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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 3, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti visits north, participates in inauguration of memorial plaque for Enver Zymberi (Reporteri)
  • Gervalla in Tokyo talks about new Japanese projects and investments in Kosovo (media)
  • LVV asks US and EU to be more rational in their demands towards Kosovo (ekonomia)
  • General Bernacca: Who messes with our people, faces most powerful military organization in world (Reporteri)
  • Vehicle of Serb police officer in the north set on fire, prosecution suspects deliberate act (Reporteri)
  • LVV officially enters competition in North Macedonia’s elections, competes with three candidates for MP (Reporteri)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Petkovic reacts to Kurti’s visit to the north (Kosovo Online, media)
  • Serbian List: Kurti’s visit to the north aims at destabilization and inciting tensions (Kosovo Online, media)
  • Vucic: Discussion with Hill open, substantial (Tanjug, media)
  • Dacic meets with Bouyx (Tanjug)
  • Mojsilovic visits Cyprus (Tanjug)
  • “No one has informed us” – Non-majority community uninformed about census (Radio Free Europe)
  • Fatherland: Census in Kosovo starts in two days, and “kitty has got Belgrade’s tongue” (KoSSev)
  • Brnabic to call Belgrade local elections for June 2 on Wednesday (Tanjug)


  • One Year into Kosovo War Leaders’ Trial, Much Remains Unclear (Balkan Insight)
  • Prosecution Probes Allegations of Grant Misappropriation in Kosovo’s Community Programs (Prishtina Insight)




Albanian Language Media  


Kurti visits north, participates in inauguration of memorial plaque for Enver Zymberi (Reporteri)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, visited today the municipalities of Leposaviq and Zubin Potok in the north of Kosovo. He participated in the inauguration of a memorial plaque in honor of the Kosovo police officer, Enver Zymberi, at the place where he was killed, on the road to Zubin Potok in the north of Kosovo.

The Director of Kosovo Police, Gazmend Hoxha, the Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla were also present at this event.

Enver Zymberi, an officer of the Kosovo Police, was killed in a confrontation with a group of armed Serbs in the north, during the July 25, 2011 operation of the Kosovo forces to regain control of the border crossings with Serbia.

Kurti has also visited the municipality of Leposaviq, where he was received by the mayor Lulzim Hetemi. The news has been confirmed for by the Office of the Mayor Hetemi, however there is no news on the discussions during the meeting.

Today's meeting takes place a few days before the voting for the dismissal of four mayors in these northern municipalities. The current mayor of Leposaviq, Lulzim Hetemi, was locked in his office for several months after the election.

Gervalla in Tokyo talks about new Japanese projects and investments in Kosovo (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, during her visit to Tokyo, met the leaders of the Japanese Agency for International Cooperation and the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation. During separate meetings, they discussed the successful completion of Japanese projects, donations and investments in Kosovo and the realization of new projects and investments. Gervalla also expressed gratitude for the support given to Kosovo over the years in reconstruction, building human and infrastructural capacities, environmental protection, waste management and in the field of air improvement.

"In a meeting with representatives of the Japanese Bank for International Cooperation, Minister Gervalla highlighted the potential in the digital and information technology fields, as important advantages of young people, which can serve as a good opportunity for Japanese strategic investments in Kosovo, in raising the employment and perspective of young people in Kosovo", it is stated in the announcement.

The communique further reports that Gervalla's aim during her visit to Japan was further cooperation in new projects, where the economic development of Kosovo is aimed at the exchange of students and experiences in certain fields.

LVV asks US and EU to be more rational in their demands towards Kosovo (ekonomia)

Despite the request of the international factor that the establishment of the Association is an emergency, the government continues to have the steadfast position that the points of the agreement on normalization must be implemented in order. The chairman of the parliamentary committee for Legislation from VetevendosjeMovement, Adnan Rrustemi, requests from the USA and the EU to be more rational in their demands because, according to him, the Association is the seventh point of the agreement and cannot be a precondition for Kosovo.

"The position of the institutions of Kosovo is clear that the basic agreement of Brussels must be implemented in its entirety, starting from the first point. One point cannot be detached and set as a precondition", Rrustemi told rtv21. Meanwhile, Serbia has said that there can be no normalization of relations without the establishment of the Association.

General Bernacca: Who messes with our people, faces most powerful military organization in world (Reporteri)

Within the framework of the Budapest Balkan Forum (BBF) organized by the Hungarian Institute for International Affairs (HIIA), the security situation in the region and the risk of destabilization in the Western Balkans were discussed. According to Brigadier General Federico Bernacca, the war in Ukraine has caused serious security threats in the Western Balkans, including Kosovo.

"There is no military solution to the problems between Kosovo and Serbia. Only through diplomacy and dialogue led by Brussels, the problems can be solved once and for all," said Bernacca.

Attention was drawn to the riots that happened last May in Kosovo, where KOFR members also suffered injuries. Italian General Bernacca expressed the hope that the wounded soldiers will recover quickly. But he also sent a message to all those attacking KFOR units: "If you want to mess with our people, you're going to be dealing with the most powerful military organization on earth," he was quoted as saying.

Bernacca also recalled that this is his fifth mission to Kosovo. The first time he was there was in 2001. Since then, he says he has seen many changes in KFOR's structures. However, he emphasized that KFOR remains important because of its ability to adapt to serious crises. This requires them to keep their eyes open 24/7 in every corner of Kosovo, and it takes a lot of troops to do that.

Bernacca, among other things, emphasized that the war in Ukraine caused serious security threats in the Western Balkans, including Kosovo, also worsening the situation through the promotion of fake news and the creation of a social and political vacuum that can be exploited by irrational or emotional factors, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Vehicle of Serb police officer in the north set on fire, prosecution suspects deliberate act (Reporteri)

A police investigator of Serb nationality has reported that his car was burned today at around 05:00 in the north of Mitrovica. The Basic Prosecutor's Office of Mitrovica has said that it is suspected that the car was set on fire on purpose. In this regard, a case has been initiated for the criminal offense "arson".

"It is suspected that it is intentional burning, the guardian prosecutor of the Basic Prosecution in Mitrovica has been notified, and has ordered to initiate a case for the criminal offense of "Arson". In cooperation with the police, investigative actions are being taken to discover the perpetrators", the spokesperson of this prosecution, Valon Preteni said.

The damages were only material, as the "Dacia" car with Serbian license plates was completely burned.

LVV officially enters competition in North Macedonia’s elections, competes with three candidates for MP (Reporteri)

Albin Kurti's adviser and candidate for MP in North Macedonia, Bekim Qoku, has announced that the Vetevendosje Movement will have three candidates for MPs in the May 8 elections in North Macedonia. The candidates will be part of the VLEN coalition.

"VETEVENDOSJE movement! there will be three candidates for MPs, with the VLEN coalition. We will be part of the victory that is WORTH!

In Electoral Unit 1, candidate number 6 on the list will be Ms. Nafie Selmani. In Electoral Unit 2, candidate number 6 on the list will be Ms. Medina Ukshini. While in Electoral Unit 6, candidate number 2 on the list will be me, Bekim Qoku", Qoku wrote on his Facebook profile.



Serbian Language Media


Petkovic reacts to Kurti’s visit to the north (Kosovo Online, media)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Petar Petkovic said Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, a day prior to the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels, has decided to raise new tensions in northern Kosovo by visiting Leposavic municipality and then Zubin Potok, Kosovo Online portal reported.

Petkovic asked “who and in what manner approved Kurti’s visit and who from the international representatives has been informed about it?”.

Petkovic also said this is a new threat to the Serbs in the north of Kosovo, an act by which Kurti wanted to escalate new tensions there and which demonstrated that he is not interested in any normalization or de-escalation.

“Let me be completely clear – Kurti has nothing to do in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, he is not welcomed there. What demonstration of force was in place is best reflected by a fact that entire Leposavic was blocked during his arrival to the municipal building, where his gauleiter and fake mayor waited for him. Also the fact that all streets in Leposavic and Zubin Potok were empty clearly demonstrates that Serbian people expressed contempt towards this Kurti’s provocation”, Petkovic said.

He added Kurti “as every uninvited guest had to surround himself with strong police phalanges armed with long-barrelled weapons that accompanied him when he went to the municipality of Leposavic, which is violently and under terror led by Self-Determination, with less than 100 votes".

Petkovic said Kurti's move caused a revolt and indignation among Serbs who, as he pointed out, see in him "an occupier who mistreats them on a daily basis and carries out institutional, physical and any other violence against them".

"The question arises as to who approved Kurti's visit to the north and in what way, who among the international representatives was informed, and did KFOR and EULEX assist and give consent to this provocation?" Petkovic asked.

Serbian List: Kurti’s visit to the north aims at destabilization and inciting tensions (Kosovo Online, media)

Serbian List reacting to Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s visit to the north of Kosovo today said this visit aimed at destabilization of the situation and inciting tensions, Kosovo Online portal reported.

"Parading of Albin Kurti with dozens of vehicles and a hundred heavily armed Albanian special forces in the north of Kosovo and Metohija disturbed Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija who observed this performance with disgust. Kurti's arrival in the north with parapolice formations aims to destabilize the situation on the ground and cause tensions. It is more than clear that with his arrival he wanted to provoke the reaction of the Serbian people and present himself as a victim in order to score a few more political points or votes for the upcoming elections", Serbian List said in a statement.

The Serbian List also said they expect responsible international organizations to react to this provocation.

"After this circus performance, the obviously frightened Kurti, like all the occupiers, went back, while we remained in the north of Kosovo and Metohija at our own places because this is our country, our cities and municipalities. We expect the competent services to disinfect the streets where he moved and thereby protect the health of our citizens. We demand that the competent international organizations react to this obvious provocation and demand from their protegee to stop oppressing the Serbian people, which this time showed exceptional restraint and patience", the statement added.

Vucic: Discussion with Hill open, substantial (Tanjug, media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday he had had an open and substantial discussion with US Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill.

"A substantial and open discussion with Ambassador Christopher Hill about continuing the dialogue with Pristina, the situation in the region, current geopolitical developments and Serbia-US bilateral cooperation", Vucic wrote in a post on his official Instagram profile.

He added that he had reiterated Serbia's consistent position and that Serbia continued to "invest maximum efforts with the aim of finding a sustainable solution for protecting the Serb population in Kosovo and Metohija and safeguarding its national interests".

Dacic meets with Bouyx (Tanjug)

At a meeting with the head of the French delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Bertrand Bouyx, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said he expected French representatives in the Council of Europe to have more understanding for Serbian arguments at an upcoming session on Pristina’s request to join the organization, Tanjug news agency reported. Bouyx also heads the PACE Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy.

Dacic expressed disappointment over the recent adoption of a draft opinion of PACE Rapporteur Dora Bakoyannis, which omitted the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities and a resolution of the land expropriation issue in the north of Kosovo as conditions for Kosovo membership in the CoE.

Dacic noted that Kosovo and Metohija was a historically important part of Serbia as well as that Serbia and France had maintained a century-old friendship, including during WWI and WWII, and that they had always been on the right side of history, the Serbian MFA said in a statement.

Bouyx noted that France was a sincere friend of Serbia and supported talks and dialogue on Pristina’s request for CoE admission. He added that France remained open to dialogue with the Serbian delegation to PACE and had understanding of Serbia's positions on the issue.

Mojsilovic visits Cyprus (Tanjug)

Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) Chief of General Staff General Milan Mojsilovic began a three-day visit to Cyprus on Tuesday with discussions about bilateral military cooperation and opportunities for its advancement as well as contemporary regional and global security challenges.

A SAF delegation was received with state honors, after which Mojsilovic met with Cypriot National Guard Chief Lt Gen Giorgios Tsitsikostas to discuss strengthening of bilateral military cooperation.

Mojsilovic also met with Cypriot Defence Minister Vasilis Palmas, the Serbian MoD said in a statement.

"In addition to an assessment that military cooperation represents an important part of overall relations between the two countries, a commitment to further development of cooperation in all areas of importance for the SAF and the Cyprus National Guard was confirmed by both sides", the statement said.

“No one has informed us” – Non-majority community uninformed about census (Radio Free Europe)

In the village of Zitkovac, 45 kilometers north of Pristina, no one lives according to the last census in Kosovo from 2011, Radio Free Europe reports. However, the situation on the ground is different. Along with Serbian flags displayed, some residents of this village, RFE spoke to, said they were willing to take part in the upcoming population census.

However, when asked if they would take part in a census that lasts from April 5 to May 17, they seemed surprised.

“I do not know, no one has informed us. I heard it (that census starts) for the first time from you”, Spaso Karajlic told RFE. Although they have no sufficient information about the upcoming census, Spaso Karajlic and his neighbor said they will take part in it. “I want (to take part). I have lived here for 70 years and I will remain living here, if I can”, Karajlic’s neighbor who wished to remain anonymous said.

The last population census took place in Kosovo in 2011, but it was not held in four northern municipalities, where Serbs are the majority. Members of the Serbian community living south of the Ibar River boycotted the process mainly, upon invitation of official Belgrade. Also, some Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities didn’t take part in the census either.

RFE also said the OSCE Mission in Kosovo has asked Kosovo institutions to take into consideration rights of the non-majority communities during the upcoming census.

“We have noticed, that only a few weeks prior to the date of census start, a comprehensive informative campaign that would aim at raising awareness among non-majority communities is lacking”, reads the written response of OSCE Mission. It added that the OSCE does not take part in organization of this process, but it is important to note that lack of campaign may lead to low participation of non-majority communities in the census.

The EU Office in Pristina said they are in permanent contact with the Kosovo Statistics Agency, and they received assurances that the preparatory process goes well. It was added that there are dozen non-governmental organizations working on informing communities they represent.

“Still there is certain concern over exclusion or limited representation of some non-majority communities in the process at some municipalities, in particular from Kosovo Bosniak, Gorani and Turkish communities. Some representatives of the Kosovo Serb community have also voiced concern over delays in carrying out relevant training for census takers in non-majority communities”, the EU Office said.

Residents such as Vitomirka Petrovic, a Serb woman from Zitkovac, are also unaware of possible fines if they do not take part in the census.

On the other hand, the Kosovo Statistic Agency claims that all necessary preparations for the upcoming census have been made, and that non-majority communities are informed about the process. They also said they had several meetings, workshops together with non-majority communities, meetings at schools and universities.

Boban Simic from Advocacy Centre for Democratic Culture (ACDC) said data from population census are very important for both Kosovo institutions and civil society, in order to prepare and implement development policies.

However, he stressed that the Kosovo Statistics Agency does not carry out any campaign to raise awareness about the importance of the census among non-majority communities.

“The census starts next week already, and non-majority communities not only are not familiar with this process, but they are not even informed that this process will take place”, Simic said.

He added the turn out of the Serbian community is questionable because of mistrust towards Kosovo institutions. He added the census must not take place during local or central elections, or during times of social unrest. In this context, he also said, the census overlaps the voting for dismissal of mayors in the northern municipalities (scheduled on April 21) and that no solution has been found yet to resolve the issue of payment transactions for the people receiving different allowances from the Serbian budget.

Sebastijan Serifovic from the Opre Roma organization in Gracanica expressed skepticism that the upcoming census can be successful.

“To be honest, I am not pleased how they (Kosovo institutions) managed to culturally understand the Roma community”, Serifovic told RFE. According to him, a small number of Roma took part in the last census, and that number does not reflect the real situation on the ground. He said the Roma community in 2011 felt threatened, and there was plenty of disinformation about that process.

“I truly hope that the Roma community, despite the weak campaign of institutions, will take part in the population census”, he added.

RFE also said that the Kosovo Government did not respond to its query on this topic.

Fatherland: Census in Kosovo starts in two days, and “kitty has got Belgrade’s tongue” (KoSSev)

“Although less than two days remain until the start of the census in the southern Serbian province, official authorities in Belgrade remain silent on this important issue for the survival of the Serbs. They either have no stance on it, or do not wish to declare it”, Fatherland Movement said today in a statement, KoSSev portal reported.

The population census is scheduled to start on April 5. For the first time, after 1999, the Kosovo Statistics Agency was optimistic it would include the north, but also all other Serbian areas in Kosovo. The fines for not taking part in the census go up to 2000 euros.

“Serbian President (Aleksandar Vucic) who on a daily basis comments on many, often irrelevant matters, now as if “cat has got his tongue”. Even more because separatist Pristina authorities said that each Serb who does not take part in the census would need to pay a fine of 2.000 euros”, Fatherland said.

It also warned that the situation in Kosovo had drastically changed. “More than 250.000 Serbs and other non-Albanians have left those areas (after the end of conflict in 1999). And unfortunately, departures continue”, Fatherland said, adding that under such circumstances Serbs in Kosovo lack instructions from official Belgrade. They also said acceptance of the Franco-German plan is a reason behind Belgrade’s silence.

“In a situation such as this one official Belgrade must give instructions to the Serbs what they should do. According to many, participating in the census would be unethical, immoral and inhuman. In principle it goes down to expelling three quarters of the population from one territory, and then hypocritically carrying out a census of the population to see how much more of them you need to expel”, Fatherland said.

Brnabic to call Belgrade local elections for June 2 on Wednesday (Tanjug)

Serbian Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabic announced on Wednesday she would call Belgrade local elections for June 2 by the end of the day. Speaking to reporters in the parliament, Brnabic said there was no possibility of the date being postponed.

"It is my legal and constitutional obligation to call them by midnight. It could also have been done sooner, but following requests from the opposition and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, the Belgrade elections have been postponed for June 2", Brnabic said.





One Year into Kosovo War Leaders’ Trial, Much Remains Unclear (Balkan Insight)

In the first year of the trial of Kosovo’s former President Hashim Thaci and three co-defendants, the Hague war crimes court has heard testimony about murder and torture, but many sessions have been held behind closed doors.

The day before the April 3 anniversary of the start of the war crimes and crimes against humanity trial of four former Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA leaders, including Kosovo’s ex-President Hashim Thaci, the proceedings continued as they have done for a lot of the trial – in a closed session, with no press or public access.

The 54th witness in the trial at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague mainly testified in private, as 31 others have done.

Around 60 per cent of the 54 prosecution witnesses testified in mainly closed sessions during the first year of the trial. In the first months of 2024, of the 15 prosecution witnesses who testified, 11 were not heard by the public.

Read more at:

Prosecution Probes Allegations of Grant Misappropriation in Kosovo’s Community Programs (Prishtina Insight)

BIRN’s investigation prompts the Prishtina Prosecution to investigate the Office for Community Affairs of Kosovo on how its half a million euros meant for non-majority organizations ended up awarded to largely Albanian NGOs

On 31st of May, 2023, the Office for Community Affairs, OCA, that works under the Prime Minister’s Office in Kosovo, opened a call for grants that it emphasized are for organizations working with minority communities in Kosovo.

A BIRN investigation revealed that non-governmental organizations, NGOs, such as  “Albanian Diaspora Forum” and “Illyricum,”  that have not demonstrated any ties to minorities,  benefited from thousands of euros in grants meant for minority communities: Serbian, Turkish, Bosniak, Gorani, Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian.

This move has sparked widespread criticism, with many labeling it as an abuse of public funds and raising questions about transparency and accountability within Kosovo’s government programs aimed at supporting minority groups.

Read more at: