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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, January 31, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • Presidency of the Assembly decides: Session on voting Kurti’s proposed government on Monday (media)
  • Konjufca: I will not resign, Kurti’s government to be voted on 3 February (media)
  • Thaci welcomes announcement for voting new government next week (media)
  • Haradinaj: We will not vote a Kurti-led government (media)
  • Kosovo FM Pacolli protests Borrell not meeting government representatives (Express)
  • NISMA appoints head of parliamentary group, AKR objects (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic meets Borrell (Tanjug, B92)
  • The Serbian List will not be a hindrance in constituting a government in Pristina (RTS)
  • EP's Von Cramon: It's not OK for Vucic and Thaci to get away and do whatever they want because Brussels only asks them about dialogue (Danas, FoNet, N1, KoSSev)
  • US calls on Belgrade, Podgorica to constructive dialogue about religion law (Beta, VoA, N1)
  • The Western Balkans will not benefit from Brexit - there are no shortcuts (Tanjug, B92)


  • EU Renews Efforts to Resume Kosovo-Serbia Talks (AP/NYT)
  • Slain Kosovo Serb Politician’s Administrator ‘Part of Murder Gang’ (Balkan Insight)
  • Stoltenberg: NATO is working on reopening lower air space over Kosovo (EWB)
  • Kosovo passed the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (EWB)


  • What does the World Health Organization's decision to declare global emergency mean? (Tanjug, B92)
  • EU helps tackle air pollution in Kosovo with €76.4 million (EC)



Albanian Language Media


Presidency of the Assembly decides: Session on voting Kurti’s proposed government on Monday (media)

Kosovo Assembly’s presidency has decided to hold the session for voting the government proposed by Albin Kurti on Monday.

The meeting of the Assembly presidency was called to vote the governing cabinet on request of the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) Albin Kurti, who was mandated to lead with the government.

Kurti requested for the session to be held on 3 February, a day before the constitutional deadline since he received the president's mandate to propose to the Assembly.

Konjufca: I will not resign, Kurti’s government to be voted on 3 February (media)

Kosovo’s Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca said after the meeting of the Assembly’s presidency today that he will not resign from his post.

“I do not think that it is time of resignations in Kosovo, I think that it is time for nominations,” he said.

“It was decided at the meeting of the presidency to respect the date and the time, therefore we just decided that the next meeting or plenary session for the formation of the government of Kosovo to be held on 3 February at 11:00 hours,” Konjufca said.

Thaci welcomes announcement for voting new government next week (media)

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci hailed the announcement of the Assembly presidency to hold a plenary session on Monday to vote the new government of Kosovo.

Thaci said at a wreath-laying ceremony today that Kosovo needs a stable government that respects constitutional obligations.

“It is up to the political spectrum to make future steps and the initiative for holding a session on Monday is in line with the Constitution and laws of Kosovo,” Thaci said. 

Haradinaj: We will not vote a Kurti-led government (media)

Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said that his party MPs would not vote for the new government at the upcoming session of the Assembly on Monday.

“The Alliance is not part of any political agreement and will not vote for a government this coming Monday,” Haradinaj said. 

Kosovo FM Pacolli protests Borrell not meeting government representatives (Express)

Kosovo's outgoing Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Behgjet Pacolli, has protested over the failure of the EU High Representative Josep Borrell to meet any representatives of the Kosovo government during yesterday's visit.

In a Twitter post in Bulgarian language to the head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova, Pacolli asked how can agendas of high-level visits to Kosovo not include meetings with representatives of the Kosovo government.

"You did not respect the people of Kosovo," Pacolli wrote to Apostolova.

NISMA appoints head of parliamentary group, AKR objects (media)

Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) has appointed Haxhi Shala as head of parliamentary group representing the coalition the party has with Behgjet Pacolli's New Kosovo Alliance (AKR). 

Jetlir Zyberaj, advisor for Pacolli, said AKR was not consulted about Shala's appointment. "Our cooperation with the Social Democratic Initiative will be reviewed," Zyberaj wrote on social media. 



Serbian Language Media


Vucic meets Borrell (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met today with EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell on his first official visit to Belgrade

After the meeting, media statements will follow.

The meeting at the Presidency building, which began at about 12 o'clock, is also attended by the Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic and Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Sem Fabrizi.

After talks with the President, Borrell will also meet with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic at about 3.30pm.

Borrell, who was in Pristina on Thursday, said ahead of his arrival that his first official visit to the Western Balkans demonstrates clear EU's commitment to the region's perspective, stability, security and prosperity.

Prior to his visit to Serbia, he said in an interview with Tanjug that he would personally conduct the Brussels Dialogue and be the main interlocutor for the authorities in Belgrade and Pristina, instead of the EU Special Representative taking up this role.

Borrell recalls that the EU has made it clear that the "key" to Serbia's entry into membership is the normalization of relations with Pristina through a comprehensive legally binding agreement and internal reforms with a focus on the rule of law and the media.

Since taking over as EU foreign minister in December 2019, Josep Borrell has stressed that his priority in the Balkans is to work on a comprehensive agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, as evidenced by his decision to visit the two cities first in the region.

During his visit to Kosovo, Borrell spoke with the President of the Interim Institutions in Pristina, Hashim Thaci, and with party and non-governmental representatives.

Borrell said after meeting with Thaci that the EU would mediate dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, without competing with the U.S. Special Envoy for Belgrade and Pristina of the U.S. President Donald Trump, Richard Grenell.

Vucic: Borrell says Serbia’s EU path uncertain without deal with Kosovo (N1)

The European Union Foreign and Security Commissioner Joseph Borrell said on Friday that without a solution within the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on the normalisation of relations Serbia’s European perspective would not be sure, Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic told reporters after his meeting with Borrell, N1 reported.

Vucic thanked Borrell for his engagement in the process and the idea to appoint his envoy to the dialogue.

“Borrell reiterated what the EU said numerous times, and that is that without a solution with Pristina in the dialogue Serbia’s EU path is uncertain,” Vucic said, adding the people in the country should hear that and that “we must work on compromises”.

Borrell came to Belgrade from during his first visit to the regions since he assumed the post. Later on, Friday, Borrell will meet Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, and the representatives of several opposition parties.    

The Serbian List will not be a hindrance in constituting a government in Pristina (RTS)

Representatives of the Serbian List met yesterday with designate Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

"Today, we conveyed our view to Mr Kurti that we expect the leading Albanian parties to assemble a majority for the government, and the Serbian list will not be a hindrance in the composition of the future government," said the Serbian List President Goran Rakic.

He stressed that the future government will have a representative from the Serbian List.

"What I want to say and what is the fact, what is now clear to all, both to the international community and political representatives in Pristina, that without Serbian List, without a significant political factor, it is impossible to form a government," Rakic said.

The new Kosovo government, whoever may be in it, is expected to continue the dialogue with Belgrade, but before that to abolish the tariffs. 

The impetus for the renewal of dialogue was given by yesterday's visit of Josep Borrell and last week by US envoy Richard Grenell.

EP's Von Cramon: It's not OK for Vucic and Thaci to get away and do whatever they want because Brussels only asks them about dialogue (Danas, FoNet, N1, KoSSev)

European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo Viola von Cramon-Taubadel told Belgrade based daily Danas that President Aleksandar Vucic led his country in an authoritarian way and that political competition in Serbia was almost impossible, the FoNet news agency reported.

She said there was no room for some opposition parties to be seen on the public broadcaster, nor in any of Serbia's media with national frequency, while Parliament's procedures were severely violated before the opposition decided to boycott the parliament.   

“From that point of view, Serbia is leaving the EU integrations, acting in a way which is more than regrettable. Serbia is an important European country that undoubtedly belongs to the EU, but it must show more efforts and respect for democratic rules,” Von Cramon-Taubadel said.

She added she hoped that Belgrade - Pristina dialogue on the normalization of relations would resume after Kosovo formed a new government, but that it is not right to let "Vucic and (Kosovo's President Hashim) Thaci to get away doing what they want because Brussels asks them only about the dialogue''.

US calls on Belgrade, Podgorica to constructive dialogue about religion law (Beta, VoA, N1)

Washington called on all sides in Serbia and Montenegro to show restraint and avoid any activity which could increase tensions and to start a constructive dialogue on a sensitive issue like the recently passed law on religious freedom in the coastal republic, the Voice of America (VOA) reported on Friday.

In a statement to VOA, the State Department said the US respected the right of all sovereign states to adopt and implement laws in line with democratic norms and without any foreign interference.

The statement added the US strongly supported fundamental rights like freedom of speech, of association and gathering and individual right to peacefully express the freedom of religion or convictions.

Djuric: First the withdrawal of tariffs, and then the dialogue with the representatives of Pristina (RTS, RTV Puls)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric spoke today with OSCE Head of Mission in Kosovo Ambassador Jan Braathu about the position of the Serbian people in Kosovo and OSCE activities related to protection and guaranteeing the rights of Serbs and other non-Albanians.

Discussing with his interlocutor the political and security situation in Kosovo, Djuric emphasized that it was necessary for the new government in Pristina to be genuinely committed to regional stability and respect for human rights.

According to Djuric, Belgrade is ready to discuss normalization of relations with all democratically elected Albanian political representatives from Kosovo, but only after the tariffs are withdrawn, the press release of the Office for KiM reads. 

Djuric told Braathu that Serbian political representatives in the Serbian List will fight by all available democratic ways in order to protect the interests of Serbian people in Kosovo, and that they expect the Serbian people to finally have in practice the guarantee of all rights according to Pristina’s laws and the Constitution.

The Western Balkans will not benefit from Brexit - there are no shortcuts (Tanjug, B92)

EP President David Sassoli said that despite the UK's exit from the EU, rules that must be followed for countries wishing to join the Union will not change

"There are established rules for the accession process," Sassoli said at a news conference in Brussels.

Asked what the UK's exit from the EU means for the Western Balkan countries and whether any of them will be the ones that will take up its vacancy, he said that in addition to the established rules, there is a need for exchange of ideas and dialogue when it comes to enlargement.

Sassoli reiterated that the EU also shares common economic, social and security challenges with the Western Balkans.

The President of the European Parliament reiterated that he expects the accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania to open soon.





EU Renews Efforts to Resume Kosovo-Serbia Talks (AP/NYT)

The European Union’s top diplomat on Thursday called on Serbia and Kosovo to resume dialogue, saying it's the only way to normalize their ties and achieve a final agreement.

Talks between the Balkan neighbors broke down in November 2018, when Kosovo imposed a 100% tax on Serbian goods over Belgrade's refusal to recognize Kosovo's independence.

Slain Kosovo Serb Politician’s Administrator ‘Part of Murder Gang’ (Balkan Insight)

An amended version of Oliver Ivanovic murder case indictment, which has been seen by BIRN, accuses his political party’s administrator, Silvana Arsovic, of being part of an organised criminal group that was behind the killing.

Arsovic is charged, as the only person present in Ivanovic’s political party’s office in the Kosovo town of Mitrovica when he was shot dead outside the building in January 2018, of turning off the power so the closed-circuit television cameras did not work when he was murdered.

Stoltenberg: NATO is working on reopening lower air space over Kosovo (EWB)

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that NATO is working on resolving issues in order to reopen the lower airspace over Kosovo in order to enable air traffic between Belgrade and Pristina, reports RFE/RL.

Earlier this month, NATO welcomed the agreement settled between the German airline Lufthansa and authorities in Belgrade and Pristina about establishing direct commercial flights between the two capitals, 21 years after the traffic was halted.

“Normalizing relations between Kosovo and Serbia is the only way to find a sustainable and long-lasting solution to the conflict”, stressed Stoltenberg.

The provisions of airspace security were transferred to the KFOR mission in 1999, in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Military-Technical Agreement, while they are also regulated under the current laws of Kosovo. 

Therefore, the consent of NATO is required to enable the reopening of the direct air service.

Kosovo passed the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (EWB)

The government of Kosovo adopted the Global Magnitsky Law on Human Rights, which sanctions people who violate human rights anywhere in the world, reports Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

In this way, Kosovo has become the seventh country in the world and the first country in the Western Balkans region to pass the law.

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What does the World Health Organization's decision to declare global emergency mean? (Tanjug, B92)

Coronavirus declared global health emergency by WHO today

The WHO has declared a state of emergency at the international level after the number of cases of coronavirus infection has increased more than ten times in a week, AP reports.

The WHO declares a Public Health Emergency of International Concern when there is "an extraordinary event which is determined to constitute a public health risk to other states through the international spread of disease".

The WHO said that a global emergency was an "extraordinary measure", meaning that it posed a risk to other countries and required a coordinated international response.

See more at:

EU helps tackle air pollution in Kosovo with €76.4 million (EC)

As part of his first visit to Kosovo, High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell will launch today a major EU-financed project to improve the environmental performance of the “Kosovo B” thermal power plant, Kosovo's largest electricity generator. 

The project will significantly lower emissions, contribute to reliable and clean energy supply and improve the health and well-being of the population. More specifically, this project will reduce air pollution in Kosovo, lowering the emission of harmful dust by 35 times and nitrogen oxides by 4 times, bringing it in line with EU standards.

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