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Belgrade Media Report 7 February 2024



Dacic: According to information that I have, UNSC session will be open for public (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told RTS that according to the unofficial information he has, he can say that the UN Security Council session on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija will be open to the public. He pointed out that we will be represented by President Aleksandar Vucic. The extraordinary session of the UN Security Council on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, at the request of Serbia, will be held on Thursday at 9 pm our time. On Monday, Serbia submitted a request to the Mission of Guyana to convene an extraordinary session of the UN Security Council due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. Dacic states that there was a lot of pressure for the session to be closed to the public. “As for the procedure itself, we have witnessed in these two days fierce backroom games and pressures within the Security Council for the Guyana presidency to schedule a closed session,” added Dacic. “Western countries and countries coming from the EU are of the opinion that the session should be closed for reasons known only to them. In other words, we believe that the entire world public would not hear what is happening in the region of Kosovo and Metohija and how they could still promote lies in the international media space,” Dacic points out. He says that this was a very difficult fight for us. He explained that sessions can be closed and open to the public, as well as that both are official, and there are also so-called private sessions. “Nothing is announced from a closed session, and a statement can be made after a private one,” Dacic added. He indicated that they justified the request for a closed session by the fact that it had happened before. “It is true that it happened, but from 2012 until today, we have never agreed to closed sessions, because we have no reason for such a thing,” Dacic added. He stated that the President’s office and the Ministry tried their best to exert influence through diplomatic contacts so that if there is a vote, we will have a certain number of votes. He emphasized that the chair Guyana decided whether the session was open and closed to the public, but that there could have been a vote. “In the beginning, there were talks and several countries requested that the session be closed. We talked with those countries that did not recognize Kosovo, but the key event happened after the conversation I had with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guyana, it has not been officially announced yet, but he sent me a message that he instructed that Guyana, with its decision to preside, will schedule a session for Thursday in an open format,” says Dacic. “I think it is very important that his speech be visible and that all the reasons and arguments why we requested an urgent session of the Security Council should be seen and known by everyone, so that they do not think that this is a constant attempt to complicate the situation, on the contrary. We complain about the violation of Resolution 1244, about everything that is happening to the Serb people, about the terror to which they are exposed, including the latest events and the attempt to abolish the Dinar,” said Dacic. He pointed out that there was a danger that the session would be closed to the public if there was a vote on it. “I would like to officially thank, on behalf of the Republic of Serbia, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guyana who made a brave decision, because I remind, that is the decision of the chairman,” Dacic added. He emphasizes that we have a fight on three fronts - one is the issue of the Security Council and Kosovo and Metohija, the other front is the issue of the EU, that is, the situation surrounding the so-called attempted full implementation of the Ohrid agreement, and even those parts that the President did not accept, to be included in the negotiation framework 35. “The five non-recognising countries practically put that first proposal, that is, the draft, on hold to consider the answers to that situation, respecting our objections that we cannot accept the implementation of something on which we did not agree, that is, on which President Vucic made his verbal statement clearly said that this is unacceptable for us,” said Dacic. He indicated that the discussion will continue. “There are countries that are pushing for it at all costs, while the President has clearly said that this means a very serious threat to our European integration, that is, Serbia’s European path,” Dacic added. The third thing, he states, is the European Parliament and the culmination of pressures coming from all sides, which, he points out, are primarily directed against the interests of Serbia. “This is not about any political rights and freedoms, this is about the fiercest criticism, the desire to criticize Serbia as much as possible, while placing those messages somewhere as if on the sidelines, and in fact these are the main messages, and that means you have to recognize Kosovo, you have to impose sanctions on Russia, and probably then all these political remarks would be acceptable,” said Dacic.


Chinese Ambassador: Kosovo issue should be resolved through dialogue (RTS)


The Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Serbia Li Ming said in an interview with RTS that China supports Serbia’s territorial integrity. Li Ming said that the issue of Kosovo and Metohija should be resolved through dialogue and that the solution should be within the framework of UNSCR 1244. The Ambassador pointed out that the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Serbia must be fully respected. “We have carefully observed the recent events in Kosovo and Metohija and we are concerned. We believe that any unilateral action can lead to the spread of panic and lead to an escalation of tensions, and this is not in anyone’s interest, not a single party participating in this dispute, nor in the interest of regional peace and stability,” Li said. He emphasized that he believes that all ethnic groups and their legitimate rights and security should be respected and guaranteed, including the rights of the Serb community. “That is why we hope that the Brussels agreement from 2013 and the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities will be able to be implemented. In principle, we hope that the Kosovo issue will be resolved on the basis of international law and within the relevant UN resolutions. We respect and appreciate political Serbia’s efforts to solve this problem and issue, and we hope that we can maintain close contacts with each other on this very important issue,” said the Chinese Ambassador.


UNMIK Chief calls for resolving outstanding issues through dialogue (Tanjug)


Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and UNMIK Head Caroline Ziadeh on Tuesday voiced "serious concern" over recent developments impacting the economic and social rights of Serbs and other non-majority communities in Kosovo and Metohija and called for all issues to be discussed within the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. In a statement released by the UN mission in Kosovo, Ziadeh called for "outstanding issues to be discussed within the framework of the EU-facilitated Dialogue, including appropriate time to allow for effective communication and adequate outreach to affected communities beforehand". "The SRSG reiterates UNMIK’s unwavering commitment for the respect and protection of human rights for all communities, including the principle of equality and non-discrimination, which is one of the pillars of Kosovo’s human rights framework," the statement said. On 17 January, Pristina announced the Euro would become the only legal tender for cash transactions in Kosovo and Metohija from 1 February. In response, Belgrade has requested an extraordinary UNSC session over the move and the overall situation in Kosovo and Metohija and said Pristina's abolition of the Serbian dinar was illegal and represented a "continuity of measures of brutal physical and institutional violence against Serbs".


Vucic asks what the point of circus with trial of Dodik is, unless it is someone’s intention to continue with punishing of Serb representatives (TV Happy)


Speaking for TV Happy, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he always had fair relation toward Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and toward Republika Srpska (RS) and that he always said that Serbia respects integrity of B&H, but also loves the RS. “We respect integrity of B&H, I love the RS and I will not hide it from anyone. We never stepped on anyone’s foot in B&H. Never, not with a single statement,” said Vucic. This was Vucic’s response to stances that “he tolerates Milorad Dodik and the RS”, adding that he always showed respect toward the RS, as well as toward Dodik and opposition. He further noted that he has a fair relation with Dodik, and they agreed that “border on Drina (River) mut never happen”. “We have this agreement with everyone else in the RS. We must not allow for division between Serbs to occur as we had between Milosevic, Karadzic and Mladic”. Vucic stressed that Serbs today do not allow foreign services to cause quarrels between them as was the case during the nineties, adding that this is the reason why nobody form official Belgrade would say anything bad about Serb politicians in the region. “I do not have to always agree with what Dodik is doing. However, you will never hear me saying it in public. Never. Because this is how acts someone, who is responsible toward their people,” ends Vucic. He said that he never did anything wrong toward B&H, but on the contrary, he always called for construction of more roads toward Tuzla and Sarajevo. Vucic also said that he does not want to interfere into matters in B&H but asks what the point of circus with trial of Dodik is, unless it is someone’s intention to continue with punishing of Serb representatives.  Commenting statement of Professor Daniel Serwer that B&H will be handed over to Serbia in case of Donald Trump’s victory in elections, Vucic said that the question is why he said this, whether this is some prediction, prognosis or something else. “Well, no, he is doing this in order to exert additional pressure on Serbia and take part in hybrid war against Serbia,” said Vucic. He concluded that Serwer is openly anti-Serb, pro-Albanian and pro-Bosniak and that the statement aims to expose Serbia to attentional attacks and pressures by side of great powers.


Dacic: We’ll continue to be constructive element of political stability (Beta)


Socialist Party of Serbia MP Ivica Dacic said yesterday that his party would continue to be “a constructive element of political stability and state unity” in the Serbian parliament. After the parliament constitutive session, Dacic, the Socialists’ leader, told reporters that his party would maintain the partnership with the Serbian Progressive Party and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, adding that he expected collaboration to continue in the parliament and also in a future government. “We want to give our contribution to the state and national interests of Serbia,” Dacic stressed. He added that a new parliament was formed within the legally prescribed time frame, and condemned the actions of opposition MPs, noting that “such a disgrace in the parliament was unnecessary”. “I have been a member of parliament since 1992, and no constitutive session has seen anyone behaving like this, posting banners, shouting, swearing, and making threats. Those who had complaints should have used legal procedures,” Dacic noted.


Stefanovic: We will not nominate candidates for deputy speaker, committee chairs (N1)


Serbia Against Violence MP Borko Stefanovic said yesterday that the coalition would not nominate candidates for the position of deputy speaker of parliament or for the chairs of committees. In an interview with TV N1 after the parliament's inaugural session which the opposition tried to obstruct, Stefanovic said that the incumbent authorities had two options. "The Progressive and Radical government can have this cardboard government and hide behind police cordons, or it can wait for the European Parliament's resolution, which will state that the elections were stolen, that they need to be repeated and that an international commission needs to come here to investigate everything," Stefanovic said. As for why opposition MPs quit the session during the swear-in, which they later performed in the hallway of parliament, he said that they did this "because the parliament is built upon electoral fraud".


DS: Entering parliament will be considered only after EP resolution (Nova/Beta)


Democratic Party (DS) Vice President Dragana Rakic confirmed yesterday that the party's MPs did not attend the parliament's inaugural session and that whether or not they would return to parliament was a question for after the European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution on elections in Serbia. Rakic told the website that the DS had rightly decided not to participate "in the farce that the inauguration of a Serbian parliament created on electoral fraud is". "Our joint struggle would have certainly been more successful had we passed a unanimous decision on not entering parliament, because the image of empty seats is the clearest message that Serbia is in a deep political crisis. It was naive to think that Aleksandar Vucic would allow anyone from the opposition today to say a single word on the electoral fraud that he conducted. As it stands, this is how it is going to be in the future as well," she said.


Kurti continues, a new attack on the Serbs: The first transport of dinars banned (RTV/B92/Kosovo Online)


Authorities in Pristina did not allow Dinars intended for the payment of salaries, pensions, social benefits to enter the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. As Kosovo Online was told by the National Bank of Serbia, although the vehicle with Serbian dinars was sent to the Jarinje crossing according to all long-established and very precise procedures, it was returned today from the Jarinje crossing without any explanation or refusal. The armored vehicle with Dinars that was sent from the NBS branch in Kragujevac arrived at Jarinje around 11:00 a.m., where the money in dinars was supposed to be picked up by the vehicle of the British company "Henderson", which has a license to transport money with which NBS has successfully cooperated for years. The Dinars were supposed to be transported to the vault of the National Bank of Serbia in Leposavic. However, as reported by the Kosovo Online reporter, after several hours of waiting for approval from Pristina, the permit did not arrive and the entry of Dinars was prohibited. This is the first transfer of money after 1 February and the entry into force of the decree of the Central Bank of Kosovo banning the circulation of Dinars.




German Minister Pistorius meets Helez and his deputies (BHT1)


German Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius arrived in official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Tuesday, where he held a number of meetings with B&H officials in Sarajevo. The reporter notes that Pistorius’ visit comes shortly after important meetings of European and US officials in B&H over past several days. BHT1 reports that Pistorius first met with B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez and his deputies, the meeting for which both ministers agreed was constructive. It was said on the occasion that Germany will continue to be one of the countries with the strongest support to B&H on its EU and NATO path. The interlocutors also stressed the importance of B&H’s stability, for B&H as well as for the entire Western Balkans. Pistorius also referred to the Russian influence in the Western Balkans and B&H, noting that Germany supports everything that is being done to prevent the spread of Russian influence so that Russia should not take advantage of the situation and create an additional crisis. He also said that Germany supports EUFOR’s engagement in B&H. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Helez said: “The Federal Republic of Germany is one of the key friends of B&H in foreign policy. Furthermore, the Federal Republic of Germany fully supports B&H on its path toward the European Union and the NATO Alliance and for that I would like to express my gratitude to the Minister and to our friends from the Federal Republic of Germany, and for everything they have done so far for B&H and for the Armed Force.” Pistorius said: “We, of course want to support B&H and prevent Russia to lead to the additional crisis, i.e. destabilization, to abuse this zone to spread its influence hoping that it will destabilize the West that way. I want to say clearly that Germany will support engagement of EUFOR Althea. It is very important that the troops are present and that they can stay in B&H, and I am really happy about how welcome they are here and how supported they are because they also contribute to safe environment for needed reforms.” Pistorius also spoke about Germany’s investment into the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H, as well as strengthening cooperation between B&H and the NATO. Pistorius said that Germany will continue to invest in B&H’s stability and security. Pistorius thanked B&H on its official stance regarding Russia, i.e. the war in Ukraine. He expects leaders in BiH to have a joint stance regarding this matter. Pistorius emphasized that the EU path of B&H could be stopped if this country is not ready to clearly determine and present its stances. Pistorius underlined the importance of maintaining stability in B&H, and the entire Western Balkans region, saying Germany will always help with this. “We are really glad, as Germany, to be amongst the biggest countries that support B&H. We have significantly expanded our relations. During this visit, I saw that this investment was appreciated, that it paid off, and precisely due to that, we wish to continue to do that in the future,” Pistorius told a press conference. He pointed out that stability in B&H, and in the Western Balkans region, will mean stability for the entire Europe. Pistorius said NATO has an open-door policy, and that B&H leaders should implement reforms on the path towards NATO membership.


Russian Embassy responds to Pistorius’s statements: It is not Russia, but Germany that is exacerbating the internal political crisis in B&H (


The Russian Embassy to B&H issued a statement in response to the statements of German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius who announced during his stay in Sarajevo " the support to the efforts to prevent Russia from leading to an additional crisis". “We emphasize that it is not Russia, but Germany that is exacerbating the internal political crisis in B&H, primarily through the figure of an illegitimate high representative. If Germany respected international law and did not act according to the notorious 'rules on which the world is based', then it would do everything it could so that its representative, as follows from the Dayton Peace Agreement, gets the approval of the UN Security Council”, the Russian Embassy stated. The statement further reads that "Germany is destabilizing the Balkans by supporting the so-called self-proclaimed Kosovo in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and that Germany is destabilizing Europe by unscrupulously supporting the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev, which has tarnished itself with inhumane crimes against civilians, not even sparing its compatriots." “As for Russia, as one of the guarantors of the Dayton Peace Agreement, it advocates the development of dialogue in B&H, the elaboration of consensus agreements, as well as the strengthening of all-round ties with the friendly peoples of B&H”, the Embassy concluded.


Pistorius meets with B&H Presidency members, emphasizes Germany’s support to B&H’s EU integration (


B&H Presidency members met with German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius on Tuesday who is visiting B&H. They discussed the security and political situation in B&H and the Western Balkans. Participants of the meeting highlighted the important role of Germany, as one of the key partners of B&H in the process of EU and Euro-Atlantic integration. B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic thanked Germany for its commitment to the peace and stability of B&H and for providing important support to the strengthening of the B&H Armed Forces. He said that there is no alternative to strengthening the Armed Forces and strengthening the institutions of the state of B&H. Both sides expressed an interest in further improvement of economic cooperation, and bearing in mind that Germany is among the most important economic partners of B&H and one of the leading donors, interest in further German investments was also expressed. Pistorius noted that Germany is among B&H's key European partners that strongly supports B&H’s membership in the EU and has an interest in achieving permanent stability in the Western Balkans by ensuring a European perspective for all countries in the region. The extension of the Althea EUFOR mission was discussed as well.


Pistorius meets with HR Schmidt: Germany remains strong support to B&H and it supports country’s Euro-Atlantic commitments (BHT1)


German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius met with High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt. Following the meeting, they briefly addressed the media, on which occasion, Pistorius said he learned a lot about B&H and expressed hope that cooperation between the two countries will continue. Addressing the media after the meeting, Schmidt said: “I would like to thank you for coming and say that it is my pleasure for having the opportunity to meet with the German Defense Minister, Mr. Boris Pistorius, who not only came but also expressed Germany’s further commitment to supporting efforts made in B&H to maintain peace and stability. Experience we have had with Germany so far, especially within Althea Mission, was going in that direction, i.e. Germany provided its full support to activities carried out in that regard.” Pistorius said: “I would like to use the opportunity to thank the High Representative for a very open and honest discussion. I had the opportunity to hear and learn a lot in B&H during my meetings so far, in the (B&H) Presidency and with my colleagues in the (B&H) Defense Ministry. There is always something to learn, thank you very much and I expect such cooperation in future’’. Joint message conveyed by Pistorius and Schmidt was that Germany remains a strong support to B&H and it supports the country’s Euro-Atlantic commitments. During a press conference, Schmidt said that Pistorius expressed further commitment to helping efforts that are being exerted in B&H regarding the preservation of peace and stability.


Eichhorst meets B&H Presidency members; Eichhorst:  Certain EU member states soften critical approach toward B&H (


Members of the B&H Presidency met with Managing Director for Europe at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst on Tuesday night. The statement issued by B&H Presidency, reads that members of the B&H Presidency welcomed Eichhorst, thanking her for attention and dedication that she and other EU officials give to B&H in its efforts toward the EU membership. They confirmed that becoming an EU member state is a foreign-policy priority for B&H, presenting united stance that it is of extreme importance for B&H to be granted opening of the EU accession talks in March. The B&H Presidency members deem that this is in interest of not only B&H, but also of the region and the EU. Informing Eichhorst about the efforts that domestic authorities and institutions exerted in the previous period on meeting of obligations on the EU path, the members of the B&H Presidency expressed hope that remaining criteria will be fulfilled by March, so that the support of the EU member states to opening of the accession talks with B&H would be secured. The B&H Presidency members welcomed the decision of the European Commission on adoption of the new Growth Plan for Western Balkans, which stipulates further economic harmonization of the Western Balkans, through the single market with the EU single market. Eichhorst stated that everyone in Brussels is truly dedicated to helping B&H in fulfilling remaining obligations in order to be granted opening of the accession talks in March, stating that some of the EU member states soften their earlier critical approach toward B&H. She also noted that it is necessary to use the momentum and that the remaining obligations have to be adopted by B&H politicians by March. In her first statement to certain media, Eichhorst said that the adoption of three laws and cooperation with the Frontex would be significant progress, which is much less than the 14 priorities of the European Commission that were listed earlier, noted the presenter. Eichhorst stated that B&H should adopt the top three laws on that path - the law on prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, the law on conflict of interest and the law on courts. “A lot of discussions were held about it, we know that there was also a meeting of the coalition leaders and we hope that this will be adopted. I believe that these decisions can be made”, Eichhorst stressed.


HR Schmidt addresses key challenges at "Friends of the Western Balkans" meeting in Rome (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative Christian Schmidt took part in the meeting of the “Friends of the Western Balkans Group” in Rome. The meeting, also attended by the Foreign Ministers of Albania, B&H, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, focused on the economic prospects and the EU integration of the region. The High Representative also met with Foreign Minister of Austria Alexander Schallenberg, B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic Jan Marian, to discuss political developments in B&H and the Western Balkans region. The High Representative stated that the opening of accession negotiations would be a unique opportunity for B&H. Restoring public trust in the electoral system is the immediate priority for the B&H authorities. The election integrity reforms therefore need to be implemented swiftly to ensure the successful organization of local elections scheduled for October this year. Furthermore, he underscored that B&H institutions must operate efficiently and at full capacity to address other priorities so that B&H can be able to officially commence EU membership negotiations this spring. The “Friends of the Western Balkans” initiative was launched in 2023 by Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, and Slovenia, to accelerate the EU accession and integration of the region. The High Representative expressed gratitude for the collaborative discussions at the meeting, reinforcing regional commitments to positive political developments and the shared goals of Western Balkans States in their journey towards EU integration.


Konakovic attends meeting of foreign ministers in Rome (Oslobodjenje)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Elmedin Konakovic attended a meeting of foreign ministers of the Western Balkans with foreign ministers of the group ‘Friends of the Western Balkans’ in Rome upon an invitation of Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani. Participants of the ministerial meeting discussed upcoming tasks in 2024 related to the integration of the Western Balkans region in the EU as well as strengthening of a coordinated approach to priority issues. Within the first session of the ministerial meeting held under the title ‘Joint work on acceleration of the process of European integration of the Western Balkans countries’, Minister Konakovic said that the candidate status that was granted to B&H in December 2022 brought a new optimism and positive energy to B&H. “I can proudly say that after one decade of delays on the path to the EU integration, we, in the Council of Ministers (CoM), managed to make some difficult internal compromise, many of which were not politically popular”, Konakovic said and added that, in this context, he can understand that the enlargement is not popular especially in the year of European elections, but the EU leaders must act as leaders and consider several steps ahead, take a look at political consequences and safety risks of failure to launch talks with B&H. Konakovic expressed his hope that the EU will make a correct decision at the upcoming session of the EU Council in March this year, which would make it possible to launch the accession talks. “Having in mind, on one hand, the enormous positive impact this would have on B&H – politically, economically and on our society – and, on the other hand, the need to maintain the positive momentum, I believe it is in our common interest to integrate B&H and region in the EU in an accelerated manner”, Konakovic noted. At the second session dubbed ‘Growth and integration: contribution of private sector’, Minister Konakovic spoke about the importance of a deeper economic integration of the Western Balkans and EU to improve the living standard in the region, which has been witnessing big migration of its population to the European countries in search for better opportunities. Konakovic assessed as encouraging the announcement on the adoption of the new Western Balkans Growth Plan by the European Commission, which would assist growth of economies of the countries in the region and it would bring them closer to the single market of the EU. Konakovic also pointed out the importance of the Common Regional Market, in scope of the Berlin Process, as a strong toll for both faster integration in the single market and for acceleration of national and regional economic growth. Konakovic also said that B&H supports the idea on future economic harmonization of the Western Balkans with the single market of the EU through the Common Regional Market.


FM Grlic Radman reiterates support to opening of accession negotiations with B&H (Dnevni list)


Croatian Foreign Minister (FM) Gordan Grlic Radman has reiterated during meeting of Foreign Ministers of EU of Group of Friends of the Western Balkans (Croatia, Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Slovakia, Italy and Slovenia) the support to opening of accession negotiations with B&H. Grlic Radman stressed the importance of Croatia’s initiative sent to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell in early October of 2023, in which the Foreign Ministers of Group of Friends of the Western Balkans expressed their support to opening of the accession negotiations with B&H. “It is important to stress that the enlargement is back on the EU agenda and that it is being discussed at the highest level of the EU. There is strong political dedication among EU leaders to perspective of the membership of the Western Balkans”, said Grlic Radman.


Ministers in Rome: Italy strongly supports reform processes in Montenegro (CdM)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanovic, Minister of the Interior Danilo Saranovic and Minister of Justice Andrej Milovic took part in a working lunch in Rome hosted by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy Antonio Tajani, together with the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedozzi and the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordi. , and the president of the Italian National Anti-Corruption Agency (ANAC) Giuseppe Busia, the state prosecutor for the fight against the mafia Giovanni Melillo, and the commander of the Financial Police Andrea de Gennaro were also present. The interlocutors expressed their satisfaction with the progress that Montenegro achieved in the previous period by completing the composition of the Constitutional Court and the Judicial Council, as well as with the voting of the supreme state prosecutor, but by appointing the chief negotiator. This, as they pointed out, created the conditions for a new momentum in the reform process, which will enable high-quality and rapid implementation of reforms in numerous areas, especially when it comes to improving the rule of law and the fight against corruption, as well as contributing to a faster end to the negotiation process with the EU. "The Italian ministers pointed out that Montenegro can count on the full help of Italy on the reform path and added that there is a willingness to share knowledge and experience that would significantly improve the quality of reforms", the Ministry announced. When it comes to the negotiation process, they added that Italy will continue to provide strong support to our country, especially when it comes to Chapters 23 and 24, and expressed their belief that Montenegro will become the first next member of the Union. "At the meeting, it was assessed that Montenegro and Italy nurture friendly, substantive and historically close ties, which will be further deepened in the coming period by strengthening cooperation in areas of mutual importance," it added. Along these lines, the Minister of the Interior, Danilo Saranovic, and his Italian counterpart, Matteo Piantedozzi, signed today the Operational Protocol for the fight against drugs, which will further strengthen the cooperation of Montenegrin and Italian authorities in combating smuggling and drug trafficking.


Knezevic: I will talk about the reconstruction only with Spajic, others should not try to re-educate us (Adria TV)


I don't want to talk to any of the coalition partners, I will only talk to Prime Minister Milojko Spajic about reconstruction, said the president of the Democratic People's Party, Milan Knezevic, as a guest on Adria television. Referring to the "coup d'état" case, he said that the procedure has been going on for eight years. "We have a new trial in the High Court, the evidentiary proceedings are ongoing, I thought we would give the final word quickly, but that will not happen soon. I hope that soon we will have a hearing where we will give closing arguments and that this trial will end and we will receive at least a first-instance verdict", added Knezevic. He also assessed that the Assembly made greater strides than the government did in the first hundred days of work. "I think that Milojko Spajic's government has yet to produce results. I can praise or apostrophize the part that concerns the increase of the minimum pension, with a clear determination that a model should be found, through budget rebalancing, for a linear increase for other pension beneficiaries. It is also important that the construction of the highway Andrijevica-Matesevo starts", he stated. He said that the improvement of the social and economic status, related to the announced strikes, should also be remedied. "I think that by talking to those people, we can reach a mutually acceptable solution," Knezevic said. They, he emphasized, support the government even though they are not part of it, as ministers and in executive action, but they are ready to be participants and mediators in solving socio-economic issues that burden society. Spajic, he pointed out, received the highest number of votes on the program Evropa sad 2. "And he is obliged to implement it. I don't know the details of that program, but the government will certainly have our support for the implementation of that program," said Knezevic, stressing that it remains to be seen what the investment cycle will be like. It is not for us to take on debt in order to increase salaries and pensions, and he pointed out the problems with increasing the prices of food products. "We are not ready to expose Montenegro to some economic and debt risks in order to realize something at any cost," Knezevic said. He added that those in ZBCG have no intention of discussing with the coalition partners whether they can enter the government. "We have signed a coalition agreement, which implies our entry into the government", stressed Knezevic. The majority of attacks, he said, were on the coalition for the future of Montenegro, and now that they have results, for which that coalition is largely responsible, especially in the Parliament, he does not see that anyone has apologized to analysts or representatives of Quint embassies, who "spent the whole summer forming the government". "As far as we are concerned, we are ready to strengthen our support for the government, we are also ready for reconstruction on a sound basis, but before that we expect the agreement to be respected and I will not tolerate indifference or chorusing after Spajic, because I see that they are being advertised every day. Now let me tell them from your show: I don't want to talk to any of them, nor can any of them threaten our coalition agreement. I will only talk to Milojko Spajic about the reconstruction", said Knezevic. He told the others, who, as he said, settled well in the government, to "reduce the experience". "And let them not try to re-educate us and ask for our blood and urine so that we can enter the government", stated Knezevic. He also commented on the rumors that support for the government could increase with the entry of the Bosniak Party and reminded that Spajic had discussed with them last summer the formation of the executive branch. "New resolutions are appearing again, now they insist that we declare ourselves on the issue of Sahovic. The Bosniak party presented the Resolution on Srebrenica. That was the beginning of the downfall of the government of Zdravko Krivokapic", said Knezevic. He also believes that "there is no salvation" for the Democratic Party of Socialists. "The very fact that Danijel said that he does not renounce the image and deeds of Milo Djukanovic shows that Milo Djukanovic was elected as the president of that party", said Knezevic, assessing that there is not even a millimeter of reformist movement. ANB, he pointed out, was the striking fist of DPS. "She participated in the smuggling of cigarettes and narcotics, she created a unique clan of Kavcans and Skaljaracs who later quarreled," said Knezevic.


Ivanovic-Tajani: Italy will help Montenegro on its way to becoming the next EU member (CdM)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanovic met in Rome with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy Antonio Tajani. "Cooperation between Montenegro and Italy is excellent, additionally strengthened by the NATO alliance, but also by historically close relations," the meeting said. Ministers Ivanovic and Tajani agreed that there is room for improvement of bilateral relations through better economic connection and improvement of traffic connections. In this connection, they talked are about the organization of a business forum between the Montenegrin and Italian chambers of commerce, in order to define further forms of cooperation. In the context of European integration, they agreed that Montenegro is the leader of the negotiation process. "We are grateful to Italy for the help it provides to Montenegro, both through political and expert support, as well as through the format of the "Friends of the Western Balkans" group," the minister pointed out. He presented the progress that Montenegro achieved in the previous period in Chapters 23 and 24 and reiterated that the 44th government is determined to give new dynamics to the negotiation process and bring the negotiations to an end as soon as possible. "We are committed to fulfilling our obligations and achieving concrete, measurable results." We are pleased that our European partners recognize the efforts and results we are achieving, and we will continue at the same pace in the period ahead," the Minister said. "You can count on our support on the European road. We will do everything to help Montenegro join the EU before 2030," said the head of Italian diplomacy, pointing out that Italy has special, historical ties with Montenegro, assessing that the relations between the two countries are excellent and friendly and that they are characterized by a mutual commitment to the affirmation of new initiative and strengthening of economic and infrastructural connection. Minister Ivanovic also met with the President of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Italy, Lorenzo Fontana. "Montenegro has made the most progress in the integration process and should be the first next member of the EU," Fontana said. During the conversation, reforms were discussed in the key negotiation chapters, and Minister Ivanovic presented the recently achieved results in the field of justice and the appointment of the chief negotiator, which, as he pointed out, proves that Montenegro is on the right track. The minister also discussed European integration, the further dynamics of negotiations and the importance of the support that Italy provides to Montenegro with the president of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Senate. Stefania Craxi, who reiterated Italy's support for the policy of enlargement and integration of the countries of the Western Balkans, assessing that Montenegro has a real chance to become the next member of the Union as the country that has advanced the most.


Osmani: Gov't doesn't dismiss ministers, parliament does (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani at a press conference Tuesday declined to say whether the government had received requests to dismiss Health Minister Fatmir Mexhiti and Minister of Information Society and Administration Azir Aliu, given that their party Alliance for Albanians had said earlier in the day that it would propose to Caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi to dismiss the two from their posts. Instead, FM Osmani briefly explained the procedure for appointing and dismissing government ministers. He said any such request from the government coalition partners needed to be submitted to the prime minister, who would then forward it to parliament. "The government does not appoint and dismiss," he said. "Parliament does. If any of our coalition partners have such a request, they should address it to the prime minister, and then the prime minister decides whether to forward it to parliament. Parliament makes the final decision." Asked if he would run for President, he said: "These are party decisions. We have not discussed it."


Aliu and Mexhiti: We will not resign, AA stands together (MIA)


We will not resign, and we appreciate that the party will not demand our dismissal, Minister of Information Society and Administration Azir Aliu and Minister of Health Fatmir Mexhiti, both from the ranks of the Alliance of Albanians, told a press conference Tuesday evening. According to them, the Alliance for Albanians members stand together, there is no rift in the political party, it has legitimate bodies and a legitimate leader, Arben Taravari. Aliu added that it was only several party members who were pushing for the party to align with DUI ahead of the parliamentary election. Both Aliu and Mexhiti said their results as government ministers had been excellent and they did their job honestly and transparently, "and probably someone has a problem with that." "We will fight to the end to prove that what is happening with the activists in our party is, first of all, wrong and undemocratic," they told the press. "They were probably expecting for us to give in to their pressure and resign, but as of tonight I tell them: There will be no resignations from us." The Alliance for Albanians human resources committee had decided earlier in the day to propose to caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi to dismiss Aliu and Mexhiti from their ministerial posts.


World Security and Defense Fair, Balla in Saudi Arabia (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla is on an official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to participate in the World Security and Defense Fair that takes place in Riyadh. Minister Balla held a meeting at the country’s Ministry of Defense with Prince Abdul Rahman bin Muhammad bin Abdulaziz bin Ayyaf Al Muqri. Discussion between the two was centered on deepening of cooperation in the field of cyber security and other issues of interest of both countries. Balla visited the symbolic place of the Islamic world, Mecca, where he met with Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, the Secretary General of the Muslim World League, a leading global voice of moderate Islam. In a social media post sharing footage from the meeting held in Mecca, Minister Balla emphasized that he has received support from Al-Issa for a joint project dedicated to the children of State Police martyrs. "Mecca, alongside the Secretary General of the Muslim World League, Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, a prominent advocate for moderate Islam worldwide, fostering understanding, compassion, and collaboration among people worldwide. Grateful for the support of a joint project dedicated to the children of State Police martyrs," cited Balla.