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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 17, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 10 new cases, no deaths (media)
  • Kurti responds to Kosnett on the issue of the Association (KosovaPress)
  • President Osmani to participate in the annual SEECP Summit (media)
  • Abbott, Konjufca and Kurti sign memorandum of understanding (media)
  • Kusari-Lila and Citaku react to Lajcak, call his statement arrogant (media)
  • Pacolli: We will not vote on any statement if Kosovo is marked with a footnote (Telegrafi)
  • PDK has signatures to send Daka’s dismissal to the Constitutional Court (RTK)
  • Prime Minister Kurti received head of American-Jewish Committee, Avital Leibovich (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • No new Covid-19 cases in Serbian communities (KoSSev)
  • Diocese of Raska and Prizren: Essential that KFOR continues to protect Visoki Decani (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Raska-Prizren Eparchy: Kurti’s statement in Brussels yet another in series of insults and lies (Kosovo-online)
  • Brnabic and Selakovic attend SEECP Summit (RTS)
  • Denial of crime - The peak of problems in public discourse (RTV Puls, KiM radio, Sporazoom) 
  • Jevtic: Return difficult with no support from other institutions (RTK2)
  • Dacic: Serbia grateful to Morocco over support to its territorial integrity (RTS)
  • Ambassador: Romania’s stance not to recognize Kosovo remains (N1)
  • Odalovic: I remain the head of the Commission for Missing Persons - I was not elected by Kurti, but by the Government (N1)


  • GLOBSEC: Need for a restart of the enlargement policy discussed by officials (EWB)


  • Dasar and Filip fierce rivals on the tennis court, off the field good friends (Kosovo Online)




Albanian Language Media  


COVID-19: 10 new cases, no deaths (media)

Kosovo has recorded 10 new cases of COVID-19 and no deaths in the last 24-hour period. 12 recoveries were confirmed during this time.

There are currently 184 active cases of coronavirus in Kosovo.

Kurti responds to Kosnett on the issue of the Association (KosovaPress)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has commented on the statement of the U.S. Ambassador to Pristina, Philip Kosnett, who said Kosovo authorities are obliged to establish the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities. Kurti said Kosovo has an association of municipalities which is functional and reiterated that there can be no Association of municipalities based on ethnicity.

“I do not think that Kosovo can have an association based on ethnicity under current judicial and constitutional order. There can be an association of municipalities on development basis, but not on geographic basis. Let us say the association of the Rugova mountains, Sharri mountains or Lepenc River. But an association based on ethnicity is unconstitutional. And practically such a conclusion was made with the ruling of the Constitutional Court, published on 23 December 2015,” Kurti told KosovaPress. Kurti said that he is in favour of respecting the rights of all minorities, and against marginalization and discrimination. He said that such requests are coming from politicians and northern neighbors, referring to Serbia.

Kurti’s comments come a day after U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo, Philip Kosnett, said that Kosovo is obliged to establish the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities. He told Kontakt Plus Radio the history did not begin when Prime Minister Albin Kurti formed his cabinet, adding that earlier agreements must be respected.

President Osmani to participate in the annual SEECP Summit (media)

The President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani traveled for an official visit to Turkey, where she will represent Kosovo at the annual summit of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP). This summit, which is being held for the 25th time, is being led by Turkey this year. Osmani will speak about the positions of Kosovo in terms of regional cooperation, addressing the challenges of the pandemic, and Euro-Atlantic integration.

“Afterwards, President Osmani will attend the Antalya Diplomatic Forum, along with many state leaders from around the world. In this forum she will be part of the panel "Global Governance: New Approaches for Global Solutions." She will also speak at some of the other events organized by this forum.

During her stay in Turkey, Mrs. Osmani will also have some meetings with representatives of different countries, participants in these two forums. She will meet the President of Turkey, Mr. Erdogan, EU High Representative Mr. Borell, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan Mr. Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, as well as other leaders participating in this forum,” reads the press release issued by the Office of the President. 

Abbott, Konjufca and Kurti sign a memorandum (media)

In a ceremony organized in the Assembly of Kosovo, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the Speaker of the Assembly Glauk Konjufca, signed today a memorandum of understanding with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom in Kosovo, Nicholas Abbott.

“The Memorandum of Understanding between the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, represented by the British Embassy, aims to support the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo.

In accordance with the relevant legislation in force, the purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding is to support joint efforts to ensure the appointment of trained, independent and professional leaders in public institutions and bodies, through transparent and merit-based recruitment processes,” reads the press release issued by the Office of the Prime Minister.

Kusari-Lila and Citaku react to Lajcak, call his statement arrogant (media)

The acting head of the Parliamentary Group of the Vetevendosje Movement, Mimoza Kusari-Lila and the former ambassador of Kosovo to the U.S. Vlora Citaku, reacted on Twitter to the EU envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue Miroslav Lajcak, who on Wednesday when asked about Kosovo at a roundtable for visa liberalization, said "If you do not trust the EU, go somewhere else."

Both Kusari-Lila and Citaku called Lajcak’s statement arrogant, while Kusari-Lila said that if he did not like his job, it would probably be better to go somewhere else.

Pacolli: We will not vote on any statement if Kosovo is marked with a footnote (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) MP Fitore Pacolli called today on all Kosovo Assembly MPs who participate in various international forums not to sign any statement where Kosovo is presented with a footnote.

She said it is 10 years since Kosovo was given the footnote, which denied Kosovo’s representation with state symbols in international meetings.

"We, the representatives of the Assembly of Kosovo will participate in the proceedings of the SECP plenary session in Turkey next week. We will demand that Kosovo be treated in full compliance with the statement of the Bucharest Summit of 2014 and we will not vote on any statement if the name of the Republic of Kosovo is marked with a footnote," she said.

Pacolli called on all MPs who participate in various forums not to accept the removal of Kosovo symbols and ‘not to sign any statement where the name of the Republic of Kosovo is marked with a footnote.’

PDK has signatures to send Daka’s dismissal to the Constitutional Court (RTK)

The MP of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Blerta Deliu-Kodra has confirmed that they have all the required signatures to send the decision of President Vjosa Osmani for the dismissal of Valdete Daka from the Central Election Commission (CEC) to the Constitutional Court. She also called on other parties to join in this PDK initiative.

Speaking about the decision to dismiss Daka, Deliu-Kodra said that they consider it a tendency for an authoritarian government.

"PDK sees this decision as a tendency of an authoritarian government, which tries to control all key institutions. Dismissal is political and damages democracy. Her dismissal was made after regular and democratic elections that received praise from internationals and on the verge of the local ones," she said.

"PDK assesses that her dismissal is completely political. President Osmani has violated the Constitution by implementing Albin Kurti and LVV’s order to capture this institution," she concluded.

Prime Minister Kurti received head of American-Jewish Committee, Avital Leibovich (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti received in a meeting the chairwoman of the American-Jewish Committee, Mrs. Avital Leibovich, former lieutenant colonel of the reserve forces of the state of Israel.

“Mrs. Leibovich congratulated Prime Minister Kurti, as she said, on the impressive victory in the February 14 general elections, as the much-requested change by the citizens.

Prime Minister Kurti informed Mrs. Leibovich with government plans and program, which are focused on employment and justice.

Mrs. Leibovich said that consolidated and united diaspora is needed for economic development and investment attraction. She promised commitment to lobby various Israeli companies, which could direct their investments in Kosovo.

Mrs. Avital Leibovich was awarded by the President of the Republic of Albania, Ilir Meta, with the medal “Knight of the Order of Skanderbeg”. She is the first woman from the Middle East to receive this prestigious Albanian award. This medal is given to the people who have contributed to the security, development and progress of Albania,” informs PM Kurti’s Office.




Serbian Language Media


No new Covid-19 cases in Serbian communities (KoSSev)

According to the latest data, out of a total of 26 tested samples in Serbian areas in Kosovo, no new coronavirus cases were registered, the Crisis Staff of the Municipality of Kosovska Mitrovica announced.

Seven people came out of isolation, while there are 7 active cases.

In the last 24 hours, there were no deaths from the consequences of Covid. The total number of those who have lost the battle with this disease since the beginning of the epidemic is 148, reported portal KoSSev.

Diocese of Raska and Prizren: Essential that KFOR continues to protect Visoki Decani (Radio Mitrovica sever)

The Diocese of Raska and Prizren announced that it had repeatedly informed KFOR representatives that it was essential that they continue with the protection of the Visoki Decani monastery and warned of the aggressive behavior of Kosovo institutions, radio Mitrovica sever cited.

"The Diocese of Raska and Prizren has repeatedly conveyed to KFOR representatives that it is essential that KFOR continues to protect the Decani monastery. This is especially important in the situation of worsened security and extremely aggressive behavior of local institutions that do not respect either the laws or court rulings," the Diocese announced on Twitter, reported radio Mitrovica sever.

Raska-Prizren Eparchy: Kurti’s statement in Brussels yet another in series of insults and lies (Kosovo-online)

Raska-Prizren Eparchy said that recent statement of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Brussels on “serving the liturgy in Milosevic’s churches” was yet another in a series of insults and lies by which Kosovo institutions violate the most basic rights of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Kosovo-online portal reports.

The Eparchy stressed that the Christ the Savior Temple and the land it was built on in Pristina are the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church “according to the decision of the Court of Appeals in 2017 in Pristina”.

“Accusations against the Serbian Orthodox Church for serving the liturgy in Pristina with the most vulgar statements and threats, as well as desecration of a religious object by political graffiti, done in the presence of the Kosovo police, are additional indicators of a legal lawlessness in a society in which neither religious freedoms nor court decision were respected”, Eparchy wrote on Twitter.

In another post on Twitter it was added that “relations between the Serbian Orthodox Church Raska-Prizren Eparchy and other Serb political bodies in Kosovo and Metohija with institutions of the Kosovo Albanians have never been worse”.

“This is an additional reason that the international community should protect our people and the Church from discriminatory acts and toxic rhetoric of Pristina”, Eparchy wrote on Twitter.

Brnabic and Selakovic attend SEECP Summit (RTS)

The South-Eastern Europe Cooperation Summit (SEECP) attended by Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic has started with a ministerial meeting in Antalya today, RTS reports.

Selakovic said in a meeting that peace and stability have no alternative and represent a guiding star on our region’s path to the EU.

He added that the crucial foreign policy and strategic goal of Serbia is a fully-fledged membership in the EU. He expressed hope that the EU would continue supporting the integration process of SEECP members, that would bring a lasting stability and prosperity in the region, as well as help consolidation and development of the entire Europe.

He also said Serbia attaches great importance to the advancement of regional cooperation and good neighborly relations. As positive and concrete examples of the regional cooperation he singled out the Central European Free Trade Agreement, Western Balkans Fund, Regional Youth Cooperation Office, South-Eastern Europe Transport Community, Western Balkans Chambers Investment Forum and agreement on reducing telephone roaming charges in the Western Balkans.

Talking about the vaccination process, Selakovic said Serbia has donated to the region 120.000 vaccines so far, and vaccinated on its territory around 65.000 citizens from the countries in the region, meaning that Serbia provided in total around 200.000 vaccines to its neighbors.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan. She will take part in a plenary session and discuss with the heads of delegations advancement of cooperation in the areas of health after pandemic, human capital and education, strengthening inter-regional infrastructure, internal and inter-regional trade exchange, managing migration, youth, culture and tourism.   

Denial of crime - The peak of problems in public discourse (RTV Puls, KiM radio, Sporazoom) 

The executive director of the non-governmental organization Integra, Kushtrim Koliqi, said in the Sporazoom (Agreement) show that it was worrying that there was a so-called "peak" of the problem between Kosovo and Serbia, which refers to the practice of denial of crimes. According to Koliqi, this came to the fore, especially in public discourse, either by politicians or by people who make up public opinion, reported RTV Puls. 

"It is one of the most horrible and frightening elements for me, because the culture of denial is the final phase before initiating another conflict, and that is really worrying. Citizens, in general, love justice, until nuances are created expressing ethnic elements, and differences in the opinions they have towards each other, come to the surface. Another worrying fact is that young people, who may not have experienced the war and Miosevic's apartheid in Kosovo, who may not be direct victims, are full of hatred and nationalism. Let's not forget that Kosovo has a lot of young people; that it comes from all sides: from the media, schools, the public, families. So, alternative sources are minimal and insignificant for most young people, in this case, I am talking about Kosovo," said Koliqi.

Speaking about the Specialized Chambers of Kosovo, Koliqi said that since its establishment, there has been a lot of "noise" in the Kosovo public, especially from politicians whose main goal, as he said, was to diminish the credibility of the court.

"They used it for internal political debates, to accuse each other, because they had the idea that whoever criticizes the Special Court can have greater public affection in Kosovo. Unfortunately, this institution does not have a good reputation among the citizens of Kosovo, and because of that image, our politicians played with this feeling, in which they succeeded to some extent. Whoever mentioned the Special Court, the majority did it in a negative context and it definitely did not help the work process of this court, because it is difficult to function, work and implement the activities of an institution that does not have a good reputation among most citizens. I do not believe that this could have affected the internal work of the institution there, how much it could have had an impact on the collapse of the reputation of the Kosovo public," Koliqi said.

When asked why it took the SPO's office so long to file the first indictments, the program director of the Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Belgrade, Ivan Djuric said: 

 "I am inclined to believe, because I trust the prosecution, that it took time to make indictments that will be able to survive in court. There were, of course, various political pressures, there were changes at the top of the prosecution, but I want to advocate the optimistic view that the prosecution actually took all the time it needed to raise strong indictments that will survive the defense test. If that is the case, I think it was worth a year or two, how much we may have lost in the process because I am afraid that in this atmosphere where the work of the court is being reviewed and before it started working, some, so to speak, shaky indictments could actually have a much bigger counter-effect than a positive effect on society," said Djuric.

On the issue of the missing and abducted people during the war in Kosovo, Kushtrim Koliqi believed that the issue was used for political purposes.

"The issue of the missing is being abused by all political parties. Specifically, for example, in Kosovo the number of 1639 missing persons is mentioned, i.e. over 1600 persons. It is usually tried to present this figure as if it were only one ethnic community, in this case Albanian. No one has the courage to say that these 1,600 people include citizens who do not belong to the Albanian ethnic community, that there are Roma, Serbs and others," Koliqi said, adding that the issue of missing persons would be discussed in Brussels, but that his expectations were not high.

Djuric opined that the process of finding the missing was slow because criminal liability was required from the institutions of Kosovo and Serbia. 

"Hiding the body is a crime and it leads somewhere into the state apparatus, that is why the process is so slow; because it requires a huge political will that, from the moment the missing is discovered, crimes are also revealed.  It is a great difficulty. Therefore, from numerous announcements that we will work together on the issue of the missing, we are asking for more dedication and sincerity in that work," said Ivan Djuric.

Angela Griep, a spokeswoman for the Specialized Councils of Kosovo in The Hague, joined the show Sporazoom via a video link, and spoke about the current trials against the accused Kosovo Albanians in The Hague. She pointed out that the victims of the crimes for which the suspects are charged, and indictments have been filed, can still report to the Specialized Chambers for participation in the proceedings.

Jevtic: Return difficult with no support from other institutions (RTK2)

"It is really impossible to expect from one institution to resolve the issue of the return of displaced persons, because the Ministry of Returns has no authority in the judiciary, police and mechanisms to remove obstacles in the return process," Dalibor Jevtic, the former Minister for Communities and Returns and Vice President of the Serbian List, told RTK2.

In a situation where return is difficult due to the lack of support from other institutions, what you can do is fight for the survival of the Serb and other non-majority communities in Kosovo, Jevtic pointed out and stated that the current Minister for Returns and Communities Goran Rakic does that job very well. 

Dacic: Serbia grateful to Morocco over support to its territorial integrity (RTS)

Serbian Assembly Speaker Ivica Dacic said in Rabat friendship between Serbia and Morocco was based on historic ties, adding the two states support one another in international forums, RTS reports.

Dacic also said Serbia remains very grateful to Morocco over support to its territorial integrity when it comes to the Kosovo issue.

Dacic is on a two-day visit to Morocco and met the Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Moroccan Parliament Habib El Malki. Two officials discussed cooperation between Serbia and Morocco, noting that the two states were old friends and support one another in international organizations.

Dacic recalled that this year would mark the 60th anniversary of the first Non-Aligned Summit, which was held in Belgrade at the invitation of the then Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito, and that Moroccan King Hassan II also participated in that conference.

"Our friendship continues today, we are extremely satisfied with the development of our bilateral relations and we are very grateful to Morocco for the support it provides us on issues of territorial integrity, such as the issue of Kosovo and Metohija", Dacic said.

He emphasized that Serbia has a great understanding of Morocco's policy and positions in resolving certain open issues, such as Western Sahara, emphasizing that the issue of territorial integrity is indisputable and should be based on UN decisions.

Ambassador: Romania’s stance not to recognize Kosovo remains (N1)

Romanian Ambassador to Serbia, Silvia Davidou said today her country's stance “not to recognize the self-declared Kosovo state” remains, N1 reports.

As the Assembly of Serbia said in a statement, she said during the meeting with Chair of the Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun that when it comes to Kosovo “only solution acceptable for Serbia” is acceptable for Romania. 

She also said Romania strongly supports Serbia on its path to the European Union.  

Odalovic: I remain the head of the Commission for Missing Persons - I was not elected by Kurti, but by the Government (N1)

The president of the Commission for Missing Persons, Veljko Odalovic stated that he was not pleased that Kosovo's PM, Albin Kurti, requested his resignation from the head of that commission and called him "Goebbels and Goering". "Those are difficult qualifications and difficult words," Odalovic stated for N1, and said for himself that he was a proven anti-fascist. He announced that he would not resign from the head of that commission, nor from the position in the working group that operates in Kosovo, because, as he said, it was not Kurti who appointed him, but the Government of Serbia. Odalovic also pointed out that he has nothing against examining the allegations of his responsibility while he was the head of the Kosovo district during the armed conflict.

Odalovic said that he was born and lived longer in Kosovo and Metohija than Kurti, that he lived and worked with Albanians for a long time, as well as that he tried to be responsible and someone who can look everyone in the eye.

Asked why such a reaction by Kurti, Odalovic said that "probably only he knows that" and that "part of the reason is obvious" to deny what has been done in the last few years - and it refers to Belgrade's results in searching for the missing.

He also pointed out that Pristina was asked to act on Belgrade’s requests in June, and that this was what President Vucic clearly said and expected. "Why did Kurti do this? It is obvious that he came with the goal of not having a dialogue and that both delegations leave, that there is no more dialogue," Odalovic said.

He emphasized that Belgrade's delegation stayed at the meeting, regardless of the difficult words.

"He (Kurti) is a man who obviously came to the meeting with a clear goal. I am sorry that he brought this sensitive and delicate issue, especially from the point of view of families, in a crisis situation," Odalovic said.

The essence, he said, was that Kurti cast a shadow over the huge work and effort, and showed that all the promises that came from Pristina, related to the search for the missing, that he blocked them and did not allow them to go to locations that are clearly and transparently analyzed and submitted. Expectations were that we would be in those locations these days," he said.

After the meeting, Odalovic added, Vucic told him what Kurti said about him in order to calm him down and prevent him from "discouraging himself". 

Asked to comment on the fact that Pristina criticized him for being the head of the Kosovo district during the armed conflict and for taking his role in that period as a high official in Slobodan Milosevic's administration, Odalovic said that he was the head of the district, but that "no one heard that he denied that there were crimes then "- but they existed on both sides.

According to Odalovic, Kurti was also with Adem Demaqi in the KLA. "But I never, with a single word, excluded him. We had members of the KLA in the working group, and I said that we needed people who could solve the problems," Odalovic said.

"I was the head of the district and for what I did, I have no problem enduring even additional verification, if needed," he said, adding that he had been a representative of the temporary body in Kacanik for 18 months and that there were 39,500 Albanians there. "I worked with them; they are all living people ... I went to school with them, to cafes, I worked with them and I am ready to look each of them in the eye if there is anything I could be accused of," Odalovic emphasized.

He adds that he was the first on the list of Florence Artman, of people who could be responsible for the crimes, and that they were checking his role at the time, and that nothing was found.

Odalovic pointed out that he remains at the head of the commission for missing persons. "Kurti cannot decide on me, but the Government that appointed me to that position," said Odalovic and explained that in the area of Kosovo, that body acts as a working group.

"I was not Goebbels or Goring, and we solved more than 1,600 cases of missing persons, of which over 90 percent are Albanians," Odalovic said, adding that 907 bodies were found in relocated graves in Serbia, which through this mechanism "Goering and Goebbels" were handed over to their families and buried.

He added that huge efforts have been made in the search for the missing and that "unfortunately, at this moment, it is mined." "But it is good that the dialogue remained on the table and that it will continue," Odalovic said.

He also emphasized that he had to react to the statement of Natasa Kandic from the Humanitarian Law Center, who stated that he, as a member of the Socialist Party of Serbia, does not have the credibility to lead the Commission for Missing Persons.

He pointed out that she "cannot jeopardize his moral, professional credibility with what she assumes'', reported N1.





GLOBSEC: Need for a restart of the enlargement policy discussed by officials (EWB)

BRATISLAVA – Recent intensified communication and meetings between the EU and the Western Balkans show that the region is once again on the agenda. However, the EU still has problems with using the carrot of membership, concluded the participants of yesterday’s session “Geopolitical Europe at crossroads: Western Balkans in the post-COVID-19 era” organized in the context of GLOBSEC 2021 Forum in the capital of Slovakia.

Croatian Foreign Minister Goran Grlić Radman stated that “the Western Balkan belongs to the EU and belongs to Europe”. However, the EU seems not to stick with its promises, especially when it comes to North Macedonia and Albania.

See more at:





Dasar and Filip fierce rivals on the tennis court, off the field good friends (Kosovo Online)

Young tennis players Dasar Ymeri from Pristina and Filip Pavic from Novo Brdo train tennis together. They have common dreams and plans for their future, to become professional players like their idols Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic, reads the Kosovo Online article. 

The field, the racket and the ball and the fierce rivalry in the final matches brought Dasar and Filip closer. They train together and hang out several times during the week.

They met at the 2017 tournament when they extended a hand of friendship after the final match of a tennis tournament.

"We met at the lowest level tournament, which corresponded to our age. After that our friendship was stronger, we played more matches, sparring, joint training and I hope we will continue. Our rivalry is healthy, and we have confidence in each other. I enjoy playing with him and I hope he enjoys it, too. What matters, our friendship is not just based on the tennis court, sometimes we also play basketball," Dasar told the portal. 

Filip does not have the conditions to advance like Dasar, who has a personal trainer and his own private field.

"I don't have the conditions for training in Novo Brdo. Since Das (Dasar) and I started hanging out, I've been coming to play with him on his field and that means a lot to me," said Filip.

Fourteen-year-old Filip was named the best tennis player in his age category in Kosovo for four years in a row. He has won over 30 tournaments so far.

During the school holidays, he trains for free at the Bogdan Obradovic Tennis Academy in Belgrade. Filip's father Goran says that he is aware of the talent his son has, but also that he is not able to provide him with accommodation during the academy in Belgrade and tennis equipment

"He has talent and if I knew it would be like this, I wouldn't go into everything because tennis is an expensive sport, but now it's hard to go back and stop. He really has the talent and will to play tennis. We need support so he can continue his education and to develop at an academy," said Goran Pavic.

Filip's talent did not go unnoticed because the offer to play for the Kosovo national team soon arrived.

"He is still young, and he doesn't have any big offers except to play for the Kosovo national team," says the father of the talented tennis player.

Filip is supported by the Diocese of Raska-Prizren and the humanitarian organization Majka devet Jugovica from Prekovac.

The Pavic's are grateful to the Ymeri family for their son training with Filip and the free use of their terrain, located in the elite settlement of "Marigona" not far from Pristina.

As they stated, they also expect the support of the local government in Novo Brdo, which would mean further progress for Filip.