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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 16, 2021

• COVID-19: 612 new cases, 17 deaths (media)
• U.S. Ambassador Kosnett gives interview to Klan Kosova
• Kurti urges Greece to recognise Kosovo (media)
• President Osmani meets representatives of UN agencies in Kosovo (media)
• Lajcak and Bislimi hold virtual meeting (media)
• Gashi: LDK will not be part of dialogue with Serbia (ATV/Telegrafi)
• Kosovo FM Gervalla invited to address EP Foreign Affairs Committee (media)
• Surroi thinks Kosovo's membership in NATO more plausible than in UN (Koha)
• Pjeter Shala transferred to The Hague pursuant to confirmed indictment (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 15, 2021

• COVID-19: 715 new cases, 14 deaths (media)
• Kosovo new president says Serbia must answer for ‘genocide’ (The Irish Times)
• Kosovo implies reciprocity with every state (Radio Free Europe)
• Haxhiu: Misused funds must be confiscated, they belong to the people (media)
• EU: Dialogue, Kosovo’s most important foreign policy priority (media)
• Kurti replies to Court on request of Serb MPs (media)
• Kurti government reviewing decisions of Hoti government (Koha Ditore)
• Bogujevci: We’ll push forward draft law on domestic violence (media)
• Collaku: Internationals will strongly impose dialogue on Kurti (media)
• “Either we accept Association, or we have to talk about land swap” (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 14, 2021

• COVID-19: 544 new cases, 12 deaths (media)
• UN Security Council discusses situation in Kosovo (media)
• Russia tries to ban Kosovo flag at UN – unsuccessfully (AP)
• Government spokesperson: No date yet on reciprocity with Serbia (media)
• Osmani and Kurti in talks to appoint new intelligence chief (RTK)
• Anti-mafia law gets the green light (Koha Ditore)
• Varhelyi in letter to Kurti: Continuation of dialogue is crucial (media)
• EU no comment on reports of Jansha’s alleged letter on border changes (RFE)
• Should Kosovo’s ruling party play opposition politics in Albania? (BIRN)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 12, 2021

  • COVID-19: 537 new cases, 12 deaths (media)
  • Disturbing influx of Kosovo citizens towards Albania during weekend (media)
  • Dialogue with Serbia considered key issue in foreign policy (Koha)
  • Analysts: Greece more likely to recognise Kosovo independence (media)
  • The fear of Kosovo women to report sexual harassment at work (BIRN)
  • Hoxhaj: Government strategy to respond to Serbia’s propaganda (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, April 9, 2021

• COVID-19: 897 new cases, 14 deaths (media)
• Health Minister: Vaccine is safe, I call on all citizens to get vaccinated (media)
• Kosovo restaurant stages silent protest against COVID-19 restrictions (BIRN)
• Kurti government implies it will reintroduce reciprocity toward Serbia (Koha)
• Blinken to Kurti: You will have our full support (media)
• Szunyog: Kurti has been officially invited to Brussels (media)
• “If President not elected, maybe UN would appoint new administrator” (Telegrafi)
• Szunyog: We are not satisfied with Kosovo’s implementation of SAA (media)
• Kosovo prosecution promises rapid verdict after BIRN investigation (BIRN)
• “Decani Monastery under threat”, a triumph of Serbia, Kosovo silent (Koha)