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Belgrade Media Report 8 February



At 21:00 sharp at the request of Serbia, Vucic speaks at the Security Council session (B92/Tanjug)


An extraordinary session of United Nations Security Council on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, at the request of Serbia, will be held today at 9 p.m. CET. Serbia will be represented at the session by President Aleksandar Vucic. On Monday, Serbia submitted a request to the mission of Guyana, which presides over the UN Security Council, to convene an extraordinary session due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, in which, among other things, it is pointed out that the current situation is in sharp contrast to the UN Charter and UNSC Resolution 1244 and which is of such a nature that it requires the holding of a special session of the Security Council. In the request, which Tanjug had access to, it is stated that it is in accordance with Article 35 of the Charter of the United Nations and Article 3 of the Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Security Council (S/96/Rev.7). The document also states that this territory, in accordance with the UN Charter, other rules of international law and UN Security Council Resolution (1244), is part of the Republic of Serbia, on which the international administration of the United Nations was established, the culmination is underway within a long-term and well-planned and systematic actions of the so-called leadership of the Kosovo Albanians, by which the Serbs are deliberately subjected to unbearable living conditions. "It is about the illegal decision of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina to cancel the circulation of the Serbian currency Dinar in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, which represents the continuation of measures of brutal physical and institutional violence against Serbs by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina, with an essential goal of complete ethnic cleansing and the disappearance of the Serbian population from that area - which is currently ongoing", the document states. It is emphasized that the destructiveness of the aforementioned long-term measures of repression, the leadership of the so-called Kosovo Albanians, within which the illegal abolition of the Serbian currency Dinar represents the most comprehensive procedure in deliberately subjecting Serbs to unbearable living conditions, is impressively illustrated by the fact that more than 14 percent of Serbs have already left the territory of Kosovo and Metohija in the past year alone. "Given that this process drastically intensified after the announcement of the mentioned illegal measure of abolishing the Serbian Dinar, the Republic of Serbia initiates the holding of an extraordinary session of the UN Security Council in order to urgently take measures that would prevent the occurrence of irreparable harm to the survival of the Serbian people in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija," the request states. It is clarified that leadership of the Kosovo Albanians, with the mentioned measure of abolishing the circulation of the Serbian Dinar, completely deprived Serbs and other members of non-Albanian communities of their regular monthly salaries, pensions, social assistance and other personal incomes, as well as that in the implementation of that measure, it had already carried out violent raids and shut down Serbian institutions, municipalities and dispensaries in the area of Gora, Pec, Istok, Klina and Pristina, as well as the illegal confiscation of money that was intended for the payment of social assistance and pensions to Serbs in those, mostly returnee, areas of the mentioned municipalities. It also immediately and essentially prevented the work of 922 private economic entities owned by Serbs, as well as any functioning of all social, health, educational, cultural and all other institutions that provide Serbs with public services in that area. "This latest measure, the implementation of which is ongoing, came as a natural continuation of the unpunished, multi-year, violent and deliberate subjection of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija to unbearable living conditions by the so-called leadership of the Kosovo Albanians headed by Albin Kurti. Since February 2021, in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, they have been continuously carried out physical and institutional violence against Serbs, incited threats and actions aimed at creating a strong sense of insecurity and existential threat to the Serbian population, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, provoked a violent response to their acts and abused all levers of public institutions in order to encourage and realize the emigration of the Serbian population from that area", the request reads. As stated, only in the period from November 2022, armed formations of Kosovo Albanians (whose very existence is contrary to Resolution 1244 (1999) used disproportionate and illegal force against the Serbian population 98 times (of which 83 times in the area of northern Kosovo). It is added that using the mechanisms of temporary institutions that were formed contrary to Resolution 1244 (1999) of the UN Security Council, heavily armed formations of Kosovo Albanians have carried out 38 incursions into the north of Kosovo and Metohija since November 2022 alone, where recently they have been continuously carrying out armed presence, as well as using that presence to carry out arbitrary arrests of prominent Serbian individuals and all other known forms of physical and institutional violence against the Serbian population. "Among other things, they carry out acts of mass intimidation of the Serbian population through:

1) preventing the freedom of movement of Serbs through unreasonable stops, humiliating treatment, beatings and even injuring civilians at illegally established armed checkpoints and all other points in the entire north of Kosovo,

2) unreasonable opening fires and the almost constant presence of armored fighting vehicles in normally peaceful urban Serbian environments

3) illegal expropriation of land privately owned by Serbs, which they then use to build illegal Albanian police bases

4) making decisions on the confiscation of buildings owned by Serbian institutions, which are the owners of those buildings

5) violent seizure of the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church and violation of the special protection zone around the objects of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and centuries-old Serbian Orthodox churches are appropriated and renamed Albanian,

6) plowing and destruction of Serbian cemeteries,

7) introduction of an eight-month illegal embargo on Serbian goods and confiscation of legal goods owned by Serbian traders," the request states.


Vucic: Interference in Serbia's internal affairs must be reduced (B92/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed public after a meeting with Defense Minister of Federal Republic of Germany Boris Pistorius. Vucic stated that the conversation was open and honest, and that he was satisfied with that. "Germany is our most important economic partner, they are in the first place. The second is the People's Republic of China. Germany is by far the most important partner. Our exports are one billion and one hundred million, in total, it is about 11 billion. This shows the importance of Germany. Serbia has a higher GDP than all the other countries of the Western Balkans combined, but we must continue to make progress," said Vucic. "Membership in the EU is crucial for us, and I told Minister Pistorius that the idea of a single market in the region is extremely important to us," said Vucic. Vucic pointed out that he gave his word that Serbia will not surprise anyone with military moves, and that his word means more than many signatures. “We agree that peace and stability are important. What Pistorius said is true, I gave my word that Serbia won’t take any destabilizing steps,” he added. "As for Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, I repeated something that you all know, which is that we respect the territorial integrity of B&H, and we never questioned it. Just as we did not question the integrity of Republika Srpska within Bosnia and Herzegovina", Vucic said. "Germany is one of the main protagonists of Kosovo's independence, and we have a completely different standpoint. But we understand very well that dialogue is the only solution to the crisis. Our authorities are conducting an investigation into the events of 24 September. But we also ask you, Germans, within EULEX to launch an investigation into the attempted murder of seven Serbs, including two children, who were carrying a cross and a Christmas tree. Or those who tried to kill Dragisa Galjak. We would like the standards to be the same," said the President of Serbia. "The Republic of Serbia, in accordance with the UN Charter and signed agreements, considers that the removal of the dinar from Kosovo and Metohija is completely illegal, and that it is not a matter of some negotiations. It is a direct provocation aimed at the ethnic cleansing of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. Joining the EU remains our priority," Vucic said. "As for the relationship with Russia, I explained the specifics of Serbia's position, the UN Charter, the relationship with Kosovo and Metohija, accordingly I said that everything Pistorius said about the territorial integrator of Ukraine is true, and we in Serbia know best what it looks like when you deny someone equal rights on territorial integrity. In no way do we threaten the cooperation of Ukraine, I will participate in the summit in Tirana. I have not seen President Putin for two years, except for a very short time at the summit in China, neither we hide anything, nor had we done anything illegally," said the President of Serbia. Vucic reiterated that the elections held in Serbia were very fair and honest, and that he will accept all the recommendations of the ODIHR. "We invited ODIHR representatives to observe our local elections. It is not our obligation, but we did it because we are not hiding anything. We have a clear legitimacy for anyone who wants to observe the situation in our country. I think it is very important that they respect the rules and international norms. But I believe that interference in Serbia's internal affairs must be reduced, since we do not interfere in other people's affairs either," said Vucic. “We are prepared to accept all OSCE and ODIHR recommendations. I said that it’s important to cut down the interference of other countries into our election process and end the attempts to influence the elections in Serbia'', Vucic told reporters after a meeting with German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius. When asked by the FAZ journalist about the interference of foreign factors in the elections and the presentation of evidence about it, Vučić stated that he did not mean Russia when he spoke about it. Vucic said that he didn’t think Russia interfered in the election process. “As soon as we complete the report about that we will publish it,” he said and added: “interference in internal affairs bothers us Serbs as much as it bothers you”. When asked why Germany is arming Pristina, Pistorius said that Berlin is also arming Serbia. "We do not deliver offensive weapons, but only for defense. From our perspective, we have recognized Kosovo, and our goal in the region is peace and stability, as well as common rapprochement with the EU. Good-neighborly conditions are important here, and this is a basic prerequisite for stability", he stated. Vucic said that Pristina illegally stopped the transport of money today. "If Pristina is a sovereign state, then why are you inviting us to dialogue. If they have the right to everything, why do you need Serbia. And there is no answer to that. It is a difficult situation for our people and we will try to solve these problems. We will get money one way or another. You will hear about it in my speech at the UN Security Council session, if they don't close it in the meantime. Some of the qualifications that are happening in Kosovo, which will have legal consequences," said the President of Serbia. Pistorius stated that the Western Balkans are part of Europe, and there is no doubt about that, to which the Serbian President said he did not mean that. "There is no answer to two questions. The question is according to which international act Kosovo can be armed, because that act does not exist. There are acts of individual countries that have recognized Kosovo. And on the other hand, as far as the dialogue itself is concerned, we are in a dialogue invited because we see the legal nature of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija differently. If we are only there to verify what Pristina decides, then you don't need us. We have been waiting for the formation of the ZSO for 11 years, and it has not been done. We have made numerous concessions, and only one obligation which Prishtina accepted, it did not fulfill," said Vucic.


Address by Pistorius

German Minister of Defense said that the conversation was short but sincere, and thanked Vucic. "It is in our common interest that peace and prosperity reign in the Western Balkans. Serbia is an important economic factor in the Balkans and an important partner of Germany," said Pistorius. He stated that he sees great potential for development in the Western Balkans.
"It is important for us that Serbia does not support secessionist tendencies in the Republika Srpska, and I must also say that escalation brings damage to the perspective of EU membership. The wisdom of political life is that everyone must make compromises, we must bridge the past and prevent spirals of escalation. I called for dialogue in Pristina, and I think that every measure must be taken in an adequate way, with transitional periods. I'm talking about the dinar here. Nobody should aggravate the situation," Pistorius said. Pistorius said that Russia brought the war to Ukraine, which has been going on for two years. "It is an attempt to undermine our way of life in freedom. The EU and NATO support Ukraine, and we will do everything to support Kyiv. Sanctions are an important tool for that, and Serbia, as a candidate, should join the sanctions. It is important that Serbia and the so-called Kosovo continue to implement what was agreed upon. Vucic assured me that there will be no undermining of peace and stability on the part of Serbia," said the German Minister. Then he added: "Regarding the election, we are waiting for the final report and the president told me that he will eliminate all shortcomings, and I am very grateful for that statement. Thank you for the good and open conversation". Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius in Belgrade. The meeting was attended by Minister of Defense Milos Vucevic, Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army Milan Mojsilovic and other representatives of the Armed Forces, as well as German Ambassador to Serbia Anke Konrad. Pistorius came to Belgrade from Sarajevo, and two days ago he also stayed in Pristina, where he met with officials of the temporary Pristina institutions. He requested that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina be restarted soon with the mediation of the EU. Pistorius said, regarding the provision to abolish the dinar in Kosovo, that Pristina has the right to enforce its "laws", but that more adequate communication is needed. After the meeting, Aleksandar Vucic posted on his Instagram account and emphasized that "Germany is one of the main protagonists of the recognition of independent Kosovo and that policy, we have a completely different policy, aligned with the UN Charter." "We differ on that issue, but we understand very well that dialogue is the only solution to the crisis. We are also asking the Germans that, within the framework of EULEX, since there is a resounding silence on this matter, an investigation be conducted into the attempted murder of at least seven Serbs, of which the two children who were shot and wounded just because they were carrying a Christmas tree, a cross and an oak tree, on Christmas Eve. Investigation is also needed for those who tried to kill Dragisa Galjak, who was hit with two bullets by Kurti's police." "No one ever asks them who will be responsible for these things and when. The removal of dinars from Kosovo and Metohija is completely illegal, it is a direct provocation aimed at the complete ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija."


