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UNMIK Headlines 10 January

• Thaci and Rama co-chair “national meeting” (Tribuna)
• EU: Inauguration, according to Kosovo laws (Epoka e Re)
• Pacolli promises recognitions from five African countries (Koha)
• AAK: Current dialogue should end! (Tribuna)
• Bajrami: AAK’s departure cannot ruin the dialogue (Koha Ditore)
• Deda: Brussels agreement has divided Kosovo (Koha)
• 60 failures and scandals in 6 years of governance (Koha)
• Ivanovic announces division from Pantic (Zëri)
• Salustro leaves with his head down (Epoka e Re)
• Platini: Kosovo to be accepted in FIFA and UEFA after UN membership (Koha)

UNMIK Headlines 9 January

• Rohan: Brussels agreement, step towards implementation of Ahtisaari (Koha)
• €1.7 million for “police region of MUP” (Koha)
• Northerners prepare oath without symbols, government is uninformed (Koha)
• EULEX restructuring was not initiated by the Kosovo Government (Tribuna)
• Gashi: Ukë Rugova has no tendencies for post of LDK leader (Epoka e Re)
• Lutfi Haziri removes UNMIK fences in Gjilan (Zëri)

UNMIK Headlines 8 January

• Thaçi calls on all Serbs to return to their properties (dailies)
• Vucic: Serbs want peace and calm (dailies)
• Insurance policies in Brussels (Tribuna)
• Invitations without Kosovo symbols (Zëri)
• 12 January deadline (Epoka e Re)
• EULEX to restructure in two phases (Tribuna)
• Vulin’s mindset should be changed (Lajm)
• Vllasi: Serbia is creating propaganda (Epoka e Re)

Headlines - 08.01.2014

UNMIK Headlines 7 January

Headlines - 07.01.2014

Sejdiu: Party membership wants me to take over LDK leadership (
Former Kosovo President and LDK honorable president Fatmir Sejdiu said in an interview for KTV on Monday that LDK leader Isa Mustafa bears the biggest responsibility for LDK's defeat in Pristina. Sejdiu said he is under pressure from the party's membership to take over leadership of the party and that when conditions are right he will announce his candidacy for the post of LDK leader.