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Belgrade Media Report 29 December



Nikolic and Patriarch Irinej analyzed possible solutions for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and Metohija (Novosti)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic and Serbian Patriarch Irinej talked yesterday in the Patriarchate on the possibility of proposing the Vatican model for the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo and Metohija, Novosti has learned. Their meeting was held in the midst of preparations for the resumption of the dialogue with Pristina, and according to the announcements of the Belgrade negotiating team, the Serbian government intends to nominate for the new round precisely the issue of the status of the Serbian Orthodox Church and its property in the southern province. The Patriarchate announced that the President and Patriarch examined problems of the Church and the people in Kosovo and Metohija “with particular reference to the perspective that may be expected following the opening of Chapter 35 in the negotiations with the EU”. In his first platform on Kosovo and Metohija three years ago, Nikolic envisaged that the Serbian Orthodox Church has the position within the essential autonomy of Kosovo and Metohija similar to the one that the Roman Catholic Church, i.e. the Vatican, has in Italy. At the time, the Serbian Orthodox Church has informally rejected this proposal, since there had been interpretations that the treatment of Kosovo institutions could be seen as the announcement of recognition of independence of the province. Instead, the Church informally proposed international guarantees for its status and property in the province. This proposal, if it doesn’t change, should be the platform for the future talks in Brussels, the topic of which will be the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church.


Dacic: We will do our best to complete EU accession talks by 2018 or 2019 (Radio Belgrade)

Serbia will do its best to complete the EU accession talks by 2018 or 2019 in order to be formally and legally ready for a political decision on full EU membership, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told Radio Belgrade. Progress on Chapter 35 on normalization of relations with Pristina is what progress on other chapters also depends on, but the problem is that the EU itself has no clear idea about what the chapter implies, he said. “A change of position on Kosovo has not been requested from Serbia and the legally binding agreement on normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations does not imply recognition of Kosovo,” Dacic explained. The most significant international factors have been very positive about the effects of Serbia's OSCE chairmanship, Dacic said, adding that Serbia's international position has improved significantly.
EU: Position of Constitutional Court on ZSO must be respected (Beta)

The EU has taken not the stand of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo that the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) with a Serb majority needs to be formed and expects for all sides to respect this decision. The spokesperson of the EU High Representative Maja Kocijancic conveyed this EU stand to Beta, and stated that, accordingly, the highest legal document of the Kosovo government, which implements the Agreement and Statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities stemming from that, can be adopted in the soonest time. Kocijancic also said that the next high-level meeting between Belgrade and Pristina within the dialogue is expected at the beginning of 2016.


Djuric: Agreement on ZSO must be respected (Beta)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has stated that the agreement on the ZSO reached on 25 August in Brussels must be respected. “The provincial government must adopt an executive decree in the identical text harmonized by the prime ministers, without names,” Djuric told Beta, commenting the statement by the EU High Representative spokesperson Maja Kocijancic.


“Community of Serb Municipalities” and constitutional court – theirs and ours (New Serbian Political Thought, by Slobodan Orlovic)

It should be said at the beginning that the anticipation in Serbia of the decision of the Constitutional Court of the so-called Republic of Kosovo on the destiny of the “Community of Serb Majority Municipalities in Kosovo” is unconstitutional. The “Community of Serb Municipalities” is part of the unconstitutional Brussels agreement (“The First Agreement on the Principles of Normalization of Relations”), the constitutionality of which the Serbian Constitutional Court rejected to assess. This opened space to the Constitutional Court of the so-called Republic of Kosovo and, by not acting, the finality of the future decision of this Kosovo court has been recognized. And indirectly, the sovereignty (supreme authority) of this organ of the so-called Republic of Kosovo has also been recognized.

The Constitutional Court of the so-called Republic of Kosovo has declared itself competent to assess the constitutionality of the Brussels agreement, unlike our Constitutional Court (since at issue is a “political document”?!) and launched its assessment (meritum). This is logical since the Brussels agreement has been ratified in the assembly of the so-called Republic of Kosovo and is part of the legal system of this quasi-state.

Following the decision of the Constitutional Court of the so-called Republic of Kosovo, the “Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo” is not contrary to the Constitution of the so-called Republic of Kosovo. In addition, it is advocated that the “Kosovo legislative law”

regulating the local self-government and the future statute of the Community of Serb Municipalities needs to be harmonized with the “spirit” of the Constitution of the so-called Republic of Kosovo (corresponding articles and chapters are listed as guidelines for finding the “spirit” of this constitution).

The decision of the Constitutional Court of the so-called Republic of Kosovo is, according to our Constitution, quite irrelevant constitutionally since this court is unconstitutional, i.e. non-existing. Therefore, it has effects only for the legal system of the so-called Republic of Kosovo. Yet, by giving it so much attention, the Serbian public must wonder: whether our Constitutional Court only pretends to protect the Serbian Constitution, and the Constitutional Court of the quasi-state of Kosovo is an organ that is really protecting its constitution? No matter how this contradicts common sense, it appears that it is exactly so. Just as the very name the “Community of Serb Municipalities” is cynical and oxymoron – what special municipalities in Serbia?!




Vucic and Davutoglu cancel trip to Novi Pazar (Nezavisne/Srna)

Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic and his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu have canceled their visit to the town of Novi Pazar in southwestern Serbia. The two prime ministers and Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic were supposed to hold a meeting there. On Tuesday that their helicopter flight from Belgrade to Novi Pazar had been canceled due to fog.  Serbian Minister of Trade and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic and Denis Zvizdic, who are both already in Novi Pazar, will meet instead.  Due to the planned visit, strong security measures were in place in Novi Pazar this morning, with the police rerouting traffic from the center of the town. On Monday, the Serbian government announced that the three officials would meet in Belgrade. However, this meeting, planned to take place in Villa Bokeljka, was canceled.  Davutoglu is on a two-day visit to Serbia during which he met with Vucic. Both prime ministers late on Monday spoke with the participants of the Serbia-Turkey business forum.


Labor Law adopted despite the protests (Nezavisne)

Prime Minister of Republika Srpska (RS) Zeljka Cvijanovic believes that the government managed to make a balanced Labor Law, which is taking care of workers and employers, and which contains similar solutions as laws in the region, while the Labor Law of the Federation of B&H is most restrictive. When asked to comment on the justification of employers’ demands that the RS should have identical labor law as in the Federation B&H, in order to equalize business conditions, Cvijanovic said that it is justified to seek for equalization of the business conditions in the two entities, but that this is not possible only through the Labor Law.

“If employers are stating that they will be at a disadvantage position because the solutions in this law are not identical, then they should be correct and say and that their position is significantly better than that of the employers in the Federation of B&H, due to energy prices that are significantly lower in RS, but also because of some other laws,” said Prime Minister of RS. She said that there is a labor union on the other side, which state that nothing should be changed, or that we should not make new law and they therefore simply decided not to negotiate, which is unrealistic as well as irresponsible. “If the government was ready to negotiate for another month or even longer to reach satisfactory, but realistic solutions, then labor unionists should demonstrate the same willingness, and if they are not satisfied with the results, they could still organize protests, because it is never too late for that, no one is disputing them that right,” concluded Cvijanovic. If the government did not show social sensitivity, many of the rights would be left unprotected, just because the labor union decided to isolate itself from this process.


Trade Union leader thrown out of the RS Assembly (Bosna danas)

President of Federation of Trade Unions of the RS Ranka Misic has been removed from the RS Assembly during the discussion on labor bill. According to media, Misic was accused of “disrupting the order” of the Assembly. She was allowed to speak but started to yell, after which the RS Assembly vice president Nenad Stevandic called security to escort her out. She then tried to hide behind the bench, and security had to pull her out. Misic later said she was removed in the roughest way from the RS Assembly hall. “I stood up to speak, with a voice of the people, on behalf of the workers who were standing in front of the National Assembly, hungry and freezing, with only one goal: to seek the Government to give up adoption of the labor bill in urgent procedure, because this bill will turn workers into slaves,” Misic told reporters. She added that she is banned from entering this building again. She pointed out that workers who participated in protest did not come to destroy the institutions of RS, adding that they are “the builders of the RS”. “This is not the road to democracy, but the road to slavery,” she stressed. Trade Unions held protest in front of the RS Assembly building against the labor law, saying it will turn workers into slaves. At one moment, they tried to enter the building but police stopped them. The ppposition was also strongly against the new law, and they left the session without voting. Adoption of the new labor law was one of the conditions for the new arrangement with International Monetary Fund. It is also one of the obligations from the so-called Reform Agenda, agreed between all governments in B&H and European Union.


Interview with Mr. Zvizdic: We will fight against radicalism with measures of repression (Klix)

Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic said that GDP of B&H was increased by 2 % this year, and that the increase over 3 % is expected in the upcoming year. He said that the B&H Council of Ministers is fully committed to meet the deadline of the Presidency of B&H in order for our country to submit the application for membership in the European Union in January.

Are you satisfied with the work of the Council of Ministers of B&H and what will be the priorities of the Council in the year of 2016?

I am satisfied with the work of the Council of Ministers of B&H because, according to the relevant individuals and organizations, we made significant steps forward towards European integration, economic growth and strengthening of the rule of law. So, after a long period that was marked by setbacks, we can say that we made a positive result, both in domestic and international level. The priorities of the Council of Ministers will not be significantly changed in 2016. We’ll keep our focus on the implementation of measures and activities related to the more accelerated continuation of the path of B&H towards EU and NATO membership, improvement of business environment, the increase of living standards of citizens of B&H, an increased level of security and the strengthening of good neighborly relations and regional cooperation. If we managed to maintain a positive political environment and readiness to achieve constructive agreements, as well as the current progress of implementation of key priorities, then the year of 2016 will be marked by a number of very positive progresses on European, the economic and social plans, such as the submission of the application for EU membership, activation of the Action Plan for Membership in NATO, the finalization of the processed related to the full membership of B&H in the WTO, further economic growth, and, the most importantly, opening of new workplaces.

What do you consider as important success of the new Council of Ministers?

Returning confidence in the institutions of B&H. We showed very clearly that we are willing to take on responsibilities and implement them within the planned extent and defined deadlines. It is clearly stated in the report of the European Commission to B&H in 2015, in the conclusions of the first meeting of the Committee for Stabilization and Association, chaired by EU High Representative Mogherini and Commissioner Hahn, in the report and the results of the Chairmanship of B&H over Council of Europe … These are just some of the events, processes and reports that are clearly demonstrating that the efforts of the Council of Ministers of B&H recognized as credible steps forward in the implementation of the goals related to the acceleration of European integration. We have to mention the adoption of the economic Reform Agenda, which, as a joint document of all governments in B&H, became recognizable and directing framework of reform activities of all levels of government. We should also mentioned the growth of vital economic parameters, decrease of unemployment rate and increase in the number of employed citizens, increase of exports, reducing of the trade deficit, increasing of competitiveness of our companies and products etc. So, the strengthening of regional cooperation and active participation in a number of economic projects that are related to transport and energetic connections of the countries of Western Balkans is another very important step and important activity of the Council of Ministers.

In which way is our country planning to fight against terrorism?

Increased level of coordination between all police and security agencies in B&H, with prevention, education and raising of public awareness about the dangers and consequences of all forms of extremism, radicalism and terrorism, and, at the end, with measures of repression, if needed. Of course, in purpose of protecting human rights, all measures for fight against terrorism must be consistent with national and international law. Security is one of the most important requirements of our overall progress, thus it will continue to be a high priority in the work of the Council of Ministers.




Davutoğlu’s visit signals the will to further Turkish-Serbian relations (Today’s Zaman, 28 December 2015)