Pistorius after meeting with Vucic: We agreed Serbia will not support secessionist tendencies in B&H (N1)


President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic met with German Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius in Belgrade on Wednesday. After the meeting, Pistorius said they agreed Serbia will not support secessionist tendencies in B&H and that it will support territorial integrity of B&H. Vucic said that Serbia will respect the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and demands from other to do the same. He added that Serbia demands that issues in B&H are solved through consensus of three peoples and in line with the DPA. Addressing the joint press conference after the meeting, Vucic stated that talks were opened and honest on both sides and stressed that Serbia will preserve stability in the region, adding that he gave his word that his country will not surprise anyone with its military or any other steps. He said that Serbia respects real implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) – not its interpretations. Vucic emphasized that Serbia supports territorial integrity of B&H as internationally recognized state and has never questioned B&H’s integrity or the integrity of RS within B&H. Pistorius told the press that Germany starts from the fact that Serbia will advocate for territorial integrity of B&H, stressing that escalation could affect the EU integration of the countries of the region.


Dacic: Non-recognizers of so-called Kosovo want clarification on Chapter 35 (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday Belgrade had information EU member states that did not recognize the so-called Kosovo had requested clarification on a potential inclusion of the Ohrid agreement into Chapter 35 of Serbia's EU accession talks and time to take positions that would not harm them and their interests. Dacic said Serbia was "under barrage fire" that was also aimed at making full implementation of the Ohrid deal - including the sections Serbia had not accepted - a part of Chapter 35, and noted that this made Serbia's EU path pointless because it could not accept UN membership for the so-called Kosovo. There is also an attempt of politicizing the Serbian elections in the European Parliament, Dacic said, noting that this was a "political trick" with an underlying "anti-Serb policy", and that the conclusion would be that the so-called Kosovo needed to be recognized by Serbia and other non-recognizers, as well as that Serbia must impose sanctions on Russia, reduce its cooperation with China and condemn Republika Srpska. "That is why I think that all those who support the European Parliament resolution are working against Serbian interests, and I also spoke about this before the elections," Dacic said.


Dacic: Guyana was under tremendous pressure over Serbia's request for UNSC session (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday an urgent UNSC session on Kosovo and Metohija, scheduled for Thursday, would be one of the most significant political events at this time and an opportunity for Serbia's arguments to be heard. Serbia will be represented by President Aleksandar Vucic. Asked by Tanjug how Guyana, which presides over the UNSC, had decided to call an open session, Dacic responded that, as always before, Serbia had again faced great hypocrisy and double standards from some Western countries and that Guyana had been under tremendous pressure to call a closed session. He noted that Serbia had requested an UNSC session over the situation in Kosovo and Metohija to let the entire world know of the scale of violations of UNSCR 1244 and the rights and freedoms of Serbs as well as of Pristina's most recent decisions and its ban on the Serbian Dinar. "We have spoken with the countries that do not recognize 'Kosovo'. I have spoken with Lavrov and with the ministers from Algeria, Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Ecuador. The President has spoken with the Chinese ambassador and sent a letter to President Xi. How this situation would develop was unknown until the last moment," Dacic said. He said he had explained the situation to Guyanese FM Hugh Todd and that the diplomat had shown great understanding. "He ordered that a session be called pursuant to their decision as (UNSC) president. They did not allow a vote - the president called an open session for Thursday 3 pm - which is 9 pm Serbian time. This is still not official and has still not been published on the (UN) website, so that is why I am saying we are still taking all this information with reservations because we do not know whether anyone could still perhaps exert certain pressure, but the president (Vucic) has been informed there will be a session," Dacic said. "The Office for Kosovo and Metohija has made an exceptional document that has been distributed to all UNSC member states and the president will certainly deliver a speech that will be of great importance for our state and national interests," he also said.


Dinars sent to Kosovo and Metohija in line with years-long practice – NBS (Tanjug/Politika)


In response to the latest statements by representatives of the Pristina interim institutions about Wednesday’s thwarted transfer of Serbian Dinars to Kosovo and Metohija, the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) once again underlined the funds had been intended for payment of wages, pensions, social benefits and other incomes to Serbs in the territory and that such a move by the Pristina authorities was yet another proof that their real intention was to deprive the Serbian population of the basic living conditions. "The dinar cash was headed for the NBS treasury vault in Leposavic. It was transported by the vehicle of the NBS, which is the only competent issuing institution authorized to decide on the use of the dinar in the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia. In accordance with the usual, years-long practice, an NBS vehicle transporting dinars came to the Jarinje administrative crossing, where the cash shipment was supposed to be taken over by the vehicle of the Henderson company that is licensed for cash-in-transit services by the provisional Pristina institutions. However, the NBS vehicle was returned from the crossing without any explanation," the central bank said in a statement on Thursday. "Yesterday’s halting of the much-needed transport of dinars only shows the intention of the provisional Pristina institutions to disregard the pleas of the international community and start applying as of 1 February 2024 the unlawful and unprecedented measures aimed solely at preventing the smooth transport and distribution of the dinar and denying citizens in Kosovo and Metohija access to the basic means of living. The adopted measures, which are exclusively politically and ethnically motivated, are contrary to any comparative professional practice and are unknown in any financial system that is even remotely aligned with international standards, which speaks volumes about the alleged 'independence' of the provisional institution in Kosovo and Metohija that adopted them. Introduction of the obligation to obtain individual permits, instead of reporting requirement, for each amount of monetary funds transported over the administrative line, only for the financial institution which holds a special authorization of Pristina, in a situation when NLB Komercijalna banka – the branch in Kosovska Mitrovica, after years-long pressure by the provisional Pristina institutions, was forced to close its branch offices – testifies to the true intentions of the provisional Pristina institutions." "Moreover, representatives of these institutions have admitted in their statements that the hitherto transport of Dinars to Kosovo and Metohija was permitted, that it functioned transparently and that they were familiar with the manner and quantity of the transported Dinars. They thus contest their own incoherent attempts to present the new measures as aimed at preserving the integrity of the financial and monetary system, particularly since such statements are given by the institution that does not issue its own currency, that illegitimately declares the euro as the legal tender and the only means of payment and has no monetary policy instruments. The NBS finds unacceptable the attempts of the provisional Pristina institutions to reduce the further talks – with a goal of purported well-being of all citizens in Kosovo and Metohija who earn in dinars – to the level of technical talks, whilst the actual aim is to have the unilateral and coercive measures accepted and legitimized. The provisional Pristina institutions have best illustrated their purported readiness to talk and care about the Serbian population by the manner in which they adopted these decisions – away from the public eye and without a public debate which did not involve the Albanian population either, let alone the Serbs’ representatives in Kosovo and Metohija, and outside the process of dialogue. For all the above reasons, the NBS maintains it is necessary to immediately annul the discriminatory, unlawful and unprecedented measures introduced by the provisional Pristina institutions, and stresses that the only possible way forward is to insist on the political format of the talks. There can be no agreements between the provisional self-government institutions and the NBS, as this matter as well must be resolved exclusively within the dialogue at the current level," the NBS said.


European Parliament adopts Resolution on Serbian elections (N1)


Members of the European Parliament (EP) adopted Thursday in Strasbourg a Resolution calling for an independent international investigation into the Serbian parliamentary, provincial and local elections’ irregularities, with special attention to the City of Belgrade Assembly elections. The Resolution was backed by 461 MEPs, 53 were against, with 43 abstentions. The Resolution on the situation in Serbia following the December elections calls on the European Commission to immediately start the audit of the funding provided to the Serbian government under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance III (IPA III) and other financial instruments and to suspend EU funding if the Serbian authorities are unwilling to implement key election recommendations or if the findings of an international investigation indicate that the Serbian authorities were directly involved in the voter fraud. The EP notes that certain allegations, including those regarding organized voter migrations on the local level, extend beyond the scope covered by the OSCE/ODIHR reports and adds that it supports the prompt deployment of an ad hoc fact-finding mission to Serbia, with the participation of the EP, reads the Resolution.


Bilcik: Crucial that Serbia bring to justice those responsible for election irregularities (N1)


“The early parliamentary elections in Serbia on 17 December 2023 were marked by numerous irregularities,” MEP of the European People’s Party (EPP) and European Parliament (EP) Rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik said ahead of the vote on the EP Resolution on the situation in Serbia following the elections. “It is crucial that Serbian authorities investigate and bring to justice those responsible for any criminal offences during the elections. It is equally important that Serbia implements key OSCE/ODIHR recommendations with delay,” stressed Bilcik. He said Serbia faces systemic problems due to frequent snap elections and constant cycle of campaigns. “This prevents the country from progressing towards the EU. We are ready to work with our Serbian partners on their institutional solutions so that Serbia can advance on its EU path,” Bilcik said.




Eichhorst, Brkic address press conference; Eichhorst: B&H has to seriously take the tasks it has to fulfill to be granted the possibility of opening the accession negotiations (Dnevni avaz)


Managing Director for Europe at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst addressed the press conference in Sarajevo on Wednesday. “Before returning to Brussels I wanted to visit Butmir Camp and meet the EUFOR Commander. As you see, a brief visit, primary reason is a political dialogue which we have with six partners from the Western Balkans. I am using this opportunity to express gratitude for hospitality. I think that we discussed very important issues with our partners, with a goal of strengthening and intensifying the dialogue, most notably in a context of a joint policy toward the EU and the defense itself. Speaking about defense, after this address to the media, I will talk to the Commander of Althea Mission,” said Eichhorst. She said that she noted special energy in work of the Foreign Ministry and that everyone is engaged on fulfilling of the tasks. “This was a brief, but very productive visit. On Tuesday I met with the Presidency, and we discussed the future steps for B&H. This is a significant moment and momentum, as well as an opportunity. The opportunity which demands from everyone to be engaged on fulfilling the tasks. This energy and engagement are something we noted in work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, especially in their engagement,” said Eichhorst. Speaking about main conditions that are expected from B&H authorities: “A March session of the European Council is extremely important for B&H. Recently, Mrs. Von der Leyen paid a visit to B&H, she wanted to see what has been done so she could inform the head of states. Concretely we want to see progress on the Frontex matter, adoption of the law on prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism, law on conflict of interest and law on courts. This is what I call 3+1 conditions. We have to perform all preparations so we would have an adequate election process. I have to use the opportunity to congratulate everyone who are a part of Althea Mission and the mission they perform. We, as the EU, greatly rely on EUFOR assessments.” “I must say that 14 key priorities remain a permanent category that will need to be implemented. The list was reduced to some eight priorities for now. Generally, the period of five weeks is too short to meet all the conditions, so we shortened the list a bit. Let’s be realistic and work together to accomplish these results”, Eichhorst told the press conference. B&H Deputy Foreign Minister Josip Brkic told the press that position of the SEE and EU countries in relation to third countries was discussed at the meeting, adding that special focus was put on continuation of the Russian aggression on Ukraine and its influence on the SEE and EU countries.


EEAS’ Eichhorst chairs meeting of six political directors of Western Balkans and EU (FTV)


As part of her visit to B&H, Managing Director for Europe at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst chaired the tenth meeting of the six political directors of the Western Balkan countries and the EU in Sarajevo on Wednesday. The B&H Foreign Ministry hosted the meeting, at which possible opening of the EU accession negotiations with B&H was in focus. It was stressed that B&H needs to implement the (1+3) package in order to open the EU accession negotiations in March and that B&H leaders should intensify their work and take concrete steps to adopt the necessary reform laws on the EU path.


Komsic after meeting with Eichhorst: Foreign policy priority of B&H is clear – full membership in EU (Oslobodjenje)


Members of the B&H Presidency met with Managing Director for Europe at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst on Tuesday night. Presidency member Zeljko Komsic stated after the meeting: “A foreign policy priority of B&H is clear – full membership in the EU. It is a unified stance that it is of extreme importance for B&H to get the EC decision on beginning of EU accession negotiations in March. Today’s message of Managing Director for Europe at the EEAS Angelina Eichhorst is also clear – B&H authorities must meet necessary tasks which are a pre-requisite for a positive opinion on the opening of the negotiating process.”


FM Konakovic: Meetings with Pistorius and Eichhorst are continuation of diplomatic offensive, some in opposition are prepared to bring down B&H’s EU path (Slobodna Bosna)


B&H Foreign Minister (FM) Elmedin Konakovic said that the meetings with German Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius and Managing Director for Europe at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst are continuation of diplomatic offensive that the foreign policy has been demonstrating in last several months. According to Konakovic, it would appear this is the culmination and that ‘we’ are now on the home straight of the story about opening the negotiations with the EU, arguing that “the arrival of senior officials shows the EU doors are wide open for us”. He added by saying the arrival of all these senior official shows that, at this moment, B&H enjoys the support of its friend on the international scene it has not enjoyed for a long time. Konakovic further stated he talked with Pistorius about security aspects, as well as about the European path, agreeing that B&H must use this opportunity and the EU’s open doors. He went on to say that Eichhorst’s arrival shows Brussels’ commitment to this story and that, on Thursday, German Minister for Europe Anna Luhrmann is coming to visit B&H. He further stated there are politicians in B&H, who are in favor of the EU integration, but they perhaps put their parties in the first place and are prepared to bring down the European story for the sake of personal or party interests. “I am here talking about the opposition, foremost directly about Bakir Izetbegovic and Zeljko Komsic. There are also people like Milorad Dodik, who will now show their true face and he will show if he is telling the truth to the people in the RS, because it takes little more effort, several laws that we agree upon, so we finally board the European train or Dodik will eventually show that he is after all a Russian marionette in this area, who cares more about interest of the Russian people than interest of the Serb people”, said Konakovic. Asked what would happen if B&H misses this opportunity and negotiations with the EU do not open, Konakovic said it would be fair that people who block things or make us miss this opportunity, that they pay huge price, political and other price. He added by saying that during the recent meeting of Foreign Ministers in Rome, there were talks about concrete names, in other words if RS representatives block the European path, they will go into total isolation, economic collapse and sanctions.


Dodik: EU path is not disputable for RS, but selective implementation of 14 priorities; Dodik: Konakovic overplayed a little (RTRS)


The EU path is not disputable for RS, but selective implementation of 14 priorities set by the EC, said RS President Milorad Dodik. He underlined that unless an agreement on elimination of mandate of foreign judges in the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) is reached, there will be no agreement on laws concerning B&H Court, prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism and prevention of conflict of interest. Reporter noted that this is a warning Dodik conveyed to B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic, who announced isolation and sanctions against the RS. Reporter commented that it seems Konakovic, the leader of one of ‘The Troika’ parties, believes he is one deciding about priorities concerning the EU path of B&H and that the RS does not have saying in this regard. Dodik stated that Konakovic has been deceiving the public that the RS is facing isolation, while he deceives European officials that foreign policy of B&H fully complies with the EU policies concerning the war in Ukraine, adding that it is not true, because there is no consensus on this issue in the Presidency of B&H. Reporter noted that Konakovic also accused Dodik of being a pro-Russian man. RS President responded by saying that he adores Russia and supports and respects Russian President Vladimir Putin. He stressed that he is pro-Serb and fighting for the RS. He wondered why Konakovic has been so anti-Russian oriented, reminding that it is not the policy of B&H. “The policy of B&H should include the RS and Serbs and you do not want to do it. If you are that type of a foreign minister, Muslim one, ok, I agree. But in this case, you are the one breaking B&H apart”, explained the RS President. He also stated that fulfilling of 14 priorities set by the EC implies solving the status of foreign judges in the B&H CC. “If we can agree that there are not foreigners in a political system of B&H, we have the EU path. If we cannot reach an agreement to on it, we will not reach the agreement on Law on B&H Courts, Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and Law on Conflict of Interest”, said the RS President. He emphasized that Konakovic cannot be imposing anything, adding that leader of NiP is imagining that he is one who should be delivering lectures. Dodik went on to saying that Konakovic is prepared to fulfill orders from abroad, while the RS has its authentic politicians, ones accountable to their people. He added that Konakovic is prepared to meet with the Minister of Defense of Germany, who asked whether it is possible to reach a bilateral agreement enabling Germany to deploy its soldiers in B&H. Dodik stressed that this is evidence Germany has a plan to come here again, the same as it did in 1941. Reporter noted that despite of ungrounded accusations and criticism of Konakovic, Dodik stated that he will attend the meeting of partners at B&H level that is set to be held in Sarajevo on Thursday.


SDA Caucus: Konakovic is using lies to cover up responsibility of ruling coalition (Slobodna Bosna)


SDA Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives issued a statement to the media stating that accusations of the NiP leader, Elmedin Konakovic that SDA “is ready to undermine the EU story for the sake of partisan interests” represents a desperate attempt to cover their own responsibility and responsibility of the ruling coalition because of the fact that they are not able to fulfill even the minimal conditions for opening of the EU accession talks. SDA Caucus called on Konakovic to reach an agreement with his partners from the ruling coalition to adopt the laws that EU demands from B&H. They call for urgent adoption of Law on Prevention of Money Laundering, Law on Conflict of Interest and Law on Courts. “SDA has never denied and will never deny support to all laws that lead B&H toward the EU, and which are harmonized with European standards,” reads the statement. They called on Konakovic to explain to the public what kind of changes to the Election Law he agreed with HDZ B&H in exchange for a ministerial post and why is he complicating the EU path by agreeing to negotiate detailed changes in the circumstances, where these changes are no condition for opening of the talks.


Covic emphasizes importance of adopting reforms on their path to EU; Covic announces meeting of all partners in authorities (BHT1)


At the extraordinary press conference of the HDZ B&H held in Mostar on Wednesday, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that eight years after applying for the EU membership, there was no more important moment for B&H than today. He also announced a joint meeting of all partners in the authorities that will be held in Sarajevo on Thursday, expressing his belief that they can solve almost all problems on Thursday. Covic pointed out that there is very little time left for the coalition partners to be able to implement everything that they have undertaken and clearly defined, adding that he does not see any reason that the conditions that stand before them, which they need to fulfill, should be experienced as insurmountable. He believes that with an agreement and negotiations that they can make on a completely different basis than they did in the past months, they can finish the job by the end of February. Covic stated: “We only have two or three weeks, we need to use them, and our joint commitment is very clear about that. Croat representatives, let me emphasize very clearly, through the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) and all our representatives in all institutions of authorities, both executive and legislative, are fully committed to our Euro-Atlantic path”. Covic expressed his belief that they will make a full contribution in order to make the necessary step forward with his partners, stressing that this work must be done exclusively through the executive and legislative authorities in B&H. Covic stated: “I am convinced that our partners must understand that they must give up on policies of outwitting, policies of inconsistency, incredulity in their work, changing positions every day regarding what we precisely determined and agreed upon”. He also invited representatives of the opposition to the announced meeting in Sarajevo, stressing that this time the designed political marketing games for the needs of the public must stop, stating that this is a time that will not be offered again. Alluding to the imposed decisions of the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt, Covic said that no one is looking for an alibi for those who can make decisions for them, added the reporter. Covic urged the High Representative to refrain from imposing any kind of decisions. Covic believes that would endanger the attempt of reaching any type of agreement. Covic stressed that decisions passed by domestic political actors cannot be encouraged by decisions imposed by a High Representative, because these decisions do not comply with EU path of B&H. “Everything is in our hands until the very end”, said the leader of HDZ B&H. Covic believes that partners at B&H level will discuss on Thursday law on conflict of interest, status of foreign judges in B&H Constitutional Court (CC) and amending of the Election Law of B&H.


Dodik: Schmidt can be tourist guide in B&H and nothing more (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated that Christian Schmidt, who was visited by German Minister of Defense, Boris Pistorius, may become a good tourist guide, but never anything more in B&H. Posting on X platform, Dodik wrote: “What kind of miserable disgrace it is, when a German Defense Minister is informed about situation in B&H by a man who falsely represents himself?” He continued: “Perhaps Schmidt will become a good tourist guide, but never anything more in B&H. If Schmidt from Bavaria is an objective tourist guide, Mr. Pistorius from Lower Saxony would hear that politicians in the RS, just as those in Germany, are asking for respecting of constitutionally prescribed competencies of B&H and RS.” Dodik asked how much Germany respects B&H when it trusts more to someone without legitimacy than to legitimate representatives of authority. “Memories of the past and a German role in B&H are tragic and painful. I do not want our future to be like that,” ends Dodik.


Ministers in Rome: Italy strongly supports reform processes in Montenegro (CdM)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanovic, Minister of the Interior Danilo Saranovic and Minister of Justice Andrej Milovic took part in a working lunch in Rome hosted by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy Antonio Tajani, together with the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordi, and the president of the Italian National Anti-Corruption Agency (ANAC) Giuseppe Busia, the state prosecutor for the fight against the mafia Giovanni Melillo, and the commander of the Financial Police Andrea de Gennaro were also present. The interlocutors expressed their satisfaction with the progress that Montenegro achieved in the previous period by completing the composition of the Constitutional Court and the Judicial Council, as well as with the voting of the supreme state prosecutor, but by appointing the chief negotiator. This, as they pointed out, created the conditions for a new momentum in the reform process, which will enable high-quality and rapid implementation of reforms in numerous areas, especially when it comes to improving the rule of law and the fight against corruption, as well as contributing to a faster end to the negotiation process with the EU. "The Italian ministers pointed out that Montenegro can count on the full help of Italy on the reform path and added that there is a willingness to share knowledge and experience that would significantly improve the quality of reforms", the Ministry announced. When it comes to the negotiation process, they added that Italy will continue to provide strong support to our country, especially when it comes to Chapters 23 and 24, and expressed their belief that Montenegro will become the first next member of the Union. "At the meeting, it was assessed that Montenegro and Italy nurture friendly, substantive and historically close ties, which will be further deepened in the coming period by strengthening cooperation in areas of mutual importance," it added. Along these lines, the Minister of the Interior, Danilo Saranovic, and his Italian counterpart, Matteo Piantedosi, signed today the Operational Protocol for the fight against drugs, which will further strengthen the cooperation of Montenegrin and Italian authorities in combating smuggling and drug trafficking.


Italian Minister to Milovic: Italy is willing to assist Montenegro in drafting anti-mafia law (CdM)


Italy is willing to assist Montenegro in drafting the anti-mafia law and in its implementation, stated the Italian Justice Minister Carlo Nordio during the meeting in Rome with his Montenegrin counterpart Andrej Milovic. Milovic presented Montenegro’s intention to apply the Italian model of the fight against mafia and the confiscation of criminal assets, while the Italian side is ready to provide the needed and full support, it was said in a statement of the Montenegrin Ministry of Justice. In that context, the two agreed to sign a memorandum that would enable a direct and efficient cooperation between justice institutions of Montenegro and Italy, without the involvement of the ministries of foreign affairs and diplomatic procedures. Minister Nordio praised the initiative on cooperation and promised to provide concrete help to Montenegro. Milovic also presented the plan to construct the judicial district in Podgorica in the coming years, but also the intention to name its central square after Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, where their statues would be installed.


Spajic: This govt wishes to transform economy, it is why we need collaboration with strongest French companies (CdM)


During his working visit to France, the Prime Minister noted that the government of Montenegro wanted to transform the economy and it was why it needed collaboration with the strongest French companies. As his office stated, PM Spajic expressed the intention of the 44th government to transform and diversify the economy. The meeting was attended by officials of numerous ministries and French companies. “The development of bilateral relations between Montenegro and France will be based on four pillars determined by the major strategic document that PM Spajic discussed yesterday with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. That is why today’s talks with the leaders of the most successful French companies represents the continuation of the strengthening of ties between the two countries, while their joint message is that there is a lot of room for cooperation,” it was said in a statement. They also discussed the need to additionally promote the Montenegrin investment, tourism and other economic potentials in France, and heads of companies and institutions of France were invited to visit Montenegro.


Milatovic: Montenegro can and should be a new member of the EU in 2028 (CdM)


Montenegro can and should be a new member of the EU in 2028, President Jakov Milatovic said during the presentation at the Vienna Diplomatic Academy. "During my presentation at the Vienna Diplomatic Academy, in front of diplomats, ambassadors, intellectuals from Austria and the world, as well as Montenegrin students, I pointed out that the accession of Montenegro to the EU would be a clear message to other aspirant countries that the reforms are paying off, but also an important step in strengthening the security of the Western Balkans and the entire EU", wrote Milatovic in a post on the X network. He assessed that Montenegro "can and should be a new member of the EU in 2028". "This is supported by the fact that we are economically the most advanced compared to the other candidate countries, we have been using the euro for over two decades, we have a fully coordinated foreign and security policy with the EU, we are a country that has opened all negotiation chapters with the EU and a country that has no important unresolved issues, issues with neighbors and promotes good neighborly relations", said the President. Furthermore, as he added, he introduced the interlocutors to the political changes that took place in Montenegro and assessed that less than four years ago, "the first democratic transition of power in the history of our country took place." "After the demonstrated democratic maturity in the elections, we made a significant step forward in strengthening the rule of law, by appointing professionals in the judiciary with a broad political consensus in the parliament. I pointed out that we have maintained the country's pro-Western course, which rests on three pillars: full membership in the EU, strengthening of credibility as a member of NATO and nurturing good neighborly relations", added Milatovic. In our country, he said that there is a strong political will to "bring the ten-year negotiation process with the EU to an end". "On the other hand, during my intensive diplomatic activity in the last eight months, I understood that there is an equally strong will in Brussels. I emphasized Montenegro's candidacy for a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2026-2027, which would represent the crown of our diplomatic activities and mark two decades of our independence," Milatovic said in the announcement.


Pendarovski: Ethnic Albanian can be president, must be supported by all ethnicities (Euronews Albania)


An ethnic Albanian can be president but must have the support from all ethnicities, says President Stevo Pendarovski in an interview with Euronews Albania. "I was elected because of the votes of people from all ethnicities, including of course Macedonians, who make the majority in the country. These are national elections. Why wouldn't it be an ethnic Albanian president, but he/she must be supported by Macedonian and other non-Albanian ethnicities. An ethnic Albanian cannot be president without the votes of all ethnicities," says Pendarovski. The President adds that he has had an equal approach towards all ethnic communities over the past five years. "Considering my constitutional and legal jurisdiction, I have tried to help everyone, regardless of their ethnic background, so they get their deserved place in our multiethnic society," says Pendarovski. He also refers to the question on how Macedonian citizens would react if the country had an ethnic Albanian as president. "Politics is transparent nowadays and citizens see everything. We had a chance to see what Ali Ahmeti is like as an MP, how Talat Xhaferi has not changed regardless of the posts he has held. Therefore, we are not afraid that an ethnic Albanian would not work in Macedonia's interest," says Pendarovski. He says ethnic Albanians have made progress over the past couple of decades. "One should stress that back in 2001 they comprised only 2.4 percent of staff in institutions and now that number has reached 21 percent, whereas ethnic Albanians have also assumed the highest state positions. We had a Parliament Speaker, now a PM, and I have no doubts that the day will come when we have an ethnic Albanian as President, provided he gets the votes of all ethnicities, as in my case," underlines President Pendarovski.


President Pendarovski meets with EU Ambassador Geer (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Wednesday with EU Ambassador to North Macedonia David Geer to discuss ongoing political developments after the formation of the caretaker government ahead of the upcoming elections, and the possibility for progress regarding the country's European aspirations. "After reaffirming the European integration process as the country's strategic coal, President Pendarovski pointed out the need of all stakeholders to keep focusing on reforms after the successful completion of the screening process," the President's Cabinet said in a press release. Pendarovski and Geer exchanged opinions on the continuation of negotiations and issues expected to be the most relevant during the process, including concrete benefits. They also noted that the country's EU integration progress would positively affect regional cooperation, stability and development.


McAllister: EU failed to deliver on some promises in enlargement process, North Macedonia an example of this (MIA/Bild)


David McAllister, chair of the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), says the EU has made mistakes and failed to deliver on some of its promises in the Western Balkans enlargement process. McAllister told Bild both sides have a share in the delay of the accession process. "Countries of the Western Balkans have made insufficient progress in reforms out of various reasons. On the other hand, the EU gave promises that were not kept. Look at the example of North Macedonia, a candidate for EU accession since 2005. The country changed its name under the pressure of Greece in 2019, but the accession negotiations have not opened until this day - contrary to what was promised. The EU cannot longer allow such gray zones in the enlargement policy," notes McAllister. He adds that the accession process is a regatta not a convoy, where each country moves towards EU membership at its own pace and is individually assessed. Accession criteria are not subject to compromises. Instead, our task is to gradually make it easier for countries in the Western Balkans to connect with Europe, for example through gradual access to the internal market and EU funding programmes," says McAllister. According to him, EU is currently not ready for all nine candidates, which have a mid- and long-term membership perspective. "None of the countries will meet the required accession criteria in the near future. EU must use the next few years to prepare itself for the possible enlargement rounds. We must adapt our European house for the future. This includes a reform of the decision-making processes, so that we can react in a faster and more flexible way as a community. The EU budget should also modernize, otherwise enlargement cannot be financed," underlines McAllister.


Alliance for Albanians proposes replacements for Ministers Mexhiti and Aliu (MIA)


In a press release Wednesday, the Alliance for Albanians said it has decided to propose new candidates for Minister of Health and Minister of Information Society and Administration to replace its Ministers Fatmir Mexhiti and Azir Aliu, whose dismissal it requested in a press release on Tuesday. “On the basis of the party’s statute, articles 152, 154, 156 and article 84, the administrative council of the Alliance for Albanians with 5 out of 7 votes, unanimously decided to propose Ilir Demiri, current director of PHI Clinical Hospital – Tetovo, for the post of Minister of Health, and Naim Bajrami, for the post of Minister of Information Society and Administration,” said the party in the press release.


Marichikj: Outcome regarding AA ministers up to Xhaferi (MIA)


SDSM and I personally value all government members and the outcome depends on caretaker Prime Minister Talar Xhaferi, the Alliance for Albanians' signals, and Parliament, First Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj said in response to a reporter's question about the latest developments in the AA and their request to replace their current ministers with other party members. "Proposals to nominate and dismiss government ministers are under the competence of the prime minister," Marichikj said, adding that caretaker PM Xhaferi had formed the current government and the Parliament voted for it. He said Xhaferi would respond to any requests from the AA "according to political indications." However, Marichikj added, the AA "is an important partner in the government and their opinion and proposals should be heard." "We held a long session of the government yesterday and made many decisions. The current ministers and the current deputy ministers from the Alliance participated in some of the decisions. There were different opinions, but this is a government that unites several parties," he said. "It is important, of course, whom the parties support, because the government is formed based on the will of the parties," he added. "If the Alliance, or a part of the Alliance, have changed their opinion regarding their interparty decisions, they will have to make it known publicly. It is very hard to hold two views at the same time," Marichikj pointed out.


Rama meeting with the Prime Minister of Luxembourg (Radio Tirana)


The Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama is currently on a visit to Luxembourg, where he met with the Prime Minister of Luxembourg Luc Frieden. Rama emphasized that Frieden is a strong advocate for Albania's integration into the EU. Rama and Frieden reached an agreement on the implementation of the double taxation removal agreement following Albania's exit from the gray list. They also discussed strategies for boosting the number of Luxembourgish tourists visiting Albania.


Cooperation in higher education with Kosovo, Manastirliu: Joint projects in scientific research (Radio Tirana)


The Council of Ministers of Albania has approved the agreement on cooperation in the field of higher education between Albania and Kosovo. The Minister of Education Ogerta Manastirliu said that this agreement will increase cooperation in the field of scientific research and joint projects and will facilitate the procedures for awarding scholarships to students from Kosovo who want to study in Albania. Another novelty that this agreement offers, stated Manastirliu, is the facilitation of the recognition and quick calculation of diplomas, degrees and scientific titles between the two countries. "We approved the ratification in the field of higher education and cooperation in scientific research between Albania and Kosovo. This agreement defines a series of initiatives and cooperation between the Education ministries of Albania and Kosovo. We support cooperation between academic communities in higher education and encourage participation in joint projects funded by the EU and UNESCO. The novelty is also the student moving program, which awards scholarships. There will be given 30 scholarships every year for the Kosovo students who want to study in Albania in different programs. Facilitating the recognition and quick calculation of diplomas, scientific ranks and titles where we have agreed, in order to facilitate the procedures that exist today. They are excellent relations that deepen the cooperation in higher education and scientific research between the two countries," said Manastirliu.