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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, December 29, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kosovo Assembly declares energy emergency (media)
  • Kurti thanks Rama for helping with energy supply during end year holidays (
  • Kurti: 2021 to be remembered as a year when hope, trust, and will for change became unbreakable (Telegrafi)
  • Kosovo Government approves draft law on setting up bureau for confiscation of unjustifiable wealth (Koha)
  • Israel Appoints First Ambassador To Kosovo (Prishtina Insight)
  • UK Embassy welcomes appointment of anti-corruption agency head (media)
  • COVID-19: 33 new cases, no deaths (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Patriarch: What the Vatican is for the Roman Catholic Church, Kosovo is for us (KoSSev, RTS)
  • US Ambassador Godfrey: “The US does not see Serbia as a threat…” (B92, N1, TV Prva)
  • Israel appoints ambassador in Kosovo (N1, KoSSev)
  • Jevtic: They want to use police actions to force Serbs to leave Kosovo and Metohija (Politika)
  • EU sources: How to get Western Balkans out of stagnation in 2022 (N1, BETA)


  • Urban Vision: Woman Painter Transforms Humdrum Kosovo Town With Murals (Balkan Insight)



Albanian Language Media  


Kosovo Assembly declares energy emergency (media)

The Assembly of Kosovo has approved the request for declaring an energy emergency, media report. 

The motion received 57 votes in favour, 17 abstentions and none against. 

The decision legitimises power cuts, Koha reports and adds that the emergency measures will last for a period of 60 days but could be extended for other 30 days-at-a-time periods by the Assembly.

Kurti thanks Rama for helping with energy supply during end year holidays (

Kosovo PM Albin Kurti released a statement in which he publicly thanks his Albanian counterpart Edi Rama for helping the country with energy supply for the end-year holidays.

“We thank Prime Minister Edi Rama for his support. Our Minister of Economy made the request to Albania. We have power plants, they have hydropower plants. It is about 2 days that are important and we will have the opportunity to help if they are in need next summer, declared Kurti.

According to him, the assistance is to be appreciated above all as it comes at a time when Albania too is having problems with electricity.

Kosovo is in the midst of a power crisis with citizens reporting several hour outages.

Kurti: 2021 to be remembered as a year when hope, trust, and will for change became unbreakable (Telegrafi)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti said that the year-in-going, just as the one before, has been dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic but will also be remembered as a year when "hope, trust, and will for change came together and became unbreakable".

"On behalf of the Government I would like to once again express the sincerest condolences to the families affected by COVID-19," said Kurti at the meeting of the Government today.

He added: "The mobilisation of citizens in giving us historic support is proof of how great the frustration and anger was towards those who ruled so badly for so long, how great is the need for change, and how high is our responsibility today and tomorrow here. Let this be our motivation and guiding path for 2022, let us remain steadfast in our journey and spare nothing to implement our governing programme."

Kosovo Government approves draft law on setting up bureau for confiscation of unjustifiable wealth (Koha)

The Government of Kosovo in a meeting today approved the draft law that aims to set up a bureau tasked with verification and confiscation of unjustifiable wealth of public officials.

Justice Minister Albulena Haxhiu said it is of social interest to have such an office within the justice system and that it will function as an independent mechanism, accountable to the Assembly of Kosovo. Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that the fight against crime and corruption is a priority for the government.

Israel Appoints First Ambassador To Kosovo (Prishtina Insight)

Foreign Ministry appoints Tamar Ziv to represent the Jewish state in  Kosovo, the daily The Jerusalem Post reported.

Tamar Ziv has been appointed Israel’s first ambassador to Kosovo. Israel and Kosovo established diplomatic relations on February 1 this year and Kosovo opened its embassy in Jerusalem on March 14.

The opening of the embassy in Jerusalem derived from the September 4, 2020 agreement in Washington overseen by former US president Donald Trump.

Recognition of Kosovo’s independence by Israel was part of the agreement signed in the White House between Kosovo and Serbia, mediated by Trump. In return, Kosovo agreed to open its embassy in Jerusalem as opposed to Tel Aviv. The EU does not recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The opening of the embassy there sparked controversy and criticism. “It’s a pity,” the European Union called the decision to open the embassy in Jerusalem. The EU called it a departure from the EU position on the issue. It seeks a prior agreement over Jerusalem between Israel and the Palestinians.

The Foreign Minister of Israel, Gabriel Ashkenazi on the day of the opening of the embassy, said both countries were making history and that diplomatic ties would increase the two countries’ cooperation in many areas.

UK Embassy welcomes appointment of anti-corruption agency head (media)

The United Kingdom's Embassy in Kosovo has welcomed Assembly's appointment of Yll Buleshkaj to the post of Anti-Corruption Agency Director.

"Mr Buleshkaj was recommended as the highest-ranked candidate by 🇬🇧 experts who supported the panel to run a transparent and merit-based recruitment process. We look forward to working with the Anti-Corruption Agency on implementing the anti-corruption commitments and roadmap to which Kosovo has subscribed," the Embassy said in a social media post.

RTK reports that Buleshkaj's appointment to the post was supported by 62 MPs and that he will serve a five-year mandate. Buleshkaj was previously director of the Office for Registration and Certification of Parties with the Central Election Commission.

COVID-19: 33 new cases, no deaths (media)

33 new cases with COVID-19 were confirmed in the last 24 hours in Kosovo, the Ministry of Health said in a statement. 12 persons recovered from the virus during this time. 

There are 371 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.



Serbian Language Media


Patriarch: What the Vatican is for the Roman Catholic Church, Kosovo is for us (KoSSev, RTS)

The church's position on Kosovo has not changed and it is well known to everyone. What the Vatican is for the Roman Catholic Church, Kosovo is for us. For us, Kosovo is the deepest root, the Serbian patriarch said last night, reported KoSSev. 

In an interview with RTS, when asked whether "all the bishops agree with his sentence that the referendum for Kosovo and Metohija was held in 1389," he said:

"So far, I have not come across any of the bishop's brothers, in the clergy, or dissonant tones when it comes to Kosovo. Of course, for us, Kosovo is not just a political issue, it is a much deeper spiritual issue. That is why we say that Kosovo is not just a myth, because in terms of myth you can be a loser or a winner. Kosovo is like a covenant to us, related to the New Testament, and in the center, at the heart of the New Testament, stands holiness, and we are called to holiness, and for us, Kosovo is truly sacred."

In numerous meetings with international representatives, in an attempt to, as he says, "conjure up" what Kosovo means to Serbs, he told many:

"What the Vatican is for the Roman Catholic Church, Kosovo is for us."

"Vasko Popa said the best, 'a field like no other, heaven above the earth and heaven below the earth.' So, for us, Kosovo is chained by the sky and in that sense, it cannot be the subject of pragmatism, the subject of rational and logical. What is ephemeral profit, what is practically useful, because the moment we shut down Kosovo in ourselves, we simply become something completely different identity wise in relation to our entire history and prehistory, in relation to our fathers, ancestors and everything else," said Patriarch Porfirije.

Continuity and view and walk into the future of one nation is impossible without a deep root, and for Serbs, Kosovo is the deepest root.

Asked to clarify earlier allegations about "fences" of Serbs and Albanians, the patriarch said that "the fence does not have to divide" and that by fence he means self-awareness and identity character of the people.

"An essential and real fence is the way to unite exclusively and only when we are sanctified as individuals and nations. Then we have a kind of fence, a definition of our being, but such a fence implies the communion of the people. In that sense, I think it is very important to talk. An elementary emotion of respect is needed, and in order to find out, you must talk no matter how difficult it may be and be on the cross. And Albanians, on their cross, with their ambitions, demands and dreams," he said.

The patriarch emphasized "that perseverance is needed, that talks are needed, getting to know others", and that this, "sooner or later, will unblock the blockades", as many cases in history have shown.

When asked about the "dreams" of those on the one hand about "Kosovo without Albanians" and "Greater Albania at least as far as to Krusevac and then we will see", the patriarch said:

"Maybe there are those with dreams and wishes that there are no Albanians and vice versa, but that would not be in line with historical realities, and especially not with the Gospel. I believe that most of our people, and most of the Albanian people, do not have that kind of problem. "

On the contrary, he believes that nations have a need to share, to community, and that is the only way to confirm ourselves as people.

He also says that whenever he met with Albanians, he did not have major communication problems.

"Especially our people who live in Kosovo testify to that, regardless of all the difficulties. One is the political ambitions and goals of a certain political structure, and the other is the people who have enough of their own troubles and problems, so that they do not have much space left to deal with big issues," the patriarch concluded in the part about Kosovo, reported KoSSev.

US Ambassador Godfrey: “The US does not see Serbia as a threat…” (B92, N1, TV Prva)

U.S. Ambassador to Serbia, Anthony Godfrey, spoke about the relations between Russia and our country, that is, the agreement between the two countries on gas.

U.S. Ambassador to Serbia, Anthony Godfrey, spoke about the relations between Russia and our country, that is, the agreement between the two countries on gas. He stated that the best idea would be "diversification of energy sources".

"Serbia has to make its own decisions, the best idea is to introduce different energy sources. Diversification and the way they produce energy. We have a saying in America: 'You don't want to put all your eggs in the same basket'. If you rely only on supply from Russia, it will be harder for you to negotiate a good price", Godfrey told TV Prva.

"I expect that Serbia will participate in an important project for the import of gas through Greece, which is a very important partnership," the US Ambassador added, adding that it was important for our country to introduce new ways of energy production, i.e. green energy.

He pointed out that Russia uses access to energy for political purposes. "I talked a lot with (Serbian President Aleksandar) Vucic and I am happy that we are talking directly. For the future, it is best for Serbia to diversify energy, because then it will have a better price. Russia uses access to energy for political purposes," Godfrey said, adding that Serbia should not be held hostage. Asked whether the United States considers military cooperation with Russia at a time of tensions with Ukraine, Godfrey said that America was worried about the situation in Ukraine.

"These are important goals. Serbia has opted for military neutrality... But we are proud that Serbia is a partner with the United States. Bilateral security cooperation is at the highest level, Serbia buys military equipment from America, France... If I were in this region, I would like to ask myself what the military goals of Serbia are and what is the money spent on those things, and not on infrastructure and energy... We recently had a parachute exercise with the Serbian Army", Godfrey said.

"The United States does not see Serbia as a threat, what I would look at is how Serbia treats its neighbors and how its neighbors perceive it," the US ambassador said, emphasizing that neighboring countries should see it as "the locomotive of the region."

When asked what he thinks about Kosovo and Metohija and the CSMs, he pointed out that "the United States supports a dialogue that the EU supports".

"We call on Kurti to adhere to the Brussels Agreement. Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak has put pressure on the inclusion of the issue of the Community of Serbian Municipalities and I expect it to be discussed. I share your dissatisfaction. This is the biggest obstacle to creating greater stability in the region. I expect Serbia and Kosovo to make progress because they have to. If they want to provide a better life, all this must be done. Belgrade and Pristina must create a solution themselves; it cannot come from Russia, the US, or the EU. There are steps that indicate the improvement. For example, the license plate conflict was resolved through Brussels", Godfrey said.

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Israel appoints ambassador in Kosovo (N1, KoSSev)

The Israeli Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday it had appointed seven new ambassadors, including Tamara Ziv as the envoy in Kosovo, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Besides, new ambassadors have been appointed to the United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Norway, Hungary, Colombia, and Vietnam.

Israel and Kosovo established diplomatic relations a few months ago, thanks to the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia from September 4 in Washington and with the mediation of the US.

See at:

Jevtic: They want to use police actions to force Serbs to leave Kosovo and Metohija (Politika)

Vice President of Serbian List and Mayor of Strpce Dalibor Jevtic in an interview with Belgrade-based Politika daily said that “without Belgrade and the Government of Serbia, the life of our people in Kosovo and Metohija would be even more difficult”, adding that “the support of President Aleksandar Vucic is especially important to us”.

He also stressed it has always been difficult to be a Serb in the enclaves and that “sending special police units with long barrels was aimed at intimidating the few remaining Serbs to leave and criminalize those who would resist”. Politika daily recalled that a few days after the incursion of special police units with long barrels into the municipality of Strpce, to arrest members of the former local government, more than 12,000 local Serbs were disturbed.

According to Jevtic, an additional problem in the enclaves in Metohija are the power cuts/restrictions due to the inability of the Pristina institutions to be ready for the winter.

“Recent actions in Strpce and Silovo are a clear indicator of that. There was no reason to break into houses where there were children, women and the elderly. Every time the police invited them, all those people who were arrested, have responded to the invitations regularly. And the result of the intrusion into their family homes in the early morning hours are terrified children who still cannot recover from the trauma, elderly people, some of whom ended up in the hospital. All in all - a difficult situation, fear and uncertainty. That is why several thousand Serbs spontaneously, in a peaceful protest, gave their support to the arrestees and their families”, Jevtic said.

Q: How do you assess the current political situation in Kosovo and Metohija?

“In a word - confusing. In a situation when the ruling coalition has a comfortable majority where problems are expected to be solved, we, on the contrary, have more and more problems and citizens are at the greatest loss due to such a situation. Since the formation of this new government, there has been no significant law passed by the Kosovo Assembly. It all comes down to daily politics and tensions in society are high”.

Q: Electricity restrictions are underway. Who is to be blamed for the shortages?

“Well, it is certain that the greatest responsibility lies with the Kosovo government. There is no great philosophy here, the one in power must plan in advance, in this case about energy, in order to avoid a collapse. No one can say that they were surprised by the snow and low temperatures in December. And, of course, solutions need to be found before excuses, but, unfortunately, this Kosovo government is only dealing with excuses and daily politics again”.

Q: What is the cooperation with President Vucic and the Government of Serbia like?

“Without Belgrade and the Government of Serbia, the life of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija would be even more difficult. The support of President Aleksandar Vucic is especially important to us, and we are more than grateful to him for everything he does for our people. I have an excellent cooperation with the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Director Petar Petkovic. What I certainly expect and what I asked from director Petkovic is to have more investments in Strpce municipality. I received guarantees that this will be the case, and I believe that next year we will have the opportunity to realize more projects with the help of the Government of Serbia and the Office for Kosovo and Metohija”.

EU sources: How to get Western Balkans out of stagnation in 2022 (N1, BETA)

With the support of a more engaged Washington, the European Union should see how to help the Western Balkans out of the stalemate, especially regarding tensions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and blocked Belgrade-Pristina talks, the Beta news agency cited on Wednesday sources from Brussels.

In a review of the events in 2021, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, warned that “increasing rhetoric and moves that divide people in the Western Balkans, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, have hampered efforts to bring six countries closer to Europe”.

He described this year as one of the significant changes “in which policies that constantly posed challenges to the European Union, and its values, gained momentum“.

The new administration in Washington has also appointed new envoys, experienced experts in the Western Balkans, to get more involved in “unfinished business“ in the region.

Officials in the EU Council of Ministers said that the Union and the European Commission were also worried about the generally weak progress of the Western Balkans in crucial reforms in the rule of law and fundamental freedoms.

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Urban Vision: Woman Painter Transforms Humdrum Kosovo Town With Murals (Balkan Insight)

Lebibe Topalli is covering the walls of her far-from glamorous hometown with bright wall paintings – changing Ferizaj and challenging stereotypes about women at the same time.

A few years ago in Ferizaj/Urosevac, people would curiously raise up their heads when they saw a woman on a crane playing around with colours on the town walls. Now it’s a routine sight.

Lebibe Topalli is happy to have broken some old taboos.

“It has not been easy, there was lots of prejudice. It was strange to see a woman on a scaffold in Ferizaj, or anywhere in Kosovo, but I believe it’s now seen as normal,” Topalli told BIRN in an interview. “Young girls should have it much easier, now the taboo is broken,” she says.

Ferizaj/Urosevac, a town around 40 kilometres southeast Kosovo’s capital Prishtinë/Pristina, is becoming a hub for artists painting murals all over the old buildings.

The aim of Topalli, 37, who runs a local NGO, MuralFest, is simple: to change the face of the town by covering its walls with huge, bright images.

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