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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 7, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kosovo government rejects criticism over land expropriation in the north (media)
  • Kurti: We have many enemies; we’re faced with cyber-attacks (media)
  • Kosovo Police question wife of Milan Radoicic (RFE)
  • Westerlund: Now is the time to form the Association (media)
  • Former UK Prime Minister Blair to address Kosovo Assembly on June 10 (media)
  • Kastrati: Serbia training Serbs from the north across the border (Telegrafi)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic, Quint ambassadors discuss regional political development (Tanjug)
  • Hill: The US is satisfied with Serbia's attitude towards Ukraine and the dialogue with Kosovo (Kosovo Online, VoA)
  • Starovic on Quint's attitude: Where does the verbal complaint stop and where the tacit support begins (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)
  • Djurdjevic Stamenkovski: The seizure of Serbian property in Kosovo is a continuation of Kurti's terror (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)
  • Defense of Dragisa Milenkovic: Contradictory witness statements (KiM radio, Kosovo Online)
  • Pristina "regrets" the reaction of Quint, OSCE, EU on expropriation - infrastructure projects and police stations for the safety of citizens (KoSSev)
  • Milan Radoicic's wife questioned, then released (Kontakt plus radio, KiM radio, KoSSev)
  • Joseph: It is in the strategic interest of Kosovo to treat the Serbs in accordance with the law (Kosovo Online, X)


Albanian Language Media


Kosovo government rejects criticism over land expropriation in the north (media)

The Kosovo government said in a statement on Thursday that it expresses regret regarding the statement issued by the QUINT states, the EU, and the OSCE concerning the May 30th decision on the expropriation of immovable property in certain municipalities in the north of Kosovo. The government’s reaction notes as follows: “The statement in question inaccurately reflects the factual situation and makes a legal assessment not grounded in evidence. Following the proposal by the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning, and Infrastructure, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo initiated the process of expropriating immovable property in several municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo in accordance with the Law in force on Expropriation, with the aim of building infrastructure projects. The aim of such expropriation follows the definition of a “legitimate aim” as articulated by the European Convention on Human Rights and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. This matter has been laid out during meetings and discussions with international partners, who have requested that the Government of Kosovo respect judicial processes that have been initiated, before making a final decision on expropriation in the Government”.

“Even though our laws allow a decision to be taken in spite of processes initiated in the courts, the Government nonetheless waited for the courts to decide before continuing with the final decision. The only dispute related to the expropriation procedure, according to Strasbourg jurisprudence, is the amount of compensation”.

“Claimants have filed lawsuits against the preliminary expropriation decision, alleging procedural law violations. The courts found that the majority of the claimants lacked standing, as they were not owners of the properties subject to expropriation. In the final decision, the Government has reflected the court rulings and excluded the properties of successful claimants from expropriation”.

“The law in this case has been applied uniformly, as in all other expropriation cases for public interest across Kosovo. We believe that everyone agrees that all regions of Kosovo should be treated equally and fairly under the law”.

“The construction of infrastructure projects, including police stations, will aid in preventing violence and combating organized crime and corruption. These are lawful and eminently legitimate aims that contribute to strengthening the rule of law and, above all, ensuring the safety of citizens who have long been subjected to violence and terror by criminal gangs led by the chief terrorist Milan Radoicic, who has been sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury and the United Kingdom”.

“As was concluded by the Report of the Eminent Lawyers of the Council of Europe, Kosovo has advanced legislation that ensures a high level of protection of human rights and liberties, especially those of non-majority communities. The Eminent Lawyers have stated that: Kosovo’s legal framework has been strongly influenced by the International Community and goes beyond international standards”.

“Furthermore, we express our concern that the statement refers to the expropriation in certain municipalities in Kosovo as “majority-Serb municipalities.” Municipalities in Kosovo have specific names, and the government does not refer to them as municipalities with majorities of Albanians, Serbs, Turks, and so on, since this is inconsistent with the multi-ethnic character of Kosovo’s constitution. Expropriations should be evaluated based on legality, human rights, and public interest, not on the ethnic affiliation of the citizens”.

Kurti: We have many enemies; we’re faced with cyber-attacks (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, in an interview with TV Kamenica on Thursday, talked about the threat from cyberattacks and said that Kosovo is expected to face greater attacks “because of our success”. “We have faced cyberattacks and we expect they will increase precisely due to our success, because there are many enemies that don’t like our success. For example, the E-Kosova platform offers 155 services. Therefore, this success is really good for Kosovo but at the same time we need to remain vigilant to the threats coming from those that don’t want to see our country developing,” Kurti was quoted as saying.

Kosovo Police question wife of Milan Radoicic (RFE)

Kosovo authorities questioned on Thursday the wife of Milan Radoicic, former deputy leader of the Serbian List who claimed responsibility for the deadly attack on Kosovo Police in the north of Kosovo in September last year. Kosovo Police Deputy Director for the north, Veton Elshani, confirmed the information to the news website. “We confirm that this person is being questioned in the presence of an attorney in Mitrovica North with an invitation by the Economic Crimes in Pristina,” Elshani said, without disclosing further details.

Westerlund: Now is the time to form the Association (media)

Swedish Ambassador to Kosovo, Jonas Westerlund, in an interview with TeVe1 on Thursday, said that all agreements between Kosovo and Serbia must be implemented at the same time and that the Association of Serb-majority municipalities poses no threat to Kosovo.

“There are different opinions about the Ohrid Agreement if it needs to be signed or not. The EU facilitator in the dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, said on several occasions that the Ohrid Agreement does not have to be signed. However, I agree with the Kosovo government when they say that there needs to be a sequencing plan. One cannot single out one issue from the Ohrid Agreement and say that that issue needs to be implemented first. A sequencing plan is needed, and all agreements must be implemented at the same time,” he said.

Westerlund said he does not agree with those who claim that the Association of Serb-majority municipalities would threaten creating a situation like that in Bosnia and Herzegovina. “It is unfair to compare the Association with the Republika Srpska because the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina is completely different. There are around 30 percent of Serbs living in Bosnia, so the situation is different. I believe now is the right time to move forward with the establishment of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities, because it does not constitute a threat to the state of Kosovo. Progress needs to be made in the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia,” he argued.

Former UK Prime Minister Blair to address Kosovo Assembly on June 10 (media)

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is scheduled to visit Kosovo and hold a speech at the Kosovo Assembly on June 10. RTK reported on Thursday that was confirmed by the Assembly and that Blair was Prime Minister during the NATO air campaign against Serbian military and police targets in 1999 and is known as one of Kosovo’s biggest supporters at the time.

Kastrati: Serbia is training Serbs from the north across the border (Telegrafi)

Former commander of the Kosovo Security Force, Kadri Kastrati, told TV Dukagjini on Thursday, that the situation in the north of Kosovo is fragile, and that according to his information, Serbia is training Serbs from the north of Kosovo in military and police barracks across the border. “Serbia is moving and maneuvering with its brigades near the border with Kosovo. If they try to attack Kosovo, we will be ready to carry out our duties, but Serbia doesn’t have the luxury to attack Kosovo,” he was quoted as saying.


Serbian Language Media 


Vucic, Quint ambassadors discuss regional political development (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the ambassadors of Quint states and the head of the EU Delegation to Belgrade, Emanuele Giaufret, on Thursday to discuss current political developments in the region, the position of Serbs, Serbia's progress on the EU path and economic cooperation.

"I reiterated that we are not giving up on a constructive and responsible policy when it comes to the region as well as our own national interests, and I requested support on that path from the most influential Western countries," Vucic wrote in a post on his buducnostsrbijeav Instagram account.

He noted the significance of partnership cooperation with the Quint states, especially when it comes to bilateral economic cooperation, investments, and further development of Serbia.

Hill: The US is satisfied with Serbia's attitude towards Ukraine and the dialogue with Kosovo (Kosovo Online, VoA)

The United States is satisfied with the Serbian government's policy towards dialogue with Kosovo and cooperation with Ukraine, US Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill, who was in Washington, said in an interview for the Voice of America, reported Kosovo Online last night. 

Hill states that the USA encouraged Serbia to remain engaged in the Brussels process, which it did.

"We are satisfied that they continue to do that, they present ideas for solving the problem - whether it is about the Postal Savings Bank or other issues. We have a good dialogue with the Serbian authorities, although there are difficult issues on which we differ - the US recognizes the independence of Kosovo, and Serbia does not. But, within that disagreement, I think we have a pretty good cooperation and I hope it will continue," said the ambassador.

When asked if he agrees with Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric's assessment that normalization of relations is not possible while Albin Kurti is in power in Kosovo, Hill says that he believes that efforts within the Brussels dialogue should continue, as well as that the US should remain close with Serbia in that process and to cooperate closely with partners from the EU.

"To a certain extent, things have focused on how Serbia can get closer to the single European market, that is of critical importance for the future of the country and we support that. And maybe, through that closer cooperation with the EU, we can create momentum for solving other questions," he adds.

Asked whether the US considers Serbia a reliable partner, taking into account the close ties with Russia, given that the new Serbian government has two members who are very close to Russia and who are under US sanctions, Hill says that when it comes to the composition of the Serbian government, they have already said what they think, as well as,  that they do not form other people's governments.

"Secondly, when it comes to who Serbia has relations with, it is not up to us to tell them who they can and cannot talk to. But when we talk about whether Serbia can be a reliable partner - yes, it can. And we work on that every day," he pointed out.

When asked to comment on whether Serbia is helping Ukraine enough in terms of arms and ammunition, noting that Serbian officials have not publicly acknowledged that this is happening but, including President Aleksandar Vucic, have not ruled out the possibility, Hill says that about the details one should ask the Serbian government, adding that USA is very satisfied with the growing forms of cooperation between Serbia and Ukraine.

He recalls that the first lady of Ukraine was in Serbia and says that he considers it a very important visit, as well as the visit of the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"Mrs. (Tamara) Vucic was in Ukraine last year. It seems that relations have improved significantly, and I am very glad to see that. Our view, and I believe it is shared by the Serbs, is that Russia's aggression against Ukraine must not be allowed. It is a big problem for the whole of Europe, including Serbia. I think that Serbia has shown its position, it voted for the UN resolutions, and I think that behind the scenes it is working hard to establish peace and security in Europe," he adds.

Asked to comment on the recent local elections in Serbia and ODiHR reports, Hill says it is difficult to draw conclusions based on observers alone. As he adds, the impression gained from the observers' reports is that there are some problems, but overall, this was a much better effort than in December.

"There are numerous reforms and changes that need to be implemented, not only now but in the coming years, before the next elections - in particular, the problem of access to the media needs to be solved. But it seems to me that the problem of voter migration has been solved, and I think there is progress. Elections are always a test burden for democracy, I hope that people will be able to unite and continue to work together," said the American ambassador.

Answering the question whether the American embassy had any knowledge or participated in the project of General Staff Building revitalization by Jared Kushner in Belgrade, Hill says that they did not participate, but that they certainly know about it.

When asked if he knows now when the contract was signed or if he knew before that, Hill states that he does not know exactly when he found out, but that the Embassy was not involved in it.

"We know what you know - what we heard from the media and other sources. But we are not involved," he said.

Hill says that he does not decide how long he will be in Serbia, but the president, when asked about his stay in the event of a change of government in the USA. 

Starovic on Quint's attitude: Where does the verbal complaint stop and where the tacit support begins (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)

Minister of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, Nemanja Starovic, wrote on X network, and asked where the verbal regret ends and where the tacit support begins. Thus, he reacted to the announcement of the Quint countries, the EU Delegation and the OESC Mission in Kosovo, in connection to Pristina's decision to finalize the expropriation in the north of Kosovo. 

"The embassies, once again, regret the decision of the Kosovo government... I wonder where the verbal regret ends, and where the tacit support begins," Starovic wrote on X.

Djurdjevic Stamenkovski: The seizure of Serbian property in Kosovo is a continuation of Kurti's terror (Tanjug, Kosovo Online)

The Minister for Family Care and Demography, Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski, on the occasion of the decision of the GoK on the expropriation of Serbian property in the north of Kosovo, pointed out that the usurpation of private properties of Serbs in Kosovo signifies the continuation of Kurti's regime's terror against the Serbian people.

The minister noted that this way directly threatens the further survival of the Serbian people in the north of Kosovo. 

"The seizing of Serbian property is an attempt to forcefully change the demographic structure in the north of Kosmet and an act of ethnic cleansing of Serbs, on whom the self-proclaimed government applies methods of systematic oppression, characteristic of fascist regimes," said Djudjevic Stamenkovski, the Ministry announced.

Defense of Dragisa Milenkovic: Contradictory witness statements (KiM radio, Kosovo Online)

The hearing continued before the Basic Court in Pristina in the case against Dragisa Milenkovic from Kisnica, charged by the prosecution for alleged war crimes against the civilian population. Although the hearing of three witnesses was scheduled, only the victim AR spoke before the court, and the testimony of the others was postponed until June 20, reported KiM radio.

Radio KiM reported that the witness in his statement before the judge recognized the character of Dragisa Milenkovic based on the photographs shown to him during the police interrogation, and it was precisely the identification of the accused Milenkovic that was the most controversial during the interrogation. Defense lawyer Jovana Filipovic pointed out that there are certain ambiguities in the testimony of the witness.

"Unfortunately, today's witness is another Prosecution witness in a series of Prosecution witnesses who in such and similar cases give some statements that are contradictory and which, according to some bad rule, are to the greater detriment of the accused person, than what they previously gave to the police. What we could see today is that there are these contradictions and ambiguities, we tried to clarify that. The witness made certain statements regarding the photographs and the method of identification. I believe that this is a major omission in the investigation because we as the defense, although there are three of us lawyers defending Dragisa Milenkovic, were never invited to attend the witness statements, nor the identification itself during the investigation. I believe that a huge omission was made regarding that photograph and the very identification of the accused person, and this is something that we will point out in the further course of the proceedings," she said among other things.

Pristina "regrets" the reaction of Quint, OSCE, EU on expropriation - infrastructure projects and police stations for the safety of citizens (KoSSev)

They incorrectly presented the factual situation and a legal assessment that was not substantiated - the Kosovo government announced last evening regarding the reaction of Quint, the EU and the OSCE in connection to the "final" decision on the expropriation of immovable property in the North of Kosovo. However, KoSSev notes that last night for the first time in the context of expropriation, the government in Pristina publicly confirmed that the infrastructure projects being implemented include the construction of "police stations". They claim that in this way security is provided to citizens "who were exposed to the terror of Milan Radoicic's criminal groups", wrote portal KoSSev among other things.

Milan Radoicic's wife questioned, then released (Kontakt plus radio, KiM radio, KoSSev)

The wife of Milan Radoicic, E. R., was questioned yesterday by the Economic Crime Unit from Pristina at the police station in the northern part of Mitrovica, after which she was released, the deputy commander of the Kosovo Police for the North region, Veton Elshani, confirmed for Kontakt Plus.

"I can only confirm that today the Economic Crime Unit came from Pristina, and we as the police have secured a room for interrogation. After the interrogation, she was released," said Elshani. 

Apart from the fact that E.R. responded to the invitation and that she came accompanied by a lawyer, Elshani could not give any more details.

Joseph: It is in the strategic interest of Kosovo to treat the Serbs in accordance with the law (Kosovo Online, X)

American professor and analyst Edward Joseph asked if “anyone in Kosovo could stand up for the simple principle that it is in Kosovo's strategic interest to follow Kosovo's laws and treat all citizens of Kosovo, including Kosovo Serbs, in accordance with the law,” reported Kosovo Online.

He asked this question on the "X" platform, reacting to the joint statement of Quint, the EU and OSCE, in which they expressed regret for the expropriation in the north of Kosovo.