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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, November 3

  • COVID-19 report: Nine deaths, 486 new cases (media)
  • U.S. Embassy: Decisive action needed to reduce transmission of COVID-19 (media)
  • Borell says Thaci’s request on Specialist Chambers, unacceptable (media)
  • Hoti has not commented on Thaci's proposal for Specialist Chambers (EO/Zeri)
  • “Merkel must take active role in dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia” (Koha)
  • Germany supports Lajcak's proposal on constitutional changes (Klan)
  • Mustafa: Serbia is continuing provocations against Kosovo (media)
  • Journalist association demands justice for killed and missing reporters (Telegrafi)
  • Kosovo leaders condemn Vienna attacks (media)

COVID-19 report: Nine deaths, 486 new cases (media)

Kosovo’s National Institute for Public Health said in a statement on Monday that nine deaths and 486 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in the last 24 hours. 30 patients have recovered from the virus during this time.

The highest number of new infections remains in the municipality of Prishtina (165).

Health Minister Armend Zemaj and the Director of Kosovo's National Institute for Public Health Naser Ramadani, said in a joint statement that the epidemiological situation in Kosovo is serious and has a tendency to deteriorate. They said further measures could be introduced to protect the public health of Kosovo citizens.

There are currently 4,642 active cases of COVID-19 in Kosovo.

U.S. Embassy: Decisive action needed to reduce transmission of COVID-19 (media)

The United States Embassy in Kosovo said in a Twitter post on Monday that decisive action is needed to reduce the further transmission of COVID – 19. “We are deeply concerned by the steep increase of COVID-19 cases in ??. Decisive action is needed to reduce further transmission. Preventative measures are only effective if followed & enforced. The government, employers, & individuals all share responsibility in this fight.As an employer of >500 people, the Embassy takes this responsibility seriously. By maximizing telework, eliminating all but essential in-person meetings, & enforcing proper mask wearing, we protect our employees & their families. We encourage other employers to do the same,” the post notes.

Borell says Thaci’s request on Specialist Chambers, unacceptable (media)

EU High Representative Josep Borrell said on Monday that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci’s call for constitutional amendments related to extending the mandate of the Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office are unacceptable.

In a response to the Specialist Chambers, Borell said the request was unacceptable because Thaçi did not have consultations with the head of the EU Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) before he submitted the request. Borrell also said that this consultation is foreseen in the correspondence between Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga and the former EU High Representative for Foreign Policy Catherine Ashton, in April 2014.

Hoti has not commented on Thaci's proposal for Specialist Chambers (EO/Zeri)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti has not submitted any comments to the Specialist Chambers about the proposal of President Hashim Thaci concerning the court's mandate. "No, I did not send any," Hoti told reporters yesterday.

“Merkel must take active role in dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia” (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla said in a meeting with Christina Beinhoff, senior official for Foreign Policy and Security in the Office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, that Germany must have a decisive role in visa liberalisation for Kosovo and the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia.

Haradinaj-Stublla said after the meeting that extensive discussions focused on two strategic issues for Kosovo, the visa liberalisation process and the dialogue with Serbia. “We asked for Chancellor Merkel to take an active role to give the necessary, strategic direction to the conclusion of these processes. Kosovo’s entitled right to freedom of movement must be formalised as soon as possible. The dialogue with Serbia can have no other outcome but mutual recognition in the existing borders and in accordance with the current Constitutional order,” she said.

Germany supports Lajcak's proposal on constitutional changes (Klan)

Klan Kosova quotes sources saying that the idea to amend the Kosovo Constitution to make way for the establishment of the Association of Serb-majority municipalities came from Germany.

In a reply, a spokesperson for the German Federal Government did not confirm the report but added that Germany supports the EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak in every step of the way. "In approval of international agreements and their inclusion into the national legislations, certain amendments may be necessary, even in the national Constitution. So we fully agree with the EU Representative for Dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, that the amendment of the constitution should not be ruled out as an option," the German official said.

Mustafa: Serbia is continuing provocations against Kosovo (media)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa said on Monday that Serbia is playing a destructive role in the EU-facilitated talks. Mustafa said that the process of dialogue in Brussels is being held for mutual recognition.

“This is Kosovo’s approach, but it seems that Serbia has a different approach. The new government of Serbia said it would keep Kosovo. The European Union meanwhile has not reacted to this provocation against the dialogue and also the agreement reached in Washington,” he said.

Journalist association demands justice for killed and missing reporters (Telegrafi)

On the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) has demanded justice for all journalists killed or missing in Kosovo.

The Association said the failure to deliver justice for crimes committed against journalists is a bad message for the rule of law in Kosovo and a burden on the families of the victims and the media community. "This climate of impunity affects the freedom of reporting and encourages other attacks and intimidation in the future."

AJK recalled that 12 journalists have been killed during and after the war in Kosovo and four are considered missing.

Kosovo leaders condemn Vienna attacks (media)

Leaders in Kosovo have condemned last night's terror attack in Vienna and expressed solidarity with the people of Austria.

Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti said the news coming from Austria were 'shocking'. "We pray for the victims and their families. We stand by our Austrian allies and the international community in the joint fight against terrorism," he wrote on Facebook.

President Hashim Thaci tweeted: "Kosovo strongly condemns the cowardly attack in Vienna. Our thoughts are with the families of victims and the injured, as we stand by the people of Austria at this difficult time."

Kosovo's Foreign Minister Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla said Kosovo stands in solidarity with Austria. "Our thoughts & prayers remain with victims & families, as we stand strongly together against cowardly attacks against humanity & freedom."

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj condemned the attacks saying that "terrorists will not win."