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UNMIK Headlines 7 May

Headlines - 07.05.2014

Assembly to be dissolved, Kosovo to head to elections (Tribuna)

The paper reports on the front page that Kosovo Assembly is expected to convene a special session today at 12 and vote for dissolving of the current legislation. The session was made possible through a motion signed by 55 MPs from PDK, LDK, and AAK following an agreement between leaders that paves the way for early parliamentary elections. The leaders also agreed to postpone the voting for the establishment of Kosovo Armed Forces (KAF) and set elections on 8 June.

The paper however warns that it is not certain the motion for dissolving the assembly will receive today the required 80 votes as this is being opposed by Vetevendosje, Serb MPs and representatives from other communities. In addition, AKR has also expressed reservations while it is not certain how the three MPs from the Initiative for Kosovo will vote as they have not come up with an official position on the matter.

Kosovo with plan B for KAF (Koha)

In a front-page report, the paper notes that Kosovo’s leadership is looking into legal alternatives for the establishment of the Kosovo Armed Forces, after Serb MPs decided to block constitutional amendments. One of the options is to advance the give the status of an army to the Kosovo Security Force (KSF).

KSF Minister Agim Ceku said there is still hope that constitutional amendments for the establishment of KAF would be passed in this mandate. “We are waiting for the final outcome of this mandate and then we will look into other possibilities. In any case, this process is irreversible. It has international support, it enjoys strong support from the people and we will find a solution. There is always a Plan B, but it is too early to talk about it now,” Ceku said in an interview for Klan Kosova.

Three Kosovo tasks for this year (Tribuna)

During yesterday’s visit, European Commissioner for Enlargement Stefan Fule reminded Kosovo institutions of the tasks they still have to complete on the path to European integrations. “First, the process of normalizing relations with Serbia has to continue, then general elections that will be held shortly and thirdly, there is a need to continue reforms in the rule of law”, said Fule.

Fule’s visit came at a time when Kosovo leadership was discussing ways to head to early elections. On this, the EU official stressed the importance of elections being held in accordance to international standards. “I hope the positive experience of local elections will serve as inspiration”, he added.

€38 million for the north (Zeri)

The paper reports that the European Union has allocated a €38 million fund for the four northern municipalities. After a meeting with the four mayors in the north on Tuesday, EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele said the fund would held capacity building, assistance and support for the establishment of the association of Serb municipalities and everything else that the northern mayors need, “so that citizens of the north can live a good and safe life”.

The paper notes that Fule did not talk about the integration of northern Serbs in Kosovo’s institutions or about the failure to respect timelines and laws of Kosovo during the adoption of municipal statutes in the north. “For the European Union, bureaucratic notes and officials are not important; what is important is for citizens in the north to live a safe and good life,” he said.

Assembly should be dissolved, govt should not be brought down (Bota Sot)

The Minister of Social Welfare, Nenad Rasic, and leader of the Party Joint Future, stated that he does not know whether they would participate at Wednesday’s session. According to him, they will decide today on this issue, after consulting Serb deputies. “We are not for bringing down the government of Kosovo, because we consider that this institution has worked well. We consider that the Assembly should dissolve, because this is where stagnation happened. I consider that this should and will happen,” said Rasic.

Kouchner values progress in Kosovo (Epoka e Re)

Former Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Bernard Kouchner, values the reached progress in Kosovo. During his meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Enver Hoxhaj, Kouchner said that Kosovo and Serbia have to integrate in the EU. “My visit here today, in fact, each year or every two years, is fantastic because I get to see the reached progress, not only in Pristina but in general. Also the atmosphere and people where citizens have created a self-confidence. We have many things to discuss, including Kosovo’s and Serbia’s perspective on European integration, as well as Ukraine,” said France’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Serbia doesn’t recognise Kosovo diplomas (Tribuna)

The Constitutional Court of Serbia has ruled against the implementation of a regulation for recognising university diplomas issued by Kosovo authorities saying it is in conflict to the Constitution of Serbia. The Court has however postponed publishing the decision in the official gazette which would automatically make the ruling applicable. The rejected regulation is a result of the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue.