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Belgrade Media Report 30 December 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Friday 30 December 2022


• UNMIK Chief welcomes lifting of roadblocks (Beta)
• Removal of barricades begins in north of Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS)
• Serbian Army is no longer on highest level of combat alert (Tanjug)
• Dacic: Germany’s position on Kosovo different to others (TV B92)
• Gratitude to Romania for principled position regarding preservation of Serbia's territorial integrity (Tanjug/RTV)
• Lajcak: Tensions in Kosovo remain high, level of mistrust higher than ever (Politico/FoNet)
• Borrell: Diplomacy prevailed in de-escalating Kosovo tensions (Tanjug)
• Nedeljkovic: I don't hate anyone, I only love and respect my country (Tanjug/RTS)
• Dveri: Authorities use Kosovo Serbs as bargaining chips (Beta/Politika)
• NDSS: Plea that Serbs remove barricades in northern Kosovo is wrong (Beta/Politika)
• Opposition MP on Kosovo: Exercise badly played, we did what suits Kurti (N1)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• SNSD’s Mazalica says latest Law on Immovable Property of RS was attempt to implement B&H CC decision (Nezavisne)
• Bosniak representatives, RS opposition object RS Law on Immovable Property (ATV)
• Becirovic announces motion with B&H CC against RS law on immovable property; Stevadnic: RS parliament has capacity to respond to this (RTRS)
• Komsic to file motion with B&H CC due to RS law on immovable property (O Kanal)
• Niksic: Adoption of RS law on immovable property is against principle defined within coalition agreement (RTRS)
• Zvizdic: B&H is titleholder of state property, lower-level parliaments cannot decide about it (O Kanal)
• OHR: Acting contrary to decisions of Constitutional Court must be interpreted as violation of General Framework Agreement for Peace (Hayat)
• Reactions of the international community to the RS parliament’s adoption of the Law on Immovable Property (FTV/Hayat)
• RS ruling coalition decides on new members of B&H Council of Ministers (ATV/
• SNSD’s Vulic: It is realistic to expect that B&H CoM will be formed by the end of January (ATV)
• Vukovar city statute changed to abolish bilingualism (Hina)
• Djurovic proclaims Lekic a PM-designate: I won’t spare myself; it isn’t excluded that I’ll give up if there’s trade (CdM)
• Mandic: Agreement on government formation by 19 January, presidential elections announcement by 20 January (CdM)
• Djukanovic to Mandic: Proposal for Lekic to be PM-designate has no basis in Constitution (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Mickoski: 2023 will be an election year (Republika)
• Rama's ironic message after removal of barricades (ADN)

Belgrade Media Report 29 December 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Thursday 29 December 2022


• Vucic: The barricades will be removed, but... (B92)
• Brnabic thanks Vucic, Kosovo Serbs for commitment to peace (Tanjug)
• Petkovic: We have guarantees (Tanjug/RTS)
• EU, US concerned over situation in northern Kosovo, call for restraint (Beta)
• KFOR: Kosovo forces need our permission to enter northern Kosovo (Beta/Politika)
• Djuric: Pristina lost a blank check to the US and the international community for its behavior (RTS)
• Hill: Kosovo crisis requires political solution (


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• RS parliament adopts Proposal of Law on Immovable Property (BHT1)
• Dodik: There will be no discussion about property, it belongs to RS (Hayat)
• RS opposition says RS government harmonized law on property with OHR decisions (BN TV)
• Becirovic: State property belongs to state not entities (Oslobodjenje)
• Other reactions to the RS parliament adoption of the Proposal of Law on Immovable Property (BHT1/FTV)
• Dodik: RS is stable; RS is thankful to the EU for support for some infrastructural projects but the RS will not allow any political blackmails because of that (ATV)
• B&H HoR confirms appointment of Kristo as B&H CoM Chairperson; Kristo presents her exposé: Focus of future work will be on B&H’s EU and NATO path (FTV)
• B&H HoR MPs Mehmedovic, Bosic, Borenovic, Dunovic criticize Kristo’s exposé (Hayat)
• SDP’s Muslic: Kristo is committed to start resolving accumulated issues; Vulic has great expectations from Kristo; Expectations of other B&H HoR MPs from Kristo (Nova BH)
• Covic and Plenkovic discuss stabilization of political situation and authority formation in B&H (Dnevni list)
• Croatian Minister: Croatia monitors situation in Kosovo (N1)
• Plenkovic congratulates Kristo (HRT)
• Zivkovic: Voting for amendments to Law on Local Self-Government continues constitutional order collapse (CdM)
• Damjanovic: Those who wanted to provoke snap elections and additional instability won’t succeed in it (CdM)
• SDT: No announcement of Podgorica election results before Constitutional Court’s ruling (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Kovachevski: 2023 not an election year (MRT)
• VMRO-DPMNE puts forward proposal for early elections in May, party’s position over constitutional revision unchanged (MIA)
• AfA not against early elections, gives priority to Euro-integration process (MIA)
• Parliament adopts amendments to decision on a state of crisis due to migration influx (MIA)
• Tensions in the north of Kosovo/Xhacka: Barricades, the work of criminal groups, it is time for dialogue (Radio Tirana)
• Tensions in the north of Kosovo, Xhacka: Dialogue with the US and the EU to find a solution (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 28 December 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Wednesday 28 December 2022


