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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, April 6, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 489 new cases, eight deaths (media)
  • Osmani officially takes post of Kosovo president (media)
  • Hoxhaj refuses participation in Osmani's inauguration ceremony (media)
  • Reshitaj says she is still part of AAK despite attending presidential vote (media)
  • Former PDK MP Grainca explains why she chose to join LVV (media)
  • Osmani and Vitia visit vaccination centre in Pristina (media)
  • Vitia addresses reports of increased police presence around hospitals (Telegrafi)
  • Updated coronavirus measures angers restaurant owners (Prishtina Insight)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Covid-19 in Serbian communities: 40 new cases (media)
  • Vucic: Statements from Kosovo authorities are not encouraging (KoSSev)
  • Djilas: 20 years of attempts to resolve the Kosovo issue by putting pressure on Serbia to recognize it, and nothing was done (KoSSev)
  • A Serb from Strpce stopped today at Breznica crossing, interrogated by BIA? (KoSSev)
  • Rasic: New political energy in Kosovo (KiM radio)
  • Professor Celic on election of Vjosa Osmani: three main players more extreme than KLA (Sputnik)
  • Spahiu: Reconstruction of the road Jarinje-Mitrovica is more than needed (Radio Mitrovica sever, Kosovo Online)
  • Gerxhaliu: Chambers of Commerce of Kosovo and Serbia are cooperating behind the eyes of the public (KiM radio, Slobodno Srpski)


  • Serbia’s leader chooses Chinese-made vaccine for own shot (AP)
  • Victims Discouraged by ‘Lenient’ Sentences for Sex Crimes in Serbia (Balkan Insight)


  • In Kosovo, System ‘Failing to Protect’ Domestic Abuse Victims (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


COVID-19: 489 new cases, eight deaths (media)

Kosovo's National Institute for Public Health announced daily COVID-19 figures showing 489 new cases and eight deaths. 

Meanwhile, 745 persons have recovered over the last 24 hours. 

Osmani officially takes post of Kosovo president (media)

Vjosa Osmani has been inaugurated new President of Kosovo with Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca officially handing over the post. 

Upon assuming the new job, Osmani visited the resting place of the late President and founder of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Ibrahim Rugova. "The support he secured for our country, the friendships he built are among the most powerful foundations of our freedom, independence and democracy," she said. 

At the same time, Osmani's first visitors included Kosovo's judo players whom she referred to as "Kosovo's best ambassadors". "Majlinda Kelmendi, Nora Gjakova, Distria Krasniqi, Loriana Kuka, Akil Gjakovaand many others not only achieved historic successes in this sport field but raised the flag of Kosovo and honoured its hymn in countries that have not yet recognised Kosovo," Osmani said.

Osmani also paid tribute to the memorial of missing persons in Pristina where she said that for as long as there is no justice for war victims, peace between Kosovo and Serbia will not be possible. "Therefore, not only should this be number one priority in the dialogue between the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia but there also needs to be daily institutional effort from each of us because beyond politics, this is our moral and human obligation. Kosovo cannot move forward while having 1,600 families who feel the pain and the absence of their loved ones every day."

Hoxhaj refuses participation in Osmani's inauguration ceremony (media)

Acting leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Enver Hoxhaj said he would not be participating at today's inaugural ceremony for President Vjosa Osmani. 

Hoxhaj revealed in a Facebook post that he received invitation to attend the ceremony but that he would not be going as he considers Osmani to be a divisive and not a unifying figure. "My participation as leader of PDK would be inevitable is we had a normal and regular situation when Hashim Thaci would hand over his duty as president of the country."

Hoxhaj said that both the new president and prime minister have built their careers by insulting the founders of the Kosovo Liberation Army and calling for their indictment by the Specialist Chambers at The Hague. "No word or appreciation about their role. On the contrary, accusations and violence. Therefore, I refused participation because Vjosa Osmani is not a unifying but a divisive and party president."

Reshitaj says she is still part of AAK despite attending presidential vote (media)

Albena Reshitaj, the only MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) that took part in the voting session for election of Vjosa Osmani president of Kosovo, denied reports she left the party and joined another parliamentary group. 

In a Facebook post, Reshitaj said that the decision to go against the party's position came from her belief that fresh elections in a pandemic situation would be dangerous and that the citizens of Kosovo need institutions to manage the crisis. "As a health professional I could not convince myself to let something like that happen."

"Second, a very important fact for the integrity of the state of Kosovo is that we cannot allow the Serbian List to manage to block the country through directives from Belgrade politics as we have been forced to do in the past," she said continuing: "I have presented my position every time in our party forums where I gave my opinion and argued for the need to politically reflect in order to achieve institutional consolidation."

Reshitaj said no personal interest was involved in her decision and that all reports suggesting otherwise are misinformation. 

Former PDK MP Grainca explains why she chose to join LVV (media)

Adelina Grainca, now former MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) who joined the Vetevendosje (LVV) parliamentary group, said that lack of support from the PDK led to her changing party. She also rejected allegations that she benefited financially from the move. 

"Leaving the PDK was dones for political reasons," she said adding that she was neglected both by the PDK branch in her hometown of Ferizaj as well as the central level structures of the party and was not given opportunities to develop. 

Grainca said that her decision to vote at the presidential election session of the Assembly was driven by the view that new elections would only prolong the pandemic and economic decline. "Therefore, I decided to listen to my electorate and take part in Sunday's session despite the fact that the quorum had already been secured." 

Osmani and Vitia visit vaccination centre in Pristina (media)

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani and Health Minister Arben Vitia visited the vaccination centre in Pristina and urged everyone to get the Covid vaccine. 

"I am happy that the vaccination of our citizens has started, especially of the healthcare personnel and people above 80 years of age. I want to thank all the healthcare workers for organising this process in such a good manner," Osmani said. She added that Kosovo institutions were making efforts to secure additional doses of the vaccine.

Vitia meanwhile said that so far 3,100 members of the healthcare sector have been vaccinated and that the vaccination for the people above 80 is expected to begin by the end of the week. 

Vitia addresses reports of increased police presence around hospitals (Telegrafi)

Minister of Health Arben Vitia addressed reports of an increased police presence around the hospitals across Kosovo. “Patients are safe, we had a meeting with the board and director of SHSKUK (Kosovo Hospital and University Clinical Service) and discussed that escort of family members to our hospitals need not include more than one person," Vitia said. "We have taken steps to make sure healthcare facilities are not spreaders of virus," he continued.

Telegrafi meanwhile reports that apart from a stepped up police presence at the Pristina hospital, strict security protocol is being implemented in the north of Mitrovica. 

Kosovo Police spokesperson Baki Kelani said that they received information concerning a threat but did not give any more details. Kelani said there is no room for concern and that the police have taken all necessary precautionary measures to maintain public law and order. 

Updated coronavirus measures angers restaurant owners (Prishtina Insight)

The Association of Kosovo Gastronomers, which represents restaurant and café owners, expressed anger after the government announced the imposition of a movement restriction between 10pm and 5am and the closure of eateries and bars until April 18 in a bid to tackle rising COVID-19 infections.

Kosovo’s Health Minister Arben Vitia announced the new measures on Monday, which also include the prohibition of religious gatherings, apart from funerals attended by immediate family members.

Other large gatherings, including weddings, workshops, seminars and family parties, remain prohibited, as do gatherings of more than ten people in squares, parks and other public places.

Bars, restaurants and coffee shops are barred from opening to the public until April 18 and only takeaway services will be available.

All travellers entering Kosovo will need to present a negative PCR test no older than 72 hours, apart from those who sign a declaration that they will leave Kosovo’s territory within three hours.

All higher education institutions are obliged to hold online lessons until April 18, while elementary and secondary schools will go online between April 12 and 18. Kindergartens will stay open, however.

Cultural activities, including theatres, galleries, museums, cinemas and libraries, remain permitted until 9pm with limited capacities.

The Association of Kosovo Gastronomers was angered by the government’s suggestion that cafés and restaurants have been one of the key sources of the spread of coronavirus.

See more at:



Serbian Language Media


Covid-19 in Serbian communities: 40 new cases (media)

Out of a total of 152 tested samples in Serbian communities in Kosovo in the last 24 hours, 40 are positive for coronavirus. In the same period, 56 people came out of isolation, according to new data from the North Mitrovica Crisis Staff. 

The new cases are from North Mitrovica - 11, Zvecan and Zubin Potok 8 each, Leposavic - 4, while from central Kosovo - 9. Gracanica and Gnjilane 4 each and in Priluzje - 1.

The number of active cases is still declining, and it is now 740, unlike the week when it was 756.

So far, a total of 5,604 coronavirus-positive people have been registered in Serb areas in Kosovo, out of 18,315 tested samples.

The total number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic is still 131.

Vucic: Statements from Kosovo authorities are not encouraging (KoSSev)

Serbia cannot accept the ''generous and noble'' offer of the Kosovan side that Kosovo recognize Serbia without Kosovo, even after Serbia ''pays war reparation and takes responsibility over the genocide'', Aleksandar Vucic said tonight in an interview with TV Pink.

Osmani’s and Kurti’s statements are not encouraging, on the contrary, he stated.

He asked a question to those citizens of Serbia who he claims supported the Osmani and Kurti:

''But now I would like to ask those in Serbia who supported them, and what did you support? For us to pay war reparations and for Serbs to be held accountable for the horrible crimes and genocide committed against Albanians, and only when that happens, then from the position of discussing a solution, and the only possible solution is for Serbia to receive great recognition, and that is for Kosovo to recognize the independence of Serbia without Kosovo.'' 

''Thank you very much for that offer, we cannot accept such an offer, regardless of the fact that it is so generous and noble on your part,'' Vucic said ironically.

This is also his first reaction to last night’s election of Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu as president of Kosovo.

Kosovo Office chief Petar Petkovic commented in a similar tone earlier today.

''Instead of messages about dialogue and joint problem solving, Vjosa Osmani continues with a campaign of hatred and hostility toward Belgrade,'' Petkovic said in a statement.

He underlined that of the two statements Osmani gave when taking office ''both were aimed at Belgrade and tinted with open animosity toward the Serb people''.

Srpska Lista were absent on Saturday and Sunday’s sessions of the Kosovo Assembly, during the vote for the Kosovo President.

See at:

Djilas: 20 years of attempts to resolve the Kosovo issue by putting pressure on Serbia to recognize it, and nothing was done (KoSSev)

''For twenty years, you have been attempting to solve the Kosovo issue by pressuring Serbia to recognize something – and no one will recognize it. And what have you done in 20 years?! Nothing. How about you modify your approach a little, or else you will continue doing this for another 20 years and end up doing nothing, '' the chief of the Party of Freedom and Justice, Dragan Djilas, said.

Reconciliation with the Albanian people can only come to be if Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci are not in power, Djilas reiterated on N1 TV on Monday.

He expressed a belief that there is a chance that the reconciliation with the Albanians could happen with the new Pristina leadership.

Speaking of Pristina’s stance that it will not talk to Serbia if it does not recognize Kosovo, Djilas said: ''Those are their stances. Why would our stance be like theirs?!''

He claimed that the fact that he would talk to all those Albanians who want better lives – for their children to live better, for people to move freely, and for the students to socialize and play sports – it is not just a matter of wishful thinking.

According to Djilas, the solution to the Kosovo issue lies in the chance that international negotiators will change their approach after 20 years of pressuring Serbia to recognize Kosovo’s independence – which they have not succeeded in doing.

''Twenty years after the bombing, you are trying to solve the Kosovo issue by putting pressure on one side to recognize something – and no one will recognize it. And what have you done in 20 years?! What did you do?! Nothing. How about you modify your approach a little, or else you will continue doing this for another 20 years and end up doing nothing.''

On the remark that it was the Democratic Party that supported the Brussels Agreement at the time, Djilas emphasized that the party he was a member of in those days did not support the Brussels Agreement, noting that everyone has the right to vote. He underlined that he respected the official position of the state at the time.

The Party of Freedom and Justice led by Djilas opposes Kosovo’s independence.

See at:

A Serb from Strpce stopped today at Breznica crossing, interrogated by BIA? (KoSSev)

A Serb from Strpce was allegedly stopped for over 12 hours at the Breznica crossing and then allowed to pass through Konculj. He furthermore claimed that he was interrogated by the BIA.

While traveling to Serbia proper for a medical appointment through the Breznica crossing, Goran Vasiljevic from the village of Sevce, a municipality of Strpce, was allegedly not allowed to enter for longer than 12 hours. The news was confirmed by Vasiljevic himself for KoSSev in several phone conversations.

Shortly before the news was published, Vasiljevic revealed that he and his son and two relatives finally ''got the green light'' – as they were told to go to another crossing – Konculj.

''They made us wait a little even now, but they sent us to another crossing – Konculj. Thank God, we crossed and are now on our way to Leskovac (Serbian city),'' Vasiljevic confirmed for KoSSev in a telephone conversation late this evening.

Vasiljevic previously told KoSSev that the Serbian police reportedly did not allow him, his son, and two relatives to continue their journey at the Breznica crossing in the municipality of Bujanovac this morning.

He claimed that they have done so for no particular reason.

''They won’t let me pass. I was kept there without any explanation, without any paper. Simply, I was forbidden from entering Serbia,'' he explained at the time.

Although claiming that he is not politically active and that he is unemployed, Vasiljevic suspected that he was allegedly detained for political reasons. He also revealed the reason behind his suspicion was the type of questions the police officers and members of other units posed to Vasiljevic.

''The point of the story and their excuse for detention is because I do not support the local government in the municipality of Strpce, more precisely Srpska Lista – which is my right,'' he said.

Vasiljevic claimed to obey law so far, being allegedly without a “single sentence or warrant”.

In the meantime, KoSSev contacted the BIA (Serbian Intelligence Agency) in writing to confirm this news, but no response had arrived by the time the news was published.

The KoSSev portal also contacted the Kosovo Office regarding the matter. They asked us to wait for them to obtain the necessary information and verify the news, that is, that the alleged event took place.

Kosovo Serb politician, Rada Trajkovic, also reacted to the claims that Vasiljevic was prevented from entering central Serbia. Trajkovic posed the question as to why this Serbian citizen from Strpce was banned from passing through the border crossing.

According to Trajkovic, Vasiljevic is an opposition activist whose political stance is not in line with SL’s stance, which is why he had also been physically attacked in the past.

Trajkovic questioned whether that is the reason behind the unconstitutional discrimination of Vasiljevic.

See at:

Rasic: New political energy in Kosovo (KiM radio)

President of the Progressive Democratic Party, Nenad Rasic stated that the election of Vjosa Osmani as the President of Kosovo was expected, considering the impressive success of 300 thousand votes. He said that she was rightly the President, considering her authority.

Rasic said that he expected Kosovo to gain new political energy with Kurti as PM and Vjosa Osmani as the President. 

''There is a period ahead that could bring emancipation, an expansion of institutions, probably with the support of international factors, either European or global capacities, I think that we perhaps have a challenging working period in which we need to work hard, because there is a possibility of strengthening of Kosovo institutions,'' Rasic told RTV Kim. 

Rasic opined that it would be good for Serbs to also be part of the political changes in Kosovo. 

''Of course, a change for the better. Let us get into the rhythm of fulfilling those quotas of 10% of non-Albanians employed in Kosovo institutions. It is now about 6%. To find ways to strengthen our economic entities through those same institutions, to strengthen young people who would help in those institutions, so I expect a few promising years.''

Referring to the statements of the new president on the alleged genocide in Kosovo and calls on Serbia to recognize crimes against Albanians, Rasic said: ''Every political entity has its own political direction of development and action, and to say anything about that would be controversial. Everyone builds their political influence on the words that are spoken. Certainly, words are an important thing in politics, and it is certainly true that Vjosa Osmani is the President and that she will be there for the next five years''. 

Speaking about her positions on the issue of the Washington Agreement, Rasic said that it would be amended, but that did not mean that some rules would be violated. 

''Given that the administration in Washington has also changed, it will be quite natural for some additions to be made, but all of that is subject to change and I do not think that it is something tragic. Any agreement can be upgraded, amended and, of course, have a concrete implementation,'' Rasic said.  

Professor Celic on election of Vjosa Osmani: three main players more extreme than KLA (Sputnik)

Professor at the University of Pristina (in North Mitrovica) Dusko Celic stated in an interview to Sputnik (Serbian Language) that with the election of Vjosa Osmani as the President of Kosovo, all three leading positions fell into the hands of Vetevendosje. In Celic’s view, ''policy of the new main players is more extreme than the policy of the parties originating from the terrorist KLA and the Serbs have nothing good to hope for''. 

''I expect that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija will get additional problems from this government, and we have already seen the announcement of the following moves: construction of the KSF military base in South Mitrovica; there will be no investments in Serbian areas in terms of infrastructure and any possible investment by Serbia will be obstructed. Serbs have nothing good to hope for, essentially,'' dr. Celic said. 

He added that the election of Vjosa Osmani as the President, was not a surprise, because it was known that Western powers, primarily the US, would “pressure” Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) to vote and provide a quorum for her election. 

''This was the expected scenario. What was also expected is what she pointed out in her speech after the elections and the message she repeated, I would call it stereotypes, about Serbia. That Serbia committed a war crime in Kosovo and Metohija, that the essence of the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade should be reduced to the recognition of that responsibility, and if what Kurti stated that Serbia must be held accountable for war reparation is fit into this, then it is roughly a hint of what we can expect in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina,'' Celic said. 

Celic opined that the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina would begin in a couple of months, and maybe even earlier, and it can be expected that the Kurti-Osmani tandem would have firm stances. 

''It is obvious that the most extreme parties in the Albanian political spectrum are now in power in Pristina. I am not saying that those parties that originated from the terrorist KLA are less extreme, but the ideology of Vetevendosje still seems to be the most extreme,'' he said. 

Celic said it was clear that they had the support within the Albanian electorate, especially among the younger population, as well as the support of the NGO sector. 

''That is why I do not expect any progress in the dialogue,'' he pointed out.  

Spahiu: Reconstruction of the road Jarinje-Mitrovica is more than needed (Radio Mitrovica sever, Kosovo Online)

The Kosovo government said in a statement that ''Serbia cannot perform works on the road Jarinje – Mitrovica'', following the announcement of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic that these works would be finalized in a month’s time.

According to Radio North Mitrovica, almost none of the Albanian politicians except Albin Kurti spoke about this, so it was likely that they agreed with the statement made by their government. 

However, Nexmedin Spahiu told portal Kosovo Online on Saturday, that the decision of the Government of Kosovo to ban the construction of the road Jarinje - Mitrovica was very harmful. 

Spahiu added that the help of every state to Kosovo was welcome, especially of Serbia, which has invested and implemented projects many times in the areas where the Serbian population lives.  

''Serbia’s investment in infrastructure in Kosovo is a good thing for all citizens of Kosovo. Each state should accept assistance coming from a neighbouring or any other state, regardless of the ethnic community or affiliation. If Turkey invests in Mamusa, where mostly Turks live, that is help to Kosovo, and that should be seen as such. This assistance in infrastructure by Serbia should also be viewed in this way. Reconstruction of the road Jarinje - Kosovska Mitrovica is more than necessary and it should have been done a long time ago, as should the highway Mitrovica - Pristina, which has been waiting for 12 years,'' Spahiu told Kosovo Online. 

According to Spahiu, such a move by the Kosovo government didn’t benefit the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. 

''This harms Kosovo the most, and when you harm yourself and your relationships with others, it is not a smart thing for me, no matter what the real reason for the ban is,'' Spahiu concluded. 

Gerxhaliu: Chambers of Commerce of Kosovo and Serbia are cooperating behind the eyes of the public (KiM radio, Slobodno Srpski)

Former President of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce and economic expert Safet Gerxhaliu says in the Slobodno Srpski show  that the current cooperation between the Chambers of Commerce of Kosovo and Serbia is non-transparent and far from the public eye, unlike in previous years when he was the head of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce.

"Any meeting, wherever it was, I announced it to the media. Now, I know unofficially, that they see each other in Belgrade, that they have joint lunches, joint meetings, but that is not seen in the Kosovo media. This is the difference,'' said Gerxhaliu and added that if one cooperates through trade, it should be built on mutual interests, why hide from everything you do. In his opinion at the end one works not for himself but for the region, for normalization, business and the future.

Gerxhaliu stated that it was worrying that attempts were being made to "cover the cooperation between the chambers of commerce of Kosovo and Serbia under a dose of patriotism". As an example of this claim, Gerxhaliu cited a recent statement by the President of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, Berat Rukiqi that the organization rejected the invitation of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce to vaccinate businessmen from the region against Covid-19 in Belgrade.

"Every day I meet a lot of businessmen who went for vaccinations and that is exactly what in a way gives a completely different dimension to cooperation. The biggest problem in Kosovo is that Covid-19 itself has been politicized, and the vaccines have become politicized and we come to what we talked about - another is being done, the third is told, the fourth transmitted and in that context I don't see why is it necessary to do so, because you can hide everything, but not the truth. Because when you go out to Pristina and meet people, they say they have been in Belgrade to receive the vaccine, or in Nis, and that is what we lack - transparency, and the future of cooperation is built on transparency, and information in a positive context," Gerxhaliu said.

Speaking about the reasons why he resigned from the position of Secretary General of the Comoros Investment Forum of the Western Balkans, based in Trieste, Gerxhaliu said that he did not want it to be a decoration.

"If you have such conversations or such contacts on the Pristina-Belgrade route between the chambers, and you as the Secretary General know nothing about, only when you read it in newspapers, I think that for me it was unnecessary to be there anymore. In addition, I was afraid that Cadez, as the president of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, would be much more involved in politics and play that dominant political role. Maybe in some moments I saw that he was maybe stronger than Brnabic (Prime Minister of Serbia), and in that context I saw that I was too small to be a part of those processes. Also, if there was no more communication, that friendly conversation with Cadez as the president of the chamber and as the president of the Management Board (Chamber Investment Forum), then you really have nothing more...", said Safet Gerxhaliu.

He welcomed the formation of the new Government of Kosovo with a stable political majority and said that Albin Kurti was no longer what he used to be.

"Based on these first few days, he is very flexible, especially in the dialogue with the ambassadors of Quint and the US. In this context, we simply have to differ in some way from the election campaign. We all agree that dialogue has no alternative, that barriers lead nowhere and that mistakes in steps such as taxes, which caused the previous Kurti's government to fall will not be repeated, because that is not the solution," said Gerxhaliu.

"Kurti pays more attention to rhetoric. There are no more bombastic statements as he used to have, and in the end, a smart man learns from other people's mistakes," he said. 

The former president of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce expects the dialogue to be the strongest weapon because as he said ''it's a big problem if you make a mistake and don't admit it. And the other thing is that you don't have to make the mistake you once made''.

Gerxhaliu does not expect the re-introduction of taxes on the import of goods from Serbia, as was the case before. According to him, the new government, which came on a wave of dissatisfaction among the people, has other priorities.

"It is a vaccine and vaccination, secondly, support to the private sector and citizens in these difficult times, and thirdly, in the long run, there must be economic stability and economic development, which is the key to overall stability from both economic and political, and from the integrated aspect," said Gerxhaliu and emphasized that revanchism lead nowhere, that barriers should be eliminated, not built, and thus worsen the image of the Western Balkans, as well as Serbia and Kosovo in the eyes of investors. 





Serbia’s leader chooses Chinese-made vaccine for own shot (AP)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic finally rolled up his sleeve for a coronavirus vaccine Tuesday to encourage his country’s increasingly skeptical citizens to get the shots themselves.

A live TV broadcast showed Vucic, 51, taking a jab of the Chinese-developed Sinopharm vaccine in the remote eastern village of Rudna Glava. He elected to get the Sinopharm vaccine as some experts have suggested that a third shot of the Chinese vaccine may be required because two doses don’t appear to produce enough protection.

See more at:

Victims Discouraged by ‘Lenient’ Sentences for Sex Crimes in Serbia (Balkan Insight)

Courts in Serbia frequently impose the minimum sentence in rape cases, while many of those convicted of ‘illicit sexual activity’ or sexual harassment escape jail, according to a BIRN investigation.

In June 2016, a man in Serbia was sentenced to eight years in prison for repeatedly raping and beating his stepdaughter over a period of two years starting when she was 14 years old.

He was one of at least 608 people convicted of sex crimes in Serbia between 2016 and 2020.

But eight years is more than many convicted rapists are jailed for in the Balkan country, where, according to a BIRN investigation of data for the last five years, half were sentenced to five years or less, five years being the minimum sentence under the law since 2017.

In other cases of sex crimes, many of those convicted escape jail altogether – 49 per cent in cases of illegal sexual acts and 61 per cent in cases of sexual harassment.

See more at:





In Kosovo, System ‘Failing to Protect’ Domestic Abuse Victims (Balkan Insight)

Police in Kosovo are handling a rising number of domestic violence cases, but the way authorities deal with the issue is not helping.

At one point, during the beatings, Magbule [not her real name] thought her only choice was whether to endure the violence or take her own life.

“I had nowhere to go,” she said. “I was severely beaten, but I endured it all. On the day I was thrown out, I could not cope anymore.”

Magbule was driven out of her home by her family in a remote region of southern Kosovo last year.

Today, Magbule – whom BIRN cannot identify or describe – is one of seven residents of a safe house for victims of domestic abuse in the southern Kosovo city of Prizren.

For the timebeing at least, she is safe from violence, but statistics suggest a growing number of women in Kosovo are not.

The safe houses that can help them are struggling to cope financially, and experts say the way authorities deal with cases of domestic violence is not helping.

See more at: