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Belgrade Media Report 9 February 2024



Vucic addresses UN Security Council: Widespread attacks directed against Serbs (B92/Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addresses UN Security Council session regarding situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the abolition of Dinar by Kurti.​ The session is being held at the request of Serbia, which requested it on Monday due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and the request states, among other things, that the current situation is in sharp contrast to the UN Charter and UN Security Council Resolution 1244. Vucic thanked for the quick convening of the UN Security Council session and pointed out that the persecution and difficult life of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the entire situation, is absolutely contrary to the UN Charter and the Security Council resolution. "In the past months, the Provisional institutions of Self-Government in Pristina have created unbearable living conditions of Serbs and are now carrying out widespread systematic attacks on Serbian civilians and their persecution. Such a situation, if there is no adequate reaction, can cause irreparable harm to the survival of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija", Vucic said at the beginning of his speech. "Serbia requested the holding of an extraordinary session of the Security Council because Pristina's activities are of such a nature that they can cause irreparable harm to the Serbian people, and the immediate reason is the move by the Central Bank of Kosovo to ban the circulation of Dinars, which is the culmination of attacks on the Serbian and non-Albanian population because a huge number of inhabitants on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija directly or indirectly depends on dinar income from the Serbian budget and thus they are deprived of the basic means of living," explained Vucic. "The data that the Republic of Serbia pays 60,946 salaries and pensions in Kosovo and Metohija, 2,430 scholarships for students and finances soup kitchens that meet the basic needs of around 2,000 socially most vulnerable citizens from this budget, clearly show that this measure is primarily an attack on the Serbian population and that makes the situation in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija difficult. Only these figures clearly show that a huge number of inhabitants in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija directly or indirectly depend on Dinar income from the budget of the Republic of Serbia. As a result, it is obvious that the ban on Dinar payments, i.e. the abolition of the dinar as means of payment, directly deprives a huge number of residents of basic personal means of living," said Vucic. He also pointed out that 1,794 Serbian and non-Albanian farms on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija directly depend on Dinar subsidies from the Republic of Serbia, while the survival of 922 economic entities owned by Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, which are directly dependent on Dinar payments, is no longer operationally sustainable. "To sum it up, the decision to ban Dinar payments means that Pristina directly prevents the functioning of all social, health, educational, social, cultural and other institutions that enable Serbs to provide themselves and their families with basic necessities of life, education, treatment, shopping drugs and do all the other things that today are considered normal life with a minimum of human dignity," he said. According to him, those institutions represent the basis for the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), whose competences and structure are clearly defined by the agreement on municipal principles signed in 2015, which precisely defines that Serbia has the right to finance the ZSO," said Vucic. "Since Kurti's coming to power in 2021, a total of 669 ethnically motivated attacks have been registered in Kosovo and Metohija, which is an increase of 300 percent. Kurti directs the persecution of Serbs, among the incidents are dramatic cases of police beatings and mistreatment of Serbs, and the brutal shooting of Dragisa Galjak and four more Serbs," Vucic reiterated. "The Pristina regime, which is responsible for the creatin of unbearable living conditions and persecution of Serbs, now claims that it made the decision to abolish the dinar in order to enforce the rule of law, and it is undeniable that the euro was introduced in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija in an illegal manner, and the dinar is a legal means of payment in the Republic of Serbia and cannot be banned in Kosovo and Metohija as part of the territory of Serbia," said Vucic. "Although the international community has labelled Pristina as the sole culprit for the escalation of the situation, Pristina has essentially not faced the serious consequences of its actions, and the terror against the Serbian population is intensifying, which includes physical attacks on Serbs, and none of the Pristina armed formations has been subjected to prosecution for this violence," Vucic pointed out. "Any prevention of funding of Serbian schools, kindergartens, faculties, hospitals, as well as clinics and health homes represents a direct blow to both the survival of Serbs and the formation of the ZSO," said Vucic. He emphasized that it is obvious that the creation of unbearable living conditions and the denial of the possibility of survival of the Serbs is the only goal of the regime in Pristina, which, through an act of structural violence, is intensifying a multi-year well-planned and systematic attack on the Serbian population "basically started the open persecution of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija". He pointed out that in this sense, he will factually debunk the complete groundlessness of the arguments of the regime in Pristina, which claims that it took the measure of abolishing the Dinar and introducing the Euro as the only means of payment solely for the purpose of ensuring the alleged rule of law. "Please keep in mind that the so-called leadership of the Kosovo Albanians uses the term rule of law in order to exclusively harm the Serbs and the Serbian Orthodox Church. It is a practice so widespread that the provisional institutions of self-government have been publicly and openly refusing to carry out the legally binding and final decision for eight years, the decision of its own supreme court on the return of the land owned by the Serbian Orthodox monastery Visoki Decani", said the President of Serbia. He points out that he believes, if we bear in mind that such is Pristina's attitude towards the application of the rule of law in the case of a world cultural heritage site under UNESCO protection, which is under 24/7 security by KFOR and surrounded by purely Albanian settlements, and which is inhabited by a larger community of monks of the Serbian Orthodox Church, that it is clear what conditions the regime in Pristina is subjecting the ordinary Serbian population to, which is also subject to the declarative protection of Pristina's supposed rule of law. He emphasized that in the context of such Pristina's so-called rule of law, Serbs are subject to the rule of law and that an illustrative example is that recently the so-called Kosovo judiciary, which is mass-persecuting Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and potential Serb returnees under false accusations of war and other crimes, simply decided that a member of the illegal so-called Kosovo security forces, Azem Kurtaj, who shot the Serbian child Stefan Stojanovic, 11 years old, and his cousin Milas, 21 years old, on Christmas Eve 2023 with an official firearm, now is a free man and defends himself pending trial. "However, he does not defend himself against accusations of an obvious attempt of murdering a child, but of an act equivalent to causing a general danger, like when someone throws firecrackers on New Year's Eve, for example. In this sense, one must not lose sight of the fact that this is only one of even 470 unpunished ethnically motivated attacks on Serbs, the Serbian Orthodox Church and their property in 2021, since the head of the so-called Kosovo Albanian leadership, Albin Kurti, who now leads the persecution of Serbs. Among those incidents that started in 2021 are dramatic cases of countless police beatings and mistreatment of Serbs, and even the brutal and unprovoked shooting of Dragisa Galjak and four other Serbs. Why did Pristina regime not consider it worthwhile to even formally conduct investigations? For the sake of comparison, during the entire nine years, before Kurti's coming to power in 2021, a total of 669 such ethnically motivated attacks were registered in Kosovo and Metohija, which is an increase of 300 percent," said Vucic.


Vucic called for the return of Serbian military personnel to Kosovo

Vucic said that Serbia, on its part, will implement all agreements and take all necessary measures in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the relevant resolutions of the Security Council. At the same time, he called on the Security Council not to lose sight of the fact that Serbia sent a request to KFOR, in accordance with Resolution 1244 and the military-technical agreement from Kumanovo, to enable the return of the agreed number of Serbian security personnel, who would help international forces in protecting the Serbian population. "Even though it is an international legal document and it clearly imposes an obligation on the KFOR commander to enable such a return, that did not happen," said Vucic. He said that the Kosovo Albanians undertake systematic attacks on the Serbian population and deliberately create unbearable living conditions, persecute the Serbs and prevent the physical survival of the Serbian population on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. "It seems necessary to point out Serbia's policy, which is based on the United Nations Charter and, when it comes to the situation on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, strict compliance with Security Council resolutions. We oppose all factors of instability and strive to be a solid pillar of stability in the Western Balkans region. For years, Serbia has been attracting record amounts of direct foreign investment, greater than the rest of the countries of the region combined. We will also host the Expo with the picturesque name 'leap into the future'. "I don't believe that it is in anyone's interest that in a world where too many hot spots have already been opened, the Balkans will again become a zone of instability due to the blind and senseless hatred of the Pristina regime towards the Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija," said Vucic. He expressed hope that after today's session, even those members of the United Nations Security Council who recognized the illegal unilaterally declared independence of the southern Serbian province will understand that Pristina's latest moves are not just an attempt to consolidate something that a significant majority of United Nations members, including Serbia, do not recognize as the state, but lead to endangerment and breach of peace. "Pristina's attempt to implement the abolition of the dinar payment transaction and remove the dinar as a means of payment is nothing more than another widespread and systematic attack on the Serbian population, a crime against humanity," said Vucic. At the same time, he thanked officials from the United States of America and the European Union and all traditional friends from the East for reacting to Pristina's latest moves with condemnations in their statements. "The recent theft in Pristina of money intended for pensions and social benefits for Serbs, as well as the arrest and criminal prosecution of people who transferred that money in a completely transparent and legal manner, as in all years during the past quarter of a century, irrefutably proves that announcements are clearly not enough a means of persuading Pristina to immediately end the persecution of the Serbs and turn away from attempts to destabilize the region. I'm not even sure that the request of certain international actors to postpone the implementation of the regulation is the right way, because in this way Pristina is actually indirectly emboldening itself to continue making unilateral decisions with the technical-procedural condition that it only needs to be more careful in choosing the moment and the way of implementing and applying those unilateral moves", he said. He emphasized that the solution to the crisis, as well as to all other crises that Pristina has produced in the past period, can only be a clear order to immediately stop all the mentioned measures that deliberately create unbearable living conditions and carry out the persecution of Serbs, as well as decisive discouragement of Pristina to reach for any unilateral moves related to the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija in the future.


Address by Caroline Ziadeh

Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Kosovo and Head of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission Caroline Ziadeh recalled the agreements from Brussels and Ohrid, and then referred to the events in Kosovo and Metohija, which led to escalation, such as the elections in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. She also spoke about Pristina's latest measure, which concerns the abolition of the Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija, and added that this measure affected the Serbian people who received money from Serbia, but the economy, as well. She added that four million Dinars were confiscated in Pec, and that the money was returned from Jarinje to Serbia. "Despite some justifications, the actions must be taken into account because they affect the population. The (so-called) Kosovo police conducted an operation in Serbian premises. The personnel were taken for questioning and released later. In Pec, a team of journalists from Radio Gorazdevac were stopped, then searched even though they showed identification cards. It is extremely important to allow the media freedom. These measures of Pristina did not lead to de-escalation," Ziadeh said.


UN SC permanent members call on Pristina to delay decision on Dinar ban (Beta)


The UN Security Council permanent members expressed reservations about Pristina’s plan to unilaterally and without consultation with partners ban the use of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo, and called for the measure to be delayed. During a debate at the UN Security Council urgent meeting on the situation in Kosovo, called at Serbia’s request, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the United States has expressed concerns with Kosovo’s plan for enforcing the Central Bank of Kosovo’s regulations on cash transactions making the Euro the sole currency in Kosovo. She said the US calls for the enforcement of this plan to be immediately postponed until satisfactory procedures in line with European standards and practices of good governance are in place. Thomas-Greenfield also criticized the recent Kosovo police operations at the offices of the Serbia-supported institutions in the municipalities in western Kosovo and the NGO Center for Peace and Tolerance, noting that these actions are inconsistent with Kosovo’s efforts to create a multiethnic society. On the other hand, the US Ambassador said her country expects Serbia to hold accountable those involved in the planning and execution and the September 24, 2023 armed incident in the village of Banjska, Kosovo. UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN James Kariuki said Serbia and Kosovo “should honor their existing commitments and avoid unilateral actions or rhetoric that could reduce prospects for a comprehensive and sustainable normalization agreement”. Regarding the Central Bank of Kosovo’s decisions regulating the operation of foreign currencies and banning the use of the Dinar in Kosovo, Kariuki said the Kosovo government implementation of these measures shows insufficient regard for the impact on Kosovo’s minority communities. “Kosovo’s authorities should set out a clear plan to ensure that all affected Kosovo Serbs continue to receive their incomes and that essential services can operate until a sustainable solution is found,” said Kariuki. Like Thomas-Greenfield, Kariuki also said that the UK calls on Serbia to ensure that those responsible for the attacks in Banjska in September are held to account. First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Dmitry Polyanskiy accused Pristina of carrying out “anti-Serb terror” activities aimed at forcing the Kosovo Serbs out of Kosovo, and asked the UN Security Council members to stand up for the protection of Kosovo Serbs. Polyanskiy said that harassment and arbitrary arrests of Serbs are extremely frequent and that about 40 percent of Kosovo Serbs have left the territory because of Pristina’s actions, including violations of the voting rights of non-Albanian communities and confiscation of their property. He said Pristina’s decision to abolish the Dinar as a means of payment created economic uncertainty for a large number of members of minority communities, adding this could trigger a new outbreak of ethnic violence. Chinese Ambassador to the UN Zhang Jun said Pristina’s unilateral actions do not contribute to resolving the Kosovo issue, but cause tensions that Beijing sees as “very serious”. He said his country calls on the UN mission in Kosovo to demand the abolishment of Pristina’s “illegal and unreasonable” decisions, and on the Kosovo government to immediately abandon them. Zhang Jun said the situation in Kosovo is affecting the stability of the Balkans and Europe, and reiterated Beijing’s position that Belgrade and Pristina should agree on a mutually acceptable solution through dialogue, within the framework of UN SC Resolution 1244, while respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia.


Vucic after UN Security Council session: People must know that we will fight for them (Tanjug/B92/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the media after addressing the UN Security Council session. "You saw our arguments, our answers - responsible and serious. You saw arguments based on personal hatred, on lies about Sandulovic and various other nonsense," said Vucic. He points out that Britain and Switzerland were the harshest against us. "It seems to me that we were able to speak with facts about what is happening in Kosovo and Metohija. This will not solve the problems, but the people must know that we will fight for them," said Vucic. He says that our arguments could be heard, which were not without real content and facts. "The American representative said that this is not the place to talk about Kosovo and Metohija. Unfortunately, thanks to the decisions of some others from 2010, this was not the place to talk about Kosovo and Metohija," said Vucic and expressed his satisfaction that this is not the case now. He says that Serbia fought in New York today, not him. "I had an hour just to put on my suit. I was preparing for the performance on the plane. Here we fought for our country, and some others against their own country. This is a small but significant victory for Serbia," said Vucic. He said that the continuation of the dialogue is possible, if the Community of Serb Municipalities is formed, for which our people have been waiting for 11 years.


Brnabic on UNSC session: The world has heard for the first time that what is Kurti doing is crime against humanity (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that President Aleksandar Vucic wisely started the discussion at the UN Security Council session with the abolition of the Dinar, because that evidence is vitally important for the Serb community and represents the last in a series of systemic, planned, deliberate moves by Kurti and Pristina to create unbearable living conditions thereby causing irreparable damage to the Serb people, which by definition is a crime against humanity, a crime of persecution. According to her, Vucic showed what Kurti did, from cancelling license plates, confiscating property, threatening the Serbian Orthodox Church, to the presence of armed formations, attacks on Serbs and impunity for attackers. “In his closing speech, Vucic said that according to Resolution 1244, the only territorial integrity that was violated was the territorial integrity of Serbia. He focused on the International Criminal Court, and opened another topic, which we must talk about. He clearly showed that what Kurti is doing represents a crime against humanity and that is new,” she pointed out. She noted that President Vucic was waiting for the right moment to request a session of the UN Security Council on Kosovo and Metohija and that he did not request it lightly, but rather waited until he could show that the conditions for living in Kosovo and Metohija are intolerable. She added that if the session had been requested at some previous moment, we would not have had such a strong impression, which, as she said, showed Vucic’s leadership behavior. “The UN Security Council session was scheduled less than 13 hours after it was requested, and that shows how important this is and it comes at the right time. No one was against it, the only discussion was whether it would be closed or open to the public,” says Brnabic. The Prime Minister commented on the positions of the countries at the session, saying that the correct tones of the US could be heard and that between 7 and 9 countries out of 15 had a critical attitude towards Pristina’s moves, but also that she was disappointed by the presentation of Switzerland, which is well acquainted with the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. Brnabic pointed out that it was interesting that Aleksandar Vucic only mentioned in his reply that Belgrade had hired the British company “Henderson” to bring Dinars to Kosovo and Metohija, which was his key argument when Kurti said that the Serbs were smuggling money.


Dacic: Vucic demonstrated statesmanly approach to protecting national interests (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Friday President Aleksandar Vucic had once again demonstrated a statesmanly approach to protecting the interests of Serbia and the Serbs as a whole. "In his speech at the urgent UN Security Council Session, in a brilliant manner, he (Vucic) informed the entire world of the unbearable position of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, caused by Albin Kurti's criminal regime," Dacic said in a statement to Tanjug. He noted that Vucic had demonstrated to everyone Kurti was the main threat to peace and stability. "For that reason, Vucic's speech is historic, and the international community has the responsibility to stop Kurti and ensure the implementation of UNSCR1244 and the Brussels Agreement," Dacic said.


Drecun: Resolution 1244 is very much alive (RTS)


The Chair of the parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said, as a guest on the morning program of RTS, that the session of the UN Security Council was held in record time, after receiving the request sent by Belgrade. According to his words, the session served for President Vucic to use very wisely the opportunity presented to him to confront the international community, especially the countries that recognized the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo, with the facts that indicate that Pristina’s behavior is causing a new crisis. This crisis can finally have extremely serious consequences that can end with the completion of the ethnic cleansing of the Serb people and destabilization, not only of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, but also of the region, notes Drecun. Speaking about the Resolution of the European Parliament, he says that it is an example of misinforming the public, because it is based on false information, on an incorrect interpretation of facts, on something that is a real propaganda pamphlet against the interests of the state of Serbia.


Three elements of the UN Security Council session

Drecun pointed to three elements when talking about the importance of this session. “The first element that points to this comes from the speech of the US Ambassador to the United Nations, who said that the Security Council is not the place to discuss the problems in Kosovo and Metohija. Our position is that it is the most important place, the only place where you can really decide on what Resolution 1244 present,” Drecun said. The very fact that this problem was discussed, which was caused by Pristina’s decision to try to disable payment transactions in Dinars in Kosovo and Metohija, was a great success, Drecun adds. “In recent years, we have continuously been faced with pressure from the leading Western countries to thin out those reports to the Security Council on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija submitted by the Head of UNMIK, i.e. the Secretary General, to completely remove them from the agenda, so that the whole story about Kosovo and Metohija was completely expelled from the UN and thus marginalize Resolution 1244,” says Drecun. “Now it has been shown that Resolution 1244 is very much alive, that it is still very strong, that it produces certain consequences, which means that no one can ignore the fact that something is being done against Resolution 1244, without discussing it in the Security Council,” Drecun underlined. The second element that indicates the importance of this session is, as he says, that the session was open to the public. “And everyone could hear the arguments presented by President Vucic. No one can say no, it is not true what he said. He confronted the international community with the facts about the terribly difficult situation of the Serb people and about the intention of the regime of Albin Kurti to complete the ethnic cleansing and to carry out a crime against humanity,” said Drecun. The third element is actually the one that speaks of the fact that everyone identified Pristina - everyone who spoke at the SC, as the cause of this current situation, Drecun points out. “Everyone admitted that Pristina made a unilateral move, that it was harmful, that it should be corrected at the very least, and that is a big deal. If you have countries that absolutely stand by so-called Kosovo and admit that Pristina is the cause of all this, and then it’s a big success,” Drecun said. When talking about sovereignty and territorial integrity, Drecun points out that it caught his eye that President Vucic on several occasions very strongly emphasized the importance of Resolution 1244, which speaks precisely about our territorial integrity and does not envisage any “state of Kosovo”. “Highlighting Resolution 1244 in the foreground is the best answer to all those who say that the story with Kosovo is over. The President made a comparison. He said - you stand for respect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, we respect that and we confirm that and we stand by that position, but you do not react at all when our territorial integrity is violated and we demand, in accordance with international law and the Resolution of the Security Council, that our territorial integrity be respected,” concluded Drecun.


Pisonero: We expect Serbia to implement recommendations from ODIHR report (Tanjug)


European Commission spokesperson Ana Pisonero said at a Brussels press briefing on Thursday the EC expected Serbia to implement "as rapidly as possible" recommendations from a report to be released by ODIHR and noted that it was ready to support Serbia to implement them. Asked by Tanjug about the EC's stance on the recent elections in Serbia given the position taken by the European Parliament in a draft resolution that was passed in Strasbourg shortly afterwards, Pisonero responded: "We will not comment on the draft resolution yet. I think that our position when it comes to the elections was very clearly reflected in the joint statement that was published by HR/VP (Josep Borrell) and (Enlargement) Commissioner (Oliver) Varhelyi and we, obviously, are looking forward to the final report by OSCE/ODIHR and we obviously expect Serbia to implement as rapidly as possible the recommendations in the report and we will be, of course, ready to support Serbia to actually implement these recommendations," she said.


Brnabic: Resolutions come and go (Beta/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic reacted yesterday to statements by opposition MPs who called for an urgent international investigation into irregularities in the Dec. 17 elections in Serbia, ahead of a plenary session of the European Parliament. The Serbia Against Violence coalition was represented at a panel called Serbia: Democracy at a Crossroads, by Freedom and Justice Party Vice President Marinika Tepic, Green-Left Front co-president Radomir Lazovic and Free Citizens Movement President Pavle Grbovic. In a post on social platform X, Brnabic quoted Tepic and Lazovic, who applauded the resolution and called for the creation of a mission to probe the irregularities, followed by recommendations for the government and opposition. "Resolutions come and go - this is not the first, nor the last, but it will remain written for eternity that there were political parties and people in Serbia who themselves asked for the abolition of their own country's sovereignty," she wrote on X.


Opposition officials in Strasbourg hail adoption of EP resolution (Beta/N1)


Free Citizens Movement leader Pavle Grbovic said yesterday that a resolution on electoral irregularities in Serbia represented the official start of a new attitude on the part of EU institutions toward the "regime" of Aleksandar Vucic. Grbovic told Beta that the EU was expected to dispatch a mission to Serbia to establish all the irregularities that happened in the elections in December and offer solutions "whose implementation will mean that we will have fair elections for the first time since the Serbian Progressive Party came to power". "This resolution has a much broader significance because it symbolizes the official start of a shift in the attitude of EU institutions toward the regime of Aleksandar Vucic. That means that there will be no further tolerating of autocracy and the destruction of democracy in Serbia," said Grbovic, who attended the EP's session in Strasbourg. Freedom and Justice Party Vice President Marinika Tepic, who also visited Strasbourg, said that the adoption of the resolution "is a very good sign that you cannot pass over electoral fraud just like that." Tepic told TV N1 that she saw in the document for the first time that MEPs and the international community "have clearly separated the state and citizens of Serbia from Aleksandar Vucic".


Aleksic: Accepting mandates does not mean recognition of election results (Insajder/Beta)


Serbia Against Violence MP Miroslav Aleksic said yesterday that being sworn in and accepting mandates did not mean that the coalition had recognized the results of elections and that the past had shown that boycotting parliament did not yield the right results. "Today it is clear what actually happened in Serbia and that the authorities are not ready to accept that they were caught stealing the election. Us being in parliament is the result of winning votes from the citizens of Serbia whose will was to give them to us," Aleksic told Insajder in an interview. Asked why had the opposition obstructed parliament, if it had already entered it, Aleksic said that it was a message to the ruling coalition's MPs, who, he said, stole the electoral will of citizens and that the opposition "has no intention of boycotting parliament and will participate in debates."


Serb property set on fire in Odanovce village, Office for Kosovo and Metohija: It was most likely arson (RTV/Tanjug)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced today that a barn belonging to the Milenkovic family burned down in the village of Odanovce near Kosovska Kamenica, and that it is suspected, since there was no electrical wiring in the building, that the fire was caused by an arsonist. This would represent a continuation of pressure and intimidation exerted against Serbs in Kosovo in Metohija, which intensified after the latest decision of Albin Kurti to ban the Serbian Dinar in the province. As stated, the roof and a thousand bales of hay burned down, while the cattle have been rescued from the blaze, as well as a tractor. "However, in addition to the material damage caused to the 4-member Milenkovic family, all Serbs in the Kosovsko Pomoravlje District in this way received a message that they are unwelcome. Representatives of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija have visited the affected family and said that they would help repair the damage," a statement pointed out. Ten Serb families live in the predominantly ethnic Albanian village of Odanovce, and recently a car belonging to a Serbs was set on fire. The Office stressed that in Kosovo and Metohija we are witnessing institutional violence, introduced by Albin Kurti, turning, day by day, into physical acts of "lynching" - with the aim of creating conditions under which it is completely impossible for Serbs to live and survive in our southern province. It is further stated that when political structures manifest open intolerance towards a group of people, without holding back in any way and with no hint of being sanctioned for it, then individuals understand it as an invitation to join in the campaign of persecution. "The intention of Albin Kurti is to force the Serbs to leave Kosovo and Metohija, and the campaign of violence and systematic disenfranchisement will undoubtedly continue if the regime in Pristina is not reined in and prevented from carrying out its criminal intentions by a decisive reaction of the international community," the statement said. It added that Serbia, in the interest of a humane approach as well as stability and peace in the region, once again calls on all relevant international actors to restrain Kurti and his "chauvinist march" against the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija.




Coalition partners at B&H level form working groups to harmonize laws important for EU path, demand EU to give precise date for beginning of EU accession negotiations; Statements of Dodik, Covic, Niksic (FTV)


Leaders of parties that make a ruling coalition at a state level held a meeting in Sarajevo on Thursday. Reporter commented that they failed to achieve a concrete result, adding that laws Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) needs to adopt are still in a phase of harmonization, but political leaders resume to give promises. Reporter commented that instead of offering reforms, leaders of the ruling parties submitted demands to the EU. Leader of SDP Nermin Niksic said that they reached consensus to insist that if B&H gets a green light to open EU accession negotiations, it should get a precise date when this process will start. “This would enable us to see that the EU recognizes our work”, stressed Niksic. Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic said that if B&H fulfils what was demanded from it, B&H should get the precise date when the EU accession negotiations process will start. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik underlined that coalition partners have a single stance about this. “Please, give us the date. If there is no date, it means the EU played and plays with us. If there is no date, I think there will be no stimulation to work further”, explained Dodik. Reporter noted that package ‘1+3’ (Note: Launching negotiation process with Frontex and adoption of three laws) is a condition B&H needs to fulfil in order to get the green light in March for opening of the EU accession negotiations. Reporter noted that at this moment, reaching of the agreement with Frontex and adoption of one of necessary laws have good chances to be achieved. Representatives of SNSD, HDZ B&H and ‘The Troika’ stated that they formed working groups that will work on harmonization of other laws. Niksic said that law on prevention of money laundering is in a parliamentary procedure in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), adding that it was harmonized by coalition partners. “We agreed today to form three working groups that should attempt to harmonize texts of a law on conflict of interest in B&H institutions, law on B&H courts and the Election Law by the end of the next week”, stated Niksic. Covic said that it is realistic to expect harmonization of these three laws over next seven days. Dodik underlined that his political group advocates the EU path of B&H, adding that it implies that “a fake High Representative” should not impose anything. The leader of SNSD underlined that if the High Representative does anything “nothing of this is valid and there is no EU path of B&H.” Reporter noted that amending of the Election Law of B&H is not among priorities B&H should fulfil by March, adding that for political partners at B&H level its adoption is urgent. Wishes of HDZ B&H in this regard are very clear: amending of the Election Law in its part related to election of members of the B&H Presidency. Covic said that all-encompassing changes require amending of the Constitution of B&H, adding that since this is not possible at this moment, they insist on solving the issue of election of the B&H Presidency members. “A model we offered to friends from ‘The Troika’ some 15 days ago was fair and acceptable for them and us”, emphasized Covic. He added that they want to apply decisions of the ECHR, adding that it would require amending of the Constitution. He underlined that since it cannot be done at this moment, they should make temporary changes that will be applied for next elections. “We cannot allow anymore that Bosniak people elect the Croat member of the B&H Presidency”, explained the leader of HDZ B&H. Also, SNSD still does not give up on adoption of a law that will regulate a method of appointment of judges to the B&H Constitutional Court (CC). The SNSD leader stressed that they reached an agreement on Thursday to include this issue in the agenda in April. Reporter commented that one month before the decision of the European Council on opening of the EU accession negotiations for B&H the ruling coalition is still looking for solutions.


B&H Presidency adopts decision to initiate negotiation process between B&H and Frontex; Nesic welcomes this decision (Hayat/Dnevni avaz/FTV)


An extraordinary session of the B&H Presidency was held on Thursday evening. The only item on the agenda was starting negotiations with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), and the B&H Presidency adopted the decision to initiate the negotiation process between B&H and Frontex. FTV reminds that this is one of key conditions to open EU accession negotiations, which was recently clearly underlined by Managing Director for Europe at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst. FTV reminds that this issue is part of ‘1+3’ package for opening of EU accession negotiations for B&H. B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic pointed out the importance of this decision and said that it is a big step forward. The EU Delegation to B&H welcomed the decision that B&H Presidency adopted on Thursday evening, concerning the opening of the talks with Frontex. “This is an important step and one of the priorities before the European Council in March. Greater cooperation on border management is in the interests of both EU and B&H,” reads statement posted on X.


Dodik and Eichhorst discuss reforms; Dodik: B&H must get full sovereignty in its acting (ATV)


The Cabinet of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated that Dodik spoke with Managing Director for Europe at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst on Thursday. It was stated that they discussed necessary reforms expected by the EC, which will decide on the status of B&H on 21 March. Dodik said that it is very important that the date for negotiations is set and that there is no just a general decision on the negotiations. Dodik also stressed during the meeting that, with the beginning of the negotiations, B&H must get full sovereignty in its acting and that B&H institutions and elected political representatives are the only ones relevant for adoption of decisions. It was also stated that this this not possible at the moment since there are the OHR and foreign judges in the Constitutional Court of B&H. Eichhorst told Dodik that the EU is willing to accept domestic agreements on the matter.


Konakovic responds to Dodik: Dodik can block and stop this process on EU path only if interest of Russian people is more important to him than interest of Serb people (Oslobodjenje)


B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic commented at social networks on recent statements of RS President Milorad Dodik. Dodik stated that the EU path is not disputable for the RS, but selective implementation of 14 priorities is. Konakovic published four photos which show progress of the countries, which have become EU members in the last 20 years. He added that the GDP of Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania has increased by three times, adding that the unified EU market and funds they used have secured better salaries, new jobs and perspectives to citizens of these countries. Konakovic concluded that this is the reason why he advocates the EU integration, to strengthen economy and to keep young people in their homeland. Konakovic further argues that during these 20 years we have been watching the same people arguing and “defending” their own people from imaginary opponents, who score political points in this way. Konakovic noted: “I do not score political points by advocating the EU path, as Dodik accused me of on Wednesday night, perhaps I am even losing them. I do this due to firm belief that this path brings strengthening of economy and benefits to all citizens in every part of the country. Comparing Germany and Russia is not adequate…” Konakovic added that Dodik forgot to say that we export over BAM three billion to Germany per year, and less than BAM 100 million to Russia. Konakovic also reminded that out of total B&H’s export, 93% refers to EU and the region. He concludes that for B&H economy, there is no an alternative similar to the one that the EU offers. He added that everything else is deceit and deceiving of people camouflaged with a fake vital interest. Konakovic argues that this is a true test and he added:” Now when the EU is correct to B&H after a long time, now when it has offered a chance for negotiations, the support package amounting to BAM billions, an approach to a unified marker, that will bring investors form other part of the world very soon, we do not have right to miss such a chance. Dodik can block and stop this process only if the interest of the Russian people is more important to him than the interest of the Serb people. Everything will be clear in a few weeks.”


Becirovic reacts to Dodik’s latest statements: It is impermissible that any politician undermines the role of B&H CC (


In regard to the latest “anti-Dayton and unconstitutional” messages of RS President Milorad Dodik, Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic stated that Dodik must completely forget the idea on destroying the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, adding that everybody is aware of his anti-Dayton polices and goals and the reason why he is bothered by the B&H CC and the High Representative. Becirovic argues that a politician who stands for B&H must not agree with Dodik’s ultimatums on the B&H CC and other issues essential for B&H. Becirovic also said: “The EU path of B&H does not exist so that political extremists destroy the European and Euro-Atlantic future of B&H, but for our country to become a functional and democratic country in which European standards and principles are respected.” Becirovic concludes that the B&H CC is not a part either of legislative or executive authority, but based on the B&H Constitution, it is positioned as a special independent and independent authority. Becirovic added: “Taking care of an important that the B&H CC has in the B&H Constitution, and which imposes an obligation of securing its independence, including a full financial and administrative independence, it is impermissible that any politician undermines the role of the B&H CC.”


Dodik: Becirovic is Islamic radical who advocates B&H where Sharia law would apply (RTRS)


RTRS reports that RS President Milorad Dodik wrote on X that Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic is an Islamic radical who advocates B&H where Sharia law would apply. Dodik stressed that Becirovic, with his outbursts of hate, tries to seek attention. “He cannot be with his own people, let alone to work on building cooperation and trust with other peoples or to refrain from demonstrating hatred towards Serbs. The Reis advised him badly”, Dodik stressed. He also underlined there are laws here and that the Sharia law will never be introduced, and that centralized B&H will never come to be.


Ambassador Murphy says O’Brien’s criticism of meeting in Laktasi was not ‘slap in face’ of ‘The Troika’, notes it is up to High Representative to decide when and how he will use Bonn powers (


In an interview to, US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy spoke about Milorad Dodik, Dragan Covic, relations with ‘The Troika’, last week’s visit of US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia James O’Brien to B&H, Bakir Izetbegovic and his wife Sebija and possible breaking out of new war in B&H and Western Balkans. Reporter reminded that O’Brien criticized the agreement from Laktasi and noted that “this was a slap in the face of ‘The Troika’” which participated in the meeting at the estate of Dodik, thus preventing the High Representative to impose the announced changes to the Election Law of B&H. Murphy replied by saying that he would not interpret this as ‘a slap in the face’ of ‘The Troika’ because O’Brien clearly said that, ultimately, a progress will need political parties to sit down and negotiate, reach consensus and compromise. Murphy noted that it remained unclear what was agreed in Laktasi: “Dodik called it an agreement, but it is not clear whether this was the case. This is a very important fact”. Murphy reminded that Dodik did not speak much about the integrity of the election process, although USA and international community were very clear when they said that B&H desperately needs the integrity of election process. Murphy added that there are other elements of this “so-called ‘agreement’” which distanced the country away from democracy and pushed it more toward oligarchy: “This is not a direction in which B&H should go if it wants to move toward the EU or NATO. This is not a direction in which citizens want BiH to go”. As for claims that ‘The Troika’ prevented the High Representative from imposing changes to the Election Law of B&H by attending the meeting in Laktasi, Murphy said: “I do not know if they prevented it or blocked it”. However, Murphy did not want to speculate on future and noted that it is up to the High Representative to decide when and how he will use the Bonn powers. Murphy noted that USA and O’Brien were very clear: “We firmly support the High Representatives and Bonn powers whenever it is necessary. And the OHR is still needed here. The High Representative said that he wants the domestic stakeholders to solve this, to hold a meeting and talk. That is fine. Dodik tried to impose his version of the event. This is not fair, and it is bad. I cannot blame people for holding meetings and talking. This is needed in every democracy, and this happens everywhere”, Murphy concluded.


Luhrmann meets Konakovic; Konakovic expresses gratitude to Germany (Oslobodjenje)


B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic met on Thursday with German Minister of State for Europe and Climate Anna Luhrmann, who is paying a visit to B&H. Konakovic assessed that the visit of the German Minister is very important, coming in a crucial moment. “Germany once again offered strong support to B&H’s path towards the EU. Messages that were sent these days about this issue by officials of friendly countries are positive and encouraging,” reads the statement issued by the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry added that considering the wide international support, it is necessary for B&H to use this chance for progress on the EU path. The Ministry underscored that the goal is to adopt EU standards which promise significant benefit for B&H citizens and contribute to stability and prosperity of the region.


Kristo meets Luhrmann; Kristo: It is extremely important for B&H to receive decision on opening of accession negotiations at upcoming meeting of European Council in March (BHT1)


The B&H Council of Ministers Chair Borjana Kristo pointed out at the meeting with the German Minister of State for Europe and Climate Anna Luhrmann held in Sarajevo on Thursday that it is extremely important for B&H to receive a decision on opening of accession negotiations at the upcoming meeting of the European Council in March. With this goal, as she stated, the B&H Council of Ministers remains focused on fulfilling the necessary reforms from 8+1 conditions, that is, on 14 key priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission. Kristo thanked Germany for its strong support for the European perspective of B&H. She informed Luhrmann about the activities being carried out in connection with the development of the reform plan for the growth plan for the Western Balkans. Kristo also informed Luhrmann about the active development of a modern, competitive, ecologically and climate-sustainable energy system. She emphasized that only through open dialogue and consensus in decision-making by the institutions and authorities of B&H and by respecting the constitutional structure and competence of institutions at all levels of government can permanent stability, prosperity and the implementation of necessary reforms be ensured.


Borenovic meets Luhrmann in Sarajevo, he says that ruling coalition at B&H level is not interested in serious reforms on European path and fight against corruption, but only in division of positions (BNTV)


Chair of the Commission for Combating Corruption and Kleptocracy of the B&H parliament Branislav Borenovic met with German Minister of State for Europe Anna Luhrmann in Sarajevo on Thursday. Borenovic said after the meeting with Luhrmann that the ruling coalition at the B&H level is not interested in serious reforms on the European path and the fight against corruption, but only in the distribution of positions. “I have the feeling that the ruling coalition is doing absolutely nothing enough to catch up with the countries in the region on the European path. And I have the feeling that we are a part of a general ruling slop in which preconditions are being created to stop B&H's European path again, that even these laws, which have been put as a pre-priority in order to get the green light of the European Council on 20 and 21 of next month, somehow do not happen. Full responsibility lies with the ruling parties - SNSD, HDZ B&H and ‘The Troika’, and they bear the greatest responsibility if BiH's European path is stopped. In that regard, I expect that in the coming days they will simply provide an explanation of what is happening specifically and why they are not making the effort that is necessary,” Borenovic said. Borenovic pointed out that the fight against corruption is very important on the European path. “Unfortunately, we are number one in the region and this part of Europe according to that infamous corruption index, which shows that we need to do everything so that the institutions start to behave more seriously and responsibly in the fight against corruption, and that our priority is the fight against corruption, but also completely efficient work of judicial institutions. We agreed that the key condition for the fight against corruption is to have fair and honest elections and that the integrity package that should be adopted through changes to the electoral legislation is a good framework that can enable fair and honest elections and thus stop electoral corruption as a model of behaviour,” Borenovic emphasized.


Cvijanovic sends verbal note to German Embassy regarding organization of meeting with Luhrmann (RTRS)


The Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic sent a verbal note to the German Embassy in B&H, in which Cvijanovic said that the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic knowingly violated the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the B&H Presidency with his irresponsible behaviour. Attention was drawn to, as it was said, the incorrect and undiplomatic actions of the German delegation during the organization of the meeting between the German Minister for Europe and Climate Anna Luhrmann and the members of the B&H Presidency. Cvijanovic delegated her attendance at the meeting to an adviser, and the Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic did the same. According to Cvijanovic, they were informed only a day before the planned meeting that only Becirovic and his advisers would attend the meeting, and that this had been agreed with the head of Becirovic’s Cabinet. Cvijanovic warned the German Embassy that it directly got involved in violation of constitutional procedures and practices of B&H Presidency, thus demonstrating biasness and lack of desire to hear the views of representatives of all three constituent peoples.


Slovenian President Pirc Musar pays visit to B&H: Slovenia supports B&H's path to EU (BHT1)


BHT1 reported on a two-day visit of Slovenian President Natasa Pirc Musar to B&H. The path of the countries of the Western Balkans towards membership in the EU is too long and the EU itself has made mistakes in that field, said Pirc Musar in Sarajevo on Thursday. In the afternoon, Pirc Musar was received with military honors by the chair and members of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, Zeljka Cvijanovic and Denis Becirovic, with whom she held a meeting, and then the delegations of B&H and Slovenia met. The focus of the talks were bilateral relations, economic cooperation between B&H and Slovenia, as well as B&H's path to the EU, i.e. meeting conditions for the start of accession negotiations in March, said Komsic. "It would be a very bad message if we do not get the opening of negotiations. We should also take into account that aspect when we talk about the European path. We touched upon economic relations, politically they are at a really enviable level. We also talked about economic cooperation," said Komsic after the meeting. He thanked the government of Slovenia for the support of B&H and everything that is important for the peace, stability, security and progress of B&H. Pirc Musar expressed her satisfaction that she visited Sarajevo on the 40th anniversary of the 1984 Winter Olympic Games in Sarajevo. She said that Slovenia and B&H are historically connected and that the friendship between the two countries has not changed. "No one can take our friendship away and I am convinced that lasts a long time. Slovenia is your great friend, ally. Slovenia was one of the countries that supported B&H's path to the EU. We talked with many countries, and we achieved that B&H will be discussed again and the possible start of negotiations on March 21 in Brussels," said the Slovenian President. “All 27 EU member states must do their part by then. The EU itself made mistakes along the way. The path of the countries of the Western Balkans is significantly too long, in my opinion. We, as the EU, must look in the mirror and in the coming weeks do everything to give B&H the opportunity to start pre-present negotiations," Pirc Musar said. She added that Slovenia will continue to help B&H on this path and that this country deserves EU membership. "It is a natural geographical feature of your country. You belong to the EU," said the Slovenian President. She reminded that Slovenia is celebrating 20 years of membership in the EU this year and that the past two decades have shown how much membership in the EU has actually benefited the country by increasing its gross domestic product. "Within the EU, it is often not easy to harmonize the interests of 27-member states. But we must remember, politics is the art of compromise. If it is difficult to make compromises within 27-member states and so many different interests, I dare say that within these three peoples it should be easier. I welcome the conclusions of today's meeting of the leaders of B&H political parties that they have harmonized 90 % of open issues. The work does not end there, neither on your side nor on ours. I want March 21 in Brussels to be a joyful day for B&H and for B&H to become 'Team Europe' in the near future," said the Slovenian President. She reminded that elections are being held in the EU in June and warned that the political picture in Europe could change. "I appeal to all of us, let's take advantage of the moment and do everything to ensure that B&H meets all the minimum conditions for the green light to be given on March 21," said Pirc Musar, adding that Slovenia will continue to help B&H on this path without any hidden intentions. As announced, Pirc Musar will also visit the members of the 48th contingent of the Slovenian Army, who operate within the framework of the EUFOR Althea military mission and the NATO headquarters in Sarajevo.


Milatovic: Montenegro in the EU is in Austria's national interest (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic was welcomed with the highest state honors at the Hofburg presidential palace in Vienna, where a tete-a-tete meeting was held with the President of the Republic of Austria Aleksander Van der Bellen, at whose invitation President Milatovic is making his first official visit to that country. The visit to Vienna represents the first official visit of the President of Montenegro to the Republic of Austria since the restoration of independence. A bilateral meeting of the delegations of the two countries was held, which was attended by the Federal Minister for the EU and the Constitution, Karoline Edtstadler, and the topics of discussion were the strengthening of political and economic cooperation, as well as the support of Austria as an important partner in the acceleration of Montenegro's European path. The President thanked President Van der Bellen for Austria's continuous support for the European integration of Montenegro, emphasizing that Austria is one of the most important foreign policy partners of our country. "He thanked the President of Austria for his personal commitment when it comes to the European policy of expansion to the Western Balkan region and expressed his belief that Austria will continue to be a strong promoter of our path to the EU," Milatovic's office announced. He expressed the expectation that Montenegro will become a full member of the EU by 2028, to which, as he pointed out, his five-year mandate is fully dedicated. "He emphasized the importance of Austria's support for our European path and through raising the awareness of other members about the importance of strengthening the enlargement policy when it comes to Montenegro", it is stated. The President of the Republic of Austria said that official Vienna actively supports the foreign policy course of Montenegro and appreciates the progress that has been achieved so far on the domestic front. He expressed his full support for further reform processes and pointed to the contribution that our country provides by its positive example to strengthening the stability and progress of the region. The two officials stated that the bilateral relations between Montenegro and Austria are excellent, and that they will work on strengthening the cooperation between the two countries in the coming period. Both sides expressed satisfaction with the excellent bilateral cooperation in numerous areas, with an emphasis on defense, internal affairs, strengthening the rule of law and improving democratic standards. The President of Montenegro emphasized the need to improve economic cooperation and a greater presence of Austrian investments in our country and added that the goal is for Austria to become one of the five largest investors in Montenegro in the coming period. "He also pointed to Montenegro's consistency with Euro-Atlantic values, especially when it comes to Russian aggression against Ukraine, pointing out that our country is trying to send a message of European unity and understanding by supporting the Ukrainian people," the statement said. The President of the country reminded that Montenegro has submitted a candidacy for a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period 2026-2027. and requested the support of the Austrian side. In the end, he invited the Austrian president to make an official visit to our country, which will be an additional impetus to the strengthening of interstate relations. On the first day of his official visit to Austria, the President met with representatives of the Institute of Social Sciences and held a lecture at the Vienna Diplomatic Academy where he spoke on the topic of "EU enlargement for stability". He was a guest at a working dinner organized by the president of the Association of Industrialists and representatives of leading Austrian companies, where he invited Austrian businessmen to invest in Montenegro.


Mandic: One part of the reconstruction of the government as soon as possible - the other after the summer (Pobjeda)


We expect the coalition agreement to be respected, which states that in one year at the latest – i.e. in October 2024, there will be a reconstruction of the government - said the President of the parliament of Montenegro Andrija Mandic, claiming that Prime Minister Milojko Spajic is ready for this to be done even sooner due to the good results of the parliament and the government. Mandic, answering questions after the Zeta Municipality Day celebration, asserted that Spajić proposed a phased reconstruction where one part would be released as soon as possible, and the other part after the summer. "Perhaps now the whole job will be finished before the summer, so that the people who will strengthen the government and be the driving force can be fully established in those positions by the autumn", stated Mandic. He said that he can positively assess the government's work. "And especially when I talk to people whose incomes have changed - I mean pensioners and all categories that feel better. In the very process of European integration, I have no doubt that the government has made great strides. Now is the time when we need to attract investors in order to dispose of more money in the budget of Montenegro and to create jobs. I believe that the prime minister and the ministers with the help of the parliament will be able to respond to that task because our goal and interest is for Montenegro to be a success story in the region, to ensure peace and stability, and we can see the economic improvement ourselves that the situation is getting better," he said.


Toshkovski – Wahl: Interior Ministry to ensure fair, democratic elections (MIA)


The Ministry of Internal Affairs will work legally and professionally toward organizing and conducting fair and democratic elections, caretaker Minister of Internal Affairs Panche Toshkovski told the head of OSCE Mission in Skopje Kilian Wahl at a meeting Thursday also attended by Deputy Minister Nazim Bushi and Additional Deputy Minister Mitko Bojmacaliev. According to an official press release, Minister Toshkovski and Ambassador Wahl discussed the work of the Interior Ministry. Toshkovski told Wahl the caretaker government had approved only 14 of 15 the proposed management positions in the ministry and expressed concern that this "put a stain on this process" at its very first session, the release says. The interior minister also spoke about the delays in the issuance of personal documents and steps taken to mitigate the situation. The OSCE Ambassador thanked the Ministry of Interior on the successful cooperation and said the OSCE Mission would remain a strong partner and supporter of policies that contribute to the stability and security of the state and the region." The ambassador also highlighted the importance of the upcoming elections and expressed the expectation that they will be fair and democratic," the release adds.


Toshkovski – Geer: Cooperation with EU delegation to continue with undiminished intensity (MIA)


The cooperation between the EU Delegation and the Interior Ministry will continue with undiminished intensity, concluded caretaker Minister of Internal Affairs Panche Toshkovski and EU Ambassador David Geer at a working meeting Thursday also attended by Deputy Minister Nazim Bushi and Additional Deputy Minister Mitko Bojmacaliev. According to an official press release, Toshkovski spoke about the Ministry of Interior's activities aimed at legal and professional organizing and conducting fair and democratic elections. He also told the EU Ambassador about the caretaker government's refusal to greenlight all eight proposed management positions in the ministry's regional departments, approving of only seven instead. Toshkovski also explained measures taken to ease procedures for issuing personal documents. He noted that the issuance of passports protected the human right of free movement. "With the impossibility of timely issuance of travel documents to citizens, this basic human right is being violated," he said. The caretaker interior minister also pointed out that no country can cancel the validity of another country's passports. "Considering that this process is under the competence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the question remains open whether the Minister of Foreign Affairs will use this moment to inform the world's countries that the Macedonian travel documents cease to be valid on the date set in line with the Prespa Agreement," he said. Ambassador Geer thanked the Ministry of Interior on the successful cooperation, especially in cyber security, and said the EU delegation was available to provide support throughout the election process if needed.


Rama meets the EIB Vice-President, increase of investments in Albania (Radio Tirana/RTSH)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama is on a working visit to Luxembourg. Rama met with the Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), Kyriakos Kakouris. According to the RTSH reporter, Denada Shkodrani, Rama and Kakouris discussed on the financial support that the EU has provided for Albania through various projects as well as on the new investments in the country. Investments to be made in the Western Balkans region, were also the focus of the meeting. Prime Minister, Rama will participate also in the EIB Group Forum, where he will be part of the panel "The Road to Enlargement ". A day before, Prime Minister Rama had a meeting by his Luxembourger counterpart, Luc Frieden. The focus of the meeting between the two was the implementation of the agreement on the removal of double taxation after Albania's exit from the Gray list.


President Begaj decrees the dismissal and appointment of 10 ambassadors (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic, upon the proposal of the Prime Minister, decreed the dismissals and appointments of 10 ambassadors. Thus, Ermal Muca is relieved of the duty of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to Canada, resident. Gjergj Teneqexhiu is relieved of the duty of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to Japan, resident, as well as the duty of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Republic of the Philippines, the Republic of Indonesia, the Republic of Singapore, and to Malaysia, non-resident. Suela Janina is relieved of the duty of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Mission of the Republic of Albania to the European Union, resident, of the duty of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Kingdom of Belgium, resident, as well as of the duty of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, non-resident. Ferit Hoxha is relieved of the duty of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the United Nations in New York, resident, as well as of the duty of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Republic of Cuba, non-resident. Eduard Sulo is relieved of the duty of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Arab Republic of Egypt, resident, as well as of the duty of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Albania to the Arab Republic of Syria, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the State of Libya, the State of Palestine, the Lebanese Republic, and to the Republic of Sudan, non-resident. Ilirian Kuka is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to the Republic of Hungary, resident. Ermal Muca is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to Japan, resident, as well as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to the Republic of the Philippines, the Republic of Indonesia, the Republic of Singapore, and to Malaysia, non-resident. Ferit Hoxha is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to the Mission of the Republic of Albania to the European Union, resident, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to the Kingdom of Belgium, resident, as well as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, non-resident. Suela Janina is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to the United Nations in New York, resident, as well as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to the Republic of Cuba, non-resident. Sami Shiba is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to the Arab Republic of Egypt, resident, as well as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to the Arab Republic of Syria, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the State of Libya, the State of Palestine, the Lebanese Republic, and to the Republic of Sudan, non-resident.