• Vucic visits the units between Kraljevo and Raska (Tanjug/B92)
• Vucic: Pristina wants to banish Serbia, Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija forever (Politika/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)
• Brnabic: State ready to protect Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (Politika/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)
• Brnabic responds to Osmani: We're in complete agreement, democracy and rule of law will prevail (Politika/Tanjug)
• Vucevic: Serbia ready for agreement, but that doesn’t mean moving of red lines (RTS)
• Vucevic, Mojsilovic visit army, police troops at administrative line (Tanjug/RTS)
• Dacic: Xhacka encourages Kurti to continue provocations instead of warning him to implement Brussels agreement (Tanjug/RTV)
• Serbs at the barricades for the 19th day (B92)
• Pantic to be transferred to house arrest (Tanjug)
• US Ambassador says seeing Patriarch important for Kosovo Serbs (
• Botsan-Kharchenko: Ban to Patriarch to go to Kosovo beyond all limits of reason (Tanjug/RTV)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Dodik: We have no intention of sharing property with B&H (ATV)
• RS parliament discusses RS Proposal Law on Immovable Property Used for Functioning of Public Authority (BHT1)
• RS opposition says RS government kept secret that proposal of RS law on immovable property was adjusted to previous decisions of HRs (BN TV)
• Komsic announces that he will file motion with B&H CC if the RS parliament again adopts RS Law on Immovable Property (BHT1)
• Becirovic announces to file motion with B&H CC if RS parliament adopts new proposal of law on immovable property (Nova BH)
• Zvizdic expects HR Schmidt may react to RS law on immovable property (Nova BH)
• NiP: HR Schmidt should put proposal of RS law on immovable property out of force; NS: RS has no competences to decide about this issue (FTV)
• Covic and Plenkovic discuss stabilization of political situation and authority formation in B&H (Hina)
• Abazovic: Situation is clear when it comes to prime minister-designate, talks over govt in January (CdM)
• If commission doesn’t announce final election results within 60 days, mandate of current local parliament convocation to end by force of law (Pobjeda)
• Tensions in the north of Kosovo/Protests in front of the Serbian Embassy in Tirana: We give our lives, we don't give Mitrovica (Radio Tirana)
• Albania-Kosovo approve rules for the ALPEX energy exchange (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 27 December


• Combat readiness of MUP and Serbian Army raised (Tanjug/B92/RTS/Politika/Novosti)
• Patriarch Porfirije: Door of my home locked to me (Tanjug/Politika)
• Dacic: Pristina's decision to deny entry to patriarch disgraceful (Tanjug)
• Popovic: Shameless banning of Patriarch Porfirije's visit to the Pec Patriarchate (Tanjug/Novosti)
• Vucic and Patriarch Porfirije address the public after the meeting (B92)
• Petkovic: Kurti would like to be master of life and death (RTS)
• Vucevic visits army troops in Raska garrison (Tanjug)
• Mojsilovic: Situation in Kosovo and Metohija complex (TV Pink/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)
• Brnabic does not expect Kosovo police to forcibly remove barricades (Beta/RTS)
• International community should react to terror against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)
• Vucevic: Special forces to grow from 1,500 to 5,000 soldiers in 2023 (Beta/Politika/Novosti)
• KFOR: Incident in Zubin Potok under investigation (Beta/Politika)
• Dacic: Gratitude to friendly China for its respect of Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity (Tanjug/RTS/Beta/RTV/Politika)
• Tensions on Kosovo and Metohija: New barricades installed (Tanjug/RTS/B92)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Dodik on the position of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija: "It is not only a question of them and Serbia, but also of us in the Republika Srpska (RTRS)
• Schmidt: What Vucic called Open Balkans I call Berlin Process (N1)
• B&H CEC: Conditions to confirm results of indirect elections and award mandates for FB&H HoP still not met (FTV/Hayat)
• Appeals to CEC’s decision drag the process of formation of new authorities (Dnevni list)
• Issue of disputable ballot from RS for B&H HoP (RTRS)
• Izetbegovic: Formation of new coalition at level of state is most likely to happen while same coalition will not succeed at FB&H level (Hayat)
• Komsic announces to file motion in case RS parliament adopts new Proposal Law on immovable property (N1)
• Dodik: New RS government to focus on return of competencies (N1)
• Dodik: Creating of negative atmosphere ahead or marking RS Day is unacceptable (ATV)
• Russian Embassy on occasion of 26 years of diplomatic relations with B&H; There is unused potential for strengthening of our relations (Glas Srpske)
• Croatian colonel talks upcoming war crimes trial in Belgrade (Hina)
• Zagreb archbishop calls for renewed solidarity and assistance to Ukraine (Hina)
• Signatures supporting Lekic as PM-designate submitted to Djukanovic (CdM)
• Novakovic Djurovic: New govt. must stay on EU path, or there won’t be one with URA (Vijesti)
• Shortening parliament mandate and snap elections the only way out of crisis, deadline for election of DPS leadership extended (CdM)
• Bilcik: I didn’t have choice, I had to postpone POSP meeting. Next steps depend on Montenegrin politicians (Pobjeda)
• Maddocks: GB is concerned, MNE vulnerable with weak institutions and govt not functioning at full capacity (CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Osmani: Historic year in relations with Serbia (MIA)
• Kovachevski: Processes of strategic importance must not be used for blackmail (MIA)
• Kasami responds to PM Kovacevski’s stands (MIA)
• Osmani: Talks securing support for constitutional changes to intensify next week (MIA)

Belgrade Media Report 23 December 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Friday 23 December 2022


• Brnabic: Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are on verge of patience, strength (Tanjug/RTV)
• Dacic: Peaceful rally at Rudare response to Pristina's threats, terror (Tanjug)
• Drecun: Pristina preparing new base in north of Kosovo and Metohija (TV Pink/Tanjug)
• Odalovic: KFOR to ensure security (TV Prva)
• Miscevic: EU members voice skepticism about it being time to discuss Kosovo’s membership (Beta)
• Petkovic: 10,000 Serbs in Rudare showed that they stand for peace (Tanjug/RTV)
• Serb arrested by Pristina held at Jarinje police base – lawyer (Tanjug/Politika)
• Serbs at the barricades on the 14th day; Resolution 1244 is functional in Kosovo (B92/STA)
• EULEX builds up presence in Kosovo’s north (Beta/Politika)
• Moscow is not hiding behind the Kosovo “precedent” (Politika)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• B&H Presidency appoints Kristo as CoM Chairwoman-designate, Komsic votes against due to disagreeing with policy of newly-formed parliamentary majority at B&H level (N1)
• Kristo: B&H CoM should be initiator of the process on Euro-Atlantic path of B&H (AJB)
• SDP B&H, NiP and PDA welcome decision on Kristo’s appointment (N1)
• B&H CEC confirms its first decision, declares disputable ballot for B&H House of Peoples valid (N1)
• Cvijanovic: B&H CEC is under pressure and was given political task to undermine SNSD (RTRS)
• US Embassy responds to Izetbegovic’s statement; USA supports strong OHR (Dnevni avaz)
• Izetbegovic: If Schmidt is going to intervene, he should impose permanent rules that will apply to all parties and not only SDA (Oslobodjenje)
• DF’s Zilic on possibilities how FB&H government could be blocked (Dnevni list)
• Schmidt: Designation of 9 January as RS Day is unconstitutional (FTV)
• FM: Refusal to train Ukrainian soldiers is Croatia’s only foreign policy ‘stain’ (Hina)
• Djukanovic: Montenegro needs EU help now, you heard yesterday’s messages that this was the last alarm (CdM)
• Lekic: No reason why someone shouldn’t cooperate with new government (RTCG)
• Garcevic: Current situation confirms that feeling for so-called national interest is pushed into background (RSE/CdM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Pendarovski: It is not excluded that current officials are also on the "black list" of the USA (Libertas)
• Rama receives his Greek counterpart, Kyrakios Mitsotakis, in Dervican of Dropulli (Radio Tirana)
• The Maritime Border Agreement in The Hague/Rama: We will respect the Constitution and the law (Radio Tirana)