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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 10, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Albanians of the Valley have their unwavering support (media)
  • Kurti: All evidence of crimes committed during war is being collected (RTK)
  • Lajcak meets with DiCarlo, discuss the Western Balkans (ekonomia)
  • EC: Progress in dialogue, condition for financial benefits for Kosovo and Serbia (media)
  • Rohde urges Kosovo to take bold decision: the agenda in CoE can change (Koha)
  • Osmani in Texas visits the 'Bell' helicopter company (RTK)
  • Kosovo inaugurates General Consulate in Poland (media)
  • Conversion of illegal driver’s license to RKS, Italy congratulates Kosovo (Koha)
  • Biserko: Serbia "Trojan Horse" of Russia and China in Europe (Albanian Post)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • EU: Serbia and Kosovo risk missing out on funds from the Growth Plan due to lack of dialogue (RFE, KiM radio)
  • Joint statement of presidents Vucic and Xi: Objecting imposition of solution on Kosovo issue and call for compliance with Resolution 1244 (Kosovo Online, Novosti)
  • Djuric: Awarding Kosovo membership in Council of Europe would be an international scandal (Kosovo Online,
  • Serbian List: Displaying and posting national symbols is an internationally recognized right, even according to the Kosovo constitution (Radio Mitrovica sever)
  • Novosti daily on new incriminating video in Leposavic municipality (Kosovo Online)
  • Two Serbs arrested at Jarinje crossing point (KoSSev)
  • RCC: The Western Balkans citizens' support for EU membership has declined significantly (Beta, KiM radio)
  • KFOR gets new Chief of Staff (N1)
  • Vucic receives UAE defense minister (Tanjug)
  • Djuric meets ambassador of Mexico, expresses gratitude for support on Kosovo issue (Kosovo Online)

Albanian Language Media  

  Kurti: Albanians of the Valley have their unwavering support (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti welcomed to a meeting the only Albanian MP in the Serbian Parliament, Shaip Kamberi with his colleagues, the candidates for mayors in Presheva and Bujanoc, Ardita Sinani and Ragmi Mustafi.

As announced by the government, the conversation focused on the political and security situation in the region, and the possibilities of expanding support for the Albanians of the Presheva Valley.

The government of Kosovo has already allocated 3 million euros for the Valley in this year's budget, not only to help preserve culture and identity but also to increase support for other programs such as agriculture.

"Albanians in the Presheva Valley continue to have the unwavering support of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo in the face of the discrimination of Belgrade's oppressive policies against the Albanian community," the announcement states.

Kurti: All evidence of crimes committed during war is being collected (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti announced in a post on Facebook that he met the director of the Institute of Crimes Committed During the War in Kosovo, Atdhe Hetemi. They discussed the six-month report of the process of gathering evidence and documenting the crimes.

"All evidence of crimes committed during the war in Kosovo, kept by local and international organizations, by researchers and documenters, along with evidence not collected until now, continue to be collected by the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo. For true and accurate narratives about the massacres, tortures, rapes, hostages of war, enforced disappearances, looting, destruction and all crimes committed during the war, for our collective memory and for our heritage, we have operationalized the Institute of Crimes Committed during the War in Kosovo" - wrote Kurti.

Lajcak meets with DiCarlo, discuss the Western Balkans (ekonomia)

The EU special envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, met with the Deputy Secretary General of the UN for Political Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo. Through a post on his social network on the X platform, Lajcak said that he discussed the Western Balkans with DiCarlo. "Very good discussion about the Western Balkans and beyond with Rosemary DiCarlo. Always a pleasure to exchange views on global developments and key issues on the UN agenda," Lajcak wrote.

EC: Progress in dialogue, condition for financial benefits for Kosovo and Serbia (media)

Kosovo is eligible for funding under the Growth Plan, the same as the rest of the Western Balkans. This right can be realized if the conditions for accepting payments are met.

This is stated in a written response to RTK from the press office of the European Commission. Regardless of the measures in force, both countries must advance in the dialogue process in order to be entitled to enjoy European funds from the Growth Plan.

"The normalization of relations is an essential condition in the European path of both parties. Both risk losing important opportunities in the absence of progress", says the EC press office.

This means the full implementation of all obligations arising from the Agreement on the path to normalization as well as the implementation annex. Also, the implementation of all past agreements reached within the dialogue is required, as well as the inclusion in negotiations for the Comprehensive Agreement for the normalization of relations.

Otherwise, the Growth Plan of 6 billion euros for six states of the Western Balkans is considered a comprehensive offer of the EU to increase their socio-economic situation.

“It includes progressive access to the EU's single market, conditional on progress in the BB6 regional common market, and mechanisms to drive reforms. The Growth Plan is not an alternative to the enlargement of the EU, it is an offer that will complement and accelerate the membership process", says the written response from the EC headquarters.

Rohde urges Kosovo to take bold decision: the agenda in CoE can change (Koha)

Although the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe does not have the issue of Kosovo on the agenda a week before the meeting, it can change at the last moment. The German ambassador in Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, has assured about this and has urged Kosovo to take a "bold" decision to make membership in the Council of Europe a reality. Kosovo has been asked to make progress towards the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority, to join the Council.

"The agenda for the meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe can be changed at the last minute. But the sooner Kosovo takes a bold decision, the more realistic it is to reach 2/3 of the majority to join the Council of Europe", wrote Rohde on the X platform.

Osmani in Texas visits the 'Bell' helicopter company (RTK)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani during her visit to Texas, United States of America, visited ‘Bell’ helicopter company, and also took a flight with one of these aircrafts over the city of Fort Worth. On her Facebook social network, Osmani can be seen doing, as she says, helicopter piloting lessons.

“In Fort Worth, Texas. The visit to the Bell helicopter company and the first lesson in helicopter piloting with the most experienced pilot of the company, Joseph Decapite, who had served in Kosovo 15 years ago as part of the American army", Osmani wrote on Facebook.

Kosovo inaugurates General Consulate in Poland (media)

Kosovo has inaugurated the General Consulate in Poland. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, was also present at this ceremony.

"Poland, as a friendly country, has a great potential for economic cooperation in export and import, exchange of students, experts, experiences in integration processes and maintaining peace and stability in the region", said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, thanking Poland for the support given to Kosovo over the years.

Gervalla highlighted the great role of two important Polish figures, former Prime Minister Mazowietzky and Pope John Paul II, for their support in the difficult days of the Serbian occupation. She also thanked Poland for its great support for its membership in the Council of Europe and other international organizations.

Conversion of illegal driver’s license to RKS, Italy congratulates Kosovo (Koha)

Driving licenses issued by illegal Serbian structures can be converted into driving licenses of Kosovo from today. According to the announcement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ‘all citizens who possess a driver's license of illegal Serbian structures can apply for an official driver's license of the Republic of Kosovo through the application in an electronic form.’

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has decided that for this conversion, Serb citizens will not be forced to undergo the driver's license exam. The application will be open until August 9 this year.

The Embassy of Italy in Pristina congratulated the government of Kosovo for this step.

"The Embassy of Italy in Pristina congratulates the Government of Kosovo for its efforts in facilitating the procedures for all citizens to obtain driver's licenses. We support initiatives that promote greater integration and promote our common vision for a diverse and inclusive Kosovo", says the reaction of the Italian Embassy on the X platform.

The procedure for equipment with a driver's license of of Kosovo lasts fifteen days. The driver's license issued by the Serbian structures is returned to the applicant as an invalid document and the same is equipped with the driver's license of Kosovo.

Biserko: Serbia "Trojan Horse" of Russia and China in Europe (Albanian Post)

The Chairperson of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Sonja Biserko, while commenting on the two-day visit of the President of China to Serbia, Xi Jinping, emphasized that this is the best evidence that Serbia is not showing the political will to initiate reforms that would create a democratic society and no real desire to become part of the European Union.

With this visit, according to Biserko, it has become clear that Serbia is more than ready to serve as a "Trojan Horse" for Russia and China in Europe.

"Xi's visit is the most indicative message for the West, especially since the visit followed immediately after marking the 25th anniversary of the NATO intervention, during which the Chinese embassy was also hit, for which the Americans apologized and admitted that it was a mistake", she said in an interview for the Serbian newspaper, Danas.

In her assessment, the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, has placed Serbia in the position of a servile partner who expects China to support Serbia's hegemonic aspirations.

"Just as Russia, China and Serbia are revisionist countries that do not accept the current order, especially the borders established after the Second World War. Therefore, this visit sent a negative message to the entire region", she added.


Serbian Language Media

  EU: Serbia and Kosovo risk missing out on funds from the Growth Plan due to lack of dialogue (RFE, Kim radio)

Serbia and Kosovo should constructively engage in the normalization of their relations to gain the right to financing from the European Union Growth Plan, which was recently adopted, reported Radio Free Europe today.

"Normalization of relations is an essential condition on the European path for both sides. Both Serbia and Kosovo risk losing an important opportunity in the absence of progress," announced the press service of the European Commission.

In a written response from the press service of this institution, it is confirmed that, regardless of the basic criteria that each country must meet if it would be entitled to receive European aid funds, Kosovo and Serbia should engage constructively in the normalization of their relations.

This implies, as stated, the full implementation of all obligations arising from the Agreement on the Normalization Path and the Implementation Annex, as well as all previous agreements on dialogue, as well as inclusion in the negotiations on the Comprehensive Agreement on the Normalization of Relations.

As explained by the EC, the Growth Plan of six billion euros for six partners from the Western Balkans represents a comprehensive EU offer to improve their socio-economic situation.

"It includes a progressive approach to the EU single market, conditional on progress in the common regional market of the Western Balkans, and mechanisms to encourage reforms. The growth plan is not an alternative to EU enlargement. It is an offer that will complement and accelerate the accession process," said one of the European Commission's spokespersons.

Joint statement of presidents Vucic and Xi: Objecting imposition of solution on Kosovo issue and call for compliance with Resolution 1244 (Kosovo Online, Novosti)

In the Joint Statement on deepening and elevating the comprehensive strategic partnership and building the community of Serbia and China, it is stated, among other things, that the two countries oppose the imposition of any solution to the final status of Kosovo, Kosovo Online portal reported citing Belgrade-based Novosti daily.

In the Joint statement, signed by two presidents, it is said that parties interested in the issue of Kosovo should reach a mutually acceptable solution within the framework of UNSC Resolution 1244, through dialogue and consultation. In that process, as it is added, the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Serbia must be fully respected.

The Chinese side supports the efforts to find compromise solutions in a peaceful way which Serbia undertakes in the negotiations with the representatives of the provisional institutions in Pristina, calls for the implementation of all of the agreements that were reached during the dialogue, as well as the effective provision of religious and cultural heritage in the area. The formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities is an important part of the Brussels Agreement from 2013 and must be implemented, it was added.

The document that China signed only with Serbia laid solid foundations for political cooperation, which was once again confirmed by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, who stated that Chinese President Xi Jinping told him Serbia can count on China in the United Nations regarding all issues that are being launched there.

“The two sides will firmly support each other in matters of vital state interests based on the principles of respect for state sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states. The Serbian side reaffirmed that the development of friendly relations with the People’s Republic of China is one of the main pillars of its foreign policy”, the Joint Statement said, noting that international law and the UN Charter must be respected.

Also, the two sides call for an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, they insist that all countries, regardless of size, ought to be treated as equals, opposing hegemony and power politics, as well as all forms of unilateralism and protectionism.

In the Joint Statement it was also said that “the Chinese side highly values the results achieved by Serbia in the overall economic and social development and improvement of living standards and looks forward to the successful advancement of Serbia’s development plans such as “Leap into the Future - Serbia 2027”. Further communication between Xi and Vucic has also been agreed upon, by phone, letters and new meetings.

In the document initialed by Xi and Vucic, it is also written that “the two sides will use the new phase of high-quality development of the “Belt and Road” initiative, jointly implement the agreements reached at the Third Forum for International Cooperation “Belt and Road”, deepen and expand cooperation in the areas, such as economy and trade, investments, science and technology, innovation, the digital sector, as well as information and communications, together preserve the safety of projects and company personnel, which will contribute to creating the basis for building a community of Serbia and China with a common future in the new era”.

It is also stated that Serbia opposes all forms of Taiwan’s independence and interference in China’s internal affairs, emphasizing again that it will not enter into official contacts with Taiwan authorities in any way.

The full statement in Serbian is available at: is external)

Djuric: Awarding Kosovo membership in Council of Europe would be an international scandal (Kosovo Online,

Albin Kurti's regime does not want membership in the Council of Europe so that the Serbs would have the right to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, but to consolidate the false statehood of Kosovo, Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric said last night, adding that rewarding Kosovo with membership to that organization or anything else – would be an international scandal.

"Kurti's regime does not want membership in the Council of Europe so that the Serbs would have the right to appeal to the Court in Strasbourg, but to consolidate the false statehood of Kosovo, and so that his like-minded followers of Greater Albanian politics would flood the Court in Strasbourg with lawsuits against Serbia for compensation. All this is in the program of Kurti's extreme movement", underlined Djuric for Euronews Serbia.

He pointed out that the extreme Kurti movement has done more against the reconciliation of Serbs and Albanians in recent years than all the leaders of the KLA.

"If it was rewarded with membership in the Council of Europe or anything else, it would be an international scandal," underlined Djuric.

He said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic devoted a lot of time in talks with French President Emmanuel Macron and other leaders on this topic and that the fact that many countries, which strongly supported Kosovo, have now withdrawn is the result of those serious efforts.

"It is obvious that some centers do not like the independent and free foreign policy of Serbia and that is why they use secondary issues to put Serbia under pressure. They must know that Serbia is a consistent, reliable and responsible partner, which means that cooperation can be counted on, but also to strong resistance when unprincipled pressure is exerted," underlined Đurić.

Read more at: is external) SL: Displaying and posting national symbols is an internationally recognized right, even according to the Kosovo constitution (Radio Mitrovica sever)

The Serbian List reacted to the decision of Leposavic mayor, Lulzim Hetemi, not to allow display of Serbian flags on public areas in this municipality for the holiday of St. Vasilije Ostroski on May 12, although the Constitution of Kosovo allows this right for non-majority communities. They also called on international representatives to remind Kurti that display, and respect of national symbols is an internationally recognized right, even according to the Kosovo Constitution in Article 59.

The announcement states that a post on social networks from today ‘’shows how employee of the municipality of Leposavic, use narcotics during working hours’’  adding that it has been done ‘’in the company of Kurti's friend and party comrade, a member of Kurti's government, Deputy Minister Radoica Radomirovic’’, asking whether it is the image of ‘’Kurti's rule in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and those he supports. Is this a picture of Kurti's crime fighting and law abiding!?''

They recall in the statement that today this municipality, with more than 98 percent Serbs, decided to not allow display of Serbian flags on the occasion of the city holiday St. Vasilije Ostroski.

Novosti daily on new incriminating video in Leposavic municipality (Kosovo Online)

A new incriminating video was shared on social media, which was allegedly recorded in Leposavic municipal facility, showing D. A., (full name used in the article) using narcotics in a company of Kosovo deputy minister for communities and returns, Radoica Radomirovic, Kosovo Online portal reported citing Belgrade-based Novosti daily. The article also said that the voice of Radomirovic is clearly heard in the video recording, discussing in a group who has received which donation, while some spoke about narcotics.

Two Serbs arrested at Jarinje crossing point (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal reported today that a man of Serb ethnicity was arrested at Jarinje crossing point because he did not pay a financial fine for “illegal crossing” into Kosovo, whose deadline was March 23, Kosovo police confirmed to the portal.

The fine in question amounts to 250 euros and he allegedly did not regulate it. According to Kosovo deputy commander for the region north, Veton Elshani “in line with the rules he should now serve 12 days in a prison in Pristina”.

Later in a day the portal also reported that another Serb man was arrested at the same crossing point, S.M., from Zvecan. He is currently at the police station in Mitrovica South where he is being interrogated by members of serious crimes units from Pristina and that more details will be known at a later stage.

RCC: The Western Balkans citizens' support for EU membership has declined significantly (Beta, KiM radio)

The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Majlinda Bregu, stated that the data of the new "Balkan Barometer" show an additional significant drop in the support of the citizens of the Western Balkans for EU membership, reported KiM radio.

"Nevertheless, with 54 percent of the citizens of the Western Balkans supporting membership in the European Union, this opinion is still largely favorable across the region. The drop of eight percent from 2021, however, is a painful reminder of the frustrations of many citizens due to the pace of progress, but also a call to do something about it," she said in a statement on Europe Day, May 9.

Bregu assessed as positive the fact that the number of surveyed citizens who believe that accession to the European Union will never happen fell by five percent, from 23 to 18 percent.

"The Western Balkans have come a long way in the past two decades. The development of the region's potential, however, will require new sources of dynamism and transformation to overcome deep-rooted social, institutional, and environmental challenges," she said, according to the RCC.

She added that it is not only about money and the market, but about values - democracy, the rule of law and human rights.

"That's why on today's Europe Day, let's not just wave flags and watch fireworks. Let's dedicate ourselves to hard work on reforms, the fight against corruption and building a future in which the Western Balkans is not just a guest, but part of the family. A people-oriented Europe, which is adaptable, reformed, reborn, and inclusive, with a firmly integrated Western Balkans, represents the most favorable investment in the peace and security of the entire continent," said Bregu.

KFOR gets new Chief of Staff (N1)

American Brigadier General Arthur J. Garffer took over as KFOR Chief of Staff, the NATO-led mission said. A press release said that Garffer took over from fellow US Army Brigadier General John Bozicevic at a ceremony at KFOR headquarters in Pristina.

KFOR Commander Turkish General Özkan Ulutas said that Bozicevic was a cornerstone of KFOR’s daily activities whose dedication and professionalism were invaluable. Ulutas added that Garffer brings a wealth of experience which will be vital to the mission in future as it continues to provide security to the population of Kosovo.

Vucic receives UAE defense minister (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received UAE Defence Minister Mohammed Fadel Al Mazrouei in Belgrade on Friday to inform him of the situation in Kosovo and developments in the Western Balkan region and discuss boosting military cooperation, Tanjug news agency reported.

At the same time, Vucic expressed Serbia's commitment to "continue to work with friends and partners to resolve the challenges and threats to regional and international peace and security".

In a post on his official Instagram account, Vucic noted that the discussion with Al Mazrouei had addressed the complex geopolitical circumstances and global security challenges as well as strengthening Serbia-UAE cooperation in military technology.

Djuric meets ambassador of Mexico, expresses gratitude for support on Kosovo issue (Kosovo Online)

Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric met today with Ambassador of Mexico to Serbia, Carlos Isauro Felix Corona and thanked him for consistent support of Mexico on Kosovo issue and for understanding of Serbia’s stances on this issue at international arena, reads the statement of the Foreign Ministry, Kosovo Online portal reported.

Djuric also said that political relations between two states are very good, with a long tradition of bilateral relations and mutual understanding of the two states in the international arena, thus creating room for new fields of cooperation.