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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 10, 2024

Albanian Language Media: 

  • Kurti: The history of the war in Kosovo needs to be studied (RTK)
  • Tony Blair: I look forward to Kosovo taking its place in the family of nations (RTK)
  • Blair: Kosovo is still facing challenges, but it should become part of EU in future (media)
  • Rama and D'Alema meet with Osmani (RTK)
  • D'Alema: We are far from the Balkan stability that Ibrahim Rugova intended (RTK)
  • Rama: Bridges built by late President Rugova should not be destroyed by today’s politicians  (media)
  • Hovenier on statement of Serbia and Republika Srpska: It is not our position (media)
  • Clark: Russian ambitions hinder stability between Kosovo and Serbia (RFE)
  • Svecla: Close to 40 members of Serb community joined Kosovo Police (media)
  • Rizvanolli: Energy Efficiency Fund opening office in Mitrovica region (media)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Greek Ambassador: Our position on non-recognition of Kosovo unchanged (N1, Beta, Politika)
  • Vucic: Compromise solution needed, and not that Albanians have it all, and Serbs nothing (Radio KIM)
  • Giaufret for N1: EU enlargement key priority regarding Western Balkans
  • Petkovic: Resolution 1244 still a valid document, Kurti cannot diminish its importance (KiM radio, Kosovo Online, Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Drecun: NATO did not achieve its goal in Kosovo in 1999, Resolution 1244 is our ownership right (Kosovo Online)
  • Celic: Resolution 1244 is Serbia's only legal asset regarding Kosovo territory (Kosovo Online)
  • Court in Pristina sentenced Caslav Jolic to eight years in prison (Kosovo Online)
  • Conference “Rugova and the West” without translation into Serbian (Radio KIM)


Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: The history of the war in Kosovo needs to be studied (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has called for scientific documentation of the damage to the collective memory of the last war in Kosovo. "The history and legacy of the war in Kosovo are very much in need of being studied, and researched scientifically because we, as a society and as a state, need genuine scientific discourses and narratives as complete, true and correct as possible for our war", he said.

Kurti said this at the scientific conference for the 25th anniversary of NATO's intervention and the Liberation of Kosovo: 'A quarter of a century of state building, challenges and achievements - multidisciplinary approach'.

"Now that it is 25 years since the war in Kosovo, when a whole generation born after the war has grown up and matured, it is the right time for discussions, research, writings and publications to become more scientific and academic each time, more conceptual", the prime minister said in front of the academics.

"Over 10,000 civilian victims had lost their lives out of over 13,000, which would be the total number of people killed during the entire war in Kosovo. Among them, 1,133 children, while over 3,000 men and women were killed with weapons in their hands, becoming martyrs of freedom," stated Kurti.

He also mentioned the transportation and hiding of Albanians killed in mass cemeteries across Serbia.

"A total of 950 Albanians are discovered in those cemeteries, 744 only from the mass cemetery in Batajnica, on the outskirts of Belgrade, which even to this day serves as a training ground for the police and the army, without a single commemorative plaque that there once was a mass cemetery," said Kurti.

Tony Blair: I look forward to Kosovo taking its place in the family of nations (RTK)

The former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair said in the joint conference with President Vjosa Osmani, that he is looking forward to the day when Kosovo will become part of the UN.

"Very positive things are happening here that are a lesson for the whole world and not only for the people of Kosovo. I look forward to the time when Kosovo, as an independent and sovereign state, takes its rightful place in the family of nations and as an example for the whole world," Blair said.

He mentioned the gratitude he has for the people who had courage during the war. Blair said that he continues to believe that he did the right thing by intervening and supporting Kosovo, which led to the liberation of the country.

"Then I was convinced that it was the right thing to do, and I still have this conviction. I am also now convinced that we should support the people of Kosovo so that the future of Kosovo is fully in line with the merits of its people", he said.

The President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, in the joint conference after the meeting with Tony Blair, expressed her gratitude and that of the people of Kosovo for the contribution to the liberation of Kosovo.

"In 1999, your role as British Prime Minister during NATO's intervention in Kosovo was decisive, so as then you were a hero of the people of Kosovo, as well as a hero of freedom and democracy; even today you are a hero of peace for the right decision of that time and all the support you have given to Kosovo during these 25 years", she said.

"25 years later and every day since then, we say 'thank you Sir Tony Blair', that despite the challenges, you oriented the compass of history in the direction of protecting the values ​​that have defined the most glorious chapters of human history", said Osmani.

"With NATO allied forces, you saved us from the extermination that was intended by the genocidal regime of Milosevic. In your memoirs, you yourself said that the Kosovo intervention was 'a battle between good and evil, a battle between civilization and barbarism and a battle between democracy and dictatorship'. Kosovo today is one of your most successful legacies, it is one of the lessons that the protection of freedom, peace and democracy are the pillars of civilization and everyone's obligation at any time", stated Osmani.

Osmani mentioned the fact that many post-war children enjoy Tony Blair's name, describing them as signs of the traces that the former prime minister left on the people.

After the meeting with President Osmani and after the session of the Assembly of Kosovo, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, welcomed the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair.

Media report that the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, was received at the meeting by the mayor of Pristina, Perparim Rama. On this occasion, he was awarded with the "Key to the City".

Blair: Kosovo is still facing challenges, but it should become part of EU in future (media)

The Assembly of Kosovo held a solemn session for the arrival of Kosovo's great friend, the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair. His visit is marking the 25th anniversary of the liberation and the end of the 78-day NATO bombing campaign on the former Yugoslavia.

The Speaker of Parliament, Glauk Konjufca, while thanking Blair for all his contribution to Kosovo, gave him his word.

"I am very happy to be here, I am honored. I can't thank you enough. 25 years ago, an agreement was reached to save the territory of Kosovo. We did everything for the people of Kosovo, to live again, to breathe again. We remember their sacrifices and thank all those who helped us", said Blair.

"Being prime minister at that time, brings many other things back to my attention. Complexes, stress. But first of all, meeting the refugees at that time, listening to their terrible stories, asking for help and begging for help... we helped, and we will never regret it", he said further.

Blair also mentioned the help of the United States of America.

"Of course, even with the help of American President Bill Clinton, and many other countries, we helped here. None of us would be able to help without your power, the people of Kosovo. Kosovo is an independent and powerful state that will become part of the European Union in the future. The young people of Kosovo are happy to be here. Action is always better than inaction. Inaction is also an action, but one that brings consequences. We see the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. We must find a way for a solution, we must support them. We must act because there are consequences if we fail to act," Blair said.

"I know that Kosovo is still facing challenges. There are many countries that do not yet recognize Kosovo, and we must work for them to recognize it. We must give the young people of Kosovo more things for the future. The world is changing very fast. Let's imagine this future for a bit... Kosovo within the European Union... Imagine the talented young people of Kosovo, part of the EU, how much they will contribute. This is not a dream… it is what we are trying to achieve in 25 years. This must be achieved on this earth," said Blair.

Rama and D'Alema meet with Osmani (RTK)

Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama and former Italian Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema have arrived in Kosovo. They were received by President Vjosa Osmani.

"Together, to mark the most important moments in the history of our people! Welcome Prime Minister Rama", Osmani wrote on Facebook.

The prime minister of Albania, Edi Rama, will also meet the mayor of Pristina Perparim Rama who will be handing him the "Key to the City" award.

Also, Prime Minister Rama will participate in the international conference "Rugova and the West", on the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo, organized by the Democratic League of Kosovo and the "Ibrahim Rugova" Foundation.

In this conference, the main speakers are Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania; Massimo D'Alema, former Prime Minister of Italy; Jeffrey Hovenier, US Ambassador to Kosovo.

D'Alema: We are far from the Balkan stability that Ibrahim Rugova intended (RTK)

The former Prime Minister of Italy, Massimo D'Alema, has spoken about the memories and friendship he had with the historical president of Kosovo, Ibrahim Rugova. At the international conference "Rugova and the West", D'Alema recalled some very important moments of the liberation of Kosovo.

The former Italian prime minister has emphasized that today we are far from the Balkan goal and stability that Ibrahim Rugova was aiming for.

Massimo D'Alema has evoked memories about Ibrahim Rugova.

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, the Ambassador of the United States of America (USA) in Pristina, Jeffrey Hovenier and Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, also spoke at the international conference "Rugova and the West" in honor of the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo.

Rama: Bridges built by late President Rugova should not be destroyed by today’s politicians  (media)

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, has exalted the figure of the former president of Kosovo, Ibrahim Rugova.

At the "Rugova and the West" conference organized by LDK in honor of the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo, he said that Ibrahim Rugova, the founding father of free, independent and democratic Kosovo, was an Albanian who came out of the mountain ridges of history.

"He was an intellectual as if drawn from the collection of portraits of the romantic period, a politician as if beaten with the oil and vinegar of the patriarchal ode, a figure that even today is difficult to summarize", said Rama.

The Prime Minister of Albania added that without Ibrahim Rugova there would be no Kosovo Liberation Army. According to him, without Rugova's policy of approaching the allies, the weapons of the KLA soldiers would not even echo along with the NATO bombings on Belgrade.

The head of the Albanian Government said that there is no other politician like Rugova.

"He was and remains the most atypical of Albanian politicians, unrepeatable, inimitable and inexplicable to the end for how he managed to impose the way of running water on people while forming his stature", said Rama.

Praising Ibrahim Rugova's contribution to building relations with international friends, Rama said that "the bridges built by the former president of Kosovo should not be destroyed by today's politicians".

Hovenier on statement of Serbia and Republika Srpska: It is not our position (media)

The Ambassador of the United States of America in Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, said that the USA and its Western partners do not agree with the Declaration adopted on June 8 by Serbia and the Serbian entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska.

In the declaration approved in Belgrade at a meeting between the two governments, Kosovo is mentioned as "an inalienable part of Serbia".

"I haven't had the opportunity to read all the reports related to the 'All-Serbian Assembly', but I understand that language is used there that says Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia. I understand that this is their position, but this is not the position of any of us, it is not the position of the US, our QUINT partners or anyone else," said Hovenier.

He emphasized that the USA has recognized Kosovo as an independent state and that the USA will stand behind this position "with pride".

Clark: Russian ambitions hinder stability between Kosovo and Serbia (RFE)

The retired U.S. general, Wesley Clark said that there can be no stability between Kosovo and Serbia, until “Moscow withdraws its imperialist ambitions from the region”.

Clark, who led the NATO air campaign against Serbian military targets in 1999, told Radio Free Europe, 25 years after the end of the attacks, that "Serbia is like a magnet that attracts Russian imperialist ambitions to Europe".

“Serbia must understand that its future lies with the West. When Serbs understand this, there will be no problems with Kosovo,” he said.

Asked why 25 years after the end of the war, peace between Kosovo and Serbia does not look promising, Clark said ‘Serbia does not want peace and Kosovo does not want subdued independence.’

“Serbia is like a magnet that attracts Russian imperialist ambitions to Europe. Today, it serves as an infectious agent in the region – in North Macedonia, Montenegro and elsewhere,” he said.

He said that the West has its values. “We do not engage in the same kind of fraud as Moscow, or in buying people. We go through democratic processes. We see people's interests. They know what America stands for and they choose to be or not to be with America.

It makes no sense to me that some political parties in Eastern Europe, which have suffered for 40 years or more under Soviet domination, want to join Russia, rather than the European Union. Why? What does Russia offer them besides money to politicians? Does it offer a great investment? No. New technology? No. Participation in a great organization that would advance the welfare of the people? No. None of them. Simply, a game played mercilessly by Russian imperialist ambition,” he said.

Svecla: Close to 40 members of Serb community joined Kosovo Police (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, shared a post on X by Prime Minister Albin Kurti who said that 2024 is the year of integration in Kosovo. Svecla said in his remarks that “close to 40 members from the Serb community have joined the Kosovo Police so far this year (they now make 5% of our total police force). Many more will join the fight against illegal activities and provide security for all Kosovo citizens”. Kurti wrote in his post on Sunday that “in just the first five months, over 7k RKS passports, 6.8k IDs, and 1.1k driver’s licenses have been issued in municipalities where the Serb community constitutes a majority. The conversion of illegal driver’s licenses into RKS ones is continuing and going very well. Moreover, 159 new businesses have been registered in the newly opened Business Registration Agency offices in the four municipalities in the north of Kosova. This is the result of the constructive work between our government and our citizens, and the shared conviction that a united country is a strong country”.

Rizvanolli: Energy Efficiency Fund opening office in Mitrovica region (media)

Kosovo’s Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, said in a post on X that Kosovo’s institutions “are ensuring that all citizens will benefit from the energy efficiency measures, and Kosova Energy Efficiency Fund is opening an office in the region of Mitrovica to better serve all citizens of this region”.


Serbian Language Media


Greek Ambassador: Our position on non-recognition of Kosovo unchanged (N1, Beta, Politika)

Greek Ambassador to Serbia Maria Levanti said her country’s position on non-recognition of Kosovo is unchanged, and that Greece strongly supports Belgrade’s strategic goal of joining the European Union (EU).

In an interview with the daily Politika, the ambassador recalled Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ statement that there can be no European future for the Western Balkans without the European future of Serbia as the largest country in the region.

I firmly believe that EU’s recent moves, such as the six-billion-euro growth plan for the Western Balkans, prove its resolve to continue with enlargement in the Western Balkans region, while at the same time the Western Balkans countries should seize the momentum that has been created, said Levanti.

The ambassador described the political relations between Serbia and Greece as excellent, adding that contacts at the highest political and state level are frequent and that the convening of the fourth High-Level Council for Cooperation is also expected.

Vucic: Compromise solution needed, and not that Albanians have it all, and Serbs nothing (Radio KIM)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in an interview with Swiss newspaper Weltwoche that a compromise solution is needed for Kosovo, adding there can be no one-sided solution based on which Albanians would have it all, and Serbs lose everything, Radio KIM reported.

He reiterated a compromise solution was needed, and that such a solution was near in the negotiation process, however, it was not achieved because Pristina does not fulfill its obligations. Vucic also said that now there are not even talks, although Belgrade has always been ready for dialogue.

"A compromise solution is needed, and we were close to such a solution. They did not want it to be achieved. Now we are far from a compromise solution, we don't even talk to each other, although we are ready to talk", he said.

Vucic emphasized that Pristina does not want to establish a Community of Serbian Municipalities, which is an obligation from the first Brussels agreement and that the situation is difficult, however, Serbia will do everything to preserve peace.

"There can be no one-sided solution in which Albanians gain everything and Serbs lose everything. Nobody is stupid in Serbia. We know how difficult the situation is, but that's why we insist on a compromise solution. I believe in the citizens of Serbia, I believe in the region", he added.

Giaufret for N1: EU enlargement key priority regarding Western Balkans

When it comes to its policy toward the Western Balkans, the European Union’s (EU) key priority is enlargement and this will not change, on the contrary, it can only strengthen, EU Ambassador to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret told N1.

He said the situation in Europe changed following the war in Ukraine and that he believes enlargement will be one of the top priorities of the newly elected European Parliament, just as it is high on the European Commission’s (EC) agenda. We want the Serbian citizens to become members of the European family as soon as possible, he said, adding that the EU will need five years to prepare for everything.

The offer is there, but the ball is in the Western Balkans countries’ court, they need to implement reforms to align with EU’s foreign policy, said Ambassador Giaufret, noting that, on the other hand, the EC is expected to accelerate enlargement. We want the Western Balkans to smartly utilize the available resources, to implement the agreed reforms, the Western Balkan countries actually need to integrate the region, said Giaufret.

Petkovic: Resolution 1244 still a valid document, Kurti cannot diminish its importance (KiM radio, Kosovo Online, Radio Mitrovica sever)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, says that, even after a quarter of a century since the adoption of the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, it is still an umbrella, legally binding document, despite all the efforts of Pristina and Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, to minimize the importance of that agreement by trampling international law every day.

"Contrary to the ideas of secessionism that are never more alive today in Pristina, and the ideologies of Greater Albanian chauvinism and ethnic intolerance of all kinds towards the Serbian people in the province and the Serbian Orthodox Church, the so-called Kosovo is still provisional, which is not recognized by more than half of the modern world and is moving towards the borders defined just by the UN Security Council Resolution 1244", said Petkovic.

As he points out, due to Kurti's violent and warmongering policy, the hard-earned peace in the territory of Kosovo is under a never-greater challenge today, and the patience of the Serbian people is the only barrier against their dreams of fueling new conflicts and ideas about an ethnic Kosovo without Serbs.

"We are witnessing today that many representatives of the international community are openly violating public international law and the postulates contained in Resolution 1244, by openly helping and arming the so-called Kosovo Security Forces, even though it is well known to everyone that the only armed formations on the territory of Kosovo may be KFOR units. In the days, months and weeks ahead, the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and the families who were left without their loved ones will mark a quarter of a century of unpunished crimes that have taken place since the arrival of international forces on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, and this is a stain on the face of all those who had to guarantee peace to the Serbs," adds Petkovic.

He states that despite all the challenges and destructive secessionist efforts in Pristina, Kurti, or anyone else, will never be able to be stronger than the universal and permanent values of international law and norms, no matter how much he daily demonstrates force over the backs of the Serbian people.

"As long as Aleksandar Vucic is president, our diplomatic struggle for Kosovo and Metohija will be conducted with the undiminished intensity and vigor of the arguments given to us by international law," concludes Petkovic.

Drecun: NATO did not achieve its goal in Kosovo in 1999, Resolution 1244 is our ownership right (Kosovo Online)

NATO's goal in Kosovo in 1999 was completely different from what was defined by Resolution 1244, because the Alliance wanted to reach an agreement by which the entire territory of the then FRY would be available to it for unimpeded passage and to turn the territory of Kosovo into something that should be independent state, Milovan Drecun, a member of the Serbian Parliament said today, on the occasion of the anniversary of the adoption of SC 1244 Resolution in the United Nations, reports RTV.

"Unfortunately for them, due to the extremely strong resistance that we provided with the unprecedented heroism and heroism of the members of our security forces, they were forced to change those goals and to end the war, let's call it a compromise. Therefore, neither side fully achieved their goals", he told TV Pink.

He added that Serbia fought through a successful military defense to obtain Resolution 1244, which, according to him, represents Serbia's ownership right for Kosovo.

Drecun assessed that although Resolution 1244 has certain pitfalls, it actually guarantees territorial integrity and predicts that until the final political settlement of the status of Kosovo, temporary self-government will function in Kosovo. Answering the question whether the situation in Kosovo would be different if the UN resolution was respected, he said that it would certainly be different "and we would not have the situation we have now".

"The first thing that is contrary to the agreements reached is that no essential demilitarization was carried out, i.e. that the KLA was not disbanded, but they were allowed to run wild with weapons and carry out terrible ethnic cleansing for three months after the arrival of international forces. At that time, more than 250,000 people were expelled, at most Serbs, but also Roma from Kosovo and Metohija", he said.

As particularly important, he emphasized that when talking about Resolution 1244 and the Military-Technical Agreement in Kumanovo, what agreements were reached with KFOR, that is, with the United Nations, and that is exactly what, as he said, NATO wanted to avoid at all costs.

Celic: Resolution 1244 is Serbia's only legal asset regarding Kosovo territory (Kosovo Online)

Dusko Celic, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law, University in Mitrovica North, said on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of Resolution 1244 that this document is "Serbia's only legal asset concerning the fate of the territory of Kosovo and Metohija", Kosovo Online portal reported.

This Resolution, he adds, explicitly guarantees the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, now the Republic of Serbia, as its successor state, in several places.

"As a lawyer, I can express dissatisfaction with the fact that part of the international community, which we call the political West, ignores these provisions of Resolution 1244. Of course, Pristina does so as well, and it seems to me that Belgrade insists very little on the fact that Resolution 1244 guarantees the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia (…)”, he said, noting that in Brussels negotiations, this issue has been completely sidelined, the negotiation framework in Brussels is absolutely outside Resolution 1244, resulting in unilateral concessions from Belgrade at the expense of the Resolution and the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia".

Court in Pristina sentenced Caslav Jolic to eight years in prison (Kosovo Online)

The Basic Court in Pristina has sentenced Caslav Jolic from Djurakovac, Istok municipality, to eight years in prison over alleged war crimes against the civilian population in Kosovo, Kosovo Online portal said.

Caslav Jolic, father of four children, with residence in central Serbia, was arrested on June 2, 2022, when he came to Istok following his father’s death. He was visiting Kosovo often prior to that and never had any problems, the portal added. He was arrested upon arriving in Istok to obtain documentation related to a probate hearing.

He was accused of allegedly violating rules of international laws in accomplice with other persons by torturing, causing serious sufferings and inflicting bodily injuries. In a first hearing in December of the same year, Jolic pleaded not guilty. Following the first-instance verdict, his lawyer Miodrag Brkljac announced filing an appeal to the Court of Appeals. Brkljac also said his client was convicted without evidence.

Conference “Rugova and the West” without translation into Serbian (Radio KIM)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Foundation Ibrahim Rugova organized a conference titled “Rugova and the West”, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the end of the conflict in Kosovo. Translation into Serbian language was not provided, Radio KIM reported.

The "Rugova and the West" conference, which is being held in the Klan Arena in Pristina, without translation into Serbian, but only into English, was organized in honor of "the political legacy of the former Kosovo president, Ibrahim Rugova, and the allies who supported Kosovo 25 years ago."

The event was opened by LDK President, Lumir Abdixhiku, and the panelists were Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, the former Italian prime minister, Massimo D'Alema, the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Vicenzo Paglia, and US Ambassador in Pristina, Jeffrey Hovenier.

Radio KIM recalled that based on the Kosovo Constitution, Serbian and Albanian languages are equal and have the official status, however, lack of translation into Serbian at events organized by Kosovo institutions or political parties is a frequent occurrence.