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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, October 31, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Reprimand measures for drivers with illegal licence plates start tomorrow (RTK)
  • Kurti calls for international monitoring of census process in the Valley (media)
  • Scholz to meet with the Presidents of the Balkans this week (Express)
  • Over 100,000 Albanians living in Presevo Valley, census shows (media)
  • CDHRF slams both government and opposition (media)
  • Limaj calls for united democratic front against Kurti-led government (Kallxo)
  • “Kurti put pride before national interests” (Zeri)
  • Haziri on French-German proposal: Govt must use the momentum (Albanian Post)
  • Analysts: Government not transparent regarding the French-German document (RTK)
  • PDK: Government has started seizure of the Public Administration (media)
  • Sheholli: Kurti disappointed the U.S.; Serbian List is installing fear among Serbs (EO)
  • Kosovo govt signs memorandum with Albanian Council from Presevo Valley (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • EC spokeswoman: The decision on the plates not in accordance with the agreements from the dialogue (N1)
  • Radojevic: We do our utmost to maintain peace, but we do not accept unilateral decisions (Kosovo Online)
  • Dacic: New withdrawals of recognition real and possible; With full force against the admission of Kosovo to CoE (KoSSev, Kurir)
  • Kosovo cannot get more than 83 votes for UN membership, says Dacic (FoNet, N1, TV Happy)
  • Djuric: If Pristina starts Council of Europe process, de-recognitions notes would surface (N1)
  • Petkovic: We wait concrete action of Washington and Brussels (Tanjug)
  • Office for KiM: Pristina bans holding of elections for national minority councils (Kosovo Online)
  • Botsan- Kharchenko: The introduction of sanctions would disappoint us, no trade of Kosovo for Donbass (media)
  • Serbian List on latest decision on re-registration (Kosovo Online)
  • Vucic, Brnabic with the US economic delegation (FoNet, N1)
  • Lazarevic about license plates: The police in the north of Kosovo have not received any instructions (N1)
  • Von der Leyen announces 160 mln euro energy assistance to Serbia (Tanjug)


  • Restrictive EU visa policy risks further Western Balkan disillusionment (BIRN)
  • In Josep Borrell’s garden utopia, Balkan savages are a threat (
  • Rada Trajkovic: "Kurti's punishment of Serbs reminiscent of Milosevic's disciplining of Albanians" (KiM radio)


  • Family First: The Rise of the Anti-Gender Movement in North Macedonia (BIRN)
  • Richard Grenell: Republican or Democrat, Albin Kurti has rejected every idea that the Americans have put forward (The Pavlovic Today)
  • Does Spain Support Proposal to Link Kosovo’s Visa Liberalisation Process With the Operationalisation of ETIAS? (
  • US Sanctions towards Western Balkan entities: “Red flags” without much effect on the ground (EWB)



Albanian Language Media  


Official: Reprimand measures for drivers with illegal licence plates start tomorrow (RTK) 

The Ministry of Internal Affairs invited again the citizens with the vehicles with licence plates "PR", "KM", "PZ", "GL", "UR", "PE", "DA" or "ĐA" to register with RKS licence plates.

“Dear citizens, you will be able to benefit from the facilities for changing your vehicle registration from illegal license plates to RKS license plates until 31 March 2023, including: customs taxes, administrative tax at the Vehicle Registration Center, license plate fee and fee for equipment with vehicle registration certificate. You can register your motor vehicles at any registration center, regardless of your place of residence.

With the new decision, starting from November 1, 2022, all owners of vehicles with illegal license plates will be issued a reprimand, with the request that they go to the Vehicle Registration Center to register their vehicles with RKS license plates.

From 21 November 2022 to 21 January 2023, all owners of vehicles that circulate in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo with illegal license plates "PR", "KM", "PZ", "GL", "UR", "PE" "DA" or "ĐA" will be subjected to a fine of EUR 150 in accordance with the legislation in force,” says among others the press release.

Read more at:

Kurti calls for international monitoring of the population census process in the Valley (media)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti has asked the international community to observe the population census process in the Presheva Valley.

Today, when the census of the population and assets in Serbia ends, Kurti made a request for monitoring, since Albanians will not have access to the data processing process. He mentioned the statements of the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vucic, who said that the figures presented prior to the completion of the process, were inflated by the Albanians.

"Today, when a process of special interest for the Government of the Republic of Kosovo is ending, the information coming from Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoci, is that despite the obstacles that appeared during the registration process, the Albanians have been activated to the maximum for a month in a row, so that everyone can be registered, including those with temporary residence in Kosovo and the diaspora," Kurti wrote on Facebook.

According to him, Vucic's statements prove why the process of census of the population and assets for Albanians is of historical and national importance.

Scholz to meet with the Presidents of the Balkans this week (Express)

The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will meet the presidents of the Western Balkan states this Thursday, Gazeta Express reports. This meeting is expected to take place within the Berlin Summit, which will be held on November 3.

Before the Berlin Summit, several meetings of the lower levels of the governments of the Western Balkans were held.

Since 2014, the Berlin Process, which concludes with the summit, aims to improve and intensify regional integration and approximation with the European Union.

Over 100,000 Albanians living in Presevo Valley, census shows (media)

According to the preliminary results of the census in Serbia, which started on October 1 and will end today, there are over 100,000 Albanians living in the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja. The results refute claims made by Serbian state authorities according to which only 5,200 Albanians live in the southern part of Serbia, based on a census from 2011 which was boycotted by the Albanian population because the registration applications were printed only in Serbian. The first official results of the census will be published in late November whereas the final results will be published latest by April next year.

CDHRF slams both government and opposition (media)

The Pristina-based Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF) criticised today the Kosovo government about its decision on illegal licence plates in the north and for lack of transparency over the French-German draft. According to the council, the government’s decision to execute the decision on licence plates in several phases buys time. “No one believes this, not even the proposals, and let alone internationals who expressed disappointment over the decision. This decision too, which is illogical, unimplementable and for buying time, was taken as a result of international pressure. If the government lacked the courage to enforce the law in that part of Kosovo and expressed public commitment, it would have been way better if it had accepted the recommendations/conditions of the internationals because everyone would have supported it as it would be clear that the postponement was not the will of the government but rather imposed by the internationals. Therefore, the buying of time will include a cost for the government because it is setting a dangerous precedent by acting in opposition to its public pledges and by violating the law and the Constitution, because it is implementing and legalising an ethnic-based discrimination. The law must be equal for all and in this case the rebelling Serbs are above the law,” the statement notes.

The council also criticised the government about the French-German draft for a final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia. “At a time when Vucic published the proposal, Prime Minister Kurti denied it, whereas President Osmani first denied it and then admitted that there was a proposal. So far there is no information from the Kosovo government about the form or content of this proposal, and this in turn has created room for manipulation and misinformation. The Kosovo government has shown extreme irresponsibility by not being transparent about the talks or about the proposed agreement whereas the opposition has been unwilling and undetermined to use parliamentary methods and force Prime Minister Kurti to inform the public about the talks with Serbia and the proposed agreement,” it said.

Limaj calls for united democratic front against Kurti-led government (Kallxo)

Leader of the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, has called for a joint democratic front to end what he called further degradation of the state by the Kurti-led government. “We in NISMA, are calling on everyone to form a joint democratic front that will bring together political forces, citizens, and patriots, who are willing to join around a clear political and economic front,” Limaj told a political convention on Sunday.

According to Limaj, the joint democratic front will initiate social and political debate, it will eliminate clashes between citizens, will unite the people around causes of national interest “and restore partnership with our international friends, and rebuild good relations with Albania”.

“Kurti put pride before national interests” (Zeri)

U.S. expert on the Western Balkans, Alon Ben Meir, said in an interview with the news website that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti should have extended the deadline for the conversion of licence plates as requested by Kosovo’s allies. He argued that the postponement could lead to a comprehensive agreement with Serbia and that a 10-month postponement would not have negative effects for Kosovo being that this situation has existed in the north of Kosovo for 14 years. 

According to Ben Meir, Kurti put pride before national interests. “Unfortunately, he put himself in this position. However, he can still show leadership by working with the European Union and the United States and to agree on the postponement for the sake of solidarity with his most important partners who are needed to realise Kosovo’s aspirations for becoming a member of the EU and NATO,” he said.

Haziri on French-German proposal: Government must use the momentum (Albanian Post)

Deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Lutfi Haziri, said in an interview with the news website today that the French-German plan has brought a new momentum in politics and that instead of using the opportunity the Kosovo government has chosen “the hesitating culture of non-action”. “The French-German plan is one of the options that is creating a new momentum in the process and the government must use this momentum,” he said.

Haziri said the government needs to make sure that its main objective is to secure recognition from Serbia. “So recognition from Serbia and not from one of the five non-recognising member states of the European Union, which facilitates the path toward NATO and also to higher institutions such as the United Nations and in other regional institutions, because it is in Kosovo’s interest to integrate as quickly as possible,” he said.

Analysts: The government is not transparent regarding the French-German document (RTK)

A Franco-German document, which foresees the future of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, has been the main topic of the political scene in Kosovo in recent weeks. However, complete information about this document is missing.

Political analyst Artan Muhaxheri blamed the government for lack of transparency, however he said that the government cannot make state secrets public.

"It is understandable that the Government cannot disclose state secrets, but it can give indications of where the dialogue process is going, on which the lives of Kosovo's citizens will depend in the future," Muhaxheri said.

The professor of international relations Dritero Arifi has said that based on the few details that have become known, this document will help Kosovo on its way to European integration.

"We still don't have anything official, but only from what the media have published. So, if we analyze those points, there are advantages for Kosovo, it just depends on how we will approach them," Arifi said.

PDK: Government has started seizure of the Public Administration (media)

The coordinator of the Department of Justice in the Cabinet for Good Governance, of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Perparim Gruda, said today in a press conference that the current government has started efforts to capture the Public Administration through the law and dismiss thousands of officials holding managerial positions.

According to him, this action of the current government is against the constitution and violates the European integration process of Kosovo. Gruda said that this attempt by the government is blackmail and a direct threat to put the entire civil service of Kosovo under political control.

He said that the current government, after capturing every public institution by appointing and employing their family members and party officials to leadership positions and boards of public institutions, has now started anti-constitutional efforts in the public administration.

"These days, this government has presented the Draft Law for Public Officials of Kosovo, which represents the clear intention of the ruling party to politicize the public administration of the state and to turn it into the service of the Vetevendosje Movement," Gruda said.

Sheholli: Kurti disappointed the U.S.; Serbian List is instilling fear among Serbs (EO)

Director of the Institute for Affirmation of Interethnic Relations, Fatmir Sheholli, said in an interview with the news website that Prime Minister Albin Kurti was wrong not to listen to the U.S. about the decision for the conversion of licence plates. He also argued that in conversations with Serb citizens in the north of Kosovo, they are worried because they cannot convert the licence plates out of fear from Belgrade. According to Sheholli, the Serbian List is instilling fear among the Serbs in the north. 

“Prime Minister Kurti was wrong not to listen to the United States and to follow the recommendation and the objectives of the Americans. We will have to see if there will be unrest, but what we as an Institute have noticed from different conversations with citizens in the north, we see there is great concern among them because the Serbs dare not convert their licence plates out of fear from Belgrade because they are their hostages. The Serbian List, as an instrument, is instilling fear among the Serb citizens in the north,” he argued.

Kosovo govt signs memorandum with Albanian Council from Presevo Valley (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, met on Friday with the leader of the Albanian National Council in the Presevo Valley, Ragmi Mustafi, to sign a Cooperation Memorandum together. A press release issued by Kurti’s office notes that the Memorandum of Cooperation aims to provide financial support for the protection and promotion of the rights of Albanians, the preservation and cultivation of the language, art, culture and identity of the Albanians in Presevo Valley.​​



Serbian Language Media 


EC spokeswoman: The decision on the plates not in accordance with the agreements from the dialogue (N1)

The spokeswoman for the European Commission (EC) for foreign affairs, Nabila Massrali, said that Kosovo "has the right to gradually change the KM plates, but that this process must be within the framework of what was agreed in the dialogue", reported N1.

"You have seen our statement in which we state that we are aware of the latest decisions of the Kosovo government regarding the plates. We clearly emphasise that Kosovo has the right to gradually change the KM plates, but that process must be within the framework of the dialogue. This decision is not in accordance with the agreements from the dialogue between the two parties and in accordance with the agreement from 2016," Massrali said.

She added that the European Union will continue to work with its partners to find a sustainable solution.

"Also, we call on the actors to maintain peace and not allow unnecessary tensions to rekindle on the ground," said the spokeswoman for the European Commission, reported N1. 

Radojevic: We do our utmost to maintain peace, but we do not accept unilateral decisions (Kosovo Online)

Mitrovica North mayor Milan Radojevic told Kosovo Online portal that the situation in the city is calm, but tense and that people expect respect for freedom of movement for all in the upcoming period. He also said that licence plates are the main topic among people in northern Kosovo.

“The situation in Mitrovica North is calm as over the previous days. People do their daily activities, however it is noticeable that they feel distressed as they talk about licence plates at every corner, same as about Pristina’s unilateral acts”, he said.

Radojevic added Serb representatives appeal to residents to remain calm and not fall prey to eventual provocations.

“We as political representatives, not only those days, but for weeks and months attempt to maintain the peace not only in Mitrovica North, but in entire northern Kosovo and Metohija, We speak with residents, we urge them to exercise restraint, appeal to them to have trust in their state leadership, our negotiation team and state of Serbia. The situation is tense and the issue of licence plates has unfortunately become our everyday matter”, Radojevic said.

He also said Serbs will not accept unilateral decisions and urged Pristina and the international community to look for a solution to this problem, same as for all others, within the Brussels dialogue. 

Kosovo cannot get more than 83 votes for UN membership, says Dacic (FoNet, N1, TV Happy)

Kosovo will not make it into the United Nations (UN) like Palestine because Kosovo wants to be a full-fledged member, said Serbia’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, reported N1.

Minister Dacic told the Happy TV morning show that “a difficult diplomatic journey” awaited Serbia.

He explained that Serbia has changed “the balance of powers” in the UN when it comes to the number of countries recognizing Kosovo’s independence.

“In the UN General Assembly Kosovo cannot get more than 83 votes from the 193 members,” said Dacic, adding that there are “different cases,” that “four countries have recognized Kosovo but do not vote for it,” as well as that “there are countries that change their position every six months”.

“But they (Pristina) no longer have a smooth majority in the UN, and this decision (on membership in the UN) has to go through the Security Council which is why Russia’s and China’s position is very important to us because they could potentially veto it,” said the Minister.

He emphasized that this was why he was saying that "the issue of Russia, Ukraine, Kosovo, the Council of Europe and the United Nations cannot be viewed separately".

“And therefore, I say there needs to be ‘a package for Serbia’, with Kosovo as the starting point, and I do not think one such package exists currently. We have not received any proposals that would serve as a basis for talks,” Dacic told Happy TV, reported N1.

Dacic: New withdrawals of recognition real and possible; With full force against the admission of Kosovo to CoE (KoSSev, Kurir) 

"For the umpteenth time we are watching the same game dictated by Pristina - if it doesn't go as they want, there will be violence. That's the only policy they have, whether Kurti, Haradinaj, Thaci, whoever is in the government," said Ivica Dacic, commenting on Pristina's refusal to extend the deadline for the re-registration of Serbian licence plates at the request of the West, that is, the possibility of new escalations of the situation.

The new-old Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia assessed that "those who have always allowed such destructive behaviour" should discuss this issue with Pristina and reminded that the Western proposal to extend the re-registration for ten months was still on the table, reported KoSsev, citing Kurir daily.

"It is a reasonable proposal, because it eliminates the possibility of escalation, leads to calmness and conversation, and that is obviously not what suits Kurti," Dacic said in an interview with Kurir.

He specified that Belgrade was taking care that the Serbs in Kosovo were safe and protected.

We made a huge effort to prevent Kosovo from joining the Council of Europe

When asked about "Serbia's attempts" to prevent Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe, and whether they are "doomed to failure", Dacic said that from the first day after his return to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was concerned with that very issue. He indicated that it was "part of the overall pressures exerted on Serbia".

"We are not in a favourable position, it's no secret, because the admission of new members to the Council of Europe does not require the consent of all, but two-thirds of the current members. On the other hand, the lobbying of Pristina for entry into this organisation has been going on for a long time, for years, and we have made a huge effort so far to prevent this from happening. We will continue to work on it, with full force, both towards the Council of Europe and towards all the members", said Dacic.

While the President of Serbia announced that these days Kosovo's membership in the CoE will be considered, Dacic's assessment was that the admission of Kosovo would be a "dangerous precedent and a heavy blow for this organisation", reported KoSSev.

"We always tell them clearly that by opening the door to Kosovo, we would open the door to who knows what other separatist territory that may also seek membership in the Council of Europe tomorrow," concluded Dacic.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia also spoke about the possibility of new withdrawals of the recognition of Kosovo's independence.

Although Kosovo sent an official request for membership in the Council of Europe this year, Dacic said that the withdrawal of recognition depends on whether Pristina will violate the Washington Agreement, that is, start seeking admission to international organisations again.

"It (withdrawal of recognition) is not only possible, but also realistic, provided that Pristina violates the Washington Agreement and starts seeking admission to international organisations again. This is not a threat; we only ask that what has already been agreed be respected. And if it is not respected, we will know how to respond," said minister Dacic. 

At the same time, he claimed that he was not optimistic about finding a solution to the Kosovo issue, but he also noted that America and the EU are much more involved than before.

He said that this was good for Serbia, because Belgrade did not want things to stand still, while "violence is being perpetrated against unprotected Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija"

Compromise, agreement, and respect for everything previously signed was required, Dacic specified. 

"Because that is the only way to get peace and stability, to know that we have an agreement between Serbs and Albanians that will last for a long time and for the next generations. We have the opportunity for that, but we also have a huge responsibility to protect our country and our people. I am sure that we have successfully done it so far and that we will persist in it", concluded Ivica Dacic, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia.

Djuric: If Pristina starts Council of Europe process, de-recognitions notes would surface (N1)

We will not breach moratorium by publishing the names of the last nine states that revoked recognition of Kosovo, however, if Pristina really launches initiative to be admitted to Council of Europe, then what is currently in a “drawer” of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic would come to light and Serbia will continue its activities in this regard with even stronger intensity, Serbian Ambassador to US, Marko Djuric said, N1 reports.  

He also said Serbia today is far more present and active in Washington, adding the number of the Serbian caucus members has doubled. “People feel there has been a change in the Serbian paradigm policy and that we focused on development and growth, and we are also getting known for the IT industry and new technologies”, Djuric said.

Asked if Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti will resist suggestions of the US related to licence plates, Djuric said “it was extremely significant” that US State Secretary Anthony Blinken called on Pristina to postpone the decision on licence plates.

“Such occurrences were unimaginable in the earlier period, because there was a granted support for political actions of Pristina, while today many criticise Kurti who managed to push away his traditional supporters”, Djuric assessed. 

Petkovic: We wait concrete action of Washington and Brussels (Tanjug)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said decision of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurit on re-registration implies that Serbs who have Serbian registration plates should now re-register their vehicles to “RKS” plates, which absolutely runs contrary to all agreements made in 2011 and 2016, Tanjug news agency reports.

“Those are licence plates issued by Republic of Serbia, and Serbs do not want any other plates, that is why Kurti and all others supporting so-called independent Kosovo must understand that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija feel as citizens of the Republic of Serbia and nobody has the right to abolish our plates, given that the real aim and intention of Albin Kurti is to expel existence of our state from the territory of Kosovo and Metohija and an ultimate goal is to expel our people from there”, Petkovic said.  

Petkovic also said the decision of Pristina was illegal, unlawful and violent, adding that the international community must react.

“We saw statements from Washington and Brussels, but we must also see concrete actions and concrete steps”, Petkovic told RTS.

Commenting on the EU statement that the decision of Pristina was legitimate Petkovic said the decision is not in line with the signed agreements, adding the EU should read carefully the agreement on finalisation of the freedom of movement deal from 2016, which clearly says the process of re-registration would last 12 months. He explained point 4 of that agreement also says the re-registration process should take place by replacing KM and other licence plates onto KS status neutral plates.

“What happened then? In 2020 Pristina unilaterally abolished status-neutral plates prior to the expiration of the deadline and no one but Belgrade objected that and warned where it could lead”, Petkovic said, adding if we want to stick to the agreement, and that is the only thing we can do, then they must reintroduce status-neutral licence plates. 

Office for KiM: Pristina bans holding of elections for national minority councils (Kosovo Online)

Pristina authorities have banned holding of Serbian elections for the national minority councils in Kosovo due on November 13, and once again endangered fundamental civil and democratic rights, Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement, Kosovo Online portal reports.

As the statement said the last cycle of elections for national minority councils’ members took place in 2018, with logistic support of the OSCE.  

“Although up to date, with logistic support of the OSCE Mission, all cycles of elections for National Minority Councils members were held in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, with the last one taking place in 2018, now Albin Kurti has banned Bosniaks, Roma, Ashkali, Egyptians and other national minorities in Kosovo and Metohija from exercising their fundamental democratic and civil rights”, Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement.

It added that this ban demonstrates unreadiness to ensure fundamental civil and democratic rights to the minorities in Kosovo.

“By depriving fundamental rights to the minorities in Kosovo and Metohija, Kurti once again demonstrated an absolutistic and undemocratic face, which is also an image of international community which once again appeared unprepared to ensure respect of the fundamental civil and civilizational rights”, the Office said. 

Botsan- Kharchenko: The introduction of sanctions would disappoint us, no trade of Kosovo for Donbass (media)

Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandar Botsan-Kharchenko said that Russia is grateful to Belgrade for its "principled stance on distancing" from “illegitimate anti-Russian restrictions or sanctions introduced by the USA and Western countries”.

“Of course, it would be unfair – and wrong, given that we have friendly relations with Serbia based on trust – not to say that the revision of this line would disappoint us,” Kharchenko said.

Answering the question of whether Moscow could “trade” Kosovo in exchange for Donbass and other territories, he said that these statements “have nothing to do with reality” and that there cannot be any question of “trade”.

“Russia’s position on the issue of Kosovo is principled and consistent, independent of the conjuncture. We are committed to achieving a sustainable, mutually acceptable solution between Belgrade and Pristina, in international legal coordinates, based on Resolution 1244 of the United Nations Security Council,” said Kharchenko.

Serbian List on latest decision on re-registration (Kosovo Online)

Issuance of the first measure would be met with a sharp resistance and response of the Serbian people in northern Kosovo, Serbian List said in reaction to the latest decision of the Pristina government on re-registration, dividing the process into four phases, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“Given the plan of Albin Kurti to issue some sort of reprimands and other fines to the Serbs owning legal and legitimate licence plates issued by Republic of Serbia bodies, we wish, on behalf of the Serbian people from those areas, to tell him clearly and unequivocally that the issuance of the first financial measure would be a reason for a sharp response and resistance of the Serbian people, as we are aware of the real intentions by those holding power in Pristina”, reads the statement of the Serbian List.

They also added that the latest announcements of the Pristina government is nothing more than a desire to continue the plan of expelling the Serbs from those areas.

Vucic, Brnabic with the US economic delegation (FoNet, N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received the economic delegation of the United States of America in Belgrade, discussing strengthening cooperation and new partnerships, reported N1.

"Serbia has shown that it is not only a reliable partner of large corporations that have been successfully operating in our country for years, but also a stable economy that represents an excellent investment and business destination," said Vucic on Instagram.

He added that this was the first economic delegation of the USA in Serbia after more than 20 years.

The meeting was also attended by the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, as well as the US Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill.

Lazarevic about license plates: The police in the north of Kosovo have not received any instructions (N1)

The editor of the KoSSev portal, Tanja Lazarevic, said that the citizens did not show intention to change the vehicle plates, but also that there are many unknowns for the members of the Kosovo Police, reported N1.

In the absence of a concrete joint agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, and if the last measures of the Kosovo government were implemented from tomorrow, the key question was, who will implement these measures, "who will issue warning measures in the first phase, afterwards who will punish, which is an even more rigorous measure, and all that is foreseen by this decision", said Lazarevic.

She stated that the first idea was that it should be done by the police in the field, primarily the traffic police, and that in the north, the majority of employees in the Kosovo Police were Serbs.

The editor of KoSSev stated that the editorial staff of that portal tried this morning to get an official information on whether any administrative instruction for the police on the field had arrived, and that they were told that nothing had arrived yet.

"Nevertheless, even without that, I would be really surprised if tomorrow the members of the Kosovo Police North Region would start issuing warning measures. Do not forget that they come from the north. It is true that they receive orders from Pristina, but they are also part of the community, and we should not forget the influence of Belgrade," Tatjana Lazarevic pointed out.

Von der Leyen announces 160 mln euro energy assistance to Serbia (Tanjug)

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced on Friday the EU would provide 160 mln euro assistance to Serbia to help it deal with the energy crisis.

"I know that Serbia's future is in the EU, I know that our EU is not complete without Serbia. We share the same commitment to our common European future, and, therefore, let us continue the hard work for the common future," Von der Leyen said in Nis, southern Serbia, after visiting the construction site of a Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

She added that the EU and the Western Balkans, including Serbia, were a part of the European Energy Community.

"Due to the good progress that was made in the past, Serbia is one of the most advanced countries on the European path and we now want you take the next, very important steps towards the EU," she said at a joint press conference with Vucic, noting that Serbia needed to work on judicial independence and the fight against corruption.

Von der Leyen thanked Vucic for the announcement that Serbia's visa policy would be aligned with the EU by the end of the year.

When asked by reporters if Serbia's future in the EU depended on reforms or political issues such as its relationship with Russia and a solution in the dialogue with Pristina, von der Leyen responded the enlargement process was merit-based and in the hands of the country wishing to join the bloc, but that alignment with the EU foreign and security policy was important, too, because the two processes went hand in hand.





Restrictive EU visa policy risks further Western Balkan disillusionment (BIRN)

Opinion piece by Petr Cermak, a Research Fellow of the Association for International Affairs focusing on Western Balkan politics. As a fellow of the Kosovo Research and Analysis Fellowship program, he has been investigating the position of the current Czech EU Presidency on the Western Balkan agenda.

To impose a more restrictive visa regime on the Western Balkans in order to tackle migration will only inflict further damage to the enlargement process.

Amid yet another upsurge in migration flows along the Balkan route, a more restrictive visa policy is being debated on the level of the European Union. However, some of the measures under consideration may have damaging effects on the European aspirations of the Western Balkan states.

The current Czech Presidency of the EU Council is playing an ambiguous role, reflecting a broader mismatch between the EU‘s migration policy and its enlargement policy. Contrary to its declaratory support for enlargement to the Western Balkans and the recent lobbying for visa liberalisation for citizens of Kosovo, Prague has threatened some of the states in the region with the suspension of their visa-free regimes.

Such a measure would be a dangerous step that would only deepen the mutual frustration in the relations between the EU and the WB6, as it would put the already fading credibility of the enlargement process in question. The EU aspirations of the Western Balkans could thus easily fall hostage to another migration crisis.

Read full piece at:

In Josep Borrell’s garden utopia, Balkan savages are a threat (

Opinion piece by Aidan Hehir, reader in international relations at University of Westminster

On October 13, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, Joseph Borrell stated; “Europe is a garden...Everything works…the rest of the world is a jungle…A nice small garden surrounded by high walls in order to prevent the jungle from coming in is not going to be a solution…the wall will never be high enough…The gardeners have to go to the jungle….Otherwise, the rest of the world will invade us.” 

Borrell is not the first to use this analogy, but it is rarely articulated in such blunt terms. It is, however, a widely held view amongst Western policymakers and a powerful trope. Its currency across the EU today has profound implications for the future of the Balkans.  

The Core Needs a Periphery

Maintaining order in the centre demands the creation of a binary; in both a literal and metaphorical sense the outside must be defined and differentiated. Creating “us” requires that we also create “them”.  

For centuries, fortified walls have served to keep out the “other”, but an enclosed city will seem like a cage if those inside are not convinced that barbarity lies beyond their gated domain.

The core is civilised, orderly and organized. The outside must therefore be framed as primitive and chaotic, populated by savage people who are trapped in a cycle of violence which prevents their civilisational development.

“We” are, thus, conceptually constituted by “them”; “we” define ourselves in contradistinction to “them”; “we” have what “they” lack; “they” are what “we” are not. They live in a jungle; we live in a garden where “everything works”.

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Rada Trajkovic: "Kurti's punishment of Serbs reminiscent of Milosevic's disciplining of Albanians" (KiM radio)

President of the European Movement of Kosovo Serbs, Rada Trajkovic compared Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti's attitude towards Serbs and his decision on the re-registration of vehicles from 'KM' to 'RKS' plates with the attitude of former FRY president Slobodan Milosevic towards Albanians in the 90s of the last century, reported KiM radio today. At the same time, she pointed out that the official Belgrade was the only one who could force Serbs from the north to re-register their vehicles. 

"Albin Kurti's tendency to bring solutions that collectively punish the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija is not right and represents a continuity since he came to power. By depriving the Serbs of their rights and clashing with the Serbian national community in such a way reminds of the time, to some extent, when Milosevic wanted to discipline the Albanians, so he took the path of depriving the Albanians of their rights in KiM through institutional solutions that they accepted as pressure on them,"  Trajkovic said to RTV Kim.

Trajkovic believed that Serbs from the north of Kosovo, as well as those who live south of the Ibar, are victims of both Belgrade and Albin Kurti.

"Everyone knows that Serbs from the north of Kosovo cannot change license plates without the support of Belgrade. Only Belgrade can change the number plates, and that in such a way that the vehicle registration to KM is changed, where these cars are still being registered, which is in Raska. So Raska is a center where Serbs can gradually, as their right to registration expires or as it is necessary to extend their registration, actually get the opportunity to register in Kosovo. And not collectively, not according to deadlines, but simply how the dynamics of their license plate and traffic license terminations are going and in agreement with Belgrade," said Trajkovic.

Trajkovic repeated that Serbs from Kosovo are victims of the conflict between Vucic and Kurti.

"Nothing depends on them, except to be demonstrators of resistance to which they can be physically exposed. With this, the entire region can get involved in a destabilizing project that will not bring good to anyone," she said in a statement to RTV Kim.

Trajkovic pointed out that it was an "open secret that there are paramilitary formations in the north of Kosovo'' that, as she claimed, are ''arming the local population''. She was convinced that such formations exist both on the Serbian and Albanian sides.

"It is an open secret that there are paramilitary formations among Albanians as well, and what should worry us all is the insistence on such irrelevant things as license plates. Does anyone really think that those plates should preserve the sovereignty of Kosovo or Serbia? I am afraid that this is not a staged prank, the price of which should be paid by the residents of that area," said Trajkovic.

She said she was concerned that the Kosovo authorities are not respecting the US request to delay the decision on re-registration for ten months and that there was no will of finding a viable solution. According to Trajkovic, the two leaders, Kurti and Vucic, currently only are showing stubbornness.

"Leaders who want a conflict essentially bring the whole nation and the country into a big problem," she concluded, reported KiM radio.





Family First: The Rise of the Anti-Gender Movement in North Macedonia (BIRN)

When 27-year-old actor Leo Popovic came out as transmasculine in January this year, he received some 15,000 messages on social media, the majority of them supportive.

His favourite came from a woman who wrote, “Leo, son, I’m a 60-year-old grandmother but I support you and I love you.”

Others, however, were less impressed, and one group in particular in Popovic’s native North Macedonia suggested he suffered from a psychological disorder in a series of posts that questioned his gender identity.

“I came out publicly to be who I am as a person; I didn’t come out publicly to attack or convert anyone,” said Popovic, the first openly transgender actor in the Balkan country. But the Facebook group Prezemi Odgovornost [Take Responsibility] saw it differently.

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Richard Grenell: Republican or Democrat, Albin Kurti has rejected every idea that the Americans have put forward (The Pavlovic Today)

Following Kosovo’s refusal to accept the Biden administration’s request to extend the implementation period for the new licence plates, former Special Presidential Envoy for Serbia and Kosovo, Richard Grenell told The Pavlovic Today that PM Kurti’s defiant behaviour is not new. 

PM Albin Kurti, according to Grenell,”has rejected every idea that the Americans have put forward. It doesn’t matter if the proposal came from a Republican or a Democrat, Kurti rejects them all. Everyone involved knows this to be true”.

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Does Spain Support Proposal to Link Kosovo’s Visa Liberalisation Process With the Operationalisation of ETIAS? (

Authorities in Spain have neither affirmed nor denied their position regarding France’s proposal to link Kosovo’s visa liberalisation process with the European Travel and Information System (ETIAS) operationalisation.

Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs told that the position of the different European Union Member States regarding the abolishment of visas for citizens of Kosovo would be specified in the next meeting of the working group of the European Union Council that will be held in late November or early December this year, reports.

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US Sanctions towards Western Balkan entities: “Red flags” without much effect on the ground (EWB)

Several days ago, certain Marko Mihajlović was arrested on a suspicion of being involved in the murder of a former Serbian politician from North Kosovo, Oliver Ivanović.  However, after the arrest, some media outlets discovered that Mihajlović, quite unknown to the broader public, is on the USA’s sanctions blacklist.

He is not the only one currently affected by American sanctions, and who is related to the murder of Oliver Ivanović. Leaders of the organized crime group, which is suspected to have been formed for the murder of a Serbian politician, and to which Mihajlović belonged, are also on the same blacklist.

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