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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, May 21, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Osmani: Every success of Kosovo also bears seal of USA (media)
  • Kurti meets Chulick, discuss the north and Presheva Valley (media)
  • U.S. Under Secretary of State: We are deeply committed to security of northern Kosovo (Klan)
  • Kusari-Lila: EU draft for Association is unacceptable for Kosovo (Koha)
  • Police close six units of Postal Savings Bank in the north (Koha)
  • Svecla after closure of Savings Bank units in the north: Rule of law and order, our goal (Koha)
  • 1.6 million euros and over 74 million dinars confiscated in branches of Postal Savings Bank (Koha)
  • RTK held public debate with journalists and civil society of Serb community (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Postal Savings Bank offices, Treasury Management Office closed in northern Kosovo (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, KoSSev, media)
  • Reactions to Postal Savings Bank offices closure (N1, Tanjug, Kosovo Online, media)
  • EULEX on Kosovo police action: We were not informed in advance (Kosovo Online)
  • Vucic arrives in New York (Tanjug)
  • Vucic extends condolences to Iran over Raisi's death (Tanjug)

 Albanian Language Media

Osmani: Every success of Kosovo also bears seal of USA (media) 

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani met on Monday with the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the USA from the Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Nicole Chulick.

"The meeting discussed the latest developments, the further deepening of Kosovo-USA cooperation, as well as Kosovo's ongoing achievements in strengthening democracy, the rule of law and human rights. On the topic of human rights, President Osmani said that Kosovo has the most advanced legal framework in Europe, which originates from the Constitution of the Republic. In this regard, President Osmani has emphasized Kosovo's commitment to preserving multi-ethnicity and protecting human rights for all citizens of Kosovo, without distinction. On this occasion, she emphasized the importance of successfully completing membership in the Council of Europe, as an additional guarantee for the preservation and promotion of human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the country", the Presidency announced. 

Osmani has said that every success of Kosovo also bears the seal of the USA and has confirmed the commitment for the further continuation of cooperation in this spirit.

Kurti meets Chulick, discuss the north and Presheva Valley (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti together with the Deputy Prime Minister for Minority Affairs and Human Rights, Emilija Rexhepi, welcomed the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. State Department from the Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Nicole Chulick. 

"During the conversation, Prime Minister Kurti informed her about the government's policies and support measures for non-majority communities and marginalized groups, including financial support for learning centers and scholarships for pupils and students from these same communities, the process of verifying diplomas of The University of North Mitrovica in order to facilitate access to employment opportunities, the special fund for grants for NGOs, farmers and young entrepreneurs from non-majority communities, and employment measures for 2000 residents of four municipalities with a Serb majority in the north of the country", reads the communique issued by the government. 

Prime Minister Kurti has explained that the government's employment measures, including those for women and youth, have contributed to an increase in employment of 20% in three years of government, as well as about results of the government over the last three years in the field of the rule of law . 

In this meeting, he also expressed to the Deputy Assistant Secretary his concern regarding the administrative ethnic cleansing of Albanians that is taking place in the Presheva Valley, Medvegja and Bujanoc by the Serbian authorities.

U.S. Undersecretary of State: We are deeply committed to security of northern Kosovo (Klan) 

The U.S. Undersecretary of State for Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Elizabeth Allen, has spoken in an interview with Klan Kosova about the meeting with the American troops at Camp Nothing Hill in the north of Kosovo. 

"It was a pleasure to visit and I am really grateful to the American troops who enabled me to see the northern area of Kosovo by helicopter. Of course, we are deeply committed to the security of northern Kosovo. We are working both with the government here and we are talking with the government of Serbia about ways to reduce tensions; how to increase regional integration; about ways to put people's safety first, and so I was grateful for the opportunity to see the country," Allen said. 

Asked if there is a difference in American demands towards official Pristina and Belgrade in relation to the dialogue, Allen said that the United States has relations with both countries. 

"When we talk to our counterparts in each country, we talk about areas where there is progress and areas where there can be more progress. We did this in Serbia, just as we are doing it here in Kosovo. Of course, maintaining relations with both countries only brings better opportunities for integration in the future", said Allen in the Rubicon of Klan Kosova.

