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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, December 9, 2020

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 561 new cases, 11 deaths (media)
  • Kosovo PM's Office: Only financial claims to be discussed in Brussels (Klan)
  • Hoti expects Serbia to apologise for crimes in Kosovo (media)
  • Osmani: Victims' voice cannot be silenced, Serbia to recognise weight of its crimes (media)
  • Kurti: Kosovo needs re-legitimisation of institutions through fresh elections (media)
  • Mustafa: No readiness to discuss the president, we are sliding towards elections (Telegrafi)
  • Hoxhaj: PDK will not become part of a process that deepens internal divide (media)
  • Tahiri: PDK has no votes for Haradinaj’s candidacy for President (media)
  • Next statutory session for former KLA leaders on December 17 (media)
  • Germany commits €72.1 million to support Kosovo's European integration (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • 67 new cases of Covid-19, one death in Serbian areas (Radio KIM)
  • Tahiri: Presidential elections in Kosovo in late February (RTK2)
  • Petkovic: We will insist in Brussels tomorrow on ZSO and security of returnees (Kosovo-online)
  • Germany: Opening of chapters depends on Belgrade, not on Brussels or Berlin (N1)
  • Jevtic with COM KFOR on security situation in Kosovo (Kosovo-online)
  • Ministry for Communities and Returns: Returnee attacked in Dubrava village (Radio KIM)
  • US Committee: Bosnia dysfunctional and susceptible to Russia and China influence (N1)
  • Vucic: If I would sing an act on independent Kosovo, I would win Nobel Peace Prize (B92)
  • Janjic: Biden unlikely to follow Engel's recommendations regarding Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, TV Prva)
  • “Belgrade is aware of what the Serwer-Albright-Engel trio is trying to do” (B92, Tanjug)
  • Jeremic: We did not lose at the International Court of Justice, that is a lie (Kosovo Online)
  • Viola von Cramon: This is not an anti-Serbian attitude, but a pro-European one (Politika, Tanjug)


  • BCSP and KCSS: Citizens of Kosovo and Serbia support the dialogue, but see no benefits (EWB)
  • Serbia Convicts Yugoslav Soldier of Killing Albanian Civilians (Balkan Insight)
  • Albright Tells Congress Corruption 'Crippling' Western Balkans, Says U.S. Needs To Step Up Regional Presence (RFE)
  • Viral vulnerability: How the pandemic is making democracy sick in the Western Balkans (


  • Court suspends work of two hydropower plants in Decan (media)



Albanian Language Media 


COVID-19: 561 new cases, 11 deaths (media)

561 new cases of COVID-19 and 17 deaths from the virus were recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo, said the National Institute for Public Health.

884 patients have recovered from the virus during this time. 

Kosovo PM's Office: Only financial claims to be discussed in Brussels (Klan)

Ahead of the next round of dialogue at the level of experts in Brussels, Kosovo Government has refuted reports that the issue of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities will be discussed. 

"Only the issues already confirmed will be discussed tomorrow, nothing else," said government's spokesperson Antigona Baxhaku. She said the dialogue will focus on the financial claims issue, which is where it was left off the last time. 

Head of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo, Petar Petkovic, is quoted as having said today that the Serbian side will insist on the issue of the Association being addressed tomorrow as well as the security for the returnees to Kosovo.

Hoti expects Serbia to apologise for crimes in Kosovo (media)

On the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime, Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti paid tribute to all victims across the world. 

"Today, as few in the recent history of Europe, our country continues to be plagued by the great wound of the missing persons. Hundreds of our families still anxciously await news about the fate of their loved ones who vanished without trace during the Serb crimes and genocide in Kosovo, during 1998-99. 

"The world knows what happened here; knows well who was the aggressor and who was the victim," Hoti said in a Facebook post. 

He noted that despite the tragedy it has suffered, Kosovo is committed to a peaceful future of the region and integration in the family of free and democratic nations. "At the same time, we expect our northern neighbour, Serbia, to apologise for the crimes and genocide, apologise for the burning of bodies of Albanian civilians, for their burial and reburial several times. Apart from being a moral act, apology is a fundamental humane requirement for moving towards reconciliation and understanding between our two countries." 

