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Belgrade Media report 12 April



Vucic: I am sending a special envoy to UN Assembly; They will never be able to break Serbian people (B92)


The meeting of the state leadership of Serbia and Republika Srpska was held yeteroday in Vila Mir. "Today I spoke with the presiding chairman of the United Nations General Assembly. On Monday, I will send a special envoy to the president of the United Nations General Assembly with a letter and ask them to carefully consider the violation of all procedures. Namely, the obligation to deal with the B&H issue in the Security Council in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, because it's still an unstable region, because international forces are still there, even what they call a High Representative, if the region is stable, they wouldn't send him. They want to switch the vote from the Security Council to the United Nations General Assembly that something on which the preservation of peace depends, they want to shift the story to a culture of peace and a culture of remembrance. Then, they also violated the second thing that two-thirds is needed precisely because it is something that can threaten or preserve peace," said Vucic and added: "I would ask three questions to everyone from NATO, since it is clear that the main sponsors are the NATO countries plus Rwanda, so the main sponsors are the big powers, Germany, Great Britain, America, France, Turkey. I guess, it is not easy for them to talk about Armenians, then they dealt with the Serbs and everyone else. Seventeen of them in total, including Slovenia, I guess they left aside the Croats and some others who will be very loud, but so that they would not go so far as to humiliate us, so that we would not be allowed to speak about Jasenovac and all the other Serbian execution sites. My question for all of them, what now? That's my first question. You're commemorating the 29th anniversary, so it's not even a round anniversary. And why aren't you commemorating 28, 25, 26, 30?" stated Vucic. "I hope they will answer me, but since I hope not to get that answer, I will tell you right now. Why do they do it now? Because they know that they will have fewer governments to support it next year than they do today. Because the global south is gaining more and more space in the world, countries are freeing themselves from colonial restraints, they will no longer serve them and listen to them as they listened to them then, and that is one of the reasons," said Vucic. President of Serbia asked whether this resolution will further divide peoples and countries in the world or will it be unanimous as every time it was adopted? "The resolution on genocide or holocaust to be limited to the Jewish people from 2005 because the Germans were not declared a genocidal people because of what they did in Kragujevac, Kraljevo or Jajinci, but only because of what they did to the Jews. So, they were always unanimously adopted. Do you really think that this will be unanimously adopted? The Republika Srpska is not part of the United Nations. The Republika Srpska is not listened to even in Bosnia and Herzegovina when it has a different position and they do not respect it. And Serbia itself will use political means to oppose all NATO countries, from Turkey to Germany, with the fact that we know that our chances are minimal, but we will fight until the last moment," said Vucic. Vucic stated that Dodik demanded that Serbia fight and pointed out that Serbia will fight until the last moment and for every single vote. "And then you justify how you made the decision, which will be 65 in favor, count them all these countries, European, what they control in Oceania, what they control on the North American continent and part of the Islamic countries. And what will you do when you get everything 10, 15 or 20 more votes than those against. Your only opponent is little Serbia. Russia had only seven votes in the General Assembly. I tell you now, we will have many, many times more. My third question is, and what are you doing in the region? What's the point?" Vucic said. President of Serbia stated that he asked the leadership of Republika Srpska to consider, think and see what they should do every day. "We have to try at almost any cost to preserve peace, international order, so that international laws are the only barrier against their overall violence, the violence of the powerful who would use themselves for various things in the modern world today, but we will definitely work every day," he pointed out. The German ambassador's comment at the UN briefing yesterday is shameful, and otherwise she clearly said that when the representative of Hungary announced that this was not the smartest moment and the best moment, they did not say that it was not for the Serbian people or the Republic of Srpska, but she said, well, it's never time for Serbia, but it's time for you, may you not have committed genocide. Everything can be the other way around in the modern world. And I guess they thought that everyone would be shaking with fear and worrying about their functions, like they do not know the Serbian people. And on that day, when you adopt that resolution, if you adopt it, on that day exactly, we will show you how proud we are and that the Serbian people will never agree to all your pressure, blackmail and senseless accusations. We will hoist our flags, our national symbols. To show them that Serbia and the Serbian people will never be able to collapse, no matter how hard they try. What we have to do because of the incidents that happened in the previous two days in Novi Pazar, we have to keep the peace at any cost with our Bosniak brothers," said Vucic. President of Serbia stated that they will never be able to subjugate the Serbian people. "We will not only wear our tricolor in our hearts, but it will be the most popular flag in the whole world," concluded Vucic.


Milorad Dodik's address

"They want to qualify the issue of Srebrenica as genocide. First, I said and I say publicly that genocide did not happen, that genocide was an invented form in which they tried to demonize the entire Serbian people and, through individual judgments in the courts in The Hague, transfer it to the collective responsibility of that one people, the Serbian people. Of course, I will do everything to convince President Vucic by the fifth of May, when we have our Easter Assembly, to support all the decisions that Republika Srpska intends to make. We believe that this is a direct destruction of the possibility to live together in BiH that this fictitious act in the United Nations was sent without the consent of BiH authorities to falsely represent themselves as representing B&H, which of course is not the case. They represent only the Muslim or Bosniak side and are directed against Republika Srpska and the Serbian people," said Dodik. President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, speaker of the Serbian parliament Ana Brnabic, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, met in Belgrade with President of the Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik, Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zeljka Cvijanovic and speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic.


Dacic: All principles on which peace in B&H rests violated by proposing UN resolution (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says that by proposing a resolution on Srebrenica with the support of B&H, the Dayton Agreement, the constitution of B&H and all the principles on which peace rests in that country have been violated, considering that the RS not only did not participate in that, but was not even consulted. "On April 17, a resolution submitted by Germany and Rwanda with the support of the missions of 15 other countries, will be presented at the UN, including BiH, which has false legitimacy given that the Serb part was not only not asked, it was not even consulted on this issue," Dacic told RTS. Dacic stressed that the Serb Republic did not participate in proposing the resolution and that the Dayton Agreement, the Constitution of B&H and all the principles on which peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina rests are violated. "This shows that Muslims (in B&H) do not want peace, that they do not want Serbs as their neighbors, because how you will live with someone you label as genocidal," Dacic said. He added that in the UN (General Assembly) resolutions are passed by a two-thirds majority or a simple majority and that decisions on important issues are adopted by two-thirds. "It is obvious that through certain manipulations, by not placing this topic on the agenda concerning international peace and security, but culture of peace, i.e. memory, it was first moved from the Security Council, which is completely illegal because the General Assembly cannot deal with a topic that has already been dealt with by the Security Council," Dacic pointed out and added that this would be possible only if proposed by the Security Council. When it comes a simple majority vote, Dacic explained that in that case only votes "for" and "against" are counted, while "abstentions" and those who do not vote are not. "It certainly suits us better for us to have a two-thirds majority vote, because they need to secure a larger number of votes. We will, of course, fight to the end," said Dacic. Dacic recalled that recently the UN Security Council refused to discuss the 25th anniversary of the start of the NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, i.e. Serbia. "The argument at the time was, 'well let's not deal with topics from the past'. And this (Srebrenica) happened even before all that. It happened in 1995," Dacic stressed.


Vucic and Chinese Ambassador discuss challenges at international ahead of Serbia (B92/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke today with Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Li Ming about issues of key importance and challenges that await Serbia at the international level in the coming period. "I informed the ambassador of China about hypocritical initiatives in the UN General Assembly, aimed against the entire Serb people, and I asked for China's support in the fight for the truth. I am grateful for China's firm and unwavering support given to our country in global forums, I pointed out that Serbia in these difficult times appreciates principled partnerships and steely friendships demonstrated in action in the most difficult moments for our people and country," Vucic posted on Instagram. Vucic asked Ambassador Ming to convey his warm greetings to President Xi Jinping, who contributed to the enormous progress of our country with his personal engagement.


Mali: Vucic sent letters to Scholz, Macron and other EU leaders (B92)


Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali confirmed that the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic sent letters to European leaders this morning on the issue of the reception of the so-called Kosovo to the Council of Europe. As Mali said, Vucic sent letters to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron and other European leaders. "I have never seen a President more worried than these days. The pressures have never been greater, the problems have never been greater. I mean the region, Kosovo and Metohija, Russian sanctions, the Resolution on Srebrenica threatens us... He sent letters to all leaders this morning related to Kosovo's admission to the Council of Europe. Anyone who knows Vucic knows that surrender is never an option and that he always wins. The reason he is worried is objective, because the pressure has never been greater," Mali said.


Serbia, Ghana bound by traditional friendship (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met yesterday with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of the Republic of Ghana Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey. The two officials noted that the two countries are bound by traditional friendship and expressed mutual willingness to build on this solid foundation with joint efforts, especially in light of the fact that in 2024 we are marking 65 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two states. Dacic thanked Ghana for supporting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. Botchwey informed Dacic about the current situation in the country and the region, as well as the potential for the development of bilateral cooperation in the fields of the economy, agriculture, defence, culture and other areas. She called on Serbian companies to examine the possibility of investing in Ghana.


Further strengthening of strategic partnership with France (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Special Envoy of the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs for the Western Balkans Rene Troccaz assessed yesterday that the bilateral relations between Serbia and France have reached a very high level and that activities on the further strengthening of the strategic partnership between the two countries should be continued. The two officials highlighted the exceptional importance of the successful visit of President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic to Paris and the talks he had with President of France Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Senate Gerard Larcher and representatives of French companies interested in investing in Serbia. Dacic and Troccaz also discussed the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as current regional issues on the multilateral level. Troccaz also held a separate meeting with the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic, who informed him of a series of unilateral and unreasonable moves by Pristina that have made life for Serbs in the province impossible and unsustainable. Petkovic noted that Pristina was refusing to meet its 11-year-old commitment to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities, while Belgrade had met all its commitments from the dialogue, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement.


Petkovic with Ziadeh on UNSC session and difficult position of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met today with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and the Head of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Caroline Ziadeh, with whom he discussed the upcoming session of the UN Security Council, as well as the permanently difficult position of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, which has been drastically worsened by the latest, unilateral moves of Pristina. Petkovic emphasized that by abolishing the use of Dinars on the territory of the province and banning payment transactions with Serbia proper, Serbs were prevented from paying their benefits, social assistance, as well as financing Serbian institutions in Kosovo and Metohija, which brought our people to the brink of a humanitarian disaster. “Pristina’s intention to completely remove from the agenda with this decision the topic of the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, which is more than 4,000 days late, and in the agreements signed so far, financial support for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija is provided for through the ZSO,” Petkovic added, it is stated in the announcement of the Office. He also informed Ziadeh of the impossible conditions that Pristina has foreseen for conducting the referendum for the removal of four mayors in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, stressing that the Prime Minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti is doing everything to make the referendum fail, that is, to retain power with 3.5 percent of the votes of the fake mayors in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. He reminded that in addition to the replacement of the mayor, it is also necessary for councillors in local assemblies to resign, which the Pristina authorities did not foresee. “All the moves of Pristina, transparently and unequivocally, lead to only one goal, and that is the definitive expulsion of the Serb people from their centuries-old hearth in Kosovo and Metohija and the obliteration of their existence in the province,” said Petkovic. He also emphasized the importance of the UNMIK Mission’s actions in accordance with its mandate and status neutrality, for Serbs and other Albanians in the province.


Djilas accuses Hill of supporting Vucic (N1)


Leader of the opposition Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Dragan Djilas reacted to US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill’s statement, stressing that if the ambassador says something is Serbia’s internal matter, then he should not voice his opinion on it. “Especially since we know your position is that of support for the organized criminal group with Aleksandar Vucic at helm,” said Dragan Dilas. The SSP leader said that, a day after the December 2023 elections, Hill said the US looks forward to continuing cooperation and advised the people who had fought for freedom to go home and celebrate the holidays. “By saying this you clearly sided with Aleksandar Vucic,” said Djilas. He added that the ambassador also expressed at the Thursday parliamentary Collegium meeting the view that he does not look favorably on election boycott. “I’ll be brief and clear: I don’t know on what grounds you even attended the meeting,” said Djilas. A third Collegium meeting between the representatives of the government and the opposition was held Thursday at the Serbian Parliament. It was also attended by representatives of the civil society, US Ambassador Hill and EU Delegation chief Emanuele Giaufret.


Hill: Boycotting elections not the right way to solve problems (Beta)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said in Belgrade yesterday after meeting with representatives of the government and opposition on applying ODIHR’s recommendations for improving elections, that boycotting elections was not the way to solve problems. “From the standpoint of my government, but also the governments of other countries, we have a huge wish to see Serbia succeed in conducting the recommendations. We do not like boycotts as a way to overcome anything,” Hill said after a meeting in Serbian parliament. Hill said that he had attended the meeting with several of his colleagues as an observer and that they had not been invited to participate. “As an observer I can say that dialogues like these are important and need to continue. Dialogues are not just important, they are frequently difficult and their sole purpose is not just to reach an agreement,” he said. Hill added that “these are very serious problems”, but Serbia must fight its way through.


Opposition movements protests Hill’s attending talks with authorities (Beta)


The Ecological Uprising movement said yesterday that it was impermissible and extremely humiliating for the issue of electoral conditions in Serbia to be resolved by a foreign embassy. The movement requested that parliament speaker Ana Brnabic explain the role of US Ambassador Christopher Hill at the meeting between the opposition and the authorities on electoral conditions, and who had invited him. “The Ecological Uprising maintains that all issues of concern for the Serbian citizens must be solved within the constitutional order and (according to the) positive legal regulations of Serbia, without interference by other sovereign states into the internal organization and policies. The issue of the elections, lithium, nuclear power plants, everything that would affect the life of the people of Serbia, is to be solved by them and their representatives in the parliament who decide on such issues,” the statement reads. The campaign director of the Get Going for Change movement Savo Manojlovic noted that it was “scandalous and humiliating” that US Ambassador Christopher Hill participated in an official meeting between the authorities and the opposition on electoral conditions. “Ambassador Hill and Ambassador Kharchenko supported the direct stealing of the elections by the authorities. It is scandalous and humiliating that Ambassador Hill is now attending the official meeting on electoral conditions,” Manojlovic wrote in a post on X.


CRTA: Unless impunity is stopped, elections cannot be repeated (Beta)


Program Director of the Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) NGO Rasa Nedeljkov warned yesterday that without stopping impunity elections could not be fixed, as well as that “the current state of the voter roll is, to put it mildly, worrying.” According to CRTA, at a meeting called by speaker Ana Brnabic in parliament on the subject of ODIHR’s recommendations and proposed amendments to election legislation, Nedeljkov warned that in the past three and a half months the number of registered voters had dropped by as much as 41,110 in Serbia. “An average of 400 voters per day. For the sake of comparison, 31 voters were deleted daily in the 20 months between elections in 2022 and 2023. The fact that this drastic reduction of the number of registered voters was observed at just six percent of polling stations in Serbia and saw no change in other places is additionally disconcerting,” Nedeljkov said. He also said that CRTA had prepared and provided comments on the proposed amendments but added that talks on legal changes could only be held when three clear preconditions for restoring the integrity of the voting process were met – accountability for violations of the law in the electoral process, the revision of the voter roll and the raising of professional standards in the operation of public media services. “Examining other steps without meeting these preconditions will not change anything essential,” Nedeljkov said.


Grbovic at Bundestag: Government pushing Serbia into deeper crisis (Beta)


Leader of the opposition Movement of Free Citizens (PSG) Pavle Grbovic told the German Bundestag that Serbia has been in a deep political crisis since the December 2023 election fraud, and that it is now unfortunately closer to a new, deeper crisis than it is to a solution for overcoming the current situation. “The opposition did absolutely everything in its power for the problems to be resolved. We were the ones who initiated talks with government representatives, we were constructive, and we offered concrete and easy-to-implement solutions, but it is obvious that there is no political will on the part of the government to change the bad things,” Grbovic told a meeting with members of the Bundestag European Affairs Committee, which he attended together with his colleagues from the opposition Serbia Against Violence Coalition (SPN), Radomir Lazovic and Borko Stefanovic. This is why the opposition is now faced with two bad options – either to participate in unfair elections under unchanged conditions, or to boycott the elections, the PSG quoted Grbovic as saying. “For Serbia both these outcomes mean a continuation of the crisis, which is why even greater involvement of European partners is necessary, because every crisis in Serbia has the potential to spill over and destabilize the entire region, which is neither in the interest of the Serbian citizens, nor in EU’s interest,” said Grbovic.


Bundestag MP: Europe must closely monitor Belgrade elections (Beta)


German Bundestag MP and Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) rapporteur for Serbia Josip Juratovic said after a meeting with Serbian opposition politicians in Berlin on Thursday that Europe needs to “closely monitor” the elections in Belgrade. “The (Serbian) opposition has given a grim picture of the political situation. Rapporteurs from the government’s caucuses in the German Bundestag are monitoring the situation with concern,” said the rapporteur. Juratovic said that, ahead of the local elections in Belgrade, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who claims to want to join the EU, gives off the impression of an autocrat attempting to expand his position of authority. “The Serbian authorities must implement the recommendations from the ODIHR report in the manner that secures all the conditions for fair and free elections, and to fulfill the opposition’s legitimate demands, secure its greater presence as well as that of critical thought in the media, and to hold all local elections on the same day,” he said.


Roth: I expect swift, full implementation of ODIHR recommendations (Beta)


Following his meeting with Serbian opposition representatives held Thursday in Berlin, Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee chair Michael Roth said he expects a swift and full implementation of the ODIHR recommendations so the next elections in Serbia could be free and fair. Roth posted on the X social media platform a photo from the meeting with Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) deputy leader Borko Stefanovic, Green-Left Front (ZLF) co-president Radomir Lazovic and Movement of Free Citizens (PSG) leader Pavle Grbovic. “Thank you for the visit, dear friends! Thank you for strong commitment to democracy and rule of law in Serbia,” wrote Roth. Several representatives of the opposition Serbia Against Violence coalition are currently in Berlin for talks on the post-election crisis in Serbia.




Dodik: If resolution on Srebrenica is adopted, RS will continue independently; Vucic: On the day when you adopt that resolution, you will see how proud we are (N1)


After the meeting of the delegations of Republika Srpska (RS) and the Serbia held in Belgrade on Thursday, the RS President Milorad Dodik and the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic addressed the journalists. "First of all, we will have the RS National Assembly that will make decisions and organize a big rally in Banja Luka. If the resolution is adopted, we will leave decision-making in B&H. The RS does not see any sense in staying in B&H, we will ask to continue independently," said Dodik. Dodik thanked the President of Serbia for his support and said that they wanted to place the blame only on Serbs, even though they also died in the area of Srebrenica. "Thank you to President Vucic for supporting us in all difficult decisions we will make in the future," said Dodik. Vucic addressed the journalists and asked why the resolution is being passed now. "It is an obligation that the issue of B&H is dealt with by the UN Security Council in accordance with the UN Charter, because it is still an unstable region, because there are still international forces there, even what they call a High Representative (Christian Schmidt), if not, it would not exist and would not be sent. Why am I saying this? Because they want to switch the vote from the UN Security Council to the UN General Assembly, something on which the preservation of peace depends, they want to switch the story to the culture of peace and the culture of remembrance. Then they also violated the second point, from the fact that two-thirds of the votes needed to adopt the declaration are needed precisely because it is about something that can threaten the preservation of peace, they came to the point that it is about ordinary commemorations and cultures of memory where a simple majority is needed. And you will not believe it, not a simple majority of the total number of those who vote, but that you have one more of those who say yes than those who say no, compared to those who say against. Even if there were a hundred of them who abstained, who did not support that declaration, the declaration is passed. So those are procedural reasons. Essential reasons, I would say, I would ask three questions. To everyone from NATO, since it is clear that the main sponsors are the NATO countries plus Rwanda, therefore, the main sponsors are the great powers. Germany under number 1, Great Britain, America, France, everyone else, Turkey, of course... Why now?" asked Vucic and added: “It is not even your birthday. And why did not you wait for the 28th, why did not you wait for the 25th, why did not you wait for the 26th, why did not you wait for the 30th? I hope that they will answer me, but since I will not get that answer with all my hope, I will tell you right now. Because they know they will have fewer governments to support it next year than they do today? Because the global south is gaining more and more space in the world, countries are freeing themselves from colonial restraints, they will no longer serve and listen to them as they used to listen to them then, and that is one of the reasons. My second question is, will this resolution further divide peoples and countries in the world? Or will it be unanimous like every time it was adopted? Just wanted to let you know. The resolution on genocide or the holocaust was to be limited to the Jewish people, because Germans were not declared a genocidal nation because of what they did in Kragujevac, Kraljevo or Jajce, but only because of what they did to Jews. Therefore, they were always adopted unanimously. Do you really think that this will be adopted unanimously? The RS is not part of the UN. The RS is not listened to in B&H, when it has a different position, it is not respected. And Serbia will use political, not military, political means to oppose all NATO countries, from Turkey to Germany, with the fact that we know that our chances are minimal, but we will fight until the last moment. President Dodik asked for Serbia to fight, we will fight," Vucic said. "We have to try to preserve peace almost at any cost," added Vucic. We do not want to go to war, but we will fight, said the President of Serbia and added that he will call on the entire Serb people to hoist Serbian flags in all places where they live after the resolution is passed. "The flag of Serbia will be the most popular flag in the whole world," concluded Vucic. Addressing the press conference, Dodik pointed out that the processes at the UN level related to the issue of Srebrenica, “which they want to qualify as genocide”, were initiated outside procedures. “I said and I say publicly that the genocide did not happen, that the genocide is an invented form in which they tried to demonize the entire Serb people, and through the individual verdicts that were in the courts in The Hague, to transfer the collective responsibility to one people, the Serb people,” Dodik said. Dodik stressed that he will do everything in his power to convince Vucic until the Easter assembly to support all “difficult” decisions that the RS intends to make regarding this. “We believe that this is a direct destruction of the possibility of living together in B&H, that this fabricated act in the UN was sent without the consent of the B&H authorities, that they are falsely presenting themselves as representing B&H, which of course is not true. They represent only the Muslim or Bosniak side and are directly directed against the RS and the Serb people as a whole,” Dodik underlined. Dodik announced that a session of the RS parliament will be held on April 18 and 19 and that a large rally will also be held in Banja Luka. “I believe that if there is a decision based on this, which, I say again, is being initiated outside procedures, that the RS will leave decision-making in B&H, and I do not see any sense in us remaining an integral part of B&H, and we will seek and regulate our status in such a way that we try to continue on our own. Because if someone persistently tries to put the blame on one people, and demands that we live with them, that is really something that is absurd, it does not make any sense and does not lead to any reconciliation," Dodik pointed out. Dodik said that around 3,500 Serbs and around 4,100 Bosniaks were killed in Srebrenica. "The suffering of the Serbs was rejected as such, and the story of the suffering of the Bosniaks is only favoured. This is a speculation and a fraud they came up with to justify the bombing that NATO carried out outside the decisions of the Security Council and other competent institutions,” Dodik emphasized. “On the day when you adopt that resolution, you will see how proud we are” said Vucic. Vucic also said that he spoke with the head of the UN General Assembly Dennis Francis, and that he will send a special envoy to him on Monday and that he will ask them to carefully consider, as he said, the violation of all procedures. Vucic stressed that Dodik said some difficult, big things at the meeting. “I asked the leadership of the RS to consider and think every day and see what they have to do. (I said) that we have to preserve peace, international order at any cost, because for us, international laws are the only barrier to the violence of the powerful,” Vucic said.


Becirovic: Vucic is no peacemaker, main problem in B&H is not Dodik but Vucic precisely; Komsic: Vucic is factor of instability in the Balkans (FTV)


Meeting of the Serbian and RS leaderships led by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik was held in Belgrade on Thursday evening. Commenting on the meeting, B&H Presidency Chairman Denis Becirovic and B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic stated that topics of the meeting will not concern B&H in a way the meeting participants planned, stressing that the meeting – the same as most of the previous meetings between the RS and Serbian leaderships – actually “reveals Vucic’s true face hidden behind the official diplomacy”. Becirovic said that over the past months and weeks, the local, regional, European and world public slowly get to know true face of the Serbian President, adding that Vucic is not peacemaker at all, but he actually represents the main problem in B&H – not Dodik. He stressed that whenever Dodik returns from Belgrade, he makes problems in B&H and therefore the international officials in B&H should ask themselves what kind of instructions Dodik gets from Vucic. Becirovic stated that Vucic should finally start respecting B&H’s sovereignty. Komsic stated that B&H remains a unified country and it will exist despite all the challenges and all those who work against it, stressing that whatever the Belgrade topics are – they will not have effects on B&H in terms of its integrity and decisiveness to fight for the country. Becirovic and Komsic concluded that the meeting is yet another step that clearly indicate the panic, revolt and attempt to prevent the adoption of the Resolution on Srebrenica. They announced that they will travel to New York next week when the UN General Assembly will vote on the proposal of the Resolution on Srebrenica on 2 May. According to Komsic, the Resolution on Srebrenica comes ahead of the 30th anniversary of Srebrenica genocide that will be marked in July 2025. He stressed that the Resolution on Srebrenica is not aimed against anyone in the region or world. He said that he believes that Vucic will try to act again the adoption of the Resolution on Srebrenica by lobbying the countries from the Non-Aligned Movement. Both Becirovic and Komsic said that they see no reason why anyone would oppose the adoption of the Resolution. Becirovic said that he has read the text of the Resolution and that he has a lot of information about it, but that he thinks it would be wiser to discuss and share them after the UN General Assembly session. He noted that all things regarding the Resolution should be discussed responsibly. Komsic reacted to Vucic’s claims concerning the Resolution and said that most of what Vucic said regarding the Resolution is just basic spinning and politicking. “From the aspect of politics, international relations, facts, and if you want, morals – whichever aspect you take – there is absolutely nothing controversial in that Resolution,” said Komsic. He assessed that Serbia’s steps regarding the Resolution on Srebrenica are part of a propaganda campaign and all the things Vucic announced as tough days and danger for Serbia and the Serb people in terms of the Resolution on Srebrenica are nothing but a political game and spinning. According to Komsic, from the aspect of policy, international relations, facts and morality, there is nothing disputable in the Resolution on Srebrenica as it is primarily committed to the marking of the Srebrenica genocide anniversary and reflects a need to represents this story in the whole world given the fact that everything that happened in July 1995 is actually a “planetary slap in the face of the international community.” Komsic concluded that insisting for the Resolution to be brought down speaks about some sort of paranoia and even pollical madness in the region.


Vucic responds to Becirovic’s accusations: You are nobody and nothing, as you have always been, except for a petty liar and a falsifier (RTRS/Srna)


Reacting to the statements of B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic addressed against him, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic sent a message to Becirovic whom he called a liar and a falsifier, who wrote books against Serbs. “Since he tried to act smart today (Thursday), he said that the problem is not in Dodik, but in Vucic. Thank you for that. And you do not know what kind of compliment you gave me. I cannot give you that compliment, because you are nobody and nothing. You are not doing this, the Germans, the English and some others are doing this. And you are nobody and nothing, as you have always been, except for a petty liar and a falsifier,” Vucic said. Commenting on the statement of Becirovic, B&H Security Minister Nenad Nesic stated that the main problem of B&H are people such as Becirovic, who has a problem with a fact that Vucic even exists, and who cannot accept the Dayton reality that there are three constituent and equal peoples in B&H. Nesic added: “It is sad that Becirovic is not capable to understand importance of good neighborly relations…” Nesic argues that responsible politicians and statesmen open the country, they build and develop it, while those who are irresponsible and immature, like Becirovic, isolate it. He advised Becirovic to go to Serbia and see how the country develops and to see the standard of people there and then observes the situation in B&H. Nesic concluded: “Difference is that Serbia looks towards future, and B&H has become a ghetto due to various Becirovics’.” Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the main problem is the invasive Bosniak policy of annexation of B&H, supported by foreign brokers. When asked by Srna to comment on the statement of the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency, Denis Becirovic, that the main problem in B&H is not the RS President Milorad Dodik, but the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, whom he told to "respect international law", Cvijanovic said that they are mentioning Vucic and Dodik, so they would they increase the rating, because there is nothing concrete in what is offered to the citizens, except hatred for others.


Dodik: B&H will not disappear because of Vucic and Dodik, but because of Sarajevo politicians like Becirovic and Komsic (Srna/RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik, said that B&H Presidency members Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic, with their statements, remind him more and more every day of two funny dolls from Muppet Show. When asked by Srna to comment on the statements of Becirovic and Komsic in connection with meeting of officials of the RS and Serbia in Belgrade, Dodik said that it is very interesting how much they are affected by the cooperation between the RS and Serbia and the relationship between the two authorities, which, unfortunately for them, were never better. "In all of this, the funniest to me is Denis Becirovic, who dared to say something to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, while Komsic confidently claims that 'whatever they say in Belgrade will have no effect on B&H.' Here I am telling them that they cannot improve their political rating even by constantly mentioning Dodik and Vucic, but as that feeds their vanity, let them use our names," Dodik pointed out. Dodik also said that it is very interesting that Becirovic sees Vucic as B&H's biggest problem, who has repeatedly shown that he respects B&H and its institutions, and not Christian Schmidt, who, as Dodik said, illegally resides in B&H, or the US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy, who constantly, as Dodik claimed, produces crises and raises tensions.


Cvijanovic sends another letter to UN: Do not succumb to manipulations of Lagumdzija and Becirovic (RTRS)


Serb member of B&H Presidency, Zeljka Cvijanovic, sent a new letter to permanent missions, delegations and bodies in the UN, underlining the “manipulative circumstance in regard to ‘zero draft of the resolution, which was submitted by missions of several countries with the UN, including B&H Mission, the country, which she represents as the equal member of Presidency -a collective head of B&H”. Cvijanovic repeated that the matter of this resolution was never discussed or agreed within B&H competent institutions, underlining that presentation of the resolution, scheduled for 17 April or any other activities in this regard, do not have any support of institutions or peoples in B&H. Cvijanovic further explained that her direct address to missions and delegations in the UN is not an intention to bypass official and established communications channels, but on the contrary- “diplomatic channels of B&H within the UN are usurped by the Ambassador and political representatives, who speak in the name of only one of three constituent peoples who constitute B&H”. She further explained that there is a selective approach in submitting of a letter of Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and blocking of her own letters, which points out unequal and discriminatory treatment of peoples in B&H and further distancing from provisions of B&H Constitution. “Decision of certain diplomats to block my right to communicate with You through B&H Mission to UN, by which they are preventing me to use my constitutional capacity of a member of the Presidency, as well as lies that representatives of B&H Mission use (such is the one that we use resources of other states for communicating with UN member states),  are only some of the challenges that we face on a daily basis and which clearly indicate their intolerance and intention to marginalize and maltreat the people I represent, which understandably, I cannot and will not allow,” reads the letter. Explaining the decision-making process in B&H, Cvijanovic accused Ambassador Zlatko Lagumdzija of manipulation and unilateral approach to a group of third countries, noting that he was carrying out his own ideas, adding that this, combined with illegal support of current Chairman of B&H Presidency Becirovic, represent violation of B&H Constitution and regulations and “undermines principles that B&H’s peace and functionality rely on, because of which procedures for establishing of criminal liability will be initiated before domestic judiciary”. Cvijanovic said that having in mind sensitivity of the issue that is the subject of discussion, it was her duty to warn about possible harmful effect of not only individuals from B&H, but possible support of UN member states to unilateral actions of such individuals, who do not represent stance of B&H institutions and who do not respect their own Constitution. “B&H needs peace, stability and internal dialogue, not only in the coming accession negotiations with EU, but also in the process of strengthening of internal trust. Abuse or turning the UN GA into a tool for internal political clashes in B&H, will not assist its further development, but quite the contrary,” wrote Cvijanovic. In the end, she called for refusal to include this issue into the agenda of UN GA, to refuse to discuss it or adopt it, warning that any other approach would drag their countries into manipulation that undermine procedures prescribed by the Constitution of B&H in regard to activities within international organizations, which leads to undermining of Dayton Peace Agreement.


Five members of RS Election Commission submit their resignations (FTV)


Five members of the RS Election Commission resigned at a session of this body in Banja Luka on Thursday. The remaining two members of the Election Commission did not attend the session. The move comes after the RS government passed a conclusion last Friday calling on all members of the election implementation bodies from the RS to resign, and after the RS parliament adopted on 28 March the draft election law of the RS and rejected the technical amendments imposed by High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt. In its conclusion, the RS Government assessed that laws can be changed only in the parliamentary procedure and that latest decision of Christian Schmidt to impose the amendments to the Election Law of B&H is inacceptable. The RS Government tasked the RS Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government to deliver this conclusion to the Association of Municipalities and Cities of the RS and to the local self-government organizational units. The members of the RS Election Commission stated after their resignation that they respect the RS institutions – not the will of politicians, stressing that they see nothing disputable in the draft election law of the RS as the law provisions are in line with the Election Law of B&H. President of the RS Election Commission Oliver Blagojevic stated that the draft election law of the RS complies with all the principles stipulates in the Election Law of B&H, adding that he cannot understand all the fuss around the draft and the conduct of Serb members of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H “who are illegitimate.” Member of the RS Election Commission Aleksandar Radeta said that they respect the fact that the RS is part of B&H, but the Article 1.1. of the Election Law of B&H that is currently in effect clearly defines the principles for implementation of the local elections and the election of the RS President. Blagojevic also claims that he believes that the holding of local elections in RS will not be questioned. "To be honest, the elections are not conducted by the CEC or the REC, but by the Secretariat, and the real work is done in the municipal and city election commissions and polling committees", he pointed out, adding that his position would be that it is necessary to immediately appoint 40-50 individuals who would work on the organization of the upcoming elections. Blagojevic also stated that he does not know what the legal solution will be, which in the form of a proposal should be returned to the RS parliament, but that it is also possible for the RS parliament to appoint acting members of the REC immediately after the adoption of the Election Law. Blagojevic added that he does not see the reason why there was actually so much noise about the election law of the RS, but that he did not expect his colleagues, from the Serb members of the B&H Central Electoral Commission (CEC), to not know what the B&H Electoral Law regulates. Those who resigned from the RS Election Commission condemned the pressures coming from B&H CEC towards the members of the municipal and city election commissions, but also clarified that the election law of the RS does not deviate from the principles of the B&H Election Law. Blagojevic said that they live in the RS and have to respect the call of the institutions of the RS, and not from some political leaders, parties, etc. Blagojevic commented: “The opinion of my colleagues from CEC, I think it would have been better if they had not made statements, if they had kept quiet, but this seems to me that they only harm the RS and what we are doing”.


US Embassy in B&H: Creation of a parallel election system is unconstitutional, anti-democratic and anti-Dayton (Nova BH)


Nova BH carries a statement of the US Embassy in Sarajevo, concerning the creation of the RS election law and establishing the RS Election Commission as the relevant body for organizing elections in the RS. “The creation of a parallel election system is unconstitutional and anti-Dayton, and voters in the RS would be deprived of their basic rights, which are guaranteed by the Constitution of B&H,” read the statements. They added: “The elections conducted according to the parallel election system would not have legitimacy, and those involved in its organization would engage in unconstitutional, anti-democratic and anti-Dayton activities.” The USA is ready to respond to the activities of local actors that are against the Dayton Peace Agreement, and they fully support the actions of the High Representative in the matter.


Dodik in Paris: I met with some 30 people, focus of talks was on economy and culture (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated after a working breakfast at colonel Jacques Hogard that he spoke in Paris with people from different walks of life and that there is an interest in relations with the RS, mostly in areas of economy and culture. Dodik said he talked to about 30 or so people, who had different interests, with focus being on economy and culture. According to the RS President, there is an interest to open a Paris-Banja Luka flight and there is also an interest to open a high category hotel in the RS, which the RS needs. Dodik stressed that he said what he always says about the RS, namely that the RS is stable, dedicated to peace and development. “RS has no intention for any kind of destabilization, which would lead to violence. On the other hand, it has the intention to preserve its political views and position and will not give up on that. They key question was, what do we see in the European Union?! Story about Balkans being the next conflict area is being spread here. I was assuring them there are no elements for something like that, that it is about pure propaganda of some Western circles, who want to portray it that way”, said Dodik. Dodik reiterated that the RS is stable and peaceful and that there are no security challenges. He added: “There are difficult political processes and relations, but this is not a trigger for a conflict of any sort. The visit was very successful. There were talks with people from the Senate, who are highly positioned in the presidential administration. This was a chance to tell them that France should return to the process of the DPA’s implementation since it was signed here.” Dodik further said that the question arises as to why there are two, three high representatives from Germany, and not from France. He added: “In terms of this, there were interesting talks… France knows the stance of the RS. They want to talk to us.”


French Colonel Hogard: Tensions in B&H caused by EU and NATO’s mistake (RTRS)


Following the meeting with RS President Milorad Dodik, French Colonel Jacques Hogard said that there are tensions in B&H today, and they are caused by the EU and NATO mistake. “I hope that current geopolitical developments and changes, which are currently happening, will help us move in the direction of stability, mutual respect of independence,” said Hogard. Expressing satisfaction by Dodik’s visit, Hogard said: “We are very pleased and happy we managed to gather around RS President Milorad Dodik who visited France.” He noted that the meeting gathered around 40 people from different sectors, including political officials, media representatives, companies, etc. “We are glad we had an opportunity to exchange opinions with President Dodik, RS Minister for Scientific-Technological Development and Higher Education Zeljko Budimir and Ambassador Bojana Kondic Panic. It is very important for France to be informed about the situation in the RS and I think that developing of relations between RS representatives and collocutors, they have at disposal here in France, can greatly contribute to this,” said Hogard.


Grlic Radman: Croatia showed a "far-reaching vision" by co-founding the Three Seas Initiative (HRT)


The initiative is an informal political platform of the countries located between the Baltic, Adriatic and Black Seas, and with Greece's accession last year, the Aegean and Ionian Seas as well. Speaking at the ninth meeting of the Three Seas Initiative, which is being held in Vilnius Lithuania today, Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said that by co-founding the initiative with Poland in 2015, Croatia showed a far-reaching vision of today's geopolitical circumstances. The Minister went on to say that then Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic and Polish President Andrzej Duda, displayed foresight in their assessment of what challenges the future would bring, especially in terms of the conflict in Ukraine. The aim of the Three Seas Initiative is to strengthen the connection of the thirteen member states that lag behind western European Union member states, with an emphasis on transportation, digital and energy infrastructure. The initiative is supported and participated in by the EU, Germany and the United States.


Mandic: The stigma that Serbs must not and cannot be part of the government has been broken (Adria TV)


The speaker of the parliament of Montenegro Andrija Mandic is the only official representative of the Serbs who holds a high state position. But, as he said not for long because the government is expected to be reconstructed soon, which will include more representatives of Serbs in Montenegro. He revealed why he keeps the tricolor in the cabinet, whether he would receive RS President Milorad Dodik for a visit again and whether he would like to see Bosniaks in the government with Serbs. When asked whether and how much better the relations between Serbia and Montenegro are today than in August 2020, Mandic answers that they are incomparably better today, especially during the period of the former regime's attack on the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro. He believes that soon there will be the first official visit at the level of the parliaments of the two countries, and that the quality of relations will be confirmed in that way. "The priority is certainly a better life for the citizens of Montenegro and Serbia, and we can achieve that only through strengthening the economy." There are a number of projects that are of mutual interest to our two countries, primarily the construction of the Belgrade-Bar highway, as well as the reconstruction of the railway on the same route. Along with these large infrastructure projects, strengthening cooperation in the energy sector and the field of tourism is something that is also at the top of the priorities," says Mandic. Speaking about the dust raised in connection with the raising of the tricolor in his cabinet, Mandic says that along with the national flag of Montenegro, there is also the historical flag of the Principality, that is, the Kingdom of Montenegro, which is protected by law in the same way as today's national flag. "The story about the tricolor, which is being pushed by the media close to the former regime, is pointless and is actually just an indication of their disharmony in the opposition benches. In the absence of an answer to the fight against organized crime in their own ranks, they are trying to divert attention from numerous affairs related to their party with the old matrix about endangerment and disrespect for the state. The tricolor, together with the state flag, represents that the new Montenegro must be built on the reconciliation and cooperation of the traditional and modern state," he explains. When asked about the visit of the President of RS Milorad Dodik to Montenegro at the invitation of Mandic, he replied that it was part of the policy of building the best cooperation with all neighbors. "Is there anything more natural than that a Serbian politician from Montenegro who covers a responsible position builds the best possible relations with Belgrade and Banja Luka, that politicians from the Bosniak party build the best relations with Sarajevo and Ankara, that Albanian politicians build the best relations with Tirana, Croatian with Zagreb, etc.," asks Mandic and adds that the inability of the DPS in the opposition has led to the fact that the only policy they consider appropriate is open Serbophobia. He says that he is most proud of the fact that by appointing a Serb to the head of the Parliament of Montenegro, the stigma that Serbs should not and cannot be part of the government has been broken once and for all. It is equally important to him that the process of reconciliation has begun. Regarding the potential reconstruction of the government and the eventual entry of Serb representatives into it, he says that he has no fears because "in an extremely short period of time they achieved greater and better results than the numerous convocations of the parliament of Montenegro before us” and adds that he is saying that the Serbs are unwelcome the factor has now fallen into the water. "Reconciliation is not only possible, but necessary for Montenegro. We see these days that the storms of war are raging on the eastern borders of Europe and in the Middle East. "Learned by the historical experience of the Balkans, it is imperative that we come to reconciliation and agreement within Montenegro and that we make the maximum effort together with all the countries of the Western Balkans to preserve peace and stability in the region," says Mandic. When asked if he really didn't resent the Bosniak party for being in favor of his removal from the post of president, he replied that he suffered much bigger and more serious insults, but, as he says, "he really wants to show in deeds, not just words, that reconciliation is possible". When it comes to their entry into the government, he says that it would be a matter of agreement by the existing parliamentary majority, and that the New Serbian Democracy has repeatedly reiterated that they have nothing against it. Mandic reiterated that they are waiting for the official results of the population census in Montenegro, and that if it is announced that the majority of Montenegrin citizens speak the Serbian language, they will initiate the procedure and seek support in the Assembly to declare the Serbian language the official language. Regarding the messages they receive from the EU about the accession process, he says that they are encouraging and believes that Montenegro will become a new member of the EU.


Pendarovski: Country to leave NATO if Prespa Agreement cancelled (MIA)


We will leave NATO if the Prespa Agreement is cancelled. We will be excluded from the organization. If this lady (Siljanovska Davkova) thinks we can individually secure our citizens, our borders, our country, then she should say it. This is dangerous adventurism. All political leaderships have pushed for NATO membership for 30 years, so that we get the security deed for all times, said SDSM presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski in Gevgelija on Thursday. "If she really means it, cancelling Prespa would be the biggest political nonsense and a tragedy at the same time, because we will be left all alone," said Pendarovski. Pendarovski said the incumbent authorities, with all of its mistakes, is ten times better than what the opposition is offering. "They only offer a recycled regime. Why? Because they are all Gruevski's children. Gruevski's secretary general is now the party leader, Gruevski's right-hand man is now Mickoski's right-hand man, Antonijo Miloshoski was Gruevski's third-closest associate and is now Mickoski's. They do not differ by name and surname but in politics as well," said Pendarovski.


Osmani: Elections a battle of two concepts - European integration versus isolation (MIA)


These elections are not between various political parties and candidates but between two concepts - European integration versus isolation. The concept of coexistence versus the concept of ethnic tensions and hatred. A concept of progress versus a concept of regression, said DUI presidential candidate Bujar Osmani in Shtip on Thursday. Osmani met with members and activists of the Democratic Party of Turks and DUI, saying life has taught him that everyone has a chance to succeed if the country gives him that opportunity. "That is why I entered politics - to fight for a country and a society in which every child, regardless of its ethnicity, religion, status, place of living, can make it if he/she is committed. This is the reason why I entered this race as well," said Osmani. He added the Framework Agreement gave a chance to Albanians to see what it means to have equal opportunities for all. "We set up the European Front as a dam against all attempts to end equality and justice in this country. Turks, Bosniaks, Roma have felt this, and Macedonians did not lose anything. On the contrary, they gained loyal fellow citizens. They realized that justice and equality is an added value, they realized that diversity is wealth in a multiethnic society and country. We have become the best multifunctional ethnic democracy," said Osmani. Democratic Party of Turks leader Bejcan Iljas said the upcoming elections are critical for the pillars of democracy and the future of the country. "DPT has always fought for protection and promotion of the rights of minority communities. Let's hear the voice of the Turkish community at these elections and defend our rights by supporting Bujar Osmani for president," said Iljas.


Rama in Paris: Historic moment, strengthens our friendship with France (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama, accompanied by his wife Linda Rama, has arrived in Paris for an official visit, where they will be received with a state ceremony by President Emmanuel Macron. Rama has described this visit as a historic moment in Albanian foreign policy, stating that it will further boost the friendship between Albania and France. "For another historic moment in our foreign policy, the bilateral visit tomorrow with State Ceremonial, the first of this level in the history of diplomatic relations between Albania and France, where we will take concrete steps to strengthen friendship and increase strategic cooperation with France," Rama writes on Facebook. Along with Prime Minister Rama, the government delegation includes Minister of Education and Sports Ogerta Manastirliu, Minister of Tourism and Environment Mirela Kumbaro, Minister of Economy, Culture, and Innovation Blendi Gonxhe, State Minister for Local Government Arbjan Mazniku, as well as State Minister for Public Administration and Anti-Corruption Adea Pirdeni.