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UNMIK Headlines 29 July

  • Parties will call on President to set early election date (Koha)
  • Haziri: No to PDK, yes to cooperation with Vetevendosje and PSD (Zeri)
  • Sejdiu: I am ready to take on responsibilities of LDK leader (Express/Zeri)
  • Isa Mustafa to rerun for LDK leader? (Bota Sot)
  • Hoxhaj: Only a PDK-led government can conclude dialogue with Serbia (media)
  • Deda: LDK-VV-PSD and Mimoza Kusari Lila with pre-election coalition (Bota)
  • “Kosovo needs early elections, but they will not bring any change” (Koha)
  • CEC: Budget planification after elections’ announcement (Indeksonline)
  • Kosovo MFA denies claims another country has revoked recognition (media)
  • Serbia summons Albanian man to serve prison time in Nis (Zeri)

Parties will call on President to set early election date (Koha)

The paper reports on its front page that the main request of political parties in their consultations with President Hashim Thaci this week, will be to set a date for early parliamentary elections. The paper notes that all parties have called for elections to be held as soon as possible but that they also have somewhat different approaches. Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) representatives said they are waiting for the outcome of the consultations with the President and they prefer an agreement with other parties on the date of early elections, while the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vetevendosje and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) want the consultations to focus only on the election date.

Haziri: No to PDK, yes to cooperation with Vetevendosje and PSD (Zeri)

In an interview with the paper, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) deputy leader, Lutfi Haziri, said that the party would not be predisposed for a possible coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) calling it “a destroyer of bridges of cooperation.”

“I want to see LDK carrying the process whereby the party comes our the first and far ahead of the rest. Of course opposition cooperation with Vetevendosje and Social Democratic Party (PSD) is at the level of leaders and serious. So there is prospect for cooperation but it is the LDK leader and the chairmanship that make the final decision through the General Council,” Haziri said.

Stating that LDK does not support the idea of a technical government, Haziri said elections are unavoidable. “What should happen now is for the parliament to be dissolved. Parliament’s dissolution is a legally necessary process in order to lead to a new elections process. This can also happen through political consultations because the LDK always supported the view of political parties reaching agreement on the elections date.”

Asked about his possible candidacy for LDK leader in upcoming 3 August party elections, Haziri said: “I see the solution with a big team of LDK. The time has come for a leadership that takes on the responsibility to come out and score joint victory, not as an individual but as a big team.”

Sejdiu: I am ready to take on responsibilities of LDK leader (Express/Zeri)

Former President of Kosovo, Fatmir Sejdiu, said he was ready to take on the responsibilities of leading the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). Sejdiu said the party needs to undergo a substantial reform and come up with a programming offer.

“As I have emphasised many times, I have expressed my readiness to take on the responsibility of leading the LDK,” Sejdiu said adding that he is still analyzing the prospects of formally announcing his candidacy.

Isa Mustafa to rerun for LDK leader? (Bota Sot)

The paper reports that the current leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa, might rerun for the leader of this political party on 3 August. Mustafa’s son, has reportedly posted a picture with his gather on Facebook, writing “In the mood for the next challenges”. The same paper reports in a separate article that Agim Veliu will also run for the leader of this party, as his fans in Podujeve/Podujevo have already started campaign in his support.

Hoxhaj: Only a PDK-led government can conclude dialogue with Serbia (media)

Deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Enver Hoxhaj said that only a government led by PDK is able to conclude dialogue with Serbia.

“Dialogue is the most unpopular issue for the citizens but the most strategic for Kosovo. Its conclusion serves, above all, interests of Kosovo. This was the reason we created a broad coalition in 2014 to close the major issues of state-building. We did the same in 2017 with strong political figures to also close the dialogue but developments showed that only a government with a strong and leading PDK can achieve this,” Hoxhaj wrote on social media. He warned of Kosovo remaining in a status quo if an agreement with Serbia is not reached within the 2019-2020 period.

Deda: LDK-VV-PSD and Mimoza Kusari Lila with pre-election coalition (Bota)

Kosovo Assembly MP Ilir Deda told the paper that elections will be held in September and according to him, opposition political parties should win them. Deda said he is maximally engaged for the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Vetevendosje Movement (VV) Social-Democratic Party (PSD and Alternativa to agree on pre-election coalition. “This formation would have a powerful mandate and clear governing vision,” Deda said.

“Kosovo needs early elections, but they will not bring any change” (Koha)

The paper’s Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj in an opinion piece argues against the argument that Kosovo, because of the dialogue with Serbia, needs to form a provisional government and avoid going to early elections. According to Palokaj, “the elections, although they would not bring any change for the better because the government is formed on deals and not the election outcome and because almost all political actors are for sale, they would suit Kosovo to somehow from the political chaos”. He also opines, “political parties in Kosovo have now long turned into corporations that have customers and service them. This is why one cannot expect dramatic changes in the election results, even though there will be some rises and falls. As we have seen in the past, in Kosovo, the popularity of a party leader does not necessarily translate into votes for his party. Because people have only one vote and they cast it for the party that serves the interest of their family. This political system, which holds stable roots in the Balkans, will hardly change soon”.

CEC: Budget planification after elections’ announcement (Indeksonline)

It has been a week since Kosovo’s Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj gave an unequivocal resignation, however it is still uncertain if the new extraordinary elections will be held, reports the portal. Kosovo’s Central Election Commission (CEC) has not commenced budget planning for this year; however, the Ministry of Finance possesses a fund which could be used for this purpose. Based on CEC data, last elections which were held in 2017, cost four million Euros. “Central Election Commission starts with intensive preparations of an election process only after they are announced, therefore we have not made any budget planning yet,” said CEC spokesperson Valmir Elezi.

Kosovo MFA denies claims another country has revoked recognition (media)

Jetlir Zyberaj from the Kosovo’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has denied claims by the Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic that the Central African Republic has revoked recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

“We are in continuous contact with all countries that have recognised Kosovo as well as those that will unavoidably recognise it. Dacic’s propaganda has no bearing in our country’s developments on international arena,” Zyberaj told Gazeta Express.

Serbia summons Albanian man to serve prison time in Nis (Zeri)

Serbian authorities have sent summonses to Hashim Mecinaj from the village of Klina e Eperme to report to the prison in Nis to serve the remainder of his sentence on charges of terrorism for his role as member of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Mecinaj had been arrested by Serbian police forces during the conflict of Kosovo and was sentenced to 20 years in prison but was released along with other Albanians held in Serbia’s prisons four years later. Mecinaj said he does not intend to travel to Serbia and hopes Kosovo institutions will react.