Osmani: Victims' voice cannot be silenced, Serbia to recognise weight of its crimes (media)

Kosovo's Assembly Speaker and acting President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani said in her remarks on the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide that Serbia has not yet provided justice for the victims of its crimes in Kosovo.

"Violence on victims of Serb genocide is systematic, starting from the killings up to their concealement. Systematic practice of forceful disappearance is a crime against humanity and an element of genocide," Osmani said. She added that Serbia should provide information about the whereabouts of missing persons and "should accept the historic weight of genocide against Albanians."

"We are committed in dialoguing only about mutual recognition, only by respecting the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty, by recognising and agreeing to the inviolability of the territory, constitutional order, and the political arrangement level. Above all, by insisting that Serbia accepts the weight of the historic blame. Is Serbia ready for this? No," Osmani said. 

Kurti: Kosovo needs re-legitimisation of institutions through fresh elections (media)

Leader of the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV), Albin Kurti, said in a virtual meeting with director of the U.S.-based Global Europe Program that functions within the Wilson Center, Daniel Hamilton, that Kosovo needs to re-legitimise its institutions through holding new elections. 

In the meeting, Kurti said he spoke about the work of the LVV-led government and the recent elections in Podujeve and Mitrovica North which he said confirmed the party's growth. The dialogue with Serbia and the situation in the Western Balkans were also discussed. 

"I presented our position that dialogue needs to be based on principles and be well-defined, that Kosovo needs a re-legitimisation of institutions through new elections, while Serbia needs to democratise and face the past. Furthermore, I also underlined that a quick conclusion of the dialogue should not necessarily be aimed for but that priority should be given to the content, transparency and comprehensiveness," Kurti wrote on social media. 

Mustafa: No readiness to discuss the president, we are sliding towards elections (Telegrafi)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa told the news website that there is no readiness on the part of political parties to take part in a roundtable discussion on electing a new president of Kosovo. 

"I am in touch with parliamentary parties, except LVV. There is yet no readiness for a roundtable where the opposition, or a part of it, would attend," he said.

"There are statements and public insistence about voting only one party's candidate for president and not of another party. This shows the battle is taking place in the media and debates and that there is not yet any readiness for a roundtable. Time is passing and we are sliding towards elections."

Hoxhaj: PDK will not become part of a process that deepens internal divide (media)

Acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Enver Hoxhaj said they are open to discussing the president's post with other parties in an effort to overcome the institutional crisis but ruled out his party joining a process that would lead to the election of a president that deepens the internal divide in Kosovo.

In a Facebook post, Hoxhaj said PDK wants to see a 'dignified' figure taking on the post of the future president of Kosovo, one "that serves internal unity and deepens partnership with our allies." 

"Our republic is above political interests and personal egos. Whoever seeks votes of PDK MPs in the Assembly of Kosovo should realise once and for all that in that proposal there is a PDK candidate!" 

Hoxhaj said individual proposals as a time when the discussion between political parties has not started yet is damaging and does not contribute to resolving the crisis. 

Tahiri: PDK has no votes for Haradinaj’s candidacy for President (media)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) senior official Abelard Tahiri said in a debate on T7 on Tuesday that the PDK has no votes for AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj’s candidacy for Kosovo President. He said the PDK made it possible for Haradinaj to govern “but he deserted”. “We gave him the opportunity to do good for the country as Prime Minister, but he deserted. He left the post and we were not expecting this. Surprises in politics are not good and we have seen that Ramush Haradinaj is prone to surprises. Surprises are least wanted in politics,” Tahiri added.

Next statutory session for former KLA leaders on December 17 (media)

The Specialist Chambers in The Hague have decided that the second statutory session in the case of former KLA leaders, Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Jakup Krasniqi and Rexhep Selimi, will be held on December 17. A statement on the webpage of the Specialist Chambers notes that the session will begin at 11:00.

Germany commits €72.1 million to support Kosovo's European integration (Koha)

Today, the Kosovar-German governmental negotiations for 2020-2021 concluded, in which Germany committed a new amount of 72.1 million Euro for bilateral development cooperation, of which 12.2 million for technical cooperation and 59.9 for financial cooperation. 

Kosovo's Ministry of Finance said the funds will be focused on sustainable economic development, European integration reforms process, and energy while the German Ambassador Jörn Rohde underlined that Germany is Kosovo’s biggest bilateral donor and biggest foreign investor. 

"Germany will continue to support Kosovo on its reform path towards making Kosovo fit for the European Union. We will continue to invest in Kosovo’s sustainable economic development, where we focus on supporting vocational education and business development. Germany will also continue with significant investments in public infrastructure in Kosovo, focusing on renewable energy, sewage and waste disposal," he said.

Finance Minister Hykmete Bajrami said the Government of Kosovo is working towards transforming the economy and building of institutions in line with EU requirements. She said Germany's support will have an immense role in improving the living quality of the citizens of Kosovo. 



Serbian Language Media


67 new cases of Covid-19, one death in Serbian areas (Radio KIM)

67 new cases of Covid-19 infection were registered in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo, while one person passed away, Crisis Committee of Mitrovica North announced, Radio KIM reports.

Deceased person was from Gorazdevac village.

At the same time 57 patients have been hospitalized.

Out of 161 tested samples, 67 came positive. The new cases were registered as follows: 18 in Mitrovica North, 12 in Zubin Potok, ten in Leposavic, eight each in Gracanica and Pec, four each in Zvecan and Priluzje, and one each in Prizren and Gnjilane.

At the same time 15 people have recovered including four each in Mitrovica North and Zvecan, three in Pec, and one eat in Gracanica, Priluzje, Leposavic and Zubin Potok.  

At the moment there are 1.436 active cases in the Serb-populated areas in Kosovo.

57 persons have been hospitalized, including 55 at the Clinical Health Center in Mitrovica North, and two at the Clinical Center in Nis. At the same time 1.321 people are staying in-house isolation.

A total of 63 persons have passed away due to Covid-19 complications since the outbreak of the pandemic. 

Tahiri: Presidential elections in Kosovo in late February (RTK2)

"In Kosovo now, we have an institutional and political crisis, as well as democracy at the lowest level. The constitution is clear on the election of the president, and I am not sure that the Kosovo Assembly can agree on the election of the president, so I think we will have presidential elections," Ramush Tahiri told RTK2's morning program.

"If the president is not elected in the Assembly of Kosovo, which will be difficult, I think we will have elections at the end of February, but also again in the fifth month, more precisely in May, in order to calm down the situation and to see political parties' relation. Without agreement, we are going to the polls twice next year," Tahiri said.

Petkovic: We will insist in Brussels tomorrow on ZSO and security of returnees (Kosovo-online)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said that in Brussels, where the dialogue with Pristina at the technical level would continue tomorrow, Belgrade would insist on the Community of Serb-majority Municipalities (ZSO), but also on the security of returnee families, Kosovo-online portal reports.

“Belgrade wants to negotiate and dialogue is a priority to us, since it is in our interest. Only through the dialogue can we reach solution and peace”, Petkovic said.

He also said that during his visit in the north of Kosovo, an incident took place in which a returnee family Pumpalovic in the village of Dubrava near Istok, was attacked, adding that Belgrade would insist on the return of the displaced persons and their security.

“In addition to ZSO, this would be one of the topics we shall insist upon tomorrow. It is not enough only to say Serbs can return. This return since 1999 is less than two percent”, Petkovic said. 

Germany: Opening of chapters depends on Belgrade, not on Brussels or Berlin (N1)

German Minister for Europe Michael Roth said on Tuesday he shared the disappointment about the European Union opening no negotiating chapter with Serbia this year, but he added it depended on the progress Belgrade made, and not on Brussels or Berlin.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers, Roth recalled that a unanimous decision and a proposal of the European Commission were needed to open chapters.