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, accompanied by five of his Cabinet ministers and more than 100 Turkish businessmen, is visiting Serbia this week with the aim of furthering economic relations between Turkey and Serbia. Davutoğlu will be attending the Turkey-Serbia Business Forum in Belgrade as well. On Monday, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic welcomed Davutoğlu at the Nikola Tesla airport in Belgrade. Davutoğlu and Vucic had a meeting later on Monday. In a joint press conference on Monday, Davutoğlu said Serbia's friendship is important for Turkey and he hopes to turn a "new page" with his visit, adding that this is the first time he is staying in a country for two days after becoming prime minister. When asked about Serbia's position on the recent downing of a Russian jet at the Syrian border by Turkey, Vucic said his country is small and it is not their place to solve big matters around the world. "We have good relations with Russia and we have good relations with Turkey. Both are our friends. We would like to see a peaceful solution to their problems," Vucic said in his translated remarks. Davutoğlu added that Turkish-Serbian relations will not be affected negatively from the third country's positions. When Vucic was asked whether he expects a negative reaction from Russia after Davutoğlu's visit, he said Serbia is an independent country and that he does not expect Russia to comment on the visit. Deputy Prime Minister Yalçın Akdoğan, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications Minister Binali Yıldırım, Economy Minister Mustafa Elitaş and Heath Minister Mehmet Müezzinoğlu are accompanying Davutoğlu on his visit. During his visit, Davutoğlu will meet with National Assembly of Serbia President Maja Gojkovic. Turkish-Serbian relations deteriorated following remarks by then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Oct. 23, 2013, in Prizren, when he said, “Do not forget, Kosovo is Turkey and Turkey is Kosovo.” Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic demanded an apology for what he called a “scandalous” remark. Serbia does not recognize Kosovo's independence and considers Kosovo to be the cradle of Serbian culture. Then-Foreign Minister Davutoğlu said Erdoğan's remarks on Kosovo were taken out of context by some nationalist circles in Serbia and thus misinterpreted, in what was the first official response to Serbia's reprimand of Turkey. Despite Davutoğlu's attempts to express his regret over the “misinterpretation” of the comments, Serbia was unsatisfied; a trilateral meeting scheduled to take place in Belgrade in the same year between Turkey, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina was postponed indefinitely by Serbia. The trilateral meeting took place in October of this year in Sarajevo following diplomatic efforts. During the joint press conference with Vucic, Davutoğlu said he does not feel like a stranger in Belgrade, that Belgrade is like a Turkish city and that, likewise, Vucic feels at home when he is visiting İstanbul, as well as Antalya.

Serbia expects Turkish investments

“Davutoğlu's visit matters very much to us,” Slobodan Radeka, the acting charge d'affaires of the Serbian Embassy, told Today's Zaman on Monday. “The visit shows the importance of Serbia for Turkey, and vice versa,” he added. “It is an important visit for the relationship of our countries and shows the continuation of political dialogue at the highest level,” he stressed. Radeka said the main focus of the visit will be developing economic ties between Turkey and Serbia, as Davutoğlu is visiting Serbia along with more than 100 Turkish businessmen. Davutoğlu was scheduled to visit Belgrade earlier this year for the Turkish-Serbian Business Forum but due to elections in Turkey the visit had been postponed. Radeka mentioned that Turkey's Halkbank bought Cacanska Bank earlier this year and said, “We hope that this will be a positive sign for Turkish businessmen to invest in Serbia.” Last year in November, the fatal stabbing of a 25-year-old Red Star Belgrade fan before the team's Euroleague basketball game with Galatasaray Liv Hospital turned into a diplomatic crisis between Turkey and Serbia as well. However, the crisis was overcome after the person who stabbed the fan was apprehended and prosecuted.


Bosnian region adopts labour law reform sought by EU, IMF (Reuters, by Gordana Katana, 29 December 2015)

Facing down trade unions and opposition lawmakers, Bosnia's autonomous Serb Republic on Tuesday adopted a new labour law sought by the International Monetary Fund in return for fresh funds for the cash-strapped country. The new law introduces more flexible labour practices and underpins a raft of legislative changes to secure badly-needed funds from the IMF and the European Union, which has launched a new effort to encourage economic and political reform in Bosnia in exchange for closer ties with the bloc. As lawmakers debated the bill, riot police stood guard outside the parliament of Bosnia's Serb Republic, one of two autonomous regions that make up Bosnia under a peace deal that ended a 1992-95 war in the former Yugoslav republic.

Trade unionists said the law would make it easier for firms to fire workers in a country already mired in high unemployment. They argued it would take away some of the benefits they enjoyed under previous legislation and give broader powers to employers. A protest banner read: "We do not want to be 21st century slaves." Serb Republic Prime Minister Zeljka Cvijanovic said failure to adopt the law would close the door on foreign investment and international funds. "We are all determined to develop a real economy. I feel sorry for the workers but we cannot give up this law," she said. Bosnia's other half, the Bosniak-Croat Federation, adopted new labour legislation in July. Passage of the bills by both regions was the main condition set by the IMF to continue talks on a new loan deal for Bosnia, after the previous arrangement expired in June. Trade unions president Ranka Misic was ejected from parliament by security guards for obstructing the debate, prompting a walkout by opposition lawmakers. "We will decide what to do next. The time ahead will be turbulent and painful," said Misic. The bill, however, passed by 49 ruling coalition votes in the 83-seat chamber.

(Writing by Maja Zuvela; Editing by Matt Robinson)