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UNMIK Headlines 7 December

No agreement to implement IBM (Koha Ditore)

EU diplomatic sources told the newspaper that prime ministers Thaçi and Dacic are making statements on internal consumption regarding the IBM agreement, although “Dacic’s statements are closer to the truth.” The goods at the border points destined for the north will only be registered at the border point while the customs duties will have to be settled at a terminal in Mitrovica. Sources said that the funds collected at the border points in the north will go through the Kosovo Government and allocated for the needs of the local population in northern Kosovo.

“This will be the final solution that is being worked on. At the end of the day, the needs of Serbs in the north will be fulfilled so they can say that they have secured special treatment in the north, while the Kosovo Government also remains happy because those funds will through there,” said a European diplomat. 

Government compromises on liaison offices (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi yielded to his Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic on the issue of appointing liaison officers in respective capital cities. The last meeting between the two leaders, resulted in an agreement to appoint officers that will work from EU offices, not opening liaison offices. This arrangement, which is neither in accordance with the Convention on diplomatic relations nor the ‘two Germanys’ model, was originally opposed by Kosovo, which insisted on opening offices.

They meet over the coalition (Express)

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi and AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj are expected to meet today to begin talks on the ruling coalition. According to unidentified sources, the meeting requested by Haradinaj will be held in the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK)’s headquarters. “He requested a meeting with Mr. Thaçi to discuss further steps in the political processes and the possibility of a joint government,” the source added.

AAK MP Ahmet Isufi said the meeting with Thaçi is part of the series of meetings that Haradinaj will hold with all political leaders. “Mr. Haradinaj has decided to meet the leaders of all political parties … it is not very important if they come to the Alliance or if we go to them,” Isufi added. 

AAK to decide next week (Zëri)

Sources within Ramush Haradinaj’s AAK party said that they won’t enter the government if they don’t reach a coalition agreement with PDK by the end of next week. AAK is said to have presented certain conditions to the ruling PDK in which Haradinaj becomes prime minister. “We have requested for the post of prime minister and several ministries, but PDK is hesitating,” said the unidentified AAK official. The ministries that AAK wishes to obtain are mostly related to strengthening rule of law and improving Kosovo’s international image.

LDK against Thaçi as president (Bota Sot)

Leading opposition party LDK does not support Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi taking on the president’s post and leaving his current position to AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj. LDK’s MP Vjosa Osmani said her party would walk out of the Assembly session if there is a vote for Thaçi to become president. 

AKR without stance (Epoka e Re)

The Alliance Kosova e Re AKR still does not have an official stance on how it will act if PDK agrees that AAK should also be in the coalition. In an interview for Epoka e Re, Mimoza Kusari-Lila said that as long as there is no decision about PDK-AAK, AKR does not stand a stance. She said that the announcement on Ramush Haradinaj’s innocence is important. 

Zbogar: EU soon to reach SAA agreement with Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

During his visit to Ferizaj, EU Special Representative in Kosovo Samuel Zbogar said that the European Union has only one agenda for Kosovo: how to bring it closer to Europe and for people of Kosovo to have a better life.

“These days will be important days for Kosovo. Next week, EU leaders will decide on the future of Kosovo in the European Union. I believe decisions on the feasibility study will be confirmed and recommend to begin agreements for Stabilization–Association Agreement, which will be a big step in our relations,” said Zbogar.

Under the headline “EULEX has acted according to the law for tapping,” Koha Ditore reports that Zbogar did not hesitate to discuss the tapping scandal in Ferizaj. “I have not commented yet publicly about the tapping because I want to hear all the facts and know what happened exactly; then I will talk. However, I have to say that I am sorry about what happened. This should not have happened and I am sorry to all persons and families who have been affected from the publication of the tappings,” said Zbogar.

Thaçi, Dacic “install” media blackout (Zëri)

In a debate at the media center in Çagllavica, Albanian and Serb journalists concluded that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is being purposefully held behind closed doors so that both prime ministers can manipulate the public opinion. Media representatives noted that there is a media blackout regarding the dialogue and those governments in Kosovo and Serbia have “sealed off” the process.

Hyseni: Dialogue or war (Express)

In a front-page interview, former Kosovo Foreign Affairs Minister Skender Hyseni said that normalizing relations with Serbia is in Kosovo’s interest. Hyseni argues that opposition MPs should support the dialogue with Serbia, because the alternative is war. Hyseni also said that Serb illegal structures in northern Kosovo must be dissolved and the Kosovo Government should yield its authority there, even if aggressively.


Headlines - 07.12.2012