Kusari-Lila: EU draft for Association is unacceptable for Kosovo (Koha)

The head of the Parliamentary Group of the Vetevendosje Movement, Mimoza Kusari-Lila, has said in an interview on the show "Interaktiv" on KTV that the draft of the Association of Municipalities with a Serb majority proposed by the EU in the dialogue process is unacceptable. 

"The current draft remains unacceptable for Kosovo, there are major problems within that draft, Kosovo has sent its comments that are not included, and Kosovo has been and remains interested in finding a solution that does not pose risks or possibility for its internal dysfunction", stated Kusari-Lila. 

She said that in the current situation that draft cannot be sent to the Constitutional Court. "The government cannot put its logo and seal on a document which is not actually accepted, the government has not agreed with that document, but it is being told, yes, take it, make it your own decision", she said, adding that they believe that the draft has content problems. 

Kusari-Lila, has called Kosovo's non-membership in the Council of Europe disappointing, however, she considers that it is only the loss of a battle and not the loss of the war. She has said that she believes that Kosovo will become a member of this organization before the end of this year. She noted that the conditionality with sending the draft of the statute of the Association of municipalities with a Serb majority to the Constitutional Court is unfair and added that membership in the Council of Europe itself is a guarantee for the Serb community.

Police close six units of Postal Savings Bank in the north (Koha)

The Kosovo Police announced that they closed 6 units of the Postal Savings Bank in the north of Kosovo, in Monday's action. 

"The Kosovo Police, following reports from financial monitoring institutions, such as the Financial Intelligence Unit and the Central Bank of Kosovo, together with the Tax Administration of Kosovo, based on the authorization of the competent prosecutor, is conducting a police operation in six locations of four municipalities in the north of Kosovo, which are the so-called Treasury of the Postal Savings Bank (Banka Postanska Stedionica) and its five other branches, which have acted illegally in this area of the Republic of Kosovo", the Police announcement stated on Monday. 

According to the announcement, this police operation took place in cooperation and coordination with the relevant institutions of Kosovo and the justice bodies and it was carried out without any problems or incidents."The purpose of the police operation is to establish order and legality, where six units of the so-called illegal Postal Savings Bank, in the north of the country, have been closed with the authorization of the competent prosecutor," the announcement stated.

Svecla after closure of Savings Bank units in the north: Rule of law and order, our goal (Koha) 

Kosovo’s Minister of the Interior Xhelal Svecla has congratulated the institutions of Kosovo after the closure of six units of the Postal Savings Bank in the four municipalities in the north. He has said that the rule of law and order and service to citizens without any distinction will continue to be the main goal.

"In order to establish legality, after the communication and request of the relevant institutions and the authorization of the prosecutor, the Kosovo Police in cooperation with the Tax Administration of Kosovo, in the four municipalities in the north of Kosovo, today carried out the operation of control and closure of 6 units of the so-called Postal Savings Bank (Banka Postanska Stedionica) as an illegal financial institution of Serbia in the Republic of Kosovo. The rule of law and order, service to all citizens without any distinction will continue to be our goal to which we have continuously pledged. I congratulate all the institutions for the cooperation and success shown", Svecla wrote on Facebook.

1.6 million euros and over 74 million dinars confiscated in branches of Postal Savings Bank (Koha) 

The Kosovo Police in an additional communiqué for the action carried out on Monday in the north, where six branches of the Postal Savings Bank were closed, have announced that a significant amount of money has been confiscated. 

"The police operation carried out today in the north of the country, where six illegal units of the so-called 'Postal Savings Bank' were closed, also resulted in the confiscation of various material evidence such as; About 1,600,000 euros, about 74,700,000 dinars, about 19,500 francs, about 13,800 U.S. dollars, about 40 Australian dollars, documentation and relevant evidence related to the case", the Police statement says. 

It is further said that the official signs for their closure have been placed in the branches of this bank. 

"Six branches of the so-called 'Postal Savings Bank' in the north of the country have been closed and official signs for their closure have been placed in their facilities, while all further police actions will be carried out in cooperation and coordination with the justice bodies" the statement reads.

RTK held public debate with journalists and civil society of Serb community (RTK) 

A Radio Television of Kosovo debate with the public was held in front of journalists and civil society members of the Serb community at the media center in Cagllavica. They discussed new programming content in the Serbian language, the editorial independence of RTK2, and the work report of RTK in general for 2023. 

The General Director, Shkumbin Ahmetxhekaj said that the cooperation between communities in RTK is very good. He mentioned the project for the construction of new studios at RTK-2 and the opening of the competition for young journalists. The main challenge for RTK, according to Ahmetxhkaj, remains RTK's low budget, the new law and the lack of RTK property. The General Director said that with the opening of the regional office in Peja, there will be employment for all communities, while the regional office in Gjilan, which will be opened soon, will function with the current staff.

Serbian Language Media 

Postal Savings Bank offices, Treasury Management Office closed in northern Kosovo (Tanjug, Kosovo Online, KoSSev, media)

Kosovo police raided five branch offices of the Serbian Postal Savings Bank in the four northern municipalities on Monday afternoon and the Treasury Management Office in Mitrovica North, Serbian media reported. The Postal Savings Bank offices had been closed as was the Treasure Management Office and yellow police tape placed across their entry doors. KFOR and EULEX were also present on the spot. According to Kosovo police, the action was carried out together with the Tax Administration and with a prosecution order to control “illegal business activities”.

KoSSev portal reported that on a day when EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak expressed his readiness to host the 8th round of negotiations on dinar issue, Kosovo authorities decided to close down the Postal Savings Bank offices. The portal also said that yesterday social remittances, including social assistance, child and parents’ allowances and other payments that people in Kosovo receive from the Serbian budget were supposed to be paid in these banks and that because of it, people were queuing in front of the bank offices since early morning. Later on Monday evening, around 20.00 the main Postal Savings Bank office in Mitrovica North was closed, and director of the bank, Igor Radic, was taken by the police for interrogation. There were citizens who gathered in front of the bank to protest, including the Postal Savings Bank employees and Serbian Democracy party leaders. Kosovo police and plain clothes officials were seen taking from the banks filled paper bags. Kosovo Online portal reported late last night that Radic was released after giving a statement to the police. 

Meanwhile, Kosovo police deputy commander for the region North, Veton Elshani said that six persons were interrogated in relation to the Postal Savings Bank action, and they were released afterwards. KoSSev portal reported that according to Kosovo police in Pristina around 1.6 million euros, 74 million dinars (approximately 638.000 euros), 19.500 franks, 13.800 USD, 40 Australian dollars and documentation had been seized. 

Serbian Democracy with symbolic political performance

Serbian Democracy leader Aleksandar Arsenijevic and the party members, who were present during police action, performed a symbolic action in front of the main Postal Savings Bank office in Mitrovica North protesting it.

They spilled flour, eggs, banana chocolate candies in front of the bank building, and placed bread on the parked police vehicle. "This is a political action, in order to draw attention to the fact that citizens will not be able to afford these things in the coming period", Arsenijevic said. 

Reactions to Postal Savings Bank offices closure (N1, Tanjug, Kosovo Online, media)

Serbian media widely covered the Kosovo police action to close down offices of the Postal Savings Bank in the four northern municipalities. The act promoted a number of reactions from official Belgrade and Serbian political representatives in northern Kosovo.

Serbian Prime Minister Milos Vucevic described Kosovo police raids on Serbian Postal Savings Bank offices and Treasury Office in majority-Serb municipalities in northern Kosovo as “an act of savagery”, N1 reported.

“Desperate because his patrons have not yet enabled him to enter the Council of Europe, Albin Kurti opted for a new act of savagery which directly threatens the survival of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Who is bothered by the Postal Savings Bank and why? Why are the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija the only community in Europe that cannot do business normally? Do the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija have the right to salaries and pensions? Or are all actions against them allowed?”, Vucevic said. 

He added that these are “not questions for extremist Kurti”, but for the international community, which doesn’t react or reacts far too mildly to Kurti’s misdeeds.

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Ivica Dacic said Albin Kurti continues the terror against the Serbian people in Kosovo. “Kurti continues the terror against Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. How long will the international community tolerate the violence against Serbs? (…)” Dacic said. He added there is no point in talking to Kurti, but if the international community doesn’t come to its senses, all this would lead to new conflicts in the Balkans with potentially devastating consequences.

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director and Belgrade chief negotiator in Brussels dialogue with Pristina, Petar Petkovic said Kosovo police raids on branch offices of Serbian Postal Savings Bank in the north of Kosovo on Monday was an escalatory move by Pristina aimed at causing chaos and unrest as well as abolishing Serbian institutions there, adding Belgrade would inform all international representatives of this.

"I will speak with Mr (Miroslav) Lajcak immediately, I will also call Quint representatives, and we will inform everyone in the international arena of the lawlessness and the terror ordered by Albin Kurti, the PM of the provisional Pristina institutions", Petkovic said in a statement. He also said the raid was not an ordinary escalatory move but a violent attack on dialogue itself as the dinar issue and a resolution of the fate of the Postal Savings Bank had become an integral part of the dialogue. Read full Petkovic’s statement at: is external)

Minister for Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs Nemanja Starovic said “Kosovo special police bullies”, heavily armed, raided all Postal Savings Bank offices in northern Kosovo, carrying out additional “illegitimate and discriminatory ban of the Serbian currency”. 

The Serbian List in its reaction said that persecution of everything Serbian in Kosovo is continuing according to orders and plans of PM Albin Kurti.

"The violent raid on the premises of the Postanska Stedionica Bank and the harassment of employees by Kurti's paramilitary phalanxes, armed to their teeth, is a response to the calls for peace from Serbs, Belgrade, and the international community. It also marks the beginning of Kurti's Self-Determination movement's campaign for the upcoming parliamentary elections. During this illegal anti-Serbian violent action, Kurti's phalanxes were deployed on the streets of all northern municipalities, near schools and kindergartens where classes were being held", the statement said.

Read the full Serbian List statement at: is external)

Party of Kosovo Serbs (PKS) in a statement said that "Kosovo Government continues to rampage and terrorize the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija with the daily engagement of Kosovo police special units", Radio KIM reported.

They said that now financial institutions are targeted, and without them the lives of people are impossible and unthinkable.  

“This has nothing to do with any crime or smuggling, it is about financial institutions which pay pensions, children’s allowances, social assistance to the Serbs. The intention and aim of a petit fascist is to expel Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, prevent return of displaced persons with false indictments for war crimes and attempt to erase Serbian culture and history”, PKS said. The party called upon Quint and KFOR to put an end to everyday terror and persecution of the Serbs in Kosovo. 

EULEX on Kosovo police action: We were not informed in advance (Kosovo Online)

EULEX has stated that they were not informed in advance about Monday's Kosovo police action, Kosovo Online portal reported.

"We were not informed in advance. We are monitoring in North Mitrovica and Zvecan", EULEX told Kosovo Online when asked if they had been notified about the Kosovo police raids on Postal Savings Bank branches in northern Kosovo. Kosovo police action and raids on Postal Savings Bank branches began simultaneously around 3 PM on Monday in all four northern municipalities: North Mitrovica, Leposavic, Zvecan, and Zubin Potok.

After the raids, bank clients who were inside the branches at the time left the premises. Outside the bank buildings in the four municipalities, Kosovo police officers armed with long-barreled weapons were stationed. According to media reports, members of special police units have been deployed at multiple points on the streets leading to the banks.

Vucic arrives in New York (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has arrived in New York, where he will attend a UN General Assembly debate on a Srebrenica draft resolution on May 23. A delegation accompanying Vucic also includes FM Marko Djuric, Tanjug news agency reported.

Before the trip to New York, Vucic attended a religious service led by Serbian Patriarch Porfirije at the Church of St Sava in central Belgrade on Monday morning. Vucic asked for the Patriarch's blessing and prayed to God at the church.

"I am going to New York to fight, with all my strength and all my heart, for the future of our country", he said.

Vucic extends condolences to Iran over Raisi's death (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic extended his condolences to the people and the government of Iran on Monday following the tragic death of the country's President Ebrahim Raisi.

"I extend my condolences to the people and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the passing of President Ebrahim Raisi, a loyal and true friend of Serbia", Vucic wrote in a post on the social media network X.

Raisi, Iranian FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and six other people were killed in a helicopter crash in northwestern Iran on Sunday.