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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, May 15, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: Budget for municipalities for 2024 is €740 million (media)
  • Bajrami to Kurti: You have blocked over €37 million for the municipalities (Nacionale)
  • Sarrazin: There might not be an agreement yet, but there are concepts (media)
  • Szunyog: Non-implementation of Ohrid agreement will have consequences (Reporteri)
  • Government and opposition clashes over World Bank's report on Kosovo (media)
  • Muja: Lajcak’s goal is to offer an extreme version for the Association (Reporteri)
  • Dugolli writes to Specialist Chambers again; “I won’t stop seeking justice” (media)
  • Five persons arrested in police counter-terrorism operation (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Miroce village residents’ another appeal to the Kosovo authorities and international representatives over their usurped properties (KoSSev)
  • Petkovic met Lajcak ahead of the new round of dialogue with Pristina (RTS, Tanjug)
  • Power visits Gracanica Monastery while visiting Kosovo (KoSSev) 
  • New “Serbia Against Violence” protest held in Belgrade (N1, media)
  • Dacic on protest: Not a word about the victims, just threats against Vucic (N1, Tanjug)
  • Dacic regrets Israel’s decision to recognize Kosovo independence (BETA, media)
  • Ambassador of Cyprus: Stance on Kosovo principled and consistent (Kosovo Online) 
  • Serbian List: Entering the municipalities may endanger the peace (KiM radio, Radio Mitrovica sever, Kosovo Online) 
  • Fatherland Movement fully supports the requests of the opposition (KoSSev)
  • Detention of Trajkovic extended for two more months (Kosovo Online)


  • Serbian president says snap election on cards after mass shootings spark protests (Politico)
  • Ruling Socialists Defeat Divided Opposition in Albanian Local Polls (BIRN)


  • Kosovo Assembly hosts seminar “Promoting a gender-sensitive parliament” (EO)
  • Share Your Experience: School Violence in South Eastern Europe (Balkan Insight)
  • Awareness march for mental health for first time in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: Budget for municipalities for 2024 is €740 million (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said in today’s meeting with mayors of municipalities that the budget for municipalities in 2024 will be €740 million. “Three weeks ago, the grants commission held a meeting where it adopted the allocation of grants for municipalities for the period 2024-2026. The overall municipal budget for next year is €740 million, or almost €200 million more compared to what the previous government had allocated. This shows that the local governments have the attention of the central government and finances that are expected to be made concrete as a result of our cooperation,” Kurti said.

Head of the Association of Municipalities of Kosovo and Mayor of Ferizaj, Agim Aliu, said the municipalities have voiced their concerns to the central government and that they are waiting for answers. Aliu called for the urgent return of unused funds to the municipalities. “We have reacted urgently. We have asked for the own revenues to be transferred to the municipalities and for the unused funds of municipalities to remain in the municipal budgets, being that this is in the competency of the municipalities,” Aliu argued.

Bajrami to Kurti: You have blocked over €37 million for the municipalities (Nacionale)

MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Hykmete Bajrami, accused Prime Minister Albin Kurti today of “blocking” €37.5 million for the municipalities. “You have blocked €37.5 million for five months now, the own revenues of municipalities. There are hundreds of tenders that cannot be announced: roads, bridges, water supply systems, sewerage systems, schools, kindergartens and health centres, while you talk about next year. This is hypocrisy to say the least,” Bajrami wrote in a Facebook post. 

Sarrazin: There might not be an agreement yet, but there are concepts (media)

German Envoy for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, said in an interview with Die Welt that more time is needed for Kosovo and Serbia to agree on the Association of Serb-majority municipalities, but added that the drafting of the annex for the implementation of the agreement on normalisation is an important step and that if the parties truly want a solution then a lot can be achieved in the process.

“There might not be an agreement between the parties on the issue of the Association yet. But at least for the first time there are concepts on the table on how to reconcile Serb interests and Kosovo’s ability to act as a state. So far this has been only a theoretical debate. If we manage to enter into a positive process and build mutual trust that we really want to find a solution, then we can go far,” he said.

Sarrazin also said that if the parties honestly commit to the implementation of the agreements, “then we would have a historical opportunity to make important progress”.

Szunyog: Non-implementation of Ohrid agreement will have consequences (Reporteri)

Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, called on Kosovo and Serbia today to implement the Ohrid agreement without conditions, because, as he argued, the failure to implement it will have consequences for the parties.

“With this agreement, Kosovo has pledged to start the process of forming the Association [of Serb-majority municipalities]. Serbia needs to meet its obligations too. We expect that it will not oppose Kosovo’s membership in international organisations and that it will recognise Kosovo documents, which entered into force with Borrell’s statement on March 18,” Szynuog said during a discussion in Mitrovica on “The implementation of the French-German Plan”.

Government and opposition clashes over World Bank's report on Kosovo (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said on Sunday that Kosovo received "high praise" from the World Bank this week. Kurti says that according to this institution, compared to 10 years ago, Kosovo has increased per capita income by 50% and reduced the poverty rate by 35%. 

LDK MP Avdullah Hoti reacted to Prime Minister Kurti's statement. "The World Bank is saying that: 'Kosovo has experienced steady economic progress over the last decade, with an increase of nearly 50 percent in per capita income and a 35 percent reduction in the poverty rate.' The leftists in power are now accepting this truth. So, despite the challenges, Kosovo has been developed by the "past regimes" and not impoverished, as the fraudsters propagandise. Opinion fraud is coming to an end. The truth always prevails," Hoti argued in a Facebook post.

PDK deputy leader Vlora Citaku wrote on Facebook:  "Either they don't know how to read international reports, or they are intentionally distorting them. Whichever it is, it is painful."

Muja: Lajcak’s goal is to offer an extreme version for the Association (Reporteri)

MP from the Vetevendosje Movement, Armend Muja, argued that the goal of EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak, is to offer an extreme version for the Association of Serb-majority municipalities and not a realistic version and say "let's meet in the middle to make a compromise". Muja said this is unacceptable and that the facilitator of the dialogue, and others too, must understand that the Association cannot go one millimetre outside Kosovo’s constitutional framework.

"Mr. Lajcak tends to take a biassed position from time to time. The idea has been that Serbia has continuously violated agreements, including the last agreement that was reached in Brussels. But there are always tendencies ‘let's find something for Kosovo as well and then say that both are stepping on the lid’. Take a look at 39 agreements and accords and see that Serbia has an approach that once an agreement is reached, then it needs to be agreed point by point again. They are very inappropriate in international relations," Muja said.

Muja also said that Kosovo's institutions will continue to strengthen their capacities in the north. "Kosovo will continue to strengthen its capacities in the north and avoid the tendency for us to disconnect from the community there. It is important to be careful how we exercise authority and that it be according to the constitution. It is important to have an equal approach to each citizen of Kosovo without any burden and with a lot of prudence. As these situations require prudence," he added.

Dugolli writes to Specialist Chambers again; “I won’t stop seeking justice” (media)

MP from the Vetevendosje Movement, Enver Dugolli, has written again to the Specialist Chambers of Kosovo, calling on them to investigate the massacre at Dubrava Prison in May 1999. He wrote in a Facebook post that as a victim and survivor of the massacre, he will never stop seeking justice.

“I have sent another note to Acting Specialist Prosecutor, Alex Whiting. This note offers additional arguments, based on three decisions issued by the Specialist Chambers, that they have jurisdiction over the case. The Specialist Chambers have jurisdiction over crimes committed by Serbian forces for planning and executing the Dubrava massacre,” Dugolli argued.

Five persons arrested in police counter-terrorism operation (media)

Five people were arrested during a counter-terrorism operation conducted by Kosovo Police and the Basic Prosecution of Pristina. The operation was carried out in six locations in Peja, Gjilan and Pristina. The arrested persons are suspected of the criminal offences “incitement to commit a terrorist act” and “unauthorised ownership, control or possession of arms”.



Serbian Language Media 


Miroce village residents’ another appeal to the Kosovo authorities and international representatives over their usurped properties (KoSSev)

A group of Serbian residents of the village of Miroce near Vucitrn once again called upon the Kosovo authorities, through KoSSev’s editorial office, to finally tackle the issue of their usurped properties. 

KoSSev recalled that they previously did the same a month ago, however, an appropriate reaction from Kosovo institutions was not forthcoming. At the same time, they appealed to international representatives and Belgrade to address their case. Below we publish the letter from the Miroce locals in its entirety, delivered to us once again by Dusko Milenkovic, one of the residents, on their behalf.


To Whom it May Concern:

We, thirty (30) owners of households and properties in the village of Miroce, in the municipality of Vucitrn, for the second time this year through the „Građani pišu“ section on KoSSev, appeal to Kosovo’s central authorities, embassies in Pristina, and international organisations in Pristina and Belgrade, to help us to solve the issue of re-claiming our property.

Character and dimensions of the problem

The shared problems of all of us landowners are a result of the systematic seizure, destruction, and exploitation of property in the entire village. Specifically, twenty years ago, an Albanian family from the neighbouring village of Karace usurped all the property of all the owners in the village of Miroce:

-Fourteen (14) homeowners who lived in the village of Miroce, whose houses and other facilities no longer exist,

-Eight (8) owners who had inherited property and who were not resident in the village of Miroce, some of whom owned summer houses and,

-Eight (8) property owners, previously resident the neighbouring village of Gojbulja.

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Petkovic met Lajcak ahead of the new round of dialogue with Pristina (RTS, Tanjug)

The meeting between the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, and the EU's special envoy for dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, began in Brussels. The two met ahead of a new round of technical dialogue between the main negotiators.

After that meeting, direct talks between the delegations of Belgrade and Pristina are planned. As RTS reported,  the most important topic will be discussed, the Community of Serbian municipalities and in accordance with four agreements from 2013 and 2015.

Miroslav Lajcak announced on Facebook on Sunday that during a recent meeting in Pristina, as part of the preparations for today's new round of dialogue at the technical level in Brussels, he informed the PM Albin Kurti, about the importance of avoiding any uncoordinated move that could disrupt the process of normalisation.

He stressed the need to fully focus on the normalisation and implementation of the Brussels Agreement and the annex agreed in Ohrid.

He also referred to his visit to Belgrade, where he met with the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and Petar Petkovic on Friday.

Power visits Gracanica Monastery while visiting Kosovo (KoSSev) 

The administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, Samantha Power, visited the Gracanica Monastery as part of her tour of Kosovo. “This is a Serbian Orthodox Monastery – one of the most beautiful monasteries I have ever visited“, she said on Friday evening. The same night, the Kosovo Minister of Culture, Hajrullah Ceku shared a video on his Facebook profile with the message – “The Gracanica Monastery is a cultural and religious asset of particular importance in our country“. 

Samantha Power came to Kosovo on Thursday, after previously staying in Belgrade. She announced from the Serbian capital that progress in the process of the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina will help foster a climate that encourages investment and helps the economies of both sides, as well as the entire region.

“I’m here in Gracanica, Kosovo, at one of the most beautiful monasteries that I have ever visited. This is a Serbian Orthodox monastery”, Power said, recalling that the monastery was added to the World Heritage List by UNESCO in 2006.

Unlike the US official who described the monastery as a Serbian Orthodox Monastery, Ceku once again defined Gracanica and other religious sites of the Serbian Orthodox Church as “common cultural heritage” while using the words “Orthodox church”.

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New “Serbia Against Violence” protest held in Belgrade (N1, media) 

The second “Serbia Against Violence” protest, organised by several opposition parties, was held on Friday in Belgrade, N1 reports.

The first Belgrade anti-violence protest was held on Monday, May 8, following last week’s two mass shootings in Serbia that claimed the lives of 17 people. Similar protests were held in a number of Serbian cities over the past few days.

The protesters assembled Friday outside the Serbian Parliament building where they read out their demands and then marched in silence through the city to the Gazela Bridge, which they temporarily blocked. Just like on May 8, there were no party symbols at the protest and the march was led by citizens carrying a banner that read “Serbia Against Violence.”

Representative of the Don’t Let Belgrade D(r)own movement Radomir Lazovic said that the big turnout proves that people have realised it is important for Serbia to be a violence-free country.

Deputy leader of the opposition People’s Party Miroslav Aleksic told N1 that the protests will continue until the last demand of the protesters is met.

“We will not stop until we secure a violence-free Serbia”, Aleksic said, adding that the protests are a struggle for a normal country and that “we must not allow them to insult us, as if such a huge tragedy never happened, a tragedy that should be a big warning to everyone in Serbia and a big slap in the face”.

Dacic on protest: Not a word about the victims, just threats against Vucic (N1, Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister and Socialist Party of Serbia leader Ivica Dacic said that the Friday opposition gathering was an example of typical scandalous abuse of a big tragedy for petty partisan and political purposes, N1 reports.

“Not a word about the victims and the suffering of the families, just treats against President Aleksandar Vucic and his family, and demands for a change of government in the streets, without elections, because they know they cannot win the people’s support in elections”, Dacic told the Tanjug news agency.

He said this was an insult to all victims of violence and harassment of people by blocking international roads.

“This is why Serbia needs a message of peace, political stability and national unity which all of Serbia will be able to see on May 26 at a large national rally. Violence cannot be used to fight violence. That is why only a strong and stable Serbia with a serious and responsible leadership can ensure the future of our country. Serbia must not stop”, he said. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has announced for May 26 “the largest gathering ever held in Serbia”.

Dacic regrets Israel’s decision to recognize Kosovo independence (BETA, media)

At a meeting with Israeli Ambassador to Serbia Yahel Vilan held Friday Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic expressed regret over Israel's decision to recognize Kosovo, noting that this has negatively impacted bilateral relations between Serbia and Israel.

Dacic said that, in spite of this, common interests must be sought, primarily for the sake of benefits to both peoples, which have often shared a tragic fate throughout history, especially during World War II, said the Serbian Foreign Ministry.

The officials expressed interest in continued economic cooperation that has been on an upward trajectory in recent years, with growing Israeli investments. Dacic said he hoped the recent introduction of direct flights between Belgrade and Tel Aviv would have a positive impact on tourism and economic exchange between the two countries.

Ambassador of Cyprus: Stance on Kosovo principled and consistent (Kosovo Online) 

Ambassador of Cyprus to Serbia, Demetrios Theophylactou said that his country has principled stance not to recognize Kosovo, adding Cyprus respects territorial integrity of Serbia and of all other states, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“Our stance not to recognize Kosovo is principled and consistent, and not only because we have the similar problem. In order to be credible, one must be guided by consistent and principled stances, in line with international law”, the Ambassador told Politika daily.  

He also said Cyprus supports Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, and along with other EU member states insists on full implementation of provisions with regards to Serbian municipalities in Kosovo.

Cyprus voted recently against the Pristina membership bid to join the Council of Europe.

Serbian List: Entering the municipalities may endanger the peace (KiM radio, Radio Mitrovica sever, Kosovo Online) 

Representatives of the Serbian List met on Saturday in North Mitrovica with the UN Under Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix, the head of UNMIK Caroline Ziadeh and the head of the regional UNMIK office in Kosovska Mitrovica, Danilo Rosales Diaz.

The List warned of the danger of ''unilateral moves of the current government in Pristina and the violent entry into the buildings of four municipalities in the north'' endangering the peace, reported KiM radio.

"It was especially emphasised that our people are committed to peace, that dialogue is the only way to solve all open issues, and that the responsibility of the international community is to preserve that peace and prevent the unilateral moves of Pristina, but that we are determined to defend the right with our compatriots for survival and stay in our homes,'' said from the Serbian List.

Fatherland Movement fully supports the requests of the opposition (KoSSev)

''We fully support all the demands of the opposition addressed to the current regime, which were presented at past protests,'' the movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland" announced. However, they propose another one - the removal of the Serbian president - because, as they say, only his departure from the political scene into history "can enlighten both the state of Serbia and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija", reported portal KoSSev.

Among the demands from the protests was the holding of the National Assembly's session to discuss "the responsibilities and omissions of the authorities in the case of last week's two crimes", which, as confirmed at the very end of the protest, was adopted.

The Fatherland movement said that "along with all these demands, perhaps there had to be a demand for the removal of Aleksandar Vucic, the biggest culprit for the political collapse of Serbia". 

On the other hand, they state that they are sure that the protest organisers will know when and how to put "this most important issue for the survival of the Serbian state" on the agenda, reported KoSSev.

"During the eleven years of Aleksandar Vucic's rule, Serbia experienced a political twilight or rather a shipwreck with the destruction of institutions, the abolition of democracy, the introduction of a dictatorship, the use of violence against political dissenters at every step and the loss of Kosovo and Metohija by accepting the Franco-German proposal," they said.

On the other hand, they state that the story of "enormous construction that is being pushed by the President of Serbia" is just "throwing dust in the people's eyes":

"Because the construction of roads is carried out by excessive borrowing and brutal inflation of prices, which enables the robbery of their own people by the president and his camarilla," they stated.

They also commented on Vucic's recent statements made after the majority gave support to Kosovo's application for membership in the Council of Europe - that it will not go to the summit of the member states of the Council of Europe, but that Serbia will be represented at the lowest level.

"Explaining his 'wise' political moves, he says that he will not go to the Council of Europe, but will send the lowest delegation there, and when it comes to the vote on the territorial integrity of Serbia, the position of the Serbian delegation will be abstained. And this shows the lack of courage of the Serbian sovereign - either you fight for Kosovo, or you don't," they said from this movement.

The Fatherland Movement believes that Vucic "gave up the southern Serbian province".

It is also obvious to them that the Serbian president wants to tell the citizens - "that he will not admit what he already admitted by accepting the Franco-German proposal, point number two of which states that Serbia accepts the territorial sovereignty, integrity and independence of Kosovo and Metohija".

This movement believes that Vucic should call for local elections in the North of Kosovo, because he is obliged to do so according to the constitution, and thereby "collapse the separatist statehood of the southern Serbian province".

"That's why the departure from the political scene to the history of Aleksandar Vucic can enlighten the state of Serbia and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. With his further survival in power, there is no uncertainty, we are surely going to collapse, and the violence in schools, squares and cities of Serbia will only be greater and more ferocious," concluded the Fatherland Movement, reported KoSSev.

Detention of Trajkovic extended for two more months (Kosovo Online)

The Basic Court in Pristina has extended detention of Sladjan Trajkovic, former Kosovo police officer from Mitrovica North for two more months, Kosovo Online portal reports. Trajkovic is accused of allegedly committing war crimes against the civilian population. 

His defence lawyer Dejan A. Vasic said he is still not involved in activities of the prosecution, although he complained several times over exclusion.

“It has been six months since Sladjan was detained, and I as his defence lawyer was not invited to take part in investigative acts. The prosecutor interviews the witnesses without inviting me or my client to be present during the interviews. This harshly and grossly violates provisions of the law and denies the right to defence unilaterally”, Vasic said.

He added that he complained many times to the court over this problem but received no response, and announced a complaint to the Constitutional Court. 

Trajkovic’s wife Suzana said her husband for the last 24 days did not receive prescribed medications, adding she is due to visit him on Wednesday and will attempt to deliver medication to him then.





Serbian president says snap election on cards after mass shootings spark protests (Politico)

Aleksandr Vučić has faced calls to resign as anger grows over the deaths of 17 people in two days earlier this month.

Voters in Serbia could be headed to the polls for the third time in just four years, as the country’s president, Aleksandr Vučić suggested a snap general election may be called in the wake of major public protests over two mass shootings.

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Ruling Socialists Defeat Divided Opposition in Albanian Local Polls (BIRN)

The Socialist Party led by Prime Minister Edi Rama is ahead in most municipalities in the country after Sunday’s local elections and has already won three, Kamza, Vora and Elbasan, where the voting took place electronically and the Central Election Commission was able to declare the results a few hours after polls closed.

Albanians voted in 61 municipalities including the capital city Tirana, where the Socialists are also ahead, according to the CEC.

According to preliminary data, the turnout at the local elections was 35 per cent, the worst so far. At the last elections in 2021 the turnout was 47 per cent.

In Tirana, where votes from 534 out of 941 ballot boxes have been counted, Socialist candidate Erion Veliaj has won 54.35. of the vote so far and the opposition candidate Belind Kellici 34.90 per cent.

In the city of Shkodra, a traditional Democratic Party stronghold, votes from 208 out of 247 ballot boxes have been counted and Socialist candidate Benet Beci has 60.25 per cent to 39.75 per cent for Bardhi Spahia from the opposition.

In Himara, opposition candidate Fredi Beleri, who is in custody on vote-buying charges, won over the Socialist candidate Jorgo Goro with just 19 votes difference.

The opposition entered the elections divided. One of the two rival opposition factions, the United for Victory coalition led by former Democratic Party head Sali Berisha and former President Ilir Meta, is currently in second place behind the Socialists, leading in only six small municipalities.

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Kosovo Assembly hosts seminar “Promoting a gender-sensitive parliament” (EO)

The Kosovo Assembly hosted the seminar “Promoting a gender-sensitive parliament” organised by the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie, the Network of Women Parliamentarians of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie, and with support from the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF). The seminar focused on gender equality in the legislative process. 

Kosovo Assembly President, Glauk Konjufca, highlighted the actions that the assembly is undertaking to combat inequality. He argued that development cannot be achieved if there is no equality between men and women. “The Republic of Kosovo takes pride in its presence at the Network of Women Parliamentarians of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie. Humanity is not possible without equality among women and men; therefore, I am glad that the Network of Women Parliamentarians of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie, through this seminar, is highlighting gender equality,” he said.

Konjufca also said that “Kosovo continuously implements measures to combat inequality. In 2020, the Kosovo Assembly adopted the Istanbul Convention, and last year we adopted the national strategy for protection against domestic violence and violence against women”.

Share Your Experience: School Violence in South Eastern Europe (Balkan Insight)

We would like to hear from parents, legal guardians, and teachers willing to share their experiences to help our upcoming investigation into school violence in Southeast Europe.

According to UNESCO, school violence is a major problem. Its report, Behind the numbers: ending school violence and bullying, published in 2019, shows that more than one in three students (36%) has been involved in a physical fight with another student, and almost one in three (32.4%) has been physically attacked at least once in 2018.

Four years later, and after the significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic quarantine, where the children stayed at home, violence and bullying among minors have multiplied alarmingly inside and outside schools throughout the region.

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Awareness march for mental health for first time in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

The first awareness march for mental health in Kosovo will be held today in Pristina to mark the first day of Mental Health Awareness Week 2023. The march will be held at noon in Zahir Pajaziti square. To mark the week, the fifth edition of the Arts Therapy will also begin at Kino Armata in downtown Pristina.