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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 6, 2019

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 6, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

• CEC: Election results to be announced tomorrow, if no complaints filed (Telegrafi)
• EP Rapporteur for Kosovo: No reason to delay visa liberalisation (Express)
• Haradinaj: Kurti to be careful in relations with Serbia (EO)
• Maliqi: Border correction idea could be brought back to the table (Zeri)
• Kurti: I cannot treat Bosnia the same as Serbia (N1, RTK)
• Albin Kurti to resign from the post of the leader of Vetevendosje Movement (

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: If I promised something to the West on Kosovo, why didn't I fulfil it so far? (RTS, B92)
• Molina: Spain will not change its stance on Kosovo (RTS)
• “We are disappointed with EU, let them make it up with Serbia and Montenegro” (Tanjug, B92)
• Dacic: Palmer didn’t mention sanctions over Russian military equipment (N1, Danas)
• Vecernje Novosti daily on Zarzecki’s visit to Serbia (Vecernje Novosti, B92)
• Trajkovic on Palmer’s visit to Belgrade and Pristina: (Non)achieving the lasting solution (Radio KIM)


• Can Kosovo Get Payback for Wartime Devastation? (Balkan Insight)


• Lluka: Kosovo to become energy regulatory area as of next year (Kallxo)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 5, 2019

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 5, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

• Delays in announcing election results hurt decision-making processes (Telegrafi)
• Kurti: Astrit Dehari, symbol of battle for justice (Kallxo/Telegrafi)
• LDK leader Mustafa meets representatives of non-majority communities (media)
• Ramadani: ‘Imperial’ Russia returns as threat to Balkans (RTK)
• Haradinaj with a message for Kurti on reciprocity with Serbia (Gazeta Express)

Serbian Language Media:

• Palmer: If Belgrade and Pristina want our political support, the agreement must be acceptable to the US as well (RTV, KoSSev)
• Elections in Serbia between 22 March and 5 April, says Serbian president Vucic (RTS)
• Dacic with Palmer: Support to the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Serbian media)
• Serbian FM Dacic: By year end, four to five states to withdraw Kosovo's recognition (NMagazin, TV Happy)
• Delo: Trump urgently needs his “Dayton” (Delo, B92)


• US to push France on Western Balkans enlargement (EUobserver)
• New Format for Discussing Kosovo at the UN Needed, Russia Could Act as Mediator – Analysts (Sputnik)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 4, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

Analysts comment on disagreements between VV and LDK officials (Telegrafi)
Haradinaj: Serbia’s armament from Russia and China, a threat to Kosovo (media)
Haradinaj: DASH Report values highly Kosovo’s war against terrorism (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic pleased with the content of the talks with Palmer; Important to respect the results of democratic elections, says Palmer (RTS)
Dacic: There is no pressure we would succumb to (RTS)
Media: Palmer withdraws ultimatum? (Tanjug, Kurir, B92)
"Recognition" or "sanctions" that is the question (Tanjug, B92)
Blic: Three reasons why Serbia is pressured by US (Blic, B92)
Vucic’s Media Advisor: It won't be easy for Palmer with Vucic either (Tanjug, TV Prva, B92)
Serbian PM Brnabic met Chinese President Xi Jinping (Serbian media)
SRNA: Pacolli cannot hold lectures (media)
Belgrade has no communication with Serbs detained in Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)
Vucic wrote to EU on “poisoning case” again (Serbian media, KoSSev)
Mihajlovic: Whoever recognizes Kosovo, he has sealed his political career (N1, KIM radio)
Simic: It is good that Palmer heard what Serbs think as well (RTS)


Kosovo’s 1990s Generation Take Reconciliation Personally (Balkan Insight)
Balkan leaders warn that EU accession delay risks stoking tensions (Financial Times)
Blocking Enlargement Is an Act of European Self-Harm (Balkan Insight)

Humanitarian and Development:

Protest gathering in Laplje Selo over pollution of Gracanka riverbed (Radio KIM, KoSSev)
Journalists benefit from training organized by APJ and UN Women (RTK)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 1, 2019

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 1, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

• VV-LDK government program to be finalised next week (ekonomiaonline)
• Haradinaj: Thaci, Rama, Citaku, Vucic supported Kosovo’s partition (Telegrafi)
• Munter: Trump wants to bring Kurti and Vucic to Washington for a deal (media)
• Incoming government may cancel 2020 budget projections (RFE)

Serbian Language Media:

• Dacic: Serbia strengthened its foreign-policy position (RTS)
• “Same message to Belgrade and Pristina from all ambassadors at UN SC session” (Tanjug, B92)
• A secret even for CEC members to which country were sent votes from Serbia for the analysis (Politika, TV Most, Kosovo Online)
• Concluded hearing of a witness in connection with the case of Nenad Arsic (Kontakt plus radio)
• Kosovo Special Prosecutor announces first indictments for murder of Oliver Ivanovic (KoSSev, N1)
• "If the borders within former Yugoslavia begin to change, it will be a disaster" (RTS, B92)
• Surlic to N1: How to believe in the final agreement on Kosovo when the agreed so far is not implemented


• Mustafaj: Vjosa Osmani as a stateswoman (Telegrafi)

Humanitarian and Development:

• Kosovo Failing to Protect Diaspora Rights and Tap Potential (Balkan Insight)
• Kosovo rape: Teacher and policeman accused in teenager case (BBC)

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 31, 2019

UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 31, 2019

Albanian Language Media:

• Hoxhaj to Guterres: Kosovo should become UN member (RTK)
• CEC: Diaspora ballot count not expected to begin today (Kosovapress)
• Daka after Supreme Court decision: We are obliged to count ballots (Telegrafi)
• Rule of law, main topic of today's LVV-LDK meeting (Telegrafi)
• EULEX: Kosovo did not ask us to be involved on Astrit Dehari’s autopsy (Express)

Serbian Language Media:

• UNSC on Kosovo today, Belgrade will indicate the real situation on the field (RTS)
• Russian Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko: Kosovo should be the main focus of the UN Security Council (Tanjug, TV Most, TASS)
• Odalovic: What Kurti advocates for moves us away from dialogue (Danas)
• In case of EU accession plan failure, Serbia has a "plan B" (Tanjug, Kurir, B92)
• Bregu: EU in deep crisis, region to connect and focus on reforms (BETA, N1)
• Joksimovic: Serbia was first to start EU accession under new rules (N1)
• Vucic: Peace, stability and cooperation in the region are Serbia's priorities (Tanjug, B92)
• Fajon: Continuation of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia EU priority (RTK2, Tanjug)
• British policy in Western Balkans unchanged, UK ambassador in Belgrade says (BETA, N1)


• Macron is Gambling Away EU Influence in Balkans (Balkan Insight)


• Serbia Vows to Adopt New NATO Plan Soon (Balkan Insight)

Humanitarian and Development:

• NGOs call for halt to hydropower (Prishtina Insight)