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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, January 10, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • President Thaci sends letter to Kurti on government formation (media)
  • Vetevendosje calls for patience until new government is formed (media)
  • S. professor: Kosovo at threat from Erdogan’s sinister agenda (Lajmi)

Serbian Language Media:

  • In Gracanica a walk and a prayer in support of Serbian Orthodox Church and Serbs in Montenegro (KIM radio, KoSSev, RTV Mir, Kontakt plus radio, RTK2)
  • Serbian school in Oblic damaged (RTK2, KoSSev)
  • A woman reported the rape in Kosovo Polje, the suspect questioned and released; A woman in Gnjilan reported physical assault, custody order for the suspect (KoSSev)
  • Novosti: Major changes in Serbian diplomacy (Vecernje Novosti, B92)
  • Michel: EU needs to send a clear message to Western Balkan countries (Hina, N1)
  • Research: Almost 75 percent of Albanians in Albania, and 64 percent in Kosovo want unification (Tanjug, B92)
  • Abbot Sava Janjic: Stop toxic rhetoric, Serb and Albanian mothers feel equal pain (KoSSev, Sputnik)


  • Repatriated Kosovo Woman Found Guilty of Joining ISIS (Balkan Insight)
  • New Probe Into Kosovo Activist’s Death Hears Conflicting Testimonies (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media


President Thaci sends letter to Kurti on government formation (media)

Several news websites report that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci has sent another letter today to Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) leader and candidate for Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, saying that he is waiting for his proposal for a Prime Minister candidate as promised in their recent consultative meeting.

“As President of the Republic of Kosovo, I am obliged to undertake actions without delays, following all the constitutional steps so that the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo can have their government as soon as possible. Bearing in mind the democratic principles, transparency and political correctness, I have given you the opportunity and have continuously asked from you to nominate a candidate for Prime Minister,” Thaci writes in his letter.

Thaci also referred to Point 87 of the Ruling of the Constitutional Court in the case nr. K0103/14 which notes that “it is not excluded that the party or coalition might refuse to take over the mandate”. Thaci also called on Kurti that in any case, accepting or refusing the mandate, he needs to inform him “so that I can take all necessary steps as provided by the Constitution and decree a candidate for Prime Minister to form the Government of the Republic of Kosovo”.

Vetevendosje calls for patience until new government is formed (media)

Arberie Nagavci, Deputy President of the Kosovo Assembly from the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) has called on the citizens of Kosovo today to be patient until the new government is formed. She said in a Facebook post that “the wish to find quick solutions and reach an agreement, should not be a reason to lose patience”. “In important times, despite tension and pressure … decisions need to be wise, careful and right … The road forward is long, there are moments of disappointment and fear, but the right decisions assure us that the hope for development, engagement and justice and better times, are close and will last for a long time,” Nagavci wrote.

U.S. professor: Kosovo at threat from Erdogan’s sinister agenda (Lajmi)

The news website reports that Alon Ben-Meir, a professor with the NYU-SPS Center for Global Affairs, warned on a Twitter post about Kosovo’s isolation and the threat from what he called “Erdogan’s sinister agenda”. Ben-Meir tweeted: “despite meeting all the EU requirements, Kosovo is still denied visa liberalization — the only country isolated in the Balkans. Don’t be surprised with the rapid spread of Erdogan’s sinister agenda to influence the country solely for his benefit.”



Serbian Language Media


In Gracanica a walk and a prayer in support of Serbian Orthodox Church and Serbs in Montenegro (KIM radio, KoSSev, RTV Mir, Kontakt plus radio, RTK2)

By safeguarding our faith, we preserve our identity and our history, the Bishop of Raska-Prizren Teodosije told in front of the Gracanica monastery last night, Serbian media reported.

Thousands of believers and the clergy of the Diocese of Raska-Prizren with candles in their hands last night attended a prayer served by Bishop Teodosije as a form of support for the Serb people in Montenegro, the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro, and the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral who have opposed the law on freedom of religion.

Bishop appealed to the Montenegrin authorities to listen to the voice of the majority of its people and its church, which through the great saints, such as St. Peter of Cetinje and St Basil of Ostrog, strengthened the people in the most difficult temptations, and withdraw the disputed law and respect the rights and freedoms of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro.

"At the same time, we appeal to all local and international representatives in the region that justice can only be built on mutual respect, and in no way in denying what belongs to others and that human and religious rights are the most important foundation of any civilized society," the Bishop said. 

"I do not think that anyone should be cold today because we should come here with a warm heart and together support our people not only in Montenegro, but anywhere in the world. Today is very important and if we show up here, our voice will be heard further," said one of the gathered, Ivan Stojkovic. 

Stojkovic added that there was a real fear that similar things could happen in Kosovo and in other areas in Serbia.

"This is one wheel that has gone downhill and the question is whether it will stop," says Ivan Stojkovic.

Gracanica's resident, Stefan Filic said that Serbs need unity and that if the church was not united nor the people will be. 

"If people in Montenegro are not united than people here will not be united either. From Gracanica, we want to send a message that people here want unity and peace."

Serbian school in Oblic damaged (RTK2, KoSSev)

Unknown persons have broken into and smashed the windows of an entry door at Primary School “Branko Radicevic” in Obilic. The incident disturbed pupils and teachers of the school, RTK 2 reports. The case has been reported to Kosovo police.

The Primary School “Branko Radicevic” in Oblic has been broken into again, following uncounted number of similar incidents, while the windows of the entry door had been broken last time year and a half ago.

According to school director, the school was the target of vandalism twenty times, and yet no one was held responsible for it.

The school director Aleksandar Popovic thinks the latest incident occurred during the Christmas time, while pupils were on winter holiday. He added the incident caused disturbance among the pupils, teachers and supporting staff, inflicted fear and uneasiness. “We do not feel comfortable, but we hope the police will do its job,” Popovic added.

The school in Obilic was established in 1921. The educational process was briefly interrupted in March 2004, and for almost a decade no Serb pupils attend it. The school works within the Serbian Ministry of Education system and is currently attended by pupils of the Roma community.

Only few Serb families continue living in Obilic town.

A woman reported the rape in Kosovo Polje, the suspect questioned and released; A woman in Gnjilan reported physical assault, custody order for the suspect (KoSSev)

KoSSev portal reports, quoting a report from the Kosovo Police, that an Albanian woman reported two days ago that a suspected man raped her in Slatina, Kosovo Polje.

The victim, an Albanian woman, reported that she was raped in 2019 by a suspected Albanian.

The suspect was questioned and released by the prosecutor's decision, according to a Kosovo police statement.

A Serb woman reported yesterday to Gnjilan police that she was physically assaulted by a Serb after a dispute, according to a Kosovo Police daily report.

The case was reported last night around 8pm, and as the report goes on to say, the suspect was also questioned by the prosecutor's order, and police custody was ordered.

The case is being investigated further and is qualified as "causing general danger".

Novosti: Major changes in Serbian diplomacy (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Serbian diplomacy is expected to experience major changes in the coming months, as almost half of the ambassadors finish their mandate, Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti reports.

"This will virtually 'refresh' almost all of our country's diplomatic and consular network, as a dozen ambassadors and general consuls have already been 'replaced' last year. Our country currently has embassies in 69 countries and seven permanent missions to international organizations", the daily continued.

The head of Serbian diplomacy confirmed that the appointments of about 30 ambassadors or consuls general would follow shortly, while those who had served a four-year term will be replaced.

According to the newspaper, he emphasized that this is not about introducing any changes, but about implementing a regular procedure.

See at:

Michel: EU needs to send a clear message to Western Balkan countries (Hina, N1)

European Council President Charles Michel said in Zagreb on Thursday that Brussels needs to send a clear message to Western Balkan countries because that is an opportunity to demonstrate the European Union's external influence and its intention to remain close to the regional states that aspire to join the European Union, the Hina news agency reported.

The recently elected new president of the European Council, who arrived in Zagreb on Thursday, has often stressed that one of the priorities during his term is the strengthening of the European Union's influence in the world.

Addressing a press conference in Zagreb together with Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, Michel, a former prime minister of Belgium and the youngest PM in the history of that country, said that the EU must not only watch what others will decide for it but must become a player on the international scene because it is an economic power with more than 500 million residents and needs to promote its own values and interests.

In that context, he underscored that the EU must send a clear message to Western Balkan countries as that is an opportunity to demonstrate Europe's external influence.

See at:

Research: Almost 75 percent of Albanians in Albania, and 64 percent in Kosovo want unification (Tanjug, B92)

Albanians in Albania are for ten percent more interested in national unification with Kosovo Albanians, a research conducted in Tirana and Pristina showed, Tanjug news agency reports.

The research, run by the Kosovo Open Society Foundation and the Open Society Foundation in Albania indicated that 74.8 percentage of respondents in Albania support national unification with Kosovo Albanians, while such possibility was acceptable to 64 percentage of respondents from Kosovo. The survey touched upon other topics of mutual concern, but the focus was on unification of all Albanians in one state.

It also indicated that visits of citizens on both sides, increased significantly, particularly after reconstruction of Pristina-Durres highway.

Those opposing national unification come from urban areas mainly, both in Albania and Kosovo. They cited different reasons for it, however it seems that opinion ‘it is better to remain separated’ prevails.

At the same time, respondents in Albania who think that unification is possible, assess that the crucial factor in its implementation would be international community, while respondents in Kosovo believe such scenario can carry out only leaders in Tirana and Pristina.

Abbot Sava Janjic: Stop toxic rhetoric, Serb and Albanian mothers feel equal pain (KoSSev, Sputnik)

It had always been the church’s position that the talks between Belgrade and Pristina on everything connected to the normal life of people should continue. First of all, it is of vital importance that people live normally – easier and safer, and for them to travel more easily.

However, Kosovo politicians still do not show any vision for creating a truly multi-ethnic society in Kosovo where everyone would be treated as its citizen – regardless of nationality, language and religion. There is a ‘tacit understanding“ or rather “a kind of fear“ in the Kosovo public scene of anyone publicly standing up for the suffering of Serbs, Abbot Sava Janjic of Visoki Decani Monastery said in an interview with Sputnik.

“A state of mind is being created that Serbs have some collective blood feud and that the Serb time has passed, and it is simply over. It’s like we should disappear from this area,“ he said.

The Abbot once again expressed strong opposition to the ethnic partition of Kosovo. Apart from the political reasons to oppose this idea, according to him, most Serbs would thus find themselves on the “wrong side of the border“, but also four UNESCO Serb monuments.

“It is very difficult to believe that any Serb could survive after such an agreement is reached and that the Kosovo side would guarantee a minimum of rights to Serbs who would find themselves in that territory in the event of partition,“ he added.

Stressing that the Kosovo authorities’ level of respect for human rights and laws is at a very low level, Abbot Sava also added that speaking of any kind of recognition of Kosovo’s statehood is “absurd.”

Full interview is available at:





Repatriated Kosovo Woman Found Guilty of Joining ISIS (Balkan Insight)

Syrian camp returnee Qendresa Sfishta received a suspended sentence in Pristina on Thursday after pleading guilty to charges of joining the terrorist organisation ISIS.

The Pristina Basic Court sentenced Syria returnee Qendresa Sfishta to a two-year suspended sentence on Thursday for participating in a terrorist organisation after she pleaded guilty to the charges.

Sfishta was among the more than 100 Kosovo citizens returned from camps in Syria nine months ago. She was put under house arrest on her return, alongside 10 other women from the group, pending possible trial.

See at:

New Probe Into Kosovo Activist’s Death Hears Conflicting Testimonies (Balkan Insight)

In the reopened probe into the death in prison of Astrit Dehari, the former police chief of Prizren has admitted that his claim that Dehari swallowed pills before his death came from the then head of the prison.

Former Prizren police director Nexhmi Krasniqi admitted during prosecution questioning on Thursday that his claims that the former Vetevendosje activist Astrit Dehari – who died in Prizren prison in 2016 – had used medication before his death, had come from the prison director at the time, Destan Zogaj.

See at: