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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 24

• Government restricts movements of private vehicles and citizens (media)
Thaci opposes government decision, calls it anti-constitutional (media)
• Mustafa: Government decision, anti-constitutional (Koha)
• Haradinaj: Govt decision, a flagrant violation (media)
Nagavci: Citizens to submit to government’s decisions (T7, RTK)
• Abazi: Government’s decision in accordance with the Constitution (RTK)
• Merkel hails lifting of the tariff (RTK)
• Assembly chairmanship to decide today on non-confidence motion session (Express)
• Kurti’s government to establish reciprocity measures towards Serbia on April 1 (media)
• 21 new cases of coronavirus confirmed (media)
Albanian reporters assaulted in Mitrovica North (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 23


UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 21

• Kosovo partially lifts import tariff on Serbian, Bosnian goods (media)
• LDK ignores calls, activates non-confidence motion (Koha)
• Abazi: LDK pressured yesterday not to vote lifting of the tariff (RTK)
• Number of confirmed cases with coronavirus reaches 24 (media)
• All parks in Kosovo to be closed from today (media)
• Thaci: Lajcak's mission destined to fail (media)
• EU spokesman reacts to Thaci tweet (media)
• EP member: Fight corona, not each other (RTK)
• Meanwhile, America’s Kosovo Strategy Is Melting Down (Foreign Policy)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 20

Another case of coronavirus confirmed (media)
Health Minister: Infected persons in stable condition (RFE)
Prishtina protests from its balconies (Prishtina Insight)
Osmani and two other LDK MPs do not sign no confidence motion (RTK)
LDK deputy leader: We can continue governance if Kurti removes tariff and returns Veliu (KTV)
PDK: We will come up with a statement very soon (KosovaPress)
Limaj: NISMA will support no confidence motion (RTK)
Haradinaj: I wont be part of any govt that talks about partition (T7)
834 citizens request to return to Kosovo (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, March 19

LDK initiates motion of no confidence (media)
Prime Minister Kurti press conference (media)
Veseli: PDK will soon decide on no-confidence motion (Indeksonline)
Osmani: Me and Lumir Abdixhiku were against the motion (media)
Kurti and Risi discuss security implications of COVID-19 (RTK)
Merkel and Vucic for reopening of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue as soon as possible (media)