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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 29, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• NATO and EU with mission to prevent conflicts in the Balkans (Koha)
• Blinken: NATO ready to face different challenges, including in Western Balkans (media)
• Borrell: We will ensure stability in north of Kosovo and border with Serbia (Express)
• Increasing number of Serbs in north get Kosovo license plates (VoA)
• VV MP: Association draft statute will be made public at the end of the process (media)
• Trendafilova in Pristina today; PSD says “she is not welcomed” (Gazeta Express)
• Hovenier: Always a pleasure to visit Peja (media)
Serbian Language Media:
• Borrell calls Belgrade, Pristina to show will for agreements (N1)
• Dacic: 13 percent of Serbs left Kosovo over last year (Radio KIM, BETA)
• Petkovic, Botsan-Kharchenko discuss situation in Kosovo (Tanjug)
• Russian Ambassador meets with Serbian Defense Minister (N1, media)
• Hill: Serbs in Kosovo must know what they will get by establishment of CSM (KoSSev, media)
• Ambassador Hovenier visits Pec Patriarchate (KoSSev, Kosovo Online, social media)
• Vucic to meet with Kazakh FM on Wednesday (media)
• Albanian flags flying in southern Serbia (BETA, N1, Bujanovacke)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 28, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

O'Brien: Causing unrest in the north means confronting NATO (RFE)
Kurti: In two and a half years, 58 agreements with Albania have been reached and implemented(media)
Opposition criticizes Kurti about Association, government criticizes Serbia for not implementing agreements (Koha)
Rama: Kosovo-Serbia issue should be finally resolved with full recognition (media)
KFOR commander speaks on the phone with commander of Serbian army (RTK)
Gervalla-Schwarz meets with Defense Minister of Gambia (media)
PSD with slogan "KLA cannot be tried" opposes visit of Specialist Chambers president (Reporteri)
Aliu: Five municipalities in the north of Kosovo now have cadastral offices (RTK)
Ibishi: Radoicic still in action, continuing to gather people for another possible act (Koha)
Serbian Language Media:

KSF day in Kosovo marked with symbols of “Greater Albania” (KoSSev, media)
Serbian List reacts to KSF celebration day with “Greater Albania” symbols, terms it as public promotion of mono-ethnic Kosovo (KoSSev)
Petkovic: Militarisation of KSF biggest threat to peace in W Balkans (Tanjug)
Starovic, Mijacic on KSF day celebration (Kosovo Online, social media)
Dusan Obrenovic released on bail, arrived to Mitrovica North (Kosovo Online, media)
KFOR, Serbian military chief discuss developments, cooperation (N1)
CoE warns of polarized election campaign (N1)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 27, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• British troops patrol Kosovo-Serbia border as tensions remain high (Reuters/media)
• Kosovo leaders’ messages on Intl Day for Elimination of Violence against Women (media)
• Maqedonci: In last three years, 3,459 KSF soldiers trained abroad (media)
• Vucic reiterates that he will not sign agreement with Kosovo (Koha Ditore)
• Sovereign Fund experts react to Hoti: Fund does not affect competition (Koha)
• New platform for public-private dialogue presented (media)
• Blast in downtown Mitrovica North after midnight on Saturday (media)
• Rohde on reducing impact of global warming: Good to see Kosovo on its way (media)
• Kurti meets Rita Ora: An honor to host her (media)
Serbian Language Media:
• Vucic says Serbia will not let Kosovo into the UN: “I said 1,000 times that I will not sign off on it” (FoNet, N1)
• Bp. Grigorije: Those who are ready for dialogue are the only people who can “defend” Kosovo (KoSSev, N1)
• 51 polling stations designated for voters from Kosovo for election on 17 December (KoSSev, Tanjug, KiM radio)
• The Serbian National Council Assembly held in Belgrade (KoSSev, KiM radio)
• Mojsilovic: Situation in Kosovo very complicated; I hope KFOR will be a factor that will protect the Serbian people (Kosovo Online)
• Members of the NADA coalition visited Grncare and Strpce (Blic)
• Seven cases of violence against women on Saturday, campaign of ambassadors (KoSSev)
International Media:
• Skopje Says Blinken To Attend OSCE Summit That May Include Lavrov (RFE)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 24, 2023

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 24, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

• Bislimi travels to Brussels, will attend meeting on EU Growth Plan (media)
• Rohde welcomes ratification of international agreements by Assembly (media)
• Kosovo steps up security level (RTK)
• Prosecution in Bosnia: Weapons in Banjska not from time of war in Bosnia (Koha)
• EC proposal on liberalization for Serbian passport holders seen as ungrounded (Koha)
• Specialist Chambers suspend visits for Thaci, Veseli and Selimi (media)
• Selimi on Special Chambers suspending visits: This is outrageous (media)
• Petritsch: I fear that progress in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue will not be fast (VoA)
• Belgian Foreign Minister to visit Kosovo today (media)

Serbian Language Media:

• Vucic: West should do more than issue statement on Kurti's vote ban (Tanjug)
• RIK: No conditions for holding of December 17 elections in Kosovo (BETA, N1, KoSSev)
• UN Forum concluded in Thessaloniki: Trust-building gains new momentum (Tanjug)
• Dacic meets his Cypriot counterpart (media)
• Dacic: Normalization of relations with Kosovo does not mean its recognition (Kosovo Online)
• Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Porfirije meets Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides (Radio KIM)
• EU Ambassador: Serbia’s engagement in peace missions important (FoNet)
• Eleven helicopter gunships arrive in Serbia from Cyprus (BETA, N1)
• Bulgarian defense chief makes official visit to Serbia (Tanjug)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 23, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

Serbian parliamentary elections will not be held in Kosovo (media)
Kosovo Assembly to meet today, to discuss EC report on Kosovo (media)
AAK unblocks voting of international agreements (Koha)
Osmani meets Hovenier, highlights importance of close cooperation (media)
Bislimi meets Abbott, briefs him on latest meeting in Brussels (media)
KFOR conducts Golden Sabre exercise (media)
Krasniqi meets Szunyog: EU measures are damaging wellbeing of citizens (media)
Kurti: Public Administration Reform enables and fosters other reforms (media)
PSD warns to use teargas if Kurti tries to form the Association (media)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic: Serbia, Cyprus are true friends (N1, FoNet)
Christodoulides: Cyprus's position on support to Serbia's integrity unchangeable (Tanjug)
EULEX chief Barbano: Trust is the cornerstone for sustainable peace, Kosovo still faces challenges (KoSSev, N1, NMagazin)
Petkovic with Kosovo Serbs in Raska: Talks on how to vote after the "Pristina ban" (KoSSev)
DNKiM:"White peony" to the Gracanica Cultural Center; "Black peony" to Albin Kurti (KiM radio)

International Media:

Hague Prosecution Tries to Undermine Witness in Kosovo Ex-Guerrilla’s Trial (Balkan Insight)
Albanian PM Calls For More Significant Increase In NATO Troops In Kosovo (RFE)