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Belgrade Media Report 27 December



Combat readiness of MUP and Serbian Army raised (Tanjug/B92/RTS/Politika/Novosti)


Serbian President and Supreme Commander of Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vucic ordered Serbian Armed Forces to be at the highest level of combat readiness. Defense Minister Milos Vucevic announced this last night. "President of Serbia, as commander-in-chief, ordered tonight that the Serbian Armed Forces be at the highest level of combat readiness, i.e. preparedness up to the level of the use of armed force, i.e. the armed potential of the Serbian Armed Forces," Vucevic told Tanjug. As I stated, "it raises us to the highest level of action carried out by the Serbian Army, protecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and protecting all citizens of Serbia and preventing terrorism and terror against Serbs wherever they live". According to the order of Vucic, the combat readiness of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia has been raised, announced Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic. "According to the order of the President of the Republic and the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Armed Forces of Serbia, I have ordered the full combat readiness of all units of the Ministry of the Interior: Gendarmerie, Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (SAJ) and police brigade. They should immediately be placed under the command of the Chief of General Staff and occupy the positions provided for in the operational plan", said Gasic.


Patriarch Porfirije: Door of my home locked to me (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Patriarch Porfirije said on Monday the door of his home was locked to him after Pristina's police banned him from entering Kosovo-Metohija earlier in the day. "As the patriarch, I set off to the first and foremost seat of my church. As a priest, I set off to be with my people ahead of the most joyful holiday. As a citizen, I set off to my house, to my home. From the moment I have set off on this path, I have been repeating: Wherever I have been outside of Kosovo and Metohija, I have been in foreign land. It is only in Kosovo and Metohija that I am at home," the Patriarch wrote in an Instagram post. "Today, the door of my home was locked to me, and I pray to God that he unlock the hearts of those who have locked it and that the love of Christmas and the birth of the Saviour touch the minds and the conscience of all people," he added.


Dacic: Pristina's decision to deny entry to patriarch disgraceful (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday a decision by the Pristina authorities to ban the movement of Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church was impermissible and demonstrated their brutality and lunacy. "Can anyone expect a religious leader like the patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church to be banned from visiting any part of the world outside of Serbia or within Serbia in the 21st century?" Dacic asked in a statement to Tanjug, noting that nothing like that had ever occurred to anyone. It is disgraceful if the patriarch has to send a request to come to the territory of a part of Serbia that is under interim UN administration in order to visit the former seat of the Serbian Orthodox Church, he said. "That has happened only in the difficult circumstances of the Turkish occupation, when the patriarch was banished from Kosovo and Metohija," Dacic said. Such actions by Pristina are impermissible, he underscored.


Popovic: Shameless banning of Patriarch Porfirije's visit to the Pec Patriarchate (Tanjug/Novosti)


Serbian Justice Minister Maja Popovic commented on the latest activities of the so-called Kosovo authorities to say that she strongly condemns the latest political moves of Albin Kurti, who will not stop provoking the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. "In a series of provocations, the banning of Patriarch Porfirije from visiting the Patriarchate of Pec is particularly shameless. Such activities of the so-called Kosovo authorities only confirm the already known fact that there is no political will to negotiate in peace," said Popovic. "The message is again being sent to the Serbs that our shrines and believers have no place in Kosovo and Metohija, by banning the Serb religious leader from visit the center of the Serb spirituality in Kosovo and Metohija. I expect that the international community will react and point out that the right to freedom of movement and religion are basic human rights and that they will condemn the activities of the so-called of the Kosovo authorities," she said.


Vucic and Patriarch Porfirije address the public after the meeting (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Patriarch Porfirije regarding the situation in Kosovo and Metohija for the second time since last night. The meeting between the President and the Patriarch is being held a day after the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Porfirije, was banned from entering Kosovo and Metohija on his way to the Patriarchate of Pec before Christmas. The Patriarch stated after the ban that he went to the first and most important seat of his church to be with his people on the eve of Christmas, but that the door of his home was locked for him. "As a Patriarch, I went to the first and most important seat of my church. As a priest, I went to be with my people on the eve of the most joyous holiday. As a citizen, I went to my house, to my home," the patriarch said yesterday on his Instagram account. He added that the doors of his home are locked for him, and that he prays to God to unlock the hearts of those who closed them and that the love of Christmas and the birth of the Savior touch the minds and consciences of all people. Vucic, regarding the ban on the entry of Patriarch Porfirije to Kosovo, emphasized that this has never happened in history. "And they don't really care. Meaningless statements were issued, unimportant... But they will continue to talk only about the Serbian barricades, which are only a sign of the dissatisfaction and struggle of the Serbian people to be on their own and nothing more," the President said on Instagram. Vucic addressed the public after the meeting with Patriarch Porfirije. "I introduced the patriarch with the situation from different angles. I think that yesterday's decision to ban him from going to Kosovo and Metohija, which the Pristina authorities carried out and not allowing him to go to our sanctuary, speaks best of those who organized it, and that is only partly the Pristina regime. They announced all day long how harshly they will condemn what Pristina did, when in fact we realized that we Serbs were to blame. It is one of the biggest shames they could afford. They can neither take the patriarch nor the church from the souls of the people who are on Kosovo and Metohija," said Vucic. "We are holding talks with the representatives of the international community, because we have to represent the interests of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. Those who, together with the NATO countries, hijacked, destroyed, and trampled on the territorial integrity of Serbia are still trying to do so today. They dare to tell you such foolishness and nonsense about territorial integrity. Just so we know that you want to kill Serbs. You kidnap Serbs, and then you say we should beware," says Vucic. He emphasized that Pristina should give Pantic the opportunity to receive treatment, to see his family, and drew attention to the demands of the Serbs. "Don't lie to us," continued Vucic. "We are talking with international representatives and talks are ongoing at the moment. We are doing our best to preserve the peace and to reach some sort of compromise solution. Shame on you all, you liars," he added. "I will go to every possible place to meet with the representatives of our people. Whether we succeed does not depend on us. Do not have any doubts that this will continue. You see that it is impossible to talk to someone who does not want to talk. What do you want? To kill someone? What is the second goal? Even if we achieve something, and I'm not sure we will. There will be something new in 15 days. The final goal is the expulsion of Serbs for good, and especially the expulsion of the disobedient Serbian people from Kosovo and Metohija," concluded Vucic and added that he would inform the public about upcoming events. "The situation there is very, very serious and tensions have reached a point where they would not lead us to anything that would bring not only peace but some kind of balance. I don't have much to say, especially after yesterday, which is for me a very sad day, to say the least, but that is not so important. The important thing is that it is sad for our brothers and sisters in Kosovo and Metohija, for our nuns and monks, who expected the head of their church to come as part of their regular programs, before all in the Patriarchate of Pec", began the address Patriarch Porfirije. "It is a certain fact that only we among ourselves, through our efforts, can better understand each other, and for centuries Serbs and Albanians have lived together in the area of Kosovo and Metohija. If there is goodwill, a way to a coexistence can be found within which there is room for everyone. Regardless that I was forbidden to go to Kosovo, I am sure that I will be with them there and together with them pray to God for everything that I mentioned. The Patriarchate of Peć is for our people, the church, what the Vatican is for the Roman Catholic Church," added the Serbian Patriarch. He pointed out that the whole world would rise to its feet if, by any chance, a visit to the head of the Roman Catholic Church was banned. "Is there a head of a religious community who cannot visit his people?" asked the Patriarch. "I appeal to those who I think can certainly influence those who make decisions in Pristina, including the decision to ban the Patriarch, to change that decision," he added. He emphasized that we must do everything to preserve peace at any cost, and that he addressed the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with this request.


Petkovic: Kurti would like to be master of life and death (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that President Aleksandar Vucic made a decision to put the Army in the highest level of combat readiness until the moment of the use of armed force. And the special units of the MUP have been put on the highest level of combat readiness. "This is our response to the immediate threat of war and all that Pristina is doing to carry out an attack on the north of Kosovo. Given that Pristina has raised the combat readiness of the Kosovo Security Forces to the highest level, preparing those units, long pipes and armored vehicles to attack the Serb people in the north of Kosovo, with the intention of attacking our women, old people, children, men, our people who are just defending their right to bare life at the barricades," emphasized Petkovic. He states that it is terrible that the Serbian Patriarch is banned from entering Kosovo. It is the first time in history that a Patriarch is forbidden to go to the Patriarchate of Pec. "The Patriarch is a man of peace, who preaches love. How is it possible that Kurti forbade the Serbian Patriarch from going to the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, even though the visit was announced in accordance with the procedures on time. A shameful explanation came from Pristina that he had made the decision to fence himself off from the Serbian people and barricades. Albin Kurti would like to change centuries-old canons, to be the master of life and death," says Petkovic. "The barricades represent a democratic and peaceful means for our people to express their dissatisfaction because they experience the terror and cruelty of Albin Kurti almost every day," Petkovic points out. The fact that combat readiness has been raised means the full responsibility of the state and government towards the people and the future of the country. "We will not allow the pogrom of our people to happen. All the time we did everything to preserve the peace, raise our country, the economy, to open new factories, to raise salaries and pensions. We were looking for ways to normalize relations with Pristina even when it did not want to talk. We will protect our people, peace and stability and the future of our country, there is no surrender," concluded Petkovic.


Vucevic visits army troops in Raska garrison (Tanjug)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic and Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic visited a part of army troops in the Raska garrison, in southwestern Serbia, on Monday. During the visit, Vucevic saw that army personnel is prepared and trained to execute any task issued to it by the state leadership. The Minister spoke with SAF personnel executing tasks along the administrative line. The visit was preceded by a meeting with SAF officers at which the current security situation was discussed, the Ministry of Defence said in a statement.


Mojsilovic: Situation in Kosovo and Metohija complex (TV Pink/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic said late on Sunday the situation in Kosovoa dn Metohija was "complex" after bursts of gunfire were heard in Zubin Potok. "Not long ago, I finished a meeting with the commander-in-chief - the topic was Kosovo-Metohija and the current situation," Mojsilovic told TV Pink before heading to the Raska region, southwestern Serbia, but refused to elaborate. He said the tasks assigned to the Serbian Armed Forces would be executed. "The situation is complex and requires army presence along the administrative line and, in the period to come, the army will focus on executing the tasks. I cannot talk about what happened in Zubin Potok, I can only say that all of the army's tasks will be executed in full," Mojsilovic said.


Brnabic does not expect Kosovo police to forcibly remove barricades (Beta/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Saturday that she did not believe in a scenario in which Kosovo police would forcibly remove barricades in the north of Kosovo, adding that she did not know how the Franco-German proposal for Kosovo would be discussed when the Brussels agreement had not yet been implemented. “I do not believe that such a scenario is possible. I do not want to believe that the Kosovo police could start forcibly removing the barricades, thereby fulfilling (Kosovo Prime Minister) Albin Kurti’s threats – that would mean that the people at the barricades would be attacked, and there are women, children and old people there,” Brnabic said at a press conference. The Serbian prime minister underlined that Serbia had good cooperation with KFOR. “They are really fair,” the prime minister said, adding that KFOR was still discussing Serbia’s request to send Serbian security forces back to Kosovo under UN Security Resolution 1244.


International community should react to terror against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Friday that it is nothing new for Serbia that Pristina is making a list of Serbs for arrest, and that the only difference is that this time they made it public, although six days ago, they officially denied making such a list. "And really, after this, no one in the international community has the right to turn a blind eye to the fact which even Pristina no longer hides, and that is they have a list of undesirable Serbs. There are names on that list that have absolutely nothing to do with politics. That list includes the names of the brother and the elder son of the President of the Republic of Serbia. It is a new provocation, a new destabilisation of the region, a new attempt to create chaos, which Kurti is continuously doing with the aim of causing conflict. I condemn in the harshest terms the attack on the family of President Aleksandar Vucic. I strongly condemn the persecution and targeting of all people from the mentioned list, but also of all other people who are not of Albanian nationality, and who cannot achieve even the most basic human rights in Kosovo and Metohija. I am sure that they would really arrest all those people from the list, and that all those people would have the same treatment as Dejan Pantic, about whom his family did not have a single piece of information for 13 days, by which all civilisational rights of this man were violated. This violation of Dejan Pantic's rights is the best image of the character of Albin Kurti, Vjosa Osmani and all those who manage temporary institutions in Pristina today. In this way, I again appeal to all relevant actors in the international community not to turn a blind eye to the terror being perpetrated against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Open threats, public intimidation and political persecution are the reality that all citizens in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija who are not of Albanian nationality live. I remind you that this is happening in the 21st century, in the heart of Europe, under the auspices of UNMIK, EULEX and KFOR, and that it is high time everyone stood up to protect them," said brnabic.


Vucevic: Special forces to grow from 1,500 to 5,000 soldiers in 2023 (Beta/Politika/Novosti)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said on Monday that, following an order by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who is also the commander-in-chief of the Army of Serbia, the number of soldiers in the Army’s special units would be increased from 1,500 to 5,000 by the end of 2023. “The Army of Serbia will have 5,000 superbly trained and prepared soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers, who will have completed top-notch training, theoretical and practical, using state-of-the-art weapons and military equipment. They will be ready to defend their homeland, perform any task at any moment and in any part of the territory of Serbia,” Vucevic said in a press release. According to the minister, the 5,000 soldiers will be prepared to respond to any challenge Serbia might face, and will be “the strongest fist able to shatter the bad wishes and intents of all those who don’t love Serbia, and are willing to harm its people and citizens”.


KFOR: Incident in Zubin Potok under investigation (Beta/Politika)


The NATO-led peacekeeping mission in Kosovo (KFOR) reported on Monday that it was investigating an incident in Zubin Potok, involving unidentified armed persons, and urged all the actors to avoid rhetoric and moves that might create tensions and worsen the situation. As to last night’s shooting near a KFOR patrol, the mission said that it caused no injuries or material damage, adding that “it was establishing all the facts.” “We expect all the actors to refrain from provocative demonstrations of force, and to seek the best solution to ensure security for all communities,” KFOR said, urging all the parties to help protect the freedom of movement in Kosovo “prevent deceptive narratives from affecting the process of dialogue”.


Dacic: Gratitude to friendly China for its respect of Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity (Tanjug/RTS/Beta/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received Chinese Ambassador to Belgrade Chen Bo on Monday. In an open and cordial conversation, they said Serbia and China were committed to continued development of firm ties based on comprehensive strategic partnership and a steely friendship. Noting his gratitude to friendly China for its respect of Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, firmly based on international law, Dacic reiterated that Serbia consistently supported the One China policy and the One Country, Two Systems principle.

Dacic and Chen confirmed a readiness to continue to boost bilateral and multilateral cooperation, as well as cooperation as part of the Belt and Road initiative and the China-Central and Eastern European Countries cooperation mechanism, to which Serbia attaches great significance, an official statement said. The parties expressed interest in stepping up political dialogue further with exchanges of high- and top-level visits and further advancement of economic and investment cooperation, with particular emphasis on attracting new Chinese companies to Serbia, on investments in new infrastructure projects and on concluding a free trade agreement. They especially expressed satisfaction over the recent establishment of direct flights between Serbia and China as another confirmation of the strong ties and closeness between the two peoples, the statement also said.


Tensions on Kosovo and Metohija: New barricades installed (Tanjug/RTS/B92)


Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are at the barricades for the 18th day. They demand the release of their illegally arrested compatriots, the withdrawal of special units of the Kosovo Police from the north of the province and the withdrawal of secret lists for the arrest of Serbs. A barricade made of several trucks loaded with stones and sand was erected during the night in the northern part of Mitrovica in Knjaza Milosa street, which leads from the eastern bridge from the southern part of the city, from the direction of Bosnjacka Mahala, to the center of the city, reports RTS. A barricade was erected on the new bridge that leads from the northern part of Mitrovica to the main road Mitrovica - Raska. The barricade in Knjaza Milosa Street was the first to be installed in the city center. You can walk past that barricade, but other side roads are used for cars.




Dodik on the position of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija: "It is not only a question of them and Serbia, but also of us in the Republika Srpska (RTRS)


The question of the position of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija is not only a question for them and Serbia, but it is also a question for us in the Republika Srpska (RS), President of RS Srpska Milorad Dodik said. I am in constant contact with Serbian President Aleksandar President Vucic regarding these issues, for a long time now and I am familiar with these details, the determination and the attitude of the President and the Serbian state leadership to preserve and support our people said Dodik. According to him, everyone who tries to do anything must know that RS and its people are with President Aleksandar Vucic and with the people of Kosovo and Metohija. Here, RS is not satisfied with the status and that of foreigners according to what our status is, and if someone thinks that the work here is finished, he must understand that this is absolutely not the case, that in this regard, we in the RS are vigilantly monitoring the manner and arrogance with which foreigners try to motivate Albin Kurti and the others in order to violently attack justified demands and the Serbs themselves in Kosovo and Metohija - said Dodik. He pointed out that RS is waiting for the moment to make it clear to everyone that foreigners cannot be trusted. “We cannot accept their interventions here, especially their arrogance lately, which goes to the effect that RS, whether it was or not, is to blame for everything, and thus of course Serbia too, so it is absolutely clear that Serbia cannot give up on several important things, namely the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, as our state and motherland issue and of course the issue of relations with Russia - added Dodik. According to him, Serbia does not want to destroy the centuries-old friendship with the Russians, and that is why they cannot understand the president of Serbia, nor the Serbs in RS, nor the Serbs as a whole. “It is obvious that Germany is trying to teach lessons to us, and to Serbia, to the Serbs in particular, with an arrogant policy - stressed Dodik. He recalled the First and Second World Wars and added that we must all remember Hans-Dietrich Genscher, who broke up Yugoslavia by demanding immediate recognition of Slovenia and Croatia and contributed to the introduction of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). If anyone is to blame for the civil war in B&H, it is the interventionist policy of Germany at the time, and now we see that after Angela Merkel, some have returned to the scene who, with their ignorance of geopolitics and even historical issues, are trying to teach us here lessons about the so-called Kosovo and the RS, holding that we only need to follow them and get nothing for it - Dodik said. According to him, they do not understand that the Serbs as a people never wanted to gain anything, and lose their freedom. “They will never understand that, that's why we have to be together and that's why tonight and all the following days, no matter what happens, we are with President Vucic and the leadership and the Serbs at the so-called Kosovo and we will do everything to ease their situation - said Dodik.


Schmidt: What Vucic called Open Balkans I call Berlin Process (N1)


International community’s High Representative in B&H, Christian Schmidt, advised Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic not to transfer the problems from the north of Kosovo to B&H while speaking for the local BN TV Thursday evening.  “I know that Vucic has a problem in the north of Kosovo. My advice is that these problems should not be transferred to B&H and vice versa,” Schmidt told the Bijeljina-based television. Speaking about the meetings with the Serbian President, Schmidt said that they never talk about individuals, but about work, infrastructure, roads, etc… “Let's simply put a geographical map on the table, so to speak, and see where there is a lack of a road that would connect the two countries. We are discussing the topic, which Vucic calls the “Open Balkans”, and I call it the “Berlin Process,” the High Representative said. I know, he says, that Vucic has a problem in the north of Kosovo. “My advice is that these problems shouldn’t be transferred to BiH and vice versa, and I would advise all politically responsible individuals to make contact with the important neighbour that is Serbia. In the end, the turnover of goods and trade cooperation also has increased…,” said Schmidt adding that these are issues he talks about with the President of Serbia. He said that in recent weeks he had contact with the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, and that he will meet with her soon.


B&H CEC: Conditions to confirm results of indirect elections and award mandates for FB&H HoP still not met (FTV/Hayat)


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H confirmed on Monday that the conditions to confirm the results of indirect elections and to award mandates in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP) have not been met. The CEC explained that this means the conditions to schedule the inaugural session of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) have not been created either. The CEC’s statement reads: “The conditions have not yet been met for the CEC to confirm the results of the indirect elections and to award mandates for the HoP of the parliament of FB&H, and therefore the conditions for convening and holding the inaugural session of the HoP have not been met.” In one of his recent statements, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic expressed optimism that the authorities would be formed by the end of this year. However, this did not happen. Secretary of the FB&H HoP Izmir Hadziavdic told Hayat that the decision on election of delegates in the FB&H HoP still has not become final, because there have been appeals pertaining to four positions – three from the rank of Others and one from the rank of Serb people. “Once the decision on confirming the results becomes final, and it will be final after the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H passes decisions on the appeals, we will be able to schedule the inaugural session of the FB&H HoP”, explained Hadziavdic. Delegate in the Serb Caucus of the FB&H HoP Zarko Vujovic (DF) presented an opinion that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt is responsible for the complications related to formation of the FB&H HoP. “I really think that Schmidt’s decisions in the election night (amendments to the Election Law of B&H and the Constitution of the FB&H) were an attack on constitutional order of B&H. One complication turned into a much bigger complication”, Vujovic said. He added that SDA has the right to nominate President or Vice-Presidents of the FB&H, given its capacity in the HoP. Delegate in the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP Haris Zahiragic (SDA) said that SDA as a political party has the largest number of delegates in the Bosniak Caucus of the FB&H HoP and it will therefore use its capacity to propose the FB&H President or Vice-President.


Appeals to CEC’s decision drag the process of formation of new authorities (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list daily reads that the process of formation of new authorities, despite all the agreements and signatures on them, is being dragged in many different ways. According to the daily, it is already clear that a new FB&H government will not be appointed by the New Year as planned and announced by ‘The Eight’ and HDZ B&H. The reason behind it, continues the daily, is complicated procedures pertaining to filling of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) as well as of the B&H HoP, which is being additionally slowed down by appeals to decisions of the CEC of B&H regarding election of FB&H HoP delegates, which is why inaugural session of the FB&H HoP cannot be convened. According to the daily, formation of the FB&H HoP is important for two reasons. The first reason is to elect 10 delegates into the B&H HoP (5 Croats and 5 Bosniaks), which cannot happen until the CEC has confirmed all delegates in the FB&H HoP. The second reason is that caucuses of Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs in the FB&H HoP have to nominate candidates for the FB&H President and Vice Presidents, which they are not able to do because the HoP is not formally formed.  The daily went on to say that one can expect SDA will block processes and wait for expiration of legal deadlines, which is why one can expect the issue of election of FB&H President and Vice Presidents to be on the FB&H HoP’s agenda in February the earliest. In this context, daily added by saying that the process of appointment of a new FB&H government could be dragged until March.


Issue of disputable ballot from RS for B&H HoP (RTRS)


The Appellate Division of the Court of B&H is expected to pass a decision on SNSD’s appeal to the decision of B&H CEC concerning a disputable ballot on election of delegate to the Serb Caucus of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) from RS. Namely, after the B&H CEC accepted this ballot as valid the Court of B&H annulled this decision and returned this case to the B&H CEC to decide about it again. However, the B&H CEC decided again to declare the disputable ballot valid. SNSD filed new complaint. This time they demand the court to pass a final decision and not return it to B&H CEC for new deciding. They expect the Appellate Division not to change the earlier rendered decision according to which SNSD won four seats in the B&H HoP, while SDS won one. Advisor to the RS President Milan Tegeltija said they demanded the Court of B&H to change the decision of the B&H CEC in full jurisdiction procedure in regards to the number of votes the list of PDP’s candidate for the B&H HoP won in the RS parliament. “We expect the court to do it, because it is the only remaining option that is adequate in the situation where the B&H CEC refuses to act in line with the order of the court”, explained Tegeltija. Leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik stated that political intention to prevent SNSD from having four delegates in the Serb Caucus in the B&H HoP is evident in this case. He emphasized that the decision of the court should be applied, whether someone likes it or not. Dodik reiterated that current convocation of B&H CEC is politically motivated. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said he expects the Court of B&H not to change its earlier decision, according to which SNSD has four delegates and SDS has one delegate in the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), noting changing the will of the people and representatives in the RS parliament is unacceptable, stressing the importance of the decision to be confirmed, because it is the will of the RS parliament. Stevandic said the decision of the B&H CEC “is a decision of people delegated by political parties that feel as election losers and as losers because someone annulled the ballot. For me personally, it is important that the court decision is confirmed, because it is the confirmation of the RS parliament’s will”. “This time we asked the Court to decide in the so-called full jurisdiction dispute, that is to change the decision of the CEC,” SNSD spokesman Radovan Kovacevic said. PDP officials are not losing hope, and they consider the B&H CEC's decision the only correct and legal one. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic pointed out that he expects the Court of B&H to accept what the B&H CEC did and rule that the twelfth ballot is valid “because the intention of the voter, in this case a member of parliament, was obvious and clear - to support the PDP list”. According to the information received from the B&H CEC, three scenarios are again at play. The Court of B&H can confirm the B&H CEC's decision, send it back for a new decision, or finally rule in favor of the complainant.


Izetbegovic: Formation of new coalition at level of state is most likely to happen while same coalition will not succeed at FB&H level (Hayat)


In an interview for Hayat, leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic commented formation of new authorities. According to Izetbegovic, formation of a new coalition at the state level is most likely to happen while the same coalition will not follow at the FB&H level. Asked if attempts to form new authorities represent an attempt to steal the election victory from SDA, Izetbegovic said that there is an incredible situation in which all parties stand united against those who won the election or those who represent the patriotic circle, i.e. SDA and DF. He said: “I do not know when this happened in B&H. I do not know that this happened anywhere in the world.” Speaking about the Central Bosnian Canton, Izetbegovic said that they achieved absolute victory in the CBC at the recent general elections. According to Izetbegovic, they also achieved success in other cantons like the Tuzla Canton, the Zenica Doboj Canton and thus, SDA has the right and the obligation towards the voters to represent them. In his opinion, those who are part of new authorities and who represents Bosniaks are servile, they violate all principles. According to Izetbegovic, dividing the pro-Bosnian bloc was something that SDA did not accept but others failed to this previously-staged test. Izetbegovic assessed that dividing the pro-Bosnian bloc is dangerous while everything else is temporary. Izetbegovic expressed hope that High Representative Christian Schmidt will not impose any new laws that may, according to Hayat, go against SDA’s favor. He said: “I do not believe that the HR will do this because what he did by now, has caused strong reactions, negative reactions and a certain spite of people. So, I do not believe that he will do this. However, if he does that, they are ready to ‘forgive’ an intervention even if it goes at SDA’s expense if it is permanently established. We have nothing against establishment of principles and we will deal with that.” Izetbegovic said that SDA has 12 delegates in Bosniak Caucus in FB&H House of Peoples and yet some deem that despite this fact, SDA should be pushed out of the authority. He underlined that representatives of ‘The Eight’ threaten with protests on the streets, arrests and he argues that they threw themselves in the embrace with Milorad Dodik and Dragan Covic, betraying the very principles they advocated. He underlined that SDA will not be blocking anything, but all they ask is for normal formation of the authority, adding that they will not betray their voters and participate in the project that would take the authority from party’s hands and result in SDA not being a political factor.


Komsic announces to file motion in case RS parliament adopts new Proposal Law on immovable property (N1)


The RS parliament is expected to discuss new Proposal Law on immovable property at its session scheduled for Thursday, and B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic has announced he will file a motion in case the Law is adopted. “Since he was awarded instead of being sanctioned for his unconstitutional activities Dodik continues to undermine the constitutional order of B&H. As for the property, we already have the ruling of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) that declared activities of the RS parliament unconstitutional. In case that Assembly again adopts the unconstitutional Law on immovable property, this time I will file a motion to the B&H CC. Dodik is clearly pushing and hopes that we will give up on challenging everything unconstitutional before the B&H CC. Of course, foreigners also bear the responsibility for such activities, who encourage Dodik and RS parliament’s unconstitutional activities with their behaviour. I do not expect ‘The Eight’, who claim that Dodik has changed, to take any action”, Komsic was quoted as saying.


Dodik: New RS government to focus on return of competencies (N1)


The RS President Milorad Dodik said that the priority of the newly formed Government is to preserve the entity's stability, especially political stability and to return the transferred competencies from the state level. “At the level of B&H, we remain committed to the constitutional position of B&H. We remain committed to preserving the RS position, stopping the transfer of any competencies and returning the competencies that were illegitimately and under pressure taken away from the RS”. Dodik requested that the RS government requests a joint session with the state-level government, officially called the Council of Ministers. “With the FB&H, we should open all kinds of economic and infrastructural cooperation, wait for the formation of the new FB&H government and then hold a joint session of the two governments and reach a protocol that will make it easier to work at the B&H level. The conditions are being made that after the election of the B&H Cabinet, the RS government will request a joint session with the B&H Council of Ministers in order to determine certain policies and developments.” When it comes to his attitude towards the EU integration process, Dodik said that he is not satisfied with the way the RS is treated. “The attitude towards the EU will remain at the level of the need to declare ourselves as those who are in favour [of integration] but we will clearly say that in this regard we are not satisfied with the fact that the RS is being treated in this way. If they return the position of the RS to its constitutional capacity, we can restore cooperation.” He also said that the RS will remain opposed to B&H’s NATO integration. “RS remains against NATO integration. Certain forms of cooperation are possible, but we will see how that cooperation will take place. A program of reforms was adopted, but we see that it is being interpreted differently and we must be careful,” the RS President concluded.


Dodik: Creating of negative atmosphere ahead or marking RS Day is unacceptable (ATV)


A ceremonial march will be held in Istocno Sarajevo on 9 January to mark the RS Day, while a ceremonial academy as central ceremony of marking 9 January and a reception organized by the RS institutions will be held in Banja Luka on 8 January. RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik announced on Saturday that ceremonial marches will be held in different city every year, which will show the RS Day as an integrative holiday that represents the RS as a whole. He reminded that the RS will mark its 31st birthday in Istocno Sarajevo where it was created and defended defiantly.  “We do not care about whether tourist such as (High Representative Christian) Schmidt. We have passed our decisions long ago and 9 January cannot be rescheduled. They can do whatever they want but we will be celebrating the RS Day on 9 January,” Dodik stressed.  He called on all citizens of Istocno Sarajevo and guests to attend a ceremonial march on 9 January. Dodik published statement on his Twitter account reading that creating of negative atmosphere due to the fact a central parade organized on the occasion of the RS Day will be held in Istocno Sarajevo is unacceptable. He added that this does not mean Banja Luka will be deprived of anything, adding that it is justified to organize the parade across the RS. Dodik underlined that Banja Luka will be a host of events marking significant anniversaries, such as 35th anniversary of the RS. Dodik said that the central event will be held in Banja Luka, but this year the parade will be in Istocno Sarajevo “because of its exceptional importance in the creation of RS”. He announced on Monday that the parade will be organized in other cities in RS in the coming years, and that Istocno Sarajevo was chosen this time. Christian Schmidt said in a press release on Thursday that celebrating 9 January as the RS Day shows a clear disregard for the Constitution of B&H, the rule of law and open contempt for decisions and the authority of the CC of B&H, noting that decisions of B&H CC are final and binding and must be respected in the entire territory of B&H. Commenting on Schmidt’s statement, Dodik stated that no one cares about what Schmidt has to say as “he causes chaos wherever he shows up”, adding that Schmidt will surely not be invited to a ceremony marking 9 January and maybe this is what bothers him. He said that the statement is actually a private opinion of an individual, reminding that the RS people have clearly decided in the 1992 referendum that 9 January is the RS Day, so “Schmidt can do whatever he wants”.


Russian Embassy on occasion of 26 years of diplomatic relations with B&H; There is unused potential for strengthening of our relations (Glas Srpske)


On the occasion of 26th anniversary since establishing of diplomatic relations between B&H and the Russian Federation, Russian Embassy to B&H issued a statement reiterating the willingness to engage in open dialogue based on equality and mutual respect. The Embassy also emphasized the willingness to maintain and strengthen friendly relations at all levels. “Our starting point is that there is an unused potential in cooperation between our countries which is necessary to use through new economic, humanitarian and other initiatives for the benefit of the peoples of Russia and B&H”, the Embassy stated.


Croatian colonel talks upcoming war crimes trial in Belgrade (Hina)


Retired Colonel Danijel Borovic, one of four Croatian Air Force officers accused of targeting refugees in B&H in 1995, on Friday commented on a trial starting in Belgrade on the 26th by saying that "if a political trial is being planned," they will be declared war criminals. The four officers will be tried in absentia. Speaking to the press in Varazdin, Borovic said that as far as he knew, “there is no concrete evidence, but the trial will probably be held anyway.” “If the plan is to conduct a political trial, they will deliver a verdict, and we will be declared war criminals. That’s the problem,” he added. Besides him, Serbian prosecutors have indicted Vladimir Mikac, Zdenko Radulj and Zeljko Jelenic. Asked if he was communicating with his court-appointed attorney, Borovic said none of the four was communicating with attorneys. “Because we don’t recognise the proceedings. Croatia doesn’t recognise them, how can we recognise them? We can’t communicate. They are trying to contact us through some journalists, or rather our people are, to try and obtain some information. They did all that was necessary. They appealed against certain proceedings, but the court dismissed that, so a preliminary hearing will be held on 26 December, and we are waiting to see the position of their judiciary,” Borovic said. Asked if there was a possibility of finding out what happened that August in 1995, he said it was difficult to say after so many years and that he was accused of an event that occurred the day after the refugees in question were targeted. “How will they prove it, will they have evidence, will they make up evidence? It’s difficult to say.” Borovic said, “there are many events on which light has never been shed” and that this indictment was “a consequence” of “Croatia accusing them, and because the indictment for the attack on (government House in Zagreb in 1995) has been upheld, so they intensified the collecting of evidence and prepared counter-proceedings to mitigate that a little.”


Zagreb archbishop calls for renewed solidarity and assistance to Ukraine (Hina)


Roman Catholics and Christians of other denominations were celebrating Christmas across Croatia on Sunday. The Archbishop of Zagreb, Cardinal Josip Bozanic, led the Christmas Day Mass on Sunday, extending messages of peace and calling for restoring the bonds of mutual confidence, respect and solidarity in Croatian society and for assistance to Ukraine.

“Let us pray in particular for Ukraine which is bleeding every day. With our experience from the 1990s, it should not be difficult for us to understand the situation there and help as much as we can,” Bozanic said. Among those attending were Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, parliament speaker Gordan Jandrokovic, Minister of Veterans’ Affairs Tomo Medved, Minister of the Interior Davor Bozinovic, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman, and Minister of Science and Education Radovan Fuchs.


Signatures supporting Lekic as PM-designate submitted to Djukanovic (CdM)


A total of 41 parliamentary majority MPs have submitted signatures for the candidacy of Miodrag Lekic for the future prime minister-designate for the composition of the new government, one of the DF leaders, Andrija Mandic, has stated in a letter addressed to President Milo Djukanovic. Recently, he recalls, the parliament of Montenegro adopted amendments to the Law on the President, which entered into force. Therefore, they are part of the legal system, which created the conditions for the President of Montenegro to start repeated consultations to determine the prime minister-designate for the composition of the new government. “We invite you, in accordance with this legal solution, but, above all, in accordance with the Constitution of Montenegro, to invite the representatives of the political parties that make up the parliamentary majority to a discussion, that is, consultations. As is known to the general public, there is an undisputed parliamentary majority of 41 MPs in the parliament. Also, it is a fact that Mr. Miodrag Lekic has the support to be the prime minister-designate for the composition of the new government of Montenegro”, Mandic has stated. As he has pointed out, the parliament, apart from the duty to elect a new government, also has the obligation to put the institutions that are blocked into full operation. Since the deadline for holding the presidential elections is in the spring, it is necessary to reach an agreement on the minimum electoral conditions, which would establish trust between all participants in the electoral process, Mandic stresses. Therefore, he points out, they are open to discussions on all the mentioned issues, including the problem that arose in the process of constituting new local authorities in Podgorica and Pljevlja.


Novakovic Djurovic: New govt. must stay on EU path, or there won’t be one with URA (Vijesti)


The Minister of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism and political director of URA Ana Novakovic Djurovic has stated that the new government, if formed, must maintain its foreign policy course and continue full harmonization with the EU’s foreign policy. “If someone wants to deviate from that path, they will have to explain it to the citizens. URA will not be a part of any such attempt”, Novakovic Djurovic, who is also the coordinator of the Ministry of European Affairs, has told Vijesti. Answering the question of whether URA will vote for the election of a new government in the Parliament, given the warnings from the EU and the USA, Novakovic Djurovic has emphasized that the decision on this matter will be made by the party’s bodies, all in accordance with the course and result of the negotiations. She is sure, she notes, that all political entities have understood the messages from the EU and that the judges of the Constitutional Court will be voted in this round.


Shortening parliament mandate and snap elections the only way out of crisis, deadline for election of DPS leadership extended (CdM)


Snap elections are the only democratic way out of the protracted political crisis. This was highlighted at the session of the Main Board of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, chaired by its leader Milo Djukanovic. Bearing in mind that regular presidential elections will be held in Montenegro in the spring, and that snap parliamentary elections are increasingly certain, the Main Committee, for reasons of rationality, decided to extend the deadline for the immediate election of the leader and deputy leader of the party, that is, the president of municipal committees, which, by the way, should have been completed by the end of January of the following year. The current political situation was discussed, the work and results achieved in the past period were analysed, and several decisions were adopted. “It was concluded that the intensity of party activities has increased in all municipal committees, which is complementary to the goal of strengthening the party infrastructure”, DPS has announced. At the session, the election results in cities where local elections were recently held were analysed separately. Also, it was stated that DPS made a democratic step forward in defining the way to elect the party leadership, adopting the decision that party members directly elect the leadership, which completely leads to the decentralization of the party. The WE ARE NUMEROUS Movement, initiated by the civil sector and supported by numerous civic parties and activists, was strongly supported at the session. The movement was created as a response to the violent attitude of the parliamentary majority towards the Constitution and the fundamental values of our country. “Finally, it was pointed out that the only democratic way out of the protracted political crisis is to shorten the mandate of the Parliament, in order to create the conditions for the organization of snap parliamentary elections. This is the only way for Montenegro to get a responsible, stable and European government, as a precondition for returning to the European path”, states DPS.


Bilcik: I didn’t have choice, I had to postpone POSP meeting. Next steps depend on Montenegrin politicians (Pobjeda)


Chair of the Montenegro Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee Vladimir Bilcik has said that the decisions of the Montenegrin government deepened the political crisis in the country over the past period. He reiterates the earlier position of the EU – they’re concerned with what the Democratic Front (DF) might do if it comes to power, particularly when it comes to Montenegro’s road to the EU. In an interview for Pobjeda daily, Bilcik explains why he decided to postpone the POSP meeting and responds to Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic’s accusations suggesting that he “chose his side”, adding that his comments are not an example of a good diplomatic practice. Commenting on the political crisis in Montenegro, he says: “The solution to this crisis is in hands of all Montenegrin politicians. We said it clearly, several times – the only way to move forward is to have a government which would be truly committed to the European path, as it’s the only way to make progress. Not only because of the relations with Brussels, but because it should be done in a domestic field – reforms, important changes and the improvement of the quality of life of the Montenegrin people. In that sense, we said, the only way is to have parliamentary elections, which would provide a credible and political majority to the government, while the precondition for that is to have a functional Constitutional Court. All the steps, in my opinion, must be aligned with Montenegro’s strategic goal to be a part of the EU.” On the message of the Slovenian Minister Tanja Fajon, that negotiations might be blocked if Montenegro doesn’t solve the crisis, Bilcik notes: “The message of EU institutions, conveyed by the Slovenian Foreign Affairs Minister, Tanja Fajon, is clear. Decisions and actions of the candidate countries have consequences. It’s important that Montenegro get the government based on constitutional and democratic principles, which will be aspiring to the EU membership.” Asked whether the EU has “tools” to prevent some disputed decisions of the Montenegrin government, he says: “Montenegro makes its own choices, as well as its politicians. If there’s a progress to the EU, it’ll affect the goal. Right now, we don’t see that the government’s choices are directed towards that goal and that’s why we react.” On the postponement of the POSP session, Bilcik explains: “I’m a European politician, working in the best interest of Montenegro’s road to the EU. As someone who presides over the Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee, I was fully backed by my colleagues from the European Parliament to do it. I didn’t have choice, but to make such decision. I clearly signalled the Montenegrin interlocutors before the meeting that our communication in Strasbourg would be difficult if they don’t decide to introduce steps which would strive to solve the crisis. However, we could see quite the opposite in the parliament. And that’s why I didn’t have choice but to postpone the session.”


Maddocks: GB is concerned, MNE vulnerable with weak institutions and govt not functioning at full capacity (CdM)


In a statement for the CdM portal, the UK Ambassador to Montenegro Karen Maddocks says that the British government has been concerned about the situation in Montenegro. “In the current geopolitical context, with Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, every country in the world is faced with a decision about who its friends and allies are. For Montenegro, being a NATO Ally, this is not an issue and it won’t find itself in isolation. But it’s vulnerable while its institutions are weak and government not functioning at full capacity,” says the Ambassador. According to her, the best defence for Montenegro would be to foster its partnerships, not only by committing to the NATO values, but also by entering the EU. “NATO membership ensures certain safety, but Montenegro needs to do its part of the job by dealing with its weaknesses. Whichever government comes in power, we’ll encourage them to set it as their priority,” Maddocks points out. Asked whether the image of Montenegro has been staggered due to the political instability, she says that international partners are certainly concerned by what they could see over the past few months. “Political stability in itself is not an issue – many Western countries passed through political changes and faced uncertainties this year. The change of governments in Montenegro is not a problem; we’re rather concerned about the recent decisions suggesting the change of long-term policies such as the alignment with European principle of the rule of law. Particularly the decision to ignore the advice of the Venice Commission on the constitutionality of the amendments to the Law on the President of Montenegro.” Speaking about foreign impact, Maddocks underlines that the United Kingdom and other members of the international community have been commenting on the destabilizing impact of Russia in this region, including Montenegro. She stresses that external actors may take advantage of countries with weak institutions where certain individuals didn’t take responsibility and where controls and balance of power can’t function effectively. The Ambassador also warns that the UK has been worried about rising tensions across the region.


Osmani: Historic year in relations with Serbia (MIA)


North Macedonian Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said on Sunday that his country had a historic year in relations with Serbia, stressing that the only open issue, that of the Church, was resolved in 2022. Osmani said closing the ecclesiastic issue had paved the way for a celebration of North Macedonian Statehood Day, 2 August, at the Prohor Pcinjski Monastery outside Vranje, Serbia, which was attended by North Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski. "That's the result of this breakthrough in relations with Serbia and, of course, relations within the so-called Open Balkans project, too," Osmani told a New Year news conference.


Kovachevski: Processes of strategic importance must not be used for blackmail (MIA)


Processes which are of strategic importance must not be used for blackmail. The issue of the constitutional amendments is a serious one. We have begun negotiations with the EU, the

screening process is currently underway and now everything depends on us, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski at a press conference Monday. Kovachevski said it is a matter of principles whether someone supports the country’s EU path or does not. “Setting conditions for this issue is really unacceptable. Instead of that I am, have been and will call for a broad social and political consensus over the country’s European path,” stressed Kovachevski. Regarding BESA’s position on the constitutional amendments, Kovachevski said he does not make decisions based on pressure and blackmail, stressing that the next elections will be in 2024 and that it is not fair to the citizens for such crucial issues to be abused for daily politics. This, he said, is not the last decision we’ll have to make before its EU membership, adding that there will be additional difficult decisions on the path to the EU, and that this is an irreversible process and can only be blocked by those who oppose North Macedonia’s EU membership. “There is a party who wants to block the process. That party is Levica. They have already taken VMRO-DPMNE hostage. And I don’t want to believe that Mr. Kasami has also placed himself in the position to be a hostage of Levica,” said Kovachevski. According to Kovachevski, numerous decisions will have to be made in Parliament, and conditioning these important decisions means obstructing the future of the country. “The decisions are for the citizens, for the future generations, and everyone should know that. There will be more decisions in the future, as part of the screening process. The process will show which aspects of our society need reforms. Every detail of society is subject to this process,” said Kovachevski. The PM said there must not be any blackmail over processes like these, pointing out that everything else can be subject to political competition and daily politics, but using key issues for daily politics is not fair to the citizens of the country. On Sunday, Besa leader Bilal Kasami said his party won’t support the constitutional amendments to include the Bulgarians in the Constitution if the government doesn’t agree to early parliamentary elections. “If changing the Constitution and including the Bulgarians is a priority for the government, then a compromise that early elections must take place must be made,” he stated.


Kasami responds to PM Kovacevski’s stands (MIA)


BESA leader Bilall Kasami has reacted to PM Dimitar Kovacevski’s stand that “processes of strategic significance” cannot be subject of blackmails. As he said on Monday, he understands the PM is in an unenviable position and, having no political capacity to run the government, he has interpreted BESA’s political positions differently. Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani is convinced the constitutional changes will be adopted next year. He described the remarks by certain political stakeholders as daily-political choreographies in an attempt to score more political points. As Foreign Minister highlighted, next week, the negotiations to secure a two-thirds majority in parliament required to vote through a need to start the Constitution change process will intensify next week.


Osmani: Talks securing support for constitutional changes to intensify next week (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said Monday he was confident that the constitutional amendments will be passed next year, noting there is nothing controversial in including Bulgarians, Montenegrins and Croats in the Constitution and calling the criticism by some political factors as “choreography for daily politics” in an attempt to score political points.

He announced that talks for securing a two-third majority, needed to approve the opening of the Constitution, will intensify next week. Speaking at Monday’s annual press briefing, Osmani said it is utterly unfair that one of the most vital issues for the citizens, EU membership, is part of daily political quarrelling, adding he hoped that all political actors will realize this by the end of next year. The foreign minister was asked about Besa leader Bilal Kasami’s remarks, announcing his party would condition its support for the constitutional changes with the holding of early elections next spring. Osmani stressed that all parties agree that the rights of the ethnic communities should be respected, citing VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski as saying that he had nothing against the Bulgarian people, but he was against the Bulgarian blackmail. “Why exclude the Montenegrins, Croats and Bulgarians, what consequences the country might face except to reaffirm our most recognizable feature in the world, which is our treatment of the communities, inter-ethnic harmony and multicultural democracy. Our country is regarded as a model, which managed to create a multi-ethnic harmony in a difficult region,” he stated. The Minister said he expected support because “no one has nothing against the content of the changes.” “However, everyone is aware that the process has been already included in the EU negotiations process and there is no other alternative,” Osmani underscored. Asked whether Bulgaria could again block the country despite it changing the Constitution, Minister Osmani said there is no basis for that in the documents the two countries had signed. But, he added, it is not only Sofia, other members could block us, too, if they wanted to because decisions in the EU are made with consensus. Osmani said a relationship is being built with Bulgaria at the moment so as to eliminate any argument for a new blockade in the future. The moment we reach a broad social and political consensus on constitutional amendments, then the procedure will be initiated in the parliament, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski told reporters on Friday when asked whether the procedure for constitutional amendments will start immediately after the New Year, as President Stevo Pendarovski and others government members noted. “President Pendarovski also said in his annual address in the parliament, and I have emphasized it for all reasonable politicians in this country, that the constitutional amendments which enable the continuation of the country’s EU path and which is one of the decisions on the way to full-fledged membership should be a supranational and suprapolitical issue that enables a better future for all citizens of the present and future generations. The issue will be preceded by political consultations, there will also be an expert discussion beforehand, given that it is about constitutional amendments and the moment when we reach a broad social and political consensus on the same, then it can be initiated in the parliament,” Kovachevski said.