nik Djelosaj attended the Prayer Breakfast in Washington. "I had the pleasure of participating in the traditional morning prayer today in Washington, together with my wife. In the world capital, together with participants from all over the world, we prayed for peace and prosperity. Especially for peace in Ukraine and Gaza, praying for all the innocent victims, especially the children," wrote Djelosaj on Facebook.


Escobar to Ivanovic: US support for reforms, we hope that we will soon be your partner in the EU (CdM)


The USA supports Montenegro's European path and the efforts it is making to become a full member of the EU as soon as possible, it was pointed out during the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanovic with the US Assistant Deputy Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar in Washington. Escobar said that the USA, as a friendly country and ally of Montenegro, welcomes our progress towards EU membership. "We hope that we will soon be your partner in the EU," said Escobar. He welcomed the commitment to active and credible membership in NATO, good neighborly relations and strengthening security in the Western Balkans, as well as Montenegro's full compliance with the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. Ivanovic said that Montenegro will continue to be a partner of the USA, and informed Escobar about the results of the work of the 44th government so far, especially regarding the reactivation of the negotiation process with the EU and the reforms in the key Chapters 23 and 24. "In a short period of time, we have shown that we are a government that achieves results. "Montenegro is making progress, the issues that burdened the functioning of the judicial authorities in previous years have been resolved, a new chief negotiator has been appointed and we are continuing resolutely with the implementation of obligations from the EU agenda," the minister pointed out. He introduced the interlocutor to Montenegro's candidacy for a non-permanent member of the Security Council for the period 2026-2027, and Escobar agreed that it would be very good for Montenegro. The meeting discussed the current political situation in the region. The importance of the increased interest of the American administration in the stability and further development of the Western Balkans was highlighted, and there was also talk about Russian aggression against Ukraine and the impact of the war on EU enlargement policy, as well as the security of the European continent. In Washington, Minister Ivanovic also met with Congressman Dag Lamborn, with whom he discussed the importance of permanent stability in the region and the constructive role of Montenegro in fostering good neighborly relations and regional cooperation. On the third day of his working stay in Washington, the minister also visited the Heritage Foundation. During the meeting, opinions were exchanged on political, economic and security issues in the Western Balkans, as well as on current global challenges, and the possibilities of additional strengthening of contacts and cooperation between Montenegro and the USA, especially in the areas of security, energy, tourism and education.


Mitreski – Stefanchuk: North Macedonia and Ukraine to continue to cooperate, support each other on EU path (MIA)


Speaker of the parliament of North Macedonia Jovan Mitreski held an online meeting Thursday with the Chairman of the verkhovna rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk, during which they reaffirmed and welcomed North Macedonia’s decisive support and solidarity with Ukraine, the Ukrainian institutions and people in the face of Russia’s brutal and unjustified aggression, said the parliament of North Macedonia in a press release. Congratulating Mitreski on his election as speaker of the parliament, Stefanchuk also voiced gratitude to North Macedonia over its support for Ukraine’s aspirations to NATO and EU membership and invited Mitreski to address a session of the Verkhovna Rada. “I assure you that in me Ukraine has a sincere and proven longstanding friend and supporter. In the future too, you can count on my support in terms of the improvement of bilateral cooperation between parliament and the verkhovna rada, as well as on a multilateral level,” said Mitreski.  The speaker of parliament also spoke about the exhibition “Ukraine Remembers, the World Acknowledges”, hosted by the parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia on the 100th anniversary of the Holodomor. Mitreski reminded that the situation in Ukraine was also at the top of the country’s priorities when it chaired the OSCE, adding that North Macedonia would be honoured to participate in the Ukraine peace summit. Pointing to the Declaration adopted by parliament which condemns the military attacks on Ukraine, Mitreski said North Macedonia is an active participant in the parliamentary dimension of the international Crimea Platform. He also highlighted the fact that North Macedonia has joined all restrictive measures implemented on the Russian Federation, as well as all decisions related to Ukraine’s territorial integrity, supporting the country’s aspirations for membership in the Euro-Atlantic organizations. “In the Republic of North Macedonia, we are carefully monitoring the developments in Ukraine, and we are continually reaffirming our support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as the inviolability of its borders. In the future too, we will continue to provide active diplomatic, humanitarian and military assistance to Ukraine, within our capabilities and capacities,” said Mitreski, noting the readiness of the Macedonian side to support Ukraine in the Euro-Atlantic integration process with its experience and expertise. Voicing his confidence that North Macedonia will continue to support and assist Ukraine, Stefanchuk noted that the two countries deserve to become members of the EU and should cooperate within the process. “I assure you that in me, Ukraine has a sincere and proven longstanding friend and supporter. In the future too, you can count on my support in terms of the improvement of bilateral cooperation between parliament and the verkhovna rada, as well as on a multilateral level,” said Mitreski. The speaker of parliament also spoke about the exhibition “Ukraine Remembers, the World Acknowledges”, hosted by the parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia on the 100th anniversary of the Holodomor. Mitreski reminded that the situation in Ukraine was also at the top of the country’s priorities when it chaired the OSCE, adding that North Macedonia would be honoured to participate in the Ukraine peace summit.


Kovachevski and Taravari discuss policies related to EU membership and US partnership at meeting (MIA)


The leader of SDSM Dimitar Kovachevski held a meeting Thursday with the leader of the Alliance for Albanians (AA) Arben Taravari, during which, according to Kovachevski, they spoke about the realization of the government’s program, the work dynamics in the coming period, as well as policies related to the fulfilment of the country’s strategic goals of membership into the EU and partnership with the US. “Our joint goals, which we are working towards with commitment, as politicians and coalition partners, are the continuation of the European path until full-fledged EU membership, as well as the enhancement of the country’s strategic partnership with the US. This is our commitment to all of our citizens and the future of the country, because North Macedonia has no alternative to the European path,” wrote Kovachevski in a Facebook post after the meeting. Earlier on Thursday, in a brief statement for MIA, Taravari confirmed that North Macedonia's Albanian opposition bloc had asked him to be their candidate for President in the upcoming presidential election, but he was not interested, he said. "The Albanian opposition talked to me about being their presidential candidate, but I am not interested," Taravari said.


Amendments to law on restrictive measures withdrawn from parliamentary procedure due to 'administrative reasons' (MIA)


Amendments to the law on restrictive measures have been withdrawn from parliamentary procedure due to administrative reasons and the government is expected to endorse them again at its next session. "Due to the election of the new government, the draft-amendments will administratively be again approved at the next session and then forwarded to the parliament," said the executive. On 16 January, the government unanimously expressed its political will to submit the law amendments to the Parliament. According to the amendments, legal acts by the United States and the United Kingdom would be included as basis for courts to order sanctions to be levied against entities in North Macedonia, in addition to the legal acts by the UN and the EU.


Members of the US Congress: The US should support the Western Balkans in the face of the influence of Russia, China (VoA/Radio Tirana)


Members of Congress and senior US officials, as well as members of the parliaments of European countries and the Western Balkans, expressed concern on Wednesday about the malign influence of Russia and China in the Western Balkans. They spoke on this topic at a forum in the US Congress. Participants said that Russia and China are trying to increase their influence through political interference and disinformation in the case of Moscow, as well as mainly through economic and infrastructure investments in the case of Beijing. They emphasized the need to strengthen coordination between the US and its allies with the countries of the Western Balkans. They also spoke about the need for regional integration. Republican Congressman Pete Sessions, one of the co-chairs and organizers of the discussion, told VoA that Russia has been trying to destabilize the Balkans for years, and that it is clear that it uses disinformation and force when it wants to achieve its goals. "The destabilization of the Balkans (by Moscow) is something that each of the countries there sees, and they see that not only is it happening, but that there is a deliberate attempt to undermine these countries," he said. Mr. Sessions says that the United States and Western organizations should support the stability of the region. "The EU, NATO and the United States must be united and say strongly that 'we support these countries, and we will stand together with them.' This is what these countries need: for the United States of America to stand firmly by their side," he said. His colleague, the Republican Congressman Robert B.  Aderholt expressed concern that Russia and China's campaign for influence is growing and therefore the Balkan countries today more than ever are vital to the partnership with the United States and there must be a unified stance against negative influences," he said. Albania's former Defense Minister, Fatmir Mediu, who organized the meeting along with Congressmen Sessions and Aderholt, said it is clear that security is the top issue in the world today. "It seems clear that there is a move by Russia but also by China, maybe also by Iran, to create problems in the Balkan region, to have another point of conflict and to shift attention from Ukraine," he told VoA. Mr. Mediu adds that the Balkan countries themselves, which are members of NATO, must take measures to create preventive political and military mechanisms in the Balkan region. "We must discuss together what this concerns are and what the solutions are for the Western Balkans. If we look at how these forces, such as Russia and China, act, the first is that they try to ignite new conflicts, the second is to create a kind of status-quo regarding the situation, unresolved problems, to prevent membership in the EU and NATO and expand their geo-economic and geo-political influence". Naz Durakoglu, Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs emphasized that the United States is very concerned about the influence of China and Russia in the region, the first through infrastructure and the second through gas and disinformation, and their focus is against NATO and United States. "We use foreign aid to help integrate the countries of the Western Balkans into the EU and with each other," she said. She also emphasized the importance of reforms, the fight against corruption and the strengthening of democracy. Balkan affairs analyst Edward Joseph told VoA that he reminded members of Congress and US officials how important the Balkans is... "This region is part of Putin's strategy. He wants to divide Europe from the United States and he wants to divide Europe within itself, and the Balkans is a major way to do that," he said. Mr. Joseph emphasized that for Moscow, influence in the Balkan region is done at a low cost but with great consequences and said that Russia has the help of Serbia in its efforts. But he said the cards are in the hands of the West for the direction of the region. "We hold the cards, the West, the United States, the EU, those of NATO. It is different from Ukraine. Russia is too far away to bring ground forces. NATO members surround the Balkans. All the countries of the region, except Serbia, want to join NATO," he said. In a reminder of the geopolitical situation the world is in today and the challenges it faces, Ukraine's representative at the forum, MP Alex Goncharenko, called for continued aid to his country, at a time of debate in the Capitol, where the approval process of further aid for the war against Russia, has stalled.


The parliamentary majority welcomes the resumption of the work on the electoral reform (Radio Tirana)


The parliamentary majority welcomes the resumption of the work on the electoral reform. Albanian Minister of State for Relations with the parliament Elisa Spiropali received in a meeting the Acting Chairperson of the OSCE Presence to Tirana Clarisse Pasztory. Spiropali said that the parliamentary majority welcomes the resumption and the speeding up of work on the electoral reform with the contribution of the OSCE Presence in Albania and OSCE/ODIHR. "Since a long time, we have been ready to consider any meaningful proposal and open cooperation with the opposition MPs," writes Spiropali, among others in a post on social networks.