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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, March 4, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Konjufca: Serbia’s aggression against Kosovo cannot be ruled out (Koha)
  • Musliu: No room for panic; we’re not threatened by any insecurity (EO)
  • Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of Defense: KSF ready for any challenge (RTK)
  • Kusari-Lila: Serbia is a Small Russia in the Balkans (RTK)
  • COVID-19: 52 new cases, one death (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Petkovic: Pristina used to create tensions, undermine peace (Radio KIM)
  • NGOs and media: Unfounded speculations threat to security of people in Kosovo (Radio KIM)
  • Marinkovic: Campaign and statements of Pristina officials stir concern among Kosovo Serbs (KoSSev, media)
  • Rasic: Statements of Kosovo officials are not surprising but worrisome (Radio KIM)
  • KLA graffiti inscribed on several Serb houses in Suvi Do village (Radio KIM)
  • Brussels: Enlargement process has not changed (Radio KIM)
  • Vucic speaks with Johnson (Tanjug)
  • Von Cramon: There is no reason for concerns about security in Kosovo (Radio KIM)
  • Escobar: US supports Serbia on its EU path (Kosovo-online)
  • Mojsilovic: All conditions for securing administrative line have been met (Kosovo-online)
  • Vucic calls public not to believe nonsense about shortages of food and fuel (N1)
  • NATO official: Kosovo cannot join Alliance (BETA, N1)
  • Vulin: Kosovo membership in NATO is ‘a threat to Serbia by armed confrontation’ (Kosovo-online)
  • Ponos: Democratically elected government won’t recognize Kosovo (N1)
  • Aleksic: Regime uses Ukrainian war to spread fear among population ahead of elections (N1)
  • German FM to visit Belgrade on March 11 (Tanjug)


  • Kosovo Whistleblower ‘Fired’ for Warning of Safety Risks at Airport (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


Konjufca: Serbia’s aggression against Kosovo cannot be ruled out (Koha)

Kosovo Assembly President Glauk Konjufca said today that an eventual Serbian aggression against Kosovo cannot be ruled out and that relations between Kosovo and Serbia are worse than those between Russia and Ukraine.

“NATO is present in Kosovo and in addition to this it is also present based on a military agreement it has with Serbia. I don’t have let’s say an unjustified fear that Serbia could violate this agreement through an attack, but we must always be ready to think about the worst-case scenarios in relation to Serbia. Our state relations are worse than relations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The Russian Federation recognised Ukraine, it agreed to its statehood, and yet attacked it. Serbia does not even recognize us. In this regard, I think we need to be extra careful when Serbia is concerned. We should never rule out a possible Serbian aggression against the Republic of Kosovo. The Kosovo Security Force must step up their rights to armament. Kosovo must have an artillery level for its army. We need to convince NATO as our partner that Kosovo needs this,” Konjufca said.

Musliu: No room for panic; we’re not threatened by any insecurity (EO)

Ganimete Musliu, PDK MP and head of the Kosovo Assembly Committee for Oversight of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency, told a press briefing today that AKI chief Petrit Ajeti reported to the committee about the security situation in Kosovo. Musliu called on Kosovo citizens not to panic because the security situation is stable.

“I call on the President and the Prime Minister to make a statement about the security situation. We are seeing panic among the people, and that they are getting extra supplies … There is no room for panic. The situation is stable and we are not threatened by any insecurity directly,” Musliu said.

Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of Defense: KSF ready for any challenge (RTK)

Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of Defense, Shemsi Syla, said in an interview with RTK today that the Kosovo Security Force is ready for any challenge given the role and mission it has. “NATO, through KFOR, has the mandate for security. The KSF is growing, and we are on the way to developing full capacities,” he said.

Syla argued that given the threats toward the Western Balkans, there is a growing debate on accelerating procedures for membership in NATO. 

Asked to comment on Serbia’s position on developments in Ukraine, Syla said: “Serbia has a good opportunity to orient toward the West. We are very proud that Kosovo is oriented toward the West.”

Kusari-Lila: Serbia is a Small Russia in the Balkans (RTK)

Mimoza Kusari-Lila, head of the Vetevendosje parliamentary group, told RTK today that Kosovo stands with the West in the time of the Russian aggression against Ukraine and that parallels between the case of Kosovo and Ukraine do not stand. 

“The strategic factor for the Western Balkans should be for Kosovo to be a fully-fledged member of NATO. We need reflection for Kosovo’s membership of NATO,” she said.

According to Kusari-Lila, in certain circumstances Serbia has proved that “it is a Small Russia in the Balkans”. “The integration of the Balkans must not be held hostage by a pro-Russian country like Serbia,” she said.

COVID-19: 52 new cases, one death (media) 

52 new cases with COVID-19 and one death from the virus were confirmed in the last 24 hours in Kosovo. There are 1,464 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.



Serbian Language Media


Petkovic: Pristina used to create tensions, undermine peace (Radio KIM)

“Aggressive, mongering and militant rhetoric of (Kosovo PM) Albin Kurti doesn’t serve to create a peaceful and safe environment for all people living in Kosovo and Metohija, but directly aims at creating tensions and destabilising the situation”, Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said, Radio KIM reports.

Petkovic said that for days “we are witnessing the facts that Kurti and other politicians in Pristina use the crisis in Ukraine to achieve their “Great Albanian” ideas, and score political points on the sufferings that affected an entire world, as well as to push through the ‘back door’ Kosovo membership in various international organisations and transform their security forces into an army”.

Petkovic said that official Belgrade calls for reason, calm and tolerance as well as restraint from words and acts that could have as a consequence destabilisation of fragile situation in Kosovo, while as he said “Kurti and his associates use any opportunity for provocations and false accusations against the Serbs”. 

NGOs and media: Unfounded speculations threat to security of people in Kosovo (Radio KIM)

Civil society organisations and media outlets gathered around Open platform reacted to the statement of Kosovo minister of defence Shemsi Syla who said “that Serbia is mobilising its reservists in Kosovo”, Radio KIM reports.

They warned that ungrounded speculations uttered by officials, such as the one made by Syla could “represent a real threat to security of the people on the ground and additionally jeopardise already fragile relations between Serbs and Albanians, and completely destroy attempts to improve those between official Pristina and Belgrade”.

Open platform urged officials to commit to the attempts to find solutions to the actual challenges burdening relations between the two sides, such as registration plates, implementation of the agreement on energy and modality of participation of the Kosovo Serbs at upcoming elections due on April 3.

Signatories of the statement include Aktiv, Centre for Affirmative Social Actions (CASA), Centre for Rights of Minority Communities (CRCM) White-Black World, Ecological and Medical Expert Group (EMEG), Forum for Development and Multi-ethnic Cooperation (FDMC), Human Centre Mitrovica, Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER), Communication for Social Development (CSD), New Social Initiative (NSI), Media Centre Caglavica and RTV KIM. 

Marinkovic: Campaign and statements of Pristina officials stir concern among Kosovo Serbs (KoSSev, media)

“The messages of Pristina officials, which feed the already excruciatingly distinct hatred of extreme parts of society towards Serbs and Serbia, are extremely harmful to the security of the Kosovo Serb community“, Miodrag Marinkovic, Executive Director of the Centre for Affirmative Social Actions (CASA), said in a statement for KoSSev.

According to Marinkovic, speculations that Serbia may attack Kosovo are “tabloid-like political communication“ that “feeds extreme and nationalist circles in Kosovo“ and has no significance in the real world.

The war in Ukraine contributed to new developments in the political scene of the Western Balkans. Serbia, although condemning the invasion, remained the only country not to impose sanctions on Russia – as Pristina has been reminding the European Union on a daily basis, the portal further writes.

The director of the Centre for Affirmative Social Actions (CASA), Miodrag Marinkovic, assessed that Pristina officials are attempting to “capitalise on this unprecedented crisis“. In his words, the Albanian leaders in Kosovo immediately sided with the biggest Western powers and are now “demanding a reward.“

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Rasic: Statements of Kosovo officials are not surprising but worrisome (Radio KIM)

Since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Pristina officials have been repeating more frequently  that Kosovo needs to become a member of NATO most urgently. Former minister in the Kosovo government and former member of the Assembly of Kosovo Nenad Rasic told RTV Kim that Priština’s demands were expected.

“In my opinion, Pristina’s request to join NATO is logical, it has been happening for some time. When the Law on Army was adopted, then the internal construction of the systemic organisation itself was harmonised with NATO standards (…)”, Rasic said, adding it was a process which Kosovo institutions entered a long time ago.  

Rasic added, following the Ukraine crisis he was surprised and then disappointed that Kosovo officials said that there is an “open attack of Serbia on Kosovo”.

“For us, as Kosovo Serbs, it is not surprising, but worrisome. Our representatives estimated that they have a certain group, a number of Kosovo citizens who feed on this narrative that a regional or local enemy is constantly needed, and we do not see that for the first time. I see that one such important representative in the region, that is, the President of Serbia of the same calibre. If they are imitating him, then I’m really sorry, but that worries us a lot. Such repetition of the same sentences, to see Serbs as a problem, leads to an increasingly tense atmosphere where one spark will be all it takes for us to all have a collective guilt for someone in Pristina (…)”, Rasic said.

“It is really unsustainable and unacceptable, I hope that these representatives in the highest institutions of Kosovo will understand that it must stop immediately”, he added.  

KLA graffiti inscribed on several Serb houses in Suvi Do village (Radio KIM)

Unknown persons inscribed “KLA” graffiti on the Serbs houses of Ljubinka Grbusic and Nebojsa Moraca in the village of Suvi Do, Lipljan municipality during last night, Radio KIM reports. At the same time it was confirmed that graffiti were inscribed on two Serb more houses located in the same village.

Owners of the houses noticed graffiti this morning, and said they reported the case to the police, which had not arrived to the village yet, by the time Radio KIM published the news.

Suvi Do residents said these are not the only provocations they are exposed to. They said provocations from passing vehicles, loud music played, showing two-fingers sign, as well as moving the finger across the neck to symbolize killing were occurring.

Gracanica mayor Ljiljana Subaric and Office for Kosovo and Metohija director Petar Petkovic condemned in the strongest terms inscriptions of “KLA” graffiti in Suvi Do.

Subaric said such acts were “the product of irresponsible and populist statements of many politicians and that is why we urge them to refrain from inflammatory statements”.

Reacting to the incident, Serbian List said that “we are facing anti-Serbian hysteria”. While condemning the incident, Serbian List also urged those responsible to find and punish perpetrators. They also appealed to the international community, in particular KFOR and EULEX to increase their presence on the ground and act preventively.

Recently, a shop owned by Milos Grubisic was burglarized in the village, Radio KIM recalled. Suvi Do is an ethnically mixed village.  

Brussels: Enlargement process has not changed (Radio KIM)

Application submitted by Ukraine to obtain candidate status for a fully-fledged membership to the EU represents an initiation of a concrete process, however, the approach to the enlargement has not changed, regardless of specific situation that this country is in, European Commission Spokesperson Eric Mamer said, Radio KIM reports. 

“Let see what the further steps will be, however, until today nothing has changed in our approach compared to the process before, except that the European Commission President said several times that Ukraine is a European state and its aspiration to join the EU were understandable and legitimate, as well as that European leaders will talk about that”, Mamer said.

He also said Brussels received Ukrainian application, however the focus of the Brussels institutions now is to end the war. 

He noted the process of Ukrainian accession to the EU would depend upon political decisions of all EU member states, adding there is no room to speculate whether the process will be changed or accelerated due to the current situation. 

Vucic speaks with Johnson (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday spoke with the UK's PM Boris Johnson, noting that respect of international law and the territorial integrity of states is substantial for Serbia, Tanjug news agency reports.

"Just finished a conversation with Boris Johnson in which I noted that the principle of respect of the norms of international law is substantial for Serbia, as is respect of the territorial integrity of sovereign states", Vucic said in a post on the buducnostsrbijeav Instagram profile.

During the conversation, Vucic invited Johnson to pay a visit to Serbia - which would be the first by a British PM in 42 years - and Johnson gave assurances he would come to Serbia soon.

"Also, I discussed cooperation in energy and the economy as well as all other bilateral issues related to the UK and Serbia. In particular, I noted that, at all costs, Serbia will maintain peace and stability in the Western Balkan region", Vucic added.

Von Cramon: There is no reason for concerns about security in Kosovo (Radio KIM)

European Parliament Rapporteur Viola von Cramon said there is no reason for concerns about security in the Balkans because of the war in Ukraine, Radio KIM reports. She told KTV that they have permanent contacts with KFOR, EULEX and embassies in Kosovo and have all information about Kosovo adding they see no reason to worry about security.

She also urged not to misuse the current situation to provoke tensions, being it in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina or Serbia.

“We have no interest in drawing parallels, although I know that this society was traumatised by the war 23 years ago and I know that many people get scared seeing other people leaving their country, leaving behind everything they had, losing their beloved ones. I know this is a horrible situation for any Kosovo citizen, but still, I would like now to kindly ask all to make sure, and try to de-escalate everything they can”, Cramon said. 

Escobar: US supports Serbia on its EU path (Kosovo-online)

US Assistant Deputy of State for Europe and Eurasia and special envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar said the Balkans is one of the fastest growing parts of Europe, adding that the US has always supported Serbian integration to the EU, Kosovo-online portal reports citing Voice of America.

Escobar made those remarks addressing participants of the Young Leaders Academy organised by the Congress of Serbian-American Friendship. Escobar said that Serbia is already part of Europe, given that its economy, history and culture are European ones.

Serbian Assembly Speaker Ivica Dacic said the US clearly said they understood the position of Serbia towards Russia, adding that the wheel of cooperation moves ahead.

Mojsilovic: All conditions for securing administrative line have been met (Kosovo-online)

Chief of the General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilovic conducted an area reconnaissance of the region in the Ground Security Zone. According to a press release of the Ministry of Defence, the reconnaissance was carried out using a Serbian Army helicopter, in light of recent events along the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija, focusing on the common crossing points of Tabalije/Brnjak and Rudnica / Jarinje, Kosovo-online portal reports.

The reconnaissance provided the Chief of the General Staff with an insight into the situation in the areas of engagement of Serbian Army forces in the area of Kursumlija, Raska and Novi Pazar and he concluded that all key conditions for continuous execution of tasks of securing the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija and controlling the Ground Security Zone have been met, the press statement added.

After that, Mojsilovic visited a part of the units of the 98th Air Brigade at “Morava” airport, where he inspected the organisation of life and work, situation, operational and functional capabilities in this unit of the Air Force and Air Defence units.

Vucic calls public not to believe nonsense about shortages of food and fuel (N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic reacted to what he said tricks to convince the public that shortages of basic products are coming, saying that the authorities will maintain peace and stability, N1 reports.

“Serbia is not in any kind of war, nor will it be. Serbia will keep the peace, Serbia will maintain stability”, Vucic said in an Instagram video post.

He called on the public not to fall for “tricks, nonsense and provocation that we don’t have enough fuel, to check air raid shelters, that there won’t be enough food”. “There will be enough food, enough gasoline, enough of everything we need in future because the responsible and serious state took care of that”, he said.

“There is no need to rush anywhere, no need to look for anything special. Behave normally like on any other day because we will keep the peace and watch the Serbian economy advance rapidly”, he added.

Some fuel suppliers have limited the amount of gasoline and diesel drivers can buy, causing long lines of cars at petrol stations. There have also been reports of panic buying in bulk at food stores, N1 says. The Serbian Government released a statement claiming that unspecified people were causing panic and there are no shortages in Serbia. Vucic said on several occasions since the war in Ukraine broke out that the authorities have secured sufficient supplies of basic foods and fuels.

NATO official: Kosovo cannot join Alliance (BETA, N1)

Kosovo cannot join NATO since four members of the Alliance do not recognise it, an official has said on Thursday, N1 reports.

“If one of the NATO member states proposes Kosovo as a new member, that is impossible according to the current rules of this organisation, because the four countries of the alliance do not recognise Kosovo, a NATO official said.

Slovakia, Spain, Greece, and Romania, all NATO and the EU members have not recognised Kosovo as an independent state.

The official said that the criteria for joining NATO were defined by article 10 of the Washington Agreement, and the decision on accepting a new member must be unanimous.

Earlier this week, Turkey said it would support Kosovo NATO membership and work on countries to recognise Pristina independence declared in 2008.

The Alliance-led KFOR Mission is present in Kosovo.

Vulin: Kosovo membership in NATO is ‘a threat to Serbia by armed confrontation’ (Kosovo-online)

Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs said today that Kosovo membership in NATO “is a threat to Serbia by armed confrontation”, adding that admission of Kosovo to this organisation would mean “trampling over UN SC Resolution 1244 and revocation of Kumanovo Agreement, as well as all guarantees provided by the UN”, Kosovo-online portal reports.

He also said that “Kosovo is not a state, has no army, represents a political problem for the four NATO member states and in a longer run will not have significant military capacity”, asking “why it is then important to admit Kosovo as a new member of NATO without procedure and fulfilment of any criteria”. 

Ponos: Democratically elected government won’t recognize Kosovo (N1)

Opposition presidential candidate Zdravko Ponos said that a democratically elected Serbian Government will not recognize Kosovo, N1 reports.

The United Serbia candidate told Novi Magazin weekly Serbia has to provide assistance to all the people living in “its southern province, both Serbs and Albanians” to allow them to live quality lives in peace. “Everything went downhill when (Serbian President) Aleksandar Vucic started using Kosovo as a mechanism to court Western powers. It’s fairly evident that he came to power promising that Kosovo will be resolved in line with Western interests. He gave Pristina what was asked of him, and Belgrade and the Kosovo Serbs didn’t get anything”, he said. 

He said that a serious president would not run for office again but would quit after allowing himself to be manipulated. Ponos said that Vucic used the Serb List to create his own voting machine in Kosovo through threats and blackmail. “The Serb List ministers do not represent the interests of the Serb people but are involved in shady dealings,” he said.

Aleksic: Regime uses Ukrainian war to spread fear among population ahead of elections (N1)

Deputy leader of Serbian opposition People's Party (NS) Miroslav Aleksic said on Thursday that the regime used the war in Ukraine to spread fear in the campaign ahead of the April 3 elections and divert people's attention from important issues, N1 reports.

“President Aleksandar Vucic and the Government tell us we have enough of everything, wheat, peas and beans. But, Serbia is an agricultural country. Of course, we have enough wheat, peas and beans“, Aleksic told Nova S TV.

He added that Serbia should be neutral in the war in Ukraine and “not to lead world’s debate.“

Commenting on Serbia’s ‘yes’ to the UN resolution against Russia over its attack on Ukraine, Aleksic said, “that means the West blackmails him (Vucic) since they know about crime and corruption in Serbia. The question is what they told him to make him change his mind“.

He added it could be expected that if the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) remained in power after the April elections, Serbia would impose sanctions on Russia.

Aleksic accused the authorities of preparing an election theft. "Their activists keep track of people who won't be in Serbia on the election day and are eligible to vote. They are prepared to steal those people's ballots and put them in boxes as SNS votes", N1 reports. 

German FM to visit Belgrade on March 11 (Tanjug)

Germany's new Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock will visit Belgrade on Friday, March 11, Tanjug learns. That will be her first-ever visit to Belgrade.

Speaking about Baerbock's visit, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic recently said that, like with other officials of countries worldwide, he would be frank with her and protect Serbia's interests. Germany is an important country for Serbia and its largest and most significant partner in Europe, Vucic also said.

Baerbock is also set to visit Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. 





Kosovo Whistleblower ‘Fired’ for Warning of Safety Risks at Airport (Balkan Insight)

Airport engineer tells BIRN's TV show that he lost his job there for pointing out dangerous defects in the extended runway – allegations that the airport's Turkish bosses deny.

Kosovo airport aeronautical lighting engineer Deme Elezaj, who was suspended for whistleblowing about alleged defects in the recently extended runaway, has told BIRN’s TV show in Kosovo, Kallxo Pernime, that lighting defects pose safety risks.

Elezaj, who has worked at Adem Jashari International Airport since 2002, first noticed problems with the lighting of the runway where airplanes take off and land at the end of 2019.

“During an inspection, it was noticed that the bases of the lights were deformed, which poses a risk to operations. We immediately notified the (safety) department,” Elezaj said.

“If the lights have defects, there’s a direct risk of an air accident, and the risk is very high,” Elezaj told BIRN. “Despite addressing the issue, we did not get an answer,” he underlined.

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