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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, July 7, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • EU on Rama’s proposal: Any such initiative should be coordinated (Reporteri)
  • Kurti meets new head of EULEX, discuss developments in Kosovo (media)
  • Germany temporarily suspends cooperation with Kosovo (DW, media)
  • Swiss MPs writes to EC: Stop measures against Kosovo, blame is more on Serbia (KSP)
  • Haziri: LDK will propose a draft for the Association (media)
  • Krasniqi: Serious situation due to crises produced by Kurti, we demand early elections (media)
  • Davenport: Klan Kosova case, watched closely in Kosovo and internationally (media)
  • Kearns receives support after Vucic threatens her with investigations (Telegrafi)
  • Pristina Mayor accuses Minister of Finance of blocking projects for Pristina (Kallxo)

Serbian Language Media: 

  • Drecun: Situation in KiM is entering into a dramatic phase of development (RTS)
  • Kosovo to lose up to 500 million euros if the measures last until the end of the year (KoSSev, RTK2)
  • 'Announcements' of arrests and false lists scare Serbs in Kosovo (RFE)
  • Kurti did not get the floor at US Independence Day celebration in Pristina (RTS, Tanjug)
  • Kosovo customs confirms that ban on Serbian goods is still in force (Radio KIM)
  • Berlin: Germany could send additional troops to reinforce KFOR forces in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, RTV)
  • Vucic: I conveyed Serbian stances on situation in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
  • US Embassy calls for justice for Bytyqi brothers (N1)


  • When will the elections take place in the north of Kosovo and will the Serbs turn out unconditionally? (Danas)


  • Joseph: Failure of the Serbia-Kosovo agreement would be a failure of Brussels and Washington (EWB)


  • Learning history and culture of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities – means against discrimination (Koha)



Albanian Language Media  


EU on Rama’s proposal: Any such initiative should be coordinated (Reporteri)

The European Union said that in this “challenging moment” it welcomes any high-level initiative for the EU-facilitated dialogue for the normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. However, commenting on Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama’s proposal for an international conference, the EU said that any such initiative should be coordinated with the mediators in the dialogue and the parties. 

“Any such initiative should be coordinated with the Facilitator and the Parties, who are involved in the dialogue, and ultimately to decide the agenda and the pace of their negotiations,” EU spokesperson Peter Stano said in a response to the news website.

Kurti meets new head of EULEX, discuss developments in Kosovo (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti hosted the new head of the European Union Rule of Law Mission, EULEX, Giovanni Pietro Barbano, in a meeting on the occasion of the beginning of his mandate.

Thanking him for his hospitality, Barbano congratulated Kurti for the economic and democratic progress that Kosovo has made. They discussed the cooperation between the government of Kosovo and the institutions of order and security with the EULEX mission in order to strengthen the rule of law, as well as for the developments in the country, informed a communique issued by the government of Kosovo.

Kurti emphasised the government's commitment to the rule of law, democracy and protection of the freedoms and human rights of all citizens living in Kosovo.

"The Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, the General Director of the Kosovo Police, Gazmend Hoxha, and the Colonel of the Kosovo Security Force, Ejup Maqedonci, were also present at the meeting," the Kosovo government's communique says.

Germany temporarily suspends cooperation with Kosovo (DW, media)

Germany temporarily stopped cooperation with Kosovo due to non-fulfillment of the European Union's demands for the de-escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo, DW informs.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti's disagreements with the international community about the situation in the north of Kosovo, which resulted in EU punitive measures against Kosovo, are already beginning to be passed on to the bilateral level, reports DW.

The German Embassy in Pristina confirmed to Deutsche Welle that Germany has temporarily suspended cooperation with Kosovo in certain areas due to non-fulfillment of the European Union's requirements for the de-escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo.

The German Embassy told DW that Germany took this measure in accordance with the actions of Brussels, but "the projects with the civil society sector, as well as the projects we have started to implement, are not affected by this".

"The measures include postponing government consultations on development cooperation, suspending an anticipated bilateral climate partnership and handing over specific equipment to security providers," the German embassy told DW.

It is further underlined that "all projects affected by the German measures can be restarted at any time and this requires the urgent implementation of the necessary measures to de-escalate the situation in the northern municipalities. Germany expressly supports the efforts of the EU, the work of the Special Representative of the EU in dialogue Miroslav Lajcak as well as the Dialogue with the help of the EU".

Swiss MPs write to EC: Stop measures against Kosovo, blame is more on Serbia (KSP)

Swiss MPs oppose the measures of the European Union against Kosovo, it was said in a letter signed by 13 Swiss MPs and published by Cedric Wermuth, member of the National Council of Switzerland. The letter argues against “an unbalanced approach by the European Commission, Miroslav Lajcak and Josep Borrell in the conflict between Serbia and Kosovo” and it calls on EC President, Ursula von der Leyen, to review the EU position. According to them, Kosovars deserve “for Europe to open its doors to them and not to let them down”. “The EU policy vis-à-vis Kosovo seems arbitrary and is difficult to understand,” they argued. They also criticised the EU for biassed measures. “You turn your backs to all things done by a government in the Western Balkans which is arguably most determined on the side of the Ukrainians and European democracy. This is disappointing,” the letter notes.

Haziri: LDK will propose a draft for the Association (media)

LDK deputy leader Lutfi Haziri has called it necessary to draw up a draft status for the association.

"Responsible and successful politicians in need make difficult decisions. Prime Ministers are tasked with making difficult decisions. Kurti has accepted that the Association of Serb municipalities will develop. A document is needed regardless of its content.

“It will be an NGO, organized in an alternative form, according to the European convention on local government. Inter-municipal cooperation and cooperation within the framework of European experiences should not be an obstacle in the Republic of Kosovo", Haziri said.

Asked if he thinks that Mr. Kurti would accept a draft statute drawn up by LDK, Haziri answered:

"Mr. Kurti has not accepted anything that LDK has offered him. We have offered our negotiating platform and the memory and institutional knowledge that we have in these talks, we have said pick and choose as at the Swedish table.

He has not accepted any initiative of the Kosovo opposition LDK, EU prime ministers and other internationals and continues not to produce his documents as requested. I am convinced that Mr. Kurti will take two steps back quickly, but the consequences will leave us behind", said Haziri.

Krasniqi: Serious situation due to crises produced by Kurti, we demand early elections (media)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Memli Krasniqi has said that the situation in Kosovo is serious as a result of the crises produced by the country's prime minister, Albin Kurti.

"The serious situation in which Kosovo is currently and the weakening of relations with international allies, as a result of the crises produced by Prime Minister Albin Kurti, are the positions I expressed today to the Ambassador of Sweden in Kosovo, Jonas Westerlund, whom I received at the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, in which case we discussed the political developments in the country.

I reiterated the PDK's position on holding early parliamentary elections to Amasador Westerlund, as the situation in Kosovo is abnormal, especially after the sanctions imposed by the European Union", wrote Krasniqi, among other things.

Krasniqi also said that he informed the ambassador about the other decisions taken at the PDK Steering Council meeting, which are the suspension of official communication with Prime Minister Albin Kurti and President Vjosa Osmani and the decision not to vote in any forum of the Assembly of Kosovo for any law, resolution, international agreement or other document.

Davenport: Klan Kosova case, watched closely in Kosovo and internationally (media)

OSCE Head of Mission in Kosovo, Michael Davenport, said in a statement on Thursday that the decision by the Business Registration Agency to suspend the registration certificate of Klan Kosova “was the first time in Kosovo that a broadcaster’s business certificate had been suspended in such a manner, raising the question of whether the suspension of the business certificate could lead to the revocation of Klan Kosova’s broadcasting licence”. “Such a step would also be unprecedented. It is therefore essential, over and above ensuring respect for due process according to the law, that the full implications of such a step for media freedom and the independence of media regulatory bodies should be carefully considered,” he argued.

Read full statement here:

Kearns receives support after Vucic threatens her with investigations (Telegrafi)

The news website notes that Kosovo’s Ambassador to London, Ilir Kapiti, an analyst on the Western Balkans from the “New Europe” Institute, Jakub Bielamowicz, and German MP Michael Roth, and many others have expressed support for UK MP Alicia Kearns who has recently been threatened by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with investigations, after her remarks that Serbia was smuggling weapons with ambulances to Orthodox churches in Kosovo.

Kapiti wrote in a Twitter post: “Aleksandar Vucic, the infamous Minister of Information under Milosevic’s regime, has long been reputed for his cunning skills in orchestrating complex schemes, deftly manipulating the narrative with strategic precision to distort reality.”

Bielamowicz tweeted: “A shameful attack by Serbia’s Aleksandar Vucic who’s threatening with an investigation against Alicia Kearns, Chair of the UK Foreign Affairs Committee, who has been speaking up on Serbia’s aggression, incl. arms smuggling in ambulances to Serbian churches in Kosovo.”

Roth said in a Twitter post: “Just disgusting. Full solidarity with my great colleague Alicia Kearns”.

Pristina Mayor accuses Minister of Finance of blocking projects for Pristina (Kallxo)

Mayor of Pristina, Perparim Rama, in an interview with Kallxo Pernime on Thursday, accused the Ministry of Local Government and the Ministry of Finance for blocking works in the capital. “We have decisions that we made in the [municipal] assembly, which have been called illegitimate by the Ministry of Local Government, but in fact they are legitimate,” he said.

According to Rama, the Ministry of Finances has blocked over 180 projects in the capital. “Although we have a consensus that the funds will be transferred by the Ministry of Finance, this has not happened yet. For example, if we spend 50 cents, they find technical reasons which have nothing to do with the management of public funds, and they stop the funds. Over 180 projects remain hostage because of some technical issues,” he said.

Rama said that the same thing happened last year too. “We are in July, and last year too, some of the funds were transferred only in November. Despite the fact that last year we had an increase in prices and some contracts were annulled, we asked the Minister of Finance to amend the law for contracts, but he did not do it. He did it only in November and after a very complicated process,” he said.

Rama also argued that €28.8 million in projects are linked to the funds that the Ministry of Finance is not transferring to the municipality.



Serbian Language Media 


Drecun: Situation in KiM is entering into a dramatic phase of development (RTS)

RTS reports that the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said that what President Aleksandar Vucic spoke about yesterday shows that the situation in Kosovo is entering a dramatic phase of development and that there is no indication that Pristina will give up unilateral moves. Drecun pointed out that he is concerned about the recklessness of Pristina and that there is apparently a directive that Kosovo police units can “rummage” along the administrative line and cross it if necessary.

Drecun said that another incursion of armed Kosovo police officers into the territory of central Serbia shows that KFOR is not fulfilling its mandate because, as he said, it should not allow the possibility of such a thing to happen, that is, it would have to remove the armed formations of Pristina far from the administrative line.

“It also shows the recklessness of Pristina, which obviously does not shy away from causing extremely serious incidents. Our police officers could have opened fire. This is a violation of all existing agreements, including Resolution 1244 and the Military-Technical Agreement, ” he said.

He says that recklessness is worrisome and that apparently there is a directive from Pristina that police forces can “rummage” along the administrative line and cross it if necessary.

“It is something that is unacceptable, something that creates the conditions for a constant overflow of armed incidents, which Pristina causes, on this side of the administrative line,” Drecun warned.

“The problem of Kosovo and Metohija can only be solved in the United Nations”

Due to the situation in Kosovo, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, announced yesterday that he would request to talk with the head of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, and then an urgent session of the Security Council.

Drecun said that it should be expected that some result can be achieved, bearing in mind that according to Resolution 1244, it is the obligation of the Security Council to protect the Resolution and implement measures aimed at it, but he emphasises that it is quite unrealistic to expect that the USA, Great Britain and France to change its stance and question its support for Pristina.

“In addition to all the verbal warnings and threats to Albin Kurti because of the unilateral violent actions he is taking, we see that the situation is not being defused,” Drecun pointed out.

He said that what Vucic spoke about yesterday shows that the situation in Kosovo is entering a dramatic phase of development and that there is no indication that Pristina will give up from making unilateral moves.

“Pristina is undertaking activities that show that they are preparing to further escalate the situation in the coming period, and it seems that they don’t really care about all the measures that the EU and the USA are allegedly taking against Pristina. It is simply unbelievable that these measures do not yield any expected result,” Drecun pointed out.

He opined that the problem of Kosovo can only be solved in the United Nations.

“All the talk about Quint and international conferences, these are unilateral moves, it cannot lead to solving the problems in Kosovo and Metohija,” Drecun told RTS. 

Kosovo to lose up to 500 million euros if the measures last until the end of the year (KoSSev, RTK2)

Experts in the field of economics believe that the punitive measures introduced by the EU in Kosovo due to the situation in the North will have a negative impact both politically and economically, portal KoSSev reported yesterday.

The President of the Business Alliance of Kosovo, Agim Shahini, says that according to the research conducted by that organisation, Kosovo could lose up to 500 million euros if these measures last until the end of this year.

"We will have a problem with the export of Kosovo goods to the countries of the EU. That's why we called on the Kosovo government to find a way to fulfil the requirements of the EU as soon as possible, so that we can return to political and economic integration with Europe as soon as possible," Shahini said in a statement to Radio Kosovo 2.

Economic expert, Safet Gerxhaliu, notes that political stability is extremely important for Kosovo's progress. He assesses that the punitive measures of the EU are not in any way in favour of the economic perspective of Kosovo.

"The very fact that some funds have been reduced, the exclusion of Kosovo from some projects, the freezing of the contractual Stabilization and Association Agreement, all of this will have a negative impact. On the other hand, no one will analyse whether to invest, directly or indirectly, in Kosovo," says Gerxhaliu.

Shahini points out that in addition to European measures, the ban on the entry of goods from Serbia into the territory of Kosovo, which began to be implemented in mid-June, has a negative impact on the business of Kosovo companies.

"In two weeks, according to our data, Serbia lost more than one million euros. Kosovo is also losing exports to Serbia. There is still no shortage of goods from Serbia, there are stocks, there is everything, but if it lasts for a long time, we will have problems, especially producers who procure raw materials from Serbia," says Shahini.

Gerxhaliu, who is also the former president of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, cites the fact that about 70 percent of raw materials and raw materials are imported to the territory of Kosovo from Serbia, and not "as the opinion prevails - only plasma biscuits and chocolates".

He adds that it is forgotten that Serbia is the closest, so the transport of goods is the cheapest.

"One truck from Serbia costs around 500 euros, and the transportation of the same goods from Germany costs 4,000 euros, from Turkey 3,000 euros, and in the end, and who is affected, the product of Kosovo is affected. The biggest price is paid by the Kosovo consumer, who today pays goods more expensive than anywhere in Europe," Gerxhaliu  told Radio Kosovo 2.

'Announcements' of arrests and false lists scare Serbs in Kosovo (RFE)

According to Radio Free Europe, Kosovo PM Albin Kurti's statement that several dozen Serbs suspected of being behind the violence and tensions in the north of Kosovo have been identified has triggered the spread of false information on online platforms, which are mostly followed by Kosovo Serbs.

In the last few days, lists with names and photos, allegedly of Serbs, have been distributed, with the message that they are expected to be arrested by the Kosovo security institutions, reported RFE yesterday. 

The citizens of North Mitrovica say that they fear possible arrests every day and say that they are scared by the lists circulating on social networks.

"Every day there is an arrest, I think they are arrested without grounds, first they are arrested and then the evidence is obtained. I don't think that exists anywhere in the world," Dusan Vukovic told RFE. 

"I, as a citizen, am worried, fear is pouring in. The people have really lost their spirit, many have started moving out, they are afraid for their children, for their safety," Savo Logomira told RFE. 

Sinisa Vukojevic states for RFE that he worries every time he crosses the ABL between Kosovo and Serbia because of the possibility of being arrested.

"First they arrest and then prove whether you are guilty or not," he says.

On the other hand, the inhabitants of Gracanica, say that they are not afraid of arrests and that they are not "interested" in the alleged lists because "we know that we did not do anything wrong".

In a discussion with RFE, they say that Serbs south of the Ibar are mostly arrested for alleged war crimes, unlike their compatriots in the north, who are mostly charged with "violence during protests" or "violation of the constitutional order of Kosovo".

Thus, Miodrag Jovanovic, in his statement to RFE, does not rule out the possibility of being on an alleged list for arrest, although he is sure that there is no basis or reason for such a thing.

"I know that my heart is clean and that my hands are clean, and I don't care what they (Kosovo police) are going to do. I am not afraid of anything because I have not touched anyone," he says.

"I know that I am not guilty of anything, I have nothing to fear," Ljubisa Nicic told RFE similarly. 

What did Kurti say?

Kosovo PM Albin Kurti said on July 3 that security institutions have identified 45 persons who, since the outbreak of the crisis in the north, participated in the attack on KFOR soldiers, Kosovo police and journalists.

"They also caused a general danger by using different weapons, from hand grenades to stun grenades, but also bullets, whether automatic or revolver," Kurti said.

At that time, he also said that "members of the Serbian community fear these people the most".

However, the Serbian opposition politician from Pristina, Branimir Stojanovic, believes that the alleged arrest lists are used as an "instrument" to exert pressure on citizens.

On the other hand, Serbs are afraid of those lists, says Stojanovic.

"When someone can arbitrarily arrest you on the basis of one photo from a protest, despite all rules and procedures, to order detention, to politically decide who goes to prison and who doesn't, when someone tells the Parliament the names of people for whom it has already been practically decided that they are guilty without any (court) proceedings, in such a situation everyone is afraid that they are the next," Stojanovic said to RFE. 

What could be the consequences?

Stojanovic adds that precisely because of the alleged arrest lists, a large number of members of the Serbian community decide to leave Kosovo, which, in his opinion, is a "fatal consequence"

"The number of people living here is drastically decreasing, and that inevitably means less chance for any economic self-sustainable survival and everything that makes a normal life," says Stojanovic.

Oliver Vujovic from the NGO Forum for Development and Multi-Ethnic Cooperation assesses that members of the Serbian community north and south of the Ibar fear the alleged arrest lists that are circulating because they wonder "who is next"?

According to his assessment, the latest tensions in the north of Kosovo and the arrests affect the departure of Serbs, but also the deterioration of inter-ethnic relations and a greater "division" between Serbs and Albanians.

"No matter how much civil society organisations, which deal with reconciliation and democratic processes, try to do something, everything that is happening takes us back, there is no progress. We have been stagnant for 20 years, and we still 'hate or fear each other,'" Vujovic assessed for RFE. 

In the meantime, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on July 6 that the Kosovo authorities allegedly decided a year ago to "arrest, kill or expel any Serbs who could be a point of resistance in any way!"

"The action of pogrom or persecution carried out by the Pristina regime against the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija is well organised, planned and substantially supported by certain circles of the international community," said Vucic. 

He did not present evidence for these claims, wrote RFE.

Are there arrest lists that are circulating?

Kosovo institutions, at least officially, have so far not published any list of persons who should be arrested because they are allegedly behind the violent protests in the north.

However, the PM of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, read in the Assembly of Kosovo the names of dozens of Serbs, whom he claimed were behind the unrest in the north, and some of them were arrested.

Serbian List, the largest party of Kosovo Serbs, characterised this public reading of the names as "drawing a target".

RFE reports that in the clashes between Serbs and members of KFOR on May 29, dozens were injured on both sides, and two NATO soldiers were also injured by firearms. 

However, the arrest lists have never been published publicly, some members of the Serbian community and their political representatives insist on the position that the Government of Kosovo makes them.

In the meantime, the Kosovo Police continues with actions to arrest Serbs who are suspected of violence in the north.

Where are arrest lists distributed?

According to RFE, on the Telegram channel "Rebellion is a state of mind", which has about 90,000 members, in the last few days lists with names and blurred photos, which they claim are Serbs who will be arrested by the Kosovo police. 

RFE adds that similar lists were shared on the Teleram channel "Patriotism", which until recently was under the name "Northern Brigade", which was declared a terrorist organization by the Government of Kosovo.

According to RFE's analysis, most of those lists are fake.

One of the photo lists being shared is actually the 2016 EUROPOL Most Wanted list.

The photo shows EUROPOL's list of the 45 most wanted persons for 2016.

This list is being updated and is available to the public today on the EUROPOL website.

There is another fake list that was taken from the Twitter account of the French Gendarmerie. In that announcement, the faces of the persons wanted by EUROPOL are clearly visible.

Among the people on this list are some world-famous criminals such as the 2015 Paris terror attack suspects, Salah Abdeslam and Mohammed Abrini, as well as Cosa Nostra boss Matteo Messina Denaro.

RFE reports that these lists were misused in some way by users of social networks, that is, some of them were "edited" in the sense that some photos were removed, and others were added.

Threats to publish the list of "Kosovo spies"

"Counter lists" are also published on Telegram, that is, those behind the aforementioned channels claim to have "identified" individuals and to possess photos of Kosovo's "secret agents, their associates", as well as vehicles and licence plates they use in four municipalities in the north - North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic.

Lists of "spies working for the Kosovo authorities" published on the photographs were published on July 3 in the group "Rebellion is a state of mind".

In the description of the photos, a derogatory name for Albanians is used with the message that they are "spies" working for the Kosovo authorities.

"We publish the lists obscured, because it would not help our people in any way to publish all the names, all the faces, all the cars and all the plates, because they would only rotate, send other spies, other cars and use other plates. This now we publish only to show them that we don't have to plant fake lists, because there are real ones, on which none of them have been left out," it was stated in the announcement, reported RFE. 

RFE was unable to find out which persons and vehicles are in the photos.

In the meantime, another list of names for arrest appeared on social networks and in media reporting in the Serbian language, including political representatives of Serbs in Kosovo, including the president of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic.

RFE contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kosovo on this occasion, but by the time this text was published, no response was received.

Kurti did not get the floor at US Independence Day celebration in Pristina (RTS, Tanjug)

Unlike previous years, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti was not given the opportunity to address the attendees of the US Independence Day celebration organised by the US Embassy in Pristina last night, RTS reports.

The US Embassy organised a celebration on the occasion of the 247th anniversary of the independence and Albin Kurti and Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani were invited.

US Ambassador Jeffrey Hovenier and Osmani addressed attendees, but not Kurti. Although earlier both Kurti and Osmani were giving the speeches at the ceremony, Kurti did not get the floor this time, RTS recalls.

The US on several occasions criticised Kurti because of his decisions relating to the north of Kosovo, and they also cancelled participation of Pristina in a military exercise “Defender Europe 2023” at the end of May. 

Kosovo customs confirms that ban on Serbian goods is still in force (Radio KIM)

Kosovo customs confirmed that a ban, Kosovo Government imposed on goods from Serbia following the arrest of the three Kosovo police officers, continues, Radio KIM reports.

Customs spokesperson Adriatik Stavileci told Gazeta Express there is no entry of Serbian goods in Kosovo. 

Berlin: Germany could send additional troops to reinforce KFOR forces in Kosovo (Kosovo Online, RTV)

Germany may send additional troops to reinforce NATO’s KFOR peacekeeping mission in Kosovo after weeks of increased tensions in northern Kosovo, German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said on Friday, reported Kosovo Online, citing RTV.

“Upon a request by my Austrian colleague Klaudia Tanner, we are examining whether we can slightly boost our engagement within the current (parliamentary) mandate to relieve Austria,” he told reporters after meeting Tanner and his Swiss counterpart Viola Amherd in Bern.

RTV recalled that “increased tensions in the north of Kosovo and Metohija arose due to the presence of the so-called Kosovo special units, entry of illegitimate Albanian mayors into municipal buildings, as well as unfounded arrests and beatings of Serbs,” cited Kosovo Online.

Vucic: I conveyed Serbian stances on situation in Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today in Vienna that he conveyed to his interlocutors, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehamer and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Serbian stances about the situation in Kosovo, what he thinks of it and what he hopes for, Kosovo Online portal reports.

“I spoke about it and presented Serbian stances, but because of different stances on the legal nature of Belgrade-Pristina relations, I do not wish to speak about that further, in order not to bring the host or other guests in an uncomfortable position”, Vucic said.

US Embassy calls for justice for Bytyqi brothers (N1)

The US Embassy in Belgrade called the Serbian authorities to bring to justice the people who killed the Bytyqi brothers at the end of the conflict in Kosovo, N1 reports.

“The United States of America once again calls Serbia to fully investigate this case and bring to justice the people who committed and covered up the murders. We will continue this call until justice is served”, the Embassy said in a Twitter post.

“It has been 24 years since American citizens Ylli, Mehmet and Agron Bytyqi were executed while in the custody of the Serbian special police. Every year that passes without anyone answering for the brutal war crime is an insult to rule of law”, the post added.





When will the elections take place in the north of Kosovo and will the Serbs turn out unconditionally? (Danas)

According to Marko Milenkovic from the New Social Initiative, it is not realistic to expect local elections in the north of Kosovo before September or October, as well as the unconditional participation of the Serbs in them, despite the demands of the EU, the US, reported Danas daily last night. 

Milenkovic indicates that there is a disagreement now on the manner of announcing these elections. 

"While Belgrade, but also the international community, it seems to me, expect them to be announced by the elected mayors and representatives in the local assemblies by submitting their resignations, the Pristina side demands that the citizens actually launch an initiative for a referendum and thus replace the mayors," said Milenkovic.

To launch such an initiative, signatures of 20 percent of voters are required, and for the mayor to be replaced in a referendum, at least 50 percent of the total number of registered voters in a certain municipality must vote for it.

"However, at this moment, I do not see the readiness of the citizens to initiate such an initiative and for a mass response to the referendum, because among other things, with this process, the Serbs in the north of KiM would in some way admit that they were wrong when they boycotted the last local elections. Therefore, in order to reach new local elections, the first step is to define the way of calling them," he said. 

Milenkovic does not expect the Serbs to turn out unconditionally if the call to election took place. 

"I also think that the participation of the Serbs would be a wrong move, that is, it would not lead to long-term stabilisation. The demands of the Serbs are clear, and therefore, without the beginning of the formation of the CSM (ZSO), but also the withdrawal of special police units from the north of Kosovo, an end to groundless arrests and intimidation of Serbs, stabilisation cannot occur," said Milenkovic. 

These days we were witnessing the exact opposite situation, that is, according to Milenkovic, the continuation of escalation through the declaration of Civil Protection and the Northern Brigade as terrorist organisations, but also the announcement of an investigation against the Serbian Orthodox Church. In addition, says Milenkovic, the Pristina authorities are also publishing new lists for the arrest of Serbs, which now, he believes, can only serve as an additional intimidation of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, reported Danas daily.





Joseph: Failure of the Serbia-Kosovo agreement would be a failure of Brussels and Washington (EWB)

During the past month, Belgrade and Pristina first accepted the European plan in Brussels, and then on March 18 they agreed on an Annex concerning its implementation. European officials hailed the deal as a historic step forward, and now all eyes are on implementation.

About the current relations between Belgrade and Pristina, the implementation of the agreed obligations and the role of the USA and the EU in that process, we talked with Edward P. Joseph, professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. Joseph has 12 years of experience in the Balkans, including as Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. 

Read more at:





Learning history and culture of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities – means against discrimination (Koha)

“The importance of inclusion of history and culture of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in Kosovo” was a topic of discussion on Thursday in Prizren at the closing of the exhibition “Racial diagnosis: ‘gipsy’ – the Nazi genocide of the Sinti and Roma and the long struggle for recognition.

The importance of including the history of these marginalised communities was discussed by Ilirjana Blakaj, anthropologist from “Stands for United States Holocaust Memorial”, Avdi Misini, reporter from the Radio Television of Kosovo, and Urma Menekshe, a teacher of Roma language, and they highlighted the need to fight hate speech and also to raise awareness about an equal and inclusive society.

Urma Menekshe said that facultative classes in four schools in Prizren helped Roma community students to learn about the history, culture, and tradition of the Roma community. “Our efforts are for an increased number of students and for these classes to be followed by students from other communities too, so that they can learn about the tradition and history of the Roma community,” she said.

Menekshe said that as there were not a lot of data and books on Roma history and culture, with the engagement of Roma intellectuals and in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, a Roma library was opened in Prizren. “The goal was to provide books for the Roma community, but also for non-Roma members, to read and study more about a language and a history and to create empathy for this community. I believe that through books we will fight stereotypes, and we will promote Roma culture, as well as cooperate with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, to include texts for the Roma community in school books,” she added.

Avdi Misini said that schoolbooks before the ninth grade do not include texts that mention the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities. “We need to work together in promoting all communities that live in Kosovo in schoolbooks, in civic education, so that there is better knowledge and understanding between the non-majority communities and the majority community,” he said.

Misini said that the Roma culture is very rich, “but unfortunately until the 1990s there were no texts about the culture of the Roma community and on the other hand and in practice the Roma have always contributed to music, theatre, and culture. Recently, thanks the engagement of activities, writers and with the development of information technology, the Roma language literature on culture and identity is becoming richer, but also with the engagement of NGOs and the media more information is being published and distributed about the cultural values and the spiritual legacy of the Roma community in Kosovo and beyond”.