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Belgrade Media Report 22 March 2024



MoD: Kurti’s allegations on SAF movement near administrative line disinformation (FoNet)

Head of the Commission for the Implementation of the Military Technical Agreement Colonel Zoran Jovanovic said on Friday that Albin Kurti's allegations about the movement of the Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) troops near the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) were part of a disinformation campaign against the SAF and Serbian security forces, said the Serbian Ministry of Defense.


Jovanovic said a social media post shows SAF members in the Ground Safety Zone performing regular duties of guarding the administrative line and controlling the Ground Safety Zone, in accordance with the Military Technical and all other agreements that have been signed. He added that SAF units perform these duties and oversee the implementation of the Military Technical Agreement in cooperation with the International Peacekeeping Force in KiM (KFOR). The falsehoods and disinformation, which have proven to be outright lies many times before, are part of a bigger campaign led by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina aiming to cause greater tensions, deceive the public, create intolerable living conditions for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and avoid fulfilling the internationally recognized obligations, said Jovanovic.


He assessed that, in securing the administrative line with KiM, “there is no place for the so-called Kosovo Police, or the so-called Kosovo Security Forces since the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Military Technical Agreement do not authorize any subjects, other than the international civilian and security presence in the province and the security forces of the Republic of Serbia, to do so.” Therefore, claims that the so-called Kosovo authorities closely monitor the situation for “any administrative line crossings have no basis in reality and show total disrespect for the agreements that have been reached,” said Jovanovic.


Starovic: Kurti is inventing an invasion in order to continue harassing the Serbs in KiM (RTS)

State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense Nemanja Starovic stated that the Prime Minister of the Pristina Provisional Institutions, Aljbin Kurti, is inventing the invasion in order to continue the torture and repression of the Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). Reacting to the video posted by Kurti claiming that it allegedly shows specialized units of the Serbian Army a few meters from the administrative line, Starovic pointed out that it is actually a regular patrol along the administrative line, in close coordination with KFOR.


In a post on the X network, Starovic pointed out that a year and a half ago, Kurti carried out a military-style occupation of northern Kosovo, banned Serbs from voting in elections, imposed Albanian mayors in Serbian cities, banned all Serbian goods from the market, and abolished the Serbian currency, impoverishing and starving the most vulnerable members of the Serbian community. He added that all these unilateral discriminatory measures were tacitly approved by the international community, under the pretext of so-called "Kosovo sovereignty", and pointed out that the presence of militarized monoethnic Albanian units of the Kosovo Police in the north of Kosovo violates Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council and the Brussels Agreement. "Let me repeat once again, loud and clear, the Serbian armed forces never entered the territory of Kosovo after 1999 and never will, until KFOR allows them to do so, as stipulated by Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council," stated Starovic.


Late last night, Aljbin Kurti made claims in which he stated that not far from the administrative crossing in Zubin Potok, units of the Serbian Armed Forces were spotted and that the Armed Forces of Serbia are conducting regular exercises and are using them as an excuse to cause deliberate provocations near the border with Kosovo.

Dacic: Bakojani's statement about the protection of Serbs in Kosovo is the height degree of hypocrisy (Tanjug)

Statement of the main rapporteur for the so-called Kosovo to the Council of Europe Dora Bakojani that the protection of the Serbian minority in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) will be better if the so-called Kosovo become a member of the Council of Europe is scandalous and represents the pinnacle of hypocrisy and double standards, says the head of diplomacy, Ivica Dacic.


Until yesterday, Dora Bakojani talked about three conditions for her recommendation, the most important of which is the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), which has been an obligation of Pristina for 11 years, and today she says that it is enough that the land is registered to the Decani monastery, which I guess is not disputed for already seven centuries, the head of diplomacy Ivica Dacic told Tanjug. "This is the fraud that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, was talking about, that's how the Western powers broke their promise that Kosovo will not join the Council of Europe until it forms the ZSO," Dacic points out. He emphasizes that this is another example of a violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, as well as a violation of all the principles on which the Council of Europe rests.


Bakojani: It is not definite that the report on KiM will be adopted on March 27


In an interview for N1, Dora Bakojani said that the Serbian community and all the various minorities in KiM should have the opportunity to turn to the European Court of Human Rights, that if KiM becomes a member of the Council of Europe, that court will have the right to impose its decisions and that the protection of the Serbian minority and other minorities will be much better if KiM becomes a member. 


When asked whether the report on KiM is ready and whether it will be voted on, on March 27, Bakojani said that the date is not definitive yet. "We don't have a timetable, a number of prerequisites must be met until the report is ready. I'm sure you've reported on it. We had one great success in the region in the past few days, which was the return of the property of the Visoki Decani monastery, but also the most important step for protection SPC and this shows a clear sign that there is an intention of the authorities in Pristina to obey the rule of law and initiate the necessary reforms for the safe status of the Serbian minority," said Bakojani.


She added that she is fully aware that there is still a long list of unresolved cases related to democracy and human rights in Kosovo and the strong resistance of Pristina on various fronts. "All those concerns regarding the democratic status of the situation of the Serbian minority will be mentioned in detail in the report I mentioned," said Bakojani. She also stated that "once the report is voted on, then it will go to the Parliamentary Assembly for another vote". In addition, she added that she will recommend monitoring of KiM by the Council of Europe, i.e. a post-monitoring process that can begin if the Council of Ministers continues with its vote. Bakojani clarified that post-monitoring is a process in which colleagues from the Political Committee monitor every step that must be implemented before the Council of Europe. "Pristina must agree to implement those steps in the coming months, this is how it is done in all countries, this is how it will be monitored in Kosovo as well in case the Committee of Ministers decides to accept Kosovo as a member of the Council of Europe," said Bakojani.


Kosovo Serb media crew banned from Osmani news conference (Beta)


Journalist organizations in Belgrade and Pristina protested over the fact that a Caglavica Media Center crew was not allowed access to a news conference by Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and a senior State Department official. Osmani addressed the media with US Assistant State Secretary for the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Todd Robinson in Pristina on Thursday. The Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) and the Society of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) said that the right to information had been violated by preventing journalists from doing their job as guaranteed by local regulations and international conventions. The Caglavica Media Center said that its staff tried and failed to get their 2-year passes which they applied for in 2023 and were told on Thursday that the clerk who issues them is not there. Center CEO Budimir Nicic said that this is discrimination against media in Serbian adding that he expects Osmani to sanction the people responsible.


Petkovic: Neither Kurti nor those much stronger than him can forbid Belgrade to always take care of its people (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Petar Petkovic, said that Belgrade and President Aleksandar Vucic do not threaten anyone or rattle their guns, but, unlike Pristina, are a pillar of peace and stability in the region and pointed out that neither much stronger and more powerful than the prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Aljbin Kurti cannot forbid Belgrade to always take care of its people, no matter where they live. Petar Petkovic pointed out that if Kurti likes to take photos of uniforms, bases and checkpoints, let him make an exhibition of the photos of the violence that his chauvinist apparatus is carrying out against the Serbian people in KiM, reads the statement of the Office.


"He should share with foreigners photos of Azem Kurtaj shooting at Serbian children or videos of Pristina phalangists beating Serbian people and opening fire on civilians at the illegal checkpoint on the Bistrica Bridge, and he could also share photos of Albanian extremists throwing bombs and they shoot from snipers at bare-handed Serbs and members of KFOR," the announcement states. He adds that he can also show videos of his ministers throwing tear gas, overturning EULEX vehicles and "other acts of iniquity" and that this is a true picture of "his pacified" society in which he carries out violence against the "bare-handed Serbian people" every day.


Russian Ambassador says Russia working on holding U.N. Security Council session devoted to bombing of FR Yugoslavia (Beta)


Russian Ambassador Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko said on March 21 that Russia expected the U.N. Security Council to hold an extraordinary session in the next several days, at its initiative, on the 25th anniversary of the NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia. Botsan-Kharchenko said that Russia was doing a lot to make this happen and that the West opposed the session. "We are realistic and have no illusion that the West can immediately change its stance and admit responsibility for the 1999 aggression," the ambassador said at a conference called The NATO Aggression - 25 Years Later, organized by the Immortal Regiment of Serbia foundation. He added that preparations were under way to hold the session.


According to him, said session along with regular U.N. sessions on Kosovo will make the subject of Kosovo more present in this body. This, he stressed, will not happen right away but will slowly enable a more just approach to the negotiations on Kosovo and the increased safety of Kosovo's Serbs. He stressed that fully honoring the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244 would help the just regulation of the crisis in Kosovo and contribute to stability in the Balkans, but that the West was not keeping to the obligations it had assumed, even though Serbia was meeting everything that had been arranged.


Vucic on Putin: I can congratulate whoever I want, I’m no one’s servant (FoNet)


Regarding the comments that he is the only one in Europe who congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his election victory, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he is no one’s servant, but that he acts as the president of a state that pursues its policy independently and in a sovereign manner. Vucic told reporters in Brussels, where he is attending the Nuclear Energy Summit, that he will extend congratulations whoever he wants to, whilst always protecting Serbia’s interests. “I am no one’s servant, I love my country more than anything in the world and I act as a president of an independent and sovereign state, in the best interest of its citizens,” added the Serbian president.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


European Council approves opening of accession negotiations with B&H (Oslobodjenje)

Members of the European Council decided on Thursday evening to approve the opening of accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The decision is based on an earlier recommendation of the European Commission. President of the European Council Charles Michel confirmed the Council’s decision to approve opening of accession negotiations with B&H. “The European Council has just decided to open accession negotiations with B&H. Congratulations! Your place is in our European family. Today’s decision is a key step forward on your EU path. Now hard work needs to continue so B&H steadily advances, as your people want,” Michel posted on the platform ‘X’. Michel also said: “It is an important milestone. We invite the Commission to work on the negotiation framework. Of course, B&H must take certain steps. We invite the Commission to take necessary and relevant steps that B&H should and must take. A few moments ago, I congratulated the Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H, expressed our solidarity and willingness to cooperate with them and to make sure that this is a positive development in the future”.


European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi congratulated B&H on opening of the EU accession negotiations. “We are opening accession negotiations with B&H. B&H has been working hard to seize this historic opportunity. Congratulations!” EC President Ursula Von der Leyen also commented the decision of the European Council welcoming the historic decision of leaders. “More progress has been made in a year than in an entire decade. B&H is now fully harmonized with our foreign and security policy.” She noted that progress in migration management has been achieved: “Also progress has been made in dialogue and reconciliation. I hope today’s decision will lead to a bigger progress.” Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the European External Action Service) Angelina Eichhorst congratulated B&H opening of the accession talks. “Sincere congratulations to friends in B&H on European Council’s decision to open EU accession negotiations. A big thank you to all who worked towards today’s outcome and will continue to make the EU membership a reality in near future. A European future for generations to come,” Eichhorst wrote on ‘X’.


Head of the EU Delegation to B&H, Johann Sattler, published a video message for B&H citizens, after the European Council’s decision to open the accession talks with B&H. “Dear citizens of B&H. EU member states have just given a green light for accession talks with the European Union. I am thrilled because of this beautiful country and because of all of you and I have to say that for me personally, this is a moment I will remember forever,” said Sattler. The Ambassador reminded that a little more than a year ago the EU awarded a status of an EU candidate for B&H, sending a clear message and opening the doors, showing it is ready for the enlargement. “Today we know that future of B&H is in our Union. It is clear that domestic political processes easily cause mistrust. Still, today the EU recognized that your institutions achieved what is necessary and earned this turning point. This is confirmation that compromise is possible and that reforms are within the reach,” said Sattler. The Ambassador explained the benefits this will bring to B&H, noting that opening of the talks is an important recognition, making the country more attractive for investors and deepens country’s ties with the EU, starting with one billion euros from the Growth Plan. “So, today we celebrate and tomorrow already the work has to continue. We now know that additional steps can be made and that difficult issues will have to be opened. Process of the next phase, adoption of entire set of rights and obligations from the EU legislation, is intense by itself. Every step forward strengthens democracy, rule of law, business environment, fight against corruption, environment, and many other things,” said the Ambassador. He stressed that at the same time the EU continues to invest and assist like nobody else and concludes: “Dear citizens, dear friends! Forty years ago, you managed to organize memorable Olympic Games. You showed that people of this country can achieve a huge success when the will is there. We believe in this country. We are friends, we are partners. And we will be together in the EU. Because B&H was always in the heart of Europe.”


B&H Politicians on Opening of Accession Negotiations with B&H (BHT, Dnevni avaz)

Chairperson of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM), Borjana Kristo, commented on the decision of the European Council to approve the start of EU accession negotiations. She thanked the European Council and its President Charles Michel, for the decision to approve the opening of accession negotiations between B&H and the EU. In a post on the ‘X’ social media, Kristo said that it was achieved through joint efforts. Kristo was quoted as saying: “Joint work and effort resulted in achieving the required level of compliance with requirements and criteria. We remain firmly determined to continue the work that will result in further progress and development of B&H”.


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated that European Council made a historic decision for B&H. Expressing satisfaction with opening of the accession talks, Covic thanked European leaders, especially Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Chair of Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo. “European Council approved opening of the accession talks between our country and European Union. Gratitude to al European leaders, especially Andrej Plenkovic. Honest congratulations to everyone who contributed with their work, especially Borjana Kristo,” wrote Covic.


Minister of Foreign Affairs and leader of NiP Elmedin Konakovic stated that he is satisfied and happy about the decision of the European Council to give B&H the green light for opening of accession negotiations. He pointed out that a lot of work and effort had been invested in the past period. "This is the victory of optimism over populism, this is a new chapter that B&H must take advantage of. This is, of course, not our final goal, but it is the first and most important step to move from our position and to continue fulfilling our obligations at the same pace in order to enter the EU as soon as possible. The year 2030 no longer seems unrealistic if the politicians in B&H are serious enough," said Konakovic.


After the European Council decided to open accession negotiations with B&H, Federation of B&H (FB&H) Prime Minister Nermin Niksic stated that B&H was granted the candidate status in December 22, and the EU decided to give BiH another chance. “In the past 15 months, we managed to take the next step and get the green light to open negotiations with the EU. After years of stalling, we finally moved forward and used the extended hand that the EU gave us at the time," Niksic stated. He added that this decision is of great importance for all citizens. "I will not hide how proud and grateful I am to all partners for everything we have achieved in such a short period of time. I am grateful to every representative from the ruling majority, as well as from the opposition, who supported the fulfilment of our obligations with their vote. This is the result of joint work and effort, in terms of adoption of laws as well as lobbying, but also the efforts of numerous friends of B&H, diplomats of the EU member states. We especially thank them, diplomats, proven friends of BiH for their persistent and unwavering support," Niksic emphasized.


The Troika issues joint statement welcoming decision of European Council on accession negotiations with B&H (

On the occasion of the opening of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)'s accession negotiations with the EU, the Troika parties (SDP, NS and NiP) issued a joint statement. "The opening of B&H’s accession negotiations with the EU is one of the most significant political decisions for the future of our citizens since independence. We are proud to have been the political force that carried the weight of this decision on our backs. The progress that will follow and which will bring benefit to all residents of B&H will be the best satisfaction for responsible and dedicated work and effort," the Troika emphasized in the joint statement. They pointed out that after years of stagnation on the European path and the resulting scepticism, B&H again has European enthusiasm and optimism, which is mutual when it comes to B&H and the EU. "This means our increased cooperation in meeting the conditions leading to eventual membership. B&H will face numerous challenges along the way, but also political, technical and financial support from the EU. There are numerous benefits for the countries from the opening of negotiations.


The countries of the region have greatly benefited from the opening of negotiations, especially in terms of faster and more efficient withdrawal of funds from funds and through grants, which are measured in billions of euros," reads the statement. The troika parties highlighted reconstruction of railways, energy efficiency, strengthening of agriculture, digitization of administrative services, inclusive education, strengthening of the judiciary, fight against corruption, and improvement of the health system as some of the benefits that B&H citizens will feel in the process of negotiations on membership. "This means that they will have fewer and fewer reasons for leaving for EU countries, and more and more reasons for staying. The differences between B&H and the EU countries will begin to disappear rapidly. Also, it is very important to emphasize that the future of the EU is the common future of all our citizens, regardless of which part of B&H they live in and how they express themselves. There is a consensus of the vast majority that they want to see B&H in the EU. This is undoubtedly the main motivation for working on further bringing the EU closer to every politician who puts the interests of the citizens first”, the Troika parties stated. They add that they have awakened hope that has a rational basis. "Whatever the sceptics say, we say: We turned B&H towards the right goal", the Troika concluded.


Becirovic: There is no alternative to EU membership; This is shared victory for B&H and EU (

On the occasion of the decision of the European Council on the opening of accession negotiations between the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), B&H Presidency Chair Denis Becirovic issued a statement pointing out that B&H is starting a new and comprehensive process of cooperation with the EU. He said that the results achieved by B&H have been recognized and the path to full membership in the EU is now clearly laid out. “At the same time, we must be aware that we have a lot of work ahead of us to harmonize our legislation with European legislation, as well as to implement reforms aimed at strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law," said Becirovic. He noted that the EU based its decision on two important aspects. "The first is that B&H has made more progress in the last year than in the entire previous decade. This is the result of the dedicated work of the state institutions of B&H. The second important aspect relates to the geopolitical significance of this EU decision in terms of strengthening the stability and security of the entire European continent”, Becirovic explained. He added that accepting such an approach required strong diplomatic action and continuous cooperation with European partners and key allies of B&H. "Strengthening stability and security in B&H and the region, as an inseparable part of the process of European and Euro-Atlantic integration, was the focus of my many conversations with the highest-ranking European officials. The European Council's decision to open EU negotiations with B&H is significant for all citizens and peoples in our country. It is clear from the messages to everyone in B&H that our future is in the EU," Becirovic said. "Now, when we have opened the door to full membership in the EU, we must continue with the reform processes even more intensively. We have been given the opportunity and confidence to show our dedication and commitment to the EU integration process with concrete actions, and we must use it. There is no alternative to EU membership. This is a shared victory for B&H and the EU," concluded Becirovic. He expressed his gratitude to the EU member states and EU institutions, the EU Delegation to B&H and the ambassadors of the EU member states in B&H for their support.


Komsic: European Council’s decision is excellent news for B&H (

Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic welcomed the decision of European Council to approve the opening of accession negotiations with B&H. "Today's decision of the European Council to open negotiations with B&H is excellent news for our country. Thank you, the European Commission and member states of the European Union, for recognizing the importance of the moment for B&H, the Western Balkans and Europe," said Komsic. He added that B&H is aware that it has a lot of work to do in the upcoming period. He underlined that as things stand now, there will be no more concessions and hiding behind the current geopolitical situation on the European continent. "In any case, this is an important moment for B&H path towards the EU," said Komsic.


Dodik welcomes decision of European Council on opening of accession talks with B&H (RTRS)

Posting on ‘X’, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik welcomed the decision of European Council on opening of accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H): “I thank the governments and parliaments of all member states. This decision is recognition to all citizens and political forces, which persistently advocate strengthening of mutual trust, agreement and compromise between Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats.” He further noted: “This decision strengthens foundations that the RS is ready to strengthen- Dayton and on Constitution built B&H, which belongs equally to all. This is why I consider today’s decision a great recognition for myself and for the RS for the policy it led. The stance of the European Council that Dayton B&H, with two equal entities and three equal, constituent peoples, can be a member of the EU, shows that internal structure of B&H is no obstacle. B&H is “little EU” in many things, test of its existence in first half of 21st century. There is a state in the heart of Europe, which can survive only if built in a way in which peace and economic prosperity was built by member states after the war through EU project. This path, just as ours, is not always easy. It is not simple, there is no guarantee of success, but it is the only path that distances us from tragic episodes from 20th century. RS, through statements of Commissioner for Enlargement and EC Progress Reports, is aware of the key contribution it has made for today’s decision to be reached.” Dodik stressed that RS will not gloat, because there are many who desired its disappearance. “Our path has its national goal- to have Serbs in 21st century live and work without borders with their brothers and best men. There is much to do ahead of all of us in B&H. it was shown today, and I will not give up on this, that foreigners, their commissioners, ambassadors and fake high representatives are unnecessary for out relations and insult for our peoples. Because we did more than ever in a year. And we would do even more, if some hustlers did not see personal interests in using us in geopolitical games,” ends Dodik.


SDA: Council’s decision is based on geopolitical circumstances, B&H must work hard to fulfil remaining priorities (

SDA issued a statement welcoming the European Council's decision to open accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), noting that B&H has made a new step on the path to the EU membership. "Entering a new phase of European integration also brings an obligation to the institutions of B&H to work more concretely, intensively and with dedication on fulfilling the remaining priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission and on harmonizing B&H legislation with the European acquis", SDA stated. SDA added that it is completely clear from the statements of EU officials that the "green light" for B&H is a consequence of geopolitical circumstances, and that further progress on the European path must be based on concrete results. "As before, the SDA will undertake everything necessary to initiate, create and adopt the necessary legal solutions and decisions that are harmonized with European standards and that will mean further progress on the way to the ultimate membership in the EU", SDA concluded.


Dodik: It is important for RS not to sacrifice its identity and tradition on EU path (RTRS)

In an interview for Austrian, Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik commented the EU accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), saying that his stance has not changed, and he has nothing against B&H becoming EU member state. He however, underlined that unlike ten years ago the enthusiasm decreased and he believes that this is not only because of B&H and the EU is responsible as well, as they convey contradictory messages about the conditions. “Europe currently does not have united lead power, which would lead EU development, which influences our motivation for accession. However, the EU remains the natural environment for the countries of European continent. It is important for the RS not to sacrifice its identity and tradition on the EU path. If the EU path enables preservation of our culture, independence and tradition, it is worth following it. However, EU demonstrates inconsistencies, especially when it comes to rule of law and interventions which support foreign powers, which leads to perception of the RS as disturbance factor,” said Dodik. He noted that EU also fights with internal issues, which leaves the continent under U.S. control, adding that presidency of Joe Biden, faced with their own challenges, reflects this situation where Europe indirectly remains under the leadership of people who may not be up to task. “We are determined not to lose RS and if necessary to stand against imposed conditions on the ‘EU path. If the EU path enables preservation of our culture, independence and tradition, it is worth following it,” said Dodik.


Asked about his comments that goal of the International Community is “destabilization of B&H”, Dodik said that B&H is in fact American project, which after the war created a conviction that Serbs are responsible for the conflict and deserve to be punished in every way. “Immediately after the war, they did not have a goal to adopt peace negotiations. For them, B&H is a state where they will be on the side of Muslims, and at the same time the ticket they hold to show as if they are on good terms with Muslims. You can look what they did to Muslims in other places. B&H does not have globally significant resources, which could be of interest to them. however, in these thirty years, they created a system in which all institutional and other commands in the state are working in their interests, trying to continuously manage and impose solutions, with the variable level of success. Now they encountered a hurdle which is difficult to overcome. They are solely focused on achieving of profit and lobbying. I have no other explanation for their goals,” said Dodik.


Asked why he often criticizes America and whether there is an aspect where cooperation is possible. Dodik said that “our people” is forced to lose time since the dissolution of Yugoslavia, incapable of defining its strategic and national interests, staying trapped in the cycle of defense of Kosovo and the RS. “Each attempt of dialogue about any issue always returns to the issue of Srebrenica. You know my position about it already. Crimes took place on all sides, and we should talk about all of them. It is always imposed that Serbs are bad guys (…) We do not have reasons for hostility with the Americans, apart from their operations such as bombardments, use of depleted uranium, military exercises against us. It is hard to accept as friends those who bombed us (…) Still, as long as our positions, our views are acknowledged, and as long as nothing is imposed, we will be open for cooperation”, said Dodik.


Asked if arrival of Donald Trump to power in the US will change the policy against the RS, Dodik said that although changes to the US administration can indicate certain changes, it does not automatically mean change of policy towards key issues, such as Kosovo and the RS. “For the RS, at the moment of global instability, it is key that it deals with its internal challenges, especially in context of relations in B&H”, added Dodik.


As for a stance on RS’ neutrality in regard to a current conflict in Ukraine, Dodik said that “our” situation is not easy, but it is the only possible direction. He exclaimed: “If we limit to the path to the West only, we would not have any uses. This would lead us to a loss of our entity and political identities. By following Western trends of introducing sanctions against Russia, we would risk a loss of friendship. It is clear that Russia would not benevolently view such moves of the RS, which would result in the loss of Russia’s trust and friendship, while we would not get any significant support from the West, but only additional pressure. Our strength lies in the neutral approach and preserving of friendship with all who are open for it, including Russia… This conflict now hints creation of a multi-polar world with aspiration of global powers for establishing their own spheres of influence. I do not consider justified the criticism addressed at me due to the visit to Russian President Vladimir Putin. I am convinced that after the situation in Ukraine gets stabilized, that European leaders will aspire to have such meetings with Putin in order to resolve their problems. Russia possesses huge natural resources, metals, minerals and energy sources that Europe does not have. This represents a non-destroyable value and potential for cooperation, despite of current geo-political challenges.” 


Asked to judge current relations between B&H and Austria in terms of the EU integration, Dodik said: “I believe that the Austrian Foreign Minister gave in under superficial propaganda in regard to the RS. I understand that perhaps they do not have time to investigate the situation more deeply. It seems that they accept information without additional consideration. They pass decisions on us, while they do not include us in talks. Politicians come to Sarajevo, they are delighted with Bascarsija and make an impression that everything is fine, while problems remain unresolved in reality. If the Minister supports further approaching of B&H to the EU, this deserves praise, but for the RS it only raises one crucial question– if “the High Representative” is legitimate or not. Beside this question, may other important questions in B&H remain unresolved.”




Plenkovic and Grlic Radman congratulate B&H on opening of accession negotiations with EU (Vijesti)

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic congratulated Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on the opening of accession negotiations with the EU. Plenkovic stated: “Here, a few minutes ago, the European Council made a decision to open accession negotiations with B&H. Also, at our proposal, a sentence was added to invite the European Commission to draft a negotiation framework that will then be adopted by the Council”.


Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman congratulated B&H opening of the accession talks. “Big day for B&H and historic decision of European Commissions on opening of the accession negotiations. Congratulations to Borjana Kristo as well as to Elmedin Konakovic for the reform results of EU integration. Agreement and compromise of legitimate political representatives of constituent peoples is the best guarantee of B&H’s success,” wrote Grlic Radman on ‘X’.


Prime Minister Plenkovic at nuclear summit in Brussels (HRT)


Brussels is hosting a two-day meeting of heads of government and member states of the European Union. There will be a series of meetings on important and current topics, but European and world leaders are also in Brussels, as for the first time in history a global summit on nuclear energy is being held, organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and Belgium. European leaders are calling for the revival of the nuclear energy industry. In a joint declaration in Brussels, they announce the construction of new reactors and political support for the nuclear sector.


“Expanding the safe operation of today's nuclear fleet is one of the most favorable ways to ensure a large amount of clean energy,” said Ursula Von der Leyen, president of the European Commission. “Nuclear energy today provides a quarter of clean energy in the world, and here in Europe even half. But more is needed,” said Rafael Grossi, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The future of nuclear power in Europe came into question after the disaster in the Japanese city of Fukushima in 2011. But the consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and climate change have renewed interest in nuclear power.


“If all member states decide to cooperate, the European Union will succeed in mobilizing the scientific, technological and financial capital needed to face the biggest challenges in the nuclear sector and pave the way for clean nuclear energy, whose resources are almost unlimited,” said Andrej Plenkovic, Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia.


Croatia is also counting on nuclear energy in the long term. “For Croatia, this is especially important as a 50 percent co-owner of the Krsko Nuclear Power Plant, from which between 15 and 20 percent of our electricity needs come, and it is certain that we must see in the future how to make nuclear energy as well financed and as easily financed by European funds,” Plenkovic said. The leaders of countries from Croatia's neighborhood are also at the summit, who clearly said what they think about nuclear energy. “The question of energy is often held hostage by ideological approaches, which is bad. Energy is not an ideological or geopolitical issue. Nuclear energy is the only one that is dangerous for people when it comes to pollution, but at the same time it produces large amounts of what we need,” said Viktor Orban, the Hungarian Prime Minister. There is no German representative at the summit in Belgium. That country shut down its last nuclear reactor almost a year ago.




Vranes refused to participate in the fair in Pristina because he does not recognize the state of Kosovo (RSE)


The President of the Municipality of Pljevlja, Dario Vranes, refused to participate in the International Tourist Fair in Pristina, which is being held from April 16 to 17 with the support of the Government of Kosovo, because, as he said, he does not recognize Kosovo as a state.

"The so-called state of Kosovo does not exist, it is the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija. Next year in Prizren", replied Vranes in an email that was published on the networks along with the invitation letter. RFE confirmed that the content of the email is authentic. "Everything is correct, I wrote that. "The only thing that caught my eye was a typo because of my typing speed," said Vranes.


The President of the Municipality of Pljevlja was invited by the company "CEO" from Pristina, which deals with the organization of large fairs in Kosovo. In the invitation letter, it is indicated that this is the Tourism and Sports Fair, which is being held for the twentieth time with the support of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and other organizations and partners of the fair. "The focus of this year's edition is on the promotion of local and regional tourism, natural beauty, cultural assets and tourist attractions of our country and region," the letter states.


RSE sent an inquiry to the Government of Montenegro and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whether they would react to Vranes's response to Pristina, but they did not receive a response.


Dario Vranes is an official of the New Serbian Democracy, whose leader is the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Andrija Mandic. This party is part of the ruling majority led by Prime Minister Milojko Spajic's Europe Now Movement. It is expected that, according to the coalition agreement, he will join the Government in the coming months. The coalition agreement states that the Government will remain fully aligned with the EU's foreign policy while respecting all international commitments. This was supposed to be a guarantee that the Government would not make decisions that would call into question the independence of Kosovo. The new Serbian democracy does not recognize the independence of Kosovo, advocates the lifting of sanctions against Russia and the exit of Montenegro from NATO. When he was elected as the president of the Municipality of Pljevlja, Vranes initiated that the Day of the Municipality be a church holiday, and not, as before, a date symbolizing the anti-fascist struggle. He organized a formal academy in Pljevlje on the occasion of the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia on February 15. No one from the ruling coalition reacted to Vranes's messages.


Djeljosaj: Let Vranes go freely to Prizren, the institutions of Kosovo will be waiting for him (CDM)


Commenting on the action of the President of the Municipality of Pljevlja, Dario Vranes, to refuse the invitation to go to Kosovo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development Nik Djeljosaj said that it is not good for someone to disrespect the decisions of the state of Montenegro. "Personal thoughts can be personal, but institutions have no right to their feelings, but respect for state acts," said Djeljosaj. He told Vranes to go freely to Prizren, and the institutions of Kosovo will definitely be waiting for him there.


Capuni: The response of the President of the Municipality of Pljevlja to the invitation from Kosovo is ridiculous (CDM)


The response of the President of the Municipality of Pljevlja Daria Vranjes to the invitation to participate in the International Tourist Fair in Pristina is not only a reflection of lack of culture and rashness, but also of disrespect for the institutions of Montenegro, its international agreements and obligations, as well as the Agreement on parliamentary support, the constitution of the legislative and executive authorities and political the priorities of the 44th Government of Montenegro and the parliamentary majority of the 28th convocation of the Parliament of Montenegro, starting from the preamble to the last article, said Ilir Capuni, MP of Force.


"For now, these outbursts are just media sensations and the outbursts of an individual who, even in office, wants to express his personal opinion that is not based on facts and lives in delusion. He probably has no political experience and does not understand the importance of the assumed rights and obligations of Montenegro, with that we express our deep indignation about them and call on the signatories of the Agreement and the Government of Montenegro to clearly disassociate themselves from them", emphasizes Ilir Capuni.


As he added, the president of the Municipality of Pljevlja does not have to wait until next year to go to Prizren. "It can be done this year, and now. At the border crossing, he will be kindly welcomed by the institutions of the internationally recognized Republic of Kosovo, and he will learn something about the promotion of local and regional tourism, natural beauty, cultural assets and tourist attractions of Kosovo and the region. If he decides to enter through another door, he will be greeted professionally by the Security Forces of Kosovo and KFOR", Ilir Capuni concluded.


North Macedonia


Mitreski – Jovanovic: Serbia and North Macedonia have excellent cooperation, no open disputes (MIA)


The friendly cooperation between the two countries is excellent and there are no open disputes, concluded Parliament Speaker Jovan Mitreski and the Serbian Ambassador to North Macedonia, Nevena Jovanovic, at a meeting Thursday, according to a press release from Parliament. Mitreski and Jovanovic assessed that in recent years there exists a tendency for a greater dynamic of regular bilateral meetings at the highest level on both sides.


“The good bilateral relations must continue in the future as well because it is exceptionally important to continue to cooperate and successfully overcome all differences. Interlocutors at the meeting welcomed the Open Balkan regional initiative, agreeing that the initiative means the creation of opportunities for regional connection and cooperation, free flow of passengers, goods and services, which leads to regional connectivity and paves the way for membership in the European Union,” the press release said. According to the press release, at the meeting, Mitreski and Jovanovic voiced their belief that the enhancement of economic cooperation is the sole path to swifter development, noting that it will contribute to the achievement of key European priorities such as the green and digital transition. They also stressed that energy and infrastructure connectivity are a key prerequisite for the development of a successful business sector.


Pendarovski invites opponents to two leaders' debates; to present campaign platform on April 3 (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski, who is running for a second term in office in the April 24 presidential election, has invited his six opponents to two leaders' debates, one at the beginning and one at the end of the election campaign, which starts on April 4th. According to Pendarovski's campaign headquarters, invitations have been extended to the other presidential candidates, but they are yet to respond. The leaders' debates are planned to be "held on neutral ground," Pendarovski's team said, pointing out that each candidate would take part in organizing them, share the expenses of holding them, and mutually agree on the moderator. In addition, each candidate is encouraged to bring their own audience. The media will be invited and given the chance to ask questions. The debates are planned to take 180 minutes. Pendarovski's team said they were expecting the other presidential candidates' responses by Wednesday.


Unless all seven presidential candidates agree to take part, however, the debates will not be held. The leaders' debates aim to give the candidates an opportunity to expose their political platforms ahead of the upcoming election to potential voters. Pendarovski will promote his presidential campaign platform at a convention on April 3. According to his team, he will lead a positive, European and civil campaign. His campaign will include numerous rallies and meetings with members of the public. Events will be bilingual – in Macedonian and Albanian – and translated into sign language. During the campaign, Pendarovski will also host an Iftar and Easter dinner, to which all presidential candidates will be invited.


OSCE/ODIHR opens elections observation mission ahead of double elections (MIA)


The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) opened Thursday an election observation mission to North Macedonia for the April 24 presidential elections and the May 8 parliamentary elections, following an invitation from the national authorities. The mission will deploy 300 short-term and 20 long-term observers throughout the country. The head of the observation mission, Ambassador Jillian Stirk, said these are the 22nd elections in North Macedonia that will be observed by ODIHR. The last elections they observed were the local elections in 2021.


“ODIHR works in line with the established election observation methodology. We are completely unbiased and founded on facts. Within the framework of the mission, an assessment will be carried out whether the elections are in line with the OSCE commitments and other international obligations, as well as the national legislation. We have a main team of 12 international experts in Skopje from 12 OSCE states. This is a very diverse group. We will be in the country both for the presidential and parliamentary elections and leave on May 19,” Ambassador Stirk said.


In addition to the main team, ODIHR will deploy 20 long-term observers throughout the country, with teams of two in Tetovo, Ohrid, Bitola, Prilep, Strumica, Kochani, Kumanovo and Shtip, as well as two teams in Skopje. “We have also requested an additional 300 short-term observers expected to arrive shortly before the elections. They will go to the polling stations, observe the voting, the counting of ballots and the tabulation of results. They will arrive shortly before the elections,” the head of the observation mission said.


Stirk said the team of experts will work on issues related to the election administration, the legislative framework, political environment, campaign, political financing, media and campaign financing. As of next week, the observation mission will begin a comprehensive monitoring of the media, she said. “We will also communicate with all institutions that are involved in the electoral process, as well as the political parties and civil society. On the basis of all those talks, we will draft a preliminary report which should be published on April 9,” the Ambassador said. She clarified that the format of the mission is based on the recommendations of ODIHR’s needs assessment mission following their visit in January 2024. “For the first time in North Macedonia, we will observe two types of elections happening at the same time – presidential and parliamentary elections. We will analyze the two processes separately, but we will combine the findings when they are relevant to both elections,” Stirk said.


The OSCE/ODIHR mission will be joined by delegations from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and the European Parliament on both election days, and a delegation from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA) for the parliamentary elections. “We will work together with our partners and we will give a joint statement immediately after each election day, i.e., on April 25 and May 9. We will have an interim report two weeks ahead of election day, a statement of preliminary findings will be presented at press conferences on the day after each elections and a final report that will be published two months after the election process,” the Ambassador stressed.


In answer to a journalist’s question if the institutions will have enough time to prepare considering the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations in terms of amendments to the Electoral Code were adopted only two weeks ago, the head of the observation mission said they are still carrying out an assessment. “We had an initial meeting with the State Election Commission, but this is our first day of work as an observation mission so we are beginning with these assessments. We are aware of the work and the previous recommendations, but we still haven’t carried out a complete assessment. We are still in a stage where we are analyzing the situation, but of course, this is one of the things that will be analyzed within our observation mission – whether the previous recommendations have been taken into account,” Ambassador Stirk noted.


On whether the number of observers has increased, Stirk stressed that the number of observers is founded on the recommendations of the needs assessment mission. “There are two types of elections that are being held on the same day, so it’s not unusual to have a larger number of observers, and we are requesting a large number of observers for both elections. As I said, this is based on the recommendations of the needs assessment mission,” Ambassador Stirk said.




Albania extends the participation of military troops in KFOR until 2027 (Radio Tirana)


The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania decided to extend the participation of the Armed Forces of Albania in the international military operation KFOR in Kosova, until December 31, 2027. Council of Ministers approved some changes in the decision "On the participation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania in the international military operation KFOR in Kosova". Specifically, the duration of this mission was decided from December 31, 2024 to December 31, 2027. The decision foresees that the period of stay in the mission for each representative will be with a rotation system every 6 months and 1 year for the ACOS SPT position, periods to which are added the days of stay for the exchange with the next contingent (receiving and handing over tasks, strategic transport delays). The financial effects, resulting from the implementation of this decision, are borne by the budget of the Ministry of Defense.


Pirdeni: Albania, progress in the course of reforms in vital areas (Radio Tirana)


The 15th Subcommittee Meeting on Justice, Freedom, and Security between Albania and the European Commission was held. The Minister of State for Public Administration and Anti-Corruption, Adea Pirdeni, stated that Albania's progress in the course of reforms in vital areas was presented before the European Commission. "We successfully presented Albania's latest progress before the European Commission regarding the course of reforms in vital areas for the consolidation of the rule of law," said Pirdeni.


"During the first day of the 15th Subcommittee Meeting on Justice, Freedom, and Security, we focused on the progress of the reform in the justice system, the fight against corruption, the improvement of the legislative and strategic framework to meet the requirements of the EU and GRECO, as well as the measures taken to prevent corruption in high-risk sectors," the minister highlighted. Furthermore, Pirdeni added, "we extensively discussed the work being done to align with European Union standards in guaranteeing fundamental human rights." "We welcome all the assessments of the Commission regarding the progress of reforms in the aforementioned sectors, which will further strengthen our path towards EU accession," she concluded.