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UNMIK Headlines 4 December

Discussions underway to end NATO mission in Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

In a front-page story citing diplomatic sources, consultations are underway to conclude the NATO mission in Kosovo, following France’s proposal. If the plan is to be implemented by next year, the European Union will assume military presence in Kosovo.

Meanwhile, some diplomats fear that the project will not be welcomed in Kosovo, where the trust in NATO is much greater than in the EU, both from the Albanian majority and the Serb minority.

The French Foreign Minister is expected to discuss the plan informally and in bilateral contacts with other NATO member states. Sources told the paper that the plan needs to secure support of the United States, Turkey, and Canada, which are important NATO member states but not members of the EU.

Although how the U.S. administration will respond to the idea remains unclear, European diplomats argue that “Washington has made it clear that it has had enough with problems in Europe and would agree for the EU to take on increased responsibilities, including in the security area, in Kosovo”.

If everything goes according to plan, by the middle or the end of next year, KFOR would be replaced by an international military mission led by the EU with NATO resources.

Thaçi, Dacic to agree on division of customs incomes (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic will meet today to officialize the implementation of the Integrated Border Management (IBM) agreement. While constructing joint facilities on the ground is underway, both prime ministers must agree on how to proceed with taxes collected in the northern border crossings.

Unidentified sources said that European Union High Representative Catherine Ashton has not given up on her plan for Kosovo and Serbia to have liaison offices in Belgrade and Pristina by Christmas, despite Belgrade strongly rejecting this.

EU “without comment” on tapping affair (Koha Ditore)

The European Union does not want to comment yet on the recordings between senior officials of PDK in Kosovo, and continues to refer to a communiqué issued by EULEX in Pristina on Thursday.

“We cannot comment on this and EULEX continues to have the support of all 27 member states of the European Union,” said Maja Kocijancic, spokeswoman for EU High Representative Catherine Ashton. She did not say if Ashton will offer any explanation to Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi in their meeting on Tuesday; Thaçi was also taped by the EU mission.

Sources in the EU said that EULEX is conducting investigations about the case autonomously, without the participation of Kosovo authorities.

Mustafa against PDK-AAK coalition (Epoka e Re)

In a leading story, deputy leader of the ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Rrustem Mustafa said during an interview that he does not support an eventual coalition between the PDK and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK). Mustafa argued that it would be good for the current coalition to end its mandate and for the AAK to assist in the dialogue and European integration. “There is rapprochement between the PDK and AAK. This is evident. Unexpected things can happen in politics but I would not wish such a coalition for my country and I don’t believe it would function smoothly,” Mustafa said.

EP alarmed with corruption in Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

The European Parliament once again called on the five remaining EU member states to recognize Kosovo’s independence, despite welcoming the European Commission’s feasibility study, which states that a Stabilization/Association Agreement between Kosovo and EU is possible even in the absence of recognition from the five member states. The European Parliament also said it is concerned with the lack of necessary progress in the fight against corruption and organized crime and called on Kosovo authorities to show increased political readiness and courage to combat high-level corruption.

Giffoni: No new elections without reforms (Kosova Sot)

Italian Ambassador to Pristina Michael Giffoni said in an interview that it is quite clear that there can be no new elections in Kosovo without finalizing the election reform. “What I think is most important for Kosovo now is to focus on two main issues: the first is internal reform that will impact Kosovo’s journey to Europe and the second is dialogue with Serbia. So these are the two key points that will also help in further consolidating this country’s institutions,” said Giffoni.

Speaking of Serbia’s parallel structures in the north, Giffoni pointed out that those mechanisms have no legal basis. He added that it is the Italian Government’s view that they should be disbanded through an agreement during the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue.

Hoxhaj: Del Ponte misused position (Zëri, Epoka e Re)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj accused former ICTY chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte for misusing her post. “We think that Carla del Ponte has misused her authorities and competencies and our government has called for an adequate inquiry,” said Hoxhaj in an interview for RFE. Hoxhaj said that del Ponte humiliated Haradinaj and the citizens of Kosovo with her groundless allegations.

Prosecution to Velijaj: Without evidence, no status of witness (Koha Ditore)

In a front-page story, the prosecution indicated that German citizen Natali Velijaj will not be offered any privileged status without revealing the evidence involving officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, the prosecution is ready to offer the witness maximum security. “She cannot be declared a cooperating witness and then afterwards reveal what evidence she has,” said prosecutor of the District Court of Pristina, Drita Hajdari, said on Monday.