"Freedom of the media, stable democracy, regional reconciliation, an independent judiciary are examples of areas where progress is needed," Roth said.

He added that "it is not in our hands, but in the hands of the countries that want to join."

The ministers disagreed on the opening of the negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. Roth said Sofia blocked Skopje having objected to the negotiating framework. Regarding Albania, Roth said the several EU member states had substantial objections about the rule of law, especially France, Netherlands and Sweden.

The ministers disagreed on the opening of the negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. Roth said Sofia blocked Skopje having objected to the negotiating framework. Regarding Albania, Roth said the several EU member states had substantial objections about the rule of law, especially France, Netherlands and Sweden.

Earlier on Tuesday, an MP in Serbia's Parliament said the EU did not open any new chapter with Serbia because Brussels was "jealous," of Serbia's successes, and not because there was no rule of law in the country.

The ministers disagreed on the opening of the negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania. Roth said Sofia blocked Skopje having objected to the negotiating framework. Regarding Albania, Roth said the several EU member states had substantial objections about the rule of law, especially France, Netherlands and Sweden.

See at:

Jevtic with COM KFOR on security situation in Kosovo (Kosovo-online)

Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic met today with new COM KFOR, Major General Franco Federici and discussed the general security situation in Kosovo, with a special reference to the incidents that took place in returnees areas, Kosovo-online portal reports.

The two interlocutors agreed during the meeting that a precondition to the progress of any society, including Kosovo one is a peaceful life of all communities.

“This is something we constantly advocate for and something that needs to be worked on everyday”, Jevtic said.   

They also discussed the political situation in Kosovo and Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the need to adhere to all recommended measures in order to stabilize the situation.

Thanking Minister Jevtic for the warm welcome, Major General Franco Federici said KFOR is always there to help if there is a need, the statement issued by the Ministry said.

This is the first meeting of Jevtic and Federici, since the COM KFOR assumed the post. 

Ministry for Communities and Returns: Returnee attacked in Dubrava village (Radio KIM)

An unknown person broke into the house of Radoje Pumpalovic, a returnee in the village of Dubrava near Istok, and attacked him with a knife, the Ministry of Communities and Returns announced. The returnee was not injured, Radio KIM reports.

As the Ministry said, the burglar asked for the money and after realizing that Pumpalovic has no money, the attacker left.

“The burglar following the short quarrel stole a mobile phone and went in an unknown direction. Following the attack, Pumnalovic informed his neighbors, relatives and police, which took a statement from him and launched an investigation.

Radoje Pumpalovic lives with his wife Desanka, in the village of Dubrava near Istok. She was not at home, at the time of the attack. This is not the first attack against Pumpalovic and their property.

Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic said that “any security incident directed against returnees and their properties must be treated with particular attention and resolved within the shortest timeframe by responsible bodies”.

Jevtic also said “returnees represent the most vulnerable group of the population that needs institutional protection due to frequent attacks against them”. 

The Office for Kosovo and Metohija also condemned the attack. 

US Committee: Bosnia dysfunctional and susceptible to Russia and China influence (N1)

After the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, which ended the 1992-1995 war, Bosnia became dysfunctional, susceptible to the Russian and Chinese influence and threatened by the secessionist rhetoric from its Serb-dominated Republika Srpska (RS) entity, witnesses at the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs' hearing on Tuesday.

The Dayton Peace Agreement ended the war in Bosnia, but it made the country stuck within its dysfunctional system, and its RS entity is blocking the decisions which are in the state interest, which must stop, Committee Chairman Eliot Engel said in his opening address at the hearing titled “The Balkans: Policy Recommendations for the Next Administration.”

Participants in the hearing were Madeleine K. Albright, Former Secretary of State, Daniel Serwer, PhD. Director, American Foreign Policy Director, Conflict Management School of Advanced International Studies Johns Hopkins University and Janusz Bugajski Senior Fellow The Jamestown Foundation.

Congressman Michael McCaul spoke after Chairman Engel, saying the challenges in the region were present despite the progress made over the past 30 years.

He too warned of Bosnia's dysfunctionality and the lack of sustainable democracy in the country. The congressman also pointed to Serbia's ties with China and Russia and warned of Russia's “destructive agenda” undermining regional integration.

The newly elected President of the United States must consult with Europeans on the Balkan region, Daniel Serwer noted that the US should pressure the EU to sanction those who advocate the independence of the Republika Srpska entity.

He also pointed out that the US needs to stop Croatian and Serbian meddling in Bosnia's internal affairs and help Bosnia qualify for EU membership.

Analyst Janusz Bugajski, like speakers before him, pointed to key problems in the region, namely relations between Serbia and Kosovo, the situation in Bosnia and the influence of China and Russia.

He stressed, among other things, that the US administration should focus on the sensitive elements in the region used by the Kremlin.

In his opinion, no status quo is indefinite, and neither will be Bosnia's complex system of government which causes the stagnation of the country.

Sooner or later the situation will explode in Bosnia, which is why it is important for the US to work together with the EU on the creation of an appropriate Constitution, Bugajski stressed, warning the Committee that once the situation becomes unbearable the Serb-majority Republika Srpska could decide to secede expecting the recognition from Russia.

This scenario must be avoided at all costs, he said, because it would be bloody.

The entire hearing available at:

Vucic: If I would sing an act on independent Kosovo, I would win Nobel Peace Prize (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic commented on the statements of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Elliot Engel that Serbia will not be allowed to join the EU until it recognizes Kosovo, B92 reports.

“It could be seen how much I was right when I spoke about this two weeks ago”, Vucic said, adding that “we must take care and know that these are important people. I do hope that the administration would have a slightly different stance compared to what was said at the House of Representatives yesterday. Ours is to lead our policy, to understand it well”.  

Vucic also said that Serbia would face major pressure and be in a difficult situation.

“What bothers me, I can’t say worries me, is that some in Serbia would rejoice thinking it is directed against me. No, it isn’t. It is directed against anyone in Serbia”, he noted.

Vucic further said he expects strong pressure regarding the both Republic of Srpska and Kosovo, although the pressure was not weak before either.

“It will get more difficult now”, he said.

Vucic noted that his obligation is to safeguard Serbia, and that is why he would say no harsh words about Elliot Engel and Madeleine Albright.

“If I would sign an act on recognizing Kosovo, I guarantee you I would win a Nobel Peace Prize”, Vucic said. 

Janjic: Biden unlikely to follow Engel's recommendations regarding Kosovo (Kosovo Online, Tanjug, TV Prva)

Outgoing Congressman Eliot Engel gathered people who think the same as him and who believe that mutual recognition and exchange of ambassadors between Serbia and Kosovo was necessary, said today the director of the Forum for Ethnic Relations Dusan Janjic, emphasizing that it was unlikely that President-elect Joe Biden would follow those recommendations, reported Kosovo Online portal quoting news agency Tanjug. 

Commenting on yesterday's meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives on TV Prva, Janjic reminded of what Biden said in 2016 that America and Serbia did not agree on recognizing Kosovo's independence, but that it would be put aside and in that sense stated that it seems to him that the United States was approaching the EU's position on the two Germanys.  

Janjic was convinced that he (Biden) would ask Serbia to recognize the existence of Kosovo as a functional entity and estimated that the Washington agreement already did this. 

"There will be no novelties here and there is no reason for Biden to give up the good things that Grenell and Trump did. There are no radical novelties, except for insisting on the rule of law, full democracy and a joint fight against corruption," Janjic said.

He was also convinced that the proposal of the US to appoint one representative who would directly be involved in the talks between Belgrade and Pristina with Miroslav Lajcak would be adopted.

"It is certain that they will insist on the adoption of the list of issues, which contains the Serbian Orthodox Church position, freedom of movement and the right of Serbian officials to go to Kosovo," Janjic stated.

He also pointed out that the Americans were counting on talks with Russia and China in the UN General Assembly on the issue of Kosovo, in the sense that those two countries do not use the right of veto.

The new American administration will be more persistent in searching for those responsible for the murder of the Bytyci brothers, as well as that the burning of the American embassy in Belgrade will be next, but Janjic emphasized that these were not novelties either.

Janjic said that the participants in the meeting condemned the EU's refusal to open new chapters with Serbia, pointing that this was done backed up by the thesis that in that way they "push" Serbia towards Russia.

The transfer of the army to Brcko

What surprised Janjic, and what was said at the meeting, was that the direct secession of BiH was threatening, so that the army should be transferred to Brcko.

However, he pointed out that the old practice of America, when they have a problem with Milorad Dodik, was to threaten the separation of Brcko because that part of BiH was under the management of the international community.

Serwer's view of Republika Srpska has already been rejected

Asked whether the Republika Srpska can be forced to agree to a united Bosnia and Herzegovina, Janjic said that constitutional changes in BiH were needed, but that Serwer's vision of BiH as a civil state was not possible, which has not passed once. 

When it comes to Milorad Dodik, Janjic said that he personally was singled out and named, and that the EU was asked to impose sanctions on him, which the Union has already prepared, that was a package of sanctions for corruption, incitement to ethnonationalism and secession.

"Someone may have read threats to Vucic on this, what I did not see. It was said at the meeting that it should be talked with Vucic openly and determine a map of the path when Serbia will completely transition to democracy," says Janjic.

Asked about Madeleine Albright's comments that not everyone in Serbia agrees with Aleksandar Vucic's moves, Janjic stated that Vucic himself said that not everyone in the Government of Serbia, the Crisis Staff, agree with him, which would not be good, and added that he still has majority control.

He pointed out that economic cooperation was proposed and that cooperation and influence should be strengthened in order to push Russia and China away from Serbia.

Janjic also said that America believed that whoever came to power in Belgrade could discipline people in Republika Srpska and added that pragmatic politicians would not do that.

When it comes to the American perspective of Russia and China and their influence on Serbia, Janjic said that they saw them exclusively as disruptive factors, although, he added, there were many signs that Biden, as well as Putin and his successor Shoygu, are working hard to prepare a joint approach to China. 

Asked if Serbia could continue to be turned to cooperation with Russia and China, Janjic said that you can hate Russia, but when the stronger wind blows, you have to love it.

"Russia is the main supplier of gas and oil, it is not only there because of political influence, there is that, but not everything is destruction," he added.

As he says, the Americans are especially upset because there will be a representative of the Russian army in the Ministry of Defense of Serbia.

“Belgrade is aware of what the Serwer-Albright-Engel trio is trying to do” (B92, Tanjug)

Outgoing Congressman Elliot Engel is trying to put the issue of Kosovo and Metohija on the agenda of the new Biden administration, former diplomat Zoran Milivojevic said.

According to him, this is an attempt to reaffirm the policy of previous democratic administrations in the United States on this issue.

Milivojevic told Tanjug on the eve of the session of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, chaired by Engel, who said at the session that Kosovo is independent and that Serbia will not enter the EU until it recognizes it, that the session is an attempt to reaffirm the politics of the time of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, bearing in mind that the newly elected American President Joseph Biden is already advocating for the continuity of that policy.

"They want to do it in a very sensitive moment related to the future of Kosovo and Metohija, when the project has proved unsuccessful for many years, when a court has started working where the KLA and the top of the political elite in Pristina are practically on the agenda, who so far had the support of the American administration, when the EU is not able to conduct this dialogue in a way that would give results...", explains Milivojevic.

He claims that the policy of the future Biden administration should play a key role, and this is now an effort to reiterate that policy, to reaffirm the past positions and to confirm the determination of the American administration for the independence of Kosovo and Metohija.

"The goal is to give a certain dynamics and for the issue of Kosovo and Metohija not to be exactly part of the central priorities of the United States, but to be somewhere right after them in the new administration," Milivojevic estimates. When it comes to the people who spoke at the session, such as Madeleine Albright, Daniel Serwer, he says that it sends a message that it is about representing that energetic policy of the United States and confirming the statehood of Kosovo and Metohija at any cost.

"On the other hand, this choice shows in which directions we can expect the future administration to act. In that sense, the conclusions will certainly have a certain weight, especially since it is about democrats and the structure that returns to power, and it is about individual influence on American politics", Milivojevic explains.

When it comes to the presence of Daniel Serwer and Janusz Bugajski at that session, Milivojevic says that they are well-known, active Albanian lobbyists, who send messages in favor of Kosovo independence and that Serbia will face such a fact in the coming period and resolve issues in the region in a way that is in line with Western strategic and national interests.

See more at:

Jeremic: We did not lose at the International Court of Justice, that is a lie (Kosovo Online)

President of the People's Party Vuk Jeremic, who is also the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, pointed out that "it is a big lie that Serbia was defeated before the International Court of Justice on the issue of Kosovo, because Kosovo today would not be in the sense of international affirmation the same as it was 10 years ago.'' 

"We did not lose in court, because if we did, we would not be forced to sign something today. On the contrary, thanks to the opinion of the International Court of Justice, even today it depends only on Serbia and its signature whether Kosovo will become an independent internationally recognized state or not," stated Jeremic, reported portal Kosovo Online, quoting TV channel Nova S. 

Jeremic pointed out that Serbia should not join NATO and that, in addition to emotional reasons, there are strong rational arguments for that.

"The rational argument is that they would never trust Serbia in NATO and would always view it as a possible extended arm of Russia, as they now see Montenegro, which is because of it under constant surveillance within the Alliance. They would look at Serbia in a similar way - we would be second-order allies and we would have a security problem in relation to first-order allies, such as Croatia and Albania, which are our regional rivals due to historical circumstances," Jeremic said.

Jeremic said that the emotional reasons against joining NATO are fresh memories of the 1999 bombing and added that that emotion will not change in this generation, reported Kosovo Online.

Viola von Cramon: This is not an anti-Serbian attitude, but a pro-European one (Politika)

The good news for the member of the European Parliament was that Serbia would not open new chapters by the end of the year, writes Belgrade based daily Politika. 

MEP Viola von Cramon "corrected" herself yesterday regarding her recent statement - that the "good news" was that Serbia would not open new chapters in negotiations with the European Union by the end of the year - which came across with negative reactions due to the tone of rejoice, which was inappropriate for a Member of the European Parliament, writes Politika.

"Not to be misunderstood. Each of us wants to see Serbia in the EU. So, I stood for democracy, human rights, the rule of law and media pluralism. This is not an anti-Serbian position, but a pro-European one, and I hope for Serbia's European path," von Cramon wrote on Twitter, suggesting that she was misunderstood.

She pointed out that it was a good signal if the European Commission did not want to open new chapters with Serbia, because the EU must adhere to its own rules and values, reported news agency Tanjug. 

"Oliver Varhelyi  has said several times that basic values come first. If Serbia wants to become a member of the European Union, it must do more. We have set the rules - we must respect them," concluded the Green MP in the European Parliament Viola von Cramon and added that, when Serbia made progress in the mentioned areas, she would ask the EU Council to open new chapters and continue with accession.





BCSP and KCSS: Citizens of Kosovo and Serbia support the dialogue, but see no benefits (EWB)

WASHINGTON – The land swap and the creation of the association of Serbian municipalities are not acceptable solutions, and there is a great deal of mistrust between citizens of Kosovo and Serbia, are some of the main findings of the parallel surveys conducted by the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP) and the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS), presented at the event entitled “Serbia & Kosovo: What Do Citizens Think?”.

According to surveys, citizens of Kosovo and Serbia support their governments’ goals to pursue the dialogue and resolve the dispute peacefully but are not familiar with the content of the negotiations.

Igor Bandovic, Director of the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy said that there have been a lot of discussions about Kosovo and Serbia in the past, but that it is important to present the results of the survey conducted both in Serbia and Kosovo in order to get an idea of what the public thinks of the current state of the dialogue.

See more at:

Serbia Convicts Yugoslav Soldier of Killing Albanian Civilians (Balkan Insight)

A court in Belgrade convicted former Yugoslav People’s Army military policeman Bosko Soldatovic of killing nine Albanian civilians during the war in Croatia in 1991.

Belgrade Higher Court on Tuesday sentenced Bosko Soldatovic, a former member of Military Police Company of the Yugoslav People’s Army’s Second Proletarian Guards Mechanised Brigade, to 15 years for killing nine Albanian civilians in Bogdanovci in Croatia, in November 1991, Serbian newspaper Danas reported.

According to the indictment, Soldatovic killed the civilians on November 11, 1991 near the local community centre in Bogdanovci without anyone’s order or approval, and without any reason.

See at:

Albright Tells Congress Corruption 'Crippling' Western Balkans, Says U.S. Needs To Step Up Regional Presence (RFE)

WASHINGTON -- Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told a congressional committee on December 8 that corruption is “crippling” the Western Balkans and urged Washington to devote more attention to the strategically important region to counter Russian and Chinese influence.

Albright, who served under President Bill Clinton from 1997 to 2001, also said the United States needs to work closer with Europe on resolving the region’s lingering political and economic problems.

“We must attack the rampant corruption that is crippling political institutions and undermining the rule of law across the region,” Albright told the House Foreign Affairs Committee during a hearing dedicated to Balkan policy recommendations for the incoming Biden administration.

“In every country, leaders seem to regard political office as a source of patronage to stay in power. Addressing the so-called state capture and rooting out these influences must be a top priority,” she said.

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Viral vulnerability: How the pandemic is making democracy sick in the Western Balkans (

Throughout the pandemic, countries in the Western Balkans have had some of Europe’s highest levels of covid-19 cases per capita. Serbia, Montenegro, and North Macedonia are now among the 15 most-affected states on the continent. Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina have also struggled to contain the virus. All Western Balkans countries imposed strict limits on public life that included curfews, lockdowns of neighbourhoods and entire cities, closures of businesses and schools, and bans on public gatherings. Western Balkans governments implemented these restrictions in mid-March, lifted most of them in June, and reintroduced some in July as the number of cases began to climb again. However, despite these similarities, there were significant differences between these governments in their willingness to grab power by curtailing liberties, undermining checks and balances, and weakening independent institutions. If the European Union is to succeed in its efforts to promote democracy in the Western Balkans and strengthen its relationship with states in the region, its enlargement policy will need to address these changes.

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Court suspends work of two hydropower plants in Decan (media)

The Vetevendosje Movement said on Tuesday that the Basic Court in Prishtina has decided to suspend the work of two hydropower plants operating in Lumbardh, in the municipality of Decan. 

“A victory for Lumbardh! The Basic Court has decided to suspend the work of the two hydropower plants following charges filed by a Vetevendosje activist in Decan, Faton Selmanaj, against the two hydropower plants that are ruining Lumbardh in Decan and are leaving the residents without water,” the Vetevendosje Movement said in a Facebook post.

Vetevendosje also said that the court has decided to postpone the execution of permits and licenses that the Ministry of Economy and Environment and the Energy Regulatory Office gave to “KelKos Energy” company for the hydropower plants. 

Decan Mayor accused the company of failing to respect the norms for drinking water supply lines when building the hydropower plants. Ramosaj said at the meeting of the parliamentary investigation committee on the process of licensing, operating, supervision and application for the permits of the hydropower plants that the whole road infrastructure in the areas where the plants were built belongs to the Ministry of Infrastructure.

“Kelkos Energy” later issued a statement saying that Ramosaj’s reactions were due to lack of information because the company had built new water supply lines back in 2015. The company claims to have invested around €1.5 million in a new drinking water supply system in Decan and the villages nearby.