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UNMIK Headlines 21 October

PDK asked to discipline Krasniqi (Koha Ditore)

The paper quotes sources as saying that international diplomats have said it openly that they do not wish to see internal conflicts in the work of Kosovo central institutions at the time when the political dialogue with Serbia has started.

The sources said that last week’s Assembly session which was halted twice has increased the international pressure on PDK to ensure normal functioning of the Assembly or find ways to remove Speaker Jakup Krasniqi from his function.

However, in order for a dismissal motion against Krasniqi to pass at the Assembly, the ruling PDK would also need votes from the main opposition party LDK. The latter’s deputy leader Teuta Sahatqija said she sees no reason why Krasniqi should be dismissed. “He is doing his job properly, regardless of someone not liking what he says in certain times,” said Sahatqija.

At the same time, PDK deputy leader Hajredin Kuçi assured that the party has sufficient power to overcome possible internal disagreements in a democratic way. “PDK will work hard for not being centerpiece in the country,” said Kuçi.

Lehne: With dialogue, substantial autonomy to the north (Koha Ditore)

In an interview for the paper, former EU envoy on Kosovo status Stefan Lehne said that Ahtisaari’s package is not sufficient for the north of Kosovo and that the Government in Pristina should therefore be ready to reach a ‘balancing’ solution which would mean substantial autonomy for the north.

“Substantial autonomy is the clear way out. Ahtisaari’s package contains many useful elements but will not be sufficient for resolving the problem. The solution should not be copied from other regions but be prepared based on the situation in the north,” said Lehne. He said that the idea of Kosovo’s partition would not be right and should be forgotten and ‘buried for good’.

Dialogue to continue in November (Express)

Carrying the picture from the meeting of Kosovo PM Hashim Thaçi and Serbian PM Ivica Dacic which the paper says European Union released with a one-day delay, Express quotes Dacic as saying that talks will continue during November and that by next week, Serbia will have prepared its platform